Chapter 2: Reality Settling

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Kai ran as quickly as his tired legs could carry him. He turned a corner and bumped into a man. Kai landed on his butt after hitting the man and whimpered as he slowly scooted away from him. The man turns around and looks at Kai, "Hey hey it is okay! You okay?" He asked. Kai nodded slowly as he pants. "Mis padres... Están muertos... La gente está tratando de conseguirme!" Kai said and The man got down to the pup's level. "It is okay buddy. I can help you!" He said as he offered the pup a hand. Kai nods and takes his hand as he allows the man to lead him to his new home.

Once at the apartment, the man named Kaisen walks in and calls for someone named Bastila. Kai saw the cat girl walk in and he started to bark. Bastila hides behind her father and hisses. "Hey hey hey! Calm down! Everyone please!" Kaisen said as he got in between the two. Kaisen sighed and turned to Kai, "Hey... can you please come in? I want you to be part of this house and be a free hybrid... Okay?" he asked. Kai growled and nodded as he slowly walked into the apartment.

Zane & Adara

It has been a while since Julien has taken in the snow leopard kitten. She has grown to be about 5 years old and Zane is 7 years old. Julien was getting ready to leave for work while the two kids were eating breakfast. Julien smiled but jumped at the sound of a rough pounding on the door. Julien gulped and grabbed the plates and hid them in the sink. Zane and Adara frowned as well as looked confused.

"I need you two to hide for right now, Zane. I need you to take Adara into the closet and make sure you two stay quiet, okay?" Julien asked in a hushed voice. Zane nodded since this was not out of the ordinary. Zane grabs Adara's hand and leads her to the closet in Julien's room. Julien walks to the front door and opens the door to see an old friend or at least Julien calls his friend, Akaza. Julien smiled and was going to say hello; however, Akaza growled and punched him, "You dick! I know you have the android here!" He said. Julien held his cheek in confusion as he got up to his feet. Akaza walks into the house with a few hybrid hunters. Julien gulped, "What are you even talking about? I do not have any android in the house," he said as he backed up. Akaza looks around the small lab and the hybrid hunters force the deer inventor to his knees.

"I know you have the android you stole the credit for!" Akaza said as he growled. Julien growled and stayed silent. Akaza was getting upset by the minute. Adara made a crack in the door to see her father with all the unfamiliar people. Zane and Adara frown as they see Akaza nod his head toward the hunters. The biggest hunter aimed a gun at the back of Julien's head and shot him. Zane gasped and covered Adara's mouth before she could scream. Adara cried in Zane's hand and the sound alerted Akaza.

"Look around this place! It has to be here! The android is here and does not leave a single stone unturned!" Akaza snapped at the hunters. The hybrid hunters nodded and trashed the whole lab looking for Zane or the source of the sound. The sound of glass breaking and things being thrown across the room made Zane shake in fear. A hunter came into Julien's bedroom and started to destroy the room. Adara started to cry and shake in fear with the loud vibrations on the ground. Zane held Adara close to his chest in an attempt to muffle the loud cries. The hunter opens the door to the closet and smiles when he sees the two children hiding in the closet.

"Here you are, my little ones." He said as he grabbed the two by their shirts. The two kids fight as the hunter carries them into the lab with Akaza. Akaza smiles and looks at the two hybrid cubs, "These two are beautiful... Last avian hybrid and a beautiful snow leopard." He said softly. Zane squawks and fights his wings flapping out of control. Akaza smiles and looks at the hybrid hunters, "You can take them away to be pets!" He said with a dark smirk. Zane and Adara froze in fear and started to fight for their freedom. The hunters took the two into a truck and locked the two up for the long drive into the city.


Cole was tossed into a shack that kept the hybrid slaves and servants. The hybrids looked lost and scared as Ryan smiled. The bear cub looks back at Ryan and growls as he tries to get up to his feet. Ryan laughs as the tiny cub tries to be scary which he is failing at. The taller man kicked Cole in the stomach and laughs, "You think you can scare me, you low life?" He asked rhetorically. Cole slides on his knees with a growl before giving up and going to the pile of straws for bed.

In the morning, the bells rang and the pets got up to work in the fields or the Master's house. Cole got up from the bed of straw and looks at the other pets confused. An older pet looks at Cole and sighed, "It is time to work, my child." She whispered. Cole nods and follows her quickly. When he came out of the hut, Cole saw miles upon miles of the plantation. He gulped and saw the range of hybrids Ryan owns to care for the plantation. The young bear cub looks around to find three cat women going to the house while everyone else goes to the fields.

"How come they get to go into the house while we go to the fields?" Cole asked.

"They work to clean the house as well as care for the Master and his Mistress. If you want to work in the house, you have to be the Master's or Mistress's favorite pet." The older pet said. Cole nodded and followed her. The women went to get sacks of seeds and the men went to grab the tools to dig or cut the tough vines and stocks. Cole was lost on which tool to grab. Ryan came out to watch over the pets and saw Cole. He walks over to the tiny cub and handed the pet a scythe to cut the crops. Cole gulped and went to work with the other male hybrids. Cole found a brown bear hybrid and whimpered as he started to work with the older bear. The older bear notice Cole's struggle and teaches him how to harvest with a hand-held scythe as well as teach him how to tell when the crops are ready for harvest.

"Thank you. I am Cole." He said

"Nice to meet you, Cole. I am Shūkaku." The older bear said softly. Cole smiled and worked with Shūkaku as the day went by. Cole had one thought stuck in his mind as he worked. Why couldn't momma meet Shūkaku and have him be my dad instead of Lou?


"Okay, so there is a sale on cans of soup. That will be good for a while since it takes two cans to feed us..." Jay mumbles as he continues the grocery shopping. A couple of boys from school ran by Jay and pushed him down. Jay hit the ground hard and got a scar on his chin. Jay hiss and find the boys running to their mom, who is not paying attention to the boys. Jay got up and brushed himself off before continuing his shopping. By the time he got up to the front, the cashier, Steph, smiles and greets him.

"Hey, Jayson! How are you?" She signed as she scans the items.

Jay smiles, "I am fine! And you know you can just call me Jay!" He signed.

She gave a small shrug, "I learned a sign name for you!" She signed. She assigned the letter 'J' above her head; however, the end of her pinkie lands on her head. Jay's face lights up.

"I get it! J like my nickname but, you tap your pinkie on the head because I am smart!" He signed and the cashier smiled with a nod. Jay paid her and took the bags before leaving and going to his bike to go home before Tyler and his two friends stopped him. Jay groans before smiling and walking up to the boys.

"Hello! How can I help you, boys?" Jay asked as he walks up and try to keep them from the food. Tyler, Carmen, and Derek walk up to the cat with a smile. Carmen and Derek pin Jay to the ground and Tyler starts to attack the cat. Steph saw what is going on outside and ran to help Jay out. She grabs a broom and hits the three boys to get them to stop. Once the three ran off, Steph helps Jay up.

"Are you okay, Jay?" She signed as her eyes scan his small body for any injuries.

"I am fine, Steph! Thank you." He signed. She nods and kisses Jay's head before going back to her cash register. Jay got on his bike and rode back to the Sea of Sand with the food in the basket. Jay stopped halfway through the trip, panting heavily. Jay looked for something to drink and found an extra water bottle he did not buy.

Be safe on the way home! Tell Ed and Edna I said 'Hello!' Take care of yourself, please. <3 Steph

Jay chuckles as he reads the sticky note tapped to the water bottle. Jay drank some water before getting back on the bike and riding back to the junkyard. The moon and stars were out by the time Jay came back to the junkyard. Jay locked the gates to the junkyard and carried the groceries into the trailer. Edna was cooking a soup with vegetables from the garden and Ed came out of the shower and he was dressed in his pajamas. Jay smiles and put the food away while Edna finished making dinner.

"Jay, would you like some?" Edna asked as she hands a bowl of soup to her husband. Jay mumbled as his body growled for more food. Jay wasn't dumb; he knew he has bulimia nervosa. Jay had a problem eating since he knew they all lived in a poor environment so he doesn't eat a lot to allow his parents to eat till their bellies were full. Jay shook his head and smiled, "Thanks but I had a big lunch today! Some friends did not like the shepherd's pie and gave it to me to eat!" He said. Edna nods and Jay went to his room and flop on his bed.

"Why do I do this to myself? I want things to be better for my family and hybrids. But what can one cat do?"  

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