Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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The two elementals, Ray and Maya, found a hidden village for hybrids and had stayed ever since. The two had started a blacksmith business within the village and lived happily. Maya gave birth to a healthy wolf-hybrid son and she named her little pup, Kai. The pup grew up in the small village until the age of 5 when the past caught up to the two elementals. Hunters had found the hidden village and attacked all the hybrids. Maya tried to stay hidden to keep Kai safe while Ray went out to protect everyone. Ray was shot and Maya jumped into action to protect her lover. However, she too was badly wounded. Kai whimpers as he tries to stay silent as the hunters trash his home looking for anything of value to add to their gold mine. Kai covered his mouth with his hands as he tried to muffle his whimper; however, the hunter found Kai and captured him. The hunter had rounded up the living and dead hybrids to pile them up in their trucks. A hunter tried to bind and muzzle Kai with a struggle as he fought the hunters.

"¡Déjame ir! No hice nada malo!" Kai cried as he pushed and bit the hunter away from him. The hunter grabs Kai by the ear to make the young pup stop, "Shut up animal! Or do you want to be like your parents? No? Shut up and get in the truck dumbass!" He said as he pushed Kai closer to the truck. Kai growled as he got into the truck out of fear. The hunters were all the same to him but as he looked at the one in the back of the truck, he saw the badge with the last name of "Ortega". Kai growled as the bigger hunter started to bark orders to Ortega, telling her to bind and muzzle the mutt before he hurt the profit. Kai growled but calmed down once the women softly yet firmly bound him. Kai gazed back at her and whimpered. Ortega looked at him and gave a small frown, "I am sorry... I have to. But I am not going to hurt you. I promise." She said as she grabbed the muzzle. He sighed and let the young female hunter put the muzzle on. He was surprised she didn't fasten it tightly like most hunters would have done to him. Kai jumps when another hunter with the last name "Gabaree" tied a rope around the pup's neck like a leash and tied the other end to the handle of the backdoor.

"Um Gabaree, are you sure that is a good idea? What if we break and he chokes?"

"Oh shut the fuck up, Ortega! You know shit! He is a pet and will do anything we say or he will suffer one or another!" Gabaree snaps. Kai rolled his eyes as he knew he was a handful even for his parents. There was no way in the cursed realm that Kai is going to let someone boss him around or play with him like a toy. The young pup looks around the truck to see if he could plan his escape. The truck was newer looking since the pup was used to horse-drawn carriages with cloth coverings. His tail swayed softly as he was lost in thought to even notice the truck had stopped till the sudden jerk caused him to get choked for a second. Kai started to cough and pan heavily through the muzzle and Ortega went to care for him; however, Gabaree stopped her. "Mmm! Mmm!" Kai cried through the muzzle and tried to headbutt the older hunter. Gabaree laughed and got out of the truck to see what the next step was. Kai took advantage and put all his strength into pulling his arms in different directions to rip off his restraints. This surprised the hunters. Without even thinking, Kai immediately began charging at hunter after hunter using his claws as his weapon. Aiming for the face and throat, he managed to take at least 2 of the burly men down before a wooden plank slammed into his side, an explosion of pain erupted in his chest not seconds after he was on the ground. Kai panted and was clawing at the ground to get back up but all the air in his lungs was gone, leaving him a gasping mess. He had time to look back up as Gabaree swung the plank at him again in full force. Kai ducked and kicked the plank out of the older hunter's hands. Kai pants heavily as Ortega walks up to him and the pup growls at her as a warning.

"Hey hey... easy... I want to help..." she said softly. Kai watched her every move as her small fingers gingerly took the muzzle off the scared pup. Kai pants softly as he looks around the busy and heavily populated city. Ortega sighed and petted the pup's chocolate locks, "You are in Ninjago City... I want you to run. I want you to run as far as you can till you find someone that will take care of you, okay?" she said softly as she slowly let go of Kai. The wolf nodded and ran off in the opposite direction.

Zane & Adara

Dr. Julien was walking through the snow after a long day at work when he heard a baby crying. His ear twitched at the faint cry, so the inventor follows the sound to find a basket covered in blankets. The deer hybrid walked to the basket slowly as he looked around to see if there was anyone nearby. Dr. Julien sat on his knees and slowly pulled the blankets away to find a baby girl crying in the basket. The deer jumped and grabbed the baby quickly.

"Shhh. Shhh. It is okay, it is okay, I got you." He cooed and tried to keep the baby warm. Julien sighed and rushed home with the whimpering baby in his jacket and blankets. Julien frowned as he tried to think why a baby was left in Birchwood Forest of all places. Why not Ninjago City? Or a nearby village? The deer shook his head once he reached the door of the hidden home. The deer walked into the warm small living arrangements to find a little boy on the floor near the fireplace and the child was reading some books. The deer was happy the chick was learning and was very brilliant; however, he was saddened he was alone. Dr. Julien gave a small gentle whistle to get Zane's attention and smile at the chick as the boy got up and looks at him.

"Hello, Father! How are you? How was work?" Zane asked as his feathers puffs up with excitement. The deer chuckles and nodded, "I am fine Zane! Work was work nothing interesting happened sadly. However, I did rescue a baby..." He said with a small smile. Zane perks up and tries to see the baby his father has mentioned. Zane flapped his small wings as he try to get as high as he could to see the baby, but he failed and his father sat on his knees for the 5-year-old to see. Zane saw the baby and smiles at the baby of beauty. However, Zane could see she was not a baby, she was a toddler she looks about 3 years old but was very small for a 3-year-old.

"Father, she is 3 years old. She is not a baby, but a toddler. She is just very small for her age." Zane said and Julien gave a small chuckle. He got up and place the little girl in a high chair before going into the kitchen and starting to cut up some fruit for the little girl. Once he has finished, he places the bowl in front of the little girl and watched her eat the fruit within minutes. Julien looked lost in thought as he was trying to think of a name for the little girl, but he couldn't think of a name that would be fitting. He thought and thought, however, he could not think of a name that fits this mysterious and amazing girl.

"How about Adara?" Zane asked and Julien looked at the chick with a surprised look. "Like Princess Adara? The Daughter of Sun Wukong and Macaque?" He said and Julien smiles. The girl will be named Adara Jade Julien then.


It had been a few years since Lilly had gone to Shintaro to defeat Grief Bringer and had a baby bear cub. Cole was walking with his father, Lou, to the parents' bedroom to find his mother, Lily, sick in bed. Cole's frown disappears into a smile when he saw his mom and ran up to her. He ran up and hug Lily with his cotton tail wagging and his ears folding down, "Mom!" he cried. Lily smiles and hugs back her little bear cub.

"Hi, sweetie! I am glad to see you; however, your father said you got into another fight at school..." She said softly and Cole's smile disappeared with a sad nod. "Yeah... But it wasn't my fault! This bully picks on the little kids... and..." Cole said as he played with his ear nervously. Lily sighed, "And you got into a fight." She said with a frown. Cole notice the tone and backed up, "I promise not to fight anymore! Anything to make you proud! No more fighting!" He said quickly as he looks down. Lily smiles as gently places her hand under the young cub's chin to lift Cole's head to have him look at her in her soft chocolate brown eyes.

"Cole I am proud! I want you to promise me, Cole, that you will always stand up to those who are cruel and unjust. Always." She said as she kept her hand on his chin and Cole started to tear up. "I promise, mom." The cub whispers to cover his voice breaking from the tears. Lou grabs Cole's shoulder, "Come on Nicolaus. Let your mother rest." He said and Cole pulled away, "No! I don't want to leave mom's side!" The cub cried. Lou growled and grabs the scruff of Cole's neck and try to pull him out of their room. Cole roars and fights with Lou as Lily try to stop the two.

"Louis! Please he is just a cub! He was protecting others from getting hurt!" Lily pleaded as her husband growled and try to get the cub away from the mother bear. "Lily, he shouldn't be fighting! This is not what he is supposed to do! He doesn't listen to me! He listens to you of all people!" Lou said with a growl. Lily frowned at the comment and nods, "Cole please go with your father... I would like to rest..." She said softly as she ruffle the cub's black mane. Cole sighed and follows Lou out of the room.

A few weeks passed and Lily has to succumb to her illness. Cole went silent and had not said a word to Lou. This silent treatment was getting on his last nerve and he did not know how to care for a bear hybrid. Cole has noticed Lou going out more often and talking to a married couple named Ryan and Isabella. Cole's guts were saying he was in danger but his head said no because his father would never hurt him. Cole did not know what to think. In the past few days, the married couple came over and watched the cub do his share of chores. "Nicolaus, This is Master Ryan and Madam Isabella!" Lou said with a smile. The smile made Cole nervous. The smile hid something from the young cub and Cole did not like how he is now meeting this 'master' and 'madam'. Cole's breathing starts to pick up as he listens to his father about Master Ryan owning him now and he was no longer. Cole was confused and did not know what is going on as his hearing turns into ringing. "W w wha... You what?!" Cole asked Lou with fear on his face and tears about to run down his face. "I got 544,828,000.00 yen out of you! Your mom is not here to save you anymore, so as guardian, I can do as I please." He said the cub. The cub shook his head as his tears rush down his cheeks like rivers. "No! Please dad please don't do this!" He cried. Lou did nothing as Ryan grabs Cole by his scruff and dragged him off. "Dad! Please! Dad!" He cried as Lou ignores him. Cole kept fighting to get away from Ryan and Isabella. 


It was a cool early morning when a 48-year-old couple woke up. Ed got up and made coffee as his wife, Edna, was making oatmeal with fresh-cut fruit. Ed walks outside with his cup of coffee into the cool desert morning to open the junkyard before seeing something at the gate. Ed looks back to see Edna at the doorway and signals her to stay. The sea turtle hybrid hummed as he grabs a bat and slowly walks towards the gates of the yard. He opens the gates to find a basket with a blanket and a note. Ed frowned and moved the sheets to reveal a baby kitten. He looks back at the cat with a worried expression as if he did not know what to do.

"What is it, Ed?" Edna asked softly as her tail stayed close to the ground. "It's a kitten! He is alone and only has a note and blanket with him!" He shouted back to her. Edna frowned and walks to Ed slowly as she sniffed the air. When she saw the kitten, her emotion did a 180 and she was excited as she holds the kitten in her arms. The older cat's tail wags excitedly as she studies the kitten's tiny features, "Ed... we can finally have a family." she said softly. Ed looked confused at his wife, "Well, Edna, you know we can't! We do not make a lot of money at the junkyard. We can not raise a child!" He said with a frown. She frowned, "But Ed, we have to. He has no one else to care for him... Please?" She asked as her ears fold down and her tail curled towards her body.

Ed studied both of the cats' features before giving a tired sigh, "Okay, okay. We can take him in!" He said with a soft smile. Edna smiles and her tail wags with excitement. "What shall we name him?" She asked the sea turtle. He smiles and thinks, "I think his name should be Jayson and his nickname could be Jay." He explains. Edna nods with her ears standing straight up and her tail slowly swaying to calm down. The kitten slowly woke up and mumbles as he looks at the two hybrids and cooed at the two happily. Jay smiles and reaches up to Ed and Edna as he looks around the barren environment. Jay sneezed softly and meows at Edna and Ed. The two looked confused as they did not know what the kitten wants. Jay continues to meow as well as he gets louder with his demanding meows. Ed sighed with a tired smile as Edna leads him back to the trailer. Ed set the bowls down on the table as Edna sits with Jay in her lap. Edna slowly feeds Jay and he purrs as he ate the oatmeal and strawberries. Jay reaches into the bowl and fed himself and Edna laughs at the kitten's playfulness.

A few years goes by and Jay started to go into the city for school. Jay was walking into the Sea of Sands to head home. The young ginger kitten was lost in thought as he tries to calculate this month's income, food, and bills. His thoughts were interrupted by Ed saying hello to him. Jay purrs and smiles, "Hey Dad! Any sales today?" He asked and Ed nodded, "About 76,287.96 yen Sparky!" He answered. Jay nodded and walks inside to greet Edna, "Hey mom!" He said. Edna smiles and walks to Jay to hug him. "Aww, my kitten! How was school, Huh?" She asked. Jay smiles and lies to her saying it was okay. She nodded and handed him 34,060 yen, "I know you just got back home, however, at some point today I would like you to go and get this month's groceries please?" She asked softly. Jay nodded with a small smile as he knew he wouldn't be able to eat much.

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