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Ever since there was life on the planet, there have always been humans and hybrids. For centuries, hybrids have always fought for freedom and equal rights; however, humans have seen subspecies as wild animals or pets. As early as settlers, humans kidnapped hybrids for pets, medicine, furs, and fangs. It got to a tipping point where hybrids had enough and let out a loud enough roar to cause an uprising. The Hybrid Wars had started in the countryside of Ninjago with the Hybrids armed with their animal abilities of claws, and talons, as well as weapons such as katanas, bows-&-arrows, and bo staffs. The humans were armed with new techs such as guns, phosgene gas, and mustard gas. The Hybrids heard rumors of the new tech however, their fears would have come true when they all saw the weapons that the humans were using. The elemental masters were even divided within their morals of who they are. Most of the elemental masters were human and the few hybrids were not ready to fight their allies.

It had been two years since the Hybrid War began when humans and hybrids have been fighting against each other. Throughout the day, the roars of predators, the firing of guns, and the screams of either side can be heard all over the battlefield. Fighting ends when the stars glow their brightest and the moon is milky white full so both sides can tend to the wounded and grab the dead. As both sides get out of their fixed positions, the horror of war can be seen strewn about them. What once was an excellent field full of life is now a field of death and carnage and no longer a beautiful sight to behold. Much of the grass, once green, is now covered in the blood of the fallen soldiers, but not only that, the bodies themselves are also strewn about the battlefield, where some bodies are all intact, and others are torn apart and missing limbs. Guts and organs were scattered across this forsaken bloodbath.

The war went on for 7 years with hundreds if not thousands of hybrids losing their lives because of evolution giving them a disadvantage in the war. Many older male hybrids were beaten unrecognizable while the younger cubs were captured and sold off into the pet trades or held for prisoners. By the end of the war, the blood of hybrids of many different species had covered the farming fields of Jamanikai Village. Very few hybrids have escaped and gone into hiding to have their families and keep the hybrid bloodline going. This is what the small handful of living hybrid elemental masters did. The sons of the First Spinjitzu have only survived so long because their father did not allow them to fight in the war. However, a young Garmadon and Wu fought over Misako. Misako fell for Garmadon in the end and elemental masters had learned the hard way to stick with their kind and be careful with betrayals lying in the sands for them.

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