Echo Senko,Meteor Vs Iris Heart

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(Note:I've give Kamen Rider Meteor a variety of different attacks for this chapter because it would only seem fair to combat Iris Heart.)

(Funami's P.O.V)

I held my head in pain...I feel like was upchucked on the floor and boiled in sewage.

I then began to look around for my little sister,Minumi...I couldn't find her!I know that she was with me when I help her escape our dimension.I quickly started looking for her...

"I can't lose her again!She's the only family I have left!"I thought,Minumi and I were the only ones escaped together to hold onto our family linage.Our parents die when Minumi was only a year old and I was six years old.Now I'm thirteen while Minumi's eight.I received the Meteor Driver when I joined up with the Rider Alliance at nine years old.I then discovered that my driver made me age up my body to adult form,my personality changed a little bit and when I powered down I went back to my own age and personality.

"BIG BROTHER!HELP ME!!"shouted Minumi,as I turned to see four Zodiarts and one of them holding Minumi.I then charged at the one holding her when another knocked me to the side.Then they ran towards a nearby city.

"Hang on,sis!I'll save you!"I said,as I began pursuit.The town seemed like it was out of the future.I tried pursing the Zodiarts and attacking them to get answers,but every time I tried to hit one I end up hitting the objects around me and I end up getting blamed for everything then I ran away to maintain cover.

After ten hours of attempting to catch and defeat the Zodiarts,I literally tried a different approach.I then changed my clothes to maintain cover in hope of pursuing the Zodiarts.Only this time,I have to be careful because they called Guild Members to apprehend me for crimes I didn't do on purpose!I still kept searching for my little sister.The people seemed somewhat scared of me...Then again,the Zodiarts did make me do damage to this city and it's people by accident while I was fighting them.

I decided to duck behind the alleyways to see if the Zodiarts were hiding in there...Nothing there.I then decided to go outside of the city and get some rest and figure out what to do.But as I left the city,I couldn't help the feeling that someone was following me.I could hear footsteps right behind me,so I quickly turned around to see if someone was following me...No,there's not a single soul...Maybe I'm just losing my mind.I found a nice spot to rest and eat the lunch that I made.I had a sandwich,a cookie,some chips and an apple.I took the apple out and took a bite out of the apple.

Then out of nowhere,a chain-whip sword came at me.Fortunately I was able to dodge the attack and save the food and the lunch with it's box.I equipped my Meteor Driver to prep for battle...The smoke slowly lifted to reveal a female dominatrix with long iris blue hair,dark magenta eyes,a black one-piece bodysuit with high heels,traces on her legs,torso and arms,matching earrings,a chocker and a chain-whip sword.I felt a little uneasy from her appearence,but she didn't seem like an enemy.

"...So you're the one that the people have been claiming about attacking my nation?...Well then I guess you're the type who would like to deserve a punishment,wouldn't you agree?"she asked,I was a little flustered from what she said.

"Umm,excuse me?What are you talking about?Who are you?"I asked,as the dominatrix smirked.

"Who me?I'm Iris Heart.I know it might be hard to remember..."she began,as she charged at me.

"..So perhaps help by beating it into you!"finished Iris Heart,as she swung her blade at me,but I blocked it.Damn,she's definitely a powerful fighter!That last attack did a lot of damage and pushed me backwards a couple of feet.

"Why are you attacking me?!I didn't do anything wrong!"I shouted,as she slashed at me again,but I dodged it.

"You did nothing?!Do I look stupid?!You attack my nation and my people without any consent!"replied Iris Heart,as she kept swinging at me,but I got some distance.

"But I didn't do it on purpose!I was fighting someone else and I was trying to save someone else!I didn't want any of this!So please,STOP THIS!"I shouted,but she still attacked me.

"So you won't listen to reason,that's fine.I have another way to deal with people!"I replied,as I slide the switch on the side.

Meteor Ready?

The driver then played some funky tunes for a pre-transformation.I then prepared to transform.

"Henshin!"I shouted,as I slapped the lever on the right side of the driver.Then the M-BUS sent Comic Energy to me straight a way.I could feel the transformation straight away.

(Meteor's P.O.V)

Ugh!Finally that kid lets me out after so long!I can finally get some action!...So this is the crazy dominatrix that attack the kid...From what I've seen through the kid's eyes,she's pretty powerful but with my power she's good as dead!

"Well this is new,but no matter what you do it won't save you."replied Iris Heart,as I just dusted off my shoulders.

"OK,listen up!The kid's not here for you to torture him,but I'm here to kick your ass in several ways!So prepare for the beating of your life!"I said,as the enemy smirked and raised her sword at me.

"My,my.It seems your bark has grown a lot more then your bite.So tell me just who are you?"she asked,

"Meteor.Kamen Rider Meteor.I alone shall decide your fate!"I said,as I jumped straight at her and unleashed a fury of punches,but she stood strong against my attacks.

"Oh you're the tough type of fighter?Well I'm a hard hitter with my powers!"I said,as I accessed my Meteor Galaxy and slid the Mars lever and pushed the thumb scanner on the Meteor Galaxy.


I then pulled off my patented Blazing Comet Kick on Iris Heart which sent her flying.I then quickly slid the Mars lever down and did the same thing with the Jupiter lever.


I then jumped into the air and slammed her with my Massive Meteor Impact technique which sent her into the ground and while I was still in the air,I quickly slid down the Jupiter lever and then slid up the Saturn lever and scanned my thumb again.


I then pulled off Saturn Sorcery and launched a whole bunch of Saturn energy ring boomerangs at Iris Heart.I then landed on the ground feet first.

"I bet that those attacks did a serious number on you!So if you want go for round two,I'm right here for a rematch!"I said,as she rose from the crater barely damaged.

"Oh on the contrary,this round isn't over yet!I haven't even started to fight!"she replied,

" looks like we were both holding back.So if we want some real enjoyment in this fight,we should go all out in this fight."I said, as I pull out the Meteor Storm Astro Switch.

"Hmm,sound like fun!Let's get this on!"replied Iris Heart,as I swapped the Meteor Switch for Meteor Storm.

Meteor Storm! Meteor On, Ready?

I then spun the top on the Meteor Storm to transform into Meteor Storm with some hard rock music.I then began to fight Iris Heart.Both of us were equal in speed from both perspectives,but with my Meteor Storm Shaft was capable of countering the chain-whip sword.However she always kept pulling my weapon out of my hands,but I was quickly able to grab my weapon before she could do some damage on me.

"Man she's tough!I'm having a hard time as is,but the kid wants me to find his sister...I just hope that little kid's all right and maybe I can destroy those Zodiarts afterwards."I thought,but as I was about to use my finishing move on her,my eyes fell upon the same Zodiarts from before and they were still holding Minumi.

I then evaded Iris Heart's attack and smacked the Zodiarts around,then save Minumi.

"Meteor?What are you doing here?"she asked,as I slashed at the Zodiarts

"Saving your life.Now stand back!"I replied,as I placed the Meteor Storm Astro Switch into the Meteor Storm Shaft.

Meteor Storm Punisher!

As the top part split from the Switch and cleaved all four Zodiarts in two and then exploded before return to me.

"Thank you,Meteor!You really save me again!"said Minumi,as I patted her little head before Iris Heart flew down towards us...Only this time she wasn't as threatening as last time,but why?

"So this whole time you were looking around for this kid and trying to save her?"she asked,as I crossed my arms.

"Don't make up any assumptions about me!I'm only doing this because this girl is the sister to that kid you met earlier...It's also complicated about me and that kid."I replied,as Iris Heart placed her hand on my left shoulder.

"You're a drastic personality transformation from that boy aren't you?Well you are the only one with this."she replied,as I could see her start to change back to her base for as I powered down.

(Echo's P.O.V)

I had seen what Meteor had put me through,but I didn't see all of it because I was blocked off from some points of the fight.I remember Meteor defeating the Zodiarts and rescuing my sister,but other then that I don't know.

"Big brother,look!"said Minumi,as I turned back to what I thought was Iris Heart,but she was around my height and by appearance,age.Her hair was long,light purple hair in a braid,she had magenta eyes and she was wearing pajamas.

"Hi there!"she said,

"Oh hi.Are you Iris Heart or the goddess that face Meteor?"I asked,

"Huh?...Oh yes,I am the goddess of this nation but my name's Plutia."she replied,

"Oh,that's what Iris Heart was talking about.I'm Echo Senko and this is my sister,Minumi.I was hoping that I would figure out what happened to my friends,but I ran into the Zodiarts and they kidnapped my sister and then that fight between us then that's how we ended up here."I said,

"Oh that's cool.Maybe they landed in my friend,Nepy's dimension?We can check with Histy when we get back to the Basilicom.Also I have a friend I'd like you to meet.Hopefully Neppy's having a good time back in her dimension."replied Plutia,as we walked back to the city.

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