Ren Ukuma,Are You Afraid of a Ghost?

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(Note:Uzumi Tennouboshi never appeared in the Hyperdimension Neptunia Animation series,but I'm putting her in because she seems like a cool character to be a part of the series.PS:Uzume is from Megadimension Neptunia VII,a saga in the Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory series)Also forgive me because I have no idea of what Uzume's special attacks are because the Neptunia wiki never bothered to supply it,but I still try!

(Uzume's P.O.V)

...Uuuuuuugggggggghhhhhh!So boring!!There's nothing here to do that's exciting anymore!I just wish something exciting would happen,like a large monster coming to fight or even...Something cool!

"Uzume,are you alright?"asked Umio,who was right behind me.I wasn't scare of him,but I couldn't help but jump.

"Oh,hey Umio.I'm fine,but...ugh I'm just so bored!I wish something exciting would happen!"I said,

"I understand how you feel,but it's not like something exciting is going to fly through your window."replied Umio,when out of nowhere,a white and orange blur flew through my right wall and then began bouncing around the room before I nailed it in the face and it splattered all over the wall.

"Was that exciting enough for you,Uzume?"asked Umio,

"Meh,I was kind of exciting but I was kinda hoping for more then that."I replied,

"Well instead of a short and easy fight,how bout you come with me and help my partner?"said a voice,then chills ran up my spine.

"Umio,did you say that?!"I asked,

"No,that wasn't me but maybe that ghost behind you."replied Umio,...G-g-g-g-ghost?!I then slowly turned around to see a large orange-ish yellow eye staring me straight in the face.

"Hi yah."said the ghost,after hearing that I couldn't help but scream and duck behind the couch.I could hear chatter between Umio and that ghost,but I was too scared to even look up.

"Umio,please come out from behind the couch.He's not going to hurt you."said Umio,as I pull myself together and slowly got out from behind the couch.

"O-o-ok,ghost what do you want with me?"I asked,I was still a little nervous about this ghost,but I could feel a little at ease.

"First off,I have a name and it's Yurusen!Second,I've come seeking help and you were the closest ones from where I was with my partner.So I came here to see if you could help me and my partner."he replied,

"Will there mostly be some excitement of us helping your partner?"I asked,

"That's right.We've gotten ourselves in some pretty exciting scrapes before."replied Ghosty,

"Well in that case,we're in.Show us the way,ghosty!"I said with excitement,

"Perfect,just follow me and will be there in no time...And don't call me ghosty,It's Yurusen!Yurusen!"he replied,a I couldn't help but giggle.

"Whatever you say,Ghosty."I said,as me and Umio follow Ghosty across the Zero Dimension all the way to M-Frontier Cave.Once inside,Ghosty then lead us far into the dungeon but he seem confused while looking around.

"Uh,Ghosty?Hate to be the bearer of bad news,but their's no one else here but us and these monsters."I replied,

"Uzume is right.There's no sign of your partner and the only thing here is monsters."said Umio,as Ghosty kept looking around frantically.

"I don't understand!He was in this location when I last left him!...Wait there is something familiar that I'm sensing.He's definitely here,...but there's something blocking my telepathic connection with him so I can't get a read out of where in this dungeon he is."replied Ghosty,as a familiar laughter echoed throughout the dungeon.Then out of the blue,the old lady appeared with some weird humanoid-like monsters appeared around her.

"I'm sorry about your friend but he's now property of ASIC and Ganma!So I hope you don't mind leaving the CPU and the Rider with us unless you want die,what's your choice?"she asked,as I observed the creatures around the old lady.

"Hey,Ghosty you know any thing about those monsters next to the old lady?"I asked,

"I'm afraid I do.They're Ganma,extra-dimensional creatures that seek Ghost Eyecons.Which both my partner and the Ganma use to make themselves stronger.I believe that we should leave now before they have a chance to fight back."replied Ghosty,I then walk out and transformed into my CPU Form.

(Orange Heart's P.O.V)

I could feel my power go straight up.It's been a while since I've transformed to face powerful foes like these.

"Sorry,little ghosty,but I don't like leaving some of my friend here to a bunch of Doggie!So try and kill me!"I shouted,as one of the Ganma grabbed a katana.

"Gladly!"said the Katana Ganma,as he began slashing at me,but when I tried to counter the Ganma it felt like nothing to him.

"Huh?!W-w-w-why aren't you hurt?!That attack should have done some serious damage to you!"I said,as Ghosty flew right beside me and the Ganma laugh maniacally.

"Uzume your attack aren't that effective on Ganmas because their sort of like ghost which make them harder to kill!I suggest you retreat until we can find my partner.He's the only one with the power to fight these monsters."he said,but I can't just let them to follow us and try to kill us!I'm sorry my friends,but I can't leave you here like this.

I then began charging at the Ganma and kept attacking it,throwing out all of the stops and using every attack I had,but it barely did any damage.Then Katana Ganma grabbed me by my neck.

"Now let's test a theory I have.I want to test the CPUs immortality."he said,a his katana impaled me in the stomach.I screamed at the top of my lungs in pain,I hurt so much and it was unbearable.I could feel the blood trickle down my hips and legs.I cried out for help,but no one came!All I could her is Arfoire's evil laugh and the laugh of the Ganma...I'm..I'm scared! 

(Yurusen's P.O.V)

I just float there with Umio wondering what to do...What can I do?Me and Umio can't combat Ganma or Arfoire...and even if we had the strength to fight,I'm not sure that we could save Uzume and defeat both the Ganma and Arfoire.

"Yurusen...We have to do something!We can just stand here and wait to perish here!"said Umio,

"I know, can we help Uzume when we can't even hold our own against the Ganma?!They're too strong for us to even beat them!If only Ren were here,this fight wouldn't be a problem!REN WHERE ARE YOU?!!WE NEED YOU NOW FOR THEN EVER!!"I shouted into the air,Then I felt it!...Ren's telepathic connection!...It's so close I could feel it all the way from my ghostly tail to my head.I frantically looked around to try and find where Ren's connection was coming from.It was from that statue that looked exactly like him and the Ghost Driver was on him...Wait a minute?!That's no statue,It's Ren turned to stone!

I then flew over to him!I hope of breaking him out of his rocky prison.I looked around quickly to find break the shell...The shell looked like it was impossible to break normally.I wanted to free quickly so I could save Ren and he could rescue Uzume...,but how?!

My mind raced with the thought about how to break him out of there...Then it hit me,The Eyecons!I then quickly grabbed the Ghost Eyecon.

"Ren,take this!It can free you from this stone seal!"I said,as the other Ganma bashed me to the side,making me drop the Eyecon.I tried to get back up,but the Ganma grabbed my ghost neck and the Eyecon.

"Seriously?Did you actually think that we were going to let you win that easily?!Nice try,ghost!This ends now!"shouted the Ganma,however before he could do so,Ren grapple his arm.

"How bout we swap places!"he said,as he turned the Ganma's spell against him and turned him into stone.Ren was still a little weak after reversing the spell,but still strong.

"Yurusen...It's go time!"he said,as I was so excited from hearing his voice again!Immediately I grabbed the Ghost Eyecon and tossed it to him.He caught it with no problem and equipped it to the Ghost Driver.

"Henshin!"shouted Ren,as he slid the handle of the Ghost Driver in.

Kaigan: Ore! Let's Go! Kakugo! Gho-Gho-Gho-Ghost! GO! GO! GO! GO!

After a big flash of light,Ren revealed himself as Kamen Rider Ghost!Then he pull out the GanGun Saber and knocked Katana Ganma upside the head and caught Uzume in his arms.

"Yurusen,can you help her?I can't worry about her and fight a Ganma at the same time!"he asked,as me and Umio flew over to Uzume while Ren dash off to fight Katana Ganma.I focused on closing Uzume's injury while Umio focused on shielding us from harm.While I was healing Uzume,I still kept my focus on Ren and Katana Ganma.Ren was absolutely ticked off and ready to kill Katana Ganma with all his might.Both side clashing against each other and Ren doing more damage to combat him.He threw some hard and quick attacks against Katana Ganma.

"No!NO!!I can't lose again!I can't die again!You perish here today!"said Katana,as he charged at Ren while he slid the handle in the Ghost Driver again.

Dai Kaigan: (Ore) Omega Drive!

Then Ren perform his finishing Rider Kick and literally destroyed Katana Ganma in an explosion.Then he turned to face Arfoire.

"You're gonna pay for turning me into a statue!I'm gonna dice you up into a million pieces for that and I don't want to be another statue or anyone else become like that!"he shouted,as Arfoire did an evil laugh.

"I'm sorry about that,but I'm afraid I must be off.But before I go..."began Arfoire,as she drew what's left of the Ganma's life force and held it in her right hand.

"I'll be taking this with me."finished Arfoire,as she teleported away.

"Wait!!Damn it!"said Ren,as I flew over to Ren.

"It's OK,Ren.There was no way that we could have stopped her,but at least we prevented her from killing this dimension's goddess."I replied,as Ren powered down and reverted back to normal.His short black hair,emerald-colored eyes and streetpunk look.

"I guess your right,Yurusen.I still want to strangle that old lady's neck until it snaps!"said Ren,

"You're preaching to the choir,man"replied Uzume,who had already returned to her normal form.

"Well I now know that today wasn't a total loss,I think we should head back.I'm stiff as hell and I want get back before I actually become a statue."said Ren,

"Now hold on there,hot shot!We still don't know anything about you,so we're not going anywhere until we find Ghosty's partner."replied Uzume,

"Umm,Uzume?This is my partner,Ren Ukuma.Also known as Kamen Rider Ghost."I said,

"...Wait...OH,right!That makes sense,it would explain how he can become a ghost.Sorry bout that,I had no idea that you were Ghosty's partner."replied Uzume,

"It's cool,it tends to happen every once in a while.As my partner said,my name's Ren Ukuma."said Ren,

"Uzume Tennouboshi and this is my partner,Umio."replied Umio,

"Greetings."said Umio,which left Ren confused.

"...A talking fish?...Meh,I've seen weirder.So can we head back,I don't want to become a permanent artifact to this place!"replied Ren,  

"Sure,I'll take you back to the Basilicom.You and Ghosty might want to stay here awhile at least until we can find a way to get back to your own dimension."said Uzume,as we walked all the way back...well I floated back and Ren accidentally tripped and fell on Uzume and...they both kissed accidentally...I won't tell you what happened next because Uzume did some serious damage to Ren.

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