Save Rom! Awaken Wizard White Heart

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(Carter's P.O.V)

As Eternal Heart and Evil Rom just hovered there in front of us, I turned towards Blanc. She was about to lose what little sanity she had left and just let all her anger out on Eternal Heart, but before she even let out an enraged scream she took a deep breath and let it out. She was obviously going through a lot since one her sister was not only hypnotized but turn into a monster, that only clinches it. 

"Blanc... leave them to me. I let this happen, it's up to me to fix it." I said,

"But with your injuires, you're only going to get yourself killed!" replied Blanc, as I tighten my belt and turned the ignition.

"I know, but there's still a job I got to do. Besides I still owe that white bastard some butt kicking with my own two fists. Henshin!" I said, as I flipped the lever after inserting Shift NEXT.

Drive, Type NEXT!

Even though I was confident about my decision, Blanc's prediction was right. The damage I had already obtained was making me feel like my body was about to give up from the stress. I could feel my shoulders about to collapse as if someone dropped a nuke and a half on it. My heart felt like it was beating so fast it felt like it was going to implode.

"HAHAHAHA! What's the matter? Feeling a little bit of chest pain? Well that's because Brain was kind enough to lend me a small vial of paralysis fluid. I know that viruses won't work on, but viruses and paralysis-es are quite different and there are many of them. I chose this one because it's designed to not only weaken the targets but it also raises the target's pain receptors, so it's making your body feel like it's been through hell. Now normally I'd kill you of myself, but my boss has ordered me to deal with more pressing matters so I'm leaving you be. I'm leaving Rom in charge of putting you out of your misery, so see you later." said Eternal Heart, as he flew off and Corrupted Rom readied a scythe in her hands.

"Rom, please don't do this! I know you're stronger than that! Fight Eternal Heart's control over you!" I shouted, but Rom didn't respond she raised her scythe ready to cut open my neck. I then quickly got what was left of my strength and swung my Blade Gunner at the scythe to knock it away, but it missed.

"You will die here." said Corrupted Rom, as she swung at my neck again only for Blanc to counter with her hammer, knocking Rom back.

"That's it! Rom, if you don't stop this now I'll be forced to fight back!" shouted Blanc, as Corrupted Rom just laughed.

"Oh please! You could never raise a finger to hurt me, Big Sister! Face it, you are nothing but a cockroach that I plan to grind under my boot and with my new found power there's nothing you can do about it!" she exclaimed, as Corrupted Rom launched at Blanc with no hesitation and began lashing out at Blanc, who only tried to deflect her attacks.

"Blanc,what are you doing?! Fight back!" I shouted,.. no response. She just kept reflecting until Corrupted Rom knock her hammer out of her hands and got a deep cut into her left leg. I could hear her screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Blanc, please fight back! You'll die if you refuse!" I shouted,... but she still refused to fight Rom. I have to help her, but with this paralysis I can't move my legs! Ugh, where Doc when you need him?!

At that moment, Mad Doctor raced into the fray toward me.

"Thank god, let's go Doc!" I said, as I quickly swapped out NEXT for Doc.

Tire Koukan! Mad Doctor!

"OK, Doc. Work your magic." I said, as I activated Doc's finisher.

Hissatsu! Full Throttle: Doctor!

The pain from Doc's healing process was extremely painful, but effective for curing the paralysis. After using Doc's finisher, my body felt cured from the paralysis, but my body still felt like crap.

"Leave her alone!" I shouted, as I clashed weapons with Corrupted Rom. She looked pretty peeved that I interfered, she was lashing out at me and trying to hurt me.

"I have to get to Blanc, but how can I get to her with Corrupted Rom going all at me?!" I thought, as Justice Hunter came out of nowhere.

"Now that's timing." I said, as replaced Doc with Hunter.

Tire Koukan! Justice Hunter!

I then tossed my Justice Cage at Corrupted Rom and it formed a cage around her.

"That should hold you until I can figure out how to cure you." I said, as I raced to Blanc. Her left leg was bleeding pretty bad and the rest of her wasn't in good shape either. I could also see tears in her eyes.

"I'm... I'm sorry!... I couldn't do it! I couldn't raise my ax against my sister, forgive me!" she said,

"It's alright, just rest now. I'll take it from here." I replied, as turned only for Blanc to grab my arm and try to hold me back.

"No this is my fight! I can't let you get involved any more then you already have besides you're in no condition to fight!" she said,

"And yet I managed to hold my ground trying to help you. Beside in you're case Rom's somehow become a Rider Enemy which explains why you're defensive strategy didn't work. She's on a completely different level then you." I replied,

"But I can't just lay here and let them manipulate my sister, there's got to be something I can do!" said Blanc, as an explosion occurred behind us and Haruto emerged from the explosion still in his Infinity form.

"There is." he said, as he walked up to us.

"You have my powers, Wizard's powers to be precise. With that power you can fight back, but before I let you do that I need to ask, why are you not fighting?" asked Haruto,

"That's a stupid question. Because that's my sister out there!" replied Blanc,

"Then you're fine with your sister giving in to despair and become a Phantom?" asked Haruto, which confused Blanc.

"What does that mean?" she asked,

"When a person starts to giving to despair, their Inner-Phantom begin to be born and destroy there host's body before they perish." I replied,

"And your sister's almost about to give up hope from inside that monster that Eternal Heart created and should that happen she will die... You need to make your choice now. Will you just lay here and accept your sister's fate or will you take the power I've given you and save her?" asked Haruto, at first Blanc didn't know what to do. It was a lot for her to process, either fight her sister and possibly lose her or let her become a monster. Then after a little time passed, she got up before letting out a small groan of pain.

"Haruto? If I do this, will my little sister be OK?" asked Blanc,

"Not until you enter your sister's Underworld and defeat the Phantom within her." he replied, as Blanc properly fastens the Flame Ring and flips the googles down.

"How do I do that?" she asked,

"Defeat Corrupted Rom first, then he'll tell you." I replied, then I saw Blanc giving me a smile of trust before becoming serious again and transforms into her goddess form. Then she looks at the ring.

"Sure hope this works. I call upon the power of the legendary ring mage, Dragon give me strength!" she shouted, as the ring began to glow.

Flame, Please: Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi!

Out of nowhere, Blanc's body was engulfed in flames. At first I thought she screwed up and she was being burned alive, but then I saw Blanc disperse the fire off her to reveal what I call Wizard White Heart. Her goddess form had taken a evolution thanks to Haruto's magic, her hair was now red and a little longer while her eyes were blue, Her wings were now a translucent red and in the shape of angel wings, her bodysuit looked like a red and black two piece bathing suit with her top piece coming down to the top of her stomach and a hip cape held in place by the Wizard Driver around her waist and her battle axe was replaced by the WizarSwordGun and... I think her chest grew a little. Like a small B-cup.

"Shall we?" asked Blanc, as I got to my feet ready to battle despite my injuries and Haruto was ready to fight again.

"Of course." I replied, as Corrupted Rom broke free from the Justice Cage.

"Let's hurry. We don't know how long your sister has before the Phantom breaks loose." said Haruto,

"Right. Time limit on how long we have to save Rom, let's go!" I shouted, as the three of us started to fight Corrupted Rom. Each of threw a powerful blow at her, but she still didn't go down. We kept hitting her with every slash and technique we knew and she still didn't go down.

"I..will not.. lose.. to my stupid sister!" shouted Corrupted Rom, as she unleashed a wave of dark energy in a powerful blast. I felt like a train full of twenty-something bombs loaded in them, meaning it was painful in a very bad way.

I groaned a little to hide the pain, but the others seemed pretty fine somewhat.

"This is getting us nowhere! We have to end this now!" shouted Blanc,

"On it!" I shouted, as I removed Hunter and placed him in my Blade Gunner.

Hissatsu! Full Throttle: Hunter!

I then hurled the Justice Cage at Corrupted Rom before cutting the cage, causing it to explode and revert Rom back to normal but unconscious.

"OK, Blanc it's time go into Rom's Underworld! Hurry, she doesn't have that long before the Phantom breaks free!" I shouted, as both her and Haruto returned to her.

"But, how?! I don't know how to get there!" replied Blanc, as Haruto reached onto his rings on his belt and pulled one off.

"Use this." he said, as he handed her the ring and I knew which ring it was.

"That's the same type of ring Haruto uses to enter the Underworld." I said,

"So how do I use it?" asked Blanc,

"Place it on Rom's middle finger, then place the hand on your driver." I instructed, and Blanc followed them and did what I told her.

Engage, Please!

(Blanc's P.O.V)

I saw the Mahou Circle open over Rom, I knew that if I didn't then my younger sister would die forever. Like Carter said, I don't have much time. I hovered over the circle ready to dive right in, as I looked over to Carter.

"If I don't come back, take care of Ram for me." I said, and he nodded in response. Then I dove straight into the portal and landed in an unknown area, most likely as Carter called it Rom's Underworld. It seemed peaceful at the moment, I saw Rom memories here as well, every memory that I've ever been with Rom and Ram and the others were here in this place. I can't help but feel so happy that such a place like this could ever exist.

Then out of nowhere, a spider-like Phantom appeared out of the ocean ready to fight.

"Hahaha! Welcome to the newest web of frustration! I am Arachnid and this soon will be my world to control!" it said, which only pissed me off!

"Leave.. my sister.. out of this!" I shouted, as I drew the sword and I then threw a punch at the Phantom which sent the Phantom flying in one shot. I then flew over it ready to fight it.

"You Bitch!" it shouted, as spider-like appendages started growing from the back of the Phantom and started attacking me. I kept deflecting and dodging everything it threw at me. It's attack pattern is way too predictable to defend and evade.

"It's time I stop you permanently!" I said, as I grabbed a finisher ring and placed it on the hand on my belt. 

Very Nice! Special! The Best!

I then pulled out my battle axe which was on fire and I spun it around to intimidate it and it worked.

"This is your end! Burning Break!" I shouted, as I slammed the blade of the axe right into the Spider Phantom before sending it flying. Then it exploded in mid-air before exiting Rom's Underworld. Haruto and Carter seemed relaxed knowing that I was able to save Rom. I knew that Ram and Mina must have returned to the Basilicom.

"Nice work, Blanc. Rom's body is more stable now thanks to you." said Carter, I felt calmer knowing that my own sister was alright.

"Oh, that's good to know... Be honest, Carter. Do you think that this form makes me look more... mature?" I asked, and that left Carter confused.

"Mature, how?" Carter asked, I felt embarrassed discussing this topic even in front of his mentors.

"You know..." I said, trying to cover my chest and parts that were exposed and immediately he got the message and his cheeks were almost as red as a tomato.

"Oh! That's what you meant... If your asking me, then I honest don't think it matters on how you you look but I think you're just as amazing as you are." Carter replied,... His honest the opinion about me.. was the greatest I've ever heard! He's like the prince from a fairy tail and I'm the warrior princess! It feels like a dream come true!

"What are you talking about?" asked Carter,... I had complete ignored the fact that I was talking out loud.

"I-I-It's nothing! Let's go home before anything else weird happens." I said, in hope that he might ignore the fact that I literally might have done something stupid. Surprisingly he agreed to it. Maybe it's do to his injuries being stressed out by using his driver in his condition. I carried Rom back while Carter was using what's left of his strength to get back to his room in the Basilicom before he passes out. Haruto remained in the Rider World to keep an eye out for any more Phantoms throughout the city.

When we got back to my Basilicom, there was only IF, Compa, Mina and Ram here. I didn't even see Nepgear or Uni. I assumed that they might have left to handle their sisters' nations.

"IF, do you know what happened to Nepgear, Uni and the others?" I asked, when Alex came out of nowhere.

"They went with Akira, Noah and Rio to help Noire, Vert and Neptune. Same as Carter and Ram to help you and... Why is Rom in your arms?" he asked,

"Rom was captured by Eternal Heart and turned into Corrupted CPU. Fortunately I was able to obtain my Rider Powers before she could do any damage and with those powers I was able to save my sister." I replied, I know that I've obtained some new powers but it will take some time for me to properly master these new abilities and utilize the with my normal abilities. Better start practicing while I have time on my hands.

To Be Continued...

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