The Siege of Darkness Begins,Rider of Hope

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(Carter's P.O.V)

I slowly began to wake up from my comma in my bed at Lowee's Basilicom. Everything was aching all over my body. It mostly hurt around my chest area, but I was interrupted by my thoughts when Rom and Ram gave me a sneak hug attack. They were so happy to see me... and alive as they said it and I could see tears in their eyes.

"Oh Carter!" shouted Rom,

"We thought we lost you!" added Ram, as I perked up a weak smile.

"It's alright, you two. I'm fine... or at least I will be after which one of you two gets of my lungs." I replied, as Ram got her knee off my lung.

"Sorry about that! Are you sure that you're gonna be alright?" asked Ram,

"If he could take a blast like that and survive it, then I'm sure he'll be OK." replied Akira, who was observing from the door-frame.

"Well it seems you're doing well." I replied,

"Rom, Ram. Go into the living room and check on the others. We'll all need to be in fighting shape in case that Eternal Heart decides to make an attack on this place." said Akira, as the twins raced into the hallway, leaving Akira and me alone together.

"Glad to see you're alright after that blast." he said,

"Depends on your definition of alright, but I'm happy to be alive after that!" I replied, clutching my arm.

"I understand about my definition, but in your condition I doubt you'd be able to help anyone. So I think that you should get some rest before you back in the field." said Akira, That's something I'm not capable of doing: Waiting around to recover!

"I'm going to go check up on Noah, Rio and Alex, but until you've recover Don't leave this room!" said Akira, as he left the room.

I then laid back down onto my bed so that I could rest as he said,... until Nepgear and Uni enters my room.

"Hey, Carter." said Uni,

"Are you feeling any better?" asked Nepgear, as I got a smile up.

"I'll be fine. I may not be the most smartest fighter, but I am the most durable." I replied,

"Not to mention heroic, it must have been hard for you to take a blast of that magnitude." said Uni,

"Not with my abilities it wasn't. To me, attacks like those can't do any fatal damage unless it had any traces of magic in it." I replied, as there was an explosion not too far from us.

"What was that?!" I panicked,

"We'll check it out, you get some rest." replied Nepgear, as the two left my room while I decided to get back to my rest.... It didn't last, after a few hours had pasted I could hear crying in the room with me. I opened my eyes to see Ram, her clothes were stained in blood and I could see her crying with no end.

"Ram, what's wrong?" I asked, as she jumped into my arms, bawling her eyes out.

"Carter! It's Rom! He took her!" she said,

"What?! Who took your sister?!" I asked,

"That meanie, Eternal Heart!" she replied, What?! Rom was kidnapped by Eternal Heart, why?! She's too young to be capable of being of any use to him asides from a hostage, but the situation is still as bad as it seems. He now possess a CPU Candidate! At a young state like that, he could easily drain Rom of all her power..., but I can't help feeling that there was more to that.

"Don't worry! I'll get your sister back!" I said, as I got up off my bed but Ram grabbed my right arm.

"But you're not fully healed!" she exclaimed,

"Which is why you're coming with me! I need someone to help me fight due to my previous battle against Eternal Heart!" I replied,

"What?! But I can't fight him!" shouted Ram,

"You don't have to! If my hunch is correct, then Eternal Heart's most likely back to where ever he calls home and where we're going he's nowhere to be found." I replied, which calmed Ram down.

"OK, so where are we going?" she asked,

"The same place your older sister went and where I came from, The Rider Dimension." I replied,

"But how, didn't Ichigo close the portal behind them?" asked Ram,

"He did, but the residual energy left behind from the portal is still here. Meaning if there's still enough energy left over, we can make our own portal." I replied, which got Ram excited by the fact that her older sister. We then entered the main area where Ichigo opened the portal.

"Alright, Ram. Are you ready to go where few brave souls have gone?" I asked, as she nodded her head yes and I concentrated the energy in my body into my blade and slashed at the portal open.

"Here we go!" I said, as the two of us jumped into the portal and went through the vortex until we landed in the ruins of a city.

"Where are we?" asked Ram,

"If my memory serves correctly, this is the ruins of Hashumi City. A place that once was thrived off the power of Legendary Mahou Crystal, a magical artifact which filled this entire city and it's inhabitants with magic but there were those who wanted to abused such power. In order to protect this city from them, a lone warrior did the only thing he could to protect the crystal. He sent it away where no one could find it! Without the crystal, the city fell into ruins and chaos." I replied, as the two of us entered the ruined city. 

We continued through the ruins until we came across a women with long sky blue hair and a graduation outfit. I was a little unsure about her because I had no idea about who she was because I haven't seen her before, but Ram just raced to her and hugged her and she hugged back. The women then turned her attention to me.

"Oh! You must be the boy that Blanc informed me about, Carter Hero was it?" she asked, which caught me by surprise. If she knew my name, then she must have been in the Basilicom when I first came to her dimension.

"Yes, that me. Nice to me you..." I began, but I trailed off not knowing her name.

"Mina. Mina Nishizawa. I'm Lowee's Oracle as well as Rom and Ram's caretaker. I hope that you've been taking good care of Rom and Ram in my absence." she said,... This will not end well.

"You..could say that. Anyways, where's Blanc?" I asked,

"She ended up picking a fight with a man known as Soma Haruto, who also appears to be a Kamen Rider!" said Mina,

"Wait! Soma Haruto?! As in the same Soma Haruto that has the power to become Kamen Rider Wizard?!" I asked in shock, as Mina nodded but it made me think. Why would Haruto attack Blanc and how did he even know that she was here as well as her mission?

"Show me where they are!" I shouted,

"OK! Please calm down! They couldn't have gotten far when I saw them last. We just need to follow the large path of collateral damage to this old city." she replied, as we followed the path of collateral damage made by Blanc in the mist of her battle. When we finally caught up to them, I could see that Blanc had already transformed into her goddess form while Haruto had become Wizard Flame Dragon Style. Both side trading blow for blow, but it seemed that my theory proved correct.

"Haruto's not fighting her, he's training her." I said,

"How can you tell?" asked Mina,

"Because I know that Haruto isn't using his full strength. If he was, then Blanc would be having a more difficult time when fighting Haruto." I replied,

"So how close is Big Sis done with her training?" asked Ram, as I looked back at the fight.

"Hard to tell. Blanc's definitely giving it her all, but Haruto isn't even breaking a sweat. It could take months for her training to be full complete..., but judging by how it's going it seems that Haruto's making something in his left hand while he's using his right to battle Blanc." I said, as I could only watch in awe at the amazement of Haruto training Blanc and Mina and Ram watched as well. One of the greatest Master Kamen Riders training a goddess, such beauty in all this destruction to these ruin!

After a few more minutes, the two stopped fighting. Then Haruto returned to normal and motioned Blanc to stop fighting. She seemed to be exhausted from the training and she reverted back to normal. Then Haruto gave her what looked like his Flame Wizard Ring, the two then entered one of Haruto's Magic Circles and disappeared.

"Huh? Where did they go?!" asked Ram,

"The better question is, what are you two doing here?" asked Blanc, who was standing behind us with Haruto standing right next to her. She was a little surprised to see me here after was happen with Eternal Heart, but also she was a bit happy that I was OK.

"I'll explain that later, but anyways how'd it go?" I asked,

"She passed. Her powers of a goddess proved worthy of wielding my magic, so I crafted her a version of my Flame Ring." replied Haruto,

"Oh, that's great!... Haruto-sensei, could you give me and Blanc some privacy? It's important." I asked, as he nodded and took Mina and Ram someplace else, just leaving me and Blanc in an awkward silence. None of us spoke for awhile, it felt kinda weird.

"So... you got some Rider Powers." I said, as Blanc twittled her thumbs trying to think of a response. Then I tried to start another sentence, but we both spoke at the same time which made it even more awkward. I could see that Blanc's cheeks were a bright scarlet..., was something wrong? She's never acted like this before..or not that I've seen.

"Carter?" she asked,

"Yes?" I asked in confusion, Blanc's knees were shaking a bit.

"...It's nothing." she replied, she sounded nervous..almost like she wasn't telling me something. So I grabbed her arms to make sure she couldn't walk away. This only made her more nervous.

"Blanc, just tell me! It's OK." I said, but instead of explaining it she jumped into my arms and kiss me on my lips without warning. I was bright red at that moment, but I just let it happen. We kissed for a while until Blanc broke it.

"I guess I should have mention this early, but I wanted to thank you for saving my life. It was quite noble of you to risk your life to save me, not to mention brave.'s hard for me describe this feeling after you saved me from Eternal Heart!" she said,

"Love, most likely but I think that if possible we should just let it happen!" I replied,

"You do know that we're standing right here." said Haruto-sensei, at that point I put Blanc back on her feet and we both ended up embarrassed. 

"Umm, is this a bad time to mention that Rom was kidnapped?" asked Ram, which got Blanc out of embarrassment and into anger, not to me but it was towards Akira and the others because she knew I was recovering while I was back at her Basilicom. Only for that moment, a massive fireball was thrown at us! I could feel the fire burn like hell against my wounds. The only thing that could do this much damage is magic, which could only me-!

"Nice to see you again, Wizard." said a voice, It was Phoenix! He must have been attracted to the power energy produced during the battle against Blanc and Haruto. Then Haruto got back to his feet and swapped rings.

"You three get out of here! I'll deal with Phoenix!" said Haruto, as he place his right hand on his driver.

Infinity, Please: Hi-Sui-Fu-Do, Bou-Zaba-Byu-Dogon!

Haruto had become Kamen Rider Wizard: Infinity Form, at that point I began to guide the group away from the fight so that Haruto could fight Phoenix without any problems. However, things only got worse when Eternal Heart appeared out of nowhere with who appeared to be Rom in CPU Form, but she looked as old as Noire and she was very slim and curvy, her short light blue hair was now long and metallic black in a ponytail draped over her left shoulder and her battlesuit was tattered.

"Rom?!" both me and Blanc questioned, as she just glared at us.

"Awe! What's the matter, White Heart? I thought you'd be happy to see that one of your little sisters is completely fine...or at least her physical form is OK with a little enhancements to her body to make her more suitable to be my new queen of my new nation here in the Rider Dimension and it will be built upon the graves of all the Master Kamen Riders!" replied Eternal Heart, as only most of could do nothing but see what has become of the fallen sister of Blanc and the Dark CPU Rider as they were ready to attack at any moment, but what terrified me was the fact that someone like him could do something as evil as corrupt a CPU Candidate and turn her into someone she's not!

To Be Continued...!

Hello, My Reader! If you are reading this, I am planning to make this as a part to a series that features Kamen Rider as the first of this anime and Tokusastu crossover series but I will only use Kamen Rider, Super Sentai and Metal Heroes in my anime and Tokusastu crossover series. This series is not over, but I will be starting on the next one so please don't bug me about this! I don't own those animes or Tokusastu series! The animes belong to their proper owners and Tokusastu belongs to its proper owners.

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