Chapter 2: The Terrorist (Lickorrist) of Lowee. Fixing Friendships.

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Location: Lowee's Basilicom

Time: Night

It was late at night in the Basilicom of Lowee as the two twins, Rom and Ram and everyone was asleep. . . well. . . almost everyone. Blanc was in her room late at night and she was typing something on her computer at a very fast pace. She then gives off a mischievous vibe as her eyes were shadowed with a red glowing eye.

Blanc: *Sinister chuckle*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Abnes: Ga-Thunk! Time for another action packed day spent saving the children of the world!

(Fourth Wall Break)

The Nintega Guy: Abnes! What the hell! You don't appear until later on in this chapter get lost.

Abnes: Sorry little Nintega. I've got a job to do to entertain all little children out there.

Neptune: Um. . . hate to burst you bubble Abnes, but this story is actually intended for teens and not little boys and girls.

Abnes: Wait what?!

The Nintega Guy: Yeah if you want to entertain a little boy. . . um. . . why not go bother Soejammy's protagonist on Hyperdimension Neptunia The Guardian, maybe he'll give you a few. . . "punches" on how to entertain others.

Abnes: *gasps* If he's got little boys and girls to be entertained then I'm going all for it. *runs off*

Neptune: Good riddance.

The Nintega Guy: Yeah, for a reporter that's suppose to be a master at annoying people, she really is a dumbass.

Neptune: Yep, I hope Soe's (Y/N) gives her a bad time, if you know what I mean. *winks at viewers*

The Nintega Guy: Eh, she'll survive. Now enough fourth wall breaking and game referencing, let's move on with this chapter.

Neptune: Okay! Got it!

(End of Fourth Wall Break)

Location: Lowee

Time: Midday

Neptune, Noire, (Y/N), Nepgear, Uni, and (S/N) were all heading to the Lowee Basilicom as Rom and Ram asked for the other candidates to come over, Blanc surprisingly said yes to this and now they are all riding a train-like carriage being pulled by reindeer on their way. Nepgear poked her head out of the window to get a better view of the entire nation.

Nepgear: Wow, it's even prettier than I thought. Y'know, I've always wanted to visit Lowee.

Neptune: Yeah, you haven't exactly made that the best-kept secret.

Nepgear: It was so nice for Rom and Ram to invite us to stay with them. I just wish that Blanc would let them travel to other countries so they could come and visit us, too.

Neptune: Oh, yeah. Blanc's got a real stick up her butt about that kind of stuff like that. You know, she really ought'a pull that thing out before she ends up friendless like Noire.

Noire: You realize I can hear you, right? And I've got plenty of friends, dammit!

Neptune: Sorry, forgot you were there. Well, maybe hearing that said right to your face is just the thing you need to make a change.

Noire: I don't need to hear it from a slacker like you!

Neptune: Do you? Maybe that or your just too nervous to say like your probably in love with a guy like (Y/N).

Noire: What?! Hell no!

(Y/N): Uh. . . I'm right here as well you know. A-And we're all friends here, I-I've got no feelings for anyone. . . yet.

Neptune: Oooh! So you interested in any ladies so far?

(Y/N): Um. . . none that are my type.

Noire: *sighs* I'm starting to regret letting you two talk me into coming on this trip.

Nepgear, Uni, and (S/N) looked at each other and giggled at their big siblings relationship.

Location: Lowee's Basilicom

A scream was heard inside the Basilicom as one of Blanc's workers had fell down onto the floor with water everywhere and a bucket on her head. The two people who were responsible for that prank were none other than Rom and Ram.

Ram: She fell for it!

Rom: That was just perfect!

Church Worker: Miss Rom, Miss Ram! How could you? Come here now!

Ram: Run for it!

Rom and Ram ran away with the church worker chasing them in a unhappy mood.

Church Worker: Hold it right there, you two!

In another location, Blanc was in a room conversing with Vert about important means.

Vert: Are you sure about this? You do realize what this means? Carrying out this plan will entirely alter the world as we know it.

Blanc: I'm well aware of that. We have to make sure no one finds out about it until it's implemented.

Ram: Run faster!

Blanc could hear her two little twin sisters being rowdy outside the room and got irritated by all of the noise they were making, so she slammed the door open to get their attention.

Blanc: Alright, you little turds! How many times have I told you to pipe down while I'm working?!

Church Worker: I'm so sorry, Miss Blanc!

Rom: Hey, big sis.

Ram: Check this out!

Rom and Ram gave Blanc a book that was clearly hers and what she saw inside of it was a picture Rom and Ram drew inside of it with a ton of crayons.

Blanc: This is my. . .

Ram: It's a drawing of you.

Rom: We got the sharp teeth just right!

Rom and Ram felt amused, but Blanc got pissed that one of her own books was now ruined.

Blanc: *growls* You've destroyed my precious book. . . I'LL KILL YOU!

Blanc's face was now shadowed at the eyes with a glowing red left eye and her teeth were fanged. This was Blanc's signature look for when she get's extremely pissed off.

Ram: That's the face we drew!

Both of them giggled and took off running with Blanc hot on their tails.


Rom: Run!

They all then turned a corner and stopped to find Neptune, Noire, (Y/N), Nepgear, Uni, and (S/N) in front of them.

Ram: Hey, Nepgear. Hey, (S/N). Hi, Uni. You guys made it!

Nepgear: Mm-hmm. How could we say no?

(S/N): It has been awhile since we seen each other after all.

Neptune: Hiya, Blanc! How goes it? Let's party!

Neptune stuck her tongue out playfully, but Blanc just had a poker face at her actions. She then noticed (Y/N) and had a small worried look.

Blanc: (Thoughts) Oh no, hopefully he doesn't find that one book I have.

Location: Outside Lowee's Basilicom

All of the CPUs were sitting down as a group at a table discussing something while the candidates were doing there own thing.

Neptune: Alright. Bet you're wonderin' why we're here. Well we heard about this new theme park that just opened up here in Lowee. So we're gonna crash with you and check it out.

Blanc: Histoire warned me and she specifically asked me to give you lessons in being a worthwhile CPU while you're here.

Neptune: Nah. That's just a waste of time. I mean that's about all I learned from my last lesson.

Noire: That makes two of us.

(Y/N): Make that three.

Vert: Speaking of the theme park, I've been hearing some very good things about it. It could be a lot of fun for us to take the girls and go as a group.

(Y/N): Not a bad idea. My sister doesn't go outside too often so this should be a great idea Vert.

Vert: *giggles* Why thank you (Y/N).

The CPU Candidates overheard the conversation as they were making a snowman of Blanc's face. Rom and Ram rushed up to the group. Due to being cold outside, Rom and Ram were wearing different attire. Rom was wearing a blue overcoat with white puffballs, a pink handbag and a ribbon, and a white and blue hat on her head. She is also wearing white tights and shoes that match her dress. Ram was wearing the same outfit, but with mostly pink around her and a blue handbag and blue ribbon.

Ram: You mean Super Nittenland? I wanna go, I wanna go!

Rom: Can we, sis? Please say yes!

Blanc: Actually, it would be nice if you could take care of them.

Neptune: You're not going?

Rom: Why not? Don't you wanna?

Blanc: I want to. I just can't.

Neptune: It's not 'cuz of work, is it? You've heard the saying. "Working means that you've lost at life." Now that's a piece of wisdom from a great man. See?

Noire: Neptune, some bum on YouTube said that.

(Y/N): And I don't think that helped a lot of people from the reviews I saw from that.

Blanc slammed her hands on the table which got everyone's attention.

Blanc: It doesn't matter. I just can't go.

Blanc left the table with everyone in confusion especially Rom and Ram. However, (Y/N) got up from the table and followed Blanc.

Noire: Huh? (Y/N), where are you going?

(Y/N): I'll be right back. I'm going to have a little "talk" with Blanc.

Location: Lowee's Basilicom, Blanc's Workroom

Blanc was already in her workroom typing something on her computer and she was extremely focused as she didn't take a peek away from what she was doing. That is until someone knocked on her door which slightly irritated her, but she took a deep breath and walked over to it and opened it to see (Y/N) with his arms crossed. She was slightly confused on what he was doing as she thought the five of them had already left to take Rom and Ram to Super Nittenland.

Blanc: (Y/N)? What are you doing here? I thought you all already left.

(Y/N): I told them to wait for me and that we would leave in a little bit, but do you mind if I speak with you for a minute.

Blanc could see that (Y/N) had a serious look on his face, so she was slightly nervous of what he was about to ask. However, she nodded and let him inside of her room. They both sat down at a table across from each other and Blanc started the conversation.

Blanc: What could be so important that you had to speak with me?

(Y/N): I'll be blunt. What are you hiding?

Blanc: What?

(Y/N): I said what are you hiding? What could be possibly be more important than spending time with your little sisters?

Blanc went wide-eyed at that question, but she threw on a serious face.

Blanc: That's none of your concern. I'm clearly busy of what I'm doing.

(Y/N): Really? What is it?

Blanc: Nothing. You really should be going now.

(Y/N) then put on an angry face to show that he wanted a rational answer.

(Y/N): Blanc you are clearly not being clear right now, so I'll ask again. What. Are. You. Hiding from us?

Blanc was then pissed as she had her pissed off look. She stood up, slammed her fists on the table, and then yelled something that was extremely rude.


(Y/N) flinched at her words as he went wide-eyed at that and was surprised at what she just said. Blanc was breathing heavily at letting her anger out like that, but after a minute she suddenly realized what she just said, gasped, and covered her mouth. (Y/N) was still staring at Blanc, but he then put on a solemn look as he turned with his back facing towards Blanc and his face was shadowed and a couple of tears went down his face.

(Y/N): Fine. . . if that's what you want. . . then I won't come back.

Blanc had a extremely guilty look on her face as she reached her hand out to (Y/N), but he started walking out of the room to go and join the others before saying one last thing to Blanc before leaving. However, he didn't face her.

(Y/N): You know I really liked you, I really did, but now knowing what you really feel. . . I might as well not care anymore.

(Y/N) exited the room and started walking out of the Basilicom, still with a depressed look. The church worker who was cleaning the mess Rom and Ram noticed (Y/N) walking and she decided to talk to him.

Church Worker: Mister (Y/N), is something wrong?

(Y/N) turned to the church worker and stood there facing her before looking down and shook his head.

(Y/N): No it's okay.

The church worker had a concerned look as she tell that the male CPU was sad. She turned to Blanc's room and was just about to knock until she heard Blanc inside of the room. The church worker put an ear to the door to listen and inside of the room, Blanc was at her desk crying as tears were pouring out her eyes like crazy.

Blanc: I-I'm. . . I'm so sorry (Y/N). I. . . didn't mean any of that.

She slammed a fist on her desk out of regret.

Blanc: I j-just wanted. . . to keep this book a secret. . . about us.

The church worker that was listening heard what Blanc was saying to herself and she felt bad for both of them as she walked and left.

Location: Super Nittenland

Time: Afternoon

The other CPUs did notice (Y/N)'s sad look, but he said to them that some "hard-hitting" things were said and they didn't need to worry about it, so they all arrived the theme park, Super Nittenland with Rom and Ram running ahead in their church dresses. Nepgear chased after them carrying their coats.

Rom: Come on Ram, wait for me.

Nepgear: C'mon girls, you've gotta wear your coats.

(S/N): Damn it you two get back here.

Uni: Wait, Nepgear, (S/N)! You forgot to grab the tickets!

Neptune, Noire, and Vert had happy looks on their faces as (Y/N) was behind them still with a solemn look on his face. Neptune noticed this and got his attention.

Neptune: Hey, (Y/N)! Happytown is this way come on!

(Y/N): Huh? Oh, y-yeah I'm coming.

Noire turned to Vert with her hand on her chin.

Noire: I wonder what Blanc said to (Y/N) that caused him to act so. . . depressed.

Vert: Well, Blanc's not the easiest person to compromise with, but still I'm also concerned of what (Y/N) is so glum about.

Rom and Ram both got their winter coats with both Nepgear and (S/N) putting them on for them. Rom was riding a brown turtle while Ram bounced on top of a mushroom. They were both clearly having fun as they then went inside some blue pipes that went to other locations.

Ram: Hey, Nepgear! Where are you guys?

Rom: I don't see 'em.

Nepgear, Uni, and (S/N) came out of some other pipes right behind them.

Nepgear: Hey, girls!

Uni: Over here!

(S/N): Behind you!

Uni then saw a coin floating next to her and grabbed it.

Uni: A coin with a Dogoo on it!

Nepgear: This one's got a Kupokitty!

(S/N): Hey, I found one with a Fenrir on it!

Rom and Ram ran towards to tiny coins with some common elements on it.

Rom: Aw, it's a Tetris.

Ram: Yeah, so is this one. Talk about lame.

Neptune was getting peaches as a snack at a concessions stand while Noire, (Y/N), and Vert were sitting on a bench.

Neptune: One rainbow road special!

Noire: Seems like Blanc should be acting like more of a diplomat when CPU's from other countries are visiting.

(Y/N): . . . Well. . .

Noire: I mean, she's the face of her country and it could be prettier.

Vert: That's a little harsh. I know what you're saying, but I think we've all still got some growing up to do.

Vert's chest bounces and she giggles.

Vert: Well, maybe not me.

Noire and (Y/N) blinked twice before looking at each other and then Vert place a hand on (Y/N)'s which made him blush a little.

Vert: You said Blanc, said some. . . things earlier didn't you? Care to explain?

(Y/N) looked down to the ground and sighed.

(Y/N): Let's just say, she got pissed.

Vert and Noire put on a concerned face as both of them looked at (Y/N) and all of a sudden realize what he meant earlier.

Vert: Oh. . . I see.

Noire: I guess for some reason she's being a jerk today. What was it that made her so insensitive?

(Y/N): I don't know. She wouldn't say.

Noire: Hmm. . . actually come to think of it Vert, what brings you to Lowee?

Neptune then screams which got the three CPUs' attention. A turtle was bothering Neptune as it wanted her peaches in her bag.

Neptune: Help me! This monster turtle wants my peaches! No! Somebody call a plumber! Stop it!

(Y/N): Okay! Calm down Neptune! Hold on!

(Y/N) got off the bench and pulled the turtle away from Neptune. The way (Y/N) was carrying it, it was pretty heavy. He sat it down away from the group and it walked off.

(Y/N): Are you alright Neptune?

Neptune: Yep, Thanks (Y/N).

Rom and Ram were still playing around the amusement park until they saw a rare coin.

Ram: Look, Rom! It's a Guardragon coin! That's a totally rare item!

Rom: Well there sure are a bunch of them.

They notice that a ton of Guardragon coins were lined up into a corner.

Ram: Oh, wow! Their all Guardragons! Although. Maybe we've got enough already.

Rom: We do, but I wanna bring some home for Blanc too.

Ram: Seriously? I don't see why, she didn't even bother to come with us.

Rom had a sorry look on her face.

Rom: I know, but.

Ram decided to listen to her twin sister and smiled.

Ram: You're right. Maybe if we pick up 100, she can finally get a life!

Rom: Yeah!

Two strange figures were watching them from a corner with mischievous looks on their faces.

???: Lickie.

Meanwhile, Nepgear, Uni, and (S/N) lost track of the two twins and started looking for them.

Nepgear: Where did. . .?

(S/N): What's up, Nepgear?

Uni: Somethin' wrong?

Nepgear: Where did Rom and Ram go? I don't see them anywhere.

Uni: How about there? They were picking up coins a second ago.

(S/N) took a closer look at the coins and realized that they were Guardragons.

(S/N): That's strange. These are Guardragon coins, but these are suppose to be rare. Why would they put something rare in such an obvious place?

Uni: I guess we're about to find out.

Nepgear: Rom, Ram! Where are you?

The three CPU candidates walked around the corner and what they saw next made them gasp. Rom and Ram were being held hostage by a large, yellow armored-like being with red trimming. He has a large, lizard-like head with green eyes and round, red nose. Both sides of his forehead had extending horns, and he also had red spiky hair behind the back of his head. His mouth was open with sharp teeth, and a very long tongue sticking out drooling.

Accompanying it was a female with pale white skin, green hair, red eyes, and pointy ears. On the top, she is wearing nothing but an opened hooded jacket and tube top, revealing her chest and belly. She is also wearing grey, baggy pants with strings and is colored black on the waistline. On her feet are black combat boots, and she is carrying an iron pipe as a weapon.

Rom and Ram were whimpering in fear as they were being held captive.

Nepgear: Rom! Ram! What the?

Uni: Drop them! What do you think you're doing?

(S/N): Put our friends down now!

Trick: Lickie!

Trick used his tongue to strike the three candidates. Nepgear and Uni were hit and knocked to the ground, but (S/N) dodged out of the way just in time. She pulled out a bow and a quiver filled with arrows appeared around her back.

(S/N): Fine! If you won't let them go, then I'll do it for you.

Just as (S/N) was about to draw an arrow however, Underling hit (S/N) in the back of the head with an iron pipe which knocked her out instantly.

Trick: Run along now ladies you're far too large for my tastes.

Underling: Like candy from a baby. Well done Trick.

Trick: I'm the party star and don't you forget it!

Both of them got away with Rom and Ram with Nepgear and Uni trying to get back up, but (S/N) was still laying on the ground out cold.

Nepgear: Oh, no. Bring them back!

Uni got up and went over to (S/N).

Uni: Nepgear, (S/N)'s is out cold.

Nepgear: *gasps* Oh, no! NEPTUNE! VERT! (Y/N)! NOIRE!

As all of their names were called they all ran to wear they heard Nepgear's and appeared at the scene.

Neptune: What's wrong Nep Jr.? Nep-what?!

(Y/N) saw his little sister and went wide-eyed as rushed over to her in panic.

(Y/N): *gasps* (S/N)! Is she alright?!

Uni was checking for a heartbeat and luckily it was still beating pretty normally.

Uni: She's fine, she's still breathing and has a steady heartbeat.

Vert: Where are Rom and Ram?

Nepgear: They were kidnapped by this giant-looking beast and some person with it.

Noire: Uh oh! We need to get to Blanc right away!

Everyone, but (Y/N) had worried looks on their faces while he had a look that showed anger as he was holding his sister.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) Blanc. . . Damn you Blanc, this is all your fault!

Location: Lowee's Basilicom

The CPU's dropped (S/N) back off to Landroid and luckily she woke up, but due to her having a concussion (Y/N) told her to stay behind and rest for the time being. Right now they are at Lowee's Basilicom and after Blanc had heard the news she was alone in her workroom while the CPU's wanted to talk to her.

Church Worker: Please believe me, I understand. But Lady Blanc has explicitly instructed me not to let anybody inside.

Neptune: Come on. We're all gods and goddesses here, what's the big deal?

Church Worker: I know, but I'm afraid that doesn't matter.

Nepgear: We just wanna apologize, that's all!

Uni: It was our fault Rom and Ram got kidnapped! Please let us help find them!

(Y/N): (Thoughts) No. . . it wasn't. Blanc is their big sister first of all, and she refused to come and look after them over something stupidly important. And second, she never stated what was so important that she had to kick me out because of it. I'm starting to think, she doesn't care.

Church Worker: Thank you, but that's not necessary. We've already mobilized the guards to search for them.

Neptune: We know, but still-

Blanc: Just go home. All you'll do is cause even more trouble.

(Y/N) face was shadowed as he was growling under his breath. He then stomped his foot so hard on the ground that it made the place shake and part of the ground floor was shattered. Everyone turned towards him in slight fear.

(Y/N): You know what?! I don't give a shit! Open the damn door, I need to speak with Blanc in private!

Church Worker: Mister (Y/N) please, like Miss Blanc said all you'll do is-

Blanc: Let him in.

Everyone except (Y/N) was surprised at that answer as they looked at the door in shock.

Church Worker: Miss Blanc, are you sure?

Blanc: Yes. Let him inside.

The church worker stepped out of the way and (Y/N) walked into Blanc's room and the CPU's looked at each other at (Y/N)'s sudden change in behavior.

Neptune: Whoa! (Y/N) went into rage mode.

Vert: Apparently this "chat" he had with Blanc earlier had something to do with it.

Noire: I knew he was strict, but I didn't expect him to be that strict.

Inside of the room as (Y/N) closed the door back, he saw Blanc with her back facing towards him and she had her head hung down.

(Y/N): You already know why I'm in here don't you?

Blanc: . . .

(Y/N): You know I thought you were someone who was caring enough to look after their own little sisters, but after what just happened you clearly must care about your own damn work than your own sisters.

Blanc turned around and her face was shadowed, but it didn't look like she was about to blow a fuse as a red glowing eye didn't appear. She had a frown, however.

Blanc: . . . It was never my intention.

(Y/N) walked up to Blanc and he probably did the riskiest thing someone would ever do to someone like Blanc. . . he slapped her in the face which knocked her back a little.

(Y/N): Then why didn't you look after your own sisters damn it?! Because of you, not only are they kidnapped, but my own sister got knocked out and you should be lucky she's alive!!!

Blanc gritted her teeth, her fists were balled up and (Y/N) just kept staring her down as he was probably prepared if Blanc got pissed for him slapping her, but instead of retaliating Blanc did something completely unexpected. . . she fell down to her knees and started bawling on the ground with tears draining from her eyes as if it was a waterfall. (Y/N) looked down at Blanc with a surprised look on his face as he looked down at Blanc.

Blanc: *sniff* I know. . . t-this is all my fault! *sniff* If only I. . . *sniff* was a better sister!

Blanc looked up for (Y/N) to see her entire crying face as she was so sad and guilty that it made (Y/N) feel bad for everything that he just said.

Blanc: *sniff* I'm sorry. *sniff* I get it if you won't forgive me. *sniff*

Blanc looked back down to the ground still crying as a small puddle was forming on the floor. Blanc thought she had lost (Y/N) as her friend until something happened. (Y/N) got down on his knees and hugged Blanc which slightly surprised her. She was hesitant at first, but she returned the hug back to him and (Y/N) rubbed Blanc's back to comfort her. After a few minutes, Blanc stopped crying and she stood back up with (Y/N) still hugging her. They then separated and (Y/N) gave Blanc a warm smile and puts his hands on her shoulders.

(Y/N): Blanc. Don't worry, we're going to get Rom and Ram back. I'm sure they'll forgive you too like I just did.

Blanc: You forgive me?

(Y/N): Yes, to be honest though I'm sorry too for yelling in the Basilicom and slapping you.

Blanc smiled at (Y/N) as she was relieved that she was forgiven.

Blanc: No, it's okay. I needed it, I wasn't protective of my own sisters which led them to getting taken. I'm fully responsible.

(Y/N) nodded and took both of Blanc's hands.

(Y/N): As long as you understand.

Blanc and (Y/N) stared at each other in the eyes holding each others hands. Blanc could feel her heart beating faster for every second that passed with them staring. Their faces were just inches away as they were getting closer, but just as they were about to kiss. . . . . . . . . . .

???: Ga-Thunk! Ga-Thunk! Ga-Thunk!

Blanc and (Y/N) immediately separated and turned to see a little girl with long sandy-brown hair with teal eyes and a pink bow on her head with a skull in the center along with red-lining and white frills on the end. She is wearing a matching pink lolita-style dress accompanied with numerous white frills in layers and red bows in the centers with another skull. She was also wearing light-pink stockings with bright pink ankle high boots with red ribbons in the center.

Abnes: Now I've got you!

Blanc and (Y/N) were then put spotlights over each other and a cameraman which had a news camera pointed it at them.

Blanc: Who are you?

Abnes: My name is Abnes! And I fight for the children of the world!

(Y/N): Children of the wo- huh? I'm not catching on.

Abnes: Don't act like you don't know me. I'm the star of the hit internet series, the Abnes Channel! Everyone knows me. Okay, let's get this live broadcast going!

(Y/N): Now hold on you little turd. No one said you could-

Abnes: Ah-ah-ah! No one has the right to call this person a little girl, you got that little boy god?

(Y/N): What?!

Blanc: Live broadcast?

(Y/N) and Blanc were now on live television as Abnes started to talk with a pink microphone in her hand.

Abnes: Hello Gamindustri! It's your best friend, Abnes, here! Idol of the world's children! And today, I'm confronting the little girl CPU of Lowee, and the little boy CPU of Landroid! Say hello to Blanc and (Y/N)!

Blanc: What? Little girl?

(Y/N): Little boy?

Blanc: Listen, you annoying-

Abnes: Now, Blanc, are the rumors we've been hearing true? Did you allow your own little sisters to get kidnapped, and get the CPU Candidate of Landroid in painful condition? Well did you? Huh?

Blanc and (Y/N) got surprised at that question.

Blanc: How did you know about that?

(Y/N): We've never told this to anyone.

Abnes: Sounds like a yes! Those poor little girls. So! Just how does it feel to be such an awful, neglectful big sister Blanc? Honestly now?

(Y/N) gained a tick mark at Abnes harassing Blanc, so he decided to step in.

(Y/N): Now hold on she may have been responsible, but she's going to-

Abnes: Ah! Wait your turn little boy god. So Blanc, I want an answer, now!

Location: Outside of Lowee's Basilicom

Meanwhile, the rest of the group were at the table they were at earlier.

Noire: That Blanc. What is her problem? This is an emergency, it's scarcely the time for her to be so pig-headed!

Neptune: Yeah, really. Noire's the one with the patent on being an unlikeable hardass.

Noire: Watch it! I hope (Y/N) is talking some sense into her.

Vert: Girls. . . you see. . . the truth is. . .

Nepgear: Hey, Neptune. What do you think that's about?

Nepgear pointed to the window of Blanc's room and they all looked to see Blanc and (Y/N) with Abnes.

Neptune: Hmm.

People on live television all over Gamindustri, saw Blanc and (Y/N) on live television. Blanc had a guilty look on her face, while (Y/N) was just straight up annoyed.

(Y/N): Abnes, I swear if you-

Abnes: Shoot straight with me here, Blanc. The kidnapping of your little sisters was entirely your fault right? Just admit it.

Blanc: I. . . I don't.

Abnes: You hear that kids? The little girl CPU can't even properly defend herself.

(Y/N): Hey! I'm the one defending her word here you little sh-

Abnes then pointed the microphone at (Y/N).

Abnes: Fine, if you want to talk so much little boy god then you answer. Was it entirely her fault?

(Y/N): W-Well. . . I. . . it was. . .

Abnes: See this everyone? Little boys and girls just aren't cut out to be gods or goddesses. It's too much responsibility. They should just be playing games and enjoying life. The Abnes Channel is firmly against little boy gods and little girl goddesses!

Neptune: Hey, what the heck's going on here?

Neptune pushed a cameraman out of the way. (Y/N) was relieved to see Neptune here at this time.

Abnes: Who do you think you are?

Neptune: I know I'm Neptune! The goddess of Planeptune.

(Y/N): Neptune! Boy, am I glad to see you?

Abnes: Oh, really, another goddess? Well I suppose you look passably old enough to just be hitting puberty. Although! You barely begun to develop! You're a little girl! I declare you too young!

Neptune: Say what? Am I really being called a little girl by a girl littler than me?

(Y/N): Burn!

Abnes: What? I am certainly not a little girl! And besides, it takes one to know one, missy!

Neptune: Yeah, and since you're throwing down all these "little girl claims," that proves for sure you're one too!

(Y/N): You incinerated her, Neptune! Keep it up!

Abnes: I can't believe you said it again!

As Abnes wasn't looking, Vert and Noire pushed Abnes' televison group out.

Abnes: Leave my crew alone! You're getting off with a warning today, little girl. But I will be back!

After that comment, the doors slammed shut and Abnes along with the rest of her crew left.

Neptune: Oh yeah little girl? Well I'll be waiting for you! Poor whiny widdle girl!

Noire: For heaven's sake. What was that about?

Vert: I wonder how she and her crew even got in here?

Blanc then passed out right to next to (Y/N) as both him and Nepgear caught her from both sides.

(Y/N): Blanc! Blanc, are you okay?!

Church Worker: I-I'll go get some help!

Nepgear: What do think's wrong with her?

Uni: Maybe everybody in Lowee just watched the interview and her Shares took a sudden turn for the worse.

Nepgear: Hey wait, can't a CPU lose their powers if she doesn't have enough Shares? That's not good.

Noire: I don't think her Shares dropping would make her faint.

(Y/N): She's right. No one can feel negative effects that quickly.

Nepgear: Then why?

Vert: Listen, everyone. There's a way we can fix this. We can track down Rom and Ram, and I know exactly how to do it.

(Y/N) then lifted Blanc's unconscious body and carried her bridal style.

(Y/N): I'll catch up. Blanc needs to rest though.

The church worker then comes back into the room.

Church Worker: Oh, well then Mister (Y/N) can you follow me? I know where her room is.

(Y/N) nodded and followed the church worker and he took Blanc to her room which was filled with a lot of books like a library and had a bed in the middle. (Y/N) took Blanc's hat and coat off and laid it on a rack nearby. He put Blanc in the bed as she was very asleep. Before going, (Y/N) took Blanc's hand and said one last thing to her.

(Y/N): I'm going to save Rom and Ram for you Blanc. That's a promise.

(Y/N) walked out of Blanc's room before taking one last look at her before going to see the others. Unbeknownst to him, Blanc opened her eyes partly in her sleep as (Y/N) walked out.

Location: Lowee's Basilicom, Blanc's Workroom

Time: Evening

Vert: The truth is, Blanc has been working on a certain plan for some time now. And part of it. . . well, I'm guessing you must have heard about the old satellite service that was based out of Lowee, right?

Neptune: Oh, yeah. I remember that. Wasn't it called the Basillaview?

Noire: Yeah, didn't they shut it down around ten years ago?

Vert: That's right.

(Y/N): So, why has it been reassembled?

Vert: It actually turns out that all of the satellites are fully functioning. They're still capable of relaying images from around the entire world. However, they're low resolution. But Leanbox labs have developed a new type of software that can analyze and then process the data and produce high-res imagery from it.

(Y/N): Impressive Vert.

Neptune: Awesome! Just leave it to Nerdy Vert and her tech savvy ways!

Vert: Once we came up with it, I approached Blanc with an offer. If Lowee will provide the image data from their satellite system, then we'd trade. And Leanbox would provide the software.

Noire: But that would give the two of you a complete monopoly on all of the world's information!

Neptune: Oh, man, that's messed up! Do you realize how much trouble that'd cause us?

Vert: Oh yes. Trust me, we know. And that's exactly why we planned on sharing the information with the world.

This got everyone's attention as they all wanted to know more.

Vert: It was Blanc's suggestion of course. The way she saw it, we'd all signed the friendship treaty, so it's only right our five countries use it equally.

(Y/N): That's very considerate of her.

Noire: You don't say.

Vert: It's true. We were just waiting for the right time to go public with the news. Sort of, a surprise present to celebrate the treaty.

(Y/N): Damn, now I feel bad for interrupting her earlier.

Vert: Actually, I don't think the satellites were one of the reasons Blanc probably snapped at you like you told us (Y/N).

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Vert: Blanc did tell me that she wanted to make something special for you, but she didn't go into anymore detail than that. She stated that it was her only business and she wanted to show it to you when she got the chance.

(Y/N) then looked down to the ground in guilt for forcing something out of Blanc earlier, but he looked back up.

(Y/N): I completely understand that she wanted these things to be a surprise for all of us, but next time she has a secret, we should tell her that she should tell all of us beforehand and not keep it completely to herself. Otherwise, people would worry or be concerned like I was earlier.

Neptune and Noire looked at each other for a moment in slight surprise that Blanc did this for all of the CPU's, until a beep was heard.

Vert: The data analysis just finished. We'll know exactly where the kidnapper fled. Really? I see.

(Y/N): Come on everyone. Let's go and rescue Rom and Ram. . . for Blanc!

Everyone had the same determined look (Y/N) put on as they nodded.

Location: Super Nittenland

Time: Night

Rom and Ram were tied up inside of a secluded place and when Rom woke up, she look to see Trick in front of both of them.

Trick: Well, lickie, lickie, lickie, lickie, lickie, lickie.

Rom: Oh no!

Hearing Rom's scream of worry, Ram also woke up beside her.

Ram: What's wrong?

Ram also saw Trick and got the same worried look Rom had.

Trick: *chuckles* There's nothin' better than little sleepyhead girls! They're the perfect taste for licking! Lickie, lickie, lickie, lickie lickie!

Trick grabbed Rom with his tongue and started wrapping it around her as she started screaming for help.

Ram: Hey! Let go of my sister you creep! You stop that!

Ram words felt on deaf ears as Trick did the exact same thing to her.

Trick: Lickie, lickie, lickie, lickie, lickie.

Ram: No! Put me down! Stop licking!

Underling: I'm on top of things, Trick, sir. I made the call and demanded the ransom just like you asked.

Underling then walked in the door and was creeped out of what she saw.

Underling: What the hell are you doing?!

Trick: What do you think I'm doing? My saliva's got healing properties. I'm improving their health! Nothing weird going on here at all!

Underling: Uh. . . sure, whatever.

Outside of the place, the CPU's and Candidates were standing at the entrance where a ride was under maintenance. (S/N) was feeling better so she called her brother and said she wanted to come along. (Y/N) allowed it as he knows how much his sister loves action.

Noire: So they were hiding out right here beneath a ride that's under construction.

Neptune: Okay, let's do this! Time to kick some kidnapping butt!

(S/N): I agree, I want to get payback at that bitch who knocked me out.

(Y/N): Hold on everyone! Vert and I were discussing something earlier and we need a strategic plan.

Vert: He's right, we can't rush into this. Our first priority should be securing the hostages.

(Y/N) then transformed into Platinum Heart and flew up into the air.

Platinum Heart (Y/N): I'll go on above and be on the lookout.

Vert nodded as she then went inside the place to find the twins.

Inside of the maintenance place, Trick was still having fun with himself licking Rom and Ram.

Ram: Stop it! Let us go!

Rom: Please, I wanna go home!

Two doors then slammed open as Vert then walked in.

Vert: That is quite enough!

Ram: Big sis?

Trick: Another little girl's come to play?

Rom: Help us, Vert!

Vert: I demand that you release those girls. Let them go and I'll take their place instead.

Trick: No thanks. I'm a gentleman who sticks to his word and these little girls were part of the deal. Besides, I'm really not into big boobs.

That comment irritated Vert as she is one to take great pride in her own chest size.

Vert: Oh, and just what exactly do you have against large breasts?!

Trick: They'll just end up sagging someday.

Vert: *grunts* I see. Well, Mister "Gentleman," you certainly do have a way with words.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Vert then transforms into her HDD form as Green Heart. She now has purple eyes, green hair that is now in a ponytail, her attire is now a white bodysuit that is open in middle, exposing her stomach and underside of her chest. Her sleeves are detached and are white and black in the entirety. She is also wearing gauntlets that are covering the majority of her forearms.

Trick: *gasps* You're a CPU?!

Green Heart (Vert): That's Green Heart to you. Now prepare yourself.

Underling saw the whole scene and ran off.

Underling: I am no longer officially worried about that ransom money.

Green Heart thrusted her spear at Trick, but he blocked it with his arm and knocked Green Heart back. She did a backflip and landed on a platform she made.

Trick: *Laughs* If that's all you got, this fight's not gonna go well for you.

Green Heart smirked at Trick's cocky statement.

Green Heart (Vert): I was just testing you out. Taste this spear of the maelstrom! This is the end Rainy Ratnapura!

Vert charged at Trick and pierced him a few times before launching him out of the place.

Green Heart (Vert): That was hardly any trouble at all. Wait, where are Rom and Ram?

In another section, Underling was trying to escape the place until Black Heart, Uni, and (S/N) blocked her path.

Underling: Another one?

Uni: That's the girl. I saw her take them!

(S/N): She also the one who gave me a concussion with that iron pipe.

Black Heart (Noire): I'm not surprised. Look at her, she's likely dumb enough to think she could lick us.

Underling: Wait! Trick was the only one doing any licking, okay? And look if it makes any difference, we only kidnapped them 'cause a weird old hag hired us to.

Black Heart (Noire): Sounds like the whiny excuse of an underling.

Underling: Yeah! Exactly. That's it. I'm nothin' but an underling. So then, I'll let you get back to business.

(S/N): Like hell I'm letting you off the hook. Eat this you bitch!

(S/N) shot an arrow at Underling that had an explosive tied at the tip. It landed right next to Underling and exploded which caused her to fly out of the place.

Underling: (Echo) Can't blame me for trying!

Uni: I didn't know your arrows could do that.

(S/N): My big bro made all kinds of arrows for me in case of combat situations like this.

Black Heart (Noire): I see. Well he sure is bold to let you have those kinds of weapons.

(S/N): That's my big bro for ya. He always prepares me for whenever there is action across.

Rom and Ram were still held captive by Trick as they landed somewhere outside of the theme park.

Trick: As a gentleman, it's my duty to protect those girls. And the best way to do that is by licking! Huh?! Okay, where did they go?

When Trick wasn't looking, Rom and Ram tried to sneak away over a fence gate, but Trick notice them trying to get away.

Trick: Oh, you sassy things! Little girls really are the absolute best. Lickie, lickie, lickie!

Trick tried to stop Rom and Ram from escaping by licking them, but then in a flash, a sword swung at the tongue and stung Trick.

Trick: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay, who did that?

Suddenly Platinum Heart floated down in between Trick and the twins and he was giving Trick a stern look.

Platinum Heart (Y/N): If you want them, you'll have to get through me first!

Trick: Eh, fine by me. Little boys are mostly brutes known for getting in trouble anyway.

This angered Platinum Heart as he retrieved his sword and pointed it at Trick.

Platinum Heart (Y/N): That's it, now your dead! I've had enough being called a little boy for just! One! Day!

Trick then tried to use his tongue to strike at Platinum Heart as he was prepared to brace for the attack, but unexpectedly before Platinum Heart could counter, a hammer came out of nowhere and slammed Trick's tongue on the ground.

Platinum Heart (Y/N): (Thoughts) Huh?! I know that hammer. (Out of Thoughts) Blanc?

Rom and Ram turned to the side in full relief as their big sister had now entered the scene.

Blanc: I'm not allowing you to do this alone (Y/N).

Trick: Oh, so another little girl wants to join the fight?

Blanc: I'm gonna make you pay in full for what you've done, and trust me, you can't afford it. You disgusting pervert.

Trick: Pervert huh? Kindest thing anyone's said to me.

Blanc: Is that so? Well then, I'll just have to kill you with kindness.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Blanc then transformed into her HDD form as White Heart. She now has red eyes and light-blue hair with bangs going down to her stomach. Her attire is now a white, tight battle suit with minor touches of blue lining. Her sleeves are detached at her shoulders with her guantlets pointing up to them.

White Heart (Blanc): Get ready to die!

Platinum Heart (Y/N): You freaking sicko!

Trick jumped up in the air and tried to strike at the two with his tongue, but they both dodged with ease.

Platinum Heart (Y/N): Blanc, lower his defense!

White Heart (Blanc): Got it! Alright, Ultra Deviant!

White Heart swung her axe down at Trick which knocked him down to the ground.

White Heart (Blanc): Cataclysmic freak!

Platinum Heart (Y/N): Take this! Shine Hazzard!

Platinum Heart drove his sword in the ground which summoned several spikes out of the ground to launch Trick back into the air while stunned.

White Heart (Blanc): I'll finish this! Tanzerin Trombe!

White Heart then swung her axe which hit Trick so hard that he shot up into the night sky so far that a star twinkled.

Trick (Echo): Goodbye little girls!

White Heart (Blanc): Don't pick a fight with a god or goddess like us. It's never gonna end well.

Both Platinum Heart and White Heart reverted back to their normal forms and looked at each other. Blanc stared at (Y/N) for a few seconds before he took one of her hands and smiled at her. Blanc blushed at his hold, but smiled back.

(Y/N): Thanks for the help, Blanc. I'm glad you're okay after earlier.

Blanc: Your welcome (Y/N). Sorry that I passed out all of a sudden earlier and worried you.

(Y/N): It's okay, there's no need to apologize. . . however I think you still owe two certain twins an apology.

Blanc look at Rom and Ram from the corner of her eyes and had a slight worried look, before (Y/N) put his other hand on her shoulder. Blanc looked up at (Y/N).

(Y/N): They'll understand Blanc. Go talk to them.

Blanc nodded and walked to see her sisters who were giving Blanc a nervous look.

Blanc: Hi, Rom. Hi, Ram. I'm so sorry that I let this happen to you. . . I'm sorry. I'm an awful big sister.

Rom: But, sis.

Blanc turned towards her two little sisters who were holding the Guardragon coins they had when they were playing earlier.

Rom: We've got presents.

Ram: They're for you!

Blanc smiled at Rom and Ram and she hugged them as they forgave her. (Y/N) smiled at the heartwarming scene between the sisters.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) I guess we all learned today that there is nothing more important than protecting and being there for your family and loved ones. I wonder how the others are doing right now.

With that thought in mind, back at the entrance of the maintenance dome, Neptune and Nepgear were still waiting for their turn to attack, but nothing happened. Neptune however, kept banging on the door with her sword.

Neptune: Get out here you kidnappers! I'll Nep your damn faces off!

Nepgear: Uh, y'know sis. I already get the feeling that they beat the bad guys while we've been guarding the door.

In other location, in an empty place in the city of Lowee, the church worker that was with them earlier hid in an alleyway and took off her disguise to reveal her true self. The woman had a witch-like appearance with very pale light-purple skin and light-purple short hair. Her outfit is a black one-piece with purple stripes along the cuffs and stomach area. She is also wearing a black witch hat with thorns circling it with two flowers and feathers sticking off to the side.

She opened a tiny chest to reveal a small red gem in a cross-shape glowing.

She gives an evil smile at it and snickered mischievously as she had something obviously planned that didn't mean anything good.

Location: Lowee's Basilicom

Time: Morning

The CPU's were in a room sitting together about what happened last night.

Neptune: For real? Sleep deprived?

Blanc: That's right. That's the reason why I fainted like that. That's also why I didn't go to the theme park.

(Y/N): Well, I'm sorry if I was being nosy yesterday.

Blanc: No, it's alright. I was stressed, but I still shouldn't have snapped at you like that.

Noire: Jeez, you're ridiculous. Honestly.

Blanc: I've been pulling a lot of all-nighters lately, and I just didn't have the energy to do anything. I was rude, and I yelled at one of my closest friends. But you still helped me and rescued my little sisters. Thank you, Vert. Thanks, Noire.

Vert and Noire nodded at Blanc's gratitude.

Blanc: And thank you too Neptune. That awful interview. You spoke and defended me and (Y/N).

Neptune: Ah, no, that was nothin'. That bratty little girl was just askin' to have someone tell her off.

Blanc: And I want to thank you the most (Y/N) for showing me why I should care for others even when I'm feeling down.

(Y/N): You're very welcome Blanc.

Just then, Rom all of a sudden entered the room.

Rom: Hey, Blanc! Look at this.

Rom showed Blanc a picture of her on a book that looked like it was smiling.

Blanc: That's really nice, Rom.

Blanc smiled at the picture, but it soon turned into a concerned look as she looked closer at it and realized that was another one of her books. Blanc ran off to see that Ram was also drawing in the book and Nepgear, Uni, and (S/N) were reading what was inside of it.

Blanc: Ram! Stop drawing in that book!

Ram: What's the big deal, sis? You've got so many copies. They're all the same book.

Blanc: Just stop!

Ram: Why, what's wrong?


Everyone then turned towards Blanc with concerned looks.

Vert: Hold on, you were writing a book instead of working on the satellite system?

Noire: Huh? Uni. What's Blanc's book about?

Uni: I haven't read the whole thing yet, but so far it's about a girl who fell from the sky and a boy with superpowers who save the world together.

Neptune: That's weird. This girl you describe. She sounds just like you.

Blanc: Don't read it!

Nepgear: Oh wow. The hero is taking her on an air ride to dream land. That's intense!

(S/N): Uh big bro, you mind wanna come see this.

(Y/N) walked over to his sister and she handed him the book which caused Blanc to get extremely nervous. (Y/N) read some of the pages in the book before his face turned red.

(Y/N): Guys. . . this boy. . . sounds a lot like me!

Everyone in the room then turned towards Blanc in shock, who had an extremely embarrassed face at that point.

Neptune: Oooooh! Sounds like someone's got a crush!

Nepgear: Whoa! (Y/N)! Now right here it says that you and her are kissing in the moonlight!

Blanc's face was super red at that point as everyone was staring at Blanc in complete shock, especially (Y/N).

Blanc: . . .STOP READING IT!!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Chapter 2 End.

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