Subplot: Triggering Blanc

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Location: Landroid's Basilicom, (Y/N)'s Room

Time: Noon

It's been about a week since the incident Blanc had with her little sisters. Ever since then, (Y/N) has been thinking of not only Blanc, but what she had in that book. After every found out that (Y/N) was in the book as the hero who saves the girl (Blanc), Blanc kicked everyone out the Basilicom in embarrassment. (Y/N) was currently sitting on his bed in deep thought as he didn't know what to do.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) Hmm. . . I wonder if Blanc actually does have a thing for me like Noire does. I might see if she wants to hang out today with me. I hope she's not still embarrassed from me looking into her book.

(Y/N) walked out of his room and went to his sister's room. (S/N) was practicing her archery skills with a target placed near her closet. She was a master archer as she kept hitting bullseyes on the target. (Y/N) just chuckled at his sister's skills, as he's glad that she'll be able to defend herself.

(Y/N): Hey there little sis.

(S/N): Hey, big bro. What do you need?

(Y/N): Nothing special, I just thought that we should go visit Blanc, Rom, and Ram today in Lowee.

(S/N): Really? What for?

(Y/N): Nothing much, just a little get together. You can play with the twins while I speak with Blanc.

(S/N): By the way, about the whole. . . book thing. . . what do you think of Blanc?

(Y/N) looked away from his sister with a blush on his face.

(Y/N): Well. . . I'll say for one thing, Blanc is definitely quiet most of the time, but she can be kind of cute at times.

(S/N): Oooh!~ My big bro thinks that the goddess of Lowee is cute.~

(Y/N): Oh shut up. You're kinda making me embarrassed (S/N).

(S/N) giggled as she was enjoying making her big brother embarrassed.

(S/N): Perhaps maybe if you like Blanc that much, maybe you should marry her.~

(Y/N) went over to (S/N) and playfully pushed her to the ground.

(Y/N): Quit it you little knucklehead.

(Y/N) and (S/N) then laughed at the little moment they were having until (Y/N) then gestured that they just get going. Both siblings exited the Basilicom and used the same transportation method they used last time with the carriage.

Location: Lowee's Basilicom, Blanc's workroom

Time: Afternoon

Blanc was currently on her computer typing to what looks to be a new book while her two little sisters were behind her on the ground drawing on pieces of paper with crayons. Just then the doors to her workroom open as a church worker let (Y/N) and (S/N) through it.

Church Worker: Miss Blanc. Mister (Y/N) and Miss (S/N) are here to see you.

Rom and Ram then got up and ran towards (S/N) to greet her.

Ram: Hey, (S/N) it's great to see you again.

Rom: Did you come to play with us?

(S/N): Yep, it was my big bro's idea. Let's do whatever you two want.

Ram: Okay, let's go stack all of the books in the library and knock them over like dominoes.

Rom: That sounds fun.

Blanc then walked up towards the group.

Blanc: I won't allow it. If you want to do something fun with the books then read them.

Ram: Aw, come on!

(S/N): Ram, come on reading can be fun.

Rom: Yeah, we could read some picture books.

Ram: Books are more fun when you throw them, but when I do that Blanc get's pissed.

Blanc then gave a creepy smile that intimidated (Y/N).

Blanc: Throw a book, and I'll throw you two out the window.

Rom: Why do I get thrown?

(S/N): I got an idea. Blanc how about I read a picture book with Rom while I play tag with Ram.

(Y/N) and Blanc gave (S/N) a look like she had grown a second head.

(Y/N): That's sounds good, but how are you going to do both at the same time.

(S/N): Don't worry big bro I'll make it work. . . somehow.

(Y/N): Alright then. You three have fun then.

Ram: Alright then, this sounds fun!

Rom: Yay!

(S/N), Rom, and Ram left the workroom while Blanc and (Y/N) smiled at each other.

(Y/N): It's great to see you again Blanc.

Blanc: Likewise, but why did you come so sudden?

(Y/N): I was wanting to actually have ourselves a little time alone today.

Blanc blushed at that comment as she never thought (Y/N) would ever ask her out like this.

Blanc: Oh. . . um. . . well in that case, how about we walk around Lowee together.

Blanc smiled and decided to make a move and wrap her arms around (Y/N)'s arm in a cute way causing him to blush red.

(Y/N): T-That sounds lovely.

Both (Y/N) and Blanc exited the Basilicom and decided to walk through Lowee, while they were walking around together (Y/N) stared a little at the snow on the ground and decided to make conversation.

(Y/N): Ah, there's always fresh snow on the ground in Lowee.

Blanc: Yeah. We rarely see the earth.

(Y/N): I sometimes imagine that snow could be sweet like candy so you could just take a big bite of it, but lo and behold it's just normally water.

Blanc thought get's an idea in her mind and turns towards (Y/N).

Blanc: Well, maybe the snow here is sweet. You should try it.

(Y/N): *snickers* No, it can't possibly be. . .

Blanc: You leave me no choice then. Close your eyes.

(Y/N): Um, okay?

(Y/N) did just that as he doesn't know what Blanc is planning.

Blanc: Say ah!

(Y/N) opened his mouth and Blanc stuffed a big chunk of snow on the ground in it.

(Y/N): *confused muffled sounds*

Blanc: Eat up.

(Y/N) chewed up some of the snow and swallowed it.

Blanc: So? Is it good?

(Y/N): There's no way that it's. . . Oh. It's actually pretty sweet.

Blanc: Let me know when you want you want more.

Blanc smiled and both her and (Y/N) walked off while (Y/N) kept thinking about the taste of the snow.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) It's kinda weird, but some part of it was water, and then I all of a sudden tasted an artificial cherry flavor from it.

Afterwards, both of them were walking around in a part of the city where there were rarely people. During that walk, both (Y/N) and Blanc were conversing about somethings until (Y/N)'s eye landed on a bookstore nearby.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) Hmm. . . Blanc was actually just talking about this one novel she liked. Maybe I'll get her that book as a little present. (Out of Thoughts) Hey, Blanc how about we both explore some of the shops around here alone for a bit.

Blanc: Hmm? Why?

(Y/N): Secret.

Blanc: Well, okay then. Don't abandon me here though.

(Y/N): Don't worry I would never do something like that to someone like you.

Blanc gave a little embarrassed smile at that comment and nodded. Both of them temporarily went their separate ways and (Y/N) went inside the bookstore.

Location: Lowee, Bookstore

Walking around for a bit, (Y/N) was taking a look and reading some of the romance novel books as he noticed that's what Blanc liked the most. His eyes then landed on one book that Blanc most likely wanted the most as it was about a man and a woman who lived in different countries wanted to find the love of their life and after a long journey they both meet in the center and confess their love to each other.

(Y/N): Blanc would definitely like this as a gift. Hmm. . . I know, Blanc snaps a lot, but I've always wondered if there was a way to bring her back to her normal self. Maybe giving her this book might do the trick.

Location: Lowee, Fortune Store

Meanwhile, in another location Blanc was in a fortune type store that sold stuff like charms and fortune cookies. Blanc was currently pondering about what she should get (Y/N) before her eyes landed on a charm that said "successful relationship." Blanc took a look at the charm and thought about how (Y/N) would feel about it. As she was in deep thought, a man then interrupting her daydreaming who was staring at her with an annoyed look.

Man A: Hey, are you going to pick anything at all or just stare at that charm all day?!

Blanc snapped out of her thoughts and looked toward the man with her usual blank expression.

Blanc: Sorry, I was just thinking of what I should get. Please wait your turn, I won't be here for long.

Man A: Why? It's your fault cause your staring at that thing like a cat attracted to a laser pointer. You can't think straight because both your head and height is too small.

Blanc did not like this comment at all as she then put on her usual pissed off look.

Blanc: What the hell was that?! Like shit, my height matters! I hate jerkoffs who make trouble for others!

Man A: That's such a rude attitude. I didn't come here to see some flat little kid prance around.

Blanc: Hey! What did just say you bastard?! Something about a certain type of kid?!

Just then another man appeared behind the one that was insulting Blanc and got his attention quickly. He turned around and saw that that man had a worried look on his face.

Man B: Do you have any idea who your talking too?!

Man A: No, why?!

Man B: That's Lady Blanc also known as Lady White Heart you idiot! You didn't see her in the news yesterday.

Man A suddenly realizes what he had been saying and turned around to have a punch straight to his face by Blanc and he is then launched away near the entrance with a scared look on his face.

Blanc: I only need one asshole! So people like you can stay locked up in their damn homes in the cellar!

Man A then ran out of the fortune store in fear and Man B along with some other people who were watching had shocked looks on their faces. Blanc dropped her pissed off look to see the people staring at her.

Blanc: Um. . . Well. . . Sorry for the disturbance.

People then started to clap for Blanc which gave her a surprised look, as she wasn't expecting it. She gave an embarrassed smile and Man B walked up to Blanc.

Man B: Lady Blanc, that was amazing!

Blanc: Well, thank you. I appreciate it.

Man B: I'm actually one of the store clerks here. I heard that you were looking at a charm of some sort.

Blanc: Oh yes, this one.

Blanc pointed at the same charm she had been staring at and the store clerk handed it to her.

Store Clerk: Lady Blanc, for that amazing act you just put on, I'll give this to you for free.

Blanc: You don't have to do that. And besides, it's not like I was intentionally causing a scene.

Store Clerk: True, but still I would like to give you this for free.

Blanc: Well, alright. Thank you.

Location: Lowee

Time: Evening

Blanc and (Y/N) met up where they originally parted and they decided to walk back to the Basilicom along the way. Meanwhile, (Y/N) was thinking about how Blanc would be surprised about the book and she noticed.

Blanc: You're lost in thought.

(Y/N): Oh, Blanc you seem happy.

Blanc: I think I'm pretty normal. What of it?

(Y/N): Nothing, it's not a big deal or anything. (Thoughts) This is my perfect opportunity to give her that book. I'll just first trigger her. (Out of Thoughts) By the way, is your chest going to remain that flat for all time?

Blanc then had an angry look as that was the last thing she wanted to hear, especially from someone like (Y/N).

Blanc: Huh!? Like hell it will! My chest has a gigantic future! You should never even think about such rude comments! I'll beat some sense into your body!

(Y/N): (Thoughts) Sweet! This is it, now I'll give her that book she wanted as a surprise present! (Out of Thoughts) Sorry, sorry. Oh look! I bought this book for you. Didn't you really want this one?

Blanc: I don't need that shit!

Blanc punched (Y/N) hard in the face and he fell back on the ground with the book on his face.

Blanc: So. . . why did you do that?

(Y/N): I wanted to see if you would calm down after you snapped by surprising you with this book.

Blanc: Oh, well number one, I'm sorry. Number two, that was stupid.

(Y/N): Then what makes you calm?

Blanc simply giggled which confused him.

Blanc: I'll always feel calm as long as I can beat on someone or something.

(Y/N): I. . . see. (Thoughts) So I have to let her punch me. That's not good at all.

Blanc picked up the book from (Y/N)'s face and saw that he had a dizzy look on his face which she sighed at. She looked at the book and realized that it was the same one she was talking about with (Y/N) earlier.

Blanc: Oh, I see. This is what you wanted to show me.

(Y/N): Yeah. I thought I would get that book for you as a gift.

Blanc: That's sweet of you. I'm extremely thankful.

(Y/N) stood back up and smiled that Blanc does indeed like the book.

Blanc: Here. I got you something as well.

Blanc handed (Y/N) the charm she picked for him earlier and (Y/N) blushed at what it was.

(Y/N): Blanc, this. . . is a charm for someone to have a successful relationship.

Blanc: Well, of course. I did indeed want "our" relationship to become closer.

(Y/N) blushed at that, but at the same time he smiled.

(Y/N): M-Me too.

Blanc then hugged (Y/N) which surprised him, but he then hugged her back.

Blanc: I had a lot of fun with you today.

(Y/N): Me too.

(Y/N) then separated from the hug and looked at each other in the eyes. They could feel both of their breaths on each other. Blanc's heart was beating faster as she then wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s neck and kissed him on the lips. (Y/N) was surprised at Blanc's bold move as his face was tomato red, but he relaxes into it and kisses Blanc back. During the kiss, Blanc's lips curved up into a smile as she was enjoying this. What felt like an eternity however ended, and they both parted from the kiss. They were both in complete silence as they looked away from each other feeling a little embarrassed.

Location: Lowee's Basilicom

They walked back to the Basilicom together and halfway, they were both holding each others hand. As soon as they got back, they both walked into the Basilicom and Blanc saw a book on the floor.

Blanc: Oh, someone scribbled all over my book with crayon.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* I wonder who could that be.

Blanc: It seems there are two familiar individuals who really want a paddling from me.

(Y/N): Don't be too harsh on Rom and Ram, their just kids.

Blanc then turned towards (Y/N) with a smirk on her face.

Blanc: Then I'll do it to you instead. How does that sound?

(Y/N): Y-You're right! Rom and Ram definitely need a scolding.

Blanc giggled and then winked at (Y/N) as she walked off to go find her sisters.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) Oh, she was just teasing me. Blanc can be kinda cute when she's not angry. Oh, well I guess I'll go find (S/N) and call it a day.

Subplot End.

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