Chapter 3: Memories to reclaim. Strength to do what's right. - Part 1

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(Y/n)'s point of view.

December 30, 20XX

Location: Planeptune's Basilicom.

Time: Morning.

Flashes go by as it was a mixture of sounds of laughter or sounds of people happy. I find myself falling with no way of thinking of which way is up.

(Y/n): God damn it...! What the hell is going on?! Where in the hell am I?!

I keep falling as I close my eyes just wanting to stop falling already, as my wish was granted. When I open my eyes, I find myself on top of a walkway type path and could see Neptune leaning against it.

(Y/n): W-What? this...? Neptune?

As if answering my question, I began to see more of the area around me to be that of a fairground with other rides and attractions nearby. When most was filled in, Neptune looked back and looked at me with a smile on her face.

Neptune: Hey there, handsome.

I stared at Neptune and blushed slightly from that.

(Y/n): N-Neptune...?

(Insert Venus no Harmonia by Asami Imai)

While I stood where I was, Neptune waved her arm and beckoned me over.

Neptune: Well don't just stand there, come over here. This spot's great to view the fair, silly.

Walking over to where Neptune was, I leaned over the side of the rail to be next to Neptune. I looked around and wondered about something.

(Y/n): (How did I get here? Rather... How did WE get here? I remembered I had a fight with Noire, but then felt something hit me hard...)

Before I could think of anything else, I felt my arm move as Neptune had brought herself closer to me and wrapped my arm around her.

(Y/n): N-Neptune? What in-

Neptune: Bub bub. Don't question what I do. I do things regardless of what you say.

I was about to say something again, until Neptune puts a finger on my lips to keep me from speaking.

Neptune: I'm not kidding. I don't have to explain what I do all the time.

I looked at Neptune and sighed as I finished wrapping my arm around her. Neptune inched closer to me until our bodies were touching, making me blush more.

(Y/n): Neptune... H-How did we get here? We were in Planeptune and-

Neptune: What are ya talking about? We're on Earth and at the fair. We we're going to spend the time to be with our friends, but I wanted you for myself~

(Y/n): Huh? Why? Why did you want me for yourself?

Neptune blushed and looked up at me. When looking into hers, I felt this... Warm feeling when looking at her.

Neptune: W-Well... We're dating after all...

I stared at Neptune more as my heart began to race from hearing those words.

(Y/n): (D-Dating...??)

My head began hurting as I saw some images from being with Neptune. Some are from training, exploring around, sharing food and some other stuff. I felt a hand reach to touch my right cheek softly and rubbed the scars I had there.

Neptune: (Y/n)...? You okay...?

(Y/n): Uh... yeah... I am...

Feeling Neptune touch my cheek... I felt really calm. I could sense calmness in Neptune's words as I blushed. Looking at each other in the eyes softly, we both began to move closer to each other slowly. My heart began to race faster and faster with how close we were getting.

Neptune: (Y/n)...?

(Y/n): Neptune...

???: -ke u-, Jo-!

I began hearing a voice, although it sounded kinda far for some reason, but familiar. But the next time I hear it, I could hear the words clearly this time.

???: Wake up! I wanna play!

(Y/n): Huh?

The next instant I know, I felt pressure on my chest and began to sit up from laying on a bed. I yelped from the surprise hit I got when I wasn't expecting it.

(Y/n): Son of a bitch! What the hell-?!

???: Yay! You're up! I want to play!

(Y/n): Huh?

My eyes adjust from waking up and I see a little girl with lilac hair. She was smiling at me with the brightest smile she had while Shadow wagged his tail happily. I rubbed my eyes in trying to rub the tiredness out of them to get a better look. But when I look again, in the spot where the girl was sitting, was Peashy instead.

Peashy: JoJo! Come on! I wanna play!

(Y/n): P-P-ko? W-Where did that other girl go?

Peashy tilted her head, being confused by what I meant.

Peashy: What do you mean...?

(Y/n): A-A small girl. About...your height. Has...Hair like Neptune, but isn't Plutie. D-Did you see her?

Peashy: Huh? Pea don't know someone like that...

(Y/n): R-Really? You sure...?

Peashy nodded her head in answering my question. I held a hand to my head, thinking what I had seen.

(Y/n): (What the hell is going on? Just who is that little girl...?)

I felt my arm being pulled on as Peashy was pulling me off the bed I was laying down on. Shadow followed close behind in keeping up with both of us.

(Y/n): P-P-ko?!

Peashy: Pea is bored! I want to play!

(Y/n): What about Neppy?! I was sleeping!

Peashy: Neptuna went with Ploot to go something together.

Hearing that Neptune went somewhere, I felt a slight pain in my heart as I remember what I dreamed about. My cheeks began to feel warm as Peashy looked back at me and tilted her head.

Peashy: JoJo? Why is your face red?

Hearing Peashy say that, I took my hand back and shook my head while having my hands on my cheeks.

(Y/n): I-It's just warm in here is all! L-Look, let's go do something that you want to do, okay?

Hearing me say that, Peashy jumped up being happy and took my hand again.

Peashy: I want to go play some games with you! Come on!

Being pulled against my will, Peashy took me out of the room we were in. While we ran, I noticed the few holes I had in my clothes had been stitched up by someone. I wanted to ask Peashy, but I don't get the chance with how excited she was. Peashy guided me to where the T.V. is and sat down, pulling me down to sit next to her. I sighed with how fast we ran from where I woke up to where we were sitting now.

(Y/n): We could have walked you know...

Peashy: But I didn't want to wait any longer! Here!

Peashy hands me a controller as she pops in a game for us to play. The game that was chosen was a racing game with people in go-karts. With feeling we weren't going to move for a bit, Shadow decides to lie down on the floor next to me.

Peashy: This is Pea's favorite game!

(Y/n): That so? Well, let's see how this game goes. But where is everyone else?

Peashy: Iffy and Compa are at work and Noire went back to her home. Probably doing boring paperwork... And with Ploot having fun with Neptuna somewhere, Histy is covering what Ploot should be doing!

I felt bad for Peashy, considering I was her only option left to play games with at the moment. With that in mind, I rubbed her head with the palm of my hand.

(Y/n): Well... Sometimes people get busy at times Peashy... But it kinda sucks when that happens...

Peashy: It does...

Peashy grew a sad look on her face while I brought a smile to mine.

(Y/n): Oh... Come on. Don't be sad now... I'm here to play some games with you. Now where is that smile you had?

Peashy looked at me and returned the smile she had, but not the one I remembered.

Peashy: It's right here!

(Y/n): Hmm... I'm not seeing it.

Peashy: Huh?? What do you mean JoJo?

(Y/n): It needs... A bit of this!

I reached for Peashy and began to tickle her. The surprise on being tickled got to Peashy as she was laughing and rolling on the ground from being tickled.

Peashy: Ah! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! No! No tickles! Ha ha ha ha ha!

(Y/n): Mmm... No. You still haven't given that full smile yet.

I continued to tickle Peashy as she continued to laugh. The more I tickled, the louder Peashy laughed. After I stopped tickling, Peashy began to unwind from the tickling she received. Once recovering, she gave me a bright smile that even made me smile.

(Y/n): Now that's a smile if I ever seen one.

Peashy: Ha ha ha! Come on! The game's loaded already! Pea wants to have fun!

(Y/n): Then let's hop right to it and race already! I have a feeling Lady Luck is on my side and I can smell victory will be mine!

Peashy: Nu-uh! Pea is going to win!

Both Peashy and I laughed as we both played games together for a good long while.


Third person view.

Location: Planeptune District.

Time: Afternoon.

Walking around Planeptune, Neptune and Plutia were enjoying some ice cream together.

Neptune: Ice cream~ One of the most delectable treats for girls like us. Beside pudding of course. Then I'm all over that.

Plutia: You sure like pudding a lot, Neppy.

Neptune: Well, of course. Who wouldn't love pudding? A crazy person in a red spandex suit, that's who.

In another universe, a man in a red spandex suit wielding two swords sneezes after cutting a ninja in half.

Deadpool: Why do I get the feeling like I'm being talked about by a little girl with lilac hair? And why do I feel like I'm being watched?

Deadpool looks at the camera and taps at it. He becomes surprised when seeing the recording light blinking.

Deadpool: Wait... Am I in a fan-fiction book about anime? A-Am I playing as a cameo right now? Cool. Time for some advertisement. Now where's my patent "Deadpool T-shirt" launcher?

Deadpool was about to bring up his ad for any games or comics, but the camera goes back to Neptune and Plutia. Neptune notices the camera was back and looks at it.

Neptune: Hey. Where did you people go? There was no schedule for a scene change that quick. What gives?

Plutia: I don't know... But our ice cream is still sweet~

Neptune: True.

Continuing their walk, they come across IF and Compa who had finished their work for the day.

Neptune: Hey Iffy, hey Compa.

Compa and IF turn around to see Neptune and Plutia walk up to them.

Compa (Ultra): Hey Nep-Nep, Plu-Plu. How's your day going?

Plutia: Peaceful really. We napped and got some snacks and napped some more-

IF (Ultra): So basically what you two do pretty most of the time... Jeez Plutia...

Neptune: Oh, don't be such a spoil sport, Iffy. We deserve some breaks here and there.

IF gave a judgmental look at Neptune from what she heard.

IF (Ultra): You mean like how you two usually spend your days? Not buying it... Not buying it one bit.

Plutia: But we're being honest...

IF (Ultra): And do I need to remind you that we still have someone with amnesia still living with us? Shouldn't you two have stayed in case (Y/n) woke up?

Neptune closes her eyes and scratches her left cheek softly.

Neptune: He doesn't have the best track record to stay conscious in this series... Not when he gets out a tough fight...


IF takes Neptune's collar on her hoodie and begins to drag her.

IF (Ultra): Compa and I thought you two could be responsible, but it would seem like I was wrong! We're going back to the Basilicom and YOU are going to help your boyfriend!

Neptune: Nepu?! Iffy! Hey, c'mon! This is quite unnecessary! Compa! Help me!

Compa (Ultra): Sorry Nep-Nep... Iffy does have a point...

Neptune began to cry from how she was being treated.

Neptune: This isn't fair! I'm the main protag of this story! I shouldn't be limited to how I want to roam around!

IF (Ultra): We all have our own responsibilities! Stop acting like a spoiled kid Nep!

Plutia: But isn't Neppy a kid anyway??

Compa (Ultra): I... don't think that's what Iffy meant, Plu-Plu...

Location: Planeptune's Basilicom.

After getting back to the Basilicom IF opens the door for the group and proceeds to walk in.

IF (Ultra): Histoire, we're back.

Histoire (Ultra): Just a minute. Peashy? Could you bring me some of the documents?

Peashy: Okay!

Out of nowhere, Peashy giggles as she hovers past the group on a floating disk-like platform while holding some papers. Shadow was with her as he was panting happily with his tongue out looking at the group. After a few seconds go by, the four realize what they saw and see Peashy go around the corner to another room.

Plutia: Um...

Compa (Ultra): Was Pea-Pea...?

IF (Ultra): Okay... This just got weird... Histoire?? What in the world is-

(Y/n): No sir, I don't think what you're suggesting is not a good idea to be honest...

Hearing (Y/n)'s voice, the group looks to see (Y/n) holding a pen in one hand and a phone in the other. A stack of papers were on the table in front of him as (Y/n) seemed to be talking to someone while wearing a pair of glasses.

(Y/n): From how I'm reading this paper sir... You're trying to tell me on trying to increase the income of your products for each sale you make. The only reason you don't get many sales at your store, is because your prices seem to be higher than what most people wish to buy your products. A good way to resolve this issue, would to maybe lower your prices by a small amount or advertise some coupons.

Happy sounds could be heard over the line as (Y/n) smiled at hearing a good response from them.

(Y/n): Glad to have helped you sir, hope things work out for you soon. Have a nice day.

(Y/n) hangs up the phone and proceeds to look at one of the papers stacked in front of him. Making a hand motion, the platform Peashy was on floats back into the room with Peashy having fun on the platform.

IF (Ultra): Okay! What the hell is going on here?! Peashy and Shadow are floating on disks and (Y/n) is doing work?? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!

(Y/n) looked at IF as he readjusts the glasses he's wearing.

(Y/n): Iffy, may I ask you not to yell? I'm trying to understand this paperwork here...

This seemed to make IF more on edge as she went to the next room to look for Histoire.

IF (Ultra): Histoire! What the hell is- What?!

Upon entering the next room, Histoire was having an easy time filing out some of the papers brought to her moments ago as she had a smile on her face. When hearing IF enter the room, she turns her attention to IF and floats to her.

Histoire (Ultra): Sorry for the delay, had to focus on getting this done first.

IF (Ultra): Okay... But what in the hell has been going on since we left this morning?! (Y/n) was passed out, a ton of work was piled up and what do we come back to see? (Y/n) being awake AND helping with the paperwork!

Histoire (Ultra): Oh, about that. One second if you will.

Histoire floats on by and heads over to where (Y/n) and Peashy are. Histoire floats over to (Y/n)'s right shoulder and looks at the document he was reading.

Histoire (Ultra): How are you holding up over here, (Y/n)?

(Y/n) looks at Histoire and gives a thumbs up as a response.

(Y/n): I'm doing fine over on my end. I have the report IF filled out about her mission earlier. All seems to be in perfect order from what I read as the situation on the Jungle Cuts to have been dealt with.

Histoire (Ultra): That sounds about right. Glad to hear things turned out okay.

IF falls down to the floor in shock while Compa worries about IF's condition with Neptune having a shocked look of (Y/n) doing work.

Neptune: Hey, wait a minute! You're putting him to work Histy?!

Histoire (Ultra): Well, it wasn't my idea. (Y/n) was the one to insist on helping out.

Neptune and IF (Ultra): What?!

(Y/n) puts the piece of paper down and looks at Neptune.

(Y/n): Well, P-ko was the one who gave me a hint on how hard Histoire works. After P-ko and I finished playing some games, I thought it would be nice to try and help Histoire out a little. Plus while helping Histoire, I kinda learned how to create these disk type platforms you see P-ko and Shadow on. Helps keeps her entertained, while helping transfer papers to Histoire in the next room.

Peashy: Ha ha ha! I want to fly some more!

Histoire (Ultra): And in three hours time, (Y/n) here has been a big help on filing out paperwork and answering phone calls to help solve people's problems in a quick and concise manner.

(Y/n) scratches the back of his head, feeling embarrassed from the praise he was getting.

(Y/n): Come on, Histoire... You're making me blush...

Histoire (Ultra): But I must insist. If you didn't help out, I would be at work for hours without help. Days even. Thank you, (Y/n).

(Y/n) smiled at the help he was providing until some slight pain was hurting his vision. When looking at Histoire, he began to see a different look about Histoire. (Y/n) rubs his eyes to help ease the pain he was feeling and looks again to see the other image of Histoire disappear.

(Y/n): Huh...? It happened again...

Compa heard what (Y/n) said and sat next to him.

Compa (Ultra): "Again?" What do you mean, JoJo?

(Y/n): Well... Like Noire, I saw her, but kinda another one of her wearing different clothes... Now it happened to Histoire...

Neptune took notice of this and took a seat next to (Y/n).

Neptune: Bit taller and with some better clothes?

Histoire (Ultra): H-Hey!

(Y/n): I think...? I only saw the image for a few seconds... So I wouldn't know... But I know I saw something.

Histoire tries to think and make a conclusion based on what (Y/n) says.

Histoire (Ultra): Well, I think I can maybe explain that. You see, maybe your memories are slowly coming back. The more relaxed you are in a familiar environment that you experienced before, your memories clash with the ones you are making now.

(Y/n): My memories...?

Histoire (Ultra): The versions of Noire and myself, are different dimensional counterparts. Specifically saying, this dimension is one of possibly many in the multiverse. For example, if you had friends that knew you in one world and then meet their counterparts, they won't know you or never have met you.

(Y/n): So the image I saw with Noire and yourself... I'm supposed to know those two in another dimension...?

Histoire nods her head to answer (Y/n)'s question.

Histoire (Ultra): Yes. Though... I don't know how you're taking this in...

(Y/n) looked at IF and Compa and remembered the memory he saw back at the cave before Johnathan fought them.

(Y/n): Well... It would explain how I've been hurt in a similar fashion... With IF and Compa being with me, I couldn't see three people's faces...

Looking at Histoire, (Y/n) takes a careful look at Histoire at seeing a similar person floating in his memory.

(Y/n): But if I had to say... One of those people was you, Histoire...

Histoire (Ultra): I see. Then that would be my dimensional counterpart you saw in your memories.

Neptune: Um... Can I say something?

The attention goes to Neptune when she begins to speak. She seemed nervous about what she wanted to say.

Neptune: Um... I might have a clue as to help you know who the other two might be, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Huh? What do you mean?

Neptune: In your memory... You did meet Iffy, Compa and Histy... But the other two people you met in it were my little sister, Nepgear and myself.

(Y/n) looked at Neptune and pictured her face on the one of the people he didn't know. When confirming that Neptune was in his memories, he looks at Neptune who was looking back at him. When seeing Neptune, he feels some slight pain as some memories surface. Some having fun moments with Neptune and some eating some food together. (Y/n) holds his head in pain and groans in pain.

(Y/n): You... You were in my memories... Neppy. We... played games together and ate together...

When hearing some memories of Neptune returned to (Y/n), Neptune got curious about what else (Y/n) could remember.

Neptune: Do... Do you remember anything else...about me...?

(Y/n) thought about it a few seconds, before he remembered his dream about the fair. (Y/n) remembered seeing Neptune in his dream and what was going to happen before being woken up by Peashy. With the thought lingering in his head, (Y/n) blushed hard from what would have happened in his dream. Plutia tilts her head at seeing (Y/n) blush like he did.

Plutia: (Y/n)? Are you okay? You're really red...

(Y/n): Wh-What are you talking about?? It's just hot in here is all...

IF (Ultra): But our thermostat says it's 68 degrees...

(Y/n) begins to freak out in trying to figure out how to move the attention away from him. Unknowingly, the platform Peashy and Shadow were on was beginning to flicker from the lack of focus.

(Y/n): Th-Then can we lower it some more?? I'm kinda not feeling too well...

Neptune: What?? No no. I'm quite curious about wanting to know right now.

(Y/n): I'm telling you I'm not feeling well...! Nothing else but that...!

Neptune: And I don't believe a word you say!

(Y/n) was about to yell at Neptune again, but with (Y/n) losing focus on anything else around him, the platform Peashy was on disappears under her. With not being prepared, Peashy hits the ground unexpectedly and catches the group's attention as Shadow landed on his paws instead.

Peashy: Ow...!

Histoire (Ultra): Oh my...! Peashy, are you okay?

Compa went over to where Peashy was and began to hear Peashy sniffle softly and soon beginning to cry.

Compa (Ultra): Oh no... Come on Pea-Pea... Don't cry...

IF (Ultra): Dang it, Nep... You made (Y/n) lose his focus from trying to push answers out of him.

Neptune: Objection!

IF (Ultra): Overruled!

Neptune and IF continued to argue, as (Y/n) looked at Peashy and saw her crying. Compa, Plutia and Shadow were trying to comfort Peashy anyway they could, but were struggling. When (Y/n) kept looking at Peashy, the same girl he kept seeing before began to take Peashy's place in his vision. Seeing the girl crying, it triggered something in (Y/n) as his eyes glazed over to have a void feeling in them. Getting up, (Y/n) began heading for the kitchen while gaining the attention of Plutia.

Plutia: (Y/n)?

Going through the kitchen doorway, (Y/n) created an energy disk and leaves it to hover at the entrance to the kitchen. When Plutia gets close, the disk enlarged as it sealed off the way into the kitchen.

Plutia: (Y/n)... What's wrong...?

The others hear Plutia and meet her near the energy disk that blocks them off from the kitchen.

IF (Ultra): Hey, what's going on? Why is the door to the kitchen blocked off??

Plutia: I don't know... (Y/n) went through and did this...

Compa (Ultra): Let's see if we can find out what he's doing.

Compa moves close to the energy wall to try and look into the room and sees (Y/n) standing at the counter. Raising his right hand, a book materializes as he sets the book down and opens it.

Compa (Ultra): A book? I didn't know (Y/n) had books in his inventory.

The others tried to look as well while (Y/n) flipped through the pages in the book. Finding the page he wanted, he left the book where it was and began looking around places. What the group sees, is that (Y/n) was collecting food ingredients.

IF (Ultra): Carrots, potatoes, milk, green onions and some spices...? What the hell is this? Is he collecting stuff here and there to cook something?

Looking in the covers, (Y/n) reached up to grab a pot and bring it down. Looking at the pot, (Y/n) then brings it over to the stove with the other ingredients nearby to prepare for what he had planned.

Neptune: I have a feeling this will take some time...

An hour and a half later...

With some time passing, the group, including Shadow, tries to calm Peashy down. Though, it was hard since Peashy was still a child.

IF (Ultra): Ugh... We tried telling jokes, playing some games and letting her hit Nep... And nothing is working.

Neptune laid on the floor with tears streaming down her face.

Neptune: My everything hurts...

Compa (Ultra): I would try and make something in the kitchen for Pea-Pea... But JoJo's been in there for a long time...

Plutia: I hope he's okay...

In the kitchen, (Y/n) was sitting on a stool as he stirred the pot with a wooden utensil. A small timer sat on the counter as it began to ring. Lifting up his head, (Y/n) grabbed the timer to stop it from ringing. He turns the burners off while reaching for a bowl he had prepared beforehand. Taking the stirrer he had, (Y/n) scoops a tiny portion of the food he made and tastes it. Feeling content with it, (Y/n) puts the utensil he had before and sets it down while reaching for a ladle. He dips the ladle into the pot and begins to scoop out a soup type food and pour it into the bowl. Getting a spoon and the buttered bread he had prepared on a separate plate, (Y/n) begins to head towards the doorway out of the kitchen. When approaching the energy wall, the energy that was blocking the doorway disappears and allows (Y/n) to go through. Compa saw movement in her vision and turned to look towards (Y/n).

Compa (Ultra): Huh? JoJo's carrying something.

The others turn towards where (Y/n) was as he approached them. (Y/n) sets the saucer holding the buttered bread down and then the bowl with the spoon in it down on the table with a napkin. (Y/n) looked towards Peashy softly and gave a soft smile to her.

(Y/n): Come on over... You'll love eating this...

Peashy tilted her head and began to walk over and looked at the food prepared with everyone else watching. The meal (Y/n) brought to Peashy, was that of potato soup. Peashy looked at (Y/n) wondering why he made it, but he gestured for Peashy to try it. Looking at the soup, Peashy softly took the spoon and scooped some of the contents up and saw some steam radiating off of the food. Taking a few breaths to cool it down, Peashy then puts the spoon into her mouth to eat the soup. When Peashy gets the soup into her mouth and swallows the contents, her eyes go wide in shock.

IF (Ultra): P-Peashy...?

Histoire (Ultra): Peashy...? Are you okay?

Plutia: Peashy...?

Peashy looked at the soup in front of her as a big smile forms on her lips instantly and her eyes sparkle in delight.

Peashy: It's so good! It's delicious! It's like Compa's cooking!

Peashy then takes the bread that was next to the bowl of potato soup and folds it in half to dip the bread into the soup. The others watch as Peashy takes the bread out happily and eats the meal that was provided for her.

IF (Ultra): P-Peashy wasn't in shock because it tasted bad... She was in shock because of how good it tastes?

Looking at the bowl and to where the kitchen was, IF began to walk to the kitchen where (Y/n) made it. Getting a spoon out of the kitchen drawer, IF scoops a piece of the soup up and puts it into her mouth. Feeling the taste and flavor the soup had, IF swallowed the contents and became shocked while having a hand over her mouth.

IF (Ultra): Oh... My... Goddess...! This soup...!

Coming into the kitchen, Compa and Neptune head over to where IF was and sees the spoon in IF's hand

Compa (Ultra): Iffy? What's wrong?

Neptune: Is it gross and icky?

IF looked at Compa and Neptune and then back towards the soup each time. IF puts the spoon down and backs away from the soup for a moment.

IF (Ultra): N-No! Quite the opposite actually! That soup! Peashy wasn't lying! I don't know what (Y/n) did, but it's really good! It really does almost taste like Compa's cooking!

Neptune and Compa looked at each other and then got a spoon each to scoop up some of the soup to taste it. When tasting it, Compa becomes super delighted and just hums in enjoying the food that was made. For Neptune though, she remembered the taste of the soup. It was the same potato soup (Y/n)'s mother would make. The Iris she met in (Y/n)'s world.

Neptune: (This soup... How did-)

Compa (Ultra): Hey, it's that book JoJo summoned out earlier...

Neptune looks over to where Compa is walking towards and looking at the page a book was opened to. Seeing the cookbook, Neptune knew right away what cookbook it was.

Compa (Ultra): Milk, carrots, potatoes... This book contains instructions on how to make that potato soup. JoJo must have read this in order to make the food.

IF (Ultra): Jeez. Whoever made this cookbook, they knew what they were doing. Is there a name on the cover?

Neptune: (Oh no...! They can't look at this!)

Compa was about to close the book, but Neptune snatched it away quickly before Compa could see the cover of the cookbook.

IF (Ultra): Nep! Compa was looking at that!

Neptune: And I can't let you see this... This book... It's something precious to (Y/n) when he still had his memories...

IF (Ultra): Well if we look at it, maybe it can help us with (Y/n)'s memories! Don't you even want (Y/n)'s memories to return?!

Neptune looked at IF and then held the book close to her chest.

Neptune: I do, but I have my own reasons... Just seeing the name of who made this will leave you two shocked... Please you have to trust me...

Compa (Ultra): But we can't help if we don't have anything to help stimulate JoJo's memories, Nep-Nep...

Neptune sighed and focused the book to go into her inventory. Neptune looks at IF and Compa with a sad look on her face as she heads for the doorway that leads back to the living room. Looking in there, she could see Peashy eating happily with (Y/n) watching her eat. Plutia stuck a finger into the bowl to taste the soup Peashy was eating and had a happy look on her face. Looking back at IF and Compa, she looks them dead in the eyes.

Neptune: Look... There's little I can go by to tell you who (Y/n) truly is... But even then, you two are part of his life...

IF tilts her head at what Neptune meant and leans against the counter.

IF (Ultra): Now that's very cryptic...

Compa (Ultra): What do you mean, Nep-Nep...? How are we part of JoJo's life...?

Neptune scratches her cheek slightly while being very nervous.

Neptune: W-Well... While we met (Y/n)'s family in his world... We also met Earth's versions of both you and Iffy...

This piqued both of their interests and kept on listening to Neptune.

IF (Ultra): Really? How did that happen?

Neptune: Well... This is kinda hard to even explain...

Compa (Ultra): How come?

Neptune: Let's just say... Some people fall in love and they get married...?

IF and Compa were confused by this and began to think. They thought about how (Y/n) fought, IF pulled out the harisen fan she had with how she can get mad at times and then Compa thought about how good (Y/n)'s cooking was. Connecting the pieces in some way, they came to a conclusion as they both rushed to Neptune and looked at her dead in the eyes.

IF (Ultra): Nep...

Neptune: Ahh! Wh-What??

Compa (Ultra): I-Is JoJo...

Having the same conclusion thought up, IF and Compa say their answers together.

IF (Ultra) and Compa (Ultra): Is (Y/n)/JoJo our son from another world?!

Neptune looked at both of them based on what they said. With that, she thought of how it could buy some more time and mislead the two from the actual truth.

Neptune: Well... Yes! That's why I didn't want to say anything about that... But yeah?

IF walked backwards and leans against the counter. She takes a few deep breaths while Compa was gleaming with joy.

IF (Ultra): I have a son... Oof... Oh boy... I wasn't expecting that... I almost feel like throwing up.

Compa (Ultra): Wow. I can't believe we have a son~ Although it's a bit of a shock, but I still think it's sweet~

Neptune sweats while chuckling nervously for a second.

Neptune: Hahahaha... Yeah... Pretty shocking Compa.

IF slowly recovers from her shock and stands up straight while running a hand through her hair. She then looks towards Neptune in wanting some more answers.

IF (Ultra): So... The versions of us that are... "Married..." They're the parents of (Y/n) and Abby?

Neptune: Well, it would be obvious, wouldn't it? I mean, (Y/n) has a sister and you two relate to (Y/n) in similar ways. So, why not?

IF sighs and holds a hand to her head, shaking it left and right at thinking of the older version of her.

IF (Ultra): Jeez... What was my older self thinking of when raising that kid...? Just what did she teach him...?

Neptune: Trust me... I have no idea as well, but it was enough to make me fall for (Y/n) into a harem.

Compa hugs IF and makes her blush from Compa getting close to her.

Compa (Ultra): It doesn't matter though, we raised a good son where he's from~ That's all that matters~

IF (Ultra): W-Well... I guess... But when we do meet with our older selves, I'm going to question my older self on her reasons on how she raised (Y/n)...

Neptune: By all means, do what you want. Just leave me out of it. Though... The soup (Y/n) made...

Compa (Ultra): What is it Nep-Nep?

Neptune walked to the pot of warm soup and looked into it, remembering the taste and texture of it.

Neptune: I remember eating one of the foods that (Y/n)'s mother made in his world.

IF (Ultra): And the cookbook must have been made by the Compa from his world then. But how did (Y/n) pull the book out of his inventory if he still has no memories still??

Compa (Ultra): Maybe seeing Pea-Pea crying? Nep-Nep did say that (Y/n) has a little sister. Maybe his big brother instincts kicked in when seeing Pea-Pea like that. It must have triggered a memory in him to do what he needed to do to help her...

IF (Ultra): Hmm... That would make sense. How are the others doing by the way?

Going to the door leading to the living room, the three look in and see Peashy finishing up on the bowl of soup and having a bright smile on her face. (Y/n) placed a hand on Peashy's head and pats her head softly, making Peashy hum from his soft feeling. After a minute passes, (Y/n)'s eyes began to flutter softly as he soon regained his normal vision in his eyes. When realizing what he was doing, he looks around and looks at Peashy. (Y/n) takes his hand away while looking around the room, including at the bowl and spoon.

(Y/n): H-Huh...? What happened?

Plutia: What do you mean, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): I was sitting on the couch... Now I'm here... Plus, where did this bowl come from...?

Histoire flies in front of (Y/n) and gains his attention.

Histoire (Ultra): (Y/n)... You don't remember?

(Y/n): Huh...? Remember? What did I do?

Histoire looked at Plutia as both began to explain to (Y/n) what happened. Neptune, IF and Compa retract their heads back into the kitchen to talk.

IF (Ultra): So (Y/n) was in a type of stasis lock... Even when he was the one to make the soup, he has no memory of doing it from when he was on the couch... Talk about having memory loss on top of having amnesia...

Neptune: Dang... That sucks... And here we are where we get to taste the finest food from a good chef...

Compa (Ultra): But for JoJo... He doesn't remember doing something to help calm Pea-Pea down...

The three sighed and looked at the pot of potato soup.

Neptune: Either way, we can't let something like this go to waste. I suggest we fill our stomachs up with this delicious food my sweet boyfriend made~

IF gave a look at Neptune from how she said that.

IF (Ultra): I don't know whether to either be happy that my son is lucky to date you, or is in a world of pain when he remembers how you usually act...

Neptune: Hey! For the record, he loves my personality!

IF (Ultra): Until I hear it from his mouth, I still question it...

Neptune: Owie... Even when you just learned about him being your son, you don't even approve of our relationship... It hurts even more because you're one of my best friends... What about you, Compa?

Compa (Ultra): Sorry Nep-Nep... It's hard to shake Iffy's convictions...

Neptune slumps over in defeat, but rises back up to keep her happy demeanor.

Neptune: Well, I'll make you believers yet. Just you wait. But for now, this Nep-stomach needs to eat. I wonder if I can mix some pudding with my soup? But uh... Can we also not tell (Y/n) about what happened between us? It be kinda hard to take in and everything.

IF sighs and places a hand on her head at the usual attitude Neptune gives off while Compa giggled softly.

IF (Ultra): Yeah... For now, I just want to keep (Y/n) as a friend and instead of thinking of him as a son for now...

In the window that led to the outside, a silhouette of a person could be seen as they move away from the window and climb up the building until they reach the top. Taking a device out, it was a communicator that begins to show Chronos in the image.

Chronos (Communicator): Report?

???: It is as you said. The brat has no memories from what Johnathan's reports says and the other day, I saw copies of the CPUs that would exist in the dimension you are in.

Chronos (Communicator): I knew it. That transformation (Y/n) always acts as a double edged sword, except when using actual CPU power or when letting his anger explode out of control. From your reports in the world you've been giving to me, CPUs are not created from Share Energy, but a CPU Memory. Also, from Johnathan facing against (Y/n): His powers are contradicting with the rules of that dimension. Meaning he and any of the CPUs from this side can't transform there unless absorbing said item like before. That doesn't mean they can't still use their skills and abilities. As for the CPUs you mentioned... Those CPUs would be THAT world's CPUs, except for that Neptune...

???: How should I handle the kid? From where I am at, I can-

Chronos (Communicator): Do not attack the group you are spying on. What you should do is decide how to take them out one by one. The dimension you are in gives you an advantage with there being less allies for that group to have. Meaning the other three lands have one combatant in each for you to face. No need to push yourself when you can weaken them one by one.

The person nods their head in wanting not to make Chronos mad.

???: I see. This information is useful for me. I shall act with caution in taking your advice.

Chronos (Communicator): Good. I look forward to hearing how you do.

???: Understood. I will report when I can.

Chronos (Communicator): One more thing... If you EVER face (L/n)... Do NOT underestimate him. Even without his memories, (L/n) is a tough bastard to kill. You WILL regret it if you do.

???: Tch... Whatever. I'll get the stupid job done. Over and out.

With the conversation ending there, the silhouette of the person could be seen fading away in a smoke type substance until they disappear.


Location: Lowee's Basilicom.

Time: Evening.

At Lowee's Basilicom, Blanc was hard at work like usual when a Soldier walks in to make their presence known.

Lowee Soldier: Lady Blanc, ma'am?

Blanc (Ultra): Hmm? Yes, what is it?

Lowee Soldier: You have a call coming in.

Blanc (Ultra): From who?

Lowee Soldier: From Lady Plutia and her friends in Planeptune.

This got Blanc's attention as she looked at the Soldier with a soft smile.

Blanc (Ultra): Go ahead and put them through.

Nodding in response, the soldier exits out of the room with Blanc picking up the phone at the table.

Blanc (Ultra): Hello, Plutia.

Plutia (Phone): Hi, Blanny~ Are you going to be able to come over today?

Blanc (Ultra): Well, I'm not sure... I have some work here on my end with what I need to do.

Blanc could hear a sad sound coming over the phone from Plutia as it was an answer she wasn't hoping to hear.

Plutia (Phone): Aww... But (Y/n) made potato soup and it's really good~

Blanc (Ultra): Potato soup?? Doesn't he still have amnesia?

Plutia (Phone): Um... Iffy and Compa said something about a memory triggering? Mmm... I don't know... But the soup is really good~

Blanc chuckles softly at Plutia's innocent nature when being in her normal form.

Blanc (Ultra): *sighs* Okay. Maybe I can try and squeeze some time to come over again. Maybe I'll try some of that soup (Y/n) made at your place.

Plutia (Phone): Really?? That be really-

The phone line gets cut off prematurely as no sound comes through.

Blanc (Ultra): Plutia? Plutia?? Are you there?? What just happened to the call??

???: I'll tell you what's happening. I just cutoff any signal that leads in or out of Lowee.

Hearing a voice, Blanc gets up and begins to look around to find out who talked to her. Looking in one direction, she sees a person leaning against the frame. Their form was shrouded in a dark mist as it began to surround the room. The voice Blanc heard was that of a man's voice.

Blanc (Ultra): Who the hell are you!? How did you get in here!?

???: Well, those two questions are wrong to begin with... Because you're not asking the right question.

Blanc (Ultra): Answer my questions damn it! Who the hell are you?!

The man looked at Blanc and began to approach her slowly.

???: I'll tell you then. Want to know WHY I'm here?

In the next second, the man jumped forward towards Blanc while summoning a sword out into their hand. This makes Blanc get her hammer out, and defends herself from a downwards slash that was directed towards her. The floor gives way from the pressure as Blanc focuses to keep her opponent from striking down on her.

Blanc (Ultra): F-Fine...! WHY are you here?!

???: The reason WHY I'm here, is because I have orders to take you out.

Blanc (Ultra): What the hell does that even mean?! Who the hell is trying to target me?!

???: That's not for me to tell. All you need to know is, your end is nigh.

Blanc (Ultra): Over my dead damn ass body, asshole! RAAAAGH!

Summoning her strength, Blanc pushed up on her enemy's weapon to push them backwards and allow her time to transform. In a bright light, Blanc transforms into her CPU Form as her hair becomes blue with two strands of hair reaching down just above her waists. She gains a red and white body suit that shows part of her thighs and shoulders while her eyes change to that of a red color with power symbols in them. Finishing her transformation with her hammer becoming an axe, Blanc has become White Heart.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Alright you bastard! I don't know who you are, but you pissed me the hell off!

???: Heh. Things should get interesting now. Come! Meet your doom, as you die by my hands!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Go ahead and try! It won't happen!!

The two then charged towards each other, but instead of connecting to her opponent, White Heart's axe goes through the air instead.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): What?! I know he was right in front of me! How in the-Augh!

Getting hit from behind, White Heart swings behind her, but again hits nothing except the air itself.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): What the hell is going on here?!

???: This is my power. I attack from within the smoke itself and can control it at will. Haven't you noticed the smoke that has surrounded you by now?

Listening to the intruder, she quickly looks around the room to see her vision is limited as the room only got darker and darker.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): (Sh-Shit...! This bastard's been buying time to let his ability to draw out. He had already started it before our battle began...!)

White Heart gets hit and sent flying into a wall to crash through it. Some of the Lowee Soldiers see White Heart crash onto the ground, grabbing their guns to get in front to defend her.

Lowee Soldier A: Lady White Heart! What happened?!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): An enemy was able to sneak past into the Basilicom! He's has some weird power when using the smoke in there!

Lowee Soldier B: Shall we try and call in request for help?

Lowee Soldier C: Wait... Can I make the call first? I have a friend I want to talk to too.

White Heart slams her fist into the ground before getting up to get her soldiers' attention.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): We can't even if we wanted to! The bastard in there disabled any communications we have to call for help! We can't send a signal out!

Laughter could be heard as the three soldiers and White Heart looked where it came from as the smoke began to enter the room.

???: Even if you did, there would be no chance for any help against my powers.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra): You damn bastard!

White Heart looks at her enemy and towards her soldiers.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Leave him to me for now! All of you devise a way to create an alternative way to send a signal in needing to request for help! Look for any civilians while you're doing that and warn them to seek shelter

Lowee Soldiers: Yes ma'am!

The soldiers began to head out in trying to create a plan on White Heart's orders as the enemy finished coming through the wall.

???: Ready for round two?

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Bastard... The fight's just beginning. This is the REAL start of round one!

Looking at each other, the two charged in towards each other as a bright light enveloped around the two.

A few minutes before...

Location: Planeptune's Basilicom.

A few minutes before Blanc's fight, Plutia was enjoying her talk with Blanc.

Blanc (Ultra) (Phone): *sighs* Okay. Maybe I can try and squeeze some time to come over again. Maybe I'll try some of that soup (Y/n) made at your place.

Plutia smiled at hearing Blanc would come over and hang out with her again.

Plutia: Really?? That be really-

The phone line begins to give a dial tone at which made Plutia stop in her sentence.

Plutia: Blanny? Blanny?? Huh... Must have hung up... Oh well~ At least I might see her again soon~

Plutia hung up her phone and went to go join the others at the t.v. What they were currently doing was watching a movie as Noire and Vert were also there. After Plutia joins with the group, Plutia picks something up as it caught Neptune's attention.

Neptune: So, any luck with getting Blanc to come over?

Plutia: Well... Blanny did say she would come over maybe... But if it doesn't happen, there's always next time. I guess she must have some tough work that she hung up early.

Noire (Ultra): Hmph. It's not like we need her here anyway. Our options of where to sit are getting thin as it is.

Plutia: But isn't doing something with friends more fun if all of us are here??

Noire (Ultra): Well...

Neptune: If you ask me, the Loner is afraid of being second best of being Plutia's best friend.

Noire blushed and got mad at Neptune.

Noire (Ultra): Again with that?! I told you I'm not a Loner! I have friends! Lots of them. Plutia is still my friend!

Neptune looks at Noire and with (Y/n) and Plutia taking a glance at the two.

Plutia: So Noire has more friends now?

(Y/n): Okay. If you have more than one friend, name someone else other than Plutia herself.

Noire looked at (Y/n) and blushed in embarrassment from being put on the spot. Neptune begins to try her best on keeping her laughter in as she placed her hands over her mouth.

Noire (Ultra): Why you- Do you want to go again in a fight?? 'Cause I'll bring it.

(Y/n): I don't know, Princess. Do you want to be humiliated the same way again?

Noire (Ultra): Cheeky little-!

Vert looked over at the two as Peashy sat on her lap to watch the movie while Shadow was being held by Peashy in her arms.

Vert (Ultra): It's quite rude to talk while a movie is playing... If you two are going to argue as a couple, could you take it into another room?

Noire began to blush even harder as a tinge of red came onto (Y/n)'s face also.

Noire (Ultra): As if he's my boyfriend!! Don't say stuff like that!

(Y/n): Please... We only met a few days ago. I doubt love can blossom at first glance.

Noire (Ultra): Exactly. At least someone has some common sense here like I do.

Neptune raised a hand and looked at Noire.

Neptune: Does this mean that (Y/n) is the other friend you're talking about.

Noire (Ultra): Well, I, that is... Oh be quiet and watch the movie already!

Hearing Noire stammer like that, (Y/n) gained a small smile at hearing he had earned Noire's trust at least. When the dinner was shown on the t.v. Neptune saw one item and began to shiver. With her being right next to (Y/n), he felt her shake slightly.

(Y/n): Hmm? Neppy? Are you okay? You're shaking like crazy.

Neptune: Huh? Oh no. I'm okay. It's just cold in here, that's all.

(Y/n) questioned this and kept watching the movie while keeping an eye on Neptune. Each time a certain food showed itself, Neptune would shiver. From watching Neptune's reactions and corresponding with the t.v. itself, he learned that Neptune was afraid of what was there. The food being eggplants.

(Y/n): (Okay... Just how afraid is she of this stuff...? Hmm...)

(Y/n) leaned in close and decided to whisper into Neptune's ear.

(Y/n): *whispers* There's an eggplant behind you.

This froze Neptune up as she jumped into the air and landed on (Y/n)'s lap with her arms around his neck.

Neptune: Get it away! Get it away! Get the eggplant away from me!!

Everyone looked at Neptune and looked around to see for an eggplant, but don't see a spec of it.

IF (Ultra): Nep? Why are you freaking out? I hate eggplants as much as you now, but I don't see one here.

Neptune was shivering until hearing IF say there were no eggplants there.

Neptune: Then why the heck did-

Neptune stopped in her sentence and looked at (Y/n), who she was sitting on his lap with her arms around his neck. Their faces were almost close to touching from the distance they had between each other.

(Y/n): Want to tell me why you're afraid of eggplants, Neppy?

Neptune blushed hard from this and looked away slightly in wanting to change the subject.

Neptune: Uh... Oh! How about I put a funny video on. It's one that we did back when (Y/n) still had all his memories still.

Hearing this from Neptune, the group became curious about what she had. Bringing out a tape and inserting it into a device, she pressed "play" and began to show what was recorded. (A/n): If you need to know which tape she is talking about, it is back in book 1 about the Dogoo Incident.

Fifteen minutes later...

After the video was done playing (Y/n) felt major embarrassment while the others laughed at what he had to go through.

(Y/n): It isn't THAT funny... Come on...

Noire (Ultra): And I don't care about what you think. If I know one thing in general, it's never to let her talk you into doing things. Because most of the time, it's going to end up either messing with you or doing something for her own enjoyment.

Neptune: Well, I wasn't alone on this one that time. The Noire from my world went along with my plan just so she can feel like she was part of this prank.

(Y/n): And just like that... I need some fresh air... Yare yare daze...

(Y/n) gets up and then begins to head towards the balcony area of the Basilicom and leans against it. Even when he did feel embarrassed from the video, he thought it was funny still from how fun his friends were to prank him like that. Leaning against the railing with (Y/n), Plutia had joined him in looking over the balcony with him.

Plutia: Doesn't Planeptune look beautiful, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Well... I've only been here for awhile... But it does look beautiful.

Plutia: Yeah.

(Y/n) looked at Plutia with a wandering thought in his head.

(Y/n): Hey, Plutie?

Plutia: Yeah?

(Y/n): I noticed my clothes had holes in it before, but now they're repaired. Do you know who did it?

Plutia looked at (Y/n) and smiled.

Plutia: That's easy. I did it.

(Y/n) was surprised by this and looked shocked.

(Y/n): Really??

Plutia: Uh-huh. Since you were tired after your fight with Noire, I thought I would help fix your clothes. Do you like it?

(Y/n) smiled from Plutia's help and nodded his head.

(Y/n): Yeah. Thanks a bunch Plutia.

Plutia: Noire does sewing of her own, but I was promised not to tell what it was.

(Y/n): Eh. No need to tell me. I'm fine with what I have if I have someone fixing them.

Plutia: Just come to me if you need them fixed. I'll be happy to help. I'll even make you some too.

(Y/n): Heh. That's very kind of you.

(Y/n) smiled and turned his attention back to the view Planeptune had as a thought came across him to look back at Plutia.

(Y/n): Hey... Plutie...?

Plutia: Hmm? What is it?

(Y/n): When I was told how I lost my memories... How did it happen? I was told because of my watch saying I had amnesia, but how did it happen?

Plutia looked at (Y/n) and began to think

Plutia: Well, let me try to remember... I'm not usually good at remembering things... From what Neppy told us, it was from when you exited out of your power...

(Y/n): "My power?"

Plutia: Mm-hmm. Though, since you got your form in her world, you won't be able to use it here. But if we get a... Um... What was it called again...?

(Y/n): A CPU Memory?

Plutia smiled at (Y/n)'s help for figuring out what the item was called again.

Plutia: Yeah! If we get one of those, we can help you get it back. You looked really cool when you were transformed~

(Y/n): Oh, I see...

(Y/n) looked over the balcony with some slight sadness in his look now. Plutia picked up on this and looked at (Y/n).

Plutia: What's wrong...?

(Y/n) sighed as he looked at Planeptune from above, but not at Plutia.

(Y/n): You said my transformation was the reason why I lost my memories... Right...?

Plutia: Yeah. What about it?

(Y/n): What if... I don't want to get them back by getting that item, or leaving this dimension...?

Plutia tilted her head on why (Y/n) was saying this as he continued to explain.

(Y/n): I know I might regain my memories sooner or later... But my powers were the reason why I'm in this situation in the first place... With having that happen to me, I'm not sure I want them back...

Plutia looked at (Y/n) at understanding slightly where he was going with this. Seeing (Y/n) being sad like this, she wanted him to cheer up. In thinking of a way, she goes to hug (Y/n) softly as it caught his attention.

(Y/n): Plutie??

Plutia: It's okay if you don't want your powers back. You don't have to get them back in this world if you don't want to. But seeing you sad, I don't like seeing that... Can you please smile for me? I want to see your smile.

(Y/n) looked at Plutia when she said that, but all of a sudden, his head began to hurt tremendously.


(Y/n) went down onto his knees in pain. This worried Plutia as she went down to help support (Y/n) so he didn't fall completely.

Plutia: (Y/n)! What's wrong?!

(Y/n): My head...! It hurts! It hurts like crazy- AAAHHH!!!

Flashes go through (Y/n)'s mind as he then sees a woman looking at him with a hand on his cheek. He could hear himself crying while feeling a warm substance on his left hand. The woman gives a small smile, although it was only a weak one.

??? (Memory): ...can I see you smile...? I... I want to see your smile...

The memory begins to hurt (Y/n) more as he yelled out in pain with Plutia doing anything she can to help (Y/n) calm down. Hearing his cries of pain, the others raced out onto the balcony and saw the state (Y/n) was in.

(Y/n): Make it stop...! My head...! It hurts...!

Noire (Ultra): Plutia! What is going on out here?!

Plutia: I don't know... I saw (Y/n) was sad... But I wanted to try and help him cheer up by smiling... When I asked him to smile for me, his head began to hurt... Why...?

Neptune looked at (Y/n) and remembered the last few moments (Y/n) had with his mother before she died in front of him. Iris had asked (Y/n) to have him show her his smile one last time just before she passed away. Neptune could understand how much (Y/n) must be in pain from having to relive the memory for the first time.

Compa (Ultra): He must be experiencing another memory...

IF (Ultra): A strong one at that...

A few minutes pass before (Y/n)'s head finally began to recover from the pain it was in. He was brought over to a chair to sit down in as he was given a drink from Compa to help calm his nerves.

(Y/n): Th-Thank you, Compa...

Compa (Ultra): You're welcome, JoJo.

(Y/n) begins to drink the contents in his cup as he felt the chair shake slightly. Looking down, he could see the small Husky named Shadow nudging his head against (Y/n)'s leg before looking up at (Y/n). Shadow whined softly in being worried about him, making (Y/n) smile softly.

(Y/n): Come on. You can come up.

Wagging his tail, Shadow prepared himself as he jumped up onto (Y/n)'s lap and lays down. (Y/n) began to pet Shadow softly as he smiled softly. Peashy looked at (Y/n) from standing next to him.

Peashy: Are you okay, JoJo...?

(Y/n) looked at Peashy and gave a light smile to her.

(Y/n): Yes, Peashy. Just wasn't prepared for something like that... But I'm okay now. Thank you for asking.

The others looked at (Y/n) from a distance and talked about what just happened.

Noire (Ultra): So... Even if he wasn't in a situation or whatnot... Simple words such as what Plutia said to (Y/n) seemed to trigger his memories...

IF (Ultra): That seems to be how it happened from what Plutia explained to us...

Vert (Ultra): But the question to ask here is: WHY did it happen to begin with? Why just those words alone to trigger any memories at all?

IF (Ultra): *sighs* If only we had other ways to figure out about (Y/n)'s past besides triggering certain events...

Neptune: I know how you feel... In other news... Has anyone found a CPU Memory for (Y/n) yet?

Noire and Vert shook their heads, including IF, from not having any luck.

Noire (Ultra): Do you even remember how much luck someone would need to stumble upon one?? That item is the most rare thing to occur in our world, Neptune.

Vert (Ultra): I may have found two in my time, but even then it was all by luck...

IF (Ultra): Even with my connections, locating at least ONE is very tough...

Neptune: So no dice... Man... This sucks...

Plutia looked at (Y/n) and remembered about what he said to her before his memories were triggered.

Plutia: Well... What if (Y/n) didn't want to transform again...?

The group looked at Plutia as if she had grown an extra head from what she said.

Plutia: While we were both out here, (Y/n) said that if his powers were the reason why he lost his memories in the first place... He thought about staying here...

Peashy: I like JoJo too! I want him to stay!

Neptune looked at Plutia and shook her head.

Neptune: What?! No! That can't happen!

Vert (Ultra): Why not? Isn't it (Y/n)'s choice if he doesn't want it?

Neptune: Yes, but that's not the point...!

IF (Ultra): Plus, doesn't anyone who uses that thing have a 50/50 chance to gain powers from it? Otherwise, the user turns into a monster.

Neptune: I know that...! But-

Noire gets frustrated by all the cryptic signs Neptune keeps giving off and grabs Neptune by her shoulders.

Noire (Ultra): Then what is it?! Stop holding off on what you're trying to say and just spit it out already!

Neptune: Even if (Y/n) stays here in this world, I don't know if any more attacks will come our way while we're here!

Over where (Y/n) and Compa were, Compa sits down in a chair next to (Y/n).

Compa (Ultra): So, JoJo... Mind if I ask some stuff?

(Y/n) looked at Compa and shook his head.

(Y/n): No. I don't mind. It's just some questions, right? Everyone is entitled to ask anyone about stuff if they want to answer or not.

Compa smiled at hearing (Y/n) thought like that.

Compa (Ultra): Okay. What I want to know is: What memory did you see?

(Y/n): My memory...?

(Y/n) thought about the memory of that woman he saw and related it to the woman that talked to him the other day when he fought against Noire.

(Y/n): Hmm... I saw... A woman in my memory. But for some reason I also saw her here when I faced Noire the other day...

Compa (Ultra): A woman? Like who?

(Y/n): Um... Well, I didn't see her face before... But seeing the memory showed me her face at least... What I know is: She was tall, had long hair and it was purple, I think...

Compa was trying to think about the descriptions (Y/n) gave to her and care to a conclusion.

Compa (Ultra): Maybe the person you saw was Nep-Nep's CPU Form?

(Y/n): Her CPU Form...?

Compa (Ultra): Yeah. Like Noire, each CPU has a different name when they transform. For Nep-Nep, she is sometimes called Purple Heart.

(Y/n) looked at Neptune and tried to picture how Neptune would transform.

(Y/n): I... I want to see it...

Compa (Ultra): Huh...? What do you mean, JoJo?

(Y/n): I want to see Neptune's transformation...

(Y/n) got up and was about to head towards Neptune, but looked to his left to see something.

(Y/n): Wait... What's that?

Compa (Ultra): What is it?

(Y/n): I don't know...

(Y/n) focused his energy to make a disk and decides to place it under himself. The disk enlarges to where it could support himself as he raised his hand up. The disk moves up on his command as he gains some elevation into the air. Peashy was chasing Shadow around and then looked over to see (Y/n) rising up into the air, tilting her head in curiosity of what (Y/n) was doing.

Peashy: What is he doing?

Vert (Ultra): Hmm? You say something Peashy?

Peashy: I asked what JoJo doing?

Peashy points up to have the others look where she was pointing at and sees (Y/n) going higher and higher up.

Neptune: Huh... Wonder why he's up there?

IF (Ultra): Kinda dangerous to keep going higher if you ask me...

Histoire (Ultra): Let me go see.

Histoire began to fly up as (Y/n) stopped ascending into the sky. Once he could see the land of Gamindustri instead of the buildings of Planeptune, he could see some smoke in the distance.

(Y/n): Smoke?? Where is it coming from?

Histoire (Ultra): (Y/n)?

(Y/n) looked down and saw Histoire float up to where he was to rest on his shoulder.

Histoire (Ultra): What are you doing up here?

(Y/n): There's smoke in the distance. Way over there.

(Y/n) gains Histoire's attention and points to where he sees the smoke. Histoire sees the smoke and tilts her head.

Histoire (Ultra): That's strange...

(Y/n): What?

Histoire (Ultra): That smoke is coming from Lowee... That's the Nation Blanc resides over.

(Y/n): And?

Histoire (Ultra): To be able to see it from this far, that smoke had to have been built up to be visible from here... Why isn't anything being done to stop it...?

(Y/n) placed a hand on his chin and thought for a second before looking at her.

(Y/n): Try calling real quick...

Histoire looked at (Y/n) and then nodded to begin trying. But when she does, she can't seem to get a connection to go through.

Histoire (Ultra): This is...very concerning... I can't seem to establish a call... Why?

(Y/n) looked at the smoke and thought of something.

(Y/n): I think that's a signal fire...

Histoire (Ultra): Huh...? What do you mean...? Smoke doesn't contain electricity to send a signal...

(Y/n) stood up to think better of what he was seeing.

(Y/n): I don't know why... But there are different kinds of ways to send a message. Many that don't involve electricity. Why would Lowee let smoke generate that much that we could see it up to where we are? There must be a big fire going on right now that they could be taking care of, but yet we can see it clear as day. Why leave it unattended or not call for help?

Histoire picks up on what (Y/n) is thinking and takes notice of it.

Histoire (Ultra): Yes... You're right... But why though?

(Y/n): Histoire... You can't call Blanc and there's smoke being seen even from here... There's no way these problems are just random.

(Y/n) looks at Histoire with a serious look with what he says next.

(Y/n): I think Blanc NEEDS help!

Putting the clues (Y/n) was presenting together, Histoire came to the same conclusion.

Histoire (Ultra): Oh my...! I think you're right!

Looking down, (Y/n) lowered his hand to begin descending back down and makes his platform vanish when close enough to the ground. IF, Compa and the other CPUs head over to where (Y/n) was with Shadow circling around (Y/n).

(Y/n): How do I get to Lowee from here?

Noire (Ultra): Huh?? Why do you want to go there?? There's nothing interesting about-

(Y/n) glared at Noire and grabbed her by her collar.


Noire (Ultra): H-Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?!

Noire takes (Y/n)'s hands, forces him to let go of her and pushes him away from her.

Compa (Ultra): JoJo?? What's wrong??

(Y/n): I'll tell you what's wrong! You all are talking left and right, you're not noticing the smoke in the distance! There's a fire happening in Lowee and Blanc may need our help damn it!!

Noire scoffed at (Y/n) with what he said and turned her back to him.

Noire (Ultra): Seriously?? If she wanted help, she would have called by now.

Histoire (Ultra): That isn't the case. Noire. I have already tried calling Lowee.

The attention goes to Histoire to give her piece about the conversation.

Histoire (Ultra): I can't establish a connection and get through. There seems to be something wrong that is interfering with any calls going in or out of Lowee.

(Y/n): If you CPUs love your lands that much, wouldn't you have wanted to keep the fire controlled before anything could happen? Think about it!

Plutia thought about the call she had with Blanc before losing connection early and approached.

Plutia: Um... I did find it a little weird when our talk ended early... I was sad that I didn't get a goodbye from her...

(Y/n): And that just proves my thoughts even more. Tell me how to get to Lowee, now!

Noire (Ultra): Why do you even want to go help Blanc so badly?? You don't even know her that much!

(Y/n) looked at Noire in the eyes with a glare that sends shivers through her body.

(Y/n): I don't NEED a reason. It's a matter of doing what's right besides knowing someone. I'm going, and you can't tell me otherwise.

IF thought for a moment and sighed. She pulled out a set of keys from her pocket and looked at (Y/n).

IF (Ultra): Ugh... I'm going to regret this... But I can take you there if you want. I have a bike downstairs that I own. It's reliable when needing to get around places quickly.

(Y/n) looked at IF with hopeful eyes, but IF held a hand up.

IF (Ultra): But it might take some time... With the added weight of another person, it won't reach full speed on where you need to go...

Plutia was about to suggest something when IF looked at her.

IF (Ultra): And no, you can't transform Plutia...

Plutia: Aww... Why not...?

IF (Ultra): You know what happens when you transform and from what I remember when I was younger.

Plutia: But (Y/n) said Blanny needs help... I want to do that too...

(Y/n) was getting restless with how things were going and began to stare at IF's keys for a few seconds. He hated for what he was about to do, but with each second passing by, Blanc might be in more danger.

(Y/n): (I'm probably going to get either yelled by IF or beaten down by her later... But I can't stay here any longer.)

Quickly grabbing IF's keys, (Y/n) runs to the railings and vaults over it to enter a skydive downward. Everyone watches as IF places her hands on her head.

IF (Ultra): What the hell?! He just jumped over the edge! On top of that, he took my keys!!

IF rushed to the railings and looked over it to yell down to (Y/n).

IF (Ultra): HEY! Get back up here and give me back my keys! Don't you know it's rude to take something from someone like that?! What the hell is wrong with you?!

(Y/n) looks up and yells back quickly.

(Y/n): Sorry!Can'ttalkrightnow!Needtotakeyourbikefornow!Byyyyyyyyyyeeeeee! Translation: Sorry! Can't talk right now! Need to take your bike for now! Byyyyyyyyyyeeeeee!

IF (Ultra): WHAT?!

Getting closer and closer to the ground, (Y/n) noticed a few poles sticking out of the building and focused to summon a blade out. Channeling energy into it he called out the sword's name and has it transformed.

(Y/n): Black Viper!

Swinging his blade out, the pieces of the blade begin to wrap around the pole until it locks on tightly. (Y/n) enters into a swing formation as he holds onto the grip of his blade tightly. When swinging close to the ground, (Y/n) enters into a slide until he is able to stop to a halt. He pulls on the weapon to get it free from the pole and retract it back until it was whole again. From above, (Y/n) could faintly hear IF yelling down at (Y/n), furious about what he would do.


(Y/n) chuckles nervously and looks to see a garage door was near him as he looks up at IF and gives a light salute. Going out of IF's sights, he enters the garage to look for IF's bike. When coming across a bright green bike, (Y/n) clicked a button on the key and heard the bike react to the command.

(Y/n): Yare yare daze... I really don't want to do this... But it has to be done...

Up on the balcony, IF was still trying to yell down to (Y/n) as the CPUs talked to themselves.

Vert (Ultra): IF likes her bike that much, huh?

Noire (Ultra): "Likes?" No... I would say obsessed with it...

Neptune: I once touched Iffy's bike one time and scratched it... I ended up getting lectured for hours in my dimension...

Plutia: Really??

Neptune: You have no idea how mad she can get if you mess with her bike...

Compa (Ultra): It's kinda scary to see sometimes...

IF slams her fist on the railing while looking down still.


Down below, (Y/n) comes flying out of the garage area quickly and pulls on a handle to use the breaks quickly. IF's bike stops to a halt as IF stares in shock of what she is seeing right now. (Y/n) looks up and shouts up to IF in an apologetic way.

(Y/n): I'm so sorry Iffy! I promise to pay for any damages I might cause to your bike...! (If I survive first that is...)

Revving up IF's bike, (Y/n) exits from the area around the Basilicom quickly. IF was frozen solid from what she saw, but began to grip the railings tightly.

IF (Ultra): My bike... He TOOK my bike...!

Neptune: I-Iffy...?

Noire (Ultra): Uh... Is she going to be okay...?

IF breaks the railings with small pieces of it being in her hands. She turns towards the group as IF has a look of rage on her face.

IF (Ultra): That little punk took my f***ing bike!! I'm going to strangle him when I f***ing catch up to his ass!!

Neptune sweats when seeing IF react this way and backs away slowly.

Neptune: And Iffy's gone berserk!

Compa approaches IF quickly and waves her arms frantically in front of her.

Compa (Ultra): Iffy! Calm down! He's just doing what he can to go help Blanc...!

IF (Ultra): Don't you dare coddle for him, Compa! I don't even care if he's supposed to by my damn SON from another world!! I'm going to make him learn to not touch my f***ing bike!!

This brings some shock to Noire and Vert on hearing this. Histoire gave a questionable look at Neptune to which she chuckled shyly

Noire (Ultra): Wait! Did I just hear that right?!

Vert (Ultra): Huh... That would explain (Y/n)'s skill in cooking. His anger is still questionable though...

In the midst of everyone being the conversation, Neptune goes over to Shadow and pulls out a talisman out of her pocket and lets Shadow sniff it.

Neptune: Hurry and catch up to (Y/n). Lead him to Blanc the safest way possible, Shadow.

Shadow: Yip! Yip!

Shadow grabs the talisman and rushes back in to begin heading down the Basilicom quickly and rushes out to chase after (Y/n). Neptune then pulls out a device and makes a quick call.

Neptune: Um... Slight problem... We may need that vehicle here after all... *voice chatter* Yeah... (Y/n) may need our help... He's headed for Lowee in this dimension.

With everyone distracted at the moment, Neptune heads for the edge, begins to run towards it to then jump over it. She pulls out a Share Crystal and transforms into Purple Heart and begins to head towards Lowee as well.

Before the fire...

Location: Lowee District.

In the Ultra dimension of Lowee, instead of it being a fairytale kind of land, it has a Feudal Japan look to it with there being large towers, bridges and *torii gates.* People were walking around enjoying their day, until White Heart came crashing through a wall. She slides backwards against the ground as some people are startled by her sudden appearance. Looking around herself, White Heart had to get her people away from her or they would get hurt from her battle. One of her citizens came up to her to see if White Heart was okay.

Female: Lady White Heart? Are you okay?

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Yeah, I'm fine. But you and everyone else nearby needs to take cover somewhere right now. I'm facing an unknown enemy and can't risk your safety right now. Please seek cover until the threat is taken care of.

Hearing her words, White Heart's citizens thank her on letting them know as they begin looking for a place to be safe for now. Hearing the wall crumble, her attention was brought back to where her enemy was as the smoke creeps through the wall.

???: You're only delaying the inevitable. Just let it happen and I'll give you a quick and painless death.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Screw you! Like hell I'll just give up! Who do you think you are telling me to do that?!

The man chuckled as he came to the hole in the wall and exited through it.

???: Okay, I'll tell you. I am known as the dark assassin from how I work and what I can do with my powers. I am able to hide within my mist and able to get behind my opponents without problems in the art of misdirection to end their life. For you... You can call me, Draven.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): And I don't care if you're a shit head. You picked a wrong fight to mess with a Goddess. Especially ME, that's for sure!

Draven: Oh ho! Then come. Show me what you can do, Goddess!

White Heart glares at her enemy and shifts her stance slightly. Draven charges in towards White Heart to attack, but White Heart begins to swing her axe. White Heart's axe goes through what should have been Draven, but has a good idea on where he was. Continuing with her motion, White Heart swings her axe behind her and makes contact with Draven and heard him grunt in pain.

Draven: What?!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Know one thing, I'm not your typical opponent when facing against. I've had experience in learning who I fight and figure out what they're move will be by guessing. My first time when taking an enemy on, was before I had met my friends. I let my pride and my rash decisions get to me as I got my ass handed to me because of that. But what hurt even more was that someone I trusted was with the enemy right under my nose. After that, I learned some things that changed my opinion. Only making me stronger in how I fight!!

White Heart yelled as she kicks Draven in the gut to send him sliding backwards. The smoke around them keeps close to where Draven is to conceal his identity as he recovers from the kick.

Draven: I see... Then you must be as dangerous as your other counterpart then. Calculative and knows how to pack a punch. I'll be sure to watch out for that in the future.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): IF, you get the chance that is!

Draven readies his weapon as White Heart readies hers. Both stare at each other down in not making a move to wait for the other to charge at them. When a piece of rubble cracks and hits the ground, both reacted and charged at each other to clash with their weapons. Both swing their weapons in creating shockwaves as White Heart's weapon slashed through what should have been Draven.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): There!

White Heart turns her body to swing her leg and feels a hand catch her leg.

Draven: Let's go for a ride!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): No, damn it! Let me go!

Pulling White Heart by her leg, Draven begins to run in a random direction while in the city of Lowee. The smoke stays with the two as White Heart looks at Draven.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): H-Hey! Stop running around! You'll crash into a wall otherwise, idiot!

Draven: I don't need to worry about seeing. This smoke is my ability. Even though you're blind in it, I can see clearly through it!

Hearing that, Draven began to swing Blanc whenever possible to slam her into random objects. One being a wall, another being a torii gate and a few trees or statues that they come across. The longer this kept going the more annoyed White Heart got.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Damn it!! I said STOP!!

White Heart swings her axe and strikes it into the ground. In doing so, the sudden shaking trips Draven up and makes him lose his balance. With her enemy being able to attack within their own smoke AND be able to see in it, it would be a difficult battle without a plan.

Draven: The longer you keep resisting, the harder you are making my job to kill you...

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): (Damn... I can't face him head on for now. With this smoke, I have hardly any options on how I can fight. He's analyzing how I fight just as much as I'm trying to analyze his... As much as I hate to say this, but I need to figure out how to send a message to my friends to get here and help!)

Hearing footsteps approach her, White Heart became shocked to see not only one, but six figures beginning to charge towards her from all directions.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Gaaaaaaah!!! Quit with your bullshit and just fight me one on one!! Getter Ravine!!

Jumping up into the hair, White Heart prompts her axe and comes back down, slamming it into the ground and causing the rocks and rubble to protrude outward. The attack not only hits the fakes, but it also got the real Draven at the same time.

Draven: Auuuugh!!

With her enemy on the ground for now, White Heart began to fly out of the smoke and fly away from her enemy. When getting enough height, White Heart sees a black smoke rising high into the air and begins to head towards it. When arriving, she could see that some of her soldiers were fanning the flames while adding more wood or materials to fuel the fire and make more smoke.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Hey! What the hell are you dumbasses doing?!

One of the soldiers turned to face White Heart, but not before issuing a command.

Lowee Soldier A: Keep fueling that fire! We need that to go as high as it can go!

Lowee Soldier B: You're lucky I have the right weapon to cut more wood with!

Lowee Soldier C: I LOVE MAKING FIRE!! I once roasted marshmallows, but they burned up on me...

Lowee Soldier B: Caboose! Focus!!

The soldier now named Caboose looked at his friend.

Caboose: Oh, right! Sorry Tucker... Go ahead and talk to the mean lady, Mr. Washington!

The person named Washington looked at Caboose and sighed.

Washington: Already planned on it! J-Just build the fire, Caboose!

Washington turned to head towards White Heart, and felt he was about to be yelled at again.

Washington: Now Lady White Heart, I know what this seems... But I have good reasons...

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Talk quick then! I don't have time for any goofing around!!

Washington: We're trying to build a fire to have it reach high into the sky. If we can make it visible by making the smoke go high enough, your friends might suspect something is wrong.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): And if they think that, help should come our way! Good thinking!

Washington: We're doing the best we can to build the fire and control it as well. This is the fastest option I could think of to make a signal very quickly. We still need time.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Don't worry about that right now! I was worried something else was happening, but I'm glad a plan is already coming into effect already! Just get it done!

Washington salutes to White Heart and heads back to help Tucker and Caboose out. In order to buy the three time, White Heart began to fly back up to the sky and could see the smoke her enemy produces trying to catch up to her. With no other choice, White Heart went to go back and continue fighting with her enemy to try and outwit them as long as she can. When landing on a roof, White Heart waits for Draven to meet her up there as he jumps up and lands into a crouched position.

Draven: You done running? I thought you told me you were gonna beat the shit out of me.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): I am. Just trying to think out a game plan on how to beat some sense into you.

Draven: Then please! With all means, come at me!!

White Heart glared at her enemy and made the first move to begin their fight once again. Over time, the fire Wash and his men are building reaches higher and higher into the sky. For White Heart, she was doing her best on keeping her enemy busy in terms of having to fight under her enemy's conditions. The next attack she received sent her flying backwards and slid against the ground. Her battle suit was damaged with some cuts here and there being seen. The smoke Draven was encased around edged closer and closer to White Heart as she got up to back away slowly. She looked at the smoke fire that was made and saw it was going very high into the air.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): (Damn it...! Where are they?! Is it not high enough yet?! I'm getting thrashed here...!)

Draven: Nearing your last legs? You should be. I haven't even tried, and yet I can keep this up all day.

White Heart grits her teeth while gripping her axe tighter with her hands.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Just keep talking...! Sooner or later, you're going to regret ever attacking myself and Lowee!

White Heart began to charge in towards Draven and into the smoke, but before she could get any closer, her movements became restricted all of a sudden by her arms.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Wh-What the hell?!

When White Heart looks to see who has a grip on her arms, but finds that there isn't anyone there.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): H-Hey!! Just what is this?! I feel someone holding me, yet there's no one there?! What the hell!!

Draven: THAT. Is also part of my power.

White Heart looks at Draven as he gets closer to her.

Draven: My power stems not just how this smoke can be controlled and let me see through it, but an even GREATER presence.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): What the hell does that even mean?!

Draven chuckles and soon it grows into a laughter.

Draven: It doesn't matter. What you should know right now... Is that you're about to die.

Draven uses the smoke to create a blade and aim it just under White Heart's neck. Looking at something, he makes a slight sound as White Heart is lifted up into the air slightly with her arms outward in like a T-pose.

Draven: It was a pleasure fighting you, but I have other work to attend to.

Draven brings the blade back to charge up the swing and looked at White Heart who wanted to try and struggle free.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): (D-Damn it...! This can't end like this...! No!)

As Draven began to swing towards White Heart, when growling could be heard and made Draven stop his swing.

Draven: H-Huh??

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Th-That sound...

White Heart and Draven looked down, only to see a dog holding a talisman in its mouth while growling. White Heart noticed the talisman and recognized it.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Th-That's my talisman. So it was in Planeptune?

The dog dropped the talisman and began to bark up at Draven while growling at the same time.

Draven: What is with this dog?? Go away, you mutt!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Sh-Shadow?? Why are you here??

???: Because he guided me here to where you were at! That's why!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): (Th-That voice!)

White Heart and Draven's eyes opened wide in shock at hearing a new voice. The sound of a bike starting up, only to then speed up. When light begins to shine through, the bike hits a ramp to go airborne.

???: Hey asshole!! You won the grand prize!! One free motorcycle!!

Hearing that, the motorcycle that was in the air gets pushed down and slams into Draven. The force from the hit sends Draven backwards and through into a wall and resulted with a yell. In the confusion, White Heart gets pulled free from whoever was holding her as she was carried out of the smoke bridal style. When regaining her vision, she could see (Y/n) was the one who saved her while Shadow followed close behind with the Talisman in his mouth.

(Y/n): Hey! You okay, Blanc?!

White Heart stared at (Y/n) in disbelief on why he was here.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Y-You?? You're that person Plutia found in the woods!

(Y/n): Yeah... But I have a name, ya know... It's (Y/n).

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Forget about the names for now. WHY are you here?!

(Y/n): Shouldn't it be obvious?? I saw the smoke and came here. Would have taken longer if I didn't follow Shadow, but he seemed to know where he was going.

Shadow: Yip! Yip!

White Heart looked at Shadow, who still had her talisman in his mouth.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Your dog has my talisman. Dogs are sometimes reliable on tracking people down by scent.

(Y/n) stopped running and looked at Shadow and then at White Heart.

(Y/n): Huh... Didn't know that. But now I do.

White Heart sighed and looked behind (Y/n) to see a green motorcycle come flying towards the both of them.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Shit!! Get down!!

White Heart shifted her weight while pulling on (Y/n) to move him out of the path of the motorcycle. The motorcycle crashes into the wall as it needed repairs from the damage it had.

(Y/n): Oh man... IF is gonna kill me...

Draven: Not before I get a crack at you, brat.

Looking behind him, (Y/n) could see the smoke getting closer and saw a figure in it.

Draven: So... You're (Y/n) (L/n)? The person my boss fears greatly?? I don't see it.

(Y/n) tilts his head and looked at Draven from outside the smoke.

(Y/n): "(L-L/n)??" Is that supposed to be my last name??

Draven: Oh, that's right... I was told you had amnesia... Hmm... Ah! I know. How about we make a deal?

(Y/n) looked at Draven and set White Heart down to get in front of her as a barrier in case of any attacks.

(Y/n): And what's that??

Draven: I might take you to my boss and he MIGHT tell you all that he knows about you.

(Y/n) heard that and had some hope, but Draven could be seen holding a hand up.

Draven: But first! You must kill the CPU you want to try and guard.

(Insert I'll Believe by Altima)

(Y/n) flinched while White Heart began to sweat slightly from hearing that. (Y/n) looked between both her and Draven, feeling his heart race from the position he was placed in. With the short time it took (Y/n) to decide, he shook his head to get rid of any temptations Draven was trying to place in (Y/n).

(Y/n): I came here with intentions to help Blanc. I'll be a real asshole if I decide to turn my back on her when she's at a disadvantage. Besides, you're telling me to take HER out?? I'm supposed to trust you, yet you want me to KILL her?! The deal is no, bastard!!

Draven chuckled and soon began to laugh as he points to (Y/n).

Draven: Good! Either way, I'll enjoy killing you both. Just wish my gamble would have worked in having you kill her for me.

(Y/n): It wouldn't have worked anyway... Even when I don't know Blanc... I have this... Feeling, when I'm with her right now...

(Y/n) looked at White Heart and could see Shadow licking at some of her wounds. White Heart looked up at (Y/n) to meet his gaze as well. (Y/n) could see a separate image of Blanc in different clothing and including when she's in her White Heart form. Looking at White Heart, only adds to his conviction to help her. (Y/n) focused his thoughts to bring out the two swords he had before with Sapphire Spirit in his left hand, and Black Viper in its regular form in his right. (Y/n) soon focuses his attention back to Draven with fire in his eyes.

(Y/n): I trust Blanc, with my life!! I will not abandon her while you get away with this!!

White Heart looked at (Y/n) at the decision he made. Even when (Y/n) didn't have any memories, he trusted those that he has a connection with and from his friends. Draven laughs at hearing (Y/n)'s decision as it was the answer he would hope to hear.

Draven: Then let's see where that burning spirit I hear about can get you! Come! Face me!!

Draven smiles as something floats behind him for a second and soon disappears in an instant.

Draven: (No one can defeat my powers! This child will be no different from everyone else I fought. He proves no threat against me!)

The scene freezes when Draven and (Y/n) made movement that signifies them heading towards each other with White Heart trying to recover on the ground.

To be continued...

(Fact): A torii is a traditional Japanese gate most commonly found at the entrance of or within a Shinto shrine, where it symbolically marks the transition from mundane to the sacred.

(Fact 2): While the red color of the shrine gates symbolizes vitality and protection against evil and, practically, serves as a preservative, because it's made of mercury, white on the other hand is the original color of torii and stands for sacredness. Exceptions are the torii of Inari shrines.

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