Chapter 3: Memories to reclaim. Strength to do what's right. - Part 2

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Caboose: Last time on Dragon ball Z!

Tucker: Caboose! Wrong series!!

Caboose: Oh, right... I mean: Last time on Ultradimension Neptunia!

Tucker: It's "Hyperdimension Neptunia"! Jesus, Caboose... Why are you this stu-

Caboose: Tucker did it.

Tucker grabs Caboose and shakes him around.

Tucker: You can't blame me when I'm standing right here!!

Caboose: Tucker said it.

In the last chapter, (Y/n) had a dream about Neptune, to where he helped Histoire with work that should have been done by Plutia. More cases where (Y/n) would experience some memories and images of those he had met. Images such as Noire, Histoire and Blanc from their Hyper dimension counterparts. When being outside, (Y/n) was able to see smoke that would be emanating from Lowee and figured something was wrong from just one look of it. While in Lowee, Blanc had been fighting with an enemy that went by the name of: Draven. He is a foe that can control smoke and use it to make various illusion techniques to trick his opponent. From the help of Blanc's soldiers, they were the ones that made the smoke pillar to give off a different signal to where it leads to (Y/n) arriving to help Blanc.

With not knowing who (Y/n) is up against, he decides to help Blanc despite how much he knew her and begins to fight Draven. From here... The story continues.

(Insert Venus no Harmonia by Asami Imai)

(Y/n)'s point of view.

December 30, 20XX

Location: Lowee District.

Time: Evening.

Weapons clashing. The sounds that are made when two people are fighting each other. That's how it is when two objectives clash between opposing sides. That's what is happening to me at this moment. I was currently in the smoke of where my enemy was as he charged towards me to swing his blade down on me.

???: Take this!

I crossed my swords together and caught his blade. My enemy pushed down on me to get me down onto one knee.

???: I was planning on saving you for last since you were near the other Goddesses, but you just jumped straight into the fire in wanting to help her!

(Y/n): Tch...! Of course I would...! If I didn't who would?!

Behind my enemy's head, I could catch a glimpse of something floating behind them. I kept my attention on my opponent for now, but I could see a fist from what I could see.

???: You know, the sad part is. I would have liked to face you at your toughest level, but the price on your life for either alive or dead speaks more than words right now. The worst part is, you won't see what happens next.

I was about to ask what this guy even meant and saw the hand behind his head forming into a fist. When I saw it begin to come flying at me, I found strength to push up on my enemy and avoid the fist.

(Y/n): (Wh-What the hell was that thing?! Why did that attack me?!)

I don't get much time to think about what that was, as my enemy was already on me again by delivering a kick to my stomach.

???: Got some strength to ya! Maybe you might give me a challenge after all!

I regain my senses quickly and begin to block each strike my enemy sends my way. When I raise my Sapphire Spirit up to attack back, I feel my arm being grabbed as I looked up to see the shadowy hand from before grab hold of me.

(Y/n): Wh-What?! What is going on here?! My arm!

???: Before anything else happens, you shall die by my hands!

I saw my enemy prompting to strike at me. I wanted to use my Black Viper, but another hand grabbed my wrist this time. With no time to think on how to escape, I moved my body forward as much as I could and pulled back to go into a backflip motion. I lift my legs up and kick my enemy in the face and make him stunned for a moment. At the same moment, the hands seemed to disappear after I hit him. I looked at my enemy and decided to head out of the smoke for now and go back to where White Heart was. When I reach where she was, she has reverted back to her normal form to be Blanc again as I crouched down next to her with Shadow sitting next to her.

(Y/n): Okay, something weird is going on here. What do you know about the enemy, Blanc?

Blanc (Ultra): From what I know... His name is Draven. He uses the smoke to help create stuff in there as illusions, but something can also grab you while you're in there. I don't know what it was though.

(Y/n): What do you mean?? When I got grabbed, I saw a pair of shadowed like hands. I even saw one trying to attack me.

Blanc tilts her head in confusion by what I meant when she thinks for a second.

Blanc (Ultra): Hmm... That would also explain why some hits I took weren't directly from him, but from something else... There has to be something to his ability.

(Y/n): I was thinking the same thing. But why couldn't you see the hands?

Blanc (Ultra): I don't know... Anything I told you is what you know now. The information about some hands is new to me.

(Y/n): Damn... Okay... I'll keep fighting this shit head and find out more then. Thanks about the illusion information. I'll also keep a lookout for when that happens as best I can. Just stay here with Shadow and recover your strength for now.

I got up on my feet and began to turn around, but before I could, I looked back to see Blanc had taken my wrist.

Blanc (Ultra): Why are you doing this? You hardly know me, yet you are fighting for my sake. Why?

I looked at Blanc and saw another image of her in different clothing. For some reason, when looking at this one and the other Blanc, something just won't let me abandon her. I felt if I did, it could drive me insane if I had not rescued her in time. When the second Blanc vanished from my vision, I smiled as I kneeled back down onto one knee and smiled at Blanc.

(Y/n): I don't need a reason to know someone. When looking at you... I feel...warm for some reason. Like...being with you... Makes me smile just by looking at you.

I could see Blanc blush lightly from what I say as I took her hand softly and pulled her hand from my wrist. Her hands were slightly cold, probably due to the cold temperature I could feel from this nation. But even if they were cold, they held a soft feeling when I held her hand.

(Y/n): But leave the fight to me for now. When you've regained some energy back, you can come assist me if you want. Otherwise, let Shadow keep you company. You've done enough to keep the enemy busy while you waited. Now let me help you by taking him on. Trust me.

Blanc looked at me and wanted to say something, but nodded her head.

Blanc (Ultra): Okay... Be careful...

I smiled and nodded my head to acknowledge what Blanc said to me.

(Y/n): I will. Don't worry.

I get up and softly let go of Blanc's hand while looking where the smoke approached slowly towards me. I frowned at seeing it approaching us as I knew I had to keep Blanc out of the smoke.

(Y/n): All right, here I go!

I crouched down and pushed off to charge into the smoke once more to fight Draven. When I entered the smoke, I could see a figure charging at me. I prompt my swords to be ready and counterattack, but my swords go through as if the person wasn't even there.

(Y/n): S-Shit!

Before I could turn around, I felt a fist get plowed into my cheek as it sent me flying. I crashed through a couple walls before rolling across the ground. I quickly got back up as Draven was already on me again as I blocked a blade strike.

Draven: Heh, you recover quickly! Here I thought I was going to get an easy kill!

(Y/n): Only in your dreams!

We push against each other to exit from our clash and begin exchanging attacking and blocking each others moves. Draven makes a thrust attack with his sword while I used Black Viper to deflect it to the side.

(Y/n): Gotcha!!

Using Sapphire Spirit, I made a thrust attack of my own and heard Draven chuckle.

Draven: Nice, nice! But you're not the only one who can dual wield weapons.

(Y/n): What?!

Looking at Draven's left hand, the smoke began to form and take shape into a sword. It then extends to reach across him and hits the side of Sapphire Spirit. The force of the hit knocks my blade to the side, but I follow through by driving my sword into the ground instead. I pick up my feet to wing my leg into the air and kick Draven in the stomach. The kick I made felt like it hit some armor on Draven, meaning he has some defenses of his own. The attack I connected with pushed Draven a few meters back as I began to hear him chuckle.

Draven: Damn. Good kick.

(Y/n): What? We're giving good compliments now? I thought you're supposed to kill me.

Draven: I am. I'm just surprised how fast you can attack back after being countered. Guess your battle training from before your memories were lost are playing a big role in your survival. The body may remember the moves, but you're letting your instincts help you on making the right choices.

(Y/n): Hmph... You're certainly not like that Johnathan guy from the other day.

Draven: Ah yes... That guy. Johnathan can be a real piece of work sometimes. Especially with his thinking.

(Y/n): But what's with his beef with me??

Draven thought for a second and then snapped his fingers on an idea.

Draven: Here's an idea. When you regain your memories, how about you ask him yourself? You may not know the reason why, but everyone has a reason. You can choose whether or not to follow on this, but it's your decision to the end.

I tilted my head in confusion, but saw Draven charge towards me as I blocked an attack from him and heard him chuckle.

Draven: But for now, your attention should be on me and this fight!!

Draven brought his head back and brought it forward to connect his head to mine. When getting hit, Draven seems to be wearing a helmet from what I feel as he then followed up with some slashes. Some cut my arms and my legs and some places on my clothes. Draven finished on his combo by crossing his blades and slicing them upward in a diagonal attack. The attack knocked me backwards onto my back. Seeing Draven jumping up in wanting to stab me with both of his swords, I rolled out of the way in time before I got stabbed and jumped a few meters away. I don't get far as I feel an attack connect to my back. When I look, it was the shadowy fist from before when I see it.

(Y/n): (D-Damn...! I need to do something about this smoke!! If I have to keep fighting under this guy's rules, I won't survive that long!)

In my need to get rid of this smoke, I began remembering I had a fight just like this where I was dual wielding in that fight as well. The attack I had used to get rid of the smoke around me there was done by holding my swords in opposite directions and spin as fast as I could. When the memory subsided, I began to see four figures charging in towards me. Each began on trying to attack me as I dodged left and right or jumped back when a thrust attack was made. When two got too close, I swung both my blades and felt them connect with the two.

(Y/n): Wh-What?!

Draven: Did I forget to mention? Even if my smoke warriors can be created, not only can they distract my enemies, but can even decide on wanting to actually do damage if they choose too.

I heard one of the smoke enemies come charging at me as I went to the side of the two I was blocking and jumped back, but not before I got a cut on my arm.

(Y/n): (Okay! This smoke has to go now! Any longer and I may get outnumbered!!)

After landing on the ground, I remembered what my memory showed me and began to follow through with what I should do. When seeing the enemies come charging at me, I focused my energy around me and my weapons as I called out my attack.

(Y/n): Tornado Storm!!

Pulling over to my right, I went to the left and began to spin at a quick rate. Wind began to form around me as a tornado began to form and rise up into the sky.

Draven: What?!

With the tornado I made, I could see the smoke that was around me get pulled in and rise up with the tornado. Reaching up high into the sky, the smoke dissipates from it getting dispersed in all directions. When I am able to see some light, I begin to stop spinning, but go to my knees to begin recovering from getting dizzy. I heard Draven groan in frustration from what I did as he looked at me.

Draven: Ugh... You know how long it took to create that?? Now I need to stall for time...

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes to get rid of being dizzy, but I still felt like my eyes were playing tricks on me still. I could see Draven clearly with him in dark armor with some claw-like gauntlets with some smoke forming around his right hand. Draven's helmet looked weird from what I could see as he had some shoulder plating and a piece of armor that covered his chest. But what shocked me the most, was that an actual hand protruding smoke was floating right next to Draven's left hand.

Draven: *sigh* This is not how-

(Y/n): Okay, seriously. What the hell is that thing??

Draven: Huh?

(Y/n): That shadowy hand. What the hell is that?? I've been seeing it whenever I got the chance in our fight. Are you controlling that??

Draven had a hitch in his breathing as he sounded like he was surprised.

Draven: Y-You?! You can see it?!

(Y/n): What's that supposed to mean?? Of course I can see it! Who can miss something like that in front of their eyes. I know Blanc couldn't see it through the mist, but-

Before I could get a chance to talk anymore, Draven yelled as he charged in towards me with some more furious attacks unlike before. I began to block or dodge any attack until we got into a struggle for strength to push the other backwards.

Draven: You must be eliminated! No one can know the secret to my powers! How can you see him!?

Hearing what Draven told me, I looked at the arm that was floating near him still.

(Y/n): So this is the secret to your smoke?! How you can control it?!

Draven: Shut up!!

Draven growled as the hand I saw began to change. Smoke began to take shape and create an arm up where the hand was and make a shoulder. The smoke then begins to spread as it created a torso, another arms, legs and a head. By then, what used to be just a hand or two I was facing...became a full body being hovering in the air with a solid form. Once it was complete it began to charge at me all of a sudden.

(Y/n): Wh-What the-?! Ugh!!

I don't get a chance to react as the being drove its fist to my face. The punch sent me flying through a wall of a building and out through the other side from how hard it hit me. When I recovered and sat up, Draven was standing in front of me while looking right at me.

Draven: Tell me... Have you been in a near death experience? Have you been seeing other beings like this too?

I looked at Draven with a confused look, but not before the being grabs me by my neck and lifts me up.

Draven: Tell me damn it!!

My voice is strained with having to focus on breathing and talking at the same time while my neck is being held.

(Y/n): H-How should I k-know...?! I don't...know anything... Amnesia... Remember...?

Draven sounded pissed as he commands the floating being to throw me in away from them. I rolled against the ground and groaned in pain for a moment. I heard a sound of someone yelling and saw Draven rushing to where I was. He jumped into the air and began to fall to where I was. I got up quickly and jumped out of the way before the fist of the being Draven was controlling could hit me. When looking at the spot, the punch the being tried to hit me with left a hole in the ground. I looked at Draven and began to get annoyed by how this battle is going.

(Y/n): You are going to explain who or WHAT that thing is?!

Draven: Hmph... If you must know, this is a Spirit. A being I can control to either support me or crush my enemies when I want it to. I normally don't get to introduce my Spirit, but it does have a name. Meet my Spirit, The Illusion.

(Y/n): "The Illusion"?? What, you trying to do magic tricks now??

Draven scoffed as he looked my way, sending The Illusion at me. In wanting to counter attack against him, I dodged the punch it would have landed me with. I began to attack back with Black Viper, with me having a good opening. When my blade gets close enough though, my blade hits nothing as my attack goes through it. Looking at me, I could see it grin with my failed attempt in trying to damage it.

(Y/n): Sh-Shit!!

I tried to jump back away from my enemy, but my leg gets grabbed to then get slammed into the ground a few times.

Draven: The Spirit NAMED itself that, dumbass. As for your failed attempt, know that any damage you try to do to it, will not affect it at all. But that doesn't mean it can't attack you. In a sense, we're living beings. We do not exist on the same type of existence they have with us. In turn, only a Spirit can harm another Spirit.

The Illusion spins me around and throws me, sending me into a torii gate. I could feel the pain course through my body from the damage I've taken, but I use my Hyper Healing skill to heal what damage I could. Draven walked towards me slowly and chuckled to himself.

Draven: I've only used The Illusion as support to hide myself or create smoke clones, I never had to use him in an actual fight. But I feel that if someone can see him, it'll be more enjoyable in seeing my enemies squirm with an untouchable enemy they can't fight.

I grit my teeth and see The Illusion laughing at my current situation before charging in at me again.

(Y/n): Ugh...! Yare yare daze... Give me a damn break...!

Purple Heart's point of view.

I'm currently flying into Lowee's borders where I can see the smoke column rises into the sky. I begin my descent as I begin to see what has happened here. Looking around, struggles of fighting and damages could be seen as I kept moving. Some movement catches my eye as I begin to land down to the ground. I jogged up to Blanc who was carrying Shadow in her arms.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Blanc!

Blanc turned around and was glad to see another friendly face.

Blanc (Ultra): Neptune.

Once I reached where Blanc was, Shadow looked at me and pants happily. I pet Shadow softly on his head with him nuzzling against my hand.

Purple Heart (Neptune): I'm glad to see you two are okay.

Blanc (Ultra): More or less... I'm still surprised Shadow had my talisman in his mouth. How did he-??

I chuckled nervously and looked at her.

Purple Heart (Neptune): That... was my doing... Knowing (Y/n), he'll want to do all he can to help those that need it badly... I kinda used some of my sleight of hand tactics and-

Blanc (Ultra): Yeah... I get it... You took each of what would belong to us and kept them safe with our scents to have Shadow lead (Y/n) to where we were. Although I'm glad your shitty antics saved my life... Do it again and I will cut your hands off!!

I sweat at Blanc's words and nod my head in agreeing with her.

Purple Heart (Neptune): O-Okay... Okay. Now that I've found you, what happened here??

Blanc (Ultra): Oh, nothing much... Just fighting an enemy with an unknown skill to our misery...

Purple Heart (Neptune): Ah, right. Where is (Y/n)? He should have arrived here before I did.

Blanc nods her head and points to where (Y/n) went.

Blanc (Ultra): (Y/n) went that way. He insisted I stay here to recover my strength.

Purple Heart (Neptune): *sigh* Even when he's lost his memories... He always jumps in without help to let others recover.

I smile as I remember all the times he did it to avoid anyone else from getting hurt.

Purple Heart (Neptune): But it's that kindness he has that makes me love him for it.

I shake my head to remind myself why I'm here and focus on my objective.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Okay, I'm off Blanc. If you can join back up with (Y/n) and myself, that would help a lot.

Blanc (Ultra): Wait.

I was about to take off when Blanc got my attention real quick.

Blanc (Ultra): Where are the others?

Purple Heart (Neptune): Um... Still in Planeptune sadly... They got into talking about something and I didn't want to be part of it. Okay, I got to go help-

Blanc (Ultra): Wait... I have one more thing to say...

I sigh and look at Blanc in what she needs to tell me, but looks to Shadow first and then myself.

Blanc (Ultra): The whole thing about you and your dimension versions of myself and Noire... I can see now why my other self would fall in love with (Y/n) now... He may be reckless like you say, but his will to fight and protect those close to him is what gives him strength to fight.

I looked at Blanc and smiled at hearing her say that and nod my head.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Mm. If not for that side of (Y/n), myself and the others wouldn't be here today. I have to go now, (Y/n) might need my help.

Without another word, I take flight again and begin to look around above Lowee to see where (Y/n) and the enemy is. When flying for a minute, I hear explosions that went off from a few blocks from where I was.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (That has to be where (Y/n) is at. Got to hurry.)

I began to head towards the area of where the explosion happened and began to hear sounds of metal clashing with each other. Getting closer to the area, I found (Y/n) crossing his blades to push his enemy's blade to the side. (Y/n) followed up with a kick to their head and a thrust kick with his other leg to send his enemy away from him. While in mid-flight, his enemy thrusts their hand forward, making (Y/n) dodge to his right and shift his body to jump backwards for some reason.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (Why did (Y/n) do that?? Nothing even happened that should have worried him in needing to dodge.)

Landing in a spot, (Y/n) shifts his stance to have Sapphire Spirit in a reverse formation while having Black Viper normally held. I quickly landed down and ran up to where (Y/n) was to see how he was fairing in his fight. I could see some cuts and damage to his clothes, seeing he's taken some damage before I got here.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (Y/n)! Are you okay?

Hearing a voice behind him, (Y/n) takes a glance back at me real quick, but then takes another look.

(Y/n): W-Wait, who are you?? How do you know my name??

Purple Heart (Neptune): Huh?? Oh, right. Amnesia... You haven't seen me in this form yet, (Y/n). It's me, Neptune. But in this form, people call me Purple Heart.

(Y/n) looked up and down at my form with a shocked look on his face.

(Y/n): N-Neptune?! Th-This is what your Goddess form looks like?! I expected it to have some change, b-but this is unexpected...!

Purple Heart (Neptune): Hmm... Well, when you point that out... Having to see me like this when you've only met me in my human form up until now... Would be surprising given the short time you know me...

(Y/n) looked at me and sighed softly.

(Y/n): Look, I'm sorry... It was just a shock that someone like you can become like... THIS. But, seeing you looking like this... You're not the one I keep seeing... Damn...

Purple Heart (Neptune): Huh...? "Seeing?" What do you mean??

Before (Y/n) could explain, we heard footsteps approach where (Y/n) and I were standing at. The one making those sounds, was the enemy (Y/n) was facing off against.

(Y/n): If we live, I'll tell you. For now, just stay out of this. It's too dangerous for you to fight this guy.

Purple Heart (Neptune): What are you talking about?? There's only one of him and two of us. We can take him.

(Y/n): Neptune, you don't underst- Augh!!

Before (Y/n) could try and explain, he got launched backwards into a wall. I looked back and forth from where (Y/n) and the enemy were, feeling confused as to what was happening.

???: Tsk, tsk... Now don't go spoiling it to the Goddess, kid. It wouldn't be fun if she doesn't get to experience it first.

I tilt my head in what the enemy means, but I don't get to think long as I feel someone pull me down. When I look, I see it was (Y/n) with a worried look on his face.

(Y/n): Neptune! I don't have time to explain! You have to leave, NOW!

I looked at (Y/n) and shook my head.

Purple Heart (Neptune): No I won't! I didn't come all this way just to leave you alone in this mess!

(Y/n): Ugh! Neptune, you don't even know how much danger you're putting yourself in! This enemy is- Shit!

(Y/n) focused his swords to disappear, putting his arms under me quickly. He channels his energy to his arms to lift me up and jump out of the way. When I look back at where we were, I saw the ground gain a hole in it and became shocked from what could have happened. (Y/n) lands down a yard away from where the attack happened and sets me down on my feet.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Wh-What just happened?? That hole-

(Y/n): That wasn't random, Neptune! There's this... Thing! I can't describe it, but it's invisible to you and Blanc. Only I can see it! Draven calls it a, "Spirit" or something!

Purple Heart (Neptune): A Spirit??

I heard sighing coming from my left as I looked to see it was from our enemy.

???: You are all kinds of annoying, kid. You know that?

(Y/n): Draven! You think I'm gonna just stand around and let you attack Neptune like that?! You MUST be crazy if that's the case!

The now named Draven scoffed at (Y/n)'s words and glared towards us.

Draven: Mr. (L/n)... In a war such as this, there are no rules on how people will act to carry out their objective. No matter the cost.

(Y/n): Does that include innocent people?! Are you prepared to do just that?!

Draven: As a matter of fact, yes.

I looked over to (Y/n) as he had his hand gripped into a fist tightly. I was about to say something to him, but he dashes forward to get close to Draven at a fast pace.

(Y/n): You bastard!

Draven chuckled at seeing (Y/n) get mad like this and began to dodge any punches (Y/n) threw his way. When dodging a right punch from (Y/n), Draven took hold of (Y/n)'s arm and slammed him into the ground. (Y/n) lets out a yell of pain as he laid there on the ground.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (Y/n)!

I began to fly towards where (Y/n) was in wanting to help him, but something grabs me out of nowhere by surprise. I looked around and saw that there was no-one there, but I could feel something holding me. I try to struggle on getting freed, as I see Draven begin lifting (Y/n) up.

(Y/n)'s point of view.

I groan as Draven lifted me up onto my feet and began to punch me left and right.

Draven: You think you're so tough? That you can protect everyone?!

Draven sent a punch into my stomach and then kicked me in the head. The kick stuns me and disorientates my vision. When looking at Draven, I see about three of him walking towards me.

Draven: This is a war, you bastard child! You are no hero! You are nothing!!

Draven grabbed me by the throat and lifted me up. I put my hands on his arms in an attempt on wanting him to let go, but I couldn't do a thing.

Draven: And you know the best part is? I'm getting paid to do this! One little talk to my employer, and I get to make a fortune from killing you and someone else later.

I growled slightly at thinking it was Purple Heart while looking at her, but I heard Draven chuckle.

Draven: No, it isn't the CPU. But I might kill her for fun. Want to know who it is? It might not matter to you with your amnesia, but I can tell you.

I keep struggling in wanting to break free, but I feel my strength failing me as it was getting hard to breathe. Draven chuckled and got in close to whisper in my ear.

Draven: After I'm done killing you. I'm going to kill your friends, your loved ones and save my target for last. Best part is... My other target is YOUR. LITTLE. SISTER.

This information causes me to go wide-eyed at hearing I have a sister. A glow began to shine in between Draven and myself as it gained our attention. Draven looks down and gazes at something that surprises him.

Draven: What?? The crystal?? Why is your-

???: You won't lay one finger on his sister! I won't let you!!

Draven looks up and gazes at something behind me. What he sees makes him surprised to see something unexpected.

Draven: Wh-Where did you come-!

A punch comes flying past my head and connects itself to Draven's face.

Draven: Arrrrrgh!!

The punch sent him flying backwards and released his hold on my neck. At the same time, Purple Heart was released from Draven's hold and was confused as to what was happening. I coughed at feeling air return to me as I regained my senses.

(Y/n): Wh-What just-?

???: Don't question anything right now. Just know I'm here to help.

(Y/n): H-Help...? Who-?

???: Look behind you.

When I was told to look behind me, I saw another person standing behind me. Only that I couldn't see their face due to the silver cloak they were wearing. But from the sound of who was talking to me, it sounded like a girl.

(Y/n): Wh-What-

???: Use your thoughts to communicate with me in secret for now. You can choose to keep using your mouth, but then you would look stupid talking to thin air while in front of Neptune.

I get flustered when hearing about that, but I comply with who is talking to me for now.

(Y/n): (Okay... You going to tell me who you are?? First this guy and his weird powers, then you come out of nowhere and save me. Who are you??)

???: (My identity is a secret for now... but if you want to call me by a name, call me, Silver Artemis. Think of me as your "Spirit partner.")

Getting the name committed to memory, I nod my head with having to call this person or Spirit, by that name. But one thought still had me for some reason.

(Y/n): (Why are you here?? If you're supposed to be my Spirit, why haven't I seen you up till now? I could have used your help earlier.)

Silver Artemis: (I have my reasons. If you want my help, you need to trust me here. And considering you and your girlfriend over there are having trouble... I-)

I begin to blush very hard when hearing that and cover my cheeks. With getting flustered like that, I began to speak to Silver Artemis.

(Y/n): Neptune is NOT my girlfriend!! She-!!

Silver Artemis: (Say all you want, but I've been with you for your WHOLE life. But I'm not lying to you about what I know. If anything, I know you more than anyone else will in a lifetime.)

I look at Silver Artemis with a confused look as she pointed in a direction. I followed her gaze and saw that Draven was getting back up on his feet from the punch he had received earlier. Refocusing on his targets back on me and Purple Heart, The Illusion grabbed Purple Heart to keep her restrained once more. This confuses her in what is happening as she couldn't see the Spirit.

Silver Artemis: (Want something to motivate you to win this fight? If you make it out of here alive, I'll answer anything I know about you and your life. But only when I deem it to be known. First we have to help Neptune and defeat Draven, or else he'll do more harm later.)

Hearing what she said, Silver Artemis seemed to know what she's doing. If she really has been part of my whole life, she would be very helpful in helping regaining my memories.

(Y/n): (Okay... If I do even want to help Neptune escape from that Spirit's grasp, I'm going to need your help. After all, with you here now...)

I smirk and look to where Draven is as he finished getting back up on his feet to continue fighting.

(Y/n): (The playing field has been evened out now.)

I put my hands in my pocket and began to walk towards Draven and felt Silver Artemis following me. When getting closer to Draven, I could see him tightening his hand into a fist. Probably getting frustrated by the turn of events so far.

Draven: So, you do have a Spirit... I was never told of this, but yet, I never asked. All my targets I have ever killed, never had one. You must be unique if you have a connection to one. Though, I'm surprised it has a form of intelligence. To speak to me unlike my Illusion.

(Y/n): Tch... I don't care what you think. What I know is, you're going to pay for all the crimes you committed. Not just what you've done here. Prepare yourself.

Draven looked at me and began to chuckle.

Draven: Have you forgotten? My Spirit still holds your friend. You better call your Spirit off, or she dies.

Looking over to where The Illusion was, I could see the Spirit creating a sword from the smoke and pointed it at Purple Heart's throat. I was about to get frustrated at seeing her being held hostage, but Silver Artemis placed a hand on my shoulder. She leaned in close to whisper to me real quick.

Silver Artemis: Don't worry... She won't die. Not while I have anything to say about it.

Silver Artemis walks forward past me and stands in front of me. Draven looked at Silver Artemis and chuckled.

Draven: Your Spirit better not have plans on attacking me, or else your friend is dead.

Silver Artemis: You won't be my target. Your Spirit will be.

Silver Artemis began to tighten her left hand into a fist as something began to materialize. What I see her summon, is a bow, but just that.

Draven: An archer? Hmm. Interesting. But a bow is useless without anything to fire with.

Silver Artemis: Who said I didn't have any?

Both Draven and myself were confused by what Silver Artemis said, but then saw her lifting up her bow to aim towards The Illusion. Pulling the string back on the bow, I could see some light forming. When I got a good look, I could see that Artemis had made her own arrows made from energy. The same kind that I used to make my short blades with.

Draven: H-Hey! Don't try anything funny now!

The Illusion points his blade closer to Purple Heart's neck as it was touching at this point. I could see Purple Heart having worried eyes at feeling something placed on her neck as she looked at me.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (Y/n)...

(Y/n): N-Neptune...! *growls* Draven...!

Draven laughed at seeing our predicament.

Draven: Now... Here's what's going to happen. You're going to aim that bow at (L/n) and you're going to shoot him. If you do, MAYBE I might let the Goddess go.

Hearing Draven say that, I looked at him and glared.

(Y/n): You bastard...! Like hell Silver Artemis would-

Just as I was saying that, Silver Artemis turned around and aimed her arrow towards me. Seeing this catches me off guard with my eyes going wide in shock. Silver Artemis lets her arrow fly and pierce my right shoulder, making blood come out slightly as the energy arrow disappears shortly after that. I take a few steps away from where Artemis is and get on one knee. I hold my shoulder from the pain and feel blood slowly coming through the hole the arrow had made.

(Y/n): Wh-What...? Ar-Artemis...?

Draven looked between both of us and began to laugh.

Draven: Now this is enjoyable! Never have I had a chance to watch something this interesting in my life! Not only do I get (L/n) to die, but from his only ally that could help him fight me! Ah hahahahaha!!

I stared at Silver Artemis in shock still as she pulled the string back and generated another arrow to aim at me. At seeing the predicament I'm in. I began to lose hope of getting out of this alive. Just as I was thinking that, I began hearing Silver Artemis' thoughts in my head.

Silver Artemis: (This fight has only just begun. Get ready to get Neptune away from the enemy as soon as you see your chance.)

I looked at her weirdly and saw her release the arrow to fly towards me. I stared at the arrow that was aimed for my head, but saw movement come from Artemis raising her hand quickly.

Silver Artemis: Dimensional Split!!

Draven: Hmm?!

Snapping her fingers, energy began to form in front of me as it began to expand. What I began to see was something that resembled a portal as the arrow went through it. Bringing her hand to the other direction, it was towards where Purple Heart and The Illusion were and snaps her fingers again. What happens next, is that another portal opens up behind The Illusion and the arrow Artemis shot before pierces the back of that Spirit. The Spirit yelled in pain and disappeared, letting Purple Heart go at the same time. I heard a couple more snaps and saw a portal open by me and another next to Purple Heart.

Silver Artemis: Quick! Grab Neptune and pull her through!

Looking at Artemis, I nod my head and reach through to grab hold of an arm. When pulling on it, the person who came through it was Purple Heart as she landed on top of me.

Purple Heart (Neptune): H-Huh??

When Purple Heart sits up slightly with her hands on the ground to support herself. When she looked around, she found herself in a different spot from where she was before.

Purple Heart (Neptune): H-How did-?

(Y/n): U-Um... N-Neppy??

Purple Heart (Neptune): Hm??

She looks down to see me lying on the floor with a blush on my face. But the reason why I was blushing, was because of how close we were with her arms on either side of me. From my view point... I could see the top of her chest very clearly. When noticing what kind of position we were in, Purple Heart began to blush and quickly got off of me.

Purple Heart (Neptune): O-Oh my...! Uh (Y/n), I'm sorry.

I sat up slowly and sat on the ground, rubbing the back of my head softly. I had hit it when Purple Heart came through the portal on the ground. I began using Hyper Heal to recover from the arrow wound I got and the damage Draven did to me earlier.

(Y/n): N-No... It's okay. It was... strange for you on transporting from one place to another so quickly... It's... kinda expected? I don't know...

I felt a hand get placed on my own as I saw it was Purple Heart's hand. I looked at her and saw her smiling softly at me, feeling my heart skip a beat with that warm smile of hers.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Thank you, (Y/n). I don't know what's happening, but thank you.

(Y/n): N-Neptune...?

When hearing someone clearing their throat, I looked over to see Artemis was the one to do it.

Silver Artemis: Sorry to ruin the cute moment between you two, but we still have an enemy threat still that needs to be taken care of first. After that, you two can kiss all you want.

I blushed hard when Artemis said that and began waving my arms wildly.

(Y/n): Don't say stuff like that! There is nothing going on between me and Neptune! Stop saying weird things like that Artemis!!

Purple Heart felt confused by what was going on as she tapped my shoulder.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (Y/n)? Who are you talking to? Who's "Artemis"??

I sigh and look towards Purple Heart to answer her question for now.

(Y/n): It's... hard to describe for now... But I need you to stay out of the fight with what happens next... This fight is between me, Draven and two others you can't see.

Purple Heart looked at me even more confused, but decides to comply in having to trust me for now.

Purple Heart (Neptune): I may not know what's happening right now, but after what happened earlier, you know more of what's going on here than anyone else.

(Y/n): I wish I could explain more... But I wouldn't know where to begin right now...

Purple Heart (Neptune): I understand. Just... promise me one thing...?

(Y/n): What's that?

Out of nowhere, Purple Heart pulled me in close to kiss me on the lips. Even though I barely knew her, for some reason... Kissing her, just felt right to me. Made me want to hold her closer even. After a few moments of kissing her, she pulls away to smile at me with what she wanted to say.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Promise you won't die on me... Okay?

I look at Purple Heart and pictured her as Neptune also. When seeing her smile and the energy she has, I couldn't say no to her request.

(Y/n): I-I won't. I won't die. I promise.

With hearing me say that, Purple Heart gets up and takes flight to get to a safe distance away from where our enemy and myself are at. I look at Purple Heart still, but see her glance back towards my way. Probably worried about what could happen. Even when I look at her, I place my fingers on my lips, still feeling how her lips felt against mine.

Silver Artemis: You can kiss more later, (Y/n). After we handle this enemy, you can kiss up in a tree for all I care.

I blushed hard from Artemis saying that, but it didn't make me as embarrassed as I was earlier. From that kiss, my head feels a slight ping of pain coursing through it. Even now, I'm pushing what happened off to the side to focus on my objective for now. I could see Draven begin to walk towards me with his Spirit materializing in the air behind him. When getting within talking distance, Draven stops walking to begin speaking.

Draven: Cheeky trick your Spirit has. Didn't think she could do that...

Silver Artemis: Had I told (Y/n) of what my plan was, he wouldn't have been surprised like he did. Surprise is a key element I like to have on my side.

(Y/n): "Surprises" huh? Yare yare daze... You're a real piece of work lady, you know that?

Silver Artemis: Got your girlfriend freed, didn't it?

I blushed slightly, but sighed in response to it. I reached for my hat and fixed it to then glare at Draven.

(Y/n): Let's just get this over with. I'm getting tired of seeing Draven and his stupid helmet.

Draven: I couldn't agree more than you do, brat. But a proposition first, if I may do so?

(Y/n): Hmm? What would that be?

Draven: With both of us having Spirits, I'm curious on who is the stronger combatant. Your Silver Artemis or my Spirit, The Illusion. I suggest we have not just our own fight, but with the use of our Spirits to help us win.

I looked at Draven to feel a tap on my shoulder. I could tell it was Artemis and didn't need to look at her as she began to whisper into my ear.

Silver Artemis: I can hold my own in a fight, but we shouldn't push our luck. We don't know what he could have up his sleeve.

(Y/n): Even so, I'm regaining my memories with each fight and new tricks I can use too. But with you here, at least you can hit Draven's Spirit when opportunities arise. For me, my attacks do nothing.

Silver Artemis began to think about it, but came to a conclusion.

Silver Artemis: Hmm... Fine. I still have tricks up my sleeve, but be ready for any tricks Draven may have as well. We still don't know his full arsenal except what his Spirit can or can't do yet.

(Y/n): Right.

I looked towards Draven to give my decision.

(Y/n): Okay, we'll fight like that. It'll give me good practice to come up with some combos with Artemis on the fly.

Draven: An optimist at heart, I can relate to that. It'll be my first time going against someone with powers like my own.

With our fight almost beginning to happen soon, The Illusion and Artemis disappear on us as I summoned my blades back out with Draven doing the same.

Draven: You will be my greatest target yet. Too bad I have to kill you.

(Y/n): Not unless I defeat you first. Besides, I want answers as to who wants me dead!

When I say that, I began to charge in towards Draven, with him meeting me halfway to clash with our blades.

Third person view.

Purple Heart lands on top of a roof and reverts back to normal self. In the distance slightly, Neptune could see (Y/n) and Draven beginning their fight once more. (Y/n) jumps out of the way as the ground caved in slightly as a random portal opens up next to (Y/n) to make him disappear. Seconds later, he reappears above Draven to miss on attacking overhead of his enemy as they began to push against each other with their blades. Neptune looks at the camera and begins to speak.

Neptune: Okay, I know this is quite obvious... But whatever is happening, almost feels like a Stand battle is happening with the usual fighting going on here. Neat twist, but eh this is fan fiction folks. What can you do? Got to at least do something to keep this story interesting.

Joining up with Neptune, White Heart lands on the roof with her and reverts back to normal. Shadow was in Blanc's arms and then jumped out to walk up to Neptune and sit next to her.

Blanc (Ultra): Neptune, what's going on? Why are you up here?

Neptune: Well... I would want to help, but freaky things happened down there and I'm not sure I want to mess with any ghost that isn't related to Casper at all.

Blanc looked at Neptune on wanting to know what she meant, but sighs as a response.

Blanc (Ultra): Just tell me what happened...

Neptune: Short story in my Nepness: I tried to help, but things kept happening and I'm basically in the way of a Stand fight going on down there.

Blanc gives Neptune a look of confusion and holds her head.

Blanc (Ultra): Geez... You make anything sound so annoying at times... I hope you know that...

Neptune: It's the only way I can describe it and you know it. Just trust me on this and watch.

Blanc looked down to watch (Y/n) and Draven fight, when they separated from each other. (Y/n) thrusts his arm forward with Draven dodging over to the side. A piece of cloth that was behind Draven gets shot up as holes appeared on it from thin air. Draven charged towards (Y/n) quickly with a yell. (Y/n) began to back up, but trips over a piece of rubble that was on the ground. Looking at Draven through (Y/n)'s eyes, The Illusion materialized to get ready and punch at (Y/n).

(Y/n): Artemis!

Silver Artemis: I got it!

A portal opens up beneath (Y/n) just as The Illusion is close to connecting it's fist to (Y/n). From where Blanc and Neptune can see, (Y/n) falls through the portal and closes up behind him. The ground where (Y/n) was gains a hole in it while a portal opens up behind Draven to have (Y/n) fall through it onto his back.

(Y/n): Ah... That hurts...

Silver Artemis: You only fell for a second. You'll be fine.

With Neptune and Blanc, all they could see was just (Y/n) lying on the ground to then get up slowly. (Y/n) almost doesn't have time as Draven shoulder bashes him and sends (Y/n) flying a into some rubble. Neptune cringed in pain at seeing that wasn't a soft landing for (Y/n) in the rubble.

Blanc (Ultra): Wh-What just happened?? That cloth and (Y/n) teleporting like that... How-

Neptune: Like I said, I don't know exact details... But the teleporting one is Dimensional Split.

Blanc (Ultra): Dimensional Split...? Are you meaning to say (Y/n) can tear the fabric of space and teleport through from one place to another??

Neptune: Not only locations, but dimensions itself. That's how we got back to our world, but (Y/n) had a heart attack just from trying it...

Blanc looked at Neptune, but thinks for a second about something.

Blanc (Ultra): But how can (Y/n) be using it right now?? He should have amnesia. The thought of even trying to break the space between dimensions should-

Neptune: I know what you're thinking... And I know. I'm even trying to wrap my head around it, but I can't figure out why it's happening.

Blanc looks at Neptune with confusion on why Neptune is trying to think about this.

Blanc (Ultra): Okay... Shouldn't you NOT be the one to try and figure things out?

Neptune looks towards Blanc and gives a playful smile.

Neptune: Look, I don't like being the one with all the information... But it's interesting to watch this fight, right?

Blanc begins to sweat while hearing Neptune saying that.

Blanc (Ultra): That's not the point I'm trying to make, not at all...

Sounds of a hatch begins to open up as people in blue suits of armor pop out of it.

Caboose: Th-That's all folks!

Tucker: Caboose!

Caboose: What?

Blanc (Ultra): *sighs* And more idiots to join us...

One of the men in the group sighs and pushed Tucker and Caboose out of the way, but he was wearing black armor with yellow trims.

Washington: If all necessary, Lady Blanc, I'm the closest you have to not being an idiot here.

Blanc (Ultra): That much is appreciated, Washington.

Washington joined with Neptune and Blanc to survey the fight going on down there.

Washington: So, what's been happening here?

Blanc (Ultra): Your plan worked. It brought help like we wanted, but so far, our enemy is proving to be a nuisance.

Washington: Meaning?

Neptune: A Stand battle between two people.

Washington looks at Neptune and back to Blanc, but Blanc raises a hand before Wash could speak.

Blanc (Ultra): Wash, Neptune. Neptune, meet Wash. Neptune is a Goddess like me.

Washington: I see...

At the fight, (Y/n) pushes some of the rubble away and gets up to heal his wounds with Hyper Heal. Some marks of being damaged still remained as (Y/n) got up onto his feet.

(Y/n): Damn... That Spirit of his packs some power there... Ugh...

Silver Artemis materializes herself and stands beside (Y/n).

Silver Artemis: Got a point with that. But with you keeping Draven and The Illusion busy, I've developed a strategy.

(Y/n) looks to Artemis in the corner of his eyes.

(Y/n): And pray tell that it'll end this fight?

Silver Artemis: If things work out, maybe.

(Y/n): *sighs* At this point, I'll take maybe... The more I fight this guy, the more exhausted I'm getting.

Silver Artemis: I know and I'm sorry. I promise that it'll be over soon enough.

(Y/n) tightened his grip on his blades to keep himself prepared.

(Y/n): Just tell me the plan already.

Silver Artemis: Think you can buy me ten minutes? I'm going to need time on charging up on an attack.

(Y/n) became frustrated at hearing that, but sighs in response.

(Y/n): If your attack needs that much of a time... It must be that lame... Shit. Fine, you got your ten minutes. Don't make me regret it...

Silver Artemis gave a hum in response at hearing (Y/n) agreeing to her plan.

Silver Artemis: I promise to not make you regret it. And it's not lame. Once you see my attack, you'll want to help buy time a lot.

(Y/n): Well get started then! Your ten minutes started a minute ago!

With hearing the necessity of getting started, Silver Artemis began to climb up to a pillar. She crouches down and placed one hand on the floor with energy beginning to envelop her. Draven watches Silver Artemis and then towards (Y/n).

Draven: What in the world is your Spirit doing?

(Y/n): Nothing that would concern you. For all you could know, she is just recovering her strength.

Draven: Then that would leave the fight only down to you then. Meaning I don't even need to fight you directly and could use The Illusion to take you out.

(Y/n): Tch... Coward.

Draven gets into a stance as The Illusion materializes in front of him.

Draven: You say "coward." I say an "advantage." Go! Illusion! Kill our target!!

Draven thrusts his arm out in commanding The Illusion to charge towards (Y/n). Dodging punches left and right, (Y/n) crosses his arms to block the attack, but slides backwards into a wooden pole. When seeing the Spirit charge towards him, (Y/n) leaned his head to the left to dodge a punch aimed for his head. (Y/n) jumps towards the building and climbs up it, by using Black Viper's whip sword form to latch onto something. The blade wraps around the piece to pull (Y/n) up higher as The Illusion is chasing after (Y/n) still.

(Y/n): (Damn it...! This thing's fast!! If I mess up, one good clean punch might do me in! Stupid ten minutes!! TEN MINUTES MY DAMN ASS ARTEMIS!!!)

Draven follows in pursuit in wanting to keep watching the fight unfold and laughs while doing so.

Draven: Are you getting goosebumps, Mr. (L/n)? I don't blame you for being afraid of my Spirit, but I must kill you as to pertain to my contract to get paid.

(Y/n): Screw your damn contract! Ragh!!

Bringing his Sapphire Spirit back, energy was put into it as (Y/n) launched an Energy Slash towards Draven. (Y/n)'s attack misses as Draven mocks his opponent more.

Draven: Gonna have to try harder than that if you want to hit me.

(Y/n): Tch...! (Damn it Artemis, why did I agree to doing this?!)

Silver Artemis: (Because I'm your only chance on being able to hurt Draven and his Spirit at the same time right now. Now shut up and let me focus.)

(Y/n): (Damn you bitch...!)

With Neptune's group, the others could see the current fight between (Y/n) and Draven, with (Y/n) being chased up a building. Some places on the building breaks apart on where (Y/n) is climbing at. Tucker pulls down his binoculars and is reeked with confusion.

Tucker: Okay, I have so many questions as to who or what is going on. What the hell is happening??

Blanc (Ultra): If we live through this, we'll be sure to ask (Y/n) and Neptune.

Neptune looks towards Blanc and sweats.

Neptune: Oh, c'mon... I'm getting tired of having to be the one to explain things...! Can't we just call Histy on my end to explain...?

Blanc (Ultra): Considering my nation was attacked by that bastard, no.

Neptune looks down in defeat and begins to cry softly.

Neptune: Oh man... Where's my lifesaving pudding right now...? I'm gonna need it.

Caboose looks at Neptune at hearing food while Neptune began to dig into her coat pockets for some pudding.

Caboose: Did someone mention pudding? I love pudding. *gasps* Can I have pudding too?

Tucker: Caboose, there is no-

Neptune pulls out a pudding cup and a spoon from her pockets and hands them to Caboose.

Neptune: Here you go!

Caboose: This is the sweetest gift anyone could give me, besides my helmet. I love pudding.

Neptune: You're welcome! Now, I know I have another one somewhere for myself... Then we can eat together while we watch (Y/n) fight.

Caboose: Yay! I love food and watching something. Then after that, food and nap time.

Neptune looked as if it was the best idea she heard.

Neptune: That sounds like an awesome schedule! I know Plutie would love that more since she loves-

With hearing the two getting off the task of

Washington, Tucker and Blanc: Would you two focus!! We still have an enemy attack going on!!

Tucker looks at Neptune, feeling confused as to how she was carrying food.

Tucker: Neptune, right? How in the hell did-

Neptune: My pockets are bigger on the inside. I just stick them in like so and presto! Carry on food!

Tucker: Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Bow chicka bow wow!

In the next instance, Blanc gets pissed and slams Tucker into the ground face first.

Blanc (Ultra): That's never been funny, you sick punk!

Tucker: *coughs* But it's my thing... My gimmick...

Washington: Tucker... Not helping your case...

Yelling could be heard as the group looked see and hear something crashing into the ground. A column of smoke could be seen and when it dissipates, (Y/n) is on one knee while taking deep breaths. A few smoke blades go flying towards (Y/n) as he blocked a couple, but one sliced at his side.

(Y/n): Angh...!

Draven: Running out of steam yet, Mr. (L/n)?

(Y/n): What are you *pants* talking about? I'm just about *pants* to catch my second wind...

Draven: *chuckles* Good, good. Because I'm not done having fun with you yet.

Draven walks up to (Y/n) slowly with a blade risen and begins to swing down at (Y/n). Using what energy (Y/n) has, he brings Sapphire Spirit and Black Viper up to block Draven's blade. For Draven and (Y/n), Silver Artemis was still on top of the pillar to prepare her own plan. The Illusion hovers around (Y/n) and Draven, chuckling softly at the state (Y/n)'s conditions were. Blood was slowly crawling down the left side of (Y/n)'s head, some bruises and cuts began to show more on his body. The Illusion punches (Y/n) in the gut, making him cough up blood and then be slammed into the ground. Draven crouches down low and talks to (Y/n).

Draven: You know, I used to have fun in having people be shocked at what could be happening around them... But meeting you and finding out you can see my Spirit, makes all the fun I have in crushing your life even more fun for me.

The Illusion grabs the back of (Y/n)'s hooded shirt and throws him up into the air. When coming back down, The Illusion grabs (Y/n) by the throat to hold him in the air. The Illusion tightens it's grip on (Y/n)'s throat, making it hard for (Y/n) to breathe. For Neptune's group, all they could see at the time was (Y/n) going up into the air suddenly and then floating in the air just inches from the ground. Washington zooms in on where (Y/n)'s neck is, as indentations of something gripping his neck become shown.

Washington: Something isn't right. I'm seeing some marks looking that are gripping (Y/n)'s neck. I think something is choking him!

Tucker: Like what? A ghost girl that-

Blanc looks at Tucker with a death glare.

Blanc (Ultra): If one perverted word escapes your lips, I will send you PERSONALLY to hell myself!!

Tucker sweats and stops while he's ahead of staying safe. Neptune gets up with Blanc looking at her.

Blanc (Ultra): What are-?

Neptune: I'm going down there. (Y/n) needs my help.

Neptune began walking towards the middle of the roof, but Washington grabs hold of Neptune's arm.

Washington: Hey! We don't know what's going on down there. If you go now-

Neptune: If I don't, (Y/n) will die!

Neptune looked at Washington with a serious look on her face. Blanc was shocked even more to see Neptune acting like this.

Neptune: (Y/n) is someone I love and gave his life many times just to keep us safe. I am NOT about to just watch him die with no-one to help him!

Blanc (Ultra): Neptune...

Neptune pulled on her arm to get it freed from Washington's grip.

Neptune: I almost lost (Y/n) on numerous accounts. I'm not about to let it happen again.

Getting to the middle, Neptune transforms into Purple Heart and begins to fly towards where Draven and (Y/n) are. Shadow barks and begins whimpers at being left with no way of getting down from the roof to follow. Standing up from where she was, Blanc looked at Purple Heart and tightened her hand into a fist. Washington looked at her and sighs with what she was thinking.

Washington: This has to be the dumbest thing to ask... But permission to join you on facing the enemy?

Blanc (Ultra): Granted. Anyone else want in?

Tucker and Caboose looked at each other and then towards Blanc.

Tucker: I would like to say... I'm a lover, not a fighter.

Caboose: And I haven't had my nap yet.

Blanc (Ultra): Too bad. We're all going and that's that.

Washington: And last I checked, I'm also your commanding officer, Tucker.

Tucker looks at Blanc and Washington. Tucker sighs with what might happen.

Tucker: May I also use my sword?

Washington: I'm not answering that. I'm not gonna fall for that again... EVER... That is the worst thing to answer to... Of all time.

Tucker: Damn. Worth a try at least.

(Y/n)'s point of view.

Four minutes had passed, as I was trying to do what I can to struggle out of The Illusion's grip. I was being choked slowly as my blades went through the Spirit each time I tried to attack, but to no avail. Draven laughs at my attempts and points to me.

Draven: You fool. Has the loss of air began to make you forget again? You can't attack The Illusion! You need another Spirit to help you fight it!

(Y/n): (D-Damn it...)

In my head, I could hear Silver Artemis' thoughts in my head in wanting to speak.

Silver Artemis: ((Y/n)! You can't give up yet! Fight!)

(Y/n): (Ar-Artemis...? Shit... You're sure taking your sweet little time... Aren't you...?)

Silver Artemis: (I know it's taking long, but you can't pass out yet! If you go unconscious, you won't be able to defend yourself!)

I groan to myself as I get thrown into a wall with my body getting stuck in it. The Illusion closes in and begins to deliver a series of punches that drive me further into the wall.

(Y/n): GAH! AUGH! UGH!

Silver Artemis: ((Y/n)!!)

When The Illusion lets up, my clothes have been damaged more as my blood was spilled around. I hang my head down in feeling weak and in pain.

(Y/n): (Sh-Shit... Hell... Everything hurts...)

Silver Artemis: (Hey! Stay awake! Listen to my voice!)

(Y/n): (Wh-What voice...? We're talking with our thoughts here, lady... The voice comes from when we speak...)

Silver Artemis: (Same thing you idiot!!)

My body loosens up from being stuck in the wall and falls to the ground with my blades disappearing. I prompt myself up slowly, but get kicked in the stomach by Draven to roll a few feet away from him. Draven takes some steps to walk away and sighs at how our fight is still continuing. The pain in my chest most likely indicates a few ribs got broken from the beating I've taken.

Draven: Geez... Don't you know when to keel over and die already? I have places to be kid.

I cough up blood and groan from the pain. With Draven being this close, all I could do is crawl away from him slowly.

(Y/n): (A-Artemis... How much... longer...?)

Silver Artemis: (Just give me five more minutes! At least five more!)

I sighed at hearing that as this fight was taking a long time.

(Y/n): (H-Hey... Artemis...?)

Silver Artemis: (What is it?)

While I crawl away, I see blades made of smoke stab into the ground, making me look back to see Draven had thrown it. I panted at feeling how tired I was and kept crawling to get some distance away, but heard footsteps begin to approach me.

(Y/n): (I-I'm not sure who I was... I don't know anything about myself, but... maybe if I didn't charge in towards the danger and thought more... Maybe I wouldn't be in this situation...)

I could hear Artemis grunt a little from what I said to her as she didn't like to hear something like that.

Silver Artemis: (Stop talking about yourself in a past tense, it isn't over yet. You knew what you were doing. You were just doing what was right. Just a set back of not having a plan to fall back on if things went south...)

(Y/n): (Yeah... Well, I didn't think I would have to die because of it...)

Silver Artemis: (No you won't! Trust me! We'll get through this!)

I chuckle softly as I kept crawling away, feeling weaker as seconds pass by.

(Y/n): (Yeah... I know... Heh, happy part about today, I REALLY enjoyed that kiss from Neptune... Sad part of the day though... Might happen quite soon...)

Silver Artemis: (Hey! I don't like words such as THAT coming out of your mouth. Where's the never-say-die attitude? Or what about your witty jokes?!)

(Y/n): (Heh... I don't need to say it... To do it... And I'm all out of jokes...)

I feel someone pull on my hood and toss me onto my back. The Illusion materializes from Draven and grabs hold of my neck and lifts me into the air.

Draven: End of the road, (L/n).

The Illusion began to squeeze my neck to stop any airflow to my lungs. My vision begins to blur slowly with the loss of air, feeling The Illusion grip tighter and tighter around my neck.

(Y/n): (C-Can't... breathe...)

Silver Artemis: ((Y/n)!! Focus your energy or what you can muster right now to your hands!! Concentrate your energy to fire a ball of energy at Draven from the palm of your hands!! It's called Energy Shot! It's gotten you out of many sticky situations like this and bought you more time!! Quickly!!)

Following her instructions I began to focus on what energy I can muster and channel it to my hands. Draven laughs as he sees me trying to fight still.

Draven: Don't try it. Nothing will work from you to The Illusion.

I feel energy begin to surge to my hands as I brought them together, struggling to say something to Draven.

(Y/n): N-Not meant... for it...

Draven: Hmm?? Then what are-

Draven doesn't get to ask me what he wanted, as I feel a force escape my palm and explode against something. Draven yells as he was sent flying a few yards away, making The Illusion disappear. I feel the air return to me while I lie on my back.

(Y/n): (That... was probably the last of my current energy... Crap... I can't move...)

Silver Artemis: (No! (Y/n), you have to keep moving! Don't just lay there and wait for your enemy to kill you! Move!)

I heard rubble being blasted away as I forced myself to sit up. Draven had been caught off guard, that his armor had been damaged by my blast.

Draven: One move after another! I can see why they find you so annoying!!

Draven began to walk towards me as my body began to struggle on moving. When I'm able to continue crawling, every muscle is screaming in pain.

(Y/n): (Artemis... I'm sorry... I... I couldn't get the job done...)

Silver Artemis: (No way! No damn way are you giving me brave last words! Get up!)

(Y/n): (Neptune... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I can't keep my promise to you... I wish... I could have gotten to remember you more...)

Silver Artemis: (Stop saying that!! You're not going to die!! You'll get to see her again!! GET UP!!)

With the current situation, Draven catches up to me and places a foot on my back. I turn my head and look at him with my left eye. Draven had his sword out and lightly tapped it on my cheek.

Draven: No more mister nice guy... You're finished. If I had to say anything about how our fight went... It was interesting as trapping a slippery rat.

Draven raises his blade to deal the final blow, as I wait for it now.

Silver Artemis: ((Y/n)! No don't give up like this! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!! (Y/NNNNN)!!!!!!)

Just when I feel Draven beginning to swing down towards me, I hear the sound of a big hit land on him. Draven lets out a yell that sends him flying with someone landing on their feet next to me.

Purple Heart (Neptune): I'm not letting it happen!!

Hearing Neptune's voice in her Purple Heart form, I open my eyes and see her crouching down low to assess my wounds. I could feel some strength return to me as an item had been used on me.

(Y/n): N-Neptune...?

Purple Heart (Neptune): Save your strength. You've done enough.

(Y/n): B-But...

Purple Heart (Neptune): Not another word. We've watched enough to know what to expect.

I looked at Purple Heart as I felt her lift me up softly to hold me in her arms. I could smell a faint, sweet scent when being this close to her. Just being in Purple Heart's arms... Made me feel calm... I felt Purple Heart rub her hand on the right side of my cheek while giving me a soft smile. Seeing her smile and the calmness in her eyes... Brought back the slight pain in my head again. I could feel water dripping down onto my cheeks and look to see that Purple Heart was crying.

Purple Heart (Neptune): You know... I'm glad... I made it on time...

(Y/n): N-Neptune...?

Purple Heart (Neptune): I... I see you doing this...all the time. Even our friends. But seeing you push yourself like this... Being a shield for everyone... You're truly one of a kind, (Y/n).

Purple Heart looks sad with everything that's happening to me, but I can feel her hand gripping my shirt slightly with what she wants to say.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (Y/n)... You may not know who you are, but I know your memories are still there... If there's something I want you to know... It's that you make me smile with your commitment. Even when you forgot who you are, you do what you can to help others. It's because of that... That I love you...

Before I could speak, memories of Neptune began to surface in my head as it causes more pain. The pain makes me reach for my head as each memory surfaces in making me remember my times with Neptune. I could feel each moment I had with Neptune or Purple Heart all at the same time with each one making the pain stronger. I close my eyes at the pain I was feeling, while feeling Purple Heart pulling me in closer in being worried about me.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (Y/n)?! (Y/n)!! What's wrong?!

More memories keep surfacing until the memories stops to where Neptune was kissing me on the lips while I was holding her close to me. The pain erupts in my head, making me yell out to the heavens in pain as I lose consciousness.

Third person view.

Purple Heart holds (Y/n) closer to her and shakes him softly to try and wake (Y/n) up.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (Y/n)?? (Y/n)! Hey! Wake up! (Y/n)!!

In her attempt to get (Y/n) to regain consciousness, a shadow loomed over Purple Heart and (Y/n). When looking up, Purple Heart saw that it was a piece of concrete falling towards them. Picking (Y/n) up, Purple Heart takes off to carry (Y/n) out of the landing zone of the concrete and up into the air. Yelling could be heard as Purple Heart turned her attention towards where Draven was.

Draven: AUGH!!! You know, you people need to learn to not get in MY way!! I'm just doing a job I was assigned to do, and ONLY one thing!!

Draven points up towards where Purple Heart is and more importantly towards (Y/n).

Draven: Kill that bastard of a child and then his little sister!! That's it!!

Purple Heart glares towards Draven at hearing those words coming from his mouth.

Purple Heart (Neptune): You will NEVER lay one more hand on (Y/n)... Not while I'm around.

Draven: By all means!! I'll kill you all just the same!!

Launching from where he was, Draven soared up towards where Purple Heart is at a fast pace. Deactivating her power of flight for a second, Purple Heart lets herself fall to get out of Draven's trajectory safely. Reactivating her power of flight, Purple Heart began to fly in needing to keep (Y/n) away from Draven. Draven gets frustrated as The Illusion grabbed Draven to throw him in the other direction. Draven lands on the ground and uses the rooftops to chase after Purple Heart down. Creating blades of smoke, Draven tossed each one to where Purple Heart is. Each one misses, until one lands in cutting into her side. Purple Heart yells in pain as she faltered for a second, but a second is all Draven needed.

Draven: GOTCHA!!

Draven jumps up and keeps throwing his blades made of smoke, each one beginning to connect towards Purple Heart. Making her lose focus with each hit while protecting (Y/n) from further damage, Draven is able to catch up to Neptune and grabs her by the leg.

Draven: Get back down there!

Draven turns in the air and throws Purple Heart over his shoulder. Purple Heart falls through the sky while holding (Y/n) close to help shield his body from the impact. What should have resulted in Purple Heart crashing onto the concrete, White Heart had flown in to help recover by lifting Purple Heart back into the air.

Purple Heart (Neptune): B-Blanc!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Get (Y/n) to a safe location! We'll handle this piece of shit!

Purple Heart (Neptune): "We'll?"

Draven began to fly towards where White Heart and Purple Heart were, until a sniper shot hits Draven in the shoulder to throw him off balance. Following where the sniper shot came from, it came from Tucker as he got a pat on the shoulder from Washington. Caboose was currently carrying Shadow in his arms, panting at being able to get off of the roof.

Washington: Nice shot, Tucker!

Tucker: Hell yeah! So good to have one of these. This is why I love sniper rifles. Load a round in and bam! Snipe them from a distance!

Caboose and Washington looked at Tucker, as if expecting something else. Tucker looks between both of them as to feeling confused.

Tucker: What?

Washington: Nothing. Just, expected something was all.

Caboose: Remember the one time you fired at the mean lady's butt?

Tucker: Oh, you mean Texas? I guess that counts for something, but I know what else could have been put in there! Bow chicka bow wow!

Washington: Annnnnnd there it is... Ugh...

White Heart sighs and looks towards Purple Heart with what she has to say.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Don't worry about us. You just get (Y/n) somewhere safe and treat his wounds.

Purple Heart looks at her and smiles while keeping (Y/n) secured in her arms.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Thank you, Blanc. Once I've treated (Y/n)'s wounds, I'll return to help you.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Then get going. We're not going to be fighting this asshole on our own leisure.

Purple Heart nods and begins to fly to a safe location for (Y/n). On the ground, Shadow looks at Purple Heart and barks, while jumping out of Caboose's arms. Caboose looked at the dog and then to Washington.

Caboose: Can I have a-

Washington: You already have Freckles, Caboose. No.

Caboose: Oh, right.

Seeing Purple Heart and his target getting farther from him, Draven was about to go chase after them, when White Heart got in the way.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Remember me, asshole?

Draven: Argh...! You're all really getting on my nerves!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): And you've pissed off the wrong Goddesses today. Be glad Plutia isn't here, otherwise, I wouldn't have the pleasure of beating you down!!

Draven and White Heart stared at each other before charging in to create a shockwave and bring their fight down to ground level. Flying to a safer location in Lowee, Purple Heart finds a secluded place to put (Y/n) down onto his back and pulls out a Healing Pod and Healing Grass to heal up some of (Y/n)'s wounds for now. With (Y/n) being passed out like this, Purple Heart could see some light gathering towards the crystal. It was an indication (Y/n) was currently recovering his energy slowly. Purple Heart took (Y/n)'s hat off of him and set it down softly over the crystal to cover up the light. Purple Heart took (Y/n)'s hand softly into hers and rubbed the top of his right hand softly.

Purple Heart (Neptune): I'll be back for you soon... I promise...

With (Y/n) being in a recovering state, Purple Heart could rest easy in leaving (Y/n) alone for now. Popping his head from the floor, Shadow pants softly and whimpers when seeing (Y/n) hurt and in pain. He didn't need to know it, but could feel it. Shadow walked on over and lied down next to his owner and curled up into a ball, waiting for whenever his owner would awake. Back at the fight with Draven, White Heart was sent into a wall with Washington to rush on over to give her support. Washington began to pull on White Heart's arm to begin freeing her.

Washington: Well... This fight is going surprisingly well... Probably one of the best I've ever had... Of all time...

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Stop with the sarcasm and get me out of this damn wall. We still have work to do.

Draven's armor was showing some damage here and there, but still stood strong in being able to fight. When Washington gets White Heart freed, a blade made of smoke lodges itself into the wall, indicating it was thrown by Draven.

Draven: When will you people learn... Stop getting in my way!!

Tucker: Then how about you take me on then!

Draven looks over to Tucker and sees him pulling out an object, only to activate into being a type of energy blade.

Draven: That's some advanced tech you got there. Energy fiber condensed into a controlled stream for effective cutting. Impressive.

Tucker: I don't know what that means, but you better be ready!

Tucker rushed forward to swing his energy sword left and right, doing some stabs here and there. But each swing he made, missed with each attempt.

Draven: You wield a sword, yet you have no skill in how to use it.

Tucker: What are you talking about? I know how to use a sword. What's there to learn about swish, swish, stab? It's a f***in' sword dude, not a fighter jet.

Draven: Then you know nothing on how to fight.

When Tucker tries to stab towards Draven, he dodges to the side to then trip Tucker over.

Tucker: Huh?!

Draven proceeds to spin to his left and kick Tucker, sending him flying towards Caboose.

Caboose: Don't worry Tucker! I'll catch-

Tucker: Caboose, no! Get the hell out of the-!!

Tucker flies into Caboose and both go down to the ground from the impact.

Caboose: Tucker... You're really heavy...

Tucker: That's because we're wearing armor... Stupid...

Caboose: Oooooooh right. I forgot that.

Draven growls with hearing the stupidest things coming out of their mouths.

Draven: What kind of idiots are those two?? They are no warriors! They have no place to be on battle like this!!

Washington: Maybe not, but they're the best at not dying.

Draven looks at Washington and sees him walking towards him.

Draven: What do you have to offer? You going to get defeated just as easily as those two?

Washington: Come fight me, and then we'll talk.

Draven: Hmph.

Taking Washington's words in, Draven charged towards his target and pulled an arm back. When throwing it forward, Washington caught the punch and trips Draven to knock him into the air and proceed to hammer arm his target to the ground.

Washington: You may not know this... But I'm not like Tucker and Caboose. Ex-Freelancer: Agent Washington. Leader of Blue Team.

Draven rolled back and launched up with his arms to jump back onto his feet. Draven turned to face Washington in a combat stance.

Draven: Hmm... You may be worth my time, considering you have some skill.

Washington: Glad to have your attention then.

Washington pulls out a knife and a pistol, while Draven brought his blade out and formed another made out of smoke. The area began to get surrounded in a thick fog of smoke due to The Illusion producing smoke. Draven charged towards Washington in doing a double swing with his blades, but misses due to Washington's reflexes. Washington lifts his knife and swings it a few times, but misses with Draven trying to keep his distance. When switching to his pistol, Washington fired a few bullets towards Draven. But what Washington hits instead, is a smoke clone made from the smoke around them.

Washington: What?! How in the-??

Washington doesn't get to think about what happened as Draven comes from behind Washington to land a kick.

Draven: You're not the only one with skills, buddy. I have my own methods to fighting.

With a snap of his fingers, Draven summoned more smoke clones and blended into the environment.

Draven: Just try figuring out which one is me. But as long as you're under my rules, you have no chance against me.

Washington gets into a stance with his knife held backwards and his pistol gripped tightly.

Washington: (We'll see about that...)

The clones Draven made begin to charge towards Washington in each wanting to attack him. When the first one arrives, Washington deflects the first attack and stabs the clone, while shooting one that was behind him. Turning to his right, Washington lifts his left leg to roundhouse kick another clone and follows through with a leg sweep to knock down another. Standing up, a smoke clone began to thrust the smoke blades it had over and over at Washington, forcing him to move backwards. Finding a blind spot in the clone's attack, Washington throws the knife in his left hand forward and impales the clone in the head. The knife falls when the clone vanishes, allowing Washington to pick the knife up.

Washington: (This will never end if I don't figure out where the real one is.)

Looking around, more clones began to form, but Washington could see a figure crossing their arms further away from Washington. Washington didn't need to see if it was the real Draven, because with clones, the real one doesn't need to fight.

Washington: Got you...

Washington tossed his knife up and caught the blade portion in his fingertips. When throwing it, it sailed through the smoke and impaled itself into his target, who let out a yell in pain.

Draven: Argh!!

Washington: The whole thing about clones is blending in with the crowd. Not just sticking out like a sore thumb, rookie.

Draven slowly pulls the knife out of his right shoulder and drops it to the ground.

Draven: I'll be sure to commit that to memory then, you shit...

Washington continues to fend off the next attacks being made as Draven circled around behind Washington. Draven was going to stab Washington in the back, yelling could be heard coming above Washington and Draven.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Getter Ravine!!

At hearing White Heart yelling her skill, Draven and Washington began to move away from where White Heart was landing. The shockwave blows the smoke away as Washington looks at the CPU.

Washington: Son of a bitch!! Lady White Heart! You almost landed on me!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): I yelled out my skill, you had enough time.

Washington: I'm sorry to say this, but that was the worst timing... EVER... Of all time.

Draven begins to pant softly at the duration the battle was going and grips his blade.

Draven: (This is ridiculous! Each one...! Getting in my way!! Illusion!! Come out!)

Having The Illusion materialize for Draven, he charged forward in grabbing Washington by the leg and lifts him into the air.

Washington: Wh-Whoa!! Heyheyheyheyhey! What the hell is going-

The Illusion yells as he throws Washington towards the recovering Tucker and Caboose. When Washington was thrown, he continued what he was saying as he was yelling it.

Washington: -oooooooooon!!

Tucker: Shit! Move out of the way!

Caboose: Don't worry Wash! We'll catch you!!

Tucker: Caboose! No!

Before they could move, Washington crashed into Tucker and Caboose. Washington was on top of Tucker and Caboose when Tucker realized what was happening.

Tucker: You know, if you were a girl, I would allow first base like this.

Washington: Shut the hell up Tucker and stop being an idiot...

Caboose: I thought I was the idiot?

White Heart holds a hand to her head at the stupidity of her soldiers. When hearing footsteps rushing towards her, White Heart raised her axe in blocking Draven's attack.

Draven: Ugh...! You keep fighting, yet it's pointless with what you do!!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): What I do here, is not pointless!!

White Heart pushed forward to force Draven back with each step she took.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): People here believe what I can do and look to me in helping them when danger ever steps one foot on my home!! I am the CPU named White Heart! And you WILL learn not to mess with me!!

White Heart took a swing with her axe and connected it to Draven's blades. The force of the hit blows the smoke blade Draven had created and slides backwards. Regaining his balance, Draven stops and looks up to see White Heart charging towards him. Focusing on summoning The Illusion out, it went towards White Heart and increased the size of it's hand. When grabbing White Heart, her movements became restrained, but couldn't move her entire body as the Spirit began to squeeze her entire body. In the distance, faint music could be heard playing as it increases with the closer it gets.

Draven: You've pissed me off... For the last... time... Die! Die!! DIE!!

Just when Draven was about to stab White Heart, Draven noticed the music that began to get louder. For Washington, Tucker and Caboose, they recognize that music anywhere.

Draven: Wh-What is that music? The f*** is that?? Is that... polka music???

Washington: Wait... I know that music. Where have I heard it??

Tucker: Yeah. I know it too! But, that isn't possible... Is it??

Caboose: *gasps* Wait... What are we talking about?

The sounds of a vehicle can be heard now as the music became closer with each second. Jumping over a bridge, a man in orange armor sat in the passenger seat, a man in maroon armor stood in the back with a mounted gun and a familiar girl with lilac hair sat in the driver's seat of a military vehicle called: The Warthog. The girl in the driver's seat though, looked a bit older than last time.

Adult Neptune: Yeeeee-haaaaaw!! This is awesome!!

Grif: I don't want to die!!

Simmons: Why did we let her drive to begin with?!

Grif: I blame calling shotgun!!

The Warthog lands on the ground and speeds towards where Draven is at a fast pace.

Draven: S-Son of a bitch!! CAR?! AAUUUUUGH!!

Draven gets hit by the front of the car and gets sent flying into a wall of Lowee. The Illusion loses its form and lets go of White Heart and the smoke disappears with it.

Adult Neptune: Sir! You just got Nepped!

Grif looked at Adult Neptune and stared at her.

Grif: Did you just reference what Sarge did with his name...?

Washington: Wait a second... Red Team?!?!

Grif: Huh??

Grif looks over to see Washington, Tucker and Caboose.

Grif: Wash? Tucker?? Caboose??? What are you guys doing here?!

Tucker: We work as soldiers of Lowee, dude. What are you and Simmons doing here and-

When Adult Neptune jumps out of the Warthog, the music stops and Tucker stops talking to look at her.

Tucker: Okay... I have sooooo many questions about her. How in-

Adult Neptune: Woo hoo!! That was so cool! I want to drive a-

Before Adult Neptune could say what she wanted, Gif and Simmons get in her face about what just happened moments ago.

Grif and Simmons: NO!!

Adult Neptune: What?! C'mon! It was so cool! I did cool sick drifts and jumped over hills! It was awesome!

Grif walks up to Adult Neptune while keeping his hand on the Warthog.

Grif: We just got this beauty back, Neptune! And there is no Lopez to fix this damn thing!

Simmons: Well, there is always Nepgear, Grif. She does know her way around machines. At least no Spanish option.

Grif: Still! I am not losing this car so soon! We just deployed it! Not even if THIS Neptune is a little more mature than the small one!

Simmons: True... It might make Nepgear angry if we trashed it so early. Kinda weird still that there's-

Tucker: Okay! Wait a minute!!

Tucker rushes up to Adult Neptune and looks between Grif and Simmons. While that happened, Washington jogged over to go assist White Heart back onto her feet.

Tucker: Okay, we just met a miniature version of Neptune, but can transform into a hot babe... But now there's an older one that's just as hot?! Is she her twin sister or something?!

Adult Neptune: Huh?? Nope. I'm a Neptune that never became a Goddess. Though, it is weird to be back in this dimension. I wonder how long it's been since my last visit back?

When hearing that Adult Neptune originated from the dimension they are in, White Heart looked at Adult Neptune.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): W-Wait... Y-You were born in this world...?

Adult Neptune: Yup! Been dimension hopping ever since I found Crostie when I was younger. Such a blast I had in traveling to other worlds!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): "Crostie?"

In Adult Neptune's pocket, it jiggled softly while giving a speech.

???: Hey! Let me out of this damn thing already, you bitch! That whole ride got me topsy-turvy from all the jumps and g-force I had to deal with! You crazy woman?!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Th-That voice...

Reaching into her pocket, Adult Neptune pulls out her Nep-note and opens it. Upon doing so, a dizzy Croire appears while some lights surrounded her to keep her in the boundaries. Croire has blonde hair and pale-tan skin. She is roughly the same height as Histoire would be. Glowing slightly behind her are purple-blue like wings while wearing a black dress with silver and red accents.

When recovering, her back was towards White Heart while looking at Adult Neptune.

Croire: Shit Neptune... You trying to kill me in there or something?! I may be a tome, but even I can die you know!!

Adult Neptune: *chuckles nervously* Sorry Crostie... But we needed to get here as fast as we could... My smaller me, called for it, remember?


White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): YOU!!

When hearing a voice, Croire looked behind her and became shocked.

Croire: Oh not this bitch again!! Put me back in and don't take me out until this bitch is gone!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Hello to you too, Croire.

Washington looked at White Heart being confused.

Washington: Lady White Heart, you know this "thing?"

Croire: Hey! I'm not a thing, asshole! I have a name and a life you know!!

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Yes, Washington, I do. As for you, Croire... You won't have a life when I get my hands on you...! I still remember the last time you made our fight hell with Rei back then!!

When trying to move, White Heart grunted in pain when trying to reach for Croire.

Croire: Good luck with that in the state you're in. I'm not here on my own leisure if you must know. Ever since I was caught in a butterfly net by Neptune here, I've been stuck in that stupid book of hers. So I've been having my fair share of troubles enough.

Adult Neptune: For good reasons if I may add, besides free rides of course. But with her being trapped in the book all the time, Nepgear made some slight adjustments for Crostie here to be more comfortable. Including this nifty feature that allows the viewers to see Croire.

Croire: I am a living being who records history! Not your personal ride, you ass!! And quit with the meta jokes already!

The area where Draven went to explodes as an enraged yell sounded off. Draven could be seen with his armor damaged slightly more with him having a fist gripped tightly.

Draven: One by one... More idiots come to join the line in wanting to die...!

Grif: Jesus Christ... He took a hit from a car. Is he another Meta?!

Washington: Not exactly... But could be under the right circumstances... Bad times that were... Poor Maine...

Draven pushed some rubble away and marched towards the group as Adult Neptune looked up at Simmons.

Adult Neptune: Uh... Simmons? Uh, want to start shooting? You know, pew pew.

Simmons: Oh, right. That would be a good idea right now. If you excuse me for a moment...

Simmons activates the Gatling-gun on the back of the Warthog and gains Draven's attention.

Draven: That will do nothing to me! Illusion!

Sending The Illusion towards the Warthog, it crashes into the vehicle and flips it to where it was upside down while sending Simmons flying a yard away. When landing on his back, Simmons sits up and looks around to see the Warthog upside down.

Simmons: God damn it!! This is why we can't have good things!!

Grif takes a moment to look at Draven and then the Warthog itself. When taking the information in, Grif turned to Washington with what he was about to say.

Grif: Okay... What the F*** just happened??

Washington: As far as I know... Something invisible helping Draven...

Grif: And my point is... Just like the Meta... Ahhhhh f***berries...

Up on top of the pillar like before, Silver Artemis is still there as she holds the power she has charged up. She could see Purple Heart flying from where she took (Y/n) to safety.

Silver Artemis: (Okay... My power is ready... I just need to wait for the right moment... Any interference and I may cause friendly fire... (Y/n) hurry and return...!)

Draven looks up into the sky and could see Purple Heart, but not with (Y/n). Meaning she put him somewhere to keep him safe until he can recover. Purple Heart can see that Grif, Simmons and her older self had arrived and went down to join them.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Grif, Simmons, my other self. You're here.

The three look to see who called them and saw it was Purple Heart.

Simmons: There you are. Where were you??

Purple Heart (Neptune): Putting (Y/n) somewhere safe and out of battle for now.

Grif: Ah... That would explain why the tracker moved... We just followed all the explosions and crap...

Tucker looked at Simmons at hearing the word "tracker."

Tucker: Wait, you mean one of those devices that allows you to follow anyone's position?? Talk about being a stalker dude...

Adult Neptune: Yup! That's exactly what he means! We put one in (Y/n)'s clothes again after he became unconscious after his fight with Dionix and Johnathan. We have the ONLY device in how to find him right now.

Washington looked over and saw Draven had been paying attention to what Adult Neptune was saying. Washington sighed and facepalms with what was happening.

Washington: For someone who may be older and "mature," you forgot that the ENEMY is still HERE!!

Looking towards Draven's direction, Adult Neptune looked at the others and began to sweat from embarrassment.

Adult Neptune: Uh... Oops...

Simmons: God damn it, Neptune!!

Adult Neptune and Purple Heart (Neptune): Which one??

Grif: The one that can't transform!!

Adult Neptune: Oh, that would make sense.

Croire: You're such an idiot...

The ground begins to shake as an aura began to radiate off of Draven. The smoke reappears at a faster rate with the pressure Draven is feeling.

Draven: If there is one thing, I will not be made a fool of, by a bunch of half pints!! But I WILL take that tracking device and end (L/n) once I'm through with all of you!!

Caboose: Well... You and what smoke army?

Tucker and Washington: CABOOSE!!

Caboose: What?

With a snap of his fingers, Draven had created smoke-like figures that had different weapons.

Caboose: Ooooooooh... I shouldn't have asked that...

Tucker: Ugh...

Ignoring Caboose's mistake, Purple Heart looked towards Draven and glared at him.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Go ahead and try, Draven. We will not make this easy for you.

Staring Draven down, Purple Heart and her enemy both charge towards each other as the battle continued from there with the others facing against the smoke clones. Purple Heart swung her blade as Draven blocked it. He slides his blade against Purple Heart's weapon to get closer, but she backs away from him as The Illusion was focused on punching her in the face. The punch sent her flying backwards, but Purple Heart recovers quickly to charge back in to activate her Critical Edge. Purple Heart's first strike was blocked, but the second sent Draven into the air. Timing it right, Purple Heart sliced past her opponent and dealt more damage to Draven from the quickness of her attack. But with the damage being done, Draven still stands to keep fighting.

Draven: Gonna have to try harder than that!! Dark Bind!

On command, The Illusion creates chains made out of smoke and wrap them around Purple Heart's body. The move immobilizes Purple Heart's movements and causes her to fall down to the ground.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Can't... move...!

The more Purple Heart tried to struggle, the tighter the chains became.

Draven: Now... Who's next?

Silver Artemis looks down at where the battle is happening and could see Purple Heart trapped in The Illusion's chains.

Silver Artemis: ((Y/n)... I don't know if you can hear me... But we're gonna be in a pickle if you don't get back here quickly...!)

At (Y/n)'s location, (Y/n)'s breathing has returned to normal with the ground shaking in the building Shadow and (Y/n) were in. Shadow's ears perked up and could sense danger was going on. Getting up, Shadow began to nudge at (Y/n) to try and wake him up, but it did nothing to wake him up. Shadow frowns and begins to bark at (Y/n), but even that does nothing. Growling now, Shadow pounce at (Y/n) and bites him on his left ear. Feeling sudden pain, (Y/n) yells and sits up quickly while holding his ear.

(Y/n): ARGH!! That hurt damn it!!

Shadow: Yip! Yip! *pants*

(Y/n) heard Shadow barking and looked at him. While doing so, (Y/n) looked around where he was.

(Y/n): Huh...? Shadow? What the hell?? Where am I??

When trying to move, his chest hurts as a rib moved in touching one of his organs.

(Y/n): Angh...!! W-What...? Why am I...?

The ground shook as some dust fell from the ceiling, making (Y/n) curious with what was happening outside. (Y/n) gets up slowly and holds his chest to push through the pain for now. When going through the entrance of the building he was in, (Y/n) walked back outside and saw that there was some debris here and there.

(Y/n): This is... Lowee...

Hearing an explosion, (Y/n)'s attention was turned to where it came from and remembers what had happened before passing out. (Y/n) puts his hat on and gains a determined look.

(Y/n): Neptune... Hang on... I'll be right there... *looks at Shadow* Shadow... Lead me to Neptune...

Listening to what (Y/n) says, Shadow begins to walk in the direction that had Purple Heart's scent. Leaning against the wall of each building, (Y/n) slowly makes his way to where the fight is in hopes of continuing Silver Artemis' plan. At the sight, White Heart and Washington dodged a smoke clone each. When attacking back, they both took out their enemy as more kept popping up.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Augh...! This is taking forever...!

Washington: We have to take Draven out, or this will never end! These clones just keep coming from that smoke!

Draven stays on the sidelines as he looked at Simmons, Grif and Adult Neptune. All three were taking on what smoke clones that came their way. Tucker was using his sword to slash each clone he ran up to as with Caboose firing at any enemy that came close to him. Draven felt frustrated while he stood next to Purple Heart still trapped in The Illusion's chains. He crouched down low while having questions for her.

Draven: You all fight for a reason on trying to save one person. Why is that?

Purple Heart looks at Draven and then away to not answer him. Feeling frustrated, Draven stands back up and kicks Purple Heart in the stomach, making her cough up some spit.

Draven: Tell me!!

Purple Heart (Neptune): Ngh... Because... (Y/n) puts his entire will into what he does... Out of all of us... (Y/n) has lost more than what we could have ever had lost in his life...

Draven: Ah yes... I was told he and his sister lost their parents because of Dionix... But do the others know who they are? Do they even know who (Y/n) REALLY is??

Purple Heart doesn't answer that as Draven found this intriguing.

Draven: They don't... Only the ones that came from your dimension. Correct?

Purple Heart (Neptune): Stop it...

Draven: You have friends, those that are from THIS dimension helping protect your little boyfriend, and they don't even know who his mother really is?? Though I must admit that you did well in deceiving IF and Compa about (Y/n) being their child, that was something worth seeing actually.

Purple Heart became shocked at hearing that they were being spied on even in this dimension.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Why you...!

Draven: Oh, don't get mad at me. You're the one who keeps deceiving your friends. The only person you told the truth to, was that little tome back in Planeptune.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Stop...

Hearing what Draven was saying to her, Purple Heart knew it was true. With her feelings being conflicted in her current form, it was beginning to destabilize. During the battle, the group kept getting bombarded by clones with signs of wounds beginning to show on their armor or clothes.

Draven: But that was because she had already found out before you got there. Even then, you had poor little Plutia burn those documents after your "heartfelt" speech.

Purple Heart (Neptune): I said: STOP!

Draven: Documents that would have revealed (Y/n)'s connection to her. His connection to that girl being his mother! What will you do when they or even (Y/n) finds out?? What then?!

Purple Heart (Neptune): STOP IT!!

It was the final push that made Purple Heart lose her form and return to being Neptune. Neptune never wanted to lie to her friends, but how does one even say that Plutia is the mother of (Y/n) from another world? In the distance, (Y/n) could hear the sounds of fighting getting closer to him as he steadied his breathing to keep the pain to a minimum. When entering the smoke, (Y/n) began to hear Draven's voice and followed it.

Draven: Even if you admit that out of everyone here, you are keeping secrets from them! All for what?! To spare your boyfriend from the truth?! You may keep it hidden for some time?? Sooner or later, it WILL happen! He will remember why all this happened! Including his parents!

Neptune: I KNOW THAT! I know...

At this point, Neptune began to cry. Her innocent nature was being split in two from what she knew was right and what was wrong. Upon getting closer, (Y/n) could start hearing Neptune's voice, hurting from what was going on.

Neptune: The (Y/n) I knew was becoming distant and losing the smile he would give to all of us... I know he'll regain his memories when the effects of the amnesia go away... But I didn't want him to remember what happened too soon... If he did... I didn't know what would happen...

(Y/n) could feel the pain in his heart at hearing Neptune say this, but felt some warmth in what she was trying to do.

Neptune: If I could help take the pain (Y/n) had felt back then away... I would want to do it in a heartbeat... We ALL would have... His Aunts, Abby... Everyone he knows... I just... I just want the smile he gives us back... I want the (Y/n) I KNOW back... I... I miss him...

(Y/n): (Neptune...)

(Y/n) felt a spike in his head at feeling the memories where Neptune would be there for (Y/n) whenever possible. (Y/n) frowned and began to walk closer to where Draven and Neptune would be at, but Draven began to laugh.

Draven: This is such a sob story, it's almost sad with what I have to do. Say your prayers, Goddess. I promise to reunite you with your "boyfriend" soon. If he even remembers that he IS your boyfriend. Heh.

When approaching Draven, (Y/n) channeled energy to his fist and taps Draven's shoulder to gain his attention.

(Y/n): As a matter of fact, I do. You piece of shit!

Draven: WHAT?!

With a loud crunch, Draven gets punched in the head and sent flying. The punch made Draven lose his focus and release the technique The Illusion made on Neptune. Feeling freed from what held her in place, she quickly got into a sitting position to look up at (Y/n).

(Y/n): And this smoke...! I've had it with this damn smoke already!! I can't see a damn thing at all!!

Fighting through the pain he was feeling, (Y/n) pulled his arms back and brought them forward to clap his hands. Upon doing so, the force of the clap separates the smoke to clear it to a certain degree. (Y/n) coughed up some blood at one of the ribs poking at an organ in him. When seeing the smoke clear with the clones, the group looked over to see (Y/n) had returned to the fight as he got down onto one knee.

(Y/n): Damn bastard... I'll get him for breaking my ribs...

Neptune: (Y/n)?! What are you doing back here?! You're not supposed to be fighting right now!

(Y/n) looked over at Neptune and sighed. (Y/n) lifts a hand up to rub Neptune's head and give his best smile he can give to her. Neptune blushed from (Y/n) doing this and tilted her head in wondering why (Y/n) was doing this.

(Y/n): Because... You're my Neppy... Why wouldn't I protect you?

Neptune: "Y-You're Neppy...?"

When processing what (Y/n) said, tears began to form in Neptune's eyes at thinking what could be happening.

Neptune: (Y/n)... Do... Do you...?

(Y/n): I don't remember everything... But I remember how much you mean to me... My little Nep.

Feeling joy take her for a moment, Neptune jumps towards (Y/n) and hugs him. (Y/n) yelps in pain with his chest hurting the way it is right now. The group joins up with Neptune at seeing (Y/n) squirm in pain slightly.

(Y/n): Ow! OW!! Neppy! My ribs, my ribs...!

Neptune: I don't care, I need this right now!

(Y/n): That doesn't help me!

Grif: Huh... Kinda feel glad for them.

Simmons: Do you really?

Grif: Nah, not really. I would want to just get our stuff and-

A blade of smoke flies past Grif and becomes quiet. He sighs as he raises a hand to facepalm.

Simmons: Oh man...

Grif: Let me guess.. That bastard is still alive... Isn't he...?

Tucker: Yup...

Grif: He's really pissed at us at seeing us still alive and catching him off guard at any given chance?

Washington: Most likely.

Grif: Aaaaaaaaah f***berries...

A stomp could be heard as tiny fragments of Draven's mask began to fall to the ground. Even when the mask is falling apart slowly on Draven, it can only show his left eye.

Draven: (L/NNNNNN)!!!!

Hearing Draven's voice, (Y/n) began to sit up slowly while holding Neptune in a hug. (Y/n) takes some deep breaths at the exhaustion he feels and points to Draven.

(Y/n): So... Ready to give up yet, you son of a bitch?

Draven: Not even close.

(Y/n): Kinda figured that... *grunts*

(Y/n) began to move Neptune slowly so he could get up, but Neptune didn't want to move.

Neptune: No... You can't...

(Y/n): This is my fight and it has been since I first started. I'm finishing this my own way. I won't let anyone else finish this for me.

With it being (Y/n)'s final decision, he got Neptune off of him, but he held Neptune's hand with what he wanted to tell her.

(Y/n): I won't die. I promise.

Neptune squeezed (Y/n)'s hand as he stood up, but let go when (Y/n) began walking towards Draven. Washington observes how (Y/n) walks and thought to himself.

Washington: (That kid may be willing to fight, but the way I see this... He's almost out of stamina and strength to fight... Don't you go dying on us kid.)

Upon stopping, (Y/n) lights his aura up to show he was ready. With activating it, he could move a little more freely, but not much.

(Y/n): (Artemis... You there...?)

Silver Artemis: (Tch... There you are. Don't you know it's rude to keep a lady waiting??)

(Y/n): (Sorry to keep you waiting, but I hope that plan of yours is ready. I'm not just standing here with a death wish on my plate...)

Silver Artemis: (It is. Just have Draven stay in one spot for a minute and we'll beat him.)

(Y/n): (Just don't kill him. Besides...)

(Y/n) clutched his hands into a fists and glared at Draven.

(Y/n): (I want to give him a piece of my own damn mind.)

Silver Artemis: (Understood. I'm starting with the plan now.)

With hearing that, (Y/n) focused his thoughts to bring out Sapphire Spirit to increase his energy more.

Draven: I'm going to enjoy killing you very slowly, Mr. (L/n).

(Y/n): Don't make promises you can't keep. Let me give you an example: When I'm through with you, you'll be sent flying out of this nation with nothing but your bones broken.

Draven: Mine isn't a promise, it's an absolute!!

Draven charged towards (Y/n) with The Illusion launches forward to make (Y/n) block an attack. With his ribs being broken, his mobility was limited. (Y/n) grits his teeth at the pain as The Illusion punched towards (Y/n) each time. The Illusion pulled an arm back and threw it hard towards (Y/n), making him raise his arms up to guard. The punch creates a shockwave and sends (Y/n) sliding backwards while blood escapes (Y/n)'s mouth slightly.

Draven: Of all the piece of shits that have given me the most trouble in my life so far, you take the damn F***ING cake!

The Illusion picks up a piece of rubble on the ground and throws it at (Y/n). When regaining his footing, (Y/n) swings his blade to send an Energy Slash and cuts it in half. What he doesn't expect, is that The Illusion used it as cover to get closer. In doing so, the Spirit grabs (Y/n) by the neck and lifts him up.

Draven: I never expected you to be this much of a trouble or live this long in a fight against me. If there is anything I will take pleasure in, it's that I will kill you slowly.

Focusing energy to his left palm, (Y/n) struggles on trying to speak.

(Y/n): In-In your dreams... Asshole...

Lifting his left arm up, (Y/n) was about to fire at Draven, but The Illusion redirected (Y/n)'s Energy Shot towards the sky.

Draven: I already knew you might try that. I don't fall for the same tricks twice. Now do us all a favor... and die.

As The Illusion was beginning to choke (Y/n) with more strength put in slowly. Out of nowhere though, an energy arrow impales itself into the Spirit's arm, making it recoil in pain and lets go of (Y/n).

Draven: What?!

Draven saw the arrow and knew he had forgotten one thing. He had forgotten (Y/n)'s use of a Spirit. Looking up where Silver Artemis was, tiny portals had been generated in front of her while holding her bow at the ready.

Draven: I forgot about that Spirit! But she's so far away! How did- Huh?!?!

Noticing around him, Draven and The Illusion were surrounded by tiny portals in all directions. When Silver Artemis fired an arrow, it came in behind Draven and shot him in the arm.

Draven: Augh!!

(Y/n): So... What was that earlier when you called me a "slippery rat"? How does it feel to be CORNERED like one?

Draven looks past the portals that surrounded him as (Y/n) glares at him.

(Y/n): You only used your Spirit to hide and attack from the shadows to kill your enemies... You only relied on your Spirit to help you out of your battles... Unlike you, I trusted my Spirit to not only have my back, but have hers when she needed it. Because of that... you've lost this battle.

(Y/n) raised his left hand and points at Draven while calling out to his partner.

(Y/n): Silver Artemis!!

Silver Artemis: (With pleasure.) Omni-Directional: Arrow Strike!!

One after another, Silver Artemis fired arrow after arrow into the portals. On the receiving end, Draven and The Illusion were getting hit by each arrow that came through them. Back, shoulder, legs or arms; each one got struck to deal more damage as time went on.

Draven: (I-I can't dodge them...! There's too many!!)

Charging up a shot, Silver Artemis focused more energy to her last arrow and fired it through the portal. When going out through a portal in front of Draven, the portals disperse and the arrow hits Draven in the chest to send him flying a few meters back. The hit knocked Draven onto his back with (Y/n) putting his sword away and dispelling his aura. (Y/n) sighs while feeling the end of this battle was near.

(Y/n): Yare yare daze... Let's finish this...

(Y/n) puts his hands in his pockets to turn around and walk towards Draven. While walking to his enemy, Draven groaned in pain and rolled over to get up slowly onto one knee. Blood was dripping slowly from the wounds he had been given from Silver Artemis' attack.

(Y/n): Don't even dare get up. Unless you still want to fight.

Draven looked behind himself and saw that (Y/n) had gotten closer to him.

(Y/n): I could finish you off like this, but that would leave such a sour taste in my own mouth... I'll allow you to get up, but once you do... All bets are off.

Draven clutched his hand into a fist and glared at (Y/n).

Draven: (This... brat! How dare he look down on me! I have killed anyone to lowlifes that wouldn't be missed in this world...! And yet, this bastard of a dead family is giving me THIS much trouble?!)

(Y/n) took his hands out of his pockets to readjust his hat real quick to have it fit a little better. Upon seeing an opening, Draven launched from his spot and swung his arm. Draven's blood flew into the air and hit (Y/n) in the eyes to blind him. Draven gets up quickly and is ready to attack.

Draven: You fool! Fix your damn clothing after your fight! With that mistake you made, my victory is assured!!

Draven pulls his right arm back to prompt it for an attack as everyone saw (Y/n) get put into a disadvantage.

Neptune: (Y/N)!!

Upon getting closer to (Y/n), Draven begins to throw his punch to finish his opponent off. With (Y/n) having been residual senses from his fight, (Y/n) brought his left arm up and swung it from right to left. From doing this, (Y/n) used his forearm to push Draven's punch to the side to graze (Y/n)'s left cheek.

Draven: N-NANI?!

From Draven missing his target, he was left open for (Y/n) to deliver a counter attack on him. (Y/n) pulled his right arm back and clutched his hand into a fist.

(Y/n): ORA!!

(Y/n) launches a right straight to Draven's chest, knocking the wind out of him. Wiping the blood from his eyes, (Y/n) glared at his enemy on their tactics.

(Y/n): Tch... Cheap shot in trying to blind me like that... But I'm no fool to fix my hat when being this close to you. That was just to let you think I let my guard down and have you come at me instead. You're not the only one to play mind games here, asshole. That must be your most foolish mistake ever... Of all time.

Grabbing Draven by the collar of his armor, (Y/n) lifts him up as his (A/c) aura reignites and grows in intensity.

(Y/n): Since you've made your move, now it's my turn. And since you're being paid to kill me...

(Y/n) then looks at Draven as he sends a death glare his way.

(Y/n): I hope you've brought your wallet... 'Cause the rent in Hell is paid in advance!! YOU SCUM!! ORA!

Tossing Draven into the air, (Y/n) got into a combat stance to release his aura even more. Upon getting ready, (Y/n) began to throw punch after punch at Draven repeatedly at a fast pace.

(Y/n): Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!

To the others, they watch (Y/n) throw each punch at his enemy. But the punches they see (Y/n) throwing, were blurred with how fast (Y/n) was punching Draven. Each punch made to Draven could be heard with a loud cracking sound to indicate how fast and hard (Y/n) was punching him.

(Y/n): Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!

Tucker: OH MY GOD! Are you all seeing this?! This is nuts!!

Washington: How fast is that guy punching?! What speed is he even clocking at?! Although he also says something I usually say. Neat.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): I don't give a damn how fast he's punching or care about what he says, you idiots! (Y/n)! Give this asshole the beat down of his life!! Show him who's boss!!

Getting the approval from White Heart, a surge coursed through (Y/n)'s body to deliver harder punches. Pulling his arm back, (Y/n) throws it to deliver a hard punch to Draven's stomach while keeping up with his assault.

(Y/n): ORA!! Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!

(Y/n) punched Draven into the air and kept punching him harder and faster. His muscles were screaming in pain with the abuse they were dealing with, but he didn't care. All he wanted was to protect his friends.


Charging up one last punch, (Y/n) drives it into Draven's face and sends him flying into the air and out of Lowee. The ground beneath (Y/n) crumbled up from the strength of his last punch.


(Y/n) points at where Draven is flying away at and yells out to him.

(Y/n): If you or anyone else ever decides to hurt my friends or those I love again... I will make you ALL pay with an inch of your miserable lives!! And it won't be some judge that brings the gavel down, I will be the JUDGE himself!! LEARN YOUR PLACE!!!

Having said that and seeing a flash in the sky, the battle has ceased to an end. This also meant the adrenaline (Y/n) was feeling would soon go away in a matter of moments. (Y/n) takes some deep breaths as his aura extinguishes. At feeling weak in every portion of his body, (Y/n) falls backwards onto his back to pass out from exhaustion.

Neptune: (Y/n)!

Going to check where (Y/n) is, the group begins to check on (Y/n)'s conditions as Silver Artemis looked down at all of them from above.

Silver Artemis: (Y/n)... Out of everything, I'm glad to be of help to you.

Silver Artemis' mouth is seen for only a moment to show a smile with a strand of snow white hair poking out from the hood before disappearing and the scene fading to black.

Location: Planeptune's Basilicom.

Time: Night.

After some time passes, (Y/n) wakes up slowly in the middle of the night. When trying to move, (Y/n) barely had any strength to move due to his fight with Draven. Managing to look down his body, he noticed two things: One being his whole upper body has been bandaged up with some splints, and the fact a certain lilac haired girl laid her head on his chest. (Y/n) felt a little weird when Neptune was sleeping with him, but it also seemed right to him.

(Y/n): (Neptune may be a bit childish when it comes to other things... But I remember this happening too... Only this time I'm not in the hospital... *sighs* Maybe I'll go look over the balcony...)

When trying to lift Neptune's head off of him, a twinge of pain coursed through (Y/n)'s body and jolts for a second. The sudden movement stirred the sleeping Neptune as she sat up and yawned. Neptune had on a pair of purple pajamas that had Planeptune's symbol on it. When looking around, she saw that (Y/n) was awake and in pain. When the thought processed through Neptune, her eyes opened up more in surprise when (Y/n) was trying to get up. Neptune lays a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder and guides him back down slowly.

Neptune: Don't move... Your body needs to rest...

(Y/n): I was only going to go to the bal-

Neptune: No. You're lying back down with me and going to rest up. That's final.

With no chance of being able to convince Neptune, (Y/n) sighed and listened to Neptune. When lying back down completely, Neptune cuddled back up next to (Y/n).

(Y/n): Neptune... I'm fine... Serious- Urk!

Neptune poked at (Y/n)'s chest to make his body react to the pain he felt to prove her point.

Neptune: I'm not letting you up. Compa said to get your rest. Do you want to make Compa sad in hurting yourself more?

(Y/n) was about to say something, but sighed as he knew Neptune was right in what she was saying.

(Y/n): Fine. Fine... I won't get up. Okay?

Having accepted that (Y/n) wasn't going to get up from the bed, Neptune cuddled closer to him as she laid her head onto (Y/n)'s left shoulder. The weight of her head wasn't much, so (Y/n) was able to bear with it for now. With feeling Neptune being close to him, (Y/n) lightly blushed and made an attempt to wrap his arm around her waist softly. Feeling (Y/n)'s arm wrap around her, Neptune looked up towards (Y/n) who was blushing.

(Insert I'll Believe by Altima)

(Y/n): H-Hey... Neppy?

Neptune: Yeah?

(Y/n): R-Remember when you asked me about what I knew or stuff that you were trying to ask me before about my memories...?

Neptune: Yeah. You blacked out and just made potato soup for P-ko.

(Y/n): W-Well... There was... one thing I had saw...

Neptune tilts her head at feeling curious about what (Y/n) was about to say.

(Y/n): It-It was about the time when we were at the fair... on top of a makeshift building and... something happening...

Neptune: "Something??" Like what?

(Y/n) blushed harder as he had a hard time saying it. Looking at the blush on (Y/n)'s cheeks, Neptune could think of one thing that (Y/n) was thinking about. Reaching with her left hand, (Y/n) jolted in surprise for a moment when feeling a hand on his right cheek. Neptune rubbed the scars on (Y/n)'s cheek, making (Y/n) blush more and making his heart race.

(Y/n): N-Neptune...?

Neptune gets closer to (Y/n) as she too had a blush now and places her lips against (Y/n)'s to kiss him. Neptune had her eyes closed as (Y/n) looked at Neptune for a moment in shock, but eased into the kiss and closed his eyes to kiss Neptune back. (Y/n) wrapped his arms around Neptune to hold her closer to him and hears Neptune hum from (Y/n)'s actions. The two kissed each other, only until both fell asleep with (Y/n) holding Neptune in his arms. Both sleep soundly with a smile on their faces as they get a good night's rest.

Dimension: Hyper.

Location: Dionix's base.

It was late at night with Dionix and Chronos working on plans, when Draven walks in while holding his arm.

Draven: Damn... Brat...

Dionix looks up and gets up from his seat.

Dionix/Shalla: Who the hell are YOU?!

Chronos: Calm yourself, Shalla. This is someone I had spying in the Ultra dimension for some time. That's how I know what goes on in that world.

Dionix looked at Chronos and sighs. He sits back down while Chronos approached Draven.

Chronos: Seems you didn't heed my warning. Did something go wrong Draven?

Draven: Tch...! Shut the hell up. Everything was going fine, until that damn brat came in.

Draven pulls out a thumb drive and tosses it to Chronos.

Draven: I don't know what you sent me into, but that brat had other skills besides the ones you told me about.

Chronos catches it to look at it in confusion and looks to Draven for answers.

Chronos: What do you mean?

Draven: I'm not saying anything. Look for yourselves and you figure it out. I'm going to the infirmary. Come talk to me after you watch that and ask me then.

Draven walks out of the room as Chronos went to the computer Dionix was in front of. Inserting the thumb drive, the two begin to watch a video of when Draven began his mission given to him by Chronos.

Chapter 3. End.

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