Subplot: Clothes shopping with the gang.

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Third person view.

January 1, 20XX

Location: Lastation's Basilicom, Noire's room.

Time: Noon.

After the fight the gang had yesterday, they head over to Lastation and try to relax there for some time. (Y/n) was allowed to move with Compa's permission, if (Y/n) doesn't do anything that involved fighting. Neptune had explained to her bigger self, Grif and Simmons about the current situation with (Y/n) and were shocked to hear he had gotten amnesia. With having gotten the Warthog flipped back over, the older Neptune began to drive it back to Hyper dimension to get it repaired. Everything was going peaceful in Lastation right now, until a blood curdling scream could be heard echoing across the land.


(Y/n) had to explain to IF about what happened yesterday when her bike hadn't returned to Planeptune with the others. IF brought down a harisen fan on top of (Y/n)'s head, this makes (Y/n) recoil and yell in pain as he held his head.

(Y/n): OW! The top of my head!

Grif: Heh. He says the exact same things you say Simmons.

Compa (Ultra): Iffy! JoJo's still recovering! Calm down!

With having to explain what happened to IF's bike, IF was trying to reach for (Y/n) in wanting to beat the living shit out of him. But IF was being held back by Neptune, Compa, Grif and Simmons.

IF (Ultra): He destroyed my f***ing bike!! MY BIKE!! I'm gonna kill him!

Neptune: We can buy you a new bike! There are always replacements!


Grif looks to Simmons as he was kicked in the chin by IF.

Grif: This is ridiculous! Why is every girl we meet either crazy or super strong?! What the hell is this crap?!

Simmons: Don't ask me!! I don't even know!!

Simmons gets elbowed in his gut as he falls down to the ground.

Simmons: Ow jeez, the front of my stomach!

(Y/n) shivered in fear as Plutia, Peashy and Noire sat next to (Y/n). (Y/n) looks to Noire and points slightly to IF with his hand shaking. Noire gave an annoyed look at how much noise is being generated, Peashy laughing at anything that happened and Plutia sewing something with careful precision.

(Y/n): I-Is Iffy always like that...? When someone takes her bike and destroys it...?

Noire (Ultra): Well... I've never seen her like THIS, but I guess??

Plutia stops sewing for a second to look at (Y/n) with a smile on her face.

Plutia: I've never seen Iffy get this mad before. But it was funny when she screamed like that~

(Y/n): That scream resulted in getting me hit in the head! I'm still sore from my battle from yesterday!

Peashy: Incoming!

(Y/n) was confused by what Peashy meant, until the harisen fan barely hit (Y/n) again.

(Y/n): AAH!

IF (Ultra): Just ONE hit! Just let me give one more hit in!!

Neptune: That's my boyfriend with amnesia you're talking about! He just remembered me and I am keeping those memories intact!! We don't have backup memory for this kind of thing you know!!

Compa (Ultra): Please Iffy! JoJo had good intentions on why he needed to use the bike! Please calm down!

After a few more minutes go by, IF finally calms down as she pants with feeling tired from using most of her energy like that.

IF (Ultra): *pants* Fine...! *pants* But this does not mean, *pants* I'm letting this go...! Not by a LOOOONG shot...! *pant*

Compa, Neptune, Grif and Simmons lie on the ground at the exhaustion they had to go through with Grif raising a hand.

Grif: Don't even bother asking for any more help from me! I'm taking a nap...

In an instant, Grif falls asleep with Simmons sighing at Grif's actions and facepalms.

Simmons: I hate you... I hate you so much...

Peashy: Pea wants to play! Play with me!

Peashy suddenly jumps onto Simmons's back, making the man in armor yelp in pain.

Simmons: Ow! The back of my back!

(Y/n) sighed at feeling some ease return to him, but coughs at feeling some pain in his chest.

(Y/n): D-Damn... *coughs*

When (Y/n) keeps coughing Plutia looks at (Y/n) and taps his shoulder softly.

Plutia: (Y/n)? Are you okay?

When his coughing died down, (Y/n) looked over at Plutia and gave a light smile.

(Y/n): Yeah... I'm okay. Guess the battle with Draven and Iffy almost trying to kill me, is a little TOO much excitement for me right now... Don't worry, Plutie.

Plutia tilted her head and smiled softly to go back to sewing the object in her hands. (Y/n) had noticed Plutia sewing the item for a while and decided to ask her about it.

(Y/n): Plutie?

Plutia: Hm?

(Y/n): Just what are you making? I'm curious.

Plutia looked at (Y/n) and smiled.

Plutia: Well, whenever I make a new friend, I sew together a new doll in their appearance. Since you're my friend, I thought I make one of you~

(Y/n) looked at Plutia in wonder and took a closer look at the "doll" Plutia is trying to make. Upon closer inspection, it was resembling some of the clothes he was currently wearing. But (Y/n)'s clothes were getting torn up each time after any fights he gets into, making it need more stitching each time.

(Y/n): Ahh... At this rate, I won't have a nice pair of clothes to wear with all the fighting I'm having to go through... This is not my day...

(Y/n) hung his head at his limited number in clothes to wear with Noire looking at his way. Even she looked at the state of (Y/n)'s clothes and agreed about the current damage placed on them. With having to think for a moment, she sighed and looked towards (Y/n)'s way and tapped his shoulder. (Y/n) looks to his left in wondering what Noire wanted with him.

(Y/n): What is it, Noire? Need something?

Noire (Ultra): No. It's more about your clothes I'm worried about. If you want, we could head to the store and see if we can get you some extra clothes. The clothes may not give you the same benefits in protection with your current clothes, but at least Plutia won't have to stitch your clothes while you wear them.

(Y/n): Hmm... Yeah. It would be better that way. At least when Plutia sews up my clothes, she won't- Ow!

While (Y/n) and Noire talked, Plutia had been trying to help sew up some of the holes in (Y/n)'s clothing at the same time. But in doing so, she had poked (Y/n) by accident with a sewing needle.

Plutia: Oops... Sorry (Y/n)...

(Y/n) waved his hand left and right to dismiss what had happened.

(Y/n): N-No, Plutia. It's okay. I know it was an accident. Don't worry. I need to get new clothes to wear when my other ones need to be repaired...

Noire gets up, brushes her hair back and proceeds to head for the door.

Noire (Ultra): Then let's save the idle chit-chat for later. Just talking about it isn't going to fix the problem itself.

(Y/n): I'm down for it if anyone else is.

Neptune raises a hand and looks at Noire.

Neptune: C-Can we wait until after the time card comes through first...? Holding Iffy back was really exhausting...

Noire (Ultra): No! No we-

Noire pops up in front of the time card and looks at it in shock.

Noire (Ultra): THREE HOURS?! No one rests for that long after holding someone back!! What the hell! I mean, I guess Plutia would... But why THREE hours?!

Neptune and Plutia pop out in front of the time card also and talk to Noire.

Plutia: Naps are the best~ The longer it is, the more peaceful sleep is~

Neptune: Hey, I'm not complaining. Gives me some time to eat some pudding~

Noire (Ultra): Of course you wouldn't complain, Neptune! You're the definition of being LAZY!!

Neptune: Eh, I got nothing to hide about it~

Noire (Ultra): You are SO annoying!!

Location: Lastation Clothing Store.

Time: Afternoon.

After the group rested up, they followed Noire to where the clothing store was in Lastation. (Y/n) looked over at Grif and Simmons, seeing them follow the group and wondered about something. (Y/n) decides to ask Neptune in wondering why Grif and Simmons were still with them.

(Y/n): Hey, Neppy?

Neptune looks over (Y/n)'s way and answers back to him.

Neptune: Yeah? What is it?

(Y/n) points to Grif and Simmons to begin asking his question.

(Y/n): Those two have been following us wherever we went so far. First at Planeptune, then to Noire's room and now here... Why are they following us?

Neptune followed (Y/n)'s gaze and saw he was talking about Grif and Simmons.

Neptune: Oh, that's Grif and Simmons. Kinda funny when they argue with each other. You seem to have a grudge against Grif and his addiction to pizza for some reason.

(Y/n): But why wear that armor...? Aren't they even-

Neptune: I asked that same question, and no they don't sweat under those things. They have like air conditioning in their armor.

(Y/n): Okay, but why are they here? You never answered that.

Neptune: Oh, because the older me brought them here to help us. It was when we faced that crazy enemy called Draven. Remember?

(Y/n) thought about his fight with Draven and how tough his battle was with him. (Y/n) was still recovering from his battle, so he wasn't in any shape to fight again for some time.

(Y/n): So, they're acting like bodyguards for me or something??

Neptune: If you want to think like that, I guess.

(Y/n): You also mentioned an older you... What's with that??

Neptune: Don't worry about her for now. You'll remember her once your memories are back, but the short story is: That version of me was born in this world, but never became a Goddess through the CPU Memory item.

(Y/n) nods his head and goes back to looking for some clothes in an attempt to find something.

(Y/n): And the dimension you come from is... "Hyper" dimension, right?

Neptune: Yup. But you also come from there too. The reason I'm here is because you blindly went in to go fight. Once I bring you back, everyone will be glad to hear you're safe and sound!

(Y/n): Oh... I see...

(Y/n) looked down slightly with Neptune noticing the change in (Y/n)'s voice, making her look at him.

Neptune: Hey. What's wrong? And don't say it's nothing. You know as well as I do that something is wrong.

(Y/n) sighed as he held a shirt with one hand.

(Y/n): I don't know first about myself, yet I'm supposed to be "important" for some reason... Important enough to get people to try and kill me, and even hear from Draven that I have a sister who has a target on her head too. Why...?

(Y/n) began to cry softly and looked towards Neptune in wanting to find some answers. (Y/n)'s heart began to race as he gripped the shirt he had in his hands.

(Y/n): Why am I so important enough that I have to be targeted? I don't even remember all that I've done to deserve it!

With (Y/n)'s heart racing, (Y/n) felt winded and began to cough. (Y/n) leaned against the closest thing he could reach and coughed into his arm. Neptune became sad at hearing (Y/n)'s confusion at why this was happening to him. Neptune placed a hand on (Y/n)'s back and began to rub it slowly.

Neptune: I'm... not gonna lie to you, (Y/n)... You have done things that people think would be impossible to do. You've protected our friends and innocents from being harmed in the worst ways possible. Because of what you can do, it's gained the attention of enemies that you've faced off against.

(Y/n) began to take slow, deep breaths to regain his strength and looks at Neptune from hearing what she says.

Neptune: You don't fight because it's needed of you. You do it because it's the right thing to do.

(Y/n): Maybe... But with how crazy everything is becoming, I'm scared of what might happen next...

Feeling bad for (Y/n), Neptune gets closer to him and proceeds to hug him.

(Y/n): N-Neptune...?

Neptune: It doesn't matter how bad things get. There's nothing to worry about if we stay together during this. Even at the lowest moments, we have our friends to help us when we really need it. I'm not scared of what could happen. Want to know why?

Neptune looks up at (Y/n) and gives him her biggest smile.

Neptune: Because we're there for each other. No matter what circumstances are.

(Y/n) blushed and felt warm inside just from what Neptune said to him.

Neptune: So don't worry about what could happen in the future... As long as you and I are together, we won't let each other fall. Okay?

(Y/n) looked at Neptune and smiled at her words. This calmed (Y/n) down from what he was thinking about and hugged Neptune back.

(Y/n): Okay... Neptune.

Neptune hummed at being successful in cheering (Y/n) up, but then she got an idea that might help (Y/n) forget this mess.

Neptune: Hey. I just thought of the best idea to mess with our friends~

(Y/n): Huh? What idea??

Neptune then begins to whisper softly into (Y/n)'s ear about what she has planned. This causes (Y/n) to blush slightly at hearing what Neptune told him.

(Y/n): Neptune, you can't be serious...! We're in public...!

Neptune: I do this all the time. C'mon, please~

Having to think about what Neptune told him, (Y/n) closed his eyes and crossed his arms to think.

(Y/n): Out of all people to even suggest that idea, I'm REALLY surprised that you said "that."

Neptune: Eh, I haven't done anything in a long while like this. I need something to laugh at.

(Y/n) thought about it some more, until he smirked slightly and looked at Neptune in the corner of his right eye.

(Y/n): But I am feeling a bit mischief at the moment... Okay, fine. I'm in.

Neptune: Yes! Oh this is going to be hilarious!

After helping (Y/n) find some more clothes, the group gives a collaboration of what clothes (Y/n) might try on.

IF (Ultra): Well... This is what we could all find.

Noire (Ultra): We thought we should try looking for clothes that were similar to the ones you're currently wearing.

Compa (Ultra): That way, you wouldn't be out of place with what you normally wear.

(Y/n) smiled at his friends and gave a thumbs up.

(Y/n): Thanks. You didn't have to do this. I'm just some-

Compa (Ultra): No, really. It's okay. We help each other a lot when something comes up, JoJo. Doesn't matter if it's big or small, that's what friends or family do to help each other. Right, Iffy?~

IF looked towards Compa and knew what she was implying on when being put on the spot.

IF (Ultra): Uh... Yeah. We basically help Plutia or Nep, so this is nothing new honestly. Even though both get lazy at most...

Plutia: Aww... I'm not THAT lazy... Am I...?

Neptune: I take great resentment to that, but I can't because even I admit it.

Noire looks at Neptune and gives a stare at her.

Noire (Ultra): I already know you're lazy and don't care. That's nothing new...

Neptune: I know. What do you think, P-ko?

Peashy: Neptuna is lazier than Ploot!

Neptune: Nepu!

Neptune falls down at hearing what Peashy says, making Peashy laugh.

Neptune: No fair! I'm being attacked on all fronts!

(Y/n) just stares at everyone and sighs.

(Y/n): Good grief... We done beating up my girlfriend with insults here? I think she gets the point...

Noire (Ultra): Yeah. Just hurry up and see which clothes you want. We're wasting enough time after that one time card.

(Y/n): Huh? What's that supposed to mean?

Neptune quickly gets up and takes (Y/n)'s hand.

Neptune: Don't worry about it. Now, let's see which clothes look good on you~

Neptune then drags (Y/n) into the changing room and locks it from the inside. When processing what just happened, Noire looked at IF.

Noire (Ultra): Wait... Did she...just go in there with (Y/n)?

IF (Ultra): Uh... Yeah... Why? Only (Y/n) needed to go in there. What gives?

Hearing the sound of a zipper and the sound of clothing falling to the floor, as the group begins to hear Neptune talk to (Y/n) in the changing room.

Neptune: Huh, that's kinda bigger than what I thought it would be.

(Y/n): You sure? Looks the same to me actually. But you could be right.

Shocked looks appeared on Noire and IF with what they began to hear in the changing room.

Noire (Ultra) and IF (Ultra): ... What?

Noire and IF looked at each other and went back to the changing room as (Y/n)'s shirt was tossed onto the door frame. With the sound of rummaging could be heard.

Neptune: Someone sure is getting excited.

(Y/n): What's that supposed to mean?

Neptune: You seem to be having too much fun it seems.

(Y/n): Well you are in here after all. Who wouldn't?

Noire and IF's jaws hit the floor with what they're hearing in the changing room.

Noire (Ultra) and IF (Ultra): (What the hell?! What is going on in there?!)

(Y/n): Mmm... Na, no good. It looks wrinkly now.

Neptune: How about this?

(Y/n): Oooooo.

A mental mind snaps in Noire and IF from hearing this continue. Noire goes to Plutia to place her hands on Peashy's ears as Noire herself placed hers over Plutia's ears. IF does the same with Compa to block what's being said out loud.

Noire (Ultra): What the hell are those two doing?!

IF (Ultra): I don't know! You go ask!

Noire was about to say something, until she heard Neptune talking again.

Neptune: Hmm. That's something new.

(Y/n): You think? Just got to go with the flow is all.

Noire shied away and looked at IF.

Noire (Ultra): On second thought, you go do it.

IF looked shocked as she faced Noire.

IF (Ultra): ME?! Why not you?!

Noire (Ultra): I'm busy trying to keep Plutia's ears covered, along with Peashy's! Do you want them to hear this?!

IF (Ultra): Same with me for Compa! She's too innocent to hear this!

With IF and Noire arguing with each other, Grif and Simmons sat on the sidelines and talked to each other.

Grif: You know, this reminds me of when we had Donut with us in Red Team.

Simmons: Can we not talk about him? Don't you remember the stuff he did?

Grif: Yeah... Always said the weirdest things in double meanings...


On the inside of the changing room, Neptune had her eyes covered as (Y/n) was grunting to try and put on a pair of skinny jeans.

(Y/n): Grr...! Come on!

Neptune: Hey! D-Don't push yourself now! I don't th-think that'll fit!

Neptune giggles to herself to stay in control of her giggles.

(Y/n): Now wait...! I think I got it! Ha!

(Y/n) got the pair of skinny jeans on, but didn't seem to fit right.

(Y/n): This is kinda tight actually... This hurts!

Neptune: I told you not to push yourself. Now look what you've done.

Outside the changing room, Noire and IF were blushing hard from all the sound they are hearing from Neptune and (Y/n).

Noire (Ultra): What are they doing in there?!

IF (Ultra): Do you really want to know right now?!

Noire (Ultra): I was being rhetorical, IF! RHETORICAL!!

Watching from the sidelines, Grif and Simmons were laughing the whole time this kept happening. More rummaging could be heard in the changing room as (Y/n) gasped about something.

(Y/n): Oh! This is nice! Ha ha! Come to papa!

The sound of rummaging could be heard until the commotion stops.

(Y/n): What do you think about this, Neptune?

Noire and IF blushed even harder until they heard Neptune say something.

Neptune: Ooooo! Nice, nice!

(Y/n): Let's go show the others!

Noire and IF were freaking out at this point as they released their hands from Plutia and Compa to rush at the door.

Noire (Ultra): No! Stay in there! Don't you dare come out of there you perverts!

IF (Ultra): Do not come out! Do you hear me?! Stay in-!

The door opens up as (Y/n) jumped out in black baggy shorts with yellow straps, red pouches at his hips, a blue belt with black and yellow shoes. For the top, (Y/n) had on a red and blue shirt, black fingerless gloves and a short black hoodie jacket to finish up his look.

(Y/n): Well? How do I look? Cool huh?

(Y/n) stares at Noire and IF who seemed frozen in place with what transpired. (Y/n) released the pose he was in with Neptune poking her head out. Upon closer inspection, (Y/n) and Neptune could see that IF and Noire were blushing hard from what they had heard.

(Y/n): Okay, what happened out here while Neptune and I were in there?

Noire (Ultra): You two know what went on in there!

IF (Ultra): Don't play dumb in what you did!

(Y/n) and Neptune looked at each other in questioning what Noire and IF were talking about.

Neptune: What do you mean? (Y/n) was just trying clothes in the changing room.

Noire and IF looked at each other and then back to (Y/n) and Neptune.

Noire (Ultra) and IF (Ultra): What?

(Y/n): I'll be the one to say it. There were a couple of pants that were too big. A shirt that was really wrinkly from what I saw. Neptune was the one that picked the shoes that caught my attention. I tried to put on a pair of skinny jeans, but damn are they tight as hell, don't recommend those actually...

Neptune: Just from seeing what clothes there were, (Y/n) got excited with the combinations he could try on.

(Y/n): Yup!

Noire and IF's jaws hit the ground at hearing them explain what actually happened there. When seeing their reaction, (Y/n) and Neptune began laughing hard as both went to the ground. IF gains a tick mark on her head as she props herself up from the ground.

IF (Ultra): What's so funny?!

(Y/n): Y-Your reactions!

Neptune: They're priceless!

(Y/n): That went WAY better than I thought it would be! Oh my God!

Compa looks at Plutia feeling confused as to what happened.

Compa (Ultra): Plu-Plu? Do you know what's happening?

Plutia: Nu-uh. Noire had my ears covered the whole time... What about you Peashy?

Plutia still held her hands on Peashy's ears as Peashy shook her head.Hearing a throat clearing, the attention went to Grif and Simmons as they tried and shed some light.

Grif: Don't get us wrong, but that was funny how that happened.

Simmons: We know a friend that did this sometimes, even if he didn't mean it intentionally.

Grif: What (Y/n) and Neptune just did, was make you two think of something that was WAY different than what those two were doing inside there.

Simmons: Call it double entendres. Basically meaning they say one thing, but could also mean another in... a gross way.

Noire went up to Neptune and lifted her up by the collar as IF did the same to (Y/n) to pin him against the wall.

Noire (Ultra): YOU!! I know you planned this!! Admit it!

Neptune sweats and holds her hands up innocently.

Neptune: Yes, I do admit that it was me. It was my idea. Guilty as charged.

IF (Ultra): And you! You went ALONG with Nep's idea?! WHY?!

(Y/n) looked at IF and hand his hands behind his head.

(Y/n): Hey, I have amnesia. As far as I care, I see no reason as to why I couldn't commit a little mischief. Sure, I was nervous about the whole thing, but Neptune made it fun! Seeing yours AND Noire's reactions was priceless!

IF (Ultra): You miserable-!! That's it! You're being punished mister!!

(Y/n): Huh??

IF brought (Y/n) away from the wall as she lifts him up into the air to sling (Y/n) over her body and commit to a back breaker.

(Y/n): Yaaaaaah ha ha haaaaaaaa! Noooooo! Stop!!

IF (Ultra): You thought it was funny?! Huh?! Is it funny now, you piece of crap!! Is it?!

IF repeatedly begins to bend (Y/n) backwards over her shoulders as (Y/n) yelped in pain each time. Peashy was laughing at seeing IF suddenly begin to hurt (Y/n) the way she did.

(Y/n): I-Iffy! My wounds! You're going to- *crack* Yeoooooooow! You're breaking meeeeee!! My back! MY BACK!! HELP ME!! OH MY GOOOOD!!

Compa (Ultra): Iffy! You're hurting him! Stop!

Feeling (Y/n) had enough, IF tosses (Y/n) to the floor with (Y/n) having a half-dead look on his face. (Y/n) groans in pain from what happened to him as IF pats her hands.

IF (Ultra): You'll think twice before you do it again, you hear me young man?! If you do, you'll pay for more than you can imagine!! Do you hear me?!

(Y/n): Y-Yes ma'am... Ugh...

Compa went over to (Y/n) and began to use a healing skill to heal (Y/n)'s wounds slowly.

Noire (Ultra): Out of all things that was annoying of you to do... Not only do you make lewd sayings in there, but even get (Y/n) in trouble to get hurt like that... What is wrong with you in perving out like that??

Neptune: Perving out is what the heart does best!

IF (Ultra): Nep...

Neptune turns to face IF, who had a harisen fan at the ready.

Neptune: Sh-Should I begin running...?

IF (Ultra): Your ten seconds had already begun three seconds ago.

Neptune began to run away as IF began to chase her down. Compa stops healing (Y/n), as he gets up to rub his back.

(Y/n): Ow... Note to self: Never make Iffy mad like that again... I feel like the next time I do that, I'll be dead for sure...

Compa (Ultra): Please don't... You're a wonderful person, and it would make me sad if you did...

(Y/n): Oh, don't be like that. I'm not planning on dying any time soon.

Plutia, Noire and Peashy walk on over to where (Y/n) is to see if he's okay.

Plutia: You okay?

(Y/n): Yeah... Yeah, Plutie. I just wasn't expecting something like that was all. Jeez that woman can break a back... What a drag...

Peashy: Can I try it??

(Y/n) looked at Peashy and shook his head.

(Y/n): No, P-ko... I'm very sore right now...

Noire (Ultra): Serves you right when siding with Neptune in her schemes. You have to at least know that she does a lot of trickery.

(Y/n): I do, but it was worth seeing your reaction.

Noire raised a fist at being angered as (Y/n) raised his hands to wave them in defense.

(Y/n): No! Don't hit me! I'm still recovering...!

Noire (Ultra): Hmph. Much better.

Noire begins to walk away, letting (Y/n) release the hold on his breath. Compa taps (Y/n) on the shoulder to gain his attention real quick.

Compa (Ultra): Why don't you go get changed back so we can purchase these clothes and anything else. After we get back, I'll make something nice to eat.

Peashy: Yay! More Compa's cooking!

(Y/n) smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

(Y/n): That sounds lovely. I'll only be in there for a minute to change.

With (Y/n) saying that, he gets up to go back into the changing room and locks the door behind him while taking the gloves he had off him. When beginning to start changing his clothes, (Y/n) felt a sudden shock in his heart and falls down to his knees. Compa and Peashy were the first ones to leave, but Plutia began to hear (Y/n) coughing hard. In the changing room, (Y/n) was coughing into his hand over and over again for a few minutes straight. Each one increases the pain in (Y/n)'s chest the more he coughs.

(Y/n): (Wh-What is with this pain...?! Gah...!)

Plutia gets close to the door and knocks on it softly.

Plutia: (Y/n)...? Are you okay...?

(Y/n) continued to cough a few more times, until he was able to recover. (Y/n) takes in deep long breaths and soon answers back to Plutia.

(Y/n): Y-Yeah... I'm okay. No need to worry about me, Plutie...

Plutia wasn't sure, but she didn't push into the subject more and smiled.

Plutia: Well... If you're sure... You're my friend, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Thank you, Plutie. Glad to have someone like you looking out for me.

Plutia hummed at (Y/n)'s words and began to head back with the group to leave (Y/n) to himself. (Y/n) sighed to himself and was about to reach for his clothes, but notices a wet substance on his right hand. When taking a closer look, (Y/n) became shocked to see that it was blood. The blood though, was darker than how it would usually look.

(Y/n): (I-Is this... MY blood...? What's going on...?)

Hearing knocking at the door again, Neptune was the one to talk to him this time.

Neptune: Hey! Move your slow butt! If we hurry, we can also get some pudding!

(Y/n): Uh, I'll be right there! Just go ahead of me!

Hearing confirmation from (Y/n), Neptune runs off to go do what she said as (Y/n) stares at his hand. The blood was slowly trying to regain it's usual color, but was faint about it.

(Y/n): (What's happening to me...? Why is my blood like this...?)

Subplot. End.

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