Chapter 4: In sickness and in health. A race against time. - Part 1

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(Y/n)'s point of view.

January 3, 20XX

Location: Planeptune's Basilicom.

Time: Morning.

I wake up with a start and begin coughing into my hand. I head to the bathroom closest to where I am and close the door behind me. My coughing fits had started not too long ago, only a couple days at most actually. I was on my hands and knees while I coughed into my right hand. The pain in my chest kept getting worse and worse and I didn't know why. When I'm able to stop coughing, I look at my hand again and see more blood than how the last time happened. I got up as carefully as I could and reached for a vial I had in my pocket.

(Y/n): Let's see here...

When inspecting the vial I had and the blood I had in my hand... Both had changed from being a bright red, to a darker color of it. I had recently cut a part of myself lightly to let the vial be filled with only a small amount of my blood. The only time I could do it was when I was alone or when everyone fell asleep. It was my own kind of test to see what was happening, but whatever was going on, my blood was being affected dramatically by something...

(Y/n): (I need to talk to Histoire about this... I don't want to worry the others, especially Neptune... They have enough problems already with having to take care of me... I don't want to be a burden to them...)

Putting the vial of blood away into my inventory, I began to wash my hands effectively to get rid of the blood. I was scared at what was gonna happen, but I had to stay calm about it. If I didn't... I don't know how my friends might react, including Neptune most of all...

(Insert Venus no Harmonia by Asami Imai)

Time: Noon.

(Y/n): No, no! Not like this! No!

Peashy: Come on! Hang in there! You can do it!

IF (Ultra): Don't lose! You can still come back from this!

I was sweating at a difficult moment as I could feel my heart racing. I was in a tough fight against my most challenging opponent in my life. I had launched an attack on my opponent, only to be sent flying afterwards with an explosion happening.

Video Game Announcer: GAME! This battle's winner is: Player 1!

Neptune: Yes! I won! Woo hoo!

(Y/n): Gah... What a drag...

I hang my head down from the embarrassment of walking into Neptune's attack on the game. Neptune jumped up and down in joy at her victory against me. IF sighed while Peashy laughed at how the fight ended while holding Shadow in her arms. With us in the room, Plutia was taking her usual nap, but I could see that the doll version of me she was working hard on is finally completed.

Neptune: You brought your attack, and I sent that straight home! How do you like me now?

(Y/n): That was a lucky shot and you know it.

Neptune: Not from what I saw~

This grinds my gears as I looked at Neptune while raising my controller.

(Y/n): We're going again! Face me! Now!

Neptune: You're on! But first~

I watched Neptune as she gets up and goes to quickly sit on my lap. This makes me blush with having her this close to me. But one thought also occurred to me because of this. She was blocking my view of the television!

(Y/n): Hey! Wait just a second! You're getting an unfair advantage at sitting in front my view of the t.v., Neptune!

Neptune: Can't talk, beginning the game!

(Y/n): You cheeky little-! Okay then. I'll play by your rules you little pixie.

Neptune: And what's that?

(Y/n): A small mythical creature that is said to cause mischief and pranks. In some other cases, they-

Plutia: Nerrrrrrrrrd...~

I looked over to Plutia from hearing her say that as she seemed to have heard me in her sleep. During my moment of distraction, I feel my controller vibrate and look back to see that Neptune took one of my character's lives!

(Y/n): Hey, wait a minute! I got distracted!

Neptune: Not my fault you're a nerd, lover boy! You're supposed to let the girlfriend win anyway!

(Y/n): What the hell is that supposed to mean?! That doesn't mean anything!

Neptune: It means exactly what I mean!

(Y/n): You son of a bitch!

Neptune looked back at me and stuck her tongue out playfully.

Neptune: But aren't I a girl though~?

(Y/n): You know what I mean lady!

IF holds a hand to her head at the craziness that's happening.

IF (Ultra): *sighs* Good grief... You do know that's Nep you're talking to, right?

(Y/n): Don't judge me.

Sounds from the t.v. could be heard as I lost another life.

Peashy: Hahaha! JoJo lost another life!

IF (Ultra): And in the most embarrassing way too... Did not see that side attack coming a mile away.

I look over at Peashy and IF, sweating slightly from hearing them talk.

(Y/n): Can you not give commentary to everything that happens in our match...?

IF (Ultra): Shouldn't YOU be focusing on yours?

(Y/n): Touché.

Video Game Announcer: GAME!

(Y/n): Ugh... God damn it...

Neptune gets up from her spot on my lap and jumps in victory at winning against me again. I was about to get up, when I began to cough into my arm. The others had picked up that my coughing seemed to be more frequent, with IF rubbing my back and patting it softly.

IF (Ultra): We have some cough medicine if you need it (Y/n)...

I shook my head at declining IF's offer for medicine, even if I did take it, this isn't any normal sickness I'm dealing with... I'm dealing with something that's affecting the blood in my body.

(Y/n): N-No... *coughs* I'm okay, Iffy... *coughs* *coughs* I'll be fine...

Hearing the door open, we focus our attention to seeing Compa coming in through the door.

Compa (Ultra): We're back!

Peashy: Yay! Compa's back!

Peashy got up and went to hug Compa, who had a hug returned to her.

Compa (Ultra): Hey, Pea-Pea.

Following in after Compa, Grif and Simmons were holding some bags of groceries and set them on the table.

Grif: Jeez, lady... How much food do you need to make a simple meal??

Simmons: You wanted pizza... PIZZA, Grif... We could have just-

Grif: F*** that. Not while we have a master chef with us. We can have a deluxe pizza if we want. Free for once.

IF got up and points at Grif from hearing what he says.

IF (Ultra): Hey! No cussing in front of Peashy!

I gave a look at IF and began to contradict her.

(Y/n): Says the same woman who cussed when I accidentally wrecked her bike... Are you even considered a woman with that kind of mouth...?

IF (Ultra): You want to say that again, you piece of shit?

IF said as she pulled a gun out to point it at my head and made me shiver at her anger.

(Y/n): On second thought, I value my life too much and will shut up about it...

IF (Ultra): Good answer.

Grif and Simmons both head towards my way and crouch down low to whisper to me.

Grif: *whispers* Trust us. You don't want to make women mad.

Simmons: *whispers* Doing that will either: A. Get you killed. or B. Get you killed.

I looked at both of them and sweat at hearing that they gave me only two options of what could happen.

(Y/n): Wouldn't that mean I should NEVER make women mad as I would die anyway...?

Grif and Simmons: Yes.

(Y/n): Um... Okay...?

Compa goes to put the groceries down on the table and heads over to where I am.

Compa (Ultra): How are you holding up with your coughing, JoJo?

(Y/n): I'm doing fine, Compa. Iffy asked me if I wanted any medicine, but I said it wasn't necessary.

Compa (Ultra): Oh, okay. We're always there to help you, ya know.

I nod my head and smile softly at knowing I could always trust my friends.

(Y/n): I know. I thank that I have wonderful friends that have my back.

Before anything else could be said, I saw Histoire float into the room on her book like usual.

Histoire (Ultra): Excuse me, (Y/n)? Could I have some of your assistance in the other room?

(Y/n): Yeah, sure thing. I'll be right there in a sec.

Histoire smiled at hearing that she was gonna get some help and returned to the room she went in. I get up from my spot and straighten the new clothes I had on to talk to the others.

(Y/n): Well, my free time is up for now... I'll go see what Histoire needs help with first, and then when I'm done, I'll come back.

Peashy: What...?! No...!

Peashy ran up to me and gave me a hug.

Peashy: I didn't get to play with you, JoJo!

I looked at Peashy and patted her head with a smile on my face.

(Y/n): Don't worry, P-ko. I'll be back soon enough. I promise. For now, go ahead and tackle Neppy for me.

Peashy looked up at me and smiled that I'll play with her later when I can.

Peashy: Okay!

Neptune: Wait, huh?!

Peashy began to charge towards Neptune, causing the lilac haired girl to yell.

Neptune: W-Wait P-ko! I didn't agree to any tackle sessions! I'm not ready for- Oof!

Peashy tackles Neptune and causes her to fall to the ground and passes out. I chuckle at this happening as I head to the next room where Histoire is. Even though I came in here to help her, I'm also wondering if she could figure something else that was happening to me.

(Y/n): Hey, Histoire... Can I talk to you for a second...?

Histore looks up at me with a pair of glasses on and looks at me.

Histoire (Ultra): Hmm? Yes, sure. What do you need, (Y/n)? (・_・;)

Feeling I had Histoire's attention, I reached for my pocket and pulled out the vial of my blood to place on the table. The vial of my blood held its regular color like it always did, for now at least... Histoire looks at me strangely with what I had placed on the table and proceeds to ask me.

Histoire (Ultra): (Y/n)?? What did you place on the table?? (¯ . ¯;)

I felt nervous with what I was wanting to ask, but knew it had to be done.

(Y/n): Histoire... Is... Is it possible for the blood to change... in some way?

Histoire tilted her head at feeling confused by what I meant, so I continued to speak.

(Y/n): For some time after my fight with Draven... I've been... having coughing fits here and there.

Histoire (Ultra): Ah, yes. How are you feeling about that?

(Y/n): ... I'm concerned with what's happening to me, Histoire...

Histoire (Ultra): What do you mean??

I rubbed my arm where I had cut it the other night to help fill the vial up with my blood.

(Y/n): Histoire... Can you please not freak out with what I'm gonna tell you...? I don't want anyone else to hear about it right now...

Histoire (Ultra): I can't make any promises... But I'll try. ( ̄_ ̄)・・・

I take a deep breath and begin to speak out what I need to say.

(Y/n): This vial, this thing is holding my blood right now...

Histoire looked shocked to hear that, but I raised my hand to let me keep speaking.

(Y/n): There's... Something is happening to me Histoire... Something I know that's wrong...

Histoire (Ultra): Please explain in further detail, if you would. (O_O;)

I sat down at a chair to collect myself and explain what has happened so far.

(Y/n): I get sudden pains in my chest. Pains that make me go into coughing sprees... At times... I'm coughing up my own blood... And that isn't the worst yet...

Feeling a sudden pain in my chest, I began to cough as the pain in my chest hurts a lot. I get off the chair and go to the ground as I kept coughing more and more.

Histoire (Ultra): (Y/n)! Σ(°△°|||)︴

(Y/n): V-Vial...! *coughs* *coughs* Look...!

I didn't want Histoire to look at me, I needed her to see the vial of my blood. In a matter of moments, my blood's bright red color began to turn into a darker red. Histoire became shocked as I began to cough up blood from my mouth. The blood in my body had turned into the same color as the vial of blood. When I felt the pain receding, I was able to recover and take normal breaths again. Histoire flew over to the vial and began to see that my blood was beginning to regain its original color, but only slowly.

(Y/n): That keeps happening... *pants* EVERY time... *pants*

Histoire looks at the vial of my blood and picks it up to hold in her arms.

Histoire (Ultra): (Y/n)... If I didn't see it happening myself, I wouldn't have believed it. (;;;*_*) Let me look into this quickly. I'll try and see if I can come to a conclusion in three hours. Think you can wait that long?

(Y/n): Three hours...? Umm... I guess... but please, just hurry. I don't need to guess what could happen if I wait any longer... I don't even want to think about it...

Histoire (Ultra): I understand. What should I do to tell the-

(Y/n): No...

Histoire looked at me in being confused, but I began to explain.

(Y/n): I don't want to get them worried about me just yet... I want to figure out how to stop this on my own first... If I tell them...They'll be more worried and question why I didn't say anything sooner... But my biggest reason is, I didn't want to say anything until I was for sure... For sure that something IS wrong with me... Please Histoire...

Histoire looked at me and saw the worried look in my eyes. Histoire looked at the vial of blood and sighed at my request.

Histoire (Ultra): Okay... {{ (>_<) }} But if this is something that can't be overlooked, if what you have is life threatening, I have to tell the others. We can't sugarcoat this one, (Y/n). That's the best I can do to agree with your terms for now.

(Y/n): I'll take what I can get... Thanks, Histoire...

Histoire (Ultra): Don't thank me yet. Thank me after we find out what's going on.

With Histoire having her objective set, she conceals the vial of blood carefully and heads to the other room. I watch and observe what happens next.

Histoire (Ultra): I'm going to be away for a few hours. I expect this place to be just the way it is when I get back. IF, Compa, you're both in charge. Grif, Simmons, assist them in keeping things under control.

Grif and Simmons salute to Histoire's orders while Neptune sits up and stares at Histoire in shock.

Neptune: What?! So first you call in (Y/n) to help you, and then you're leaving him alone to go do something else?! You've lost your touch Mini Histy... Shame on you... Doing that to my hubby like that...

Histoire (Ultra): For your information, I DO have something important. ( ̄︿ ̄) I just asked (Y/n) if it would be alright if I left him alone to do some of the work on his own, and he said it was okay. So, no Neptune, I did not lose my touch. (Y/n) has also asked to not be disturbed while he works, but do check up on him every now and then and see if he gets thirsty or hungry. Just to see if he's doing okay for helping me while I'm away.

Seeing the others begin to look at me, I pull back into the room I'm in and plant my back against the wall. Not daring to peek back into the room, I continued to listen to my friend's conversation.

Compa (Ultra): Don't worry. We'll take care of (Y/n), Histoire.

IF (Ultra): Go ahead and go where you need to be. We got it here.

Grif: Great... More work...

Simmons: Shut it, Grif.

Histoire (Ultra): Thank you. I'll be back soon.

Hearing the door open up and close soon after, I close my eyes and tighten my hand into a fist.

(Y/n): (I'm counting on you Histoire... Hurry back soon...)

I was about to head to where the documents and paperwork were, when Silver Artemis suddenly appeared in front of me.

Silver Artemis: (Y/n), we need to talk.


To my surprise, I fell backwards and hit my head against the table behind me.

(Y/n): OW! Owowowowow!

I groan in pain as some footsteps were running to the room I was in. The person who came to my side was Compa, who had a worried look on her face.

Compa (Ultra): JoJo?! Are you okay?? What happened??

I look towards Compa and then at Silver Artemis, who had a finger over her lips. Artemis was telling me not to say what happened and say something else.

(Y/n): W-Well... I was just thinking to myself about what I should do first in the paperwork for Histoire, but while I was thinking, I took a misstep and fell backwards. I ended up hitting my head on the table because of it...

Compa (Ultra): That has to hurt... Here let me get something for that.

Reaching for her purse, Compa unzipped it and began to reach for something in it. Once finding what she was looking for, Compa puts a smile on her face and pulls out a type of ointment to hand me.

Compa (Ultra): If you use this, it'll help with that hit you took~

(Y/n): Oh, really?

Compa (Ultra): Here, let me show you how to use it.

Compa opens up the ointment and scoops a little bit of it into her hand.

Compa (Ultra): First thing to know of where to apply this, is to the area where you got hurt at.

Getting behind me, Compa takes my hat off and begins to put some of the ointment on the back of my head. It hurt somewhat when she applied the ointment where I banged my head at, but felt the pain slowly fade away as it had a numbing feeling to it.

Compa (Ultra): How does that feel? Does your head feel a little bit better now, JoJo?

Nodding my head, I felt the back of my head had recovered as if it didn't even happen. Compa closes up the ointment and places it down next to me. Seeing her get up, I was confused why Compa didn't put the ointment back into her purse

(Y/n): Compa, I think you forgot to put your ointment back into your purse.

Compa stopped in her walk out of the room, but didn't turn to look at me.

Compa (Ultra): Well... I was thinking of getting more anyway, JoJo. Think of this... As appreciation for being who you are, and helping us when we all needed help.

I tilt my head at hearing Compa say that and see her walk into the other room and look at the ointment given to me from Compa. I smiled at her kindness and heard the sound of someone clearing their throat.

Silver Artemis: If we're done with the cute talk. There are more pressing matters right now, (Y/n).

Hearing Artemis was still here, I grabbed the ointment and sent it into my inventory for now and got up to face her.

(Y/n): Don't you know not to scare someone like that? Appearing in front of them out of nowhere?

Silver Artemis: But I didn't I was right next to you the whole time.

(Y/n): That's the same thing...

Silver Artemis: Does that really matter right now?

(Y/n): It matters when I don't want to worry my friends right now with whatever is happening to me.

Artemis scoffed and walked to the window of the office I'm in to look over Planeptune.

Silver Artemis: Sooner or later, you won't be able to hide it. Not with Histoire looking into it for you.

(Y/n): At least if it's something serious, then I can be more at ease to tell them. I won't worry them if-

Silver Artemis rushed towards me and grabbed me by my neck, lifting me up slightly with the strength she has.

Silver Artemis: And if this IS something serious, you better be prepared to take anything absolutely necessary if YOU want to keep living! Don't you remember what Draven said?! You have a SISTER!!

I look at Artemis as I remembered that Draven did say that, and how it was how I first battled with Artemis by my side.

Silver Artemis: A little girl with lilac hair and who looks up to you! If you even remember what happened before today, you would be so disappointed with yourself for being here for so long!!

I struggled as I made Artemis let me go to allow me to breathe.

(Y/n): I don't even know who I am to begin with. But what you told me just now, I've been seeing her lately. Seeing her whenever I'm with Peashy...

Silver Artemis: What you're seeing whenever you're with Peashy, is residual memories of your times with Abby. Spending time with Peashy is making you remember how you would take care of Abby.

I looked at Artemis and raised an eyebrow.

(Y/n): "Abby...?" That's my sister's name...? Right...?

Silver Artemis: Yes. You may not remember, but you take great care for your sister dearly. You have a strong bond with her, even when you've forgotten her. Although Abby is one of many you've forgotten, you have strong bonds with others. Even to those that stretch beyond dimensions.

I looked at Artemis and sighed. I held my head at the fuzzy feeling I felt in my head.

(Y/n): Even so... I don't remember the first thing about me... This isn't me saying that I don't believe you... But I just wish I knew what was going on...

Artemis placed a hand on my shoulder, gaining my attention to look at her.

Silver Artemis: I know... Even if I want to tell you everything, there are good reasons why I can't tell you. That would be ruining a request Neptune had asked of Histoire...

(Y/n): So... Even if I wanted to ask you, I wouldn't get anything... Would I...?

Artemis looked away from me in being sad to give me the answer to my question.

Silver Artemis: I'm afraid so (Y/n)... I wish I could tell you, but even I agree with Neptune from her talk with Histoire...

(Y/n): Oh... I see...

Artemis clutched her hand tighter on my shoulder and sighs with what she wanted to say next.

Silver Artemis: Do not lose hope (Y/n)... Your memories are returning to you slowly. I promise that the wait will be worth it. You only need to have faith that they will return.

Looking at Artemis, I began to see her fade away to start becoming invisible to me again.

Silver Artemis: They will return to you (Y/n)... How you take in your memories, I hope it's for the better.

With that, Artemis vanishes and leaves me alone in the room. I walk to the window and look over Planeptune to see its beauty.

(Y/n): (Just what happened... That brought me to this moment...?)

Third person view.

Dimension: Hyper.

Location: Dionix's base.

On the wall of the Planeptune in Ultra dimension, a tiny robotic fly is currently sending a feed of (Y/n) through it with Dionix watching the screen.

Dionix: ((Y/n) (L/n)... The bane of my existence and a man of mysteries... Just what is happening to you and WHO are you talking to...?)


Going back to when Dionix and Chronos had watched the recording, they were not able to see Silver Artemis or The Illusion from the recording. What they could see is from the fight that happened with Draven having recorded all he could see at the time, until his defeat. Watching the video, Dionix had many questions as he saw the type of move used on Draven before the fight ended.

Dionix: Chronos, what the hell are we seeing??

Chronos: Your guess is as good as mine. I know nothing of this.

Dionix: What do you mean you don't know?? You know-

Chronos: I'm busy doing multiple things at once. Trying to figure out plans and what we can use at our disposal. So, if you could please be quiet-

Dionix slams a hand down on the table and becomes mad at hearing this.

Dionix: I don't give a damn what you're planning!! I want to know why (L/n) is bringing up multiple portals at once! He could barely do it before and to even DO something like that, takes time and practice to achieve multiple portals!

Chronos: Shalla! I said be quiet!!

In an instant, Chronos appeared in front of Dionix and grabs him by the throat, proceeding to then lift Dionix up into the air.

Chronos: We will learn more about what (L/n) can do, at the right time. So do us all a favor, and be quiet!!

Chronos throws Dionix across the room and into a wall. Dionix falls to the ground and gets up slowly in pain of the damage he felt.

Chronos: If you act impatiently, we make mistakes. We are in the middle of a war. And I plan on winning this with any means necessary. If you want to figure things out, you can watch the damn video over and over. But we have more important things to look into that involve learning about some of the people in the video. More specifically the counterpart of Hyper dimension's CPU, Neptune.

End of flashback...

Dionix watches the recording given from Drave. It was from the fight that happened a few days ago of when Adult Neptune came to help the group and is holding a book in her hands with Croire floating softly above it.

Dionix: (I saw this woman at my base when I had captured the CPUs... Yet when they were so far away from the exits, they still escaped... That was also when (Y/n) and those CPUs went to Earth...)

Remembering the security footage of the underwater base, Dionix pulled up the video feed in the room before everything had exploded. In the video, a portal could be seen opening up to help the CPUs and (Y/n) escape, but a beam of light shot at the portal and changed it to be under them. That meant it made (Y/n) and the CPUs go to Earth with what happened, but with little time to think, the rest of the group opened another portal and made their escape. Dionix paid closer attention to how the portals were made, as he deduced it was the other Neptune in the group creating them.

Dionix: (So... That one has the ability to bring up portals... But how though...? Something so complex takes an innate ability to understand the realms of the space between dimensions... I very much doubt that if the pipsqueak version couldn't do it, it has to be the same way... Hmm... Could there be something I can piece together...?)

Dionix looked at how Adult Neptune held the small purple notebook in her hands and again to the footage Draven had taken during his fight.

Dionix: (That's the same book that woman is holding, but now there's someone appearing from the book... From the looks of it, that seems to be another person... She looks almost like Histoire, but not her at the same time... Every dimension has a unique aspect of it with the many differences in each dimension. If I am correct, that little tome is behind THAT Neptune's teleportation.)

The doors open up to have Johnathan walking through with a new prosthetic arm. He did not look happy with having to do nothing but wait for something to happen.

Johnathan: What's the hold up? Why are you watching that computer screen, dumbass?

Dionix: For your information, I'm looking into something here. To understand the enemy, one must learn from past events to figure something out...

Johnathan: Well don't get me wrong, but I didn't sign up just to sit around with thumb up my ass. I want payback on (L/n) for slicing my arm off.

Dionix sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. He was getting frustrated with hearing Johnathan in his need to get (Y/n).

Dionix: A plan is being formulated, but I am not sure of what to do yet. We need to gather people useful in our army. So far, it's just: You, myself, Dr. Kinja, Draven, and Chronos... If Mira was still here, that would make six. But he has abandoned our cause and decided to help the CPUs and (L/n).

Johnathan: Hold the phone. Who the HELL is Draven and Chronos?

Chronos: That, would be me.

Jumping away from the spot, Johnathan turned around and saw Chronos standing just an inch behind the spot Johnathan used to be.

Johnathan: How the hell did you get behind me?! Who the hell ARE you?!

Chronos: Like Shalla said, I am Chronos. I am the real leader of this whole escapade we're all in.

Johnathan: Why haven't I heard about you until now?! Explain!!

Dionix slammed a hand on the table and gains Johnathan's attention.

Dionix: I never mentioned him to you, because you did not need to know at the time. There are bigger things at work that you don't know, Johnathan. I plan to keep it that way without our enemies finding out.

Johnathan glared at Dionix and scoffed at how things were running around the base.

Johnathan: Whatever. Just tell me what is going on. Anything interesting?

Dionix: As a matter of fact... There does seem to be something happening to (L/n).

This caught Chronos' attention, as he went to the computer. Johnathan followed and went to stand against the wall to look. While going out of past recordings, Dionix had brought up the moment (Y/n) had told Histoire about his condition.

Dionix: For a while now, (L/n) has been going into coughing fits and losing his strength that causes him to fall to the ground.

Johnathan: So? THAT's what you wanted to show us? (L/n) getting a simple cold?

Dionix: There's more to it, you idiot. Whatever is happening to (L/n), it's also affecting his blood. I've seen him coughing up blood at any given chance, and I've also seen a vial of his blood darkening. This isn't normal, even for him. I've seen it once... When he was in the Anti-Crystal barrier when I captured the CPUs.

Dionix remembers seeing blood come out of (Y/n)'s mouth when his energy had been weakened. The blood had gotten darker than how it should look normally.

Dionix: (L/n) recently had Histoire look to see what was happening, and left to go investigate. If (L/n) wasn't so sure something was wrong, he wouldn't have said anything. It was like this when (L/n) figured out they were being watched by us back then from our spy bugs. Because of that, we lost any chances to spy on them in THIS dimension, but not where he is now.

Johnathan: I thought your spy bugs couldn't send a feed from between dimensions?

Dionix: You're right, but there is a portal that connects the two worlds. With it, I can keep a stable connection right now. The flow of information they send is clear with a pathway coming from multiple links and using antennas to relay the signal.

Chronos was watching (Y/n) carefully as he continued working at the table in the office he was currently in. Chronos tightened his hand into a fist and taps the screen while looking at Dionix.

Chronos: You keep watching him and don't do anything else. I want to know just what is happening to him. For me, I have other matters to attend to. Matters that must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Dionix: Whatever. I was planning on keeping an eye on (L/n) anyway. Don't need to tell me what I had planned already.

With hearing that, Chronos began to leave the room along with Johnathan to go do something else. Dionix brings back up the video feed of (Y/n) as he was in the process of coughing.

Dionix: You better not have something life threatening, (L/n). If you're going to die, it'll be by fighting me, you damn copy.

Three hours later...

Dimension: Ultra.

Location: Planeptune Facility.

At a facility, Histoire was currently at work on finalizing some of the tests she needed to make on (Y/n)'s blood. When nearing the end of the testing, warning lights came up on the monitors, making Histoire alarmed.

Histoire (Ultra): Huh?! What's happening?? ∑(O_O;)

When going to one of the monitors that had finished the report, Histoire had a look of fear plastered onto her face.

Histoire (Ultra): Oh no... (Y/n)...! I need to hurry back right now...! Σ(°△°|||)︴

Having discovered on what's happening to (Y/n), Histoire began to fly back to the Basilicom as fast as she could.

Location: Planeptune's Basilicom.

Time: Afternoon.

After some time passes, from Histoire's orders, Compa or IF would bring something to help keep (Y/n)'s energy up so that he didn't exhaust himself. When IF comes in the room next, she could see (Y/n) drooping his head slightly with rings under his eyes. IF approaches (Y/n) and lightly taps his shoulder to get his attention with Shadow lifting his head up at IF being near.

IF (Ultra): How are you feeling, champ?

(Y/n): Uh... I could be better... Feel... Really tired though...

IF felt bad for (Y/n) considering how much work he has been doing for over two hours now. Feeling (Y/n) has worked hard enough, she places a hand on his shoulder.

IF (Ultra): Why don't you take a break? Keep working like this, and you might pass out. I don't think Histoire would mind since you've been helping us out. I mean, after all, you're the one with amnesia, and we're supposed to be helping you. Yet you're doing a lot more than what we would ever ask of you to do.

(Y/n) looked at IF and sighed. He soon gives a light smile and faces IF.

(Y/n): Well... a little break wouldn't be so bad... I did promise Peashy I would play with her when I was done or whatever...

IF (Ultra): That's the spirit. Now come on. The others arrived half-an-hour ago. There's commentary and tons of beatings going on in the game.

Walking to the door, (Y/n) could see the other Goddesses had arrived, including some of the people he had seen during his fight with Draven. Plutia had woken up and was currently holding the plush doll of (Y/n) with Peashy holding a controller.

Blanc (Ultra): Take this you bitch! Taste the power of my hammer!

Noire (Ultra): What? I don't think so!

Following the attention to the screen onto the t.v., (Y/n) began to try and figure out what was happening. From trying to pinpoint where Noire and Blanc's characters were, (Y/n) could see a character swinging their hammer wildly. But they could hit nothing due to another character being just out of reach before the hammer disappears.

Blanc (Ultra): Damn it! You coward!

Noire (Ultra): It's called: Strategy. Duh.

Blanc (Ultra): Strategy my ass!!

(Y/n) sighs with how loud it is already and keeps looking around. He sees one character being chased by two others as (Y/n) could guess who was being chased.

Neptune: Hey! Why am I being double teamed here?! Leave me be!

Vert (Ultra): That would be a mistake, Neptune. There can be only one winner, even though both Peashy and myself can share the victory.

Peashy: We're gonna get you, Neptuna!

Neptune: Aaaaaaahhhhhh!! Someone save me!

The sound of food munching could be heard as (Y/n)'s attention was brought to Grif and Tucker were sharing a tub of popcorn.

Tucker: You know, for a video game, I'll accept this as a catfight.

Grif: You take ANY catfight though...

Tucker: Doesn't mean I can't enjoy it.

Grif: Whatever dude.

Simmons: Ah, the good old days.

Hearing Simmons talk, (Y/n) looks over to see Simmons, Washington and Caboose playing cards.

Simmons: Playing cards with friends and enjoying a good time.

Caboose: Do you... have any three's, Wash?

Washington: Caboose, we're playing poker...

Simmons became shocked by what Washington and Caboose said.

Simmons: Wait, I thought we were playing old maiden?!

Washington: No, we were playing poker. I specifically remember agreeing to poker.

Simmons slammed his hands on the table, making the cards jump into the air slightly.

Simmons: Damn it! We've lost track of what we were doing here!!

Caboose: I win! Yahtzee!

Simmons: We weren't even playing that either, Caboose! F***!

(Y/n) looks at IF, seeing as she was leaning against the wall and sighs.

(Y/n): Is it... ALWAYS like this?

IF (Ultra): Weeeeell, seeing men in armored suits is a change, but usually, yeah.

(Y/n) chuckled softly and rubbed the bridge of his nose softly.

(Y/n): For Goddesses... They don't do that much "responsibility..." Huh?

IF places a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder and pats it softly.

IF (Ultra): You'll get used to it. Think of this as how they relax and bond.

(Y/n): If this is how they "relax AND bond", I don't want to know when they get "serious."

IF chuckles as Compa wraps her arms around (Y/n) from behind. Against (Y/n)'s back, he could feel Compa's chest pressing against him. This causes him to blush.

Compa (Ultra): Done with everything Histoire needed you to do~?

(Y/n): No... Not yet... But Iffy did convince me to take a break though.

Compa took a closer look at (Y/n) and could agree with the rings under his eyes.

Compa (Ultra): You do look really tired... Are you going to be okay...?

(Y/n) nods his head and gives a light smile. In truth, he felt sick with his head slightly in pain. It was taking almost everything he had to not show any signs of discomfort.

(Y/n): I'm gonna be just fine, Compa. I just need to take a break is all...

Compa smiles and takes (Y/n)'s hand softly to begin guiding him to the couch.

Compa (Ultra): Just take a seat here. I'll bring in some drinks for everyone.

(Y/n): No, Compa. That's-

Compa makes (Y/n) sit down and smiles at him with her brightest smile.

Compa (Ultra): Please? For me?

From seeing Compa smile, it was hard for him to try and deny anything further.

(Y/n): Well... Okay...

With having convinced (Y/n), Compa begins to head for the kitchen to make drinks for everyone here. (Y/n) looks at IF, who sits next to him on the couch. Shadow jumps up into (Y/n)'s lap and lies down to get comfortable.

(Y/n): Compa sure is nice, isn't she?

IF (Ultra): No need to tell me that twice. She even healed up one of the bad guys in the past, and they fell in love with her.

(Y/n): Really?

IF (Ultra): Weird part is... He's a RAT. I don't mean just figuratively, I mean quite LITERALLY a rat.

(Y/n) looked at IF with a stare of being surprised and thought of a talking rodent.

(Y/n): You're kidding me... Right?

IF (Ultra): Not even the slightest.

(Y/n): That's... Shocking...

IF (Ultra): Tell me about it.

(Y/n): Hate to see the babies they would make.

IF began to blush brightly and points at (Y/n) with annoyance written on her face.

IF (Ultra): Heyheyheyhey! Don't get any weird ideas! I don't want that idea in my head!

(Y/n): Too late, already did.

IF (Ultra): Son of a-!

Feeling a tap on his shoulder, (Y/n) turns around to see the dark armored man named, Washington leaning against the couch.

Washington: So, you're (Y/n), right?

(Y/n): Oh no, no, that's another guy. My name is, "Shit Sherlock", first name, "No".

Washington sweats while putting the name joke together.

Washington: A bit of a smartass I see...

(Y/n): I can't help it when I'm asked questions like that.

Washington nods his head and sits down next to (Y/n).

Washington: Understandable... All quite understandable really. You're the only other male here besides my friends.

Washington points to Grif, Tucker, Simmons and Caboose.

Washington: To be honest, I never thought someone like you would have come to help fight Draven the other day.

(Y/n): Well, something was up, and I just thought I go see what was happening.

Images of (Y/n) seeing the smoke rising up in Lowee could be seen and then an image of Washington and his team creating the smoke signal as well.

Washington: Yeah. That was a smoke signal myself, Tucker and Caboose made to draw attention. Draven had cut off any use of normal communications at the time and that was all we could think of that fire was the quickest to make.

(Y/n): Interesting. I'm glad to have helped Blanc out in both stop Draven and protect her land.

Washington: Name's Agent Washington, but everyone else just calls me Wash.

(Y/n): Nice to meet you, Wash.

(Y/n) and Washington talked for some time as Compa had passed out drinks from time to time. Blanc had switched places with Tucker to play in her place in playing some games. Blanc walked over to (Y/n) and took a seat next to him when IF had left her seat. Blanc taps (Y/n) on the shoulder to gain his attention.

(Y/n): Oh. Hey Blanc.

Blanc was about to ask (Y/n) if that was his name, but Washington cuts her off before she can ask.

Washington: Don't ask if (Y/n) is his name. He'll give a sarcastic comment to what you say.

(Y/n) gave Washington a look of annoyance somewhat.

(Y/n): Killjoy. Had to ruin it.

Blanc giggled at hearing that (Y/n)'s joke was put to an end quickly thanks to Washington.

Blanc (Ultra): Wash is just doing his job.

(Y/n): Eh... So, besides having my joke ruined... What brings you here, Blanc?

Blanc (Ultra): Although I did come to visit Plutia, I did come here to do something else.

(Y/n): And that would be...?

Blanc (Ultra): To thank you.

(Y/n) looked at Blanc at hearing her say that and tilt his head.

Blanc (Ultra): You came to help fight an unknown enemy and yet, you came while having amnesia still. Why is that?

(Y/n): Does there really need to be an answer? I don't think so really.

Blanc looked at (Y/n) while wondering what he meant by it.

(Y/n): When people are in trouble, it's only right to go help them. I mean, sure it was kinda scary facing Draven with what he could do, but leaving you to face him alone wasn't fair. If I didn't leave on could have-

Feeling a hand on his own, (Y/n) looked down to see Blanc was holding his hand softly. (Y/n) could see Blanc smiling softly at him.

Blanc (Ultra): But I didn't. And it's because of you that I'm here today. Thank you, for being there for me, (Y/n).

Looking at Blanc, (Y/n) felt a surge of pain in his head. The images he could see is of Blanc hugging him in the middle of the street. When holding Blanc close, (Y/n) felt his cheeks warm up when the next image shows him kissing Blanc on the lips. When the memories subside, (Y/n) was blushing hard from the memories and covers a hand over his mouth. But from seeing the memory, (Y/n) was very confused with what he had seen.

(Y/n): (Oh my God...! D-Did I cheat on Neptune...?! N-No...! That can't be right...! It just can't...! Augh! These memories are so confusing!)

Blanc was worried with the look (Y/n) had and held his hand softly.

Blanc (Ultra): (Y/n)...? What's wrong?

(Y/n) looks at Blanc and removes his hand away from her quickly. With being scared of what (Y/n) saw and being confused, his heart began to beat fast.

(Y/n): It's nothing...! I'm fine...!

Blanc (Ultra): What are you talking about?? You look like you've seen a ghost or something...

(Y/n): I said "I'M FINE"!

From yelling it out, it gained the attention of the others in the room and looked at (Y/n). Shadow whimpered at feeling worried about (Y/n). During that moment, (Y/n) felt a pulse go through his head as some of his friends were worried about him. But in it, he yelled at them too.

IF (Ultra): Hey, what's going on??

Noire (Ultra): Yeah, why are you yelling?

(Y/n): I'm not yelling...!

Washington: You JUST yelled though...

With his heart beating faster and faster, (Y/n) felt a pulse go through his body before covering his mouth to cough hard into it. Each cough felt stronger than the last as (Y/n)'s body shook slightly.

Grif: Jesus, is he okay??

Simmons: (Y/n) seems to be sick, Grif. Of course he isn't okay.

(Y/n): Sh-Shut the- *cough* *cough* -hell up...! I'm...! *COUGH*

(Y/n) placed another hand over his other hand and coughed even harder. When recovering from his coughing fits, (Y/n) caught a glimpse of more than a few droplets of blood had escaped this time and scared him. (Y/n) covered his hand that contained the blood and looked around. Compa got closer to (Y/n) at being worried for him.

Compa (Ultra): JoJo...? What's wrong...?

(Y/n): (No! I can't let them see this!) I-I need to go to the bathroom...!

Getting up from the floor, (Y/n) began to run to the bathroom quickly. But IF got in his way before he could leave the room

(Y/n): IF! Move out of the way!

IF (Ultra): No, (Y/n). You're making us worry like this. What's going on??

(Y/n): Just move...!

Feeling another coughing coming along, (Y/n) covered his mouth and began to cough once again. This time coughing louder and shaking with each cough made.

Tucker: Jeez, I heard of having a cold or something, but not like this.

Vert (Ultra): Yes... That doesn't seem to be some regular symptom.

Plutia and Neptune looked at (Y/n) and could feel that something was definitely wrong.

(Y/n): *COUGH* *COUGH* IF...! M-Move...!

Through (Y/n)'s eyes, his vision began to blur in and out. IF approached (Y/n) and placed her hands on his shoulders.

IF (Ultra): (Y/n)! Listen to me! You're scaring us by acting like this! What is happening?!

(Y/n): I-IF... Move... have to... Ugh...

Not being able to keep his senses any longer, (Y/n) collapses to the ground. Seeing (Y/n) fall to the ground, Compa went to his side quickly along with IF. Shadow began to bark at already knowing what was wrong.

Compa (Ultra): JOJO?!

IF (Ultra): (Y/n)?! (Y/n)! Hey! (Y/N)!! Wake up!!

Looking at the hand (Y/n) had clutched, IF reached for it and opened it up. Upon seeing the blood on (Y/n)'s hand, IF gasped and stood up away from (Y/n).

IF (Ultra): Wh-What the hell?! Why is there blood on (Y/n)'s hand?!

The others got a closer look and had similar reactions to what IF had.

Washington: The hell?! Did this blood get here when he was coughing??

Caboose: Why is he sleeping?

Tucker: Caboose! He isn't sleeping! He passed out from... From whatever is happening!

During (Y/n) being unconscious, he was taking deep breaths as a tint of red was appearing on his cheeks. Compa began to feel (Y/n)'s forehead and had a look of shock.

Compa (Ultra): Someone! Get me a thermometer, quick!

Quickly going to get one, IF brings one back with Compa taking it to place it in (Y/n)'s mouth. When it beeps, Compa takes it and goes wide eyed in shock.

Compa (Ultra): 1-115 degrees Fahrenheit...?! The thermometer is saying (Y/n) is having a high fever...!!

Everyone: WHAT?!

Neptune: Ugh...! Where is Mini Histy when you need her?!

Suddenly, the door began to sound off a banging sound as if needing immediate entrance to the room.

Histoire (Ultra): *through the door* OPEN THE DOOR!! WE HAVE A MAJOR CRISIS!!

The group looked at Neptune as she looked back at all of them. She crosses her arms and smiles.

Neptune: What?? Isn't it common knowledge that when needing a specific someone, they appear like that? I've always wanted to make that happen actually.

IF groans in being annoyed and opens the door for Histoire. She pants from having to quickly fly back to share what she found out.

Histoire (Ultra): Where is (Y/n)?! \(〇_o)/

IF points to where (Y/n) is as Compa was crying and holding (Y/n) in her arms. Histoire flies on over to feel (Y/n)'s head and looks at Compa. (Y/n) was breathing hard in being uncomfortable and in pain.

Histoire (Ultra): Compa! Please tell me this only started just recently?! Σ(°△°|||)︴

Compa (Ultra): I-It did...

Histoire (Ultra): Get him to a bed! The rest of you, we need to talk RIGHT NOW!

Everyone in the room looked at each other and didn't argue. If Histoire was in a state of panic for a reason, this subject was no laughing joke. IF and Compa began to carry (Y/n) to Plutia's room while the rest listened to Histoire.

Noire (Ultra): Okay, what the hell is going on Histoire?

Washington: Does it have to do with (Y/n)'s health??

Histoire nodded her head as a projection screen came down to begin showing some pictures. The pictures looked to be some blood, but glowing slightly with energy.

Vert (Ultra): Histoire, what are we looking at?

Histoire (Ultra): This is the state of (Y/n)'s blood that contained Share Energy when he first arrived into our world. By switching it over-

The picture changes to show that the blood was full of Share Energy and brimming with life.

Histoire (Ultra): This is the Share Energy that used to look like this in (Y/n)...

Simmons: Wait... "Used to look like"??

Histoire nods her head at hoping someone would catch that. In switching to another slide, another blood sample was shown, but to be somewhat darker.

Histoire (Ultra): You know those "coughing fits" (Y/n) would have periodically?

Neptune: I don't like where this is going Histy...

Histoire (Ultra): Well you shouldn't like it regardless. (Y/n) came to me earlier about this and asked me to run an analysis on his blood. What I found... is horrifying...

Histoire changed the slide as everyone in the room currently became frozen in fear. What should be bright lights of Share Energy in (Y/n)'s blood, were dark energy-like signatures floating in the vial of blood.

Histoire (Ultra): From being in our world... (Y/n)'s Share Energy has been affected from just being here...because of this... The Share Energy in his body is doing harm to him now because of our dimension's rules...

Plutia: What do you mean Histy...?

Histoire looked at Plutia and then looked away with a sad expression on her face.

Histoire (Ultra): What I mean is, (Y/n) Share Energy in his blood is fluctuating that it's not just being tainted... But rather killing him here from the inside out...

Histoire took a deep breath and looked at those currently in the room.

Histoire (Ultra): Look I can't sugarcoat this. Not with what's happening... If we don't act on how to stop this...

The room fell silent with the tension of waiting for Histoire to say what she needed to say.

Histoire (Ultra): ...(Y/n) will die... (╯_╰)

Everyone became alarmed, but most of all Neptune, considering she was (Y/n)'s girlfriend.

Neptune: Die...? No... No...

Neptune went down to her knees and looked at the room (Y/n) had went through from being carried by IF and Compa. Laying (Y/n) down on the bed, IF notice more flashing lights were blinking on (Y/n)'s communicator. When inspecting it, IF became shocked.

IF (Ultra): No... That shouldn't be possible...

Compa (Ultra): What is it?

IF (Ultra): We were told (Y/n) gets negative effects after he reverts back to normal... Followed by red flashing lights on his watch whenever (Y/n) gains a negative effect... Right...?

Compa (Ultra): Yeah...?

IF shows Compa what she is seeing. In showing Compa, she goes wide eyed at what IF shows her.

IF (Ultra): High fever, Paralysis, Blindness, Hyperalgesia... He hasn't even transformed, yet all of these negative effects are appearing all over the place!

Compa (Ultra): No...! This is really bad...! No person can experience these effects all at once...! It's very dangerous!!

Bursting into the room, Histoire flies over to where Compa was from hearing her yell.

Histoire (Ultra): What's happening??

Compa looks at Histoire and then shows her the communicator. Histoire becomes shocked and looks to see Neptune entering the room as well.

Histoire (Ultra): Neptune! What kinds of negative effects had (Y/n) experienced in the past??

Neptune became shocked at being called out right away and began to think quickly.

Neptune: Um... A coma, Blanc said blindness, an effect that caused more pain, Paralysis and a High fever... Wait, why are you asking...?

Histoire looked at Neptune and then at the communicator again.

Histoire (Ultra): These are all of (Y/n)'s old status effects... the only one missing is the coma... with his blood being tainted like this... (Y/n) is having to experience old status effects all at once...!

Neptune: WHAT?! But how?!

Histoire began to think and came to a conclusion.

Histoire (Ultra): (Y/n)'s Share Energy. It has to be that. From being here in our world, (Y/n) has been constantly losing energy day after day being here. With our dimension's rules, his body couldn't take in any new Share Energy to replace it with.

When remembering that (Y/n)'s powers came from controlling Share Energy, Histoire remembered the fights (Y/n) was in.

Histoire (Ultra): With even having to use his energy to fight AND losing blood in his battles... It sped up this predicament on (Y/n) unexpectedly...

Neptune thought about it, and the more she did, the more it had confused her.

Neptune: Uh...

IF (Ultra): So what you're saying Histoire, is that: (Y/n) is like this because the energy he needs is being blocked due to our dimension's rules? Not only that, but (Y/n) has been unknowingly been draining what energy he could use??

Histoire (Ultra): Precisely...

Compa (Ultra): Will he be okay if we supply him with some Share Energy...?

Histoire shook her head left and right to indicate no.

Histoire (Ultra): That would not help him out of pain (Y/n) is in, but speed it up... And taking him back to Hyper dimension wouldn't help him either in his current state... Replacing the energy would take time and I fear (Y/n) doesn't have that... It needs to be instantaneous to make a complete recovery.

Histoire began to run scenarios on possibilities for ways on helping (Y/n) recover from this, but only one came to mind.

Histoire (Ultra): I hate to say this... But we NEED to work a miracle here... And I mean a BIG one. (/_\)

IF (Ultra): And what do you suggest??

Histoire looked at IF with her answer.

Histoire (Ultra): For (Y/n)'s sake... we MUST find a CPU Memory before it's too late...

Dimension: Hyper.

Location: Dionix's base.

Through the camera of the spy bug, Dionix stands up at hearing the predicament (Y/n) was in.

Dionix: (He'll die...?! To something as weak as this?! This is... This is...!!)

???: And what's got you so worked up, Shalla?

Hearing a voice behind him, Dionix didn't need to turn around to know it was Chronos.

Dionix: Something about (L/n). From what I can understand, that pest is dying from the rules that dimension has placed, making his body go out of control from the lack of Share Energy.

Chronos didn't seem surprised, but more intrigued at hearing this.

Chronos: And? What of it? Shouldn't that be a good thing for you?

Dionix: Not if it means that his stupid friends are gonna begin on searching for something to help him. That tome mentioned a CPU Memory.

Chronos looked at the screen and became slightly annoyed.

Chronos: Then do something. Send someone or as many as you need. If (Y/n) not only gets cured from this, he'll be able to transform again and survive longer in that world. Do you hear me?

Dionix: Whatever. I'll think of something.

Chronos: Don't you dare disappoint me. You know what happens when I get annoyed by failed attempts.

Chronos began to walk out of the room as Dionix pressed a button to talk to Dr. Kinja.

Dionix: Kinja, get me Johnathan and Draven to where I'm at. We have plans that need to be made quickly.

One hour later...

Plutia's point of view.

Dimension: Ultra.

Location: Planeptune's Basilicom.

Time: Evening.

After some time passed, Histoire had explained to me and the others what (Y/n)'s current condition is. (Y/n) is in need of the item that made me and my friends into CPUs. I was about to get ready to go in wanting to help, but Neptune approached me as I was trying to think what I'll need to take.

Neptune: Hey, Plutie...?

Plutia: Hey, Neppy~ I'm almost ready to go.

Neptune saw my bag as it looked like a doll, but it was a backpack.

Neptune: I...see. Um, Plutie...

Plutia: What should I take with us, Neppy? An item to heal all of us? Or a revival maybe??

I was about to reach for the two items, but felt Neptune tap my shoulder. I turned to face her, but could see that she was sad for some reason.

Neptune: Plutie... Maybe you should stay here...

I tilt my head at what Neptune is saying and felt confused by her asking me this.

Plutia: But Neppy... I want to help...

Neptune: I know, I know... But... I would want someone I can trust to stay here and be here for (Y/n) if possible... Can you do that for me, Plutie...?

I looked at Neptune as she held her necklace in her hand. From what I remember, that was the necklace Neptune came here with and had a sad look on her face too. It hurt to see my friend being sad like this, so as a way to help cheer her up, I hugged Neptune and listened to what she needed me to do.

Plutia: I'll stay, Neppy. Don't worry. (Y/n)'s gonna be in good hands~

I could feel that Neptune had cheered up a little and hugged me back with one arm.

Neptune: Thank you, Plutie...

After our talk, I could see Grif, Simmons, Tucker and Caboose had some gear ready along with my other friends that were heading out. Staying here with me, was IF, Compa, Peashy and Washington.

Histoire (Ultra): With time short, we need to cover as much ground quickly. That means separating into three groups. We can't let any arguments happen during this, so I've assigned teams that would be most compatible with.

Washington walks on over to Tucker and hands him a piece of paper to look at and take into his hands.

Washington: Okay. Tucker, take Caboose, Grif and Simmons with you in a car to investigate these areas. I won't be able to go in needing to be here as support. Think you can get to these locations and check them out?

Tucker: As long as it doesn't have six pedals and drives in four directions, I can drive.

Histoire (Ultra): Neptune, you go with Blanc to survey any areas of where there may be a CPU memory, while Noire is teamed up with Vert to check any other areas.

I looked over to Vert and saw she had a smile and could see her chest bounce slightly.

Vert (Ultra): Hopefully with my luck stats, we may find the item we're looking for. After all, I had found two by myself before.

Noire (Ultra): Don't you know how rare a CPU Memory is...? Our chances of finding one are close to not finding any. We don't know when one will spawn in. Not to mention that if we do, we have to worry about the 50% chance of (Y/n) turning into a monster.

Blanc (Ultra): Oh, I never thought of that. Thank you for the refresher.

Blanc had said that in a sarcastic way and got Noire mad.

Noire (Ultra): Do I look like I was wanting to remind you?!

Neptune: No! Stop right now!

Neptune got in between Noire and Blanc before things could get more heated.

Neptune: Look! Argue as much as you want AFTER we help (Y/n)! Please!

Blanc and Noire looked away from each other as Histoire sighed from hearing both of them argue.

Histoire (Ultra): And that's why I didn't pair Blanc with Vert because of... "reasons" let's say...

Vert was about to make a comment, but Neptune goes to put a finger over her mouth.

Neptune: No. None of that. I will not have my party member be mad the whole trip and plot on "how to get back at you" during this.

Neptune takes her finger away while Vert crossed her arms.

Vert (Ultra): Hmph... I'll just do it later then.

Neptune: Appreciated.

Washington: Look! Just stop! We're wasting time here arguing, and that means less time (Y/n) has in being brought back from what's going on!

Washington sighed and placed his right hand over his visor.

Washington: Jeez... Now I know how Carolina felt when having to deal with all of us...

Histoire (Ultra): Washington is right. We can't waste any second we can get in saving (Y/n)'s life. You all have what you need to do, time is of the essence.

With everyone heading out, Neptune looked at Histoire real quick on what she wanted to tell her.

Neptune: Could you keep us up to date on (Y/n)'s condition for us?

Histoire (Ultra): With the severity of the mission, knowing how much time we have is important. Yes, I will keep you up to date on his condition and when he wakes up to talk to you.

Neptune smiles softly at hearing those words come from Histoire's mouth.

Neptune: Thank you, Histy...

With everyone ready, Vert and the other Goddesses had already transformed into her Goddess Form. Unlike her counterpart, Green Heart showed some less skin and had a black suit instead of white with only a small portion of her thighs showing along the area of her stomach going up to her chest. Green Heart's hair had changed from being blonde to a green color along her hair being in a ponytail.

Green Heart (Vert (Ultra)): Is everyone ready?

Neptune: Yup!

We watched as Neptune entered her transformation and into being Purple Heart. She turns to face towards us while Washington's men were in a vehicle down at the bottom of the tower.

Purple Heart (Neptune): We're off. We're gonna do our best to search for a CPU Memory now.

Washington: Keep your communicators on and let us know when AND if you find what we need. Communication between all of us is needed to help keep (Y/n) alive today. If something should happen, call for assistance.

Black Heart (Noire (Ultra)): Who said we "need" assistance??

Washington looked towards the room where (Y/n) was currently sleeping in and looked back at Black Heart.

Washington: Call it a hunch... But I don't trust this mission to go as easily as we should take it... You shouldn't either.

Black Heart (Noire (Ultra)): We'll see about that.

Once everything was said and done, each team began to head out in hopes of finding the CPU Memory for (Y/n). Once the teams were gone, Histoire looked towards Washington with a curious look.

Histoire (Ultra): What did you mean by not expecting this to" go easily", Agent Washington?

Washington looked at Histoire and sighed.

Washington: When we fought Draven, I heard (Y/n) talk to him about being "paid" to attack. Meaning that was either an Assassin for hire, or a Mercenary paid to do someone else's dirty work.

Histoire (Ultra): And I suspect there was a reason why you told the others to stay communicated...?

Washington: Yes...

Washington looked at me, Peashy, Compa and IF with what he was about to say.

Washington: Because I have a feeling... Our struggle will begin soon as well...

Third person view.

Location: Outside of Planeptune.

Washington (Video Feed): Because I have a feeling... Our struggle will begin soon as well...

Dionix was watching from a holographic tablet on a spy bug's perspective and had heard everything the others had talked about. Dionix looks up to see Tucker's team rolling on by with the Goddesses splitting up into their two teams to head to their assigned areas. Johnathan exits from the shadows and looks at Dionix with Draven being on the opposite side of him.

Johnathan: Hmph... Well that's no fun. He already expects us to intervene on their little hoo-ha in saving the dork.

Draven: It shouldn't matter. I plan on dealing with that Spirit of (Y/n)'s personally AND including the brat himself who beat me up the other day. This is personal.

Dionix: Do what you will. I have unfinished business with Neptune for what she did on Earth to me. Not to mention my hatred for any other CPU of Lowee that isn't Ivory... Blanc is mine to deal with too.

Draven: Is that so? Then care to explain what you have need for calling myself and our "idiot" friend here to help?

Johnathan looks at Draven and growls in anger.

Johnathan: Call me an idiot again, I'll put that mouth of yours in your ass!

Draven: I'd like to see you try with your "left arm".

Johnathan was about to approach Draven, when Dionix put a hand between the two.

Dionix: Enough!! I will not have any tomfoolery while our enemies are in this world! We did not come here to fight each other! We came here for (L/n) to die. I can be able to handle some resistance, but it's up to you two to decide whoever you want and face. If they get the chance to even fall back to gain reinforcements, their numbers and strength will rise.

Draven: And what about you? Aren't your powers the same as your counterpart?

Dionix: HE controls Share Energy! My Crystal of Despair uses Negative Energy from my emotions. It will not make a difference in my own combat abilities.

Johnathan scoffed at hearing this and decided to say something.

Johnathan: Then who do you suggest handles the idiots in the car? Not to remind you, but there's only THREE of us here.

Dionix: You forgot your prosthetic arm is equipped with gadgets. One of them includes infecting a monster with Chaos Mist. Infect the strongest monster where they're at, and just leave. Let it deal with those dumbasses. Whoever is left is yours to deal with.

Johnathan: *scoffs* Fine. Since Spirit man is going after (L/n) and you for that Hyper bitch and the Ice Queen. That leaves the loner and fake boobs to me.

In the distance, all four Goddesses sneezed at being talked about.

Purple Heart (Neptune): (Why do I feel like someone has a bone to pick with me?)

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): (Why do I feel like someone has great hate for me?)

Black Heart (Noire (Ultra)): (Why do I feel like I was made fun of for not having any friends??)

Green Heart (Vert (Ultra)): (I know someone talked about my chest being fake! I could feel that!!)

Focusing on where Purple Heart and White Heart are at, White Heart looks over to Purple Heart with a question.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Neptune...

Purple Heart (Neptune): Hmm? What is it, Blanc?

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): If (Y/n) makes it through this, he NEEDS to know who he is from here on out. I'll respect if you want to just tell him and not all of us, but he deserves to know just WHO he is. Wouldn't you want to know who you are if you were about to die? He's fought for us, protected us with no memories, and almost killed himself because of it. Do you understand?

Purple Heart looked at White Heart to see the serious look in her eyes. Thinking it over, Purple Heart refocused on the mission and sighed.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Okay... When we help him get better, I'll tell him whatever I can...

When hearing that answer come from Purple Heart, White Heart looked towards the front to focus on where to go.

Half an hour later...

Location: Planeptune's Basilicom.

Time: Evening.

Back at the Basilicom, Compa has placed a cold washcloth over (Y/n)'s head to help reduce his fever. (Y/n) continued to take deep breaths and whimpered in pain. Compa took (Y/n)'s left hand softly into hers and rubbed the back of his hand softly.

Compa (Ultra): Don't worry, JoJo... You're going to be just fine... Our friends are going to do their best to help you...

Compa sniffed as a tear rolled down her cheek. On the bed with (Y/n) Shadow had cuddles close to (Y/n) in wanting to be there for his master, whimpering softly at not being able to help. A knock could be heard at the door as Plutia came to poke her head inside the room.

Compa (Ultra): Oh, hey Plu-Plu...

Plutia walked over and looked at (Y/n). Plutia softly held the doll that resembled (Y/n) softly and took a seat on the bed.

Plutia: How is (Y/n)...?

(Y/n) was taking deep breaths and his eyes clenched shut in feeling pain. Compa sighed softly and had a sad look on her face.

Compa (Ultra): I'm doing everything I can to help keep JoJo's fever down... I want to do more than see him being in pain like this... But I don't know what to do...

When looking at Compa's hands signs of being exposed to water for a while. Plutia looked sad in seeing Compa doing all the work in trying to keep (Y/n) healthy. When looking at (Y/n), Plutia began to feel her heart pinging with sadness with what she was feeling from inside. Looking at Compa, she gains her attention to say something to her.

Plutia: Is there anything I can do to help...?

Compa smiles and nods her head.

Compa (Ultra): If you can just stay by JoJo's side until I get back, that would be helpful. I'm gonna try and get some ice to place on his head to see if that might help.

Plutia: Okay~

When Compa gets up, she heads for the door and exits through it. On the bed, (Y/n) takes a breath in and mumbles something that was out of earshot of Plutia.

Plutia: Hm??

Plutia leans in more and listens closer to then hear what (Y/n) was trying to say.

(Y/n): Mom... M-Mother...

Hearing (Y/n) was in pain and was probably thinking of his mother, Plutia became more sad.

Plutia: Don't worry (Y/n)... Compa will be back real quick. For now...

Plutia decides to get on the bed and lie next to (Y/n). She gets close to him in wanting to see his face and smiles softly as she whispered to him.

Plutia: *whispers* I'll keep you company~ I won't leave you until you're allllll better. I'll be right here, always~

In a matter of moments, Plutia falls asleep next to (Y/n). For a slight moment their foreheads touched and a spark-like energy was created between the two. On (Y/n)'s right hand, the Mark of the Sharicite glowed along with the Crystal of Hope around his neck. During that time, both of them turned into an iris color depicting Plutia's power. Both the mark and the necklace stop glowing, as Compa opened the door to enter the room. Compa doesn't see what happened, but sees Plutia had begun to sleep next to (Y/n), who had slowed his breathing down somewhat. Going over to feel his head, Compa could feel that the fever had gone down a little bit as well.

Compa (Ultra): Well... It's not what I asked, but I'm glad to see that JoJo is recovering slowly.

Outside the room, Washington was inspecting his gear on the couch with Peashy watching him, when IF and Histoire approached him.

IF (Ultra): Keeping your gear up to date, right?

Washington looks at IF and nods his head.

Washington: Uh-huh. I do it whenever I get the chance. Got to be prepared for the next fight. Always taught that in Project Freelancer.

Peashy: "Freelancer?" What's that mean?

Washington: It was a program that trained soldiers like me on special operations with the best equipment we could get. In the program, there were fifty people that made up the man power when going out on missions. Like myself, we had a State name given to us as code names. Hence why I'm called: Agent Washington.

IF (Ultra): So, why are you here? What happened to the others??

Washington froze slightly when asked that question and sighs. When Washington explains, images of his past float in his head.

Washington: Even though we were a special group of people, we had our arguments and fought a lot. When a specific topic got placed that divided some of us into two groups, it affected the stability of everything and now there's just myself and Carolina...

IF (Ultra): Dang. Must have been serious...

Histoire (Ultra): It must have been tough for you, Agent Washington.

Washington: Just... Wash is fine. You have no idea what a real war feels like, until it actually happens...

???: Heh. Almost makes me feel sorry. ALMOST, that is.

Hearing a voice, Washington and IF grab their guns to quickly point it to the entrance of the balcony. Smoke began to form around Draven as he leaned against the door.

Washington: Draven!

Draven: Hello again, Agent Washington.

Washington: You have exactly TEN seconds to leave, or I unload this into you with bullets.

Draven: Oh my. I'm SO scared. Not really actually.

Firing his gun, Washington fires at Draven many times at his enemy. In the room where Compa was, she and Shadow hear the gunshots and look at the door. Hearing the gun shots, worried both her and Shadow with what's going on out there. When the seventh bullet connects to Draven, he dissipates into smoke. Outside, Draven calls out to Washington from around the corner.

Draven: That's not really nice to fire when the countdown was still going, Agent. Good thing I used a smoke clone instead of being in the line of fire.

Washington: That was to show you that I'm not playing here. I know why you're here. To assassinate the kid.

Draven: Heh. Smarter than you look, considering that you work with idiots.

Washington: I wouldn't talk shit about my team if I were you. When the going gets tough, they're just the right people I can count on.

Draven begins to chuckle, making IF tilt her head at what Draven laughing about it.

IF (Ultra): Hey! What's so funny?!

Draven stops chuckling and sighs.

Draven: There are bigger fishes about to get fried as we speak.

Location: Ruins.

With Tucker's group they were exploring around the area Washington had sent them to.

Simmons: Okay, just what is a CPU Memory anyway?

Tucker: You know how like the Meta would insert enhancements to get stronger with an AI?

Grif: Yeah?

Tucker: Think just like that, but instead of electronic equipment, people get real super powers.

Grif looks at Simmons and then back to Tucker.

Grif: Uh... Huh... That SURE clears it up quickly...

Tucker: Dude, who's been here with Wash in working with a CPU?

Caboose: Them?

Tucker: No, Caboose! Me and you!

Simmons: Well to be honest Tucker. We worked in the other dimension where CPUs were BORN through Share Energy. To think an item can just turn people into CPUs.

Tucker laughs nervously as he continues moving, making Grif and Simmons confused.

Grif: What is it?

Tucker: Nothing.

Simmons: What??

Tucker: Well... Even if we get the item we need to save that kid, there's still one thing to worry about...

Grif: And that is...?

Tucker was about to explain, but then a rumble could be felt in the ground.

Caboose: Uh... The walls are shaking... I think I made them mad...

Bursting through a wall, a Fenrir jumps over the four of them.

Simmons, Grif and Tucker: SON OF A BITCH!

Caboose: Yay! A dog! I want to call him George.

When it landed onto the floor, it was standing up on two feet and looked more menacing than how it would usually do.

Grif: Oh shit! Not another one of these Chaos monsters! We need to go! Now!

Simmons: Not again! I still have nightmares from that facility!

With seeing the Chaos Fenrir, the team began to run with the monster on their heels.

Location: Caves.

With Black Heart and Green Heart, finished up the last enemy that was in the location they were at. When approaching where a Memory Core is, there was no sign of a CPU Memory in sight.

Black Heart (Noire (Ultra)): Damn.

Green Heart (Vert (Ultra)): Our second location is a bust... We need to keep looking elsewhere...

Black Heart (Noire (Ultra)): Seems like it... Even if we do find the stupid thing, there's still that 50/50 chance (Y/n) will have to go through...

Green Heart (Vert (Ultra)): Yes... That part still worries me somewhat... Those odds never end well for those that use it...

???: Oh? Care to tell me of these "odds" you speak of then? I'm very curious to know.

Hearing a voice, both Goddesses look towards the shadows to see someone walking out of their hiding place.

Black Heart (Noire (Ultra)): Who are you?!

Green Heart (Vert (Ultra)): Identify yourself!

When walking out of the shadows completely, Johnathan smirks and points to them.

Johnathan: You do not need to know my name. All you need to know is, I'll be the cause of your death.

Location: Forest.

At a Forest, Purple Heart and White Heart stand at the location of a Memory Core, but sigh when a CPU Memory hasn't even spawned.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Let's keep going Blanc... We need to keep looking.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): Right. Maybe the others are having an easier time than us...

???: I wouldn't be so sure about that, CPU of Lowee...

Hearing a familiar voice, both turn around at the same time. White Heart had a look of shock on her face, while Purple Heart was wide eyed at who she was seeing. Standing a couple of yards away from them, stood Dionix with his arms crossed.

Dionix: Hello again, Purple Heart.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): (Y/n)?! How are-

Purple Heart (Neptune): Blanc! That's not (Y/n)! Don't let him deceive you!

White Heart looked at Purple Heart with confusion written on her face as Purple Heart began to explain.

Purple Heart (Neptune): This man may look like (Y/n) and even share the same voice... But he is NOT (Y/n) at all! He's one of the reasons why I can't let (Y/n) return to my world in his current state. Because Dionix wants to kill (Y/n)...

Dionix: And what a nuisance you are in being in your Goddess Form, CPU. You act like an idiot when in your human form, but in this, you get more serious. ESPECIALLY for (L/n)'s sake.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Explain why you're here. I don't have time to mess around.

Dionix chuckled softly, only annoying Purple Heart slightly before speaking.

Dionix: I know what's happening to (L/n).

Purple Heart didn't seem to be surprised to hear that, considering this isn't the first time their enemies have been spying on them.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): How would you know?! You weren't even-

Purple Heart (Neptune): Spies Blanc... They have spies...

White Heart looks at Purple Heart as some of her hair was creating a shadow over her eyes.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): What the hell does that even mean Neptune? Tell me.

Purple Heart (Neptune): Dionix has methods of being able to observe us without us noticing... In truth, (Y/n) was the only one smart enough to notice a pattern at the time... Because of it, the enemy knew of our movements and could attack any time they chose without warning... When the pattern became clearer for (Y/n), he made his own plans at the time.

Dionix: And without telling them, you let the same mistake happen again.

Purple Heart glared at Dionix with what she would say next.

Purple Heart (Neptune): What plans do you have on being here? Tell me right now!

Dionix: Revenge for what happened on Earth, kill a CPU of Lowee, and destroy any chance you have on saving (L/n).

White Heart takes a step forward and points at Dionix.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): So you're the reason my nation was attacked huh? I may be pissed that Neptune didn't tell me, but I can be mad about that later. As for your "plans," I have some bad news about that. Even if you attack us, we have two more teams searching for the item we need. You're wasting your breath, dumbass.

Dionix: Ah, yes. The idiot soldiers, and the other two CPUs. Yes... Even if I do stall you here on wasting time, I'm not alone in this.

(Insert I'll Believe by Altima)

Purple Heart became shocked to hear this and tightened her hand into a fist. She glares at Dionix by his claim

Purple Heart (Neptune): Are you suggesting that you have other members stopping our teams in their searches?! To stop us from saving (Y/n)?!

Dionix: And not only that, but being able to deal with (L/n) at the same time. As we speak, a certain "smoke" user is at (Y/n)'s location right now.

Purple Heart paled at hearing that (Y/n)'s life was currently in danger even when dealing with his current conditions. White Heart tightens her hand into a fist with having to hear all of this in front of her.

White Heart (Blanc (Ultra)): And with all of us separated like this... They caught us without being prepared for contingencies like this... Bastard.

Dionix: So, shall we begin our fight? I promise to make your reunion with (L/n) as soon as possible, CPU!

Dionix powered up into his armor and charged towards Purple Heart and White Heart, readying their weapons for their fight. With each team having to deal with an enemy of their own, (Y/n)'s life hangs on the balance of either surviving from this plight or cease to live.

To be continued...

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