Chapter 5: The Meeting. The Truth of (Y/n) Revealed.

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Neptune's point of view.

January 6, 20XX

Location: Planeptune's Basilicom.

Time: Morning.

I wake up as I let out a yawn, indicating I was still tired. Looking at the bed, (Y/n) was still asleep from the incident three days ago.

Neptune: (Gee... Talk about the threes... Is Jammy trying to keep up with the trends of many things?? Talk about a trope for references.)

I let out another yawn as I got up to stretch and try to wake up from the intro for the book and chapter. Ever since (Y/n) had been unconscious, I would wait by his side because I didn't want to leave his side. Just to make sure nothing bad happened to him. If I ever had to leave his side, it would be for a moment to get a snack or get something to drink.

Neptune: (You seem to have a streak for sleeping (Y/n)... If the others don't believe you're Plutie's son from another dimension... I don't know what...)

I sighed as I got up from the bed and walked to the balcony to look over the city. I thought about how the others were doing as I'm sure they were worried about (Y/n). Heck, with all that's happened so far... I'm still worried. Last chapter, we had to save (Y/n) from the tainted energy he had accumulated due to it being an irregular way to hold it. At least... That's what Mini Histy said when she had time to talk. So we went to look for one of the items that helped me the last time when I was stuck here and regained my powers. For (Y/n) though, it was either use it and risk him turning into a monster, or let him die...

Neptune: (Even if that stupid thing had a little chance to keep him human... I would rather try for the chance, than see him die... Now, we can't seem to figure out why he has amnesia still...)

Although we were successful, there was another problem. Good news, when I met up where the others were, my friends had helped cure (Y/n)'s affliction. Bad news... his amnesia was still active... Meaning we don't know what is causing it.

Neptune: If anything, out of all afflictions, THAT ONE has been used the most in any game!!

???: *yawn* Come on, Neptune... I'me trying to sleep...

Neptune: *sighs* Sorry... I'm just so peeved about-

Thinking a moment on who reacted to my yell, I quickly look inside Plutie's room and saw (Y/n) was sitting up in the bed!!

Neptune: (Y/n)?!

(Y/n): Shhh... I'm really tired... Let me rest for a bit longer... Okay...? *yawn*

(Y/n) lies back down on the bed as he pulled the covers over him. I was still shocked by this happening, even though this shouldn't be anything new to me.

Neptune: Uh... Okay then. That was random...

(Insert Venus no Harmonia by Asami Imai)


The sun had risen to where light was illuminating the town. I was currently eating some pudding as a snack. I looked at the couch to see that Plutie and P-ko were sleeping together while (Y/n) had Plutie's bed. In P-ko's arms, was a finished doll Plutie made while (Y/n) was sleeping.

Neptune: (Plutie has been patient with (Y/n) sleeping in her bed. Even asked if she could cuddle against him. I don't really know if it was weird or somewhat cute considering Plutie doesn't know about (Y/n)'s personal history yet...)

Grif and Simmons had been asked to help Iffy and Compa since (Y/n) wouldn't be going anywhere. Grif complained about this since he always complains about work, but Simmons was so afraid to be around Compa by himself.

Neptune: (Yet... I still don't know why he's so shy. Is he a tsundere also?)

Shadow: *bark bark*

Histoire (Ultra): Ahhh! Bad puppy! Help!

I looked towards where Histy was as Shadow was playfully chasing her. Trying to fly away as Shadow tried to catch her. Histy flew to rest on top of my head as Shadow got up on his hind legs and lean against my leg for support.

Shadow: *bark bark*

Histoire (Ultra): Neptune... I can't focus on getting paperwork done because of Shadow...

Neptune: But Shadow is just trying to have fun.

Histoire (Ultra): By taking the signed paperwork I complete and eating them...!

I sweat when hearing this and looked down at Shadow. I picked him up with both hands to lift him up to my face.

Neptune: You giving Histy a hard time~?

Shadow: *barks*

Shadow cutely wags his tail at the attention he was getting.

Neptune: You can't be eating stuff like that~ Because then you'll make Histy cranky and grumpy~

Histoire looked at Neptune and puffed her cheeks.

Histoire (Ultra): I wouldn't be GRUMPY if you and Plutia actually focused on what is important!

Neptune: *giggles* See what I mean~

Shadow: *bark*

Histoire sighed in having to deal with my antics and began to float from above my head again.

Histoire (Ultra): Can you please keep Shadow from interfering with my duties...? It takes longer with having to focus on most of the work... If (Y/n) was awake, things would have been completed faster...

I sighed as I looked at Plutie's room as the new door was kept shut.

Neptune: It would help... Plus, he seemed to have fun in helping you out. Reminds me when he had helped out even when as a girl. Did it to distract himself for an entire day.

Histy felt confused by what I meant as I freaked out slightly from revealing something I was promised not to reveal.

Neptune: Uh... But you didn't hear that from me... Please?

???: Wow... You cannot be serious about that... Right?

Startling me out of nowhere, I looked behind myself to see Noire, Vert and Blanc as they had landed on the balcony.

Neptune: Ahh! How long have you been there?

Noire (Ultra): For three minutes now.

Vert (Ultra): So there's something that can change a person's gender in your world?? Now I'm curious about that.

Blanc held up a hand to cover Vert's mouth to keep her from talking any further.

Blanc (Ultra): Ask that later, focus on why we're all here now.

Histy thought for a moment before looking at Blanc at what she was hinting at.

Histoire (Ultra): Oh, right... The talk about (Y/n)... Right...?

Noire (Ultra): You know it. Lets wait for the others first. Having to repeat it to people who aren't here gets really annoying...

Blanc (Ultra): Then you're going to hate when Caboose joins... He always needs help when talking in important matters...

Noire groaned like usual despite the many things that can go wrong. Once the Blues arrived up to the room along with calling IF and Compa to bring Grif and Simmons with them, everyone was here. Due to it being a group discussion, that meant even Plutie and Peashy were woken up from their nap together to listen in on what would be said.I sat on the couch with Shadow sitting next to me while twiddling my thumbs.

Blanc (Ultra): Is (Y/n) awake yet by chance?

Neptune: Um...

Histy looked at me as if already guessing what my answer was while Blanc was blunt about it.

Blanc (Ultra): *sighs* Taking that you're hesitating to speak, it would seem that you saw him being awake.

Neptune: It...was only just recent... When (Y/n) was awake, it was only for a minute before he went back to sleep...

Noire (Ultra): If he's able to wake up, I see no reason why he can't be here too. This meeting IS about him after all.

The others thought about if they really should wake (Y/n) up, even though he has been through a tough time during his time here. Compa looked at P-ko in deciding something.

Compa (Ultra): Peashy? Can you go wake up JoJo?

P-ko looked at Compa, nodding her head with a smile on her face.

Peashy: Okay!

P-ko got up quickly and went towards Plutie's bedroom to enter where (Y/n) was at. If (Y/n) really joined in on this conversation, I don't really know what to do.

Neptune: (I hate being the person to explain things to people...! Stop making me go through this situation Jammy!!)

Third point of view

Peashy walks into Plutia's bedroom and looked at (Y/n) from over the side. Peashy placed her hands on (Y/n)'s left arm and shook him softly with a quiet voice.

Peashy: Onii-chan, wake up.

(Y/n): Ngh... Five more minutes...

(Y/n) turned over on the bed to face the other side of the bed. Peashy made a slight sound of impatience and went around the bed to continue shaking his arm.

Peashy: Onii-chan... Come on... I want to play...

(Y/n): Big brother... Is sleepy...

(Y/n) snored softly in as he lied on his back in wanting to sleep. Peashy puffed her cheeks out softly and came up with an idea.

Peashy: Okay.

Peashy began to walk away to the door, but stops as she turned around. Peashy begins to run as she jumps up and lands on top of (Y/n) from the impact she makes. (Y/n) lurches forward from the shock he felt as he yelled in fright.

(Y/n): AUGH!!

Peashy: *giggles* Wake up, Onii-chan!!

(Y/n) still had a tired look on his face as he talked without knowing who was talking to him first.

(Y/n): Nggggggh... Abby... brother is tired... Let me rest...

Peashy tilted her head at hearing the name told to her.

Peashy: "Abby"? No Onii-chan, my name is Peashy!

(Y/n): Huh...?

Opening his eyes, (Y/n) began to look at Peashy as she giggled in waking (Y/n) up in the way she did. The more (Y/n) woke up, the more he began to take in with his eyes. Being more awake, he blinked his eyes and looked around the room he was in. (Y/n) even saw the stuff dolls that looked like Neptune and the others if they were dolls.

(Y/n): Uh... Okay... I am...confused...

Peashy: *giggles* You're funny, Onii-chan!

(Y/n): And it's becoming weirder... Okay... Time to find Neptune.

(Y/n) gets up from the bed and soon takes a look at himself from the shirt down.

(Y/n): Wh-What the?? Who's clothes am I even wearing??

Peashy: Those are your clothes...

(Y/n): Okay... But I don't remember buying these. Why wear clothes that I never bought before??

Peashy shrugged and got up to go leave the room while (Y/n) looked around more. Looking to see he was in an unfamiliar room. One that has doll versions of Neptune and her friends.

(Y/n): (Okay... Don't remember those, but those look like the other CPUs... But... They look cute to be honest.)

Once being able to pull himself away by the confusion of the room, (Y/n) went to the door to look back to where he woke up before stepping out. Stepping out to see the CPUs, Red Team and Blue Team in the meeting that would soon begin.

(Y/n): Uh... What's going on??

Noire (Ultra): Good. You're awake. Now we can finally get this meeting somewhere.

(Y/n): Wait... Huh...? I'm not following...

No one said anything as this topic was about (Y/n). When no one would speak up, Noire sighed with having to fill (Y/n) in on what was happening.

Noire (Ultra): Ugh... Must I explain everything?? We're about to have a meeting. We've been waiting for you.

(Y/n): A meeting?

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow and looked around the room again at who was here.

(Y/n): Uh... What about...?

Blanc (Ultra): It's about what happened recently. This is important.

(Y/n) looked at Blanc and felt really confused as Vert picked up on this quickly.

Vert (Ultra): Is something wrong?

(Y/n): Um... Kinda...? I'm just... Not sure.

Histoire hovered close to (Y/n) and looked at him.

Histoire (Ultra): Are you okay?

(Y/n): I... I feel like something's off...? I don't know how to explain it...

(Y/n) looked at Histoire and still felt out of place by what he was feeling. Washington decided to walk up to (Y/n) and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Washington: What's the matter kid? You seem really out of it.

Grif: Yeah. You look like you got had bad hangover. Without even a single drink that is.

(Y/n) backs away from Washington and looks at him.

(Y/n): I... What is going on here??

Neptune got up and looked at (Y/n). Wondering if he was okay.

Neptune: You okay?

(Y/n) looked at Neptune and was trying to figure out the problem himself.

(Y/n): To be honest... I wake up and all I've been getting is questions on top of other questions that I can't even answer...

Histoire floated and rested on (Y/n)'s head as he looked up at her.

Histoire (Ultra): Please take it slow. With every problem is also a solution as to why. Think. What do you remember last?

Listening to Histoire, (Y/n) took a breath and thought real hard on the question.

(Y/n): I... I was... Hmm... I remember about getting out of the hospital... After a big fight with that bucket head bastard calling himself Dionix... Just resting in the room I was staying in and-

(Y/n) blushes as he looked at Neptune and then away quickly. This caused the others to get confused by his reaction.

Histoire (Ultra): And what?

(Y/n): That... I was trying to figure out... What to do when I go on my date with Neptune...

Everyone in the room looked at (Y/n) based on what he said as Noire was the first to speak up.

Noire (Ultra): And... This has gotten awkward...

IF (Ultra): And weird to even hear.

(Y/n): You two are one to talk, both of you were there along with Compa and the CPUs when Neptune said that. She did win the tournament I created, and she used it to get me in a date I can't back out from...

Noire and IF looked at Neptune with judgmental looks while Neptune sweated with her index finger raised.

Neptune: Now... It may sound a bit skeptical... But it really happened...

Noire (Ultra): And there's the idiot that I know to be Neptune... Using advantages to her gain.

Neptune: Nepu! Now that's just mean...

Noire (Ultra): Don't deny it!!

(Y/n) watched on as he sweated from seeing the two argue about what was going on with everyone's attention on Neptune and Noire. (Y/n) looked at Histoire to see if he can figure anything more on what is happening.

(Y/n): Histoire... I still have more questions...

Histoire (Ultra): What is it, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): I don't know why... But what happened? I get these different clothes, there are men in suits of armor, and yet a little girl calling me her "Big Brother." She said "Onii-chan", but that's what my little sister calls me. Who are these people?

Histoire became shocked by hearing what (Y/n) said as Caboose walked up to him.

Caboose: Don't worry tiny fairy. I think I can help him. I'm good at telling stories.

Caboose looked at (Y/n) and began to speak.

Caboose: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away... You became a super person. With it, you gained the ability to change your clothes and-

When Tucker looked to see where (Y/n) was and Caboose was near him, he freaked out and rushed over to them.

Tucker: CABOOSE!! Don't tell him what you're thinking!

Caboose: Why?

Tucker: If I remember when you tried "helping" Church, it was stuff that only your head can come up with.

Grif and Simmons popped up behind Tucker and agreed with him.

Grif: You literally thought Sarge was a pirate.

Simmons: Not to mention thinking ENTIRELY different about everyone... More emphasis on EVERYONE.

Blanc looks at Simmons and then at Caboose.

Blanc (Ultra): Caboose? Tell me what you think of me?

Caboose looked at Blanc and thought about it real quick.

Caboose: Well, you are a kind and sweet lady who is strong,-

Blanc (Ultra): Really? Huh. Seems pretty accurate to-

Tucker, Grif and Simmons cut in before Blanc spoke further to stop her from talking.

Tucker, Grif and Simmons: Give him a second...

Waiting one more second, Caboose finishes what he was trying to say.

Caboose: -but turns into a monster when angry. I call her monster form, Bulk.

The room was silent after what Caboose had just said before a snicker could be heard. Blanc looked towards who tried holding back a laugh as Noire was the culprit. Blanc gets angry as she begins to yell at Noire.


Noire (Ultra): Considering what reference Caboose was making! He's not entirely wrong! Pfft hahahahahaha!


Caboose: Oh no! Bulk is coming out! Run away!

Blanc (Ultra): RAGH!!

Blanc pounced on Noire and started a scuffle between themselves. (Y/n) was shocked to see what was happening and went over to them in wanting them to stop.

(Y/n): Hey! It's just someone's own thinking! Calm down!!

Vert (Ultra): Uh...! I wouldn't get close if I were-!

Before Vert could warn (Y/n), a fist came out of the dust cloud Noire and Blanc had created and punched him in the stomach. The attack sent (Y/n) flying into a wall with a hard impact.

(Y/n): GAH!! Augh...! That hurt...!

Neptune: (Y/n)!

Washington: Kid!

Both Neptune and Washington rushed to (Y/n)'s side as Plutia watched on what was happening and began to get angry.

Plutia: You two beeeeetter stop... Because I'm getting annnngry...

Blanc and Noire heard what Plutia said and looked at her with slight fear of what was to come. IF shivered at hearing Plutia and began to inch away for safety if needed.

Blanc (Ultra): In my fair objection, no one in the room laughed, until this bitch started!

Noire (Ultra): Not my fault what the blue idiot says is true. You do rage out when angered enough, "Bulk."

Blanc (Ultra): If you don't SHUT UP, I'll beat you down!!

Plutia watched as the two bickered while an aura could be seen around her. Neptune and Histoire watched on as the two of them knew what was going to happen.

Histoire (Ultra): Neptune!!

Neptune: Get the incredibly hunk of my boyfriend out of here!

(Y/n): Wait?? What boy-

Being taken by the arm, (Y/n) was being dragged along.

(Y/n): -frieeeeeeeeend?!

Neptune quickly ran out of the room dragging (Y/n) with IF, Vert, Peashy and Compa to follow as Washington had decided to bring Caboose with him. Shadow panted as he followed (Y/n) and barked to catch up with him. Histoire was the last person to exit and close the door quickly while. Tucker, Grif and Simmons watched in confusion at what just happened.

Tucker: Huh?! Why did they leave?!

Grif: That's never a good sign...

Simmons: I feel like we should be running, instead of talking...

Plutia glared at the two CPUs who were fighting as she was angry.

Plutia: Okaaaaaay... If you two won't calm down...

In a bright flash of light, Plutia had became angry enough that she transformed into being Iris Heart. Her form and appearance alone shocked both Grif and Simmons due to their knowledge on Earth.


Simmons: WHAT THE F**K?! That's Plutia's transformation?!

Tucker: Whoa! What the hell?!

Blanc and Noire saw the light fading as Iris Heart had come out while glaring at the two.

Iris Heart (Plutia): Do I have your undivided attention NOW??

Noire (Ultra): Oh crap...!

Blanc (Ultra): Son of a-

With a crack of the whip Iris Heart had, it scared the two CPUs when it nearly hit them.

Noire (Ultra): Eek!

Iris Heart (Plutia): Listen here. Because of BOTH of you fighting each other, little (Y/n) got hurt from trying to stop you two.

Blanc (Ultra): P-Plutia... We can talk about it...

Noire (Ultra): Please listen...

Seeing the two CPUs cower in front of Plutia made Grif, Simmons and Tucker look at each other.

Grif: Dude, this is getting nuts.

Simmons: You're telling me. Seeing what is happening right now, I feel like getting out of here as fast as I can.

Tucker: Dude, why are you so scared?

Grif: You don't feel anything wrong with a dominatrix about to beat two girls senseless?!

Tucker looked at Grif and then towards at Iris Heart as she got closer to where Noire and Blanc were. When looking back, Tucker began to see what Grif meant.

Tucker: On second thought... She reminds me of Tex. Don't you think?

Simmons: Oh god. Don't put THAT in my head.

Grif: NOT AGAIN!! My balls have had enough!!

Before the three could get out of the room however, Iris Heart began to whip Noire and Blanc over and over again. Outside the room, three men were screaming inside as one faints from the initial shock of what was happening.

Compa (Ultra): Oh... They're really getting it...

IF (Ultra): I am NOT going back in there at all!

Washington: No one is asking you... Trust me, I am not wanting to see anything unnecessary.

Neptune: Then why did you bring Caboose?

Washington: Do I really need to answer?

The group looked towards Caboose as he looked at the door. When looking at the others, he began to speak.

Caboose: I wonder if those are shouts of joy?

When hearing Caboose say that, Neptune could see why Washington had brought him out before Iris Heart began.

Neptune: Okay, I see... He's pure, and clueless?

Washington: And not the greatest person when helping fire at the enemy...

Histoire (Ultra): Why?

Washington: Let me show you something...

Washington looked at Caboose and took his gun to show the others.

Washington: We had to insert a program from a Mantis-class military assault droid that Caboose named "Freckles." After he was destroyed in battle, he was repurposed into this gun and acts as an auto targeting that fires at enemies only.

Neptune: Do I need to ask why?

Washington: Has a bad habit of helping, but messes it up. When Caboose actually tries to pull the trigger-

Pulling the gun's trigger, it shoots out confetti instead with party sounds coming out.

Washington: -Caboose will only fire confetti. Freckles does the work, and Caboose doesn't team kill by accident.

The others looked at Washington and then at Caboose and then back at Washington.

Neptune: Happened a lot?

Washington: Command back in our dimension had a shortcut on their keyboard for when it happened...

Caboose: ...Ctrl + f + u... Yeah, that's what they called it.

Having snapped out due to the distractions, IF facepalmed at how stupid that was.

IF (Ultra): And that just sounds stupid...

Washington: Trust me, this is better than actually getting shot at.

Freckles (Gun): Affirmative.

IF, Compa and Neptune looked at the gun after it had talked. Neptune looked at Washington for answers.

IF (Ultra): Did that gun just-

Washington: Right... Almost forgot that... Even when Freckles has been turned into a gun, he's still conscious and able to speak back to us.

Freckles (Gun): Affirmative.

Compa (Ultra): Aww~ It's cute~ He's like a puppy~

Caboose: I know, right? I can tell we're going to be best friends.

A loud rumble could be heard inside the area as IF looked at the door in shock.

IF (Ultra): Jeez! Plutia must be going nuts in there!!

Washington: I can almost picture Tucker, Grif and Simmons' reaction in there... "Almost."

(Y/n) got up slowly as he held his head. Feeling dizzy from being dragged out of the room earlier.

(Y/n): Jeez, Nep... My body is in pain enough as it is, but dragging me just made it hurt more... Ugh...

(Y/n) activated the healing skill he knew and healed his aching stomach from the attack earlier. Once recovered, (Y/n) stood up and looked at Neptune. The others were currently focused on trying to hear what was happening in the room.

(Y/n): Okay. What the hell is going on here Nep??

Neptune: What do you mean?

(Y/n): Who are these people?? I know IF, Compa, you, the other CPUs and Histoire, but who are the other two girls and these men in armor??

Shadow: *bark* *bark*

(Y/n) looked down and saw Shadow, but did not recognize him. Though he did find Shadow cute.

(Y/n): And did we get a dog?? I've always wanted a Husky.

Neptune became surprised by hearing this as Histoire quickly flew in to gain Neptune's attention.

Histoire (Ultra): You and me, private talk, now.

Pulling on Neptune's ear, Histoire began to take Neptune away from the group.

Neptune: Owowowowowowowowow! Not by the ear!

(Y/n): Histore?! Where are you going with Neptune?!

Histoire (Ultra): We'll be right back. Please whatever you do, DO NOT let (Y/n) enter that room!

Getting to a secure room, Histoire lets go of Neptune's ear to which the CPU rubbed softly.

Neptune: I could've just followed...

Histoire (Ultra): Neptune! This is serious right now! I know what happened when (Y/n) was given the CPU Memory!

Neptune: What?! You do?!

Histoire (Ultra): Yes! And this time, (Y/n) has SOME of his memories back!!

This shocks Neptune as she wasn't expecting to hear that.

Neptune: What?!

Histoire (Ultra): Neptune, when was this date you and (Y/n) went on??

Neptune thought about it for a moment before pulling out a journal from her inventory.

Histoire (Ultra): What is that?

Neptune: (Y/n)'s diary... He left it with my Histy before coming to our rescue. (Y/n) doesn't even know about it and neither his other journal...

Histoire (Ultra): Why would he-

Neptune opened the journal to a certain page. A page where it had some tear marks from someone crying.

Neptune: Histy... Told me not to look in it and just give it to (Y/n) after I found him... But knowing me, I couldn't resist... After I found this, I understood why (Y/n) left it. He didn't expect to come out of the place when rescuing us. He left this for us and for his family to leave his own will...

Histoire read the contents the pages she was being shown as it had a deep meaning for (Y/n) when he had written it.

Neptune: (Y/n) wrote in this whenever he could in secret so he could log his time here. Make use of it while figuring out how to get home.

Histoire (Ultra): Then what day was the date? When did he write it??

Neptune looked at the journal and began to flip the pages until she found the right page it was marked.

Neptune: Um... August 17. That's when he wrote it.

Taking in what is given to her, Histoire came to a conclusion.

Histoire (Ultra): Neptune. (Y/n) has regain some of his memories, but not all of them.

Neptune: How so?

Histoire (Ultra): When the CPU Memory was absorbed by (Y/n), it seemed to have put a shock to his body, but also altered the current amnesia effect.

Neptune: Smaller words please...?

Histoire sighed with not having the patience.

Histoire (Ultra): In short terms, I'm telling you he only remembers that soon you two have to go on a date! On August 17!!

Neptune tried to take in what Histoire said before it clicked into place.

Histoire (Ultra): (Y/n) remembers the others, but not those he hasn't met yet. That means he only knows whoever he met AND was attacked by depending on this journal.

Neptune: If you're right, then (Y/n)'s journal writing wasn't for nothing, it helped us figure out what he currently knows.

Histoire (Ultra): Precisely.

Back with the group, it takes place right after Neptune and Histoire had went to go talk privately.

(Y/n): Jeez. What is happening today?? It's like the whole world went nuts in my sleep!

Washington: You're telling me. Few days ago I had to fight an armored enemy while worrying about a ghost. Not my usual fights when dealing with AIs... but still.

(Y/n) looked at Washington with a confused expression on his face before Caboose jumped in.

Caboose: Not to mention having to deal with an AI controlling me and my best friend helping me. Good memories though.

(Y/n): And this conversation has become redundant.

(Y/n) looked at Compa, Vert and IF to see if they could explain things to him.

(Y/n): Look, can you two explain to me WHAT the hell is going on??

Compa and IF looked at each other as Compa just decided to comfort (Y/n) in his confusion. Making (Y/n) blush when Compa had pulled him in to place his head on her chest.

Compa (Ultra): Just rest, JoJo. Once things calm down, we can figure more of this out together.

(Y/n) was blushing hard by being this close to Compa as he had only one thought in his head.


Vert (Ultra): Aww~ That's so cute~

Vert takes a picture of Compa holding (Y/n). He blushed harder as steam protruded his head in embarrassment.

(Y/n): (This day just keeps getting weirder...!)

Hearing another crash going on in the room, (Y/n) found strength to get out of Compa's hold. Sounds of screaming could also be heard as (Y/n) looked at the door.

(Y/n): Okay. I've been hearing yelling and sounds of agony coming from that room. Just WHAT the hell is going on in there?!

IF gets (Y/n)'s attention as to answer him quickly.

IF (Ultra): Trust me, you don't want to go in there. That's all I can say.

(Y/n): Judging by the sounds. YEAH! I can tell!

(Y/n) placed a hand on his head as he then rubbed the bridge of his nose.

(Y/n): Ugh... I think I need to step out... I'm really not feeling up for anything crazy today and-

Iris Heart (Plutia): Have you learned NOTHING from what happens when you two fight?! IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF!!

(Y/n) stopped in his tracks and looked behind him at the door. Unsure of what he had just heard.

(Y/n): (Wh-What...?)

(Y/n) had a look of being shocked as he took a step back to where the door was.

(Y/n): (That... That's impossible... No way I just-)

Before. he could finish his train of thought, (Y/n) heard voices coming through the door again.

Iris Heart (Plutia): This is what happens, when you mess with Madame Goddess!!

Noire (Ultra): OW!!

Blanc (Ultra): Damn it!

When being confirmed by what he had heard, (Y/n) felt his heart race and his breathing out of pace.

(Y/n): (Okay! I'm not imagining it now! That voice is REAL!!)

Steeling his nerves, (Y/n) began to walk back towards the door to reach for the door handle. Before he could turn it, IF grabbed him and brought his hand away from it.

IF (Ultra): Are you nuts?! Don't EVEN think about going in there right now! Histoire said not to let you in there!

(Y/n): If you haven't notice, I don't care right now what's happening in there. Something caught my attention and I'm heading in there. Whether or not you stop me or Histoire says.

(Y/n) tried reaching for the door again as IF kicks him away this time. (Y/n) slides against the floor as he looked at IF in shock.

(Y/n): IF??

IF (Ultra): Don't make me have to knock you out. What you'll see in there will definitely haunt you. Trust me on this.

(Y/n): Grrr...

(Y/n) gets up and glares at IF, getting slightly annoyed by being denied access to the room.

(Y/n): You either step aside, or I MAKE you.

IF (Ultra): Go ahead and try then.

(Y/n): Big mistake.

IF prepared herself as (Y/n) wiggled his fingers in tension. Knowing one of them was going to get hurt from the fight that was about to begin. IF wasn't going to move away from the door as (Y/n) needed to get through it. Making the first move, (Y/n) charged in towards IF with his guard up. Taking an offense/defense tactic while IF walked towards him. When getting close enough, (Y/n) tried to swing a left hook at IF, but misses due to her shifting her body to avoid it. (Y/n) swung with his right next, but missed from IF dodging again. (Y/n) next threw a straight punch towards IF, but blocks it while stepping towards him.

IF (Ultra): You call those punches?? Here's how to hit someone!

IF got in close she delivered a series of quick attacks that made (Y/n) flinch by every strike dealt to him. Jumping into the air, IF spun in the air one time before stretching on her leg to impact it against (Y/n)'s chest. Sending him down the hall as he bounced against it before sliding against the ground on his back.

(Y/n): *coughs* Ugh...

IF walked down the hall as to gain some ground and make it a difficulty for (Y/n) to get past her.

IF (Ultra): Looks like who made the mistake, was you.

(Y/n) got up onto his knee and looked at IF slowly approaching him.

(Y/n): Think that's going to keep me down? Trust me. I don't know the meaning to "give up."

IF (Ultra): You'll learn. I'll make sure of that.

(Y/n) glared at IF more at feeling taunted by how this fight was going.

(Y/n): Then it's time to turn up the heat.

Channeling his energy, (Y/n) focuses his energy around his body. When (Y/n) does however, his energy surges to where his energy was larger than before. Creating a gust of wind in the hall from releasing it. IF, Compa, Vert and Peashy had to cover their eyes to stop any dirt or particles getting into their eyes. Washington and Caboose didn't have to cover their eyes because they were wearing helmets. When (Y/n) notices the surge of energy, he was surprised by what he felt.

(Y/n): (Whoa! Talk about a huge boost! In fact... I feel better than ever!)

(Y/n) clutched his hand into a fist and looked at IF with a smile. The gust of wind dies down as IF is able to clearly look at (Y/n).

(Y/n): Let's see how you like me now?

IF (Ultra): You're a confident one, aren't you?

IF charged in towards (Y/n) as he did the same. When rushing towards IF, (Y/n) felt his perception slow down. When the two meet up, IF brought out her katars to attack (Y/n). With his added perception boost, IF's movements were slow to him and dodged with ease. Dodging left and right while bending backwards when IF crossed her arms to cut across him. Bending more, (Y/n) enters in doing a few backflips before getting into a stance.

(Y/n): I'm flowing with energy like no tomorrow! Let's see what I can do with this.

IF (Ultra): Don't get cocky. Just because you can-

(Y/n) began to charge in towards where IF was before she could finish her sentence. The floor cracked with each push he made to close the distance between both of them. (Y/n)'s speed had increased to where he was almost back towards IF.

IF (Ultra): (He's fast!!)

IF raised her guard as (Y/n) connected a few punches to her arms, making her grunt at the force of the hits delivered. (Y/n) lifts his right leg and turns his body to the right, using the momentum to deliver a kick to IF's arms to send her sliding backwards. Once she stops, she rubs her arms from the sting the attack left on her.

IF (Ultra): Owowowowowow! That was stronger than I expected...!

(Y/n) approached IF a little more before getting into a stance to prepare in continuing the battle.

(Y/n): Guess you should be the one not underestimating me.

IF frowned her eyes in response to (Y/n)'s words and rolled up the sleeves of her coat.

IF (Ultra): Okay. Now you're asking for it.

(Y/n): Wouldn't be the first time.

IF got into a stance of her own while (Y/n) still held his own. The two stared each other down as (Y/n) made a slight twitch of his hand. IF notices this and begins to charge in towards (Y/n) in wanting to make the first move. Off to the side, Washington observes the fight between the two.

Washington: Glad to see the kid hasn't lost his touch. Seems to be in a good mood.

Compa (Ultra): Yeah. Besides the hole he had in his shoulder, JoJo seems to be doing fine.

Vert (Ultra): But should IF lose... Are we going to stop (Y/n) from entering the room?

Compa and Washington looked at Vert and thought for a moment before Washington spoke up.

Washington: I believe a "first hand" experience of who Plutia is when she's transformed is a proper service... To show him what he's dealing with...

Vert (Ultra): That IS how everyone meets and gets to know Plutia....

Back at the fight, (Y/n) and IF were exchanging strikes with each other in blocking or attacking each other. IF watched carefully on how (Y/n) attacked and waited for an opening that could benefit her. (Y/n) commences a sweep at IF's legs to trip her. IF counters by jumping to the wall and then swings her leg to hit (Y/n) on the right side of his face.

(Y/n): Kuh!

(Y/n) is knocked to the wall and leaned against it to support himself. It doesn't last long as IF elbows him in the chest to stun (Y/n) for a moment and then knee him in the stomach. The energy flowing around (Y/n) loses focus as his power up is canceled out.

(Y/n): Augh!

IF (Ultra): Just because you can power up, it doesn't mean ANYTHING if you don't plan ahead!!

IF grabs (Y/n) by the arm and pulls to send (Y/n) over her shoulder and down the hall. (Y/n) flew past Neptune as she and Histoire came out of the room they were talking in with shocked expressions from what they saw.

Neptune: Wha!? (Y/n)?!

(Y/n) groaned from the damage he took while he sat up to use a healing skill to repair his wounds. IF walked down the hall and almost walked past Neptune when Histoire flew in in front of her.

Histoire (Ultra): IF! What is going on here?!

IF (Ultra): Keeping (Y/n) out of the room. He was going to go for a walk to clear his head, but then began on wanting to get back in the room for some reason.

Neptune and Histoire were surprised by hearing that as (Y/n) got back up on his feet.

(Y/n): I am NOT taking "No" for an answer, Iffy. I heard something in THAT room!

(Y/n) began to emit the same energy he released earlier as it grew in size. The sheer release of his energy began to make the building shake slightly from the intensity of his energy.

Peashy: Aaaaaahhhhhh...! Earthquake...!

Vert (Ultra): What in the world...?! Are we being attacked?!

Washington: No! That's not it! The building is shaking because of (Y/n)...!

The more (Y/n) released his energy, cracks in the floor began to form as his hair shadowed his eyes.

(Y/n): The more you keep getting in my way...

(Y/n) looked up at both Neptune and IF as they could see a look in (Y/n)'s right eye that showed he was being serious in making a statement.

(Y/n): ...The more you're going to get yourself hurt.

(Y/n) swung his right arm and slammed his fist into the wall. Cracks form against the wall from the controlled force (Y/n) caused. Seeing how one punch could make the wall be damaged from the attack made IF flinch in shock. (Y/n) took a step forward in approaching towards his destination, as IF took a step back in fear.

IF (Ultra): (Wh-What...?!)

(Y/n) takes another step forward and to IF's shock, she responded to taking a step back.

IF (Ultra): (I-I'm moving backwards!! Away from (Y/n)?! WHY?!)

IF takes a look in (Y/n)'s eye and feels her body shivering in fear. Fear of the look (Y/n) was giving her as an image of Iris Heart had covered over (Y/n)'s form in approaching IF. Seeing Iris Heart approaching towards IF sent fear throughout her head as she was scared for her life now. IF tripped backwards onto her ass while taking deep breaths in her situation. Iris Heart finished approaching towards IF and looked down on her. IF looked up at Iris Heart with the one eye still showing as she began to reach towards IF with one hand. Seeing the hand reach towards her soon sent terror throughout IF as she began to scream in terror. Covering her head with her arms as he began to plead for mercy.


Everyone was shocked by how IF reacted as a hand was placed on IF's shoulder to shake her slightly.

(Y/n): IFFY??? Why are you screaming??? Calm down!

IF still being in fear, she took her arm away from her face as she peaked over it. Slowly seeing the form of Iris Heart disappearing to show a worried (Y/n) with how freaked out IF got.

(Y/n): Iffy... Calm down... It's just me...

IF looked at (Y/n) as she was still freaked out by the whole thing. IF's breath was fast from how worried worried she was from the situation.

(Y/n): Iffy...? Are you okay...?

IF doesn't answer as she slaps (Y/n)'s hand away, making him surprised by her actions.

IF (Ultra): Just do what you want... Don't say I didn't warn you...

(Y/n) was really confused by IF's actions as she looked away from him. Feeling IF won't explain to him, (Y/n) sighed and decided to go past her and walk towards the door. Neptune, Histoire, Compa, Vert and Peashy went towards IF as Compa was more worried about her. Shadow was also wanting to help as he nudged his head to IF's hand.

Compa (Ultra): Iffy...? Are you okay?

Histoire (Ultra): What happened IF?

IF looked towards (Y/n) and then away once more in trying to understand it herself.

IF (Ultra): Honestly... I have no clue...

(Y/n) was about to walk past Washington when an arm blocked his path. Washington held an arm out to stop (Y/n) from going any further to the door he wanted to go through. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow in confusion and looked at Washington, wondering why Washington was stopping him now.

Washington: If a person doesn't want to let someone enter, don't you think they have a reason for it?

(Y/n): Then let me ask you with another. If a person who is trying to enter a room so badly, don't you think they have a reason as well?

Washington thought for a moment, before he pulled his arm away. Allowing (Y/n) to walk past him and head for the door. While Compa and Histoire were trying to calm IF down, Shadow looked towards where (Y/n) was and barked in running towards him. Neptune's attention focused her attention on Shadow as the sight of (Y/n) with a hand on the door handle in making a decision.

Neptune: (AAAAAHHH! Nonononononono!)

Neptune began to rush towards (Y/n) in trying to stop him, but when steeling his nerves, (Y/n) opened the door in wanting to see into the room. Neptune held her breath at what would be a heart attack in horror, but to her relief, Plutia walks out with a smile on her face.

Plutia: Okay~ I'm all done now~

Pushing past Plutia to enter the room, (Y/n) looked around to see that Noire and Blanc seemed to have had the life sucked out of them. Soon to look at Tucker, Grif and Simmons as they shook in fear of what they saw.

Grif: I will never disobey another order as long as I live...

Simmons: Now I actually have more of a reason to be nervous around women... More importantly be AFRAID...!

Tucker: That was NO woman...! That was an ape torturing children...!

Noire (Ultra) and Blanc (Ultra): We won't fight in front of (Y/n) again... We won't fight in front of (Y/n) again... We won't fight in front of (Y/n) again...

(Y/n) had a look of sheer confusion as he placed a hand on his forehead.

(Y/n): Holy crap... Just WHAT the hell happened...??

Neptune entered the room to see the work Plutia had done as she placed a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

Neptune: I'm going to just say... You REALLY don't want to know...

(Y/n): I... But... I heard...

(Y/n) looked around the room once more in trying to look for someone as he looked down with a sad face.

(Y/n): Neptune... I could've sworn... I... *sighs* I... I think I need to walk around... I think I'm going crazy...

(Y/n) turned around and walked out of the room and headed for the elevators. Neptune quickly went to Plutia while Shadow was already trying to follow (Y/n).

Neptune: Plutie, please go with (Y/n)... I think he'll... Need someone cheerful near him right now... You too P-ko.

Plutia and Peashy smiled as they nodded their head in wanting to help (Y/n).

Plutia: Okay!

Plutia and Peashy jogged to catch up to (Y/n) and entered the elevator before it could go down. (Y/n) looked at both of them with a depressed look on his face.

(Y/n): Why are-?

Plutia: Neppy wanted me to go with you. This means we get to spend some time together~

Shadow: *bark* *bark*

Shadow ran around both of them as (Y/n) looked at the dog in doing thing. (Y/n) looked back at Plutia as she still had a cheerful look on her face.

(Y/n): You won't take "No" for an answer, will you?

Plutia and Peashy: Nope~

In feeling of not wanting to argue, (Y/n) takes the extra company as the elevator begins to go down. Neptune watched from the side as she would have wanted to go with them. Histoire floated towards Neptune to gain her attention. Histoire had a look of not wanting to do something, but knew it would happen sooner or later.

Histoire (Ultra): Neptune... With what happened in the hallway, I think we should really consider our options...

In knowing what Histoire was talking about, Neptune felt sad in having to decide.

Neptune: I know... But it's so hard to keep playing the serious character... When do I get to goof around like I should be again...?? I'm supposed to be the goofy, carefree person to have fun with, not get bad news from. There's this trope of how a person like me only gets sad on specific occasions, that really pulls at the audience's heart strings.

Histoire (Ultra): Please stay on topic... This is rather serious for all of us right now.

Neptune sighed in knowing that she couldn't avoid the topic much longer due to everything going on.

Neptune: Ugh... I hope this blows over soon, else this is a low blow from Jammy...

Vert walked over to where Neptune and Histoire was with her arms crossed under her chest.

Vert (Ultra): Is everything alright?

Histoire and Neptune looked at each other with Histoire giving a look of wanting to tell the truth finally.

Neptune: Vert... There's... Something we need to tell you all...


Once after Noire, Blanc and the Reds and Tucker were back to normal, Histoire and Neptune sat beside each other while looking at the group.

Neptune: So... You wanted to know about (Y/n)... Right...?

Noire (Ultra): Uh, "about" is an understatement. We all ALMOST died from trying to save your boyfriend.

Blanc (Ultra): While also failing to mention that one of the people trying to stop us looks just like him.

Neptune was silent in being pushed by the contradicting facts being placed against her.

Tucker: Not to mention about the freaky wolf we had to face at the Ruins. What made it become like that??

Simmons: That's something that Grif and I came across when contracted to guard facilities and bases at the time... It's called the Chaos Mist.

Blanc (Ultra): Why is it called that?

Simmons: From our understanding, it is a type of gas that brings out the worst in anything that inhales it. Before, it was just monsters. Now, however... (Y/n) almost lost his life because of it.

The group was confused by what Simmons meant while Neptune remembered most of what happened. Simmons pulls out a disc while heading to the T.V.

Simmons: This footage contains what happened at a base when Grif and I was stationed there. A secret underwater base in the middle of the ocean. I was able to save it to this disc in procuring evidence of how dangerous the gas had become.

Washington: Why be stationed there?

Grif: It was because Dionix had captured Neptune over there along with the three other Goddesses. We didn't know it was a trap set by that psycho as if that plan failed, he would blow up the base.

Everyone looked at Neptune before footage of the main chamber began to play on the T.V. It showed (Y/n), Uzume, IF and Compa from Hyper Dimension, and the adult version of Neptune from the Ultra Dimension arrive in the room. The footage skips to where Dionix shows himself as he sat on his throne and (Y/n) preparing to fight against him. What should have been a fight, began to show the capsules keeping the Hyper Dimension versions of Neptune, Noire, Blanc and Vert captive filled with the Chaos Mist. A picture of (Y/n) being worried in trying to open the capsule by any means necessary, but couldn't do a thing about it.

Noire (Ultra): What in the hell is-

Simmons: Just wait... You'll see in a sec.

By the time the capsules were filled with the mist, (Y/n) had backed away in being cautious for his life. What followed suit was a claw coming out of Noire's capsule as (Y/n) tried to dodge away from it, but the claws slashed against (Y/n)'s right cheek, causing him to yell in pain.

(Y/n) (Television): AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

(Y/n) jumped backwards to gain some distance as the marks on his right cheek made a clear resemblance to the scars he has now.

Washington: Well... We know now on how he got the scars... He got them when trying to rescue you four.

Neptune: Yeah... But that's... Not only it though...

With their eyes glued on the television, the four continued to see the fight unfold as it was a one-sided battle from the lack of power the team had together. It leads up to when Dionix reveals himself and the past he has to (Y/n). Before the final blow could be struck, the rest of the team that was assembled, but separated to fight their own bosses, had arrived before it could happen. The group is able to get (Y/n) and his team to safety while fending off against the Chaos CPUs. The group became shocked when (Y/n) strikes a deal to fight against the Chaos CPUs alone as the first half of the battle that he was able to keep up with his Guardian Form. But due to his injuries and Compa explained about his current status effect, Guardian's body was severely injured. Especially after the attack he received from the combined team attack the Chaos CPUs delivered.

Vert (Ultra): Oh my word...

Tucker: Dude... I've seen getting beat up... But not like this...

IF (Ultra): That can't be it... Right...?

The footage began to show the others trying to give Guardian strength in getting back up, as Uni was the last push they needed to give Guardian his second wind. What followed was a last gambit that Guardian had to come up with as the final push he needed to make in saving those he cherished was accomplished. Before Guardian reverted back to being (Y/n), it showed all the damage he had gained from the final clash as it showed the Goddesses he was trying to save had returned to normal. As the battle had been finished, Guardian had reverted back to being (Y/n) once more before the footage cuts out. The group was shocked from what they have watched as Blanc was the first to speak about it.

Tucker: I would say something about how those four looked hot, but... I don't think I should say anything right now...

Washington: Very responsible of you Tucker.

Caboose: I KNEW he was Superman!

Washington: The kid isn't even in spandex.

Caboose: He is in my mind.

The Noire, Vert and Blanc had mixed emotions going through them as Blanc was the first to speak.

Blanc (Ultra): That... That should've been impossible... One person versus four Goddesses??

Vert (Ultra): Wouldn't be the first time that this has happened. Remember Rei?

Blanc (Ultra): That was BEFORE she was reformed from that psychotic power. I'm talking about on being able to save rather than kill us.

Noire (Ultra): That was suicide and dumb! Why would he fight alone like that?! Why risk it all?!

Neptune: Because we were family to him. Like a second family besides his own.

The group looked at Neptune as she clutched a journal in her hands. The same journal that (Y/n) wrote during his first few months in Hyper Dimension.

Neptune: The thing with (Y/n), you can't change his mind once he's decided on something. He keeps going to see it through to the end. Because of that, his will drove him to keep fighting. (Y/n)'s thinking and ability to analyze the situation is what helped him the most. He doesn't slack off or just do nothing with his time. Every second he spent in our world was either to figure out a way home, train to get stronger and live each day to his fullest. Yes it seems impossible, but if you were placed in a life or death situation, would you give up if you only had yourself to rely on?

Washington thought for a moment before answering Neptune's question.

Washington: Because he was by himself in the fight, he could release more of his power. Able to focus on the enemy without hurting others in the way, right?

Neptune: That's how he fights at most. He tries to take everything into account from when he trained to how much power he might need.

Thinking back, Neptune thought about (Y/n)'s smile and his will to protect those around him.

Neptune: (Y/n) just didn't conserve his energy because he was cautious, he also didn't want to hurt us should something happen. Holding back his energy to only unleashing it when it was most needed.

Washington: Then that's why Lady Blanc was able to recover her injuries slowly while (Y/n) held Draven's attention in Lowee. Taking the fight away from her to give her time in healing up.

Compa (Ultra): That's so brave of JoJo~ I'm so proud of him.

IF (Ultra): Who knew he was this good before losing his memories. There's even some moves I could learn from watch this.

Neptune bit her lip as Histoire looked at Neptune. Mouthing her words as they read: "We HAVE to tell them. The lie cannot continue like this...!" In agreeing with Histoire, Neptune looked at IF and Compa with the hardest subject in having to talk about.

Neptune: Actually... There's a confession I need to make... It's...about (Y/n) as a whole and who he is.

This piqued Noire's interest as she looked at Neptune.

Noire (Ultra): In what way?

Neptune: (Y/n)... Isn't Iffy and Compa's child from another dimension...

The group was silent from hearing that as Compa and IF were the most shocked from hearing this. IF raised a hand with an index finger raised to gain the attention.

IF (Ultra): Wait, wait, wait... You mean you DID lie to us??

Neptune: I... It... It wasn't intentional...

IF (Ultra): NEP!!

Neptune held her hands up in defense.

Neptune: What was I supposed to do?! Tell you who his mother really is?!

IF (Ultra): It would've been better than lying!

Neptune: Not if you knew who it was, you would freak out!

IF (Ultra): Try me.

Neptune looked at Histoire and saw her shake her head in response. Histoire pointed at Neptune to deliver the message.

Neptune: Okay... I don't know how to deliver a message better than this, but giving you the cookbook that belongs to (Y/n) is a start...

Neptune brought out the cookbook that both IF and Compa tried to see from before as it raised their eyebrows.

Compa (Ultra): JoJo's cookbook?

Neptune: Yeah... If you saw who's name was on the book, the whole thing would have been... "Revealed" on who (Y/n) is... Especially his who his mother is...

IF walked over and reached for the cookbook with one hand.

IF (Ultra): If that's the case, who's name is on-

When flipping the book over, IF read the title of the book as there was a unfinished sketched picture of Iris on the cover. It was a picture of her smiling while she cooked. In seeing the name and picture of Iris, IF began to see why this would reveal to them on who made the book.


Neptune: Yeah... I figured that's how you'd react...

Noire gets up and goes to where IF is to look at the cover of the book. Noire becomes just as surprised as IF by seeing the cover of the book.

Noire (Ultra): THIS CANNOT BE REAL!!

Histoire (Ultra): I am sorry to disappoint you in this matter, but this is the truth, Noire.

Histoire floated to be in front of IF and Noire as they both looked at her.

Histoire (Ultra): The reason I was excited when I returned from my testing on (Y/n)'s vitals was not only just about the Share Energy, but more on who had the same genes as him...

IF (Ultra): Nooooooo. Do not say it.

Histoire (Ultra): (Y/n)'s DNA did match someone in the room when I had announced it. But now that we are having to reveal it, it should be made known now.

Noire (Ultra): I refuse to acknowledge that the person we've been defending is supposed to be Plutia's child from ANOTHER dimension!!

Histoire (Ultra): Take it however you like, but it is! The reason why we kept it a secret till now is that, Plutia matched (Y/n)'s DNA!!

Vert was sipping tea when that was announced and coughed as a result. Blanc sat there with her mouth open by the reveal. Compa blinked a few times at hearing Plutia being the mother. Tucker yelled at having to be reminded about Plutia while Caboose spoke what he was thinking.

Caboose: So he came from the future?! *gasps* That is amazing.

Washington: Caboose, (Y/n) didn't- *sighs* Sure. Go ahead with that thought.

Grif: Why else did both of us freak out about this. Kid had to get the scary factor somewhere.

Simmons: Including the sword...

Blanc (Ultra): B-But wait...

Blanc stood up and looked at Neptune with a thought in her head.

Blanc (Ultra): What about the sword (Y/n) has?? The one that's like Plutia's???

Neptune became sad at having to explain that. Something that she did not want to explain about.

Neptune: Please don't make me...

Noire came walking up to Neptune and grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up into the air.

Noire (Ultra): NO!! I we risked our LIVES and now just finding out who the hell your boyfriend is!! He almost gave me the same treatment Plutia gives when taking me to another room!! I DEMAND TO KNOW WHY-!!

Neptune: The sword is from his mother!! She died trying to help us!!!

Neptune yelling surprised Noire from that alone as Neptune forced her to let go of her.

Neptune: Iris gave her sword to (Y/n) as a last gift before she past away in front of him! (Y/n) was being controlled by Dionix as he placed his mind in (Y/n). (Y/n)'s dad, Japer, pushed him away from a blast as it killed him. He died in front of (Y/n  to which it set him off into a berserk state... We couldn't kill (Y/n) because he's done more than what we could ask of him after we were stuck in his dimension... We had an option of how we could, but (Y/n) would have had to bring out something to make it work... Which was this...

Bringing out an item, it was a small box as it had three lights on them. The box seemed to have been modified as the lights glowed purple.

Vert (Ultra): What's that?

Neptune: (Y/n)'s Share Crystal Generator. (Y/n) built this for the sole purpose of being able to recharge his energy quickly while in a fight.

Blanc (Ultra): Huh. He made that??

Neptune: With Histy's help of course. (Y/n) made the design while she focused on how to make the darn thing. I couldn't figure out how to open it until she helped explain it to me. Apparently, this thing has a mind of it's own as this box only activates when needing a last resort.

Washington: And how did it work?

Neptune: By that, I mean when it sensed my need to help (Y/n).

Noire (Ultra): Ha! And what could someone like you do to help??

Neptune: I was able to go Next Form and send a wave of Energy at (Y/n).

The group looked at Neptune while Histoire already knew the details of Neptune's power.

Noire (Ultra): "Next Form?" What the hell is that??

Neptune: Something me and my friends gained. It's stronger than the our normal HDD Forms while eating away our energy more.

Vert (Ultra): So basically like a Super Saiyan 3?

Neptune: That's the point at least. We even get these awesome Special Attacks that can only be accessed in that form. My power was the only one that could help (Y/n) free him from being controlled. Talk about a well-layered plot for that moment.

Noire sighed in hearing Neptune having a stronger form than her.

Noire (Ultra): And once again, our Dimension becomes unimportant because of nothing happening in our world.

Neptune: But you're getting plot now by helping us.

Noire (Ultra): Whatever.

IF (Ultra): Okay, back up. So you lied to us thinking that we would freak out by who (Y/n)'s mother is??

Neptune looked at IF and nod her head softly. IF sighed in response as she approached Neptune too placed a hand on her shoulder.

IF (Ultra): You're not wrong about the whole... "Freaking out" part. No one was prepared to hear that in another dimension that Plutia is the mother.

Blanc (Ultra): Especially how similar they act...

IF (Ultra): Agreed. But even though that we would all have reacted to this matter still, we're your friends, Nep. We're sorry for ya in what happened in (Y/n)'s dimension...

Neptune looked at IF as Noire had her arms crossed as Vert elbowed her softly. Noire looked at Vert and tilted her head towards Neptune's direction in giving a sign to comfort Neptune. Noire contemplated with Vert about what happened as she lost the argument. Noire walked towards Neptune with a stare of judgement.

Noire (Ultra): I... Uh... Ugh... Look. This doesn't make up for you lying to us, but if Iris died in (Y/n)'s world to protect him, then I'm not sitting out on fighting Dionix.

Neptune became surprised by Noire's statement as Blanc approached her.

Blanc (Ultra): Iris Heart isn't one to go down without a fight, or if someone pisses her off. But even if she's from a different dimension, Iris is still Plutia in our dimension.

Vert (Ultra): Same goes for me. We all fought together back when the Seven Sages tried to take us out. Even leading up to Croire using Rei Ryghts from both of our dimensions to fuel her own personal needs. The sacrifice (Y/n)'s parents went through on keeping their family and loved ones safe. Doing that to a family is unacceptable in my eyes.

Neptune began to smile softly at hearing her friends say this.

Neptune: You guys...

Washington stood next to Blanc with a  statement of his own.

Washington: We may not know (Y/n) personally like you do, but he's never given me a reason to not trust him. Please, what happened after the battle?

Neptune wiped a tear away from her eye as she continued.

Neptune: After the fight, (Y/n) began to get more serious. He's even the reason we were able to get back into our dimension. From there though... Things began to change about him...

Tucker: Like what? Hair messy? Mood swings??

Simmons: Tucker. This is serious. We were there and know what went on.

Tucker: What?? I can't joke around??

Neptune: We all couldn't stay around near each other as the others had to regroup in their own nations. Being gone for 3 months lowered their Shares because of us disappearing...

Noire sighed at hearing this and looked at Neptune.

Noire (Ultra): This isn't a surprise. Knowing you, your Shares must've been lower than anyone else.

Neptune shakes her head in denying to Noire's claim.

Neptune: For your information, my Shares were up before we disappeared from our world. (Y/n) had given time to help in missions while helping Histy fill paperwork with Nepgear.

Histoire (Ultra): *sighs* I'm gonna miss when he leaves... (Y/n) was a big help when I needed the assistance...

Neptune: But getting back on topic... (Y/n) always went with a one-track mind. He began to stay up with no sleep, be in the planning room with Histy or his Aunt Iffy-

IF (Ultra): If I can ask, what's her job?

Neptune looked at IF and Compa as she decided to answer that.

Neptune: The Iffy from (Y/n)'s world is a Police Captain of her own precinct-

IF (Ultra): Huh. Better than my job in a sense.

Neptune: -and Compa is a certified Doctor in her world.

Compa (Ultra): I become a Doctor?? She's so lucky.

Compa smiles as Neptune continued.

Neptune: Both Histy and Iffy would be in the planning room to help keep an eye on (Y/n) when he was focus on planning. Trying to take his thinking and figure out where the other facilities are.

Histoire nodded her head as she brought out (Y/n)'s journal and held it in a special bubble for containment.

Histoire (Ultra): From analyzing (Y/n)'s journal, there were a single facility that a person by the name of Dr. Kinja, would work at in Lastation and Lowee. Each in a hidden location to keep the research made there a secret. Noire and Blanc of the other dimension took each of theirs out. The two that were destroyed consisted with experimenting with the Chaos Mist as mentioned before.

Vert (Ultra): The same stuff that that can affect even us Goddesses...

Washington: Then it's one of those strategies then. Work on a specific task, then keep any other data to transfer at other location should the facility be destroyed.

Histoire (Ultra): Precisely. If the testings ended at Lastation, their tests for making it affect Goddesses would have ended there.

Neptune nodded her head in agreeing to that.

Neptune: (Y/n) plans on trying to stop the production of any more of that misty stuff so that we don't become Chaos versions of ourselves again. But... It didn't end there... It only got worse...

Noire (Ultra): Please. With what you told us so far, how bad can it really be??

Neptune: Would (Y/n) becoming more aggressive by each day bad, or really bad?

Noire looked at Neptune and almost said something, but responded.

Noire (Ultra): That... Would be bad...

Neptune: Yeah... The more that (Y/n) stayed awake, the more it felt like the death of his parents drove him. Pushing him as if... As if he couldn't stop for a second... Iffy tried to get (Y/n) to see if he could rest. But every time he would say "No" to every request made... Even finding a place to bury his parents in a specific place of his own choosing...

Blanc (Ultra): Sleep deprivation has that affect on those who don't sleep...

Neptune: Before (Y/n came here and lost his memories... He stayed up for seven days...

The others became shocked at hearing the absurd thinking (Y/n) had.

Washington: Seven days?!

Neptune: I could go into detail... But (Y/n) always kept a straight face when being near Abby... He didn't want to stress her out further than needed by distracting her with stuff...

Simmons: That's where we come in. (Y/n) came to us in watching over his sister while he was busy working to stop Dionix.

Grif: Even telling us on how to take care of her in detail and what she liked. You have no idea how far he would go to either keep his sister happy, or preoccupied from knowing what really went on. In fact, he even LIED to his own sister of a horrible nightmare she had after seeing her mother died.

Washington: He what?!

Washington looked at Neptune and nodded her head.

Neptune: (Y/n) couldn't come to terms of telling Abby of what she saw was real... We all heard Abby shout and cry from waking up after a nightmare of the battle we were all in. (Y/n) was the first to reach Abby while the rest arrived to hear him talk to her about it. Once he was able to get her back to sleep, he told us not to tell her... The look he gave when Iffy tried to object... He wouldn't take no for an answer...

Tucker: Okay, it's one thing to get angry, but yo... That's messed up...

Washington: No... It could be that (Y/n) didn't want Abby to believe what happened was true... A child's world is shorter than most of us because we're more aware fo what's going on. In being short, Abby's memory isn't like ours as it is more... Manipulable due to her understandings. Because she's young, Abby thought it was all a dream and forgot it happened. Giving (Y/n) the escape he needed to keep her unaware of the harsh truth...

Noire (Ultra): But isn't that bad for-

Washington: Not unless he plans to eventually tell her... Lying to a child is one thing, but the truth hurts more on a child in wanting to deny everything bad that happens... By shielding her from the truth, the innocence of life and death of an individual remains a mystery to her. I just hope that when his sister gets older though, (Y/n) should tell his sister the truth if possible...

The others imagined what it must've been like for (Y/n) on having to lie to his own sister. Trying to keep her calm from the harsh truth as to not shatter what part would keep Abby from losing it.

Neptune: Once (Y/n) received an alert that Johnathan of Discord as he had called himself was attacking a small town, (Y/n) immediately rushed to go towards where he was. Not even considering on waiting for the Histy to finish refilling his device with spare energy to make Share Crystals if the situation allowed it.

IF (Ultra): And since Plutia found (Y/n) after his fight with Johnathan... That's where we come in after he wakes up with amnesia...

Neptune: We were in a scramble with what happened that Histy made me have to quickly work harder before sending one of us over to find (Y/n). Had we known (Y/n) was with you all, we would've been in a less worried situation.

Noire (Ultra): Hmph. I can't believe Pluita has a son. A SON, who is like her when angry, but doesn't need to transform. Talk about a nightmare that's open, but won't set off unless pushed over.

Blanc (Ultra): Either that or a bomb to set off if annoyed the way Abnes did it by saying stuff that annoyed him.

Vert sighed as she looked at Neptune with a sympathetic face after hearing of the events before (Y/n) arrived.

Vert (Ultra): Regardless of being lied to or not, hearing of what happened to (Y/n)... It's devastating to hear of the sacrifice of his and Abby's parents... They didn't deserve to die at an early age... To even continue on fighting after all that... You think he would be grieving...

Neptune: Abby is the only one he has left after Iris and Jasper died... Because she is his sister, losing her would destroy everything he stands for... If she was gone... I fear nothing would have held (Y/n) back from killing Johnathan and Dionix...

Caboose: Dark.

Neptune sighed at having explained everything that was needed to know.

Neptune: So... Now that I've explained everything... Are you all still willing to help until (Y/n) is better...?

Washington thought for a moment before looking at Neptune.

Washington: Neptune, was it? Does... (Y/n) have any connections besides your group? Something of strange things happening to him?

Neptune looks at Washington with a tilt of her head.

Neptune: What do you mean?

Washington: You're not gonna believe me... But when we were facing Draven here at the Basilicom, some strange things happened to which continued even after the battle at Lowee...

Neptune: Weird how?

Washington: Things that would consider to be "ghosts" kind of weird...

Everyone looked at Washington based on his claim.

Noire (Ultra): "Ghosts??" Okay, now you're being weird...

Washington: Will you just listen. This is important. During any fight with Draven when (Y/n) was awake, it was like he was seeing something. Having to dodge what he saw and because of it, marks left on the ground or on buildings were made from it. At the fields when I fought Draven, my knife was caught when I threw it at him.

Tucker: Come on. Everyone sometimes can catch-

Washington: Except he didn't move. Something ELSE caught it from the air. Something invisible to our eyes.

Everyone froze up including Tucker before he finished his sentence.

Tucker: Ah ha... Yeah that's weird as f**k...

Blanc (Ultra): What do you mean, Washington?

Washington: I mean that I saw it happen. I tested a theory on how Draven had these... "Abilities" to fight with in battle and how he could protect himself. The same thing happened to (Y/n) when trying to evacuate from the building.

Histoire (Ultra): I don't follow... We were there... What-

Washington: What you fail to grasp is the thought that the door opened while we panicked to escape from Draven. By that, it opened before any of us could touch the handle.

Thinking back, Histore remembered seeing the door open by itself before the others could reach it and looked at Washington.

Histoire (Ultra): You're right! We were in such a panic, I didn't have time to consider how that happened!

Washington: Right. It happened so quickly, we were too focused on leaving the room to consider the thought. But now that we have time, I figured I bring this up...

IF (Ultra): Why?

Washington: Because if Draven wanted to end our lives, why were we given a quick exit to leave the room? In fact, how did even (Y/n) get to Plutia, in the FOREST, when he should've been out cold and with us?? That doesn't raise ANY questions??

Noire and Vert thought for a moment before looking at the others.

Vert (Ultra): He isn't wrong... Plutia did say (Y/n) did protect her.

Noire (Ultra): Even saying a person's name... Plutia said that (Y/n) was talking to himself and said "Ivory."

Neptune froze for a moment as she didn't expect to hear that name at all.

Neptune: Wait, (Y/n) said "Ivory?" He said that in front of Plutie???

Vert (Ultra): Yes. She did.

Noire (Ultra): We would've been there sooner to hear about it if possible, but that creep, Jonathan, tied us up.

Neptune raised an eyebrow at Noire's statement.

Neptune: How did you get out?? I feel there's a plot hole Jammy forgot here...

Noire (Ultra): Some random person just came out of hiding and just helped us. Didn't even bother to explain who they were. They just had a knife and helped cut the restraints on us off.

Vert (Ultra): Quite lucky we were that person was there. Otherwise we would've been there for a while.

Washington snapped his fingers and regained her attention.

Washington: Neptune, you heard (Y/n) say this name before?

Neptune: Um... Kinda... I didn't thing this conversation would come up really.

Washington: How so?

Neptune: Well... Ivory is... A previous CPU from our world. From Blanc's knowledge, she was Lowee's CPU before Blanc was even around...

Blanc (Ultra): Wait, I don't- Hold on...

Blanc thought for a moment on which Blanc, Neptune was talking about.

Blanc (Ultra): Almost forgot about the other me...

Washington sighed before looking at Neptune once more.

Washington: What can you tell us about Ivory?

Neptune: Hmm... From what we know, (Y/n) explained that even though Ivory had died... Her actual spirit resides in his crystal. They talk at times now after what happened, which can be confusing if you didn't know about her...

Noire (Ultra): You cannot be serious about this...

Neptune: I would be lying if I was. And right now, I'm just the answer loli of this chapter.

Noire (Ultra): Losing patience here...

Washington held up a hand to stop Noire from talking.

Washington: No. That would answer why the door opened... Spirits tend to be able to come into contact of the world we live in should their need be strong enough. But there's still the matter of (Y/n) talking to her in front of Plutia...

Tucker was confused by this as he was having trouble following the conversation.

Tucker: What do you mean, Wash? What's there to not know about freaky ghost possession??

Washington: If (Y/n) was talking to Ivory, why would he do that if he had NO MEMORIES to know her existence or name?? Think about that.

The others thought on Washington's words and all became shocked by the revelation.

Neptune: Whoa, whoa, whoa... Now that's just weird... Giving me goosebumps weird...

Simmons: (Y/n) shouldn't know anything about Ivory if that's the case... It's considered impossible at most...

Vert (Ultra): So... If Plutia wasn't talking to (Y/n)... Then... Who did she-

Before the group could finish their talk, they heard an explosion outside in the distance.

Grif: What the hell was that?!

Histoire (Ultra): It came from outside!

The group rushed to the balcony and could see a smoke cloud where the explosion happened at.


Blanc (Ultra): Why are you asking?? No one knows what happened.

Washington: Well something caused it. Wait... Wasn't (Y/n) out with Plutia, Shadow and Peashy??

Neptune gasped at realizing that they were still out.

Neptune: My hubby!

Noire (Ultra): You two are not even engaged!!

The Reds and Blues looked at the explosion as Tucker was the first to speak.

Tucker: Damn. That's one big cloud of smoke.

Grif: Never seen that before.

Simmons: How did something like that even happen?

Caboose: Someone must be having a big party to have a fire.

Tucker: We set a fire last time because we needed help. This is different dude...

Simmons looked at the cloud of smoke and was thinking to himself.

Grif: You're thinking hard again... What?

Simmons: The smoke cloud is tilted in a certain direction. So... It's faced towards our location.

The four look at each other in trying to think about the smoke as Caboose looked up.

Caboose: Uh... Guys...

Tucker: Not now Caboose.

Caboose: But guys...

The others didn't pay attention to Caboose as he began to walk away slowly while looking in the air. Washington saw Caboose and looked up where Caboose was looking at.

Washington: Uh... Girls...

Blanc (Ultra): What is it?

Washington: We have incoming landing...

Blanc was confused by what Washington said and looked up to see a few figures.

Blanc (Ultra): Well... This just happened...

Caboose stood away from where Grif, Simmons and Tucker were as they kept talking about it.

Simmons: All I'm saying is that the smoke was pointed slightly in our direction.

Tucker: But why this direction??

Grif: *Yawns* I don't know about you two, but I think I should- Huh?

Grif had looked up and finally saw what the others were seeing. Upon closer look, it was (Y/n), Peashy, Plutia and Shadow falling straight towards the three while yelling.

(Y/n), Plutia, Peashy: MOVE, MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!!


Before Grif, Simmons and Tucker could escape, they were crushed by the impact of (Y/n), Plutia and Peashy. Shadow was held by Peashy as his fur was sticking up from whatever happened to him.

Noire (Ultra): They were only gone for an hour! HOW did THIS happen?!

(Y/n) got up from the ground as he coughed and pats his clothes down.

(Y/n): That's what I even- *cough* *cough* -want to know... I leave the Basilicom for a damn hour and follow something, and then get blown up by a lake of water!! HOW THE F**K DOES WATER EXPLODE?!

Blanc (Ultra): Must be that new explodium rich mineral water we've heard about lately...

Noire (Ultra): So those caution commercials are real then...

(Y/n): "Exploding water." What kind of screwed up world has something like that?! Earth doesn't even HAVE that!! That's a hazard for anyone dumb enough to get near it!!

Dimension: Hyper

In the Hyper dimension, (F/n) sneezes and looks around as Emma looks at him.

Emma: Something wrong?

(F/n): I feel someone talking about me... I swear, if it was (Y/n)!!

Emma: How would you even know??

(F/n): Sweetie... If you should know anything about his and my connections, you would be weirded out by it alone.

Emma didn't respond to it as she went to read up on more of the history of the dimension.

Dimension: Ultra

Back in the Ultra dimension, (Y/n) was still ranting.

(Y/n): Another thing! I saw Abnes trying to follow me after what happened in Lowee! Though she didn't have her crew with her. I was actually planning to use the boom mic for what I planned with her...

(Y/n) gave an evil smirk as Noire looked at him while sweating.

Noire (Ultra): Oh my God... You literally are worse...

(Y/n): What's that supposed to mean?

Noire was about to say something when Vert and Blanc cover her mouth before she could speak.

Vert (Ultra): She just means... Uh...

Blanc (Ultra): That you're worse than Neptune when having to deal with her craziness.

(Y/n) blinked while Neptune stood offended by the claim.

Neptune: What?! I'll have you know that I come up with GREAT ideas!

Blanc (Ultra): Name one good idea then...

Neptune: There was this time where I used a bomb-like substance Nepgear had one time to block up this weird maze area, and it worked. Scared my friends and surprised them because of it! Hahahaha.

Noire, Vert and Blanc looked at Neptune and sighed.

Noire (Ultra): Knowing you,-

Vert (Ultra): -someone like you would-

Blanc (Ultra): -do something like that...

Neptune: What?! Now you're each finishing a sentence?! Why?!

Noire (Ultra), Vert (Ultra), Blanc (Ultra): Because you are the only one who would do anything crazy!!

Neptune was shocked by them saying that together as she had her eyes closed and complained.

Neptune: AAAAAhhhh! I'm being attacked on all fronts! MAYDAAAAAAAAAY!!

Neptune falls to the ground as Peashy laughed at her.

Peashy: Ha ha! Neptuna is funny!

Shadow: *bark*

Shadow went up to Neptune and began to lick her face, causing to make her laugh.

Neptune: Shadow! I'm trying to be dramatic here! That's not how the script goes!

(Y/n) looked at Neptune and grabbed her by the collar to lift her up in the air.

(Y/n): What script?! Here and there, you make these one-liner jokes that make no sense!! I am trying to figure out why the hell I got exploded by water, and you are making no sense here!!

Neptune: Ack! Being strangled by the boyfriend...!

(Y/n) began to blush hard by hearing what Neptune said and dropped her.

(Y/n): B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-Boyfriend?!

Neptune: Ha! I made him sound like Histy when calling receiving a call! Hahahahahaha!

(Y/n): Be serious damn it!!

(Y/n) came flying in and slaps Neptune with a slapped her with a paper fan.

Neptune: Owie!!


(Y/n) looked at Noire as he slapped the palm of his hand with the fan.

(Y/n): I always keep this in my inventory. I need it now to dispense some justice on idiotic jokes time to time... It comes in handy when dealing with my best friend.

Blanc (Ultra): Guess that makes him the serious one in the group...

Vert (Ultra): Either that, or serious when needing to be, and a complete jokester when less stressed.

(Y/n) looked at Vert with the corner of his eye.

(Y/n): I will use this on you if needed. I mean it.

Vert froze in place and gave a thumbs up as a response. Washington was with Caboose as he helped Tucker, Grif and Simmons up.

Tucker: Why do bad things happen to us...?

Caboose: Because I'm the smart one.

Tucker: You don't get to say anything Caboose!

Washington: He was smart enough to move from the spot you three were standing at. I say he is smarter than you.

Simmons: What a nightmare to hear... "Caboose?" "SMARTER??" I call heresy...

Grif looked at Simmons as his helmet was on backwards.

Grif: Guys?? Why can't I see anything??

Simmons sighed at Grif's stupidity as Plutia watched (Y/n) with a look. She faced towards Histoire in trying to figure out what is going on.

Plutia: Why is (Y/n) hitting Neppy like that??

Histoire (Ultra): It's seems to be his own way of cutting off anything stupid actions from happening... Just a theory though...

Plutia: But isn't he, Neppy's boyfriend? I thought he loved her??

Histoire (Ultra): Well... While you four were gone, including Shadow, we discovered that (Y/n)'s amnesia has taken a different turn. More precisely a time BEFORE his date with her...

Plutia looked at (Y/n) and could see him pulling on Neptune's cheeks with an angry look on his face.

(Y/n): When are you gonna start making sense and stop goofing off?!

Neptune: The day when I get my shares on this book that Jammy puts me through...!


(Y/n) gets behind Neptune and performs a German Suplex on her.

Neptune: When did this become a wrestling section?! Jammy is beginning to torture me through characters!!


Neptune let out a yelp of pain as Noire watched with IF, seeing that she was shaking from the stuff Neptune was going through.

IF (Ultra): Talk about your brutal lesson in pain...

Noire (Ultra): You're telling me... But is this considered a "lesson" when Neptune is being beat up like this??

Blanc was standing next to Vert while watching (Y/n) torture Neptune.

Blanc (Ultra): Guess this is a form of torture (Y/n) learned from his mother before losing his memories...

Vert (Ultra): But to pull off a move with those muscles though... Hmm~

Blanc looked at Vert with a judgmental look.

Blanc (Ultra): He already has three girls in his harem, and you as a sister in his world...

Vert (Ultra): What?? The other me may LOOK like me, but my thinking is different from hers.

Blanc (Ultra): You'll make things confusing, Thunder Tits!!

Vert giggled and raised a hand to protect herself.

Vert (Ultra): I'm only joking.

As the two talked, Neptune and (Y/n) began fighting each other in a dust cloud made by their recklessness. Neptune tried to escape as (Y/n) pulled her back in. Noire and IF were the first to get caught in the middle of the struggle and soon Blanc and Vert.

Compa (Ultra): Oh my goodness!

Washington: Things cannot get any worse... Ugh...

Plutia began to frown at the reckless sight of what was happening as she raised the doll version of (Y/n) into the air and slammed it down. Causing cracks to form when doing that. The sound alone made everyone jump as the dust cleared to show (Y/n), Neptune, Noire, Blanc, IF, and Vert in a mess.

Washington: Scratch that... It did...

(Y/n) looked at Plutia and then looked at the doll that looked like him.

(Y/n): Uh... Is it me... Or is that doll she's holding look like me?

Noire (Ultra): That's because it IS you, dummy! Plutia makes dolls of all her friends.

(Y/n): You serious? That's a bit weird.

IF (Ultra): You're one to talk, Mr. "Serious."

(Y/n): I may be Sirius, but I ain't no Black!

Neptune thought to herself and looked at (Y/n).

Neptune: Did you just make a Harry Potter reference by name??

(Y/n): How would you know Harry Potter?!

Neptune: Reasons.

(Y/n) was gonna twist Neptune's arm, before he felt a stinging pain on his stomach and launched backwards from Neptune.

(Y/n): AUUUUGH! What the hell?!

Seeing no one physically touch him, the others looked at Plutia as she had a tight grip on her doll and punched it on the shoulder. When she did, (Y/n) yelled and gripped his shoulder.

(Y/n): UUUUUGH!! What is this pain?! Where is it coming from?!

Noire gasped at piecing the connection already.

Noire (Ultra): That's Plutia's ability! It's her Stress Relief!

Neptune: I don't dare make fun of this... Even when in her normal form, her attacks pack a mean punch...

Plutia punched the doll in the cheek as the punch affected (Y/n) to leave a mark also.

Neptune: And I mean a literal punch.

(Y/n): Ngh...! Not helping here!

Plutia: Why do you fight...?

(Y/n): Eh?

(Y/n) turned around and saw a glaring Plutia as he jumped away from her. Plutia raised her doll into the air and slammed it, causing (Y/n) to crash into the ground hard. Plutia proceeds to step on the doll as the ground around (Y/n) begins to crack and break, including his back.

(Y/n): SH-SHIT!! What kind of voodoo crap nonsense is this?!

Plutia: I really don't like it when my friends fight...

(Y/n): Ngh... Trust me, I don't like it either. This is something I don't normally do. But Neptune just does things that I don't understand and-

Before (Y/n) could get another word out, Plutia kicks the doll into a wall as (Y/n) was sent into it also.

(Y/n): Kuh! I seriously don't like this voodoo crap...! Who the hell even has this ability to use...?! This makes no sense...!

Plutia: You keep making excuses... I don't like when people do that...~

Everyone except (Y/n) felt shivers when Plutia said that as the feeling felt natural to him in some way.

Noire (Ultra): Oooooh crap...!

Neptune: Nep-senses are tingling...!

Vert (Ultra): Now is not the time to be making a reference to Spider-Man, Neptune...!

Neptune: I can't help it...! It's my way of keeping calm in situations like this...!

IF grabbed Neptune by the shoulders and began to shake her up.

IF (Ultra): I don't care! If she goes full on HDD, we're in ALL loads of trouble!! And I don't mean her beating up (Y/n)!! I mean what her FORM IS!!!

(Y/n) got off the wall as he held his head and looked to see the doll move on its own to run back towards Plutia. (Y/n) blinked a few times while having a dumbfounded look on his face.

(Y/n): Yeah... Definitely voodoo mumbo jumbo going on here... Ugh... This cannot get any worse...

Plutia: Worse??

Neptune: And evacuation time! GO! GO! GO!

Hearing Neptune, the others began to run as Histoire stopped to gain Neptune's attention.

Histoire (Ultra): WE can't run!! (Y/n) is about to be the victim!!

Neptune, Noire and Washington stopped in their tracks as they realized that.

Neptune: Oh you had to bring THAT up...! Curse my moral karma...!

Noire (Ultra): Great...! Not only do I have to fear about Plutia transforming, but actually have to save someone from her?? UGH!!

Washington: Less talking, more acting! Neptune, go distract Plutia. Noire, you're with me!

Plutia was walking slowly towards (Y/n) with a glare as Neptune quickly got in front of Plutia to surprise her.

Neptune: H-Hang on, Plutie! I'm okay! Really! (Y/n) and I do this ALL the time! It's actually quite hilarious as I never been slapped by a paper fan before.

(Y/n): Harisen Fan!

Neptune: Tamato, tamahto...

(Y/n): There is a difference!!

Noire dashed in to cover (Y/n)'s mouth along with Washington.

Noire (Ultra): Quiet will you! I want to run away right now, but I'm stuck having to help out here!

Washington: Seriously kid, you don't want to face this girl when she's mad! There are reasons why you shouldn't!

Neptune was with Plutia as she still attempted to calm Plutia down.

Neptune: Really, Plutie! (Y/n) is the most kind and gentle man and he helped me when I needed it! I can vouch, 100% that (Y/n) can be the calmest man around!

Feeling annoyed at being forced to be quiet, (Y/n) pushed both Noire and Washing away with his energy.

(Y/n): Why in the hell are you all freaking out like this?! What in the hell makes Plutia such a force to be reckoned with?! You all are confusing me AND annoying me all at the SAME TIME! The more you give warnings to me about her, the more I get curious about what it is!!

(Y/n) looked at Plutia and was about to yell, but decides to calm down in trying to figure out the problem.

(Y/n): Plutia, just what the hell is going on, and why are you angry at me??

Plutia looked at (Y/n) at being asked that.

Plutia: Wellllll, you were hurting Neppy. And you were yelling and complaining about not understanding things. It was making me aaaaaaangry...

(Y/n) held up a hand as to stop Plutia in her speaking.

(Y/n): That's because I REALLY don't know what she is talking about. This WHOLE day has been a mess of confusion and mind boggling stuff I can't wrap my head around. Including on how Neptune knows Harry Potter... Ugh. Besides the point, now I'm just anxious to just get some steam out... If you want, we can do something that can help calm each other down.

IF looked at the scene as Plutia's grip was loosening as she listened to (Y/n)'s words.

IF (Ultra): (Unbelievable!! He's calming HER down!? (Y/n) just might escape from Plutia's wrath!)

(Y/n): And if you want, the best way is by fighting, and you can transform in our fight.

Everyone became surprised by what (Y/n) just said as IF freaked out the most.

IF (Ultra): NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

Plutia looked at (Y/n) and smiled big at being allowed to transform as this made her very happy.

Plutia: Really~?! I can transform~??

(Y/n): Huh?? Why would you say that?? I'm no stickler when trying to know my friends. Besides, the best way to let off steam is to hit something really hard while being at your best.

Plutia: *gasp* Okay! You're the first to allow me in wanting to transform besides having to fight~! So exciting~~!

Noire grabs (Y/n) by the collar and began to shake him violently.


(Y/n) pushed Noire off of him as his back was towards Plutia. A light shines as (Y/n) was talking to Noire and didn't know that Plutia had transformed.

(Y/n): The hell is your problem today, Noire?! You're hardly intimidated by anything! What has you so scared??

The sound of an adult female caught (Y/n)'s ear as he heard the voice that belonged to it. Turning around slowly, he saw Iris Heart as she stood there with her weapon in hand as she was excited about the fight. (Y/n) held his breath at the sight he was seeing.

Iris Heart (Plutia): I hardly ever transform unless I'm angered, but you're one of the first to personally ask for me to transform. I tend to leave a lasting impression on those that meet me personally. I like that in someone~

(Y/n): B-But... What... Plutia...?

Iris Heart (Plutia): That is my name~ Don't wear it out~ Now...

Iris Heart began to walk slowly with her weapon ready to fight as (Y/n) held a hand to his head.

Iris Heart (Plutia): I believe a good, fight to relieve some stress is in order~ *giggles* Oh this is gonna be fun~

(Y/n) backed away from Plutia as a pulse began to pound repeated softly in his head.

(Y/n): But... That's not... I...

The pulse-like feeling began to grow louder in his head as it felt like his head was burning like fire. As if a sound of rage was trying to escape from in him. (Y/n) held his head more at the pain he felt as Neptune watched (Y/n) in worry.

Neptune: (Oh no... (Y/n)...)

Iris Heart (Ultra): You have me at my most interested moment. You have my respects most of all right now~  Now come on, fight me!

(Y/n) began to hyperventilate as he began to have images racing through his head. His energy being leaked out of his body by the stress he was feeling. Before it got any worse, there was a thwack sound as (Y/n) froze in place before falling to his side. Everyone looked behind Washington and saw his pistol in his hand. Seeing it had blood on the end of the pistol he hit (Y/n) with.

Washington: Sorry kid... But this is the best for now...

(Y/n)'s vision was fading as Iris Heart tried to rush towards him, but passes out from the hit Washington dealt to him. Iris Heart looked up at Washington in anger after what he did to (Y/n).

Iris Heart (Plutia): Why the hell did you do that?! We were about to have some fun!

Washington: Ms, you have every right to be angry. But there are reasons above your comprehension that you need to know about...

Iris Heart (Plutia): Like what?!

Histoire flew towards where Iris Heart was and got her attention quickly to avoid Washington from facing her wrath.

Histoire (Ultra): It's about (Y/n) and who his ACTUAL mother is in this world! Plutia, you're actually (Y/n)'s mother!

Iris Heart froze in place at hearing that as she looked at (Y/n).

Iris Heart (Plutia): You can't be-

Histoire (Ultra): You know I don't joke around like this...! Everyone else here will confirm on the claim. Even on the little actions (Y/n) would take when he was angered. No matter how we look at it, (Y/n) is definitely your child from another dimension... I promise you that...

Iris Heart looked at (Y/n) and gave a long thought at something as Histoire was curious.

Histoire (Ultra): Plutia...?

Iris Heart (Plutia): It's nothing... Just, I don't even know how to respond to something like this.

Iris Heart reverts back to being Plutia as Neptune rushed towards Plutia.

Neptune: Plutie, I promise to explain all about this when we can...

Plutia: Ngh... I know... But I'm so confused by this...

Washington: Trust me, you're not the only one... If you excuse me...

Washington walks past the group carrying (Y/n) as he brought (Y/n) into the room he had been sleeping at all this time as Shadow and Peashy watch over him. Once he leaves the room, the others catch Plutia up to speed on what happened while they were gone.

Plutia: So... (Y/n) is my son??

Noire (Ultra): Crazy as it sounds. I want to deny it, but he is. It feels so weird having two Plutia's...

Blanc (Ultra): You mean having her son while also having having our Plutia being in the same area. But yes, it is hard to take in...

Vert (Ultra): Feels so weird when the child of the mother finds out who she is. Complete opposites in one body... An awkward situation indeed.

Neptune: Try living 3 months in (Y/n)'s world with his mother. It's like living with Iris Heart all the time.

Noire held up a hand and looked away from Neptune.

Noire (Ultra): No thanks. Knowing who (Y/n)'s mother was still freaks me out.

IF and Compa were with Grif, Tucker, Simmons and Caboose as the six of them talked with each other.

IF (Ultra): I can't believe how long today has been... This has been more drama than I can take...

Compa (Ultra): And that's more than what we actually deal with normally.

Simmons: I'll say. I still have flashbacks to Tex beating us up.

Grif: My poor balls...

Tucker: You'll live.

Caboose looked around and noticed that Washington was missing from the group.

Caboose: Hey, where's Wash?

The others looked and didn't see him, IF looked at Caboose to answer him.

IF (Ultra): He's visiting our "friend" in the holding cell.

In the cell holding area, modifications were in place to make sure Draven couldn't escape from the cell that held him. Washington was delivering food to Draven as there were two guards to assist Washington if needed. Washington slid the food into the cell as the sound caught Draven's attention.

Washington: Food time.

Draven: Great... More slop...

Draven was gonna start eating, when he noticed Washington was still here.

Draven: What?

Washington: I'm not just here too deliver food now, I want answers on why you attacked our friend.

Draven: You think I'll give it up so easily?

Washington: Oh no. I know your type all too well. I know this will take... "Effort" to make you talk.

Draven looked at Washington as he stared back at Draven at declaring on wanting answers soon. When night falls, everyone finally goes to sleep as the camera pans into the room (Y/n) was sleeping in. Appearing next to his bed, Ivory stands there watching over (Y/n) as she began to speak.

(Insert I'll Believe by Altima)

Ivory: This has been getting nuts... He's beginning to remember faster than I expected... What were you thinking on getting involved??

Ivory turned to face someone as the camera didn't move to give a clear view of who Ivory was talking to.

Ivory: Because of you, you just made this slow effort to ease (Y/n) back to his normal self MUCH harder than it needed to be.

There was no sound of the other person talking, but Ivory could hear her clearly.

Ivory: I don't care what your actions were for. Right now, (Y/n) almost lost it as seeing you almost triggered a relapse in his memories. I don't even know what his mind is like right now because of the surge I felt. If Washington didn't-

A hand was raised to stop Ivory talking. Making her stop as she sighed.

Ivory: You're lucky, that I don't have time to argue. There are far worse things to face right now... Once (Y/n) gets better, I'll try and figure something out for both of you... Ugh... This just became so hard...

Ivory disappears as the camera moves to present a familiar silhouette of a person with a single Magenta eye looking back at (Y/n). Their voice was silent in what they spoke. The person saying: "Soon..."

Chapter 5: END.


Neptune's point of view.

Location: Planeptune Basilicom

Camera man: Scene 2, take 5! *clap*

Director: ACTION!!

Noire groaned like usual despite the many things that can go wrong in her loner life. So sad honestly...


Neptune: Heeeey! I'm the one appointed to narrate. I'm the protagonist while my BBFFL is asleep.

Noire (Ultra): What the HELL kind of acronym is that?!

I stand with my hands closed into fists placed onto my hips. The acronyms I made appear while revealing their coded title.

Neptune: Best BoyFriend For Life! Duh~ I call it: BBFFL!


Neptune: Then how does it exist then~?

A rock comes flying in and crashes into my sign, making it topple down into pieces. I made as I yelped in surprise by how sudden it was broken.

Neptune: My acronym!! It was innocent!!

???: That's what you get for messing with the chapter!! That wasn't even part of the script!!

Looking to my right, I was surprised to see Soejammy who had attacked my sign!

Neptune: Nepu!?

Noire (Ultra): Who is this guy?!

Blanc (Ultra): I think...that's the author of the book.

Soejammy: Damn straight I am. As soon as I saw this was here, this whole part was getting ridiculous as it kept going on!

Soejammy looked at me and soon teleported to stand in front of me.

Soejammy: Touch my laptop again...and I'll show you REAL TERROR!

Soejammy pulled out a bigger version of a harisen fan and held it with both hands, sending shivers down my spine just by looking at it.

Neptune: What is that?!

Soejammy: The Fan fo Discipline, DO YOU LIVE IN A CAVE?!

Neptune: AHHHHH! O-Okay! Just don't hit me with that! I won't touch your laptop again!

As I thought I would be smacked by the giant fan, Soejammy made the fan disappear and held out ten pudding cups for me in his hands.

Soejammy: Okay. I'm real protective of my gear and don't like anyone else using it but me. Also, I saw your pudding supply was running low, so I thought I drop these off as well.

My eyes light up as I take the sweet pudding Jammy brought into my arms.

Neptune: Thanks buddy!

Soejammy: Just don't touch my laptop again, and we have an agreement. Since I'm cutting this from the actual chapter, maybe I'll make this for bloopers.

Neptune: But aren't we already making the chapter?

Soejammy: That's what makes it even more funny.

Waving his hand, Soejammy teleports away while my friends were in shock by what happened.

Director: Cut! That's a wrap for now!

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