Chapter 6: A fight for life. The Strength of Connections.

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(Y/n)'s point of view.

January 7, 20XX

Location: Planeptune's Basilicom.

Time: Early Morning.

I twist and turn in my bed as if I was having dreams. "Dreams" are not what I call them, as I was actually having nightmares. Nightmares of hurting my friends, attacking my family, fighting against Neptune in a form I've never seen her in. I wanted to stop my movement in halting my attacks, but I couldn't control myself for some reason. I saw my mother jump in as she wielded our family's blade in an effort to help Neptune. Even if my mother was the best I knew who could handle her own, seeing my blade enter through her stomach shocked me from my sleep as I woke up and sat up yelling in bed.


(Insert Venus no Harmonia by Asami Imai)

I was shaking violently as held onto myself in sheer terror of what I dreamt. I began crying at the image I had seen as the door burst open and saw Neptune rushing to my side into a hug.

Neptune: (Y/n)?! What's wrong?!

(Y/n): I-I-I-It's my mom!

Neptune: What do you mean??

(Y/n): I-I-I dreamt that she died...! A-A-A-And I couldn't do anything about it...!

Neptune held onto me as she rubbed my back. I kept crying as I cried into her shoulder while Histoire floated into the room to observe my situation.

Histoire (Ultra): Are you okay? Your dream must've been... Bad if it freaked you out...

I looked at Histoire and tried to catch my breath to speak to her.

(Y/n): I-I saw... I was fighting against Neptune... But she was in some sort of... Weird form. Like it was her HDD, but upgraded gear or something... My... My mother, she jumped in to help Neptune and then- I... I... I STABBED her...with my very sword...

Neptune looked at Histoire while she in turn returned it. Neptune held me closer as she hugged me tightly.

Neptune: It was just a dream, (Y/n). I mean, why would you want to ACTUALLY hurt any of us? Huh?? I mean that's just stupid as the way how this story is making this sob scene right now.

This caught me off guard with how Neptune said that and made me chuckle softly. Causing her and Histoire to look at me weirdly.

(Y/n): You know... Out of all the things you could have said, that was pretty dumb and what I needed. You silly, silly girl.

Neptune smiled when I gave signs I was calming down.

Neptune: Hehe! That's what I do to help out!

I pat Neptune on the head as she smiled and blushed from the affection. Neptune and Histoire were about to leave the room when I called out to Neptune.

(Y/n): Hey, Nep...?

Neptune turned to look at me as she was curious with what I needed to say.

(Y/n): I... I may sound... Stupid right now, but... I don't want to be alone right now...

Neptune looked at me before she smiled at my request. She then came rushing back and jumped to land on top of me.

(Y/n): Ack! I already regret this!

Neptune: No you don't, and you love it!

Neptune and I giggled as we talked, played some games and joked with each other until we both fell asleep. Tired from staying up too late with how tired we both were. For the rest of the night, I slept in peace because of Neptune being there with me.

Time: Morning

The sun began to creep through the windows as it stirred me from my sleep. I had a tired look as I felt something heavy on my chest. When I looked, it was Neptune who was using me as her personal pillow. All snuggled up close to me in feeling comfortable. Neptune was even wearing a pair of lilac pajamas.

(Y/n): (You know... Seeing her sleep like this is actually cute.)

I thought that to myself as I blushed hard from thinking that.

(Y/n): (Uh...! I mean, this is just purely platonic! I mean- Oh why the hell am I acting so nervous?!)

I felt Neptune moving softly as she shifted in her sleep. Turning her body in her sleep as I could see her sleeping face clearly as I could feel my heart skip a beat.

(Y/n): (I-I mean, just look at her! Sure she is nice and sweet and caring and...)

I continued to look at Neptune as a single word came into my head with what I thought and caused me to go full on blush from thinking about it.

(Y/n): (I've completely frozen in shyness...!)

My heart began to race faster the more I was shy. The beating of my racing heart must've woken Neptune up, as her eyes began to flutter open softly. Neptune yawned softly as she began to take in her surroundings. By now, Neptune could see me blushing while she smiled as her smile made my heart skip a beat.

Neptune: Well, good morning, "Blushy~"

Neptune giggles as I blushed harder from being called that. Neptune then poked my nose and caused me to blush harder because of it.

Neptune: Haha. You blush just as hard like the loner does~

(Y/n): I-It's not that funny...!

Neptune: It is to me~

I groaned as I placed a hand over Neptune's face to push her away from me. Allowing me to get up and see Shadow sitting in front of me. Wide awake and wagging his tail while looking at me in the eyes.

Shadow: Bark! Bark!

Shadow was panting as he saw his tail and began to go around in circles. Looking like a blur to me from how fast he was trying to chase his tail. I constantly wondered how Shadow had this much energy as I didn't know much about him. I shake my head and kneel down towards Shadow. Shadow stopped when noticing me reaching to pet him. Seeing him enjoy the attention from me. Shadow barks once again and soon spins around in a circle to bark once more in trying to tell me something.

(Y/n): Huh?? What is it?

Shadow: Bark!

(Y/n): You need something?

Shadow: Bark bark!

Watching Shadow, he runs to the door and accidentally bumps into it. Shadow flops to the ground and gets back up to shake off the impact he made into it and looks at me. Panting at being happy with my presence. I thought to myself that for an energetic dog, he sure is fast. Shadow barked more as Neptune got up, walked towards Shadow and picked him up with both hands.

Neptune: What's the matter buddy? You need to go out??

Shadow began to bark more as his tail wagged energetically.

Neptune: Okay. Let's get you outside, then we can see about you chasing Mini Histy like I taught you~

Shadow barked happily while Neptune giggled. Seeing Neptune smile like that caused a pulse to happen in my head as I saw Neptune kiss me on the lips. I held my hand to my head as I groaned from the slight pain I felt. The image I saw even felt real as the feeling of her lips left a phantom feeling on them. Making me blush from experiencing it alone. Neptune looked towards me and smiled, causing my heart to speed up from just looking at her. I didn't know what I was feeling when I kept looking at Neptune as I didn't know why I felt like this. In my state of confusion, I failed to notice Neptune had gotten closer to me.

Neptune: Hehe~ You're so blushy all of a sudden~ Was it because of me~?

Seeing Neptune so close, the feeling of her lips against mine caused my mind to go blank as I went into a sprint from the room we were in and into the kitchen. I turn on the water to splash some water on my face to cool myself down. I wiped my hair back as I took some deep breaths as I was somewhat freaking out of why I was so shy around Neptune for some reason.

Compa (Ultra): JoJo?

(Y/n): AH!!

I freaked out and fell to the ground, accidentally scared Compa as a result. Compa rushed to my side in a hurry and looked at me.

Compa (Ultra): Oh my! Are you okay?!

I sat up as I leaned against the cover door for support in sitting up.

(Y/n): Y-Yeah... Just... Caught off guard was all... Jesus...

Compa (Ultra): Are you sure? Your cheeks are flushed...

Hearing that, I covered my cheeks while still remembering the image I saw. I felt a hand touch my forehead and saw Compa was trying to see something.

Compa (Ultra): Hmm... You don't have a fever...

I began to blush harder from how close we were as it reminded me of how I saw Neptune cuddled so close in the bed.

(Y/n): HAH!!

When I freaked out, I seemed to have created a force of energy that grew in size, pushing Compa away from where I was a few feet from me. The energy was formed like a dome as my crystal glowed brightly in generating it. Whatever my dome touched, it pushed the chairs and table when touched. The sink and walls only made the dome curve to fit against the wall so as to not damage the structure of the building.

Compa (Ultra): Whoa! JoJo?!

(Y/n): Ah! I'm sorry! I don't know how I did that!

I began to focus on calming down as the dome of energy disappeared in the process. When the dome was gone, Compa was able to approach me once more.

Compa (Ultra): What was that??

I looked at my hands and blinked as I tried to understand what happened myself.

(Y/n): I... I don't know... I think I...created an energy dome of some sort. Like... A protective barrier?

I looked at my hands as they shined with my energy for a moment in wondering what I did before I looked at Compa as she had sparkles in her eyes. Seeing the look she gave me made me sweat slightly.

Compa (Ultra): You can create a barrier-type of defense?? That's sooooo cool! I wish I could do that!

Looking at Compa, I was somewhat cheerful in her excitement of seeing a new ability to my skills. But soon my head gets hit by a pulsing sensation as an image comes to my mind along with a voice. I held my head as it was in pain from feeling this.

??? (Memory): You have to teach me that if you can! Who knows what else you can do!

As soon as the feeling subsided, I began to breathe hard in what I felt and saw.

(Y/n): (Wh-What the hell was that?? Who WAS that??)

Compa (Ultra): JoJo? Are you okay??

I looked at Compa as I took some deep breaths to calm down. I felt some sweat on my forehead after what I had experienced. Seeming whatever happened caused me to break out into a slight nervous wreck. I gripped the counter and got up slowly as the effects of what I felt still resided softly.

(Y/n): I-I'm fine... Compa... I'm sorry to make you worry like that... I don't know what happened to be honest...

Compa soon got a wet cloth to slightly dab it against my forehead. Making sure to help me whether or not I ask for it.

Compa (Ultra): Did you not get enough sleep last night? It's a known fact that a headache or migraine can form from improper rest...

I thought for a moment on what Compa said as I only had a nightmare last night. Though I don't remember how many nights I could have gone without sleep.

(Y/n): Maybe...? I know I woke up from a nightmare last night...

I became sad at having to remember what I dreamt. The fight I was having with Neptune and the image of my mother being stabbed in front of me. Having to think about it must've tipped Compa off that I was thinking about it as she held my hand softly.

Compa (Ultra): It's okay.

I could see that Compa was trying to cheer me up from how I was feeling.

Compa (Ultra): You're surrounded by your friends to help you. Do you trust me?

Compa held my hand a little tighter in trying to reassure me in what she said. I would be lying to myself if what Compa was doing didn't help me cheer up, because it did. I smiled softly with how kind Compa was in helping me with something minor to a nightmare.

(Y/n): Heh heh, thanks Compa.

Compa (Ultra): You're welcome.

I smiled as I caught sight of Neptune for a moment before she decided to stop observing us. It confused me as to why Neptune just watched us, but I paid no attention as it wasn't my business what Neptune did. But I soon heard Histoire yelling as she came flying into the room with Shadow playfully chasing her.

Histoire (Ultra): Aaaaaaahhhhh! Why does this keep happening?!

Seeing Histoire being chased by a dog seemed to be the right distraction I needed as I laughed from what I saw.

(Y/n): Okay. A dog chasing cars, I can understand that. But a dog chasing a book? Now that's a different story. Ha.

Compa (Ultra): Usually it was Iffy, Peashy and myself who played with Histore. Though we would be punished by Ge-Ge if we were too rough.

I laughed more at hearing about the time they had here as it must've been fun for them when they were kids.

(Y/n): Hah... Well, I'm going to go see about IF and see if she wants to do some guild missions. Need to earn some credits if I'm going to go on my date with Neptune soon.

I sighed in what I have to be doing in order to fulfill Neptune's wish in asking for a date.

(Y/n): Of all things for her to ask for, it was a DATE!! Not to mention that I have only two days to get ready for... Ugh... I have NEVER been on a date in my life!!

Compa smiled as she tapped my shoulder to gain my attention.

Compa (Ultra): Don't be nervous. Nep-Nep just has her own reasons. She does crazy things all the time, but she has her own way of making things work.

I blinked my eyes at what Compa said to me.

(Y/n): So... If... If Neptune wants to go on a date with me... What's her reason behind asking me that...?

Compa looked at me and smiled as she answered my question.

Compa (Ultra): Isn't it obvious? She likes you. Like, she likes you LIKES you.

I thought for a moment based on what Compa said as it soon made me blush real red.

(Y/n): Wh-What?? N-Nooooo. She's in LOVE with ME?? You can't be serious. You really think that??

Compa (Ultra): I don't think, I know it.

I looked at Compa as I thought back to the previous image I saw earlier today. Wondering many questions as to what I felt. Questions that I asked myself if I loved Neptune.

(Y/n): (D-Do I love Neptune?)


Location: Guild Offices

I decided to head to the Guild Office after I was able to get my head back together from my thoughts. Changing my clothes that I found myself in back to the ones I bought previously when shopping for gear with Neptune and Nepgear. I could see everyone was busy at work with papers being filed along with missions being taken from other guild members. I stretched slightly to get ready for anything I choose to do for work. I currently saw IF talking to one of the armored men I met yesterday known as Washington, who was in black armor.

(Y/n): Hey Iffy. Hey Wash.

IF (Ultra): Oh, hey (Y/n).

Washington: Hey. What brings you here? Thought you would be resting from what happened yesterday?

I looked at both of them as I was confused.

(Y/n): Huh? What do you mean?

IF (Ultra): You passed out. Just as you were about to spar with Plutia.

I thought for a long moment before I shook my head.

(Y/n): Really?? I don't remember...

IF was about to say something, but Washington cut in quickly.

Washington: That's because uh... This is gonna be funny, I swear...

(Y/n): What?? What happened??

Washington: Grif and Simmons were messing around again like usual when they were supposed to be working on something important... When they accidentally hit you in the head by accident.

I looked at Washington weirdly as I blinked.

(Y/n): You can not be serious... Please tell me you're not...

Washington: Quite serious if I may add... Wouldn't be the first time I saw an accident happen with everyone else... Being blown up, shot by friendly fire, and sometimes a tank...

I looked at Washington as I blinked more. Looking at him as if he was nuts in how everyone would still be alive if that happened.

Washington: And before you ask... We just have incredible amounts of luck... Honest...

(Y/n): I... But... That... You know what, I won't ask...

Washington: Better you don't anyway... Because it even involved with breaking the rules of time also...

(Y/n): What??

Washington: Don't ask...

I was about to ask when I heard a noise as something burst through the main doors. I heard barking as I was then pounced on from the front to fall onto my back. I was being licked as I saw it was Shadow who had been the cause.

Shadow: Bark bark!

(Y/n): Sh-Shadow!?

Shadow kept licking my face while panting as I tried to get him off of me.

(Y/n): Shadow! Down dog! Your licks tickle!

Shadow kept licking me until IF got him off of me. I felt the slobber Shadow had left on my face as I wiped it off.

(Y/n): Oh yuck...

Shadow was panting and trying to run in midair towards me as he was in a happy mood.

IF (Ultra): Shadow seems to be REALLY happy to spend time with ya...

(Y/n): In truth, I have NEVER seen a dog that energetic in my life.

Washington: Wonder why he keeps following you?

(Y/n): Ya got me beat. Because I DON'T know...

Washington gave a thought for a moment before coming up with a helpful idea.

Washington: Why don't we bring Shadow with us?

IF and myself looked at Washington in confusion while Shadow did the same while trying to run in midair still.

IF (Ultra): Wait, you want to bring the dog with us??

(Y/n): Uh... Why??

Washington: Dogs are known to be great at picking up scents. If we take on a tracking mission, Shadow could help us find our target.

What Washington said made sense as a Dog's nose was strong enough to track by just a scent.

(Y/n): That is true. But he's just a pup...

Washington: Kid, if you knew how much this "pup" would protect your life, you would be proud of yourself right now.

I looked at Washington as I raised an eyebrow in questioning what he meant, but IF soon puts Shadow down as he quickly sat next to me.

Shadow: Yip!

Shadow was wagging his tail happily as he looked up at me with the happiest look in his eyes.

(Y/n): You're such a precarious dog, aren't you?

Shadow: Yip!

I shrugged as I didn't know why the little husky was so fond of me, but I do like dogs very much.

Washington: I suggest we get started on with the mission soon. The better we have light on our side, the better we're able to know what happens in our surroundings.

Looking at Washington, I nod my head in agreement with him. Feeling that we should get the mission done while the sun was out, it would give a chance to return home when we can see around our surroundings. Once gathering the necessary equipment, we began to head out.

Third point of view.

Location: Planeptune Holding Cells

Down under Planeptune, Draven was resting in his cell as Grif and Simons stood with their backs to the cell in standing guard. It was all quiet until...

Grif: Hey.

Simmons: Yeah?

Grif: Ever wonder why we're here?

Simmons thought about it for a moment.

Simmons: Being down in a holding cell with a craze killer?

Grif: Yeah.

Simmons: He tried to destroy a city, Grif. Why wouldn't we be having to guard this person?

Grif: I don't know, Simmons. At least while we guard, we can enjoy some delicious pizza.

Simmons sighed as he looked at Grif.

Simmons: Eat pizza? While trying to guard a person hired or targeted to ASSASSINATE US?

Grif: Like we haven't had that happen to us a billion times.

Simmons: I have the right to be paranoid!

Draven: HEY!

Grif and Simmons looked at Draven in the cell as he looked at both of them.

Draven: Mind keeping it down? You're both annoying.

Grif: Like we haven't been told that before.

Simmons: We do this all the time.

Draven sweats after hearing that. Thinking that the two were crazy.

Draven: What? Just, stand around, talk and do nothing?

Grif and Simmons looked at each other and then at Draven with their answer.

Grif and Simmons: Yes, yes we do.

Draven just looks at both of them and sighs in having heard everything he needed.

Draven: It's official... You are the DUMBEST soldiers I have ever met...

Grif: Hey, we are not dumb.

Simmons: Yeah, tell him Grif.

Grif looked at Simmons with a look.

Grif: Uh, you're supposed to be telling him that.

Simmons: What? Why me?

Grif: Because I feel you have better use.

Simmons lowered his gun and looked at Grif in feeling pressured.

Simmons: You're the one who said "We are not dumb." Why should the explanation come from me?

Grif: Because, I'm the lazy one, and you're the know it all.

Simmons: That doesn't even make sense, Grif...!

Grif: Of course it does.

Simmons: No, it does not.

Grif and Simmons continued in bickering with each other as Draven looked between them and sighed.

Draven: (This is gonna be a while... Isn't it...?)

Location: Planeptune Forest

Time: Afternoon

In the forests of Planeptune, the group walks around as Shadow walks up to a plant that is used for medicinal herbs as (Y/n) picks the plant up. Shadow barks at (Y/n) while having a happy look on his face as (Y/n) pets Shadow.

(Y/n): Good boy. Let's see if we can find more.

IF and Washington were busy looking for the same plant while discussing (Y/n)'s condition. Making sure to stay out of earshot to not let him hear.

Washington: So far, nothing serious...

IF (Ultra): But that doesn't mean we won't face enemies here... If most, there should only be pesky wolves or Dogoo...

Washington: Luckily wolves hunt at night in packs. They're nocturnal.

IF (Ultra): Really?? You sure learned a lot of stuff in this Project... Uh... What was it again?

Washington: Freelancer. Project Freelancer.

IF nods her head at remembering the name.

IF (Ultra): That's right. Project Freelancer. Topic kinda got thrown off after the whole mess when having to protect (Y/n) and run. It was just nuts...

Washington: Got that right. That Draven though... The way he fought was almost something similar to Project Freelancer...

IF (Ultra): Really? How come?

Washington stopped for a moment to speak to IF.

Washington: You see, back in Freelancer, there were experiments made on creating new tech, and new ways of being able to operate in battle. Basically to get an edge in battle.

IF (Ultra): And how did you and everyone else do that?

Washington: We had deployable shields, gadgets to slow down time, armor enhancements, even speed enhancements. On our own, it is hard to control the functions while fighting at the same time. But the Director found a way.

IF (Ultra): You found a way to give the equipment better control?

Washington: Yes. More specifically, a partner that could help control them. We had A.I's.

IF looked at Washington as she crouched down and grabbed an herb needed for the mission.

IF (Ultra): Hold on, A.I's??? Artificial Intelligence??? Aren't those rare and very expensive???

Washington: You're correct, but... How we got more was... From what the Director did... It involved having to split it up...

IF (Ultra): What happened??

Washington: We had an A.I. called: The Alpha. State of the art intelligence that was almost like a living being. Although we had just the one, the Director found a way to make more just from it... A method that would almost begin leading to the end of Project Freelancer...

IF (Ultra): What led to it?

Washington thought back to the chaos and damage he faced. From Freelancers fighting each other, to the Meta being created, and to the destruction of the project.

Washington: The Director forced the Alpha to split its own mind up into pieces. From the memories, to the intelligence, everything that made up the Alpha. Each member was given an A.I. with their own code names that stemmed off the original. Names such as Delta, Beta, Gamma and Epsilon. Epsilon was my A.I. as it held the memories of the Alpha. However, at some point, an A.I. called Sigma, began wanting to gather all the other A.I.'s back together. Wanting to recreate the Alpha by taking each assigned agent of an A.I. to rebuild it. This caused Agent Maine to go insane as each A.I. he gained caused his own mind to collapse and just only seek more power. He killed many agents for their A.I. and enhancements. It almost even killed me, but then I met the Reds and Blues.

IF (Ultra): You mean Tucker, Caboose, Simmons and Grif?

Washington: There were more of us, but we all got separated or some of us moved on with our life. Where I had no place to go, the Reds and Blues that were part of simulated field tests gave me a fresh start. And ever since, we've all had each other's back. Even if some still need training. Still, I wish we didn't get separated... When I woke up, Tucker and Caboose were the only two with me in Lowee. Didn't know what happened to the Reds, O'mally or Carolina...

IF (Ultra): Dang, and here I thought our world was crazy enough...

Washington: Trust me, we've been on MANY adventures. Yet we always seem to find trouble wherever we go. But no matter what happens...

Washington reaches for a photo in a compartment in his armor and looks at it.

Washington: Whatever comes our way, we got each other's backs.

IF looked at Washington and smiled.

IF (Ultra): I say you and your team are strong as you are. Divided, sure, but they did help out in getting the CPU Memory we needed for (Y/n).

Washington: If I know anything, never underestimate someone you fight that would seem dumb. Because sometimes, the dumbest thing, could save your life.

IF (Ultra): I'll believe it when I see it. But I still have a question.

Washington: What's that?

IF (Ultra): How DID you get to our world? You said Tucker and Caboose were the only two here with you when you woke up.

Washington: It's... A very long story...

IF placed her hands on her hips and gave a look at Washington.

IF (Ultra): And I have the time to listen.

Washington looked at IF and then sighed.

Washington: It all started with a project the Reds were making...


Dimension: Red vs Blue Universe

Time: One year ago

Location: A Remote Moon in the galaxy.

In a remote area in the galaxy, two bases could be found as a few people were working on a portal. One in maroon armor and another in orange armor.

Simmons: Okay, Grif, hand me the wrench. Grif?

Simmons looks over his shoulder and sees Grif lying on the ground in falling asleep.

Simmons: Oh for the love of- GRIF!!

Grif sits up quickly in a fright.

Grif: Ah! What- Who- Huh??

Simmons: Would you focus?? This is a delicate project! I need help here!

Grif: Why don't you get Lopez?? He's the robot mechanic of our team...

Lopez: Estoy aqui estupido. (Translation: I am here, you stupid.)

Looking to the left, Grif could see the person in question as Lopez punches Grif in the head.

Grif being annoyed by still not understanding Lopez he groans.

Grif: Ugh... It sucks not being able to understand him...

Lopez: ¡Aprendiste español, idiota! (Translation: You learned spanish, you dumbass!)

Grif: Heh.

Lopez groaned angrily at Grif and wanted to punch him again when a man in red armor approached the device.

Sarge: Hey! What in Sam Hill is this thing???

Simmons: Building a transporter, Sarge.

Sarge: And why would you do that?

Simmons looks to the sky and then to everyone.

Simmons: Well, we not only discovered aliens, but we faced a conspiracy freelancer organization, faced through hell in the simulations they put us through secretly, ended a war that was caused by two mercenaries, stopped other Red and Blue factions from causing mass genocide, and saved time from being destroyed...

Sarge looked at Simmons with a blank look before answering.

Sarge: Your point?

Simmons sighs and looks at Sarge.

Simmons: Meaning if there are Time Gods, what about Transdimensional Gods??? If the transcendence of Time can be breached, why not the walls of Space??? A physicist, Hugh Everett, theorized that there was not just one universe, but multiple that are parallel to ours in 1957. They may not be the same, but they would be in similar ways.

Sarge: So... There could be another war? More Reds and Blues??

Simmons: I mean, there could? There would-

Sarge: I could get a second shotgun from another me for free!!

Simmons: But that isn't the reason for this Sarge!

Sarge: Simmons! I order you to start it up!

Simmons: It isn't ready!!

???: Hey! What the hell is going- Uh... What is that??

A female voice made themself apparent as Sarge and Simmons faced towards another member living on the moon. She wore blue armor as she looked at the device Simmons was building and looked at him. This was Agent Carolina, a former Freelancer with slim cyan armor.

Simmons: Oh, hey Carolina.

Carolina: Seriously, what the hell is this?? What are you all yelling about??

Simmons looks at Sarge and then Carolina.

Simmons: I'm trying to build a transdimensional portal device.

Carolina stares at Simmons and sighs in having to ask.

Carolina: Why...?

Sarge: To get me a free version of my favorite shotgun!

Carolina: Not asking you.

Simmons: Think about what we experienced. There is the existence of Time Gods. If the fabric of time can be messed with, what about Space??

Lopez: Le diría que no se meta con eso después de todo lo que hemos pasado, pero nadie me entiende. (Translation: I would tell him to not mess with it after all we've been through, but no one understands me.)

Simmons: And Lopez supports my theory.


Carolina just sighed and turned her back to the group.

Carolina: Whatever. Just... Just don't do something that is going to land us into more trouble...

Carolina left to go to where the Blues were as the Reds began to converse to themselves. When Carolina arrived at where the Blues were, Tucker was talking to Caboose with Freckles in his tiny robot body while Washington was busy cleaning his gun. Tucker was wearing armor that was teal blue and Caboose was in standard Blue armor. Washington was in his Freelancer armor colored black with some yellow highlights on his armor. Washington looked up from his gun to see what Carolina found out.

Washington: Well?

Carolina: Yeah... They're up to some dumb shit again...

Washington: Why am I not surprised anymore?

Carolina: Because we know what they're capable of and got out of deep shit a lot.

Washington was about to make a remark, but chose to hold off on it.

Washington: You make a good point.

Tucker walked up to the two and looked to where the Reds were.

Tucker: They're still trying to build that?? It's been like, what, 3 days now??

Carolina: Apparently, they're making a "Space" portal. Going off based on what our Time Traveling mishap led us...

Tucker: Oh f**k berries... We just can't get a break here...

Carolina: But that begs a bigger question...

Washington: And what's that?

Carolina began to look around for where Donut was and looked at Washington.

Carolina: Where's Donut?

Tucker and Washington looked around and noticed Donut wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Tucker: Yeah. Where is he???

Washington: That's both worrying and terrifying right now... Almost the terrifying time when you guys thought he was dead and buried his armor when he was actually skinny dipping...

Tucker shuddered at that memory and didn't want to remember that.

Tucker: Don't remind me...

Caboose: Ooo. Ooo. I know where my friend is.

The group looked at Caboose in on what he wanted to say.

Washington: Caboose? You know where he is??

Caboose: Yeah. Yeah.

Caboose was about to say something, but soon lost his train of thought.

Caboose: Oh, wait... Um... I forgot though...

Tucker: Do you even know where he could have gone??

Caboose: Kinda still around the area somewhere?

Carolina: And just where around here could he be?

Caboose: Um... He was gonna do something... But I don't remember what...

An explosion could be heard as the Reds were yelling in the distance.

Simmons (Yelling): WHY IS MY DEVICE ON FIRE?! HOW?!


Lopez (Yelling): ¡MADRE DE DIOS! (Translation: MOTHER OF GOD!)

Carolina: Oh, what the hell?!

The Blues rushed over to see Simmons' device on fire as the Reds were freaking out. Simmons' transdimensional portal device had caught on fire and sparks were being set off from the heat on the device.

Washington: What the- How did this happen?!

Grif: That's what we're trying to find out!

Simmons: Everything was just fine moments ago, and my experimental device began to catch fire spontaneously!! It's all up in flames!!

Sarge began to sniff the air as there was something different.

Sarge: Hey... Does anyone else smell that...?

Tucker: Hey wait... Yeah...

Washington: Does it smell like "Vanilla Satin"??

The group looks at each other and gasps.

Everyone: DONUT!!!

Behind the device Donut appeared behind it as he was in his pink armor.

Donut: Huh? Why is everyone saying my name?

Simmons: Why are we saying your name??? YOU'RE BURNING MY CREATION!!!

Donut: I didn't mean to!!

Grif: We took your lube AND candles FOR A REASON!!!

Sarge: I can't take it anymore! I need a new shotgun! And I'm not missing my chance!!!

Sarge began to rush to the device while Simmons freaked out.

Simmons: Sarge! Don't!! We don't know what will happen!!!

Sarge: Papa's getting a new gun for Christmas!!!

Lopez: ¡¡Es por eso que NO quería construirlo!! (Translation: This is why I wanted to NOT build it!!)

Sarge hits the button as Simmons' device begins to activate. The whirling gears on the device began to power up as a portal began to form. Sarge began to laugh in a happy way while Simmons and Grif were freaking out.

Simmons: Ah! We're gonna die!

Grif: I haven't had my pizza yet! Where is my pizza delivery guy!?!?!

Carolina: Sarge!! Shut it down!!!

Sarge: No can do! I've been waiting for this, and I want my shotgun!

Washington: You already have one!!

As the portal was about to power up, it suddenly shut down. Everyone looks at the device as Sarge was disappointed while the others were sighing in relief. But it doesn't last long until the portal begins to go crazy to where the portal made begins to create a vacuum that was creating a reverse pull. A reverse pull that was trying to suck in anything it could while it operated.

Tucker: Oh f**kberries!! We are SO SCREWED!!!

Washington sighed in seeing what was happening and looked to Carolina.

Washington: So... Dimensional travel... Ever done that yet?

Carolina: No. Have you?

Washington: Nope.

Carolina: Well, better make the best of it I guess.

Upon getting sucked in, everything went blank as Washington gasped in waking up on the ground. He got up quickly with his gun in hand and was a little disoriented. Washington could see Tucker and Caboose lying on the ground, but the others, they were nowhere in sight. Soon found themselves in the Ultra Dimension capital of Lowee and soon started working there. Freckles had to be put back into Caboose's gun as the day soon came when Draven attacked.

(End of flashback)

Washington: ...And that's how we ended up here. For Grif and Simmons... I have no idea what they have been doing, but I'm glad they were safe.

IF starred at Washington of the weirdness of the group she learned about.

IF (Ultra): Um... I have so many questions about how you all operated...

Washington: Best you don't question it... I keep asking myself the same questions... But if anything, just know that they're honest to good allies to have and some of the best friends I have as well.

IF looks at Washington and nods her head.

IF (Ultra): Guess the feeling's mutual. I can say the same for Nep and Lady Plutia. Nep can be over the top, but dependable when needed. Lady Plutia...

IF thought about it before shivering in fright of the thought she had.

IF (Ultra): On second thought... I'd rather not go into it...

Washington was about to question what IF meant, when the two heard (Y/n) call out to them.

(Y/n): IF! Wash! You two got to see this!

Washington: Huh??

IF and Washington ran over to see what (Y/n) was calling out to them as both reached his destination.

IF (Ultra): Hey, what's going on? What did-

IF's eyes widened up when (Y/n) and Shadow had stumbled upon a Memory Core location. It was one of many sources that rarely spawns a CPU Memory from time to time. Those who encountered such an item had a chance to either become a more powerful version of themself or turn into a monster due to being a chance. But what surprised IF, was that on top of where the Memory Core, was a CPU Memory. Washington was also surprised by the fact that one was this close to Planeptune and no one knew about it in the forest.

(Y/n): Any idea what that is? I've never seen something like this before.

IF (Ultra): I-I don't know... I never seen it before...

Washington looked at IF as she glanced at him to play along for now.

Washington: If you ask me... It looks important...

(Y/n) thought for a moment and came up with an idea.

(Y/n): Well, if it looks important, why don't we take it?

IF and Washington looked at (Y/n) in hearing him say that.

IF (Ultra): Why would you want to take it??

(Y/n) looked at IF with an answer to his reason.

(Y/n): If it looks important, it might be a rare item we can sell, right?

Washington and IF each freaked out in their own thoughts about what they knew about the item.

IF (Ultra): ("Sell" it?! Who in their right minds would sell this thing?! We took a chance with (Y/n) due to his condition!)

Washington: (If we take this and it gets sold off, someone unlucky enough to use it could accidentally turn into a monster...! We can't let that happen...!)

Washington looked at (Y/n) as he was casually walking to the item in question and decided to stop him.

Washington: W-Wait!

(Y/n) stopped in his tracks and looked to Washington as he was confused.

(Y/n): Huh? Why Wash?

Washington: Uh... Have you ever thought that there could be traps near it??? Get back over here!!

In not wanting to make Washington worry longer than he should, (Y/n) travels back to Washington's location.

(Y/n): Okay... So what now? We test around to see how we can get to it??

Washington: Why are you so focused on wanting to get to it?? I think we found enough for today to make an honest payment from the quest we went on...

(Y/n): Well, I need all the credits I can get. I need to buy a suit for my date. I rather try figuring out if we can get it or not. I have three days to prepare... And I need all I can to try and keep my end of my promise...

IF and Washington looked at each other as Shadow barked at them to give them the puppy dog eyes. Eyes that were trying to tell them on helping (Y/n) as IF tried to look away, but couldn't as she sighed.

IF (Ultra): Alright... Alright! Just stop giving me the look... You cute dog...

Washington sighed as he had no choice to actually help out with him being outnumbered and sighed.

Washington: Fine. But if we do get it, I want it placed away somewhere until we get it properly analyzed... That's my ONLY agreement.

(Y/n) smiled brightly with a thankful look he gave to Washington.

(Y/n): Sure. As long as we get that, I'll listen to what everyone has to say. I rather try and make sure to keep everyone in a safe position as possible. Besides-

(Y/n) looked at where the CPU Memory was. Giving a toothy grin in his determination to get it.

(Y/n): With the glow and shine it has, I wonder what it is.

Location: Planeptune Holding Cells

As time passed on, Grif and Simmons went on with their usual talk. Even to the displeasure of Draven who had to listen to their rambling.

Grif: And I said to the guy "You call this a pizza? There's pineapples on this pizza!" Pineapple on pizza, is NOT pizza dude.

Simmons: What are you talking about? Pineapple pizza is good.

Grif: No it is not. How can you even say that?? Have you ever had pizza???

Simmons didn't talk as he looked away.

Simmons: Not really.

Grif: Then HOW can you say you think it's good!?

Simmons: Need I remind you I'm half-cyborg when Sarge fixed me up back in Bloodgulch??

Grif thought for a moment and had to remember from his memories.

Grif: Oh riiiiiiight... I completely forgot that.

Simmons: How do you forget that?? You were there when it happened! I even print faxes FROM my ass!!

Grif: Really? I just thought you got paper stuck after going to the bathroom every time.

Simmons groaned as felt annoyed by Grif's comment.

Simmons: I almost died in a fake war and became a cyborg. Then everyone forgets that?? Ugh...

Grif: Need I remind you that I had problems too? Sarge gave me trouble and hated my guts. Even had plans that involved hurting me, including WITH a steamroller!! HOW DO YOU EVEN FIND A STEAMROLLER IN A CANYON!?

Simmons: This is Sarge, we're talking about. You know how convoluted and crazy his ideas are.

Grif was silent for a few moments before looking away from Simmons.

Grif: At least you weren't tortured by his plans.

Simmons: Oh shut up. I would rather be in retirement instead of being here. But no, Donut had to set my device on fire!!

Grif: Where DID he get those Vanilla Satin candles??? I could have sworn that we took those away. Even the lube as double insurance...

Simmons thought for a moment as he pulled out a paper and looked at Grif.

Simmons: Well, I did find this note attached to a package when we woke up after the whole portal thing. It WAS addressed to Donut.

Grif looked at Simmons as he grabbed the parchment.

Grif: How long have you had this?! This is the first time I'm hearing of this!

Grif began to read the note aloud as Draven was listening in.

Grif: "Dear Donut, I heard you love scented candles and especially "Vanilla Satin", right? Well, I have here 20 sticks of candles in this package that will give you all the wonderful scent you want. Place them in the best place you desire and light to your heart's content. From - The Author, Soejammy. P.S. Burn the note after you light them. Don't want too many questions." WHAT THE F**K!?

Simmons: I know! Do you remember the last time someone tried sending us stuff??

Grif: No! And last time I checked, our home is supposedly in a random place where only Kimball knew where we were at the time!! Except that journalist and the cameraman.

Simmons: Exactly! So HOW did Donut even GET this package and note?!

As Grif and Simmons argued with each other, Draven carefully listened in as he seemed to have a plan on how to escape. In wanting to gain their attention, Draven kicks the window and startles the two.

Draven: Hey! Mind keeping it down?! You're annoying me!

Simmons: Jesus. Don't startle us. We're in an important conversation right now.

Grif: And here I thought he was just sleeping. That's how I usually act in boring conversations...

Draven growled at the annoyance of the two.

Draven: Now I can see why Dionix was so quick to abandon the base he used. He had such incompitant soldiers that couldn't handle the job.

Grif: Hey! That wasn't our fault!

Simmons: Yeah! It's not our fault we had to take a job in our spare time!

Draven: Yeah, and what were your passwords? Password?

Simmons and Grif looked at each other and then at Draven as it seemed to make him sweat.

Draven: No shit... Really??? Your password there was... "Password"???

Simmons: Oh don't judge us! Our old leader, Sarge, programmed that into my head as a failsafe if he wasn't around!! Not like I had free will of my own here!

Draven began to laugh at just how stupid it was.

Draven: Well, this will just make my job THAT much easier~

Grif and Simmons looked at each other in confusion.

Grif: Uh... In what way?

Draven smirked under his helmet as the smoke around Draven's hand revealed a device in his hand. Simmons and Grif became shocked to see Draven reveal a device in his hand as the two aimed their weapons at Draven.

Grif: Hey! Don't move!

Simmons: Put it down, slowly.

Draven looked at the two and sighed.

Draven: You do know... I could have broken free while you two talked... But as you saw, the window kept me from doing that. Probably made of some super polymer glass that I can't even break. I doubt your guns could do so much that to hurt me.

Simmons: Then what are you planning to do???

Draven: Finally make my escape.

Grif and Simmons looked at each other and then at Draven confused.

Simmons: How...?

Draven: Like this. "Password: Password."

The device that Draven was holding suddenly turns the device on as it activates to turn into a controller with an antenna. Simmons and Grif didn't know how the device was going to do.

Grif: You do know you have to have a game system to play that with, right?

Draven: I do, but this works on electronics of any kind. Like this for example.

Draven pushed a button on the controller and Simmons' arm rose up on its own. Grif and Simmons looked at each other as Simmons tried to lower his arms, but had no control.

Simmons: Hey! I can't lower my arms!

Grif: What?!

Draven pushed another button as Simmons soon dropped his gun and got into a fighting position as if in a fighting game.

Simmons: Grif! I'm being controlled!

Grif: How?? That just seems physically impossi-

Before Grif could finish his sentence, he was being attacked by Simmons. Doing punch combos along with some kicks.

Simmons: What is even happening?!

Grif: Ow! Oof! Doh!! Ack!!

Simmons was soon forced to kick Grif in the nuts as Grif yelled out in pain.

Grif: OOOOOWWWW!!! Not again!!!

Simmons: I'm sorry Grif! I have no control of my actions!

Simmons soon gets behind Grif as he then suplexes him into the ground. Grif tried to get up, but Simmons being controlled punches Grif hard in the head to knock him out.

Simmons: Grif! I'm so sorry!

Draven soon controls Simmons to have him go over to the doors and use the key provided to let Draven out.

Draven: Pleasure knowing you two, even if it meant being in this damnedable cell listening to you two ramble.

Simmons: You won't get away with it!

Draven: Sure I will.

Draven pressed a button and made Simmons punch himself in the balls hard as he got knocked out from the pain and groans. Draven chuckled as the Illusion appeared beside Draven and made a raspy voice that only Draven could understand.

Draven: They're just collateral. I said my job is to kill (L/n). But I never said I could do it in my own way. Once I deal with him, his sister is next.

Draven soon gets enveloped in a cloud of smoke and vanishes in the room to pursue (Y/n). In the room Grif and Simmons were in, there were only sounds of whining and in pain.

Location: Planeptune Forest, Memory Core location.

Time: Sunset.

As time passed, (Y/n), Washington, IF and Shadow had stayed at the Memory Core location trying to see if anything was triggering the area at all for protecting the item itself. From the time they found it, nothing had seemed to happen as (Y/n) remained ever focused. Washington was yawning softly as he looked to IF and whispered about (Y/n).

Washington: Just how long have we been out here...?

IF (Ultra): Almost... 5 hours...

Washington groaned softly and slapped his helmet to jump his nerves to stay awake.

Washington: How determined is he in getting this item???

IF (Ultra): Determined enough he took my bike to get to Lowee when Draven attacked... His amnesia made him forget he had a hoverboard...

Washington looked at IF and sighed, then looking at (Y/n) as he felt Shadow nuzzle against him. (Y/n) pets the dog softly while keeping his gaze to the Memory Core.

Washington: Regardless if he doesn't remember now... He helped save lives regardless of his well-being. Probably something that had to do with who he was and still is deep down. I heard that some people either stay who they are or change slightly when having amnesia. But with how he came and saved us, his gentle nature and care for those around him pushed him to come to our aid.

IF looked towards (Y/n) while he yawned softly. IF soon sighed and looked at Washington with thoughts of her own.

IF (Ultra): You know... That does bring up the reason why (Y/n) came back to help me when Johnathan showed up... I told Compa to get (Y/n) out so that he was safe, but I guess (Y/n) probably couldn't just sit with abandoning those close to him.

Washington: Right. And if I heard the story from Grif and Simmons correctly... Those that ARE (Y/n)'s family right now... Are those he can trust...

Having to remember the story of what happened to (Y/n)'s parents, they were distracted before (Y/n) called out to them.

(Y/n): You know... I know this may be a bad time to bring up, but maybe this new ability I did back in the Basilicom kitchen might help if there are any traps?

Washington and IF (Ultra): Huh?

They both watched (Y/n) as he focused his energy as a small dome began to surround him like a bubble of sorts. Washington and IF widened their eyes in seeing this.

Washington: S-Since when could you do this??? It's almost like the shield dome modules that Carolina has!

IF (Ultra): If you had this, why didn't you use it earlier?!

(Y/n): Well... I didn't really know what the limits were... So I didn't want to take a risk...?

(Y/n) began to chuckle softly as Washington and IF rushed up to him. The sudden thumps of footsteps caused by them startled Shadow as he began to bark softly.

IF (Ultra): What do you mean "New Move"?!

Washington: You tell us now?! After all this thinking?!

(Y/n) sweats as he looks at the two in having to tell them.

(Y/n): That's the thing...! I did it once by accident in the kitchen when Compa scared me! It was like a dome of energy I use in my fights, but as a defensive measure! You should have seen it! Even if I was in a closed space, the energy manipulated itself to the environment so as to not break anything! But...

Washington: "But..." What?

(Y/n) tried to focus his energy to create a small ball in his hand, soon trying to enlarge it before it breaks.

(Y/n): It's like... Science, in a way...

IF (Ultra): How is this anything like science?!

(Y/n): Uh, because trying to manipulate it in a different way is tough?? I can shoot energy into condensed shots depending on my focus, increase my stats based on how I focus my energy or create shields to block incoming attacks... But a "dome shield" of energy? We're talking about a complete safety area to protect on ALL sides here! If I had it when I faced Dionix, I probably would have had a better chance in defending... But I imagine it would cost more energy due to trying to focus on all sides and making sure it didn't break...

(Y/n) kept trying to focus on the making of the dome shield, but it soon broke in his hands again.

(Y/n): Ugh... How did I do it??

(Y/n) would then begin focusing on what he could do for the ability he wanted to try. Washington pulled IF to the side as he had some caution.

Washington: Okay... Question... Were there ANY traps at these Memory Core locations...???

IF (Ultra): Um... No...

Washington: Then what are we going to do about a dome shield he learned about??? He'll have a better reason to be able to just grab it!

IF (Ultra): I know, I know...! I don't see you coming up with anything...!

Washington: You people spent more time with him...! I barely-!

Washington was getting a call on his device as he looked to see it was from Tucker.

Washington: H-Hold on.

Washington picks up the call and begins to talk to Tucker.

Washington: Yeah? What is it Tu-

Tucker (Communicator): Wash! We got trouble on our hands!

Washington: What? What do you mean??

Tucker (Communicator): Grif and Simmons screwed the pooch! We checked up on them when they didn't answer for a shift in guarding Draven and we found them unconcious!

Washington: Found them unconscious?! If they were-

Washington held his breath as he looked at IF.

Washington: IF, we need to go. We need to get back... Now!

IF (Ultra): Huh? Why??

Washington was about to tell IF what got him worried, but a new voice called out to them. It was a voice they remembered all too clear.

Draven: Because I'm here to continue my mission.

Washington and IF looked up to see Draven was standing on a tree branch looking down on them.

Draven: So, I take it I arrived just on time then?

Washington aimed his rifle at Draven while IF got her qatars out. Shadow perked his ears and began to bark in the direction where Draven was as (Y/n) looked that way.

(Y/n): Huh?? Who are you???

Draven looked at (Y/n) and tilted his head softly.

Draven: Huh? You don't remember??

(Y/n): Um... Should I?? I don't remember seeing you before...

Draven seemed to be taken aback with the talk that was currently happening.

Draven: (Is he for real??) You don't remember the fight we had in Lowee? The fields of Planeptune??

(Y/n): Um... No?? I have no idea WHO you are...

Draven: Hmm... Well, in that case...

Draven soon launched himself towards where (Y/n) was as the Illusion formed up to go after (Y/n).

(Y/n): Wh-What the-?! What is that?!

(Y/n) soon casts a shield in front of him to protect himself from the entity coming at him. The Illusion connects to the shield to only then reform in front of (Y/n) to make him gasp in surprise.

(Y/n): What the hell is this- Gurk!!

The Illusion grab's (Y/n) by the throat as he is lifted up into the hair slowly while Draven controls his Spirit. IF and Washington saw (Y/n) was in trouble and charged in at Draven to see if their actions can help (Y/n). Draven noticed Washington and IF closing the distance to him as he began to dodge IF's strikes while blocking Washington's gun fire.

Washington: Leave the boy alone!

Draven: Sorry, but a job is a job. And I'm getting paid good money from my employer. So if you don't mind, I'd rather get my money's worth.

Washington: Grrr...! Stupid Mercs...!

With (Y/n), he was still struggling as his vision was blurring up from the lack of oxygen to breathe in with the Illusion being commanded to kill (Y/n). Washington looked to (Y/n) as he was floating in the air in his eyes and not seeing the Illusion. Washington soon contemplates on what to do and calls out to him or rather something.

Washington: God damn... Hey! If you're still there, (Y/n) needs you! Whether or not he remembers! Help him!!

(Y/n): (Wh-What is he talking about...? Wh-Who...?)

In answering (Y/n)'s question, a blade swings down on the Illusion's arm to sever it and free (Y/n) from being choked. (Y/n) then falls down and begins to choke softly from the pain he felt and looks around quickly.

(Y/n): Wha-?! How did-!?

???: Looks like I still need to play my part it seems... Funny... Can't seem to catch a break...

(Y/n) looked up to see a person in a white cloak with a hood up. The hood covered their face, but the sound of it could seem they were a girl based on what he heard.

(Y/n): H-Huh?? Wh-Who are-??

Silver Artemis (Ivory): Don't worry about who I am... Know that I go by the name of Silver Artemis. I'm here to help you...

(Y/n): "Artemis"?? That's the name of a Greek Goddess I learned about...

Silver Artemis (Ivory): Regardless... Just be careful. This isn't your typical enemy. You won't even scratch that thing.

(Y/n) looks at Artemis and then to the Illusion as he was confused by the statement made.

(Y/n): What do you mean?? If we team up on that "thing" we can-

Silver Artemis (Ivory): Don't focus on this one! Focus on the person that sent this thing after you! You won't be able to hit it!

(Y/n): Yeah... Gonna have to be more specific on the-

Before (Y/n) could finish his sentence, the Illusion took it's chance to dash towards (Y/n) to catch him off guard.

(Y/n): Sh-Shit! Here it comes...!

(Y/n) summoned out Sapphire Spirit to prepare for a counter attack. When the Illusion gets close, (Y/n) tries to swing at the being, but his blade goes through his enemy instead! Noticing this, (Y/n) freaks out seeing this happen.

(Y/n): M-My blade just-!

The Illusion soon punches (Y/n) in the face as he is sent flying through a couple trees in the forest as Shadow barks in worrying about (Y/n) and gives chase after him. (Y/n) lies on the ground as he groans in getting back up while Shadow was already at his side and barked at him to get up. Silver Artemis soon appeared once more and sighed.

Silver Artemis (Ivory): I told you.

(Y/n): Sh-Shut it... Okay... That didn't work... So now what...??

Silver Artemis (Ivory): Listen to what I said. I told you to go after the person who sent this entity after you. I have my own way of attacking it, but your main focus should be on it's summoner.

(Y/n): And what about you?!

Looking past Artemis, (Y/n) could see the Illusion flying at the two in a quick pace holding a sword created by smoke. (Y/n) began to try and get up quickly, but could see Artemis generate two short blades in her hands and got into a stance to block the Illusion when it swung down at her. Artemis pushed up and spun to her right and delivered a double slash to the torso of the Illusion, making it shriek.

Silver Artemis (Ivory): I can handle my own. Handle Draven. That's yours to take down. I still got a score to settle with this one.

Artemis got into a stance with one blade held normally while the other was flipped into a backhand hold. (Y/n) looked at his new ally as he decided to keep a note about the enemy name.

(Y/n): "Draven"? Can't say it's a stupid name. Being mysterious and everything.

Silver Artemis (Ivory): Then you can write a mystery novel sometime. That is, IF you live long enough.

Hearing what Artemis said, (Y/n) chuckled and then smirked.

(Y/n): Someone sure is a comedian. I don't plan on dying just yet.

Silver Artemis (Ivory): Then put your money where your mouth is. Because here they come.

(Y/n) looked to where Artemis pointed and could see IF and Washington crash into a tree while they groaned in pain.

Washington: Did anyone get the number of that punch...?

IF (Ultra): No...

Washington: Okay...

Draven could be heard chuckling as he appeared out of smoke.

Draven: Here we are again. Fighting against each other, and on equal terms.

(Y/n): I don't know what you mean by "equal terms", but that's just rude to hit a lady.

Draven: Not rude when they attack first. Ever heard of "Self-defense"?

(Y/n): Yeah. But they don't count for someone like you!

(Y/n) gripped Sapphire Spirit and got into a stance to prepare for Draven. Looking at Shadow, (Y/n) could see that he wanted to fight beside him this time and felt scared.

(Y/n): Shadow, stay by IF and Wash. You'll be safer with them.

Shadow looked at (Y/n) and whimpered in hearing how he had to stay out of the fight while Draven looked at (Y/n) and sighed.

Draven: If you wish to die, I'll make it a fast one if you let me. I'll even leave your precious dog alone.

(Y/n): Yeah... No. Gonna have to skip out on the whole "Let myself die without a fight." I have people to care for.

Draven: Then you give me permission to torture you as much as I like.

Draven soon generated smoke blades and tossed them at (Y/n). Blocking the blades, (Y/n) dodged the thrown weapons as he steeled himself to clash against Draven.

Draven: I'm going to make you regret what happened in our last battle. I never felt so insulted in my life until you came along!

(Y/n): What are you talking about?! I have NO idea what you are saying!

(Y/n) looked at Shadow as he was still here next to him and barked at Draven.

(Y/n): Ngh...! Shadow! Get out of here!

Shadow: Bark bark!!

(Y/n): Tch...! Come on! Get to safety already! I can't focus when-

Before (Y/n) could tell Shadow, Draven headbutts (Y/n) and causes him to stumble backwards from the attack.

(Y/n): Augh...! Shit that hurts...!

Draven: Here's some more then!

Before (Y/n) could regain his stance, Draven began to dash by and lariat (Y/n) by the neck. The attack launches (Y/n) to be sent flying away as he crashes into a monument near the CPU Memory's location. Rocks fell down from the broken rocks created from the impact while (Y/n) tried to regain his senses. When he does, he sees Draven flying towards him quickly with his sword out to plan on stabbing (Y/n) in his defenseless state. (Y/n) broke an arm free as he blasts Draven with an energy blast from his palm. Shadow ran to get to where (Y/n) was and get in front of him to bark where Draven was sent flying to.

(Y/n): Shadow! Get out of the way!! You're going to get hurt being in the way!!

Shadow looked at (Y/n) and began to whimper while (Y/n) dashed past him. Time had slowed down from Shadow's perspective to gaze at his owner before time resumed to where (Y/n) was running up to Draven. Draven generated more blades made from his smoke to throw at (Y/n).

(Y/n): Got quite the magic act turning smoke into blades!

(Y/n) deflected the blades while he kept running to Draven. A blade slightly grazed his arm and caused him to grunt in pain.

(Y/n): Ngh! Are you really a magician? Because I love magic.

Draven: It is NOT magic! That's TWICE you said that!!

(Y/n): I only asked you ONCE! When have I asked that any other time when we just met?!

Draven: You said that when we MET in Lowee! In fact, this is our THIRD fight!!

(Y/n) looked around and felt even more confused as he tilted his head.

(Y/n): "Third"??? You must be bad at math. Because I literally never fought you before, "magic man."

Draven growled as an aura began to surge around him.

Draven: For the LAST TIME!!! IT IS NOT MAGIC!!!

(Y/n): Oh... This is not-

Before (Y/n) could finish, Draven grabbed (Y/n) by the throat and slammed him to the ground.

(Y/n): GAH!!! ACK!!!

Draven: I'm going to send your annoying pain in the ass into oblivion!! I'll make sure Illusion will tear you to shreds!!!

(Y/n): Ack! Nagh! Kuh!

(Y/n) was trying to hit Draven's arm with his hands to try and find a way to escape. But with how things were going, it seemed that it wasn't working as much...

Draven: I said I would make you suffer if you made me fight. Now, I will enjoy killing you. I'll make your last moments be ingrained in my eyes. Once I'm done, you'll soon have company. Someone close to you will share your fate.

(Y/n) kept struggling as he was slowly losing consciousness. His eyes rolling to the back of his head as a gunshot could be heard as Draven was hit in the head, getting knocked back slightly. (Y/n) quickly turned onto his stomach as he began taking deep breaths and coughing from the air he was being deprived from. (Y/n) looked in the direction of where the gunshot came from and saw it was IF who helped him. Though, IF was still in no shape to fight with how she was leaning against a tree.

IF (Ultra): Won't be that easy... Not while I'm around...

(Y/n): Thanks... Iffy...

IF (Ultra): Just do me a favor... Keep yourself out of trouble...? For me... I can't fight anymore right now...

With that, IF soon passes out at having exhausted her remaining strength it took to hit Draven's weakpoint to save (Y/n).

(Y/n): Can't really promise to someone who passed out on me... But yeah... Promise...

(Y/n) could hear yelling as he turned around to see an angry Draven. Draven's helmet cracked as it showed an eye in seeing Draven glaring at (Y/n).


(Y/n) looked at Draven and he shrugged.

(Y/n): Not really sure. But I one time heard Neptune say... "Plot armor"? But honestly, you have no idea how many times I have escaped death in this world. From killer drones, to a robot that was big at one point but at a human size to fit in a cave, a Fenrir affected by chaos ener-

(Y/n) stopped in mid sentence in what he had just previously said and thought about the cave portion of his stay.

(Y/n): Wait... How DID a robot Neptune faced go from being SO big, to being human size?! That just doesn't seem physically possible!!

Draven: Stop that! Stop being so dumb!!

(Y/n): If you like me to stop, you'll have to wait in line for all the "other" people first. Because honestly, I just have that knack of getting on peoples nerves. Trust me, you are the 6th person I may have annoyed so far.

Draven growled and exploded in rage as he charged in to take a slice on (Y/n), but he dodged the attack just in the nick of time he had. He had felt his hair being cut slightly by the rage fueled blade of Draven as the tree nearby began to slide off and fall from the slash made.

(Y/n): Well... That's bad...

Draven: I'm going to make you wish you took the quick way of dying...!! Out of all the jobs I had taken to assassinate people, YOU are the worst!!!

(Y/n): Well, I'm glad to not disappoint~ Because when dealing with assholes, that's how I roll~


Draven soon began to go into a wild frenzy in charging after (Y/n) while he powered up using his share energy to increase his speed. (Y/n) used Sapphire Spirit to block any attack Draven was sending his way. Draven, using the cover of darkness in the area forming around them, created blades in the shadows to hurtle towards (Y/n). Sensing the danger, (Y/n) quickly dodged the attack while blocking the next one.

(Y/n): You really want to hurt me, don't you?


(Y/n): Yeah. You don't do a good job at it.

Draven yelled as he raised his blade while (Y/n) generated an energy shield on his left arm to block the attack. Draven was attacking faster and harder to break away the shield (Y/n) was using.

(Y/n): If I had to ask-! Ngh! -do you take anger management?! Because I'm a good listener when it comes to getting- ACK!!!

Draven soon filled the area with smoke as everyone's vision had gone dark from the smoke and darkness in the woods. For (Y/n) he couldn't see his own hands. Draven, however, could see everything still. Using his chance, he began to punch (Y/n) by staying away from where he was facing to make (Y/n) keep guessing where Draven was.

(Y/n): Ah!! Ooof!! Augh!!

Draven: What's the matter?! Got nothing witty to say to this!!! No "I can't see" shit!? NOTHING?!

(Y/n): Oh, but I can see. Just not yet.

Draven: What does that even-

(Y/n) brought out his other blade, holding both Sapphire Spirit and his second weapon, he executed a skill he used during his battle with Dionix.

(Y/n): Dual Wield Style: Tornado Storm!!

(Y/n) began to spin in a fast pace with the blades held in the direction of where he spun. He went faster and faster to begin creating a current to pull in the smoke around him, surprising Draven in the process.

Draven: (He's creating wind to pull in my smoke?! Not only that, but it's even pushing the smoke to go into the air!!)

Once the smoke had dissipated and visibility returned to normal, (Y/n) began to slow down in how fast he spun around. When getting back to a normal speed, he soon fell down as his vision was blurry due to not being used to it still.

(Y/n): Useful skill... Painful on the eyes...

(Y/n) tried to get up from the ground, though shortly he fell onto one knee. He was taking in some breaths to try and calm his senses. Once he was able to, he began to look at Draven and smirk. But he had not yet realized which blade he was wielding. He only knew that he had another sword by sensing his inventory.

(Y/n): You're not going to pull a disappearing act like Dionix did. Not letting that happen again. And I'll be damned if I even let some reckless ninja smoke bomb me.

Draven was getting angry at how (Y/n) was being able to counter everything he was throwing at him. Draven kept growling for a moment, but soon began to chuckle. (Y/n) could hear Draven and tilted his head.

(Y/n): Hey, what's so funny??

Draven began to explain why he was laughing as he looked at (Y/n).

Draven: You have no idea how long it has been since I had a challenge. And I'll say, you are giving me one hell of a run for my money. You and your blasted Spirit. I must say, you're prepared for ANY kind of situation that is thrown at you. Even your weapons. I must say, you really are what I was warned about. And I'll say, you will be my greatest target yet.

(Y/n) tilted his head and looked at Draven in confusion.

(Y/n): Wait... "Spirit"?? What is that supposed to mean?? I know my Sapphire Spirit is able to give me a boost, but my katana shouldn't be tha- Huh?!

When (Y/n) looked at his weapons, he soon looked at his other weapon as it was not the sword he remembered using. It was his mother's sword from home.

(Y/n): H-Huh?! How did I get this?! I know I didn't get this sword from home!! Mom would KILL me if I touched this without her permission!! Oh shit!! She's going to KILL me!!

(Y/n) had lost focus in his battle with Draven as it gave him the opening he needed to rush in and punch (Y/n) in the stomach. And it wasn't just a normal punch, it was one with extra force that caused (Y/n) to cough blood from his mouth and be sent flying away.


(Y/n) bounced against the ground and soon crashed into the rocks near the Memory Core. (Y/n) was still shocked by what was going on as he still held both weapons in his hands. His mind was more fixated on the sword itself. Something yelling at his mind that something wasn't right. Draven soon appeared and began to punch at (Y/n) while he had the chance.

Draven: Come on!! Fight!! Get back up!!

(Y/n) was still staring at the sword he held trying to make sense of what he was seeing. It was the sword he looked at everyday in his home. Never touched unless it was something serious. It made him keep asking himself and double checking his memories. Draven punched (Y/n) in the head hard as rocks crumbled down with each hit.


(Y/n) was still lost in thought as a gunshot was heard. Draven felt a bullet hit his armor and looked behind to see it was Washington as he was taking some deep breaths.

Washington: That's...enough... Stop it...

Draven: Jeez... What is up with this mission that keeps ONE person from dying by my hands??

Washington: I won't let you kill him... Not when he's still recovering...

(Y/n) looked at Washington and tilted his head.

(Y/n): (Huh...? "Re-Recovering"?? From what??? Did I get hurt and don't know about it...?)

Draven: Ha. After what happened the other day, he's fighting just like he did back in Lowee. I was even surprised when he had strength to fight with that sickness he had. But honestly, it took guts to even pull off. He has some respect from me. Even so, I still have a contract to fulfill.

Draven looked back to (Y/n) to lift up his shadow blade to prepare to swing down. This scared (Y/n) for a moment to not even raise his blade, but Shadow appears out of nowhere and jumps onto Draven's face.


Draven lost focus in his shadow blade along with Spirit that they both disappeared when he lost focus in his power. Shadow was growling at having to see his owner being attacked as he kept barking at Draven.

Shadow: Bark! Bark bark bark!!


Before Draven could talk anymore, he began to cough and gag at having smelled something as Shadow could be heard chuckling by Draven.


Draven began to cough while Shadow jumped off to rush over to (Y/n) while Draven lost all attention to the fight. Shadow rushed up to (Y/n) and began to bark at him to try and get him to stand up and run. (Y/n) looked at Shadow in the eyes with just shock of why this dog is willing to save him.

(Y/n): Why do you keep jumping in to help...? I don't know you, yet... You keep helping me... Why...?

Shadow kept barking while Ivory secretly hid herself from (Y/n)'s sight so that she could go back into the Crystal of Hope to rest up her energy. Shadow being more worried that his owner wasn't trying to get up or at least try and fight back, he looked at Draven and to (Y/n). With (Y/n) not wanting to get up or move, Shadow decided he had to do something himself. Shadow turned around and got into a growling stance to see Draven recovering from the fart Shadow did in his face. Draven got angry and annoyed with Shadow as a bloodshot eye could be seen from the crack in Draven's helmet.

Draven: You stupid mutt!! How dare you fart in my face?!

Shadow looked at Draven and began to have a cheeky smile and giggle softly while looking at Draven in the eye. Draven, being angered by all of this, rushed up to Shadow and tried to attack him. But with Shadow's new weight being from another dimension, Shadow easily dodged the attack and was sitting down while looking at Draven.

Draven: What?! Stay still!!

Draven kept trying to attack Shadow with the rage Draven is in. From Shadow's increase of speed, Shadow was making it impossible for Draven to even have a chance to land a hit on him.

Draven: This damned mutt!! Hold still!!

Shadow was giggling while he kept moving in fast places before he felt he was being picked up. He tried to look, but all he could do was lightly sense the presence of another entity with some vague differences where he looked. Shadow tilted his head before he looked over to Draven and could feel a punch be delivered to Shadow. The punch soon sends Shadow into a hurtling speed away as Shadow soon touches the ground to roll against it in pain. Washington saw all of this while (Y/n) was still in his state of flux in what was going on.

Washington: SHADOW!!

(Y/n): Sh-Shadow...

Draven: Now stay down mutt!! I don't want to hurt you anymore than what you feel!!

Draven faced towards (Y/n) as to prepare his blade once more. Shadow slowly got up onto his paws and looked to see Draven was going to kill his owner. Shadow began trying to look for a way he can save his master from dying in front of him. When nothing came to mind, Shadow looked towards the CPU Memory. Although Shadow was a dog, he was always different from the others. What made him special was his will and heart to do whatever it took to help those he loved. Shadow knew what he had to do, and he began to make a commitment to get it at all costs. When Draven was about to strike down at (Y/n), a howl could be heard as Draven looked towards Shadow. Shadow was glaring at Draven and growled at him in wanting to protect his master.

Draven: Stay down you stupid dog. I'll make sure this is fast and swift.

Shadow did not like what Draven said as Shadow soon jumped up. Washington saw what Shadow was about to do and yelled out to the small husky pup.

Washington: SHADOW!!! DON'T!!!

Draven: Now what are you- HUH?!

What Shadow had done was come into contact with the CPU Memory itself. Shadow had thought of something during his time when the group saw the item at the Memory Core of how it had helped (Y/n) in recovering from his sickness. But no one seemed to have a thought if an animal had touched it. What would happen if an animal would touch it and happen? Would the animal not have a chance to transform or would they turn into monsters with no chance? Shadow didn't want to think what would happen and had decided to leave it alone. But with how today had led up to now, Shadow had no choice but to take a chance and follow his heart on what could help. Shadow could feel the CPU Memory entering his body and he curled up in the air for a moment.

Washington: This is bad!!! The item went into Shadow!!! From what I know, that item has ALWAYS been used on humans!! But an animal?!

Shadow began to tremble in the air softly, his body soon glowing with energy coursing into him. Shadow opened his eyes as a glow emanated from them too. Uncurling his body, Shadow soon howled into the night sky as there was a full moon out and shining down upon Shadow. In a bright flash of light, those that were looking at Shadow became blinded for a moment. Washington and Draven had to take a moment to try and adjust their eyes to properly see again. But before they could, they soon began to hear a voice unknown to them. A voice that sounded a little robotic along with conscious thought.

???: I will make you pay...

Draven: Huh?!

When Draven had recovered, he tried to look for where the voice came from, but it was nowhere to be seen.

Draven: Who is it this time?!

???: You who make those suffer to get what you want. How low can a person get to kill one another.

Washington looked around, but it seemed that whoever was talking, they were in the blanket of darkness to conceal themselves. Draven was beginning to sweat from the nervousness he felt and yelled out.

Draven: So what?! Everyone has to make a living somehow!!! Not everyone was given a chance to choose how they live!!! My life has been like this!!

???: But yet, with all the possibilities you could do, you choose to harm many people. Even those closest to my heart.

Draven: Then what are you going to do about it then?! SHOW YOURSELF!!!

Hearing something land on some rocks above, Washington and Draven looked up to see something that surprised both of them. Up above, they saw a wolf wagging its tail softly, but longer than any they know about. Some knives could be seen in some holding placements on the body as the glow from the moonlight showed metal reflecting off from the moon's light. The sound of metal clanging could be heard as the large wolf walked along the edge while looking at Draven and glared at him.

???: You have faced many opponents in your time, but now your opponent shall be ME.

Jumping down onto a rock surface, the form of the wolf was shown more clearly now when out of the moonlight. Washington and Draven were surprised even more with the form of the creature being more seen to them after leaving the moonlight. Red eyes flashed in lighting up and looked at Draven. Black armor was in places around the body with some knives on the legs. A black visor rested at the top of the creature's head as it seemed it could close on command. Metallic claws helped the creature from falling over as it slowly walked towards Draven to stare at him.

???: I now take this form as an act out of protection. I will NOT let you hurt my Master!

Washington: "Master"??? Wait, Shadow?! Is that you?!

Shadow?: Yes. Though, like most others, they seemed to have a transformation name. Considering my form is that of a dark wolf, I will call this form: Shadow Wolf. But if you want a simpler name to call me, when I am in this form, you can call me, Wolf.

Draven gritted his teeth as he soon threw blades of smoke towards Wolf. Wolf sensed the danger and dodged the incoming projectiles while using his tail to throw knives of his own at Draven. Draven protected himself by using the Illusion to grab the knives in the air as Wolf was just analyzing his opponent so far.

Shadow Wolf: Hmm... My knives have stopped, but not by hitting my opponent...

Draven: Like your pitiful weapons could EVER harm me, you stupid mutt!!

Shadow Wolf: I was not intending to hurt you then. I had other reasons.

Draven: Like what?!

Shadow Wolf: To gauge my opponent. See what they can do. And considering they stopped by no normal means, you have something to protect you. Making you a threat that I can only sense with my instincts alone.

Draven hitched a breath in being deceived by Wolf as the knives were thrown back at Wolf. Wolf dodged the knives, but while grabbing one out of the air, he spun around once to deliver the knife back at Draven with more force that embedded itself into his shoulder.

Draven: AUGH!!!

Shadow Wolf: Do not look down on me because I am a simple dog in your mind.

Wolf crouched down to get into a stance with his visors closing up to activate a scanner of sorts.

Shadow Wolf: I am not your typical dog that you can mess with. I WILL protect my family where I couldn't before. And with the power I gained from the CPU Memory, I will do just that.

Draven growled and pulled the knife out and held the knife in his hand for a moment before tossing it onto the ground.

Draven: Don't get cocky yourself, mutt. I won't go easy just because you're a dog!!

Shadow Wolf: Neither will I. I am no longer just a simple dog. I have become my OWN master to my ideals.

The two stared each other down at the other, not making a move. When the sound of slight movement could be heard, Wolf and Draven rushed in to begin clashing with metal clashing against each other.

Draven: I'll make you a master, a master of dying!!!

Shadow Wolf: You'll have to catch me first!!

When Draven summoned out the Illusion, Wolf could sense the invisible being intended to punch down on Wolf. With his keen senses, Wolf jumped backwards to avoid the attack with the ground exploding from the collision that would have been for Wolf.

Draven: What?! He dodged my Spirit?!

Shadow Wolf: I told you not to take me lightly, I will show you what happens when you underestimate your opponent by appearances!!

Wolf soon began to run as he used the darkness to mask his body. Draven looked around to try and find Wolf, but the cover of the night sky made it harder to find Wolf in the conditions being made.

Shadow Wolf: Over here!

Draven felt nervous and turned in the direction of where the voice came from, but didn't see Wolf anywhere. Draven soon felt a sharp pain on his back as knives punctured into his back out of surprise.

Shadow Wolf: No, I'm over here now.

Draven focused to send blades over where Wolf should be, but as they went into the shadows, Draven felt he had missed.

Draven: Damned mutt!! Come out and face me!!

Shadow Wolf: But I am. I'm just utilizing MY skills to the best of my ability.

Wolf began to think back on his time when meeting (Y/n) and Noire in the alley and then the rest of (Y/n)'s family back in his dimension. The joy Shadow felt when being with the family brought him joy in being loved and cared for. Shadow felt sadness when the parents of his kind owner died and Shadow felt he was unable to help avoid such fates from happening to his family.

Shadow Wolf: Before you met me, I loved the family I was with. We enjoyed each day to our fullest. It may have been... "crazy" in terms of how it went, but I enjoyed it. Ever since I had moved from my original dimension to Hyper and now the "Ultra" dimension the group called before I came here, I had become faster. More aware of my senses and stronger to protect those I love with all my heart. And with the power of the CPU Memory added, my process of gaining the power I need is now possible to help my Master and his sister. I will NOT let anyone else die!!!

Wolf jumped out of the shadows and pounced onto Draven as he pinned him down to the ground. Wolf tightened his claws to make a better grip onto Draven as he tried to bite at his face. Draven could feel his helmet being scrapped little by little as cracks formed from him struggling to keep his distance from the teeth. Draven summoned the Illusion out once more as he was able to land a hit this time when Wolf let his guard down to be sent flying. While Wolf was in the air, he soon regained his balance before landing to begin charging once more towards Draven.

Draven: Pesky damned mutt!

Draven commanded the Illusion to blanket the area in a thick layer of smoke to blind Wolf with his ability. Clones began to surround Wolf to distract him from Draven's real plan. But unfortunately for Draven, Wolf activated his visor's ability to scan the environment to see clearly into the smoke to eliminate the smoke clones from his vision. Taking the factor of the clones out of the picture, Wolf began smelling the air for Draven's scent next. Once Wolf was able to pick up on Draven's location, he would be prepared to counter Draven's attack. Being alerted that Draven was behind him, Wolf began to wait for Draven to strike. When Draven decided to act, he began to charge in towards Wolf's blindspot. Acting quickly, Wolf turned around and used his tail to quickly wrap around Draven's arm he was using to attack with as it caught Draven by surprise.

Draven: WHAT?! How did-?!

Shadow Wolf: I said to not underestimate me. I am not the same dog that got in your way as I am able to discern your location based on your scent alone. Your smoke clones will not work on me. Now I will make you learn to listen to orders. HEEL!!

Wolf soon tossed Draven out of the smoke and into a tree. The tree shook from the force of the impact while Draven tried to recover. When Draven saw Wolf appearing out of the smoke, he saw the claw aimed for his head as he ducked down to the floor as he could and saw the claw slash down the tree.

Shadow Wolf: How did you say it to my Master? "If you wish to die, I'll make it a fast one if you let me" If you threaten my family, I'll rip you to shreds.

Draven quickly got onto his feet to begin blocking the attacks of Wolf and dodge what he couldn't block. Probably once in his life, Draven had felt fear and threatened. But never had he thought a mere dog would cause him to feel such emotion. Wolf would try to attack with his claws and pounce at Draven, only to miss with each attack due to Draven's training in combat. Though, at times, Draven would get damaged due to facing an opponent not from his training. When Draven tried to attack, Wolf would dodge and circle around and attack from the blindspots. Draven felt more pressure with each second passing by with his anger rising further and further.

Draven: (Tch...!! I can't keep up...! I need to restrategize, but I won't be able to escape to even think! This mutt can track me down if it wants to finish me off!! I'll never recover from the battle if it can track me down!!)

Washington watched on with shock and wonder of how Shadow had been able to transform from the power of the CPU Memory. To see how committed Wolf was to protect his master despite (Y/n) not remembering him at all.

Washington: Got to give it to the dog... When they love their master enough, they'll do anything to save him. But to take in an item that gives those powers of CPUs...? I... I never expected that.

Washington looked towards (Y/n) as he gazed at Wolf while he fought Draven in wonder as well. Washington chuckled at wondering about (Y/n) further and further and began to think.

Washington: (Kid... Just how many people have you connected your life with? The fact Shadow wishes to protect you with all his power, shows how much you can change the world.)

Wolf jumped towards Draven and got on his back. Draven struggled to support Wolf's weight due to the metal that Wolf was equipped with. Draven focused his power on the Illusion to grab Wolf's tail as to pull him off and swing Wolf around. The Illusion soon tossed Wolf that sent Wolf crashing into the rocks. From the collision, Wolf got up and was about to charge in again to attack Draven, but more rocks began to fall down and soon pin him down and leave him defenseless. Washington saw this happen and began to worry.

Washington: Shadow!!

Draven pulled out a medical syringe and injected himself with the fluid to heal himself. With healing himself from the damage he sustained, he looked at Wolf and chuckled at the situation his opponent was in.

Draven: Not much for a mutt that can't get up. Not even able to protect his master even.

Shadow Wolf: Don't taunt me! Ragh! When I get out, I'll tear you apart like my personal chew toys!!

Wolf was struggling and growling to get out from under his entrapment. Draven chuckled in seeing his opponent struggle with every ounce of energy they had.

Draven: And you are in no position to make threats. Though, it was lame of you to compare me to a chew toy. Quite offended really.

Washington was about to try and rush in to help Shadow, when Draven looked at Washington and glared at him. Washington hesitated while Draven spoke to him with anger and annoyance.

Draven: I swear, if you jump in after I just healed myself, I will make you bleed slowly to death. And I know you can barely do anything right now. I broke at least 10 of your ribs before facing (Y/n). Wouldn't want to puncture an organ now, do we?

Washington gritted his teeth and knew that he had felt his ribs being broken. It was even difficult to breathe along with keeping himself standing. Washington had to hold a hand to his chest to help control his pain with what he could do with it.

Washington: D-Damn...!

With Washington unable to intervene, Draven sets his sights onto Wolf as to deal with another annoyance while he could. Wolf didn't feel scared as he kept trying to claw his way out. But (Y/n) had watched the fight along with holding his mother's sword in his hand. Draven walked up to Wolf to look down upon his prey and smirked under his helmet.

Draven: You gave me a good run for my money, even being able to counter my smoke. But honestly, it was a battle I didn't enjoy losing to a dog.

Shadow Wolf: And let it be known that the one being to give you a hard time WAS me!!

Wolf tried to claw at Draven's foot with what reach he could get, but missed by just an inch. Draven stared down at Wolf as he kicked him in the head. Wolf yelped as he tried to hide his pain.

Draven: You don't know when to shut up!! DO YOU?!

Shadow Wolf: I learned that from my Master. To give those that treat my family wrong a hard time. And your kick was pathetic.

Wolf yelped once more from Draven kicking at Wolf in the head.

Draven: SHUT UP!!!

Draven continued to kick at Wolf while (Y/n) watched on. (Y/n) felt like he was in a trance in having to watch what was unfolding before his eyes. Draven kicking Wolf seemed to slow down in his perspective as echoes began to be heard in his head. From hearing him speaking to others that were speaking about Shadow as well. It felt like (Y/n)'s head was going to explode with the information he was receiving as he held his head for a moment. When the pain subsided, he gasped and looked to where Wolf was with terror in his eyes. (Y/n) soon got up and began to run while sending his blades to his inventory space. Draven was about to deliver a final strike to Wolf before asking one last question.

Draven: Care to tell me your final words for your Master?

Wolf spoke nothing as to keep what pride he had and growled at Draven.

Draven: Your choice.

Draven began to swing his smoke blade from up high to down low to end Wolf's life once and for all. But a bright flash of light soon caused both Wolf and Draven to shut their eyes as the sound of grunting could be heard and trickling of blood hitting the ground. Draven and Wolf opened their eyes and were shocked to see who saved Wolf. It was (Y/n), but transformed into his Guardian form while glaring at Draven angrily. Guardian began to grip the blade tighter so as to push the sword away more.

Guardian (Y/n): Don't touch my dog...!!

Draven: Wh-What the-!??

Shadow Wolf: Master!!

Guardian soon kicked Draven in the stomach that launched him into a tree across from him and Wolf. Guardian soon looked to Wolf and the rock that had him pinned down. In focusing his energy, Guardian punched the rock as the energy infused punch caused the rock to shatter and allow Wolf to move freely again.

Guardian (Y/n): Shadow... Are you okay...?

Shadow Wolf: I am. Do not worry about me. But while I am transformed like this, call me "Wolf" if you please?

Guardian (Y/n): Um... Sure...

Before the two could talk anymore, both felt danger head their way as Guardian and Wolf both sliced at an incoming tree with a few projectiles that followed behind it. Draven panted and seemed to be in a rage from everything going wrong for him.

Shadow Wolf: It seems... He is angry.

Guardian (Y/n): I can see that. If it wasn't so dark, maybe I could see him fuming.

Draven: You and your damn jokes! You're battling for your life!!! WHY AREN'T YOU SCARED?!

Guardian looked towards Draven and drew the blade on his back out and got into a stance.

Guardian (Y/n): Because I'm not scared to give my life when it comes to protecting my family. I'd gladly look in the face of danger, and laugh it off.

Guardian smirked as Wolf stepped up next to him and got into a stance of his own.

Shadow Wolf: We will not fail to protect our family. If my Master is not afraid, I will stand by his side and fight alongside him.

Draven looked at Guardian and Wolf as he began to clutch his hand into a fist.

Draven: "Family"??? You make me sick. What's so great about family...? NONE OF IT THAT'S WHAT!!!

Guardian could see the Illusion materializing behind Draven as his anger was growing deeper than before.

Draven: You can keep your bullshit talk about family!!! How about you just die, so I can f**king move on already!!!

When Draven was ready to fight again, Guardian could see the Illusion yell in a blind rage as it was sent towards him. Guardian remembered what Artemis said as to not attack it due to normal means being unavailable to him. He thought out loud to himself based on how the enemy was attacking.

Guardian (Y/n): Wolf! The enemy is using some sort of spiritual entity! Be on your guard!!

Shadow Wolf: I already know about it. This is not your first time facing Draven. This is your third time. The enemy is equal to an assassin that takes great care of how it deals with their enemies. Draven is able to utilize it to create smoke to blind us, diversions to attack at clones of smoke and create weapons to harm us.

Guardian (Y/n): So what's your plan?!

Shadow Wolf: Do not worry, Master. I have a plan. From what I've seen, the enemy has ONE fatal weakness. One I SHALL exploit!!

The eyes on Wolf lit up as he soon howled into the night sky and soon began to charge towards Draven quickly while Guardian blocked the Illusion's attacks. Draven saw this and began to focus on pulling the Illusion back to help him against Wolf. Wolf could feel the presence of the Illusion and stopped to begin circling around Draven.

Shadow Wolf: I know your weakness. The way you fight. The way you handle situations. Everything now.

Draven: You know NOTHING!!!

Shadow Wolf: Oh don't I? Why not send your "Spirit" as you called it when you fought my Master in Lowee to attack him again. I'll be sure to return it in full right back.

Draven began to sweat under his helmet as he clenched his teeth.

Shadow Wolf: Well?

Draven: I don't have to answer to a stupid dog!!

Shadow Wolf: Yet this "dog" learned your fighting tactic. You can send your Spirit out and attack from a far distance. Making sure to handle quick work of your targets. You use smoke to blind your enemies and hope to attack them with ease due to it not affecting you. Your ability to control smoke is limited if your Spirit is farther away it goes from where you are.

Draven began to get enraged by how Wolf had analyzed everything Draven had done so far. Even though Wolf had not fought him for long.

Draven: What is your point!!?

Shadow Wolf: You are afraid.

Draven widened his eyes and glared even more at Wolf based on the claim.

Draven: EXCUSE ME?!

Shadow Wolf: You have become too reliant in your power, that even though you have skill, when met with a force that can't be met with equal grounds, you rely on what no one can see or sense. Giving you the edge in a fight to take those you face by surprise and end them before they can react to what is happening.

Draven wanted to say something, but couldn't as Wolf had analyzed everything about Draven to a perfect T.

Shadow Wolf: When my Master fought you in Lowee for the first time, I heard he had seen something in the smoke before telling Blanc and I. But your voice could be heard. You were surprised by how my Master could SEE your Spirit. With that, you began relying more on what your enemy couldn't. Trying to stay away while my Master fought against your "Illusion" as you called it. But when you felt you began to lose ground, you began to use underhanded tactics. Deception to create lifelike clones made from your smoke. What your tactic didn't account for, was that your smoke is different from you. Each smell has a distinctive pattern. With the added power of my new visor capabilities, I was able to eliminate the distraction and use my senses fully.

Draven was getting pissed at how Wolf handled the problem so effortlessly for just a dog. Guardian was impressed and smirked at how intelligent Wolf was and chuckled.

Guardian (Y/n): Jeez. If I knew you were this smart, I would have been doing far more interesting things with you than simple stuff other people do with their pets.

Shadow Wolf: I appreciate the praise, Master, but something still has me confused so far... There is something... Else.

Guardian (Y/n): Huh?

Shadow Wolf: There is the matter of... Draven's voice.

Draven widened his revealed eye as Wolf had hit the nail on something very personal.

Shadow Wolf: Based on what my visor and ear receptors are picking up, I am hearing two different voices coming from Draven when he speaks.

Guardian (Y/n): W-Wait, what??

Shadow Wolf: I can hypothesize that before I began to battle Draven, I could only hear one voice coming from Draven. After dealing damage to his suit, I could begin hearing two different kinds. The deep tone voice he had, and a slightly higher pitched voice. Almost as if being amplified by a mic.


Washington heard the desperation in Draven's voice as Draven began to charge towards Wolf to simultaneously attack with both Illusion and Draven's smoke blades. Wolf began to jump back, duck, sidestep and jump over Draven to get some distance away from him. Wolf soon sat down while looking directly at Draven with his visor opening up.

Shadow Wolf: Why hide behind a mask and lie who you are? Is there a reason?

Draven: DON'T PSYCHOANALYZE ME!!! You're just a dumb, stupid, mutt!!!

Shadow Wolf: A "dumb, stupid, mutt" that has discovered your combat strategy, countered your attacks and knows what you are hiding.

Draven: You are REALLY getting on my nerves!!!

Guardian (Y/n): I wonder where he got that from?

Draven glared at Guardian and threw a blade of smoke while Guardian blocked it with ease.

Draven: STAY OUT OF IT!!!

Guardian (Y/n): Ha, I know. I just wanted to annoy you. Kinda my thing really.

Draven: And how annoying it can be...!

Shadow Wolf: Master...

Guardian raised his hands to stop his antics for now.

Guardian (Y/n): Okay, okay. I'll stop.

Wolf then looked back to Draven and stared into Draven's eye as Wolf continued to speak.

Shadow Wolf: So, care to drop the act of hiding behind the helmet? Or do you wish to keep pretending to be someone you're not?

Draven glared at Wolf more before he began to reach for his helmet. Draven had a fingerprint lock on his helmet to ensure no one could remove it but him. Wolf's, Washington's and Guardian's eyes were fixed onto Draven. Wolf already knew Draven's secret, but what would happen would shock both Guardian and Washington. When Draven removed his helmet, black hair could be seen as it was long before flicking the hair back to let the hair rest behind Draven's back. When Draven's face was revealed, Guardian and Washington both became surprised to see that Draven was NOT a he, but a she! Draven looked to be that of an adult in her 19's with her eyes having a black color in them to go with her suit of armor. Inside the helmet, contained that of a mic that caused some feedback sound when hitting the ground.

Guardian (Y/n): HUH...?!

Washington: Draven... IS A GIRL?! Wow. That I did not see that one coming.

Draven: So now you know... You happy, you mongrel?

Shadow Wolf: If it means to see your face at least once, I am. But let me ask you now. How do you feel?

Draven clutched her hand into a fist and looked at Wolf.

Draven: Angry. Angry that some dog discovered everything about me. Having to show my face along with my gender. I bet you wouldn't know humiliation if it hit you in the face!

Shadow Wolf: I cannot say that for sure. But it was something similar to me as well.

Guardian and Draven both raised an eyebrow from what Wolf said before flashbacks on Shadow's life began to be recalled in his mind.

Shadow Wolf: I know the feeling of being helpless, having to fend for your own, not being taken seriously or even loved when a family couldn't keep me. I would walk under the cover of night due to my black fur while it was dark to stay away from people who would do me harm. Other times, I would find them and not have the courage to jump in like I do now...

Guardian (Y/n): Wolf...?

Shadow Wolf: My family, before (Y/n), could not take me where they were going to. The parents made sure as I tended to cause trouble... Ruin furniture by accident... Cause people to get hurt by accident... I didn't mean to do that... But it would just happen. Instead of putting me in a shelter for dogs, I was left to be abandoned on the streets. I tried to chase after my owners, not for the adults, but for a child that loved me more than the parents did. Because I was so young... I couldn't keep up and the car vanished before I could see where it would go.

Images of Wolf's time in the city, trying to eat anything he came across defend himself or sneak past other humans.

Shadow Wolf: Knowing that if I had been caught by a "Dog Catcher" as you humans call to take dogs like me in. I felt my life would end there if I was placed into an area like that. So, I hid on the streets like I mentioned. I would wander around and see the many things I had not been given the chance before. I had found a place where I could keep warm and hide in plain sight. Everynight, food scraps would be thrown out as I did my best to open trash bags and eat whatever I could find to survive. When I noticed other dogs chased by humans, I could only watch as potential dogs died because of animal abuse.

Images and sounds of humans in Wolf's memory played back as he hung his head down. Wolf's tail soon rested on the ground in how he felt.

Shadow Wolf: I knew if I was discovered, I would have been killed just like the rest... So, instead... Whatever dog was in their last moments of life... I would do what I can to stay by them to let them know they weren't alone in their last moments... I felt that the world I was raised to believe was being flipped upside down. Rain, strong winds, loud noises and the death of more animals brought in from the alley I had made a refuge... I felt I would spend my life there over the span of three months. But... something changed... One fateful night.

Wolf began to recall the memory of (Y/n) during his Aura Knight routine as Linda had paid the thugs for assistance. It was the same night that (Y/n) would take Shadow in and give him his name.

Linda (Flashback): So, like my Captain ordered, you three are being paid to help catch this "Aura Knight."

Thug 1 (Flashback): Hey, we don't mind. At least our professions are being put to the test.

Linda (Flashback): Criminal life is not- Y-You know what? Forget it. Just, make it look convincing enough to lure him out.

Thug 2 (Flashback): Whatever you say lady.

The events of what played out went as normal, but from Wolf's memories.

Shadow Wolf: Although my Master did not know of the trickery laid out before him, he had no thought of abandoning someone in need while he had the power to do something. Even after he was deceived, my Master chose not to retaliate as it was the Police's duty to carry out their own justice. When I saw everything in action, I felt something from just seeing my Master fight that night. It was something that gave me hope, the light I needed to get me out of the alley once and for all. Even though Noire was not cooperative in helping to take me in at first, I felt the potential love (Y/n) had for me. When I was about to be abandoned again, I chose to not stay in the alley where they left me. I began to follow from behind until they got to a home settlement. From my persistence in wanting to go home with them, Noire finally gave in and let (Y/n) bring me in. That day forward, I began to know love again slowly as I also had a tiny owner at the age of 7 named Abby along with the kindness of Iris and Jasper. They treated me as if I was their own child and it was something I cherished deeply.

Wolf began to recall the memories that led from (Y/n) taking him in all the way to the death of (Y/n)'s parents. Although he wanted to say something about that, he could not do it just yet for (Y/n) didn't have all his memories yet.

Shadow Wolf: And from that family, I will NEVER be able to repay them for their love and I vowed to do EVERYTHING in my power to keep my new family safe.

Guardian (Y/n): Wolf...?

Washington took out two photos: One of Freelancer and one of the Reds and Blues. It was something similar to what Washington felt and could share with Wolf. Wolf looked at Draven and slowly got up on all fours and looked at her.

Shadow Wolf: I chose to fight now where all other dogs decide to hide and cower away for their own safety other than their owners. I choose to follow my Master's will to protect others despite my size or power. So if you attack my Master, I WILL attack you back!! Surrender now or I will end it myself!!

Growling could be heard as Wolf got into an attack stance to prepare for anything Draven would send out. Draven could only watch as she could see the seriousness in Wolf's eyes. Knowing Wolf was serious about his statement, she clutched her hand into a fist as with how Wolf handled her attacks. With how Draven won't be able to escape so easily or to fight back, there was one thing she could do.

Draven: That little sob story, that conviction...

Before Draven wants to say anything else, Draven decides to put her hands behind her head to surrender.

Draven: Don't think I'm all good on surrendering. I will get out again.

Shadow Wolf: And if you do, I'll chase you down to lock you away again.

Washington soon came up behind Draven and took Draven's hands to put them behind her and handcuff her. Washington looked at Wolf and Guardian and gave a nod.

Washington: Good job, both of you.

Guardian (Y/n): Hey, a surrender is a win. At least it didn't end in bloodshed.

Shadow Wolf: I too am glad the battle did not end with someone dying. Enough blood has been shed enough as is.

Guardian looked at Wolf and soon reverted back to his normal self. Not noticing that there were no status effects placed on him this time.

(Y/n): Shadow, what the hell is going on? How do you know Abby? My parents??

Wolf looked at (Y/n) in the eyes and could see that his Master did not know the truth yet.

Shadow Wolf: (Y/n), if you wish to know, you must speak with Neptune. She holds the truth to your questions.

(Y/n): Neptune?? Uh, Shadow... I'm not even sure what you mean by that... Most of the time... She would send me to do ridiculous quests or send me to do pointless stuff only for me to keep stuff in my inventory and take up space...

Shadow Wolf: Master. The more time you are spending here, the more dangers that happen elsewhere.

Washington: Shadow, stop.

Wolf looked at Washington and growled before looking back at (Y/n). He fully intends to want (Y/n) to make a recovery faster and know the truth before the effects of the amnesia effect wears off.

Shadow Wolf: Washington. Do not stop me. I fear if the amnesia effect on (Y/n) wears off, he will return back to Hyper Dimension the same as he disappeared from it. The lies END now.

Washington: That isn't your call to-

Wolf gave a super charged bark that knocked Draven down along with pushing Washington back. Wolf glared at Washington in making his own decision.

Shadow Wolf: The longer my Master is without answers, the more we risk him being unprepared for him to remember. He MUST know now, before remembering. We did it all your way. Now we do it my way.

(Y/n) looked at Washington and Wolf as he was getting more confused and not knowing what they were talking about.

(Y/n): W-Wait! Hold on! What is going on?! What are you two talking about?! Can someone explain?!

Wolf looked at (Y/n) and walked up to him slowly.

Shadow Wolf: Master. I need you to take a look at your watch.

(Y/n): Yeah. If it's about the status effect I would like to just guess what I gained before looking if that's alright. Because honestly-

Shadow Wolf: You won't be getting them anymore. At least, until the current one wears off. Then, it will be the last time you experience a status effect.

(Y/n): What's that supposed to me- H-Huh...?

While (Y/n) didn't want to look, something in the back of his mind made him curious as to look at his watch. The red light he was told about gaining a status effect flashed with "Amnesia" blinking still.

(Y/n): "A-Amnesia"?! Why do I have a status effect of Amnesia?!

Shadow Wolf: Master, what day do you believe this is?

(Y/n): The 15th of August! Shadow! Tell me what is-

Shadow Wolf: You are wrong.

Wolf began to activate the visor he had equipped and popped out a real time holographic display to show (Y/n). (Y/n) widened his eyes in seeing that the time was indeed night, but the date (Y/n) read is what hit him harder.

(Y/n): "January 7th... 20XX"?! Th-This can't be!!! How did 4 months and 23 days pass by?! I don't understand!!!

Shadow Wolf: Master, the effects of the amnesia has caused you to forget many things that have happened.

(Y/n): Then how did you know my family?! Abby, my mother, my father?! There's no way you could have known unless-

Shadow Wolf: "Unless I was on Earth when you saved me." Is that what you were going to say?

(Y/n) became more stunned by the fact Wolf could guess what he was going to say.

(Insert I'll Believe by Altima)

Shadow Wolf: Master. You have forgotten MANY important things. And the person to ask for your memories in full... Is Neptune. She holds the notebooks that contain your thoughts. Your memories.

(Y/n): Shadow! This is all happening so fast! Wh-Why are you telling me this?! What is the meaning of this?! I thought I only had ONE notebook!

Wolf looked at (Y/n) as Washington feared for what would be said as the scene cuts to black.

Shadow Wolf: It is time, you learned the truth. The FULL truth.

Chapter 6. End.

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