Chapter 8: Dive into the mind. The Realm of Memories. - Part 2

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Histoire: Last time... On Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Guardian...

As the process with (Y/n) was going smoothly in recovering his memories, a new threat unexpectedly showed up! Captain IF was willing to do whatever it took to defend the machine allowing (Y/n) to regain his chances of what memories he had. The person announced himself to Guardian and didn't seem to care much about what he had to deal with. Wanting to stop Chronos in his actions, Shadow, Captain IF and Nepgear proved they were no match as Chronos just outpowered what they could try. In wanting to still try, Captain IF was willing to use herself as a shield between the MRS (Memory Recovery System), to which Chronos responded in attacking. However, before Chonos could land the attack, someone new had showed up. A person by the name of Kiyoshi. Although Kiyoshi was able to stall for time, Chronos didn't plan to kill (Y/n), at least with his own hands. What Chronos had done was he had inflicted the machine with a virus! With the virus implanted in the system, the Chaos CPUs that (Y/n) had faced before had gained a massive boost in power that (Y/n) was instantly overpowered in his Guardian Form. Not only from that, but (Y/n) was taking real damage to himself as anything inflicted onto him, reflected the real world in how he got hurt. With no way of extracting (Y/n) from the system, the only way to save him now was to fight from the inside and get to the end with all the memories they can recover. Neptune, Captain IF, Nepgear and the new arrival, Kiyoshi, volunteered to go into the system. At first, the memory of using the Share Crystal Generator was going smoothly, but it all changed when it was destroyed due to the changes from the virus. Without the Share Crystal Generator, it was (Y/n)'s only hope to power up. It would be if Kiyoshi didn't bring in the new and improved Generator. Although (Y/n) hadn't realized it, there was hope, but he was so far not believing there was. In order to reignite that hope, Captain IF, Neptune, Purple Sister and Kiyoshi were willing to stand their ground and make it their best chance to give (Y/n) a reason to keep fighting. On the outside Universe though, Soejammy had discovered his own difficulties when a drone tried to attack him. In a manner of confusion, it was a drone that was previously sent to watch over Chronos' actions, but it was modified with attacking capabilities to destroy targets. With the odds stacked against everyone and events unfolding, will they succeed?

(Insert Venus no Harmonia by Asami Imai)

Third point of view

January 8, 20XX

Dimension: Ultra

Location: Planeptune Basilicom, Inside MRS.

Time: Evening

Inside the MRS, Captain IF was currently dealing with Chaos Black as they both exchanged blows with their weapons. IF crossed her Katars to block an overhead strike to follow up with a counter, but she doesn't get that chance when Chaos Black tries to claw at her.

IF (Captain): Whoa!

IF backflipped away and kicked the hand Chaos Black was using away to dodge it. Chaos Black laughed at the hopelessness their enemies had in facing them.

Chaos Black (Data): Why are you running away~? Come and face me!

IF (Captain): Yeah... Kinda like my body not having permanent claw marks... Gonna have to take a hard pass on that one and say, "No thanks!"

In keeping the chase going, IF turned to run away from Chaos Black. IF put her Katars away and pulled out her guns to try and run while shooting to keep some distance away from her enemy. This fight was like what the others were facing as each of the Chaos CPUs were powered up with energy that wasn't normal to the memory. Purple Sister was facing against her sister as the two were in a sky battle while clashing their blades. Flying side by side to each other while creating sparks with each strike.

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Sis! I don't want to hurt you!

Chaos Purple (Data): Funny~ Because that's what I want to do to you!

Swinging her blade hard, Chaos Purple attacked Purple Sister with her guard up and sent Purple Sister flying into the wall. When recovering quickly, Purple Sister barely manages to dodge the next strike of being stabbed by her sister.

Chaos Purple (Data): Ooooo~ Just so close~

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Oh, my goodness... This is getting really tough to handle here...

With Neptune and Chaos White, Neptune was currently clashing with Chaos White, but was being pushed back slowly due to the power difference between the two.

Neptune (Adult Form): You know Blanc, you really pack a bunch of power, even if you have no muscles...!

Chaos White (Data): Ha! Flattery won't get you anywhere for that compliment.

Neptune (Adult Form): Not flattery, just... How are you this strong?!

Chaos White (Data): Instead of explaining...

Chaos White pushed against their weapons to break the lock to jump into the air with her axe raised. This caused Neptune to look at Chaos White dead in the eye.

Chaos White (Data): HOW ABOUT I SHOW YOU!?

Neptune (Adult Form): Nope! Nopenopenopenopenopenope!!

Neptune began to run away as the axe struck against the ground. The attack caused some pikes to rise up from the attack. Neptune was yelling as she kept running for her life to get away from the consecutive spikes trying to rise up and impale her.

Neptune (Adult Form): Don't turn into Swiss cheese! Don't turn into Swiss CHEESE!!

While Neptune yelled and ran for her life, Kiyoshi and Chaos Green stared each other down. Chaos Green with her spear ready, while Kiyoshi held her sword normally. When looking at Chaos Green, Kiyoshi looked sad seeing Vert like this.

Kiyoshi: Please... I don't want to fight you... We're only here to help...

Chaos Green (Data): Being honest, I quite like being like this~ I never felt freer in my life!

Kiyoshi: You don't know what that will do to you! You're a CPU! Not one to cause chaos! To bring peace to this land!!

Chaos Green (Data): Then consider this new form my resignation to my cause.


Kiyoshi yelled out to Chaos Green with some anger in her eyes.

Kiyoshi: The Vert I know WOULDN'T say that!! She cares about everyone around her!! Even her nation!!

Chaos Green (Data): New form, new chances~ And I'm thinking of being bad~

Kiyoshi frowned at this as she took a stance to be ready to battle.

Kiyoshi: Then I'll just have to snap you out of it then...

Staring each other down, neither of them wanted to make the first move in approaching the other in combat. Knowing that some form of action had to take place, Kiyoshi made the first step while Chaos Green rushed forward to attack. This was meant to catch Kiyoshi off guard with the suddenness of the battle escalating, but Kiyoshi didn't have an ounce of fear in her eye. Chaos Green began to attack with thrusting attacks to pierce Kiyoshi through, but Kiyoshi herself was blocking the attacks as they came to her. The number of attacks being given would force Kiyoshi to sidestep away or jump back from a low sweep attack.

Chaos Green (Data): Ha! Look at you! You can barely make an advance while I push you back like the others can! Seems your bravado has been of false hope~

Kiyoshi looked at Chaos Green while smirking and gave a low chuckle. This caught Chaos Green's attention and began to investigate it.

Chaos Green (Data): What's so funny??

Kiyoshi: Oh, that? I'm laughing at how easy to dodge and block your attacks are~

Chaos Green (Data): What?! You dare joke about this?!

Kiyoshi: Yeah. In fact...

When Kiyoshi had her back against the wall, she saw the next attack come in as she sidestepped out of the attack as Chaos Green's spear got lodged into the wall.

Kiyoshi: I was aggravating you on purpose to do that~

Chaos Green (Data): WH-WHAT?! Y-YOU BITCH!

Kiyoshi smiled as she used her free hand to grab the spear and use it as leverage to lift herself slightly and drive both of her feet into Chaos Green's stomach. The kick knocked the wind out of Chaos Green as it sent her sliding back while clutching her stomach to catch her breath.

Kiyoshi: So, did I leave you "breathless" in my tactics~?

Chaos Green became furious as she stopped talking and tried to charge in for an attack. Kiyoshi began to lean, duck, pull back and sidestep out of the attacks Chaos Green would send her way. Each attack just held a smile on Kiyoshi's face as it irritated Chaos Green.

Chaos Green (Data): Stop smirking while dodging and fight already!!

Kiyoshi: Okay~ Since you asked so nicely~

Making her blade disappear, Kiyoshi grabbed Chaos Green's incoming fist in her palm. Chaos Green wasn't expecting to have her fist be grabbed, but the thought wasn't there for long due to Kiyoshi following through while grabbing Chaos Green's arm to toss her over her shoulder.

Chaos Green (Data): Ahhhhhhh!!!

With Chaos Green being thrown, Captain IF was currently struggling against Chaos Black with her back against the ground. IF was having to use her Katars to keep Chaos Black's blade from trying to cut down the middle. Chaos Black was going to keep pushing more weight down, but the fight between the two halted abruptly with Chaos Green crashing into Chaos Black. Chaos Black was on the floor with Chaos Green on top of her.

Chaos Black (Data): Hey! Watch where you're going!!

Chaos Green (Data): Oh, I'm soooooo sorry. I'll remember that the next time I get thrown!!

While the two bickered, Captain IF had a reprieve of being able to catch her breath a bit while Kiyoshi walked up to her with a hand to help IF up from the ground. I took the hand in being thankful for the assist.

IF (Captain): Thanks... For a minute there, I thought I was going to-

Kiyoshi: Hey, no worries. Got to do what we can to help each other out, right?

Kiyoshi smiled as she looked towards Chaos Black and Chaos Green. The two began to recover as they looked angrier due to the interruption.

Kiyoshi: IF, let me handle these two. Go help (Y/n) and give him a reason to keep fighting. To believe in himself that there is still hope.

IF (Captain): What?! What do you plan on doing?!

Kiyoshi: Well, I plan to stall these two to allow some time to help (Y/n). If you believe he can do this, you need to help him believe in himself and the power he wields.

Captain IF looked at Kiyoshi and sighed at how crazy the plan was.

IF (Captain): Fine, but don't keep fighting two for long. We don't know what could happen.

Kiyoshi: Please, this is a child's game to me. I could use a challenge.

Captain IF sighed and didn't know what to say about Kiyoshi's words at all.

IF (Captain): Just keep them off me if you can...

Kiyoshi: Will do.

IF began to run towards (Y/n) to go help him in trying to transform. Chaos Black and Green continued arguing at each other, until Chaos Black saw IF retreating away.

Chaos Black (Data): Hey!! Get back here!!

Chaos Black was about to make chase onto Captain IF to keep her from leaving the battle, but Kiyoshi suddenly appeared in front of Chaos Black with her arms crossed.

Kiyoshi: Now, now, where's the rush??

Chaos Black (Data): Ugh! Get out of my way!

Kiyoshi: Try it.

Chaos Black was beginning to attack after Kiyoshi, using her sword or claw-like hands to try and catch Kiyoshi off guard. Kiyoshi had summoned her sword back out to block some attacks, while dodging the claw strikes. With Kiyoshi focusing on Chaos Black, Chaos Green took the opportunity to try and chase down Captain IF. Kiyoshi sees this however, as she jumps into the air to get a bit of distance from Chaos Black to focus on Chaos Green. Pulling her sword back, Kiyoshi flings her sword forward to have the blade extend into fly towards Chaos Green and wrap it around her leg. This stops Chaos Green as Kiyoshi uses her to swing into Chaos Black.

Kiyoshi: Sorry, but both of you are going to focus on me now.

Chaos Black (Data): Excuse me? I was facing against IF in our fight, so if you would be so kind, buzz off.

Chaos Green (Data): Sorry, but you're mine to kill. I'm not letting what happened just slip out of my hands.

Kiyoshi: And frankly, you both don't get a say in this. BOTH of you are facing me before you even get a crack at (Y/n) AND IF. Want to test your luck? I dare you to try and get through me again.

Chaos Black glared at Kiyoshi as Chaos Green went to fly towards her spear to get it freed. With Captain IF, she approached (Y/n) and got down on her knees. (Y/n) hadn't moved since they went to go fight for him to prepare.

IF (Captain): (Y/n)! Please, you have to do something! Anything! We need you out there to help us!

(Y/n) was unresponsive as IF began to shake him to try and snap him out of it.

IF (Captain): (Y/n)? (Y/n)! Come on! Why are you acting like this?!

(Y/n): Because... I feel... I just can't...

Captain IF looked at (Y/n) as he continued to talk about what was on his mind.

(Y/n): I mean... Why am I even here?? I was supposed to get my memories back, and yet, someone is trying to sabotage this process... What all happened before I lost my memories...? What enemies did I make that could cause THIS much damage...?? What did I do IF?!

Captain IF looked at (Y/n) and reached out her hand to hold his hand in hers. Using both hands, she held (Y/n)'s hand, not in a rough way, but in a gentle and empathetic meaning to her touch.

IF (Captain): I'm not going to lie to you... Many things happened... The way things happened, the many achievements you made... You of all people have changed so many lives from the way your mother raised you... Even looking at your journals, the way you recorded your life... You had left an irreplaceable mark on all three dimensions so far... Hyper, Ultra, and even our world...

(Y/n) tilted his head in being confused in seeing the IF before him, until an image of the real IF was shown to him on who he was talking to. In the distance, Purple Sister was firing at Chaos Purple with her blade, but Chaos Purple was dodging the shots and deflected an attack back at Purple Sister. Neptune was dodging the attacks of Chaos White and trying to find an opening for a counterattack. Neptune jumps to land on the axe but gets punched in the face as a follow up attack. Kiyoshi was focusing on both Chaos Green and Black as to use all her power to keep the two away from (Y/n) and IF.

IF (Captain): You never fought to protect your life as the many others were more important than your own. Others would be running away... AWAY from this fight we are in. But you chose to stay. To stay and save the four I will come to know your other family here... The people you risked your own safety and life for. In the world where I get to meet them, YOU saved their lives!

(Y/n) widened his eyes in hearing this some hope was brought back to his eyes. Behind IF, Chaos Green had gotten behind IF with a spear raised behind her. The spear aimed for IF and with the intent to kill her.

Chaos Green (Data): YOU'RE MINE!!

IF looked behind her in fear while (Y/n) pushed IF out of the way. The spear began to thrust towards (Y/n) as he began to shout at her.


The spear stopped just suddenly in front of (Y/n)'s face, but just mere centimeters. Blood began to trickle down (Y/n)'s face as the weapon shook slightly in how Vert looked at (Y/n).

Chaos Green (Data): (Y-Y/n)...?

(Y/n): Vert...!

Looking at the spear, Kiyoshi had wrapped her whip blade around the spear and grunted. Kiyoshi had one hand on the whip to keep the spear from going into (Y/n)'s face, and the other was focused on keeping Chaos Black in an energy bubble.

Kiyoshi: NGH...!! Mind backing up...?! I won't be able to do that again if she tries going for you...! And this doesn't look as easy keeping two people back at once!

Chaos Green looked at her and then towards (Y/n) quickly as she felt her mind was woken up from under the influence of the Chaos Mist. When she saw (Y/n), she widened her eyes at what she was doing.

Chaos Green (Data): (Y-Y/n)...! Y-You have to get back... I'm not myself...!

(Y/n): I know you're not...! Let me help you...! I can help you fight it...!

Chaos Green (Data): (Y/n)...! I don't know what, but I can't even control myself...! Even with everything I got to stay conscious, I'm slipping...! Y-You have to do something... ANYTHING to defeat me like this...!

Hearing those words, (Y/n) looked at Chaos Green and stood up to look her dead in the eye. With being able to confirm that even with all the power to make the CPUs like this, they were resisting with all their will. And knowing that they were fighting their own, gave him his reason to fight.

(Y/n): No. I won't defeat you... I won't defeat ANY of you...!!

Chaos Green (Data): This isn't up for debate...! You must-!

(Y/n): I'll save you...!! I PROMISE!!!

Chaos Green looked at (Y/n) with determination in his eye. A spark of fire resonating to show his mind was set on doing as he planned to do. Looking at (Y/n), Chaos Green began to chuckle as she closed her eyes.

Chaos Green (Data): You weren't for one to listen when your life was in danger... When you get an idea... You see everything through, even if you planned to die... Even for those you fell in love with...

Opening her eyes, a hazy mist was beginning to cover the light in Chaos Green's eyes to show she was about to go under once more.

Chaos Green (Data): If you believe you can do it, for the sake of Blanc, Noire and Neptune... I will believe you too...

(Y/n): Not just them. I will save you as well, Vert.

Chaos Green (Data): Thank you...

As the mist covered Chaos Green's eyes once more, the enraged side of Chaos Green was once again back to try and attack (Y/n). IF used her skill as to create a space with fire in between the two.

IF (Captain): (Y/n)! Get back! DEMONIC INFERNO!!

Jumping back, (Y/n) raised his arms to shield himself with what energy he could muster while Chaos Green was sent skyward from the blast by surprise while Kiyoshi appeared next to Chaos Green in the air.

Kiyoshi: Hello. Hope you have a great fall~

Chaos Green (Data): Was that a pun?

Kiyoshi then does an axe kick that causes her to be sent flying towards Chaos Black. The energy bubble dissipated just as Chaos Green crashed into Chaos Black to knock them both down. Kiyoshi landed on her feet as she looked to IF.

Kiyoshi: Time's up! You did all you could! We need to focus on fighting separately to keep them away from (Y/n)!

Captain IF looked at Kiyoshi and then to (Y/n). Nodding her head IF got up and walked past him to place both hands on his shoulders. Looking dead into his eyes, IF began to give some final words to help him.

IF (Captain): (Y/n)... I can't force you to follow the path you followed last time... BUT! If I know what I have read of when you fought in the Hyper Dimension the first time. I choose to believe in your courage that chose to never give up, even when things looked bleak. You fought against Dionix, and awakened a new power, you helped Neptune in a forest even when you had no chance to survive. You helped Noire when her citizens were being terrorized by experiments. And you have and WILL remember all those that you helped! You may not know how special you are to us, but I am NOT giving up on someone who has saved even MY life!

Captain IF gave a smile and soon gave a head pat to (Y/n). The head pat surprised (Y/n) while IF turned to have her back towards (Y/n).

IF (Captain): No matter what, you will always be who you are. No matter what happens, as we are ALWAYS here for you.

Captain IF soon began to walk towards Kiyoshi as the two stood side by side to each other. With both her and Kiyoshi facing towards Chaos Black and Green, the four stared each other down before the four clashed. (Y/n) tightened his hand into a fist and looked at the new generator that was provided for him from Kiyoshi and began to walk to it.

Location: Outside MRS

On the outside of the MRS, the group could observe the battle and see how they were doing against their opponents, seeing (Y/n) having talked to IF before she joined with Kiyoshi to begin defending him once more.

Mirasashiro: If (Y/n) doesn't transform soon, things will get worse from here...

Histoire: I know that (Y/n) had the hardest fight of his life... But to see the CPUs being affected like this is horrible... If Uranus saw what had happened to them...

Histoire was sad as she hung her head and couldn't look at the monitor. The fact the CPUs she had watched over had been taken over by the Chaos Mist. Histoire's counterpart hovered over to pat her back softly while looking sad too about all of this.

Histoire (Ultra): I am sorry that this is all happening... I have had the pleasure of meeting your Neptune for over a decade when she stayed here... And if it had not been for her help, give and take for her actions, the fate of this world would have met a perilous end for both our dimensions...

Both Histoires looked at each other and hugged in knowing that because of Neptune, their worlds were safe because of her good, willed nature when it came to those, she made friends with.

Histoire: Had it not also been for Neptune finding the console Uzume was sealed in... I had feared I would never see her again... Everything Neptune had done... Reminds me of Ivory when she was alive, or rather... Her current circumstances...

Histoire said as Ivory gave a low chuckle at Histoire still thinking about her.

Ivory: Heh... Oh how I wish I could talk to Histoire...

Avdol looked at Ivory as he soon came up with an idea.

Avdol: Ms. Ivory, if you would allow me, I could convey what you wish to say to her if you like? I can see and hear you after all.

Hearing Avdol say that her eyes glistened and formed a big smile at Avdol's request.

Ivory: You will?!

Avdol: Yes. I too wish I could see my friends again... To tell them I am okay and see them. But knowing I cannot... I can at least help you.

Ivory rushed into Avdol and began to hug him in being happy for the chance to communicate to Histoire again. Avdol looked at Ivory and smiled at helping someone in need of assistance. Walking over to Histoire, Avdol began to try and gain Histoire's attention.

Avdol: Excuse me.

Histoire looked at Avdol, curious with what he wanted.

Histoire: Yes, Avdol? What is it?

Avdol: We all know that Ivory is here, but she can't communicate with any of you except with people like (Y/n) and myself.

Histoire: And what's your point?

Avdol: I am going to act as a way for Ivory to speak to you. I just hope it is left simple and not complicated to speak about... But I think Ivory wants to try talking to you.

This caught Histoire's attention as Avdol began to listen in to what Ivory wanted to say.

Avdol: Ivory said, "Histoire, it is wonderful to see you again."

Histoire tilted her head and looked at Avdol as Ivory had an idea to let Histoire know it was her speaking.

Avdol: Uh... To clarify... This came from her, but... "Back before Uzume was sealed away... She and Uzume had a race inside the Basilicom, while flying on winged horse mobs..."? I have no idea what she is talking about...

Histoire: I told them that it was irresponsible to ride-!

Hearing that incident coming from Avdol, it confirmed that Ivory was still here, even if in a spirit kind of way.

Histoire: I-If you were told to say that... With no knowledge of that to begin with... Then... Ivory is here...

Histoire began to tear up as she looked to Avdol.

Avdol: I can assure you, the words I am relaying do indeed come from Ivory herself.

(F/n): Wait, so you're like (Y/n)? You can see her??

Emma: Well, that seems to be a good thing. At least Ivory will have someone she can talk to if (Y/n) isn't awake...

Avdol was about to say something, but Ivory began to talk to him to speak to Emma.

Avdol: Emma, right?

Emma: Yes?

Avdol: Ivory wished to relay this, "She thanks you for worrying about her and how you were there to support (Y/n) when she couldn't. Ivory blesses you and (F/n) on your relationship.

Emma began to blush hard as she looked away while (F/n) smirked.

(F/n): To be honest~ I love her much as she can't get enough of me~

Emma looked at (F/n) and began to pull on his ear that made (F/n) begin yelping in pain.

Emma: If you weren't my boyfriend, I would be pulling both of your ears off...

(F/n): H-Hey! Ow! Ow!!

Some of the group giggled as Plutia just gazed at the monitor. Gazing at the monitor and looking at (Y/n).

Plutia: I'm worried about (Y/n)... But I'm worried about Neppy, Neppy Jr, Big Iffy and that one other girl...

Vert (Ultra): I know you're worried. Trust us, we're worried about him and the others.

Blanc (Ultra): If there is anything, I know they won't go down that easily.

Noire (Ultra): And that even goes double for (Y/n). From what we all know, he has the most will out of everyone that he literally would get back up to fight. Even when he gets damaged so much.

Blanc (Ultra): How would you know?

Noire looked at Blanc and then looked away from making eye contact to avoid the question, but then Plutia spoke up.

Plutia: Because Noire fought (Y/n) and she lost in a fight with him.

There was silence between the four as Blanc began to chuckle at hearing that as Noire looked at Blanc quickly with a finger pointed at her.

Noire (Ultra): Hey! That isn't funny!

Blanc (Ultra): Come on, it is a little. You got beaten by a guy who had amnesia at the time.

Noire (Ultra): You wouldn't be saying that if it was you!

Vert (Ultra): So, you don't deny the event happening then? That DID happen? My~ My~

Vert began to giggle too as Noire growled in anger at how this turned to making fun of her.

Noire (Ultra): Stop it!

While they were making fun of Noire, Adult Neptune was looking at the screen more closely, but with some seriousness behind her look. IF and Compa were watching also when their Histoire flew over to check on the situation.

Histoire (Ultra): How is (Y/n)?

IF (Ultra): So far... I don't know...

Compa (Ultra): JoJo is holding the new generator that was given to him, but he doesn't seem to be doing anything...

Adult Neptune didn't focus on (Y/n) but was focused on the Chaos CPUs more. Just having another look at them again just ate her thought away on something that caught the attention of IF, Compa and Histoire.

Histoire (Ultra): Neptune? What's wrong?

Adult Neptune: Hmm?? O-Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.

IF (Ultra): Yeah... Your acting skills need work...

Adult Neptune: It's that obvious...?

The three nod their heads with a blank look as Adult Neptune begins to sweat.

Adult Neptune: Okay... It has to do with the Chaos CPUs... I just can't shake the feeling of something...

Histoire (Ultra): What is it?

Adult Neptune began to recall some events that happened with her and Uzume one time while dimension hopping together that reminded her of something like this.

Adult Neptune: There was this one time where Uzume and I went to this dimension where someone could actually push Chaos Energy into her victims... Her name was DCD... And I don't even know what happened to her... She just... Disappeared. Like, she is just gone. And seeing the Chaos forms of myself and the others... It is EXACTLY like the ones we had to deal with... But now things are different where we don't need to be in contact with her... The Chaos Energy is in the Mist we see, and it can affect anything it touches...

IF (Ultra): Well, you know crazy scientists nowadays, they can literally make anything.

Compa (Ultra): Same with doctors, we keep trying to find new remedies to help heal our patients more effectively and faster.

Adult Neptune: But that isn't where I'm coming from...

The three looked at Adult Neptune with a curious look of not getting the idea behind the thought.

Adult Neptune: If this Kinja made the Mist form of it, where did he get the Chaos Energy to infuse it with...?

The three looked at Adult Neptune and then came to that sudden realization as well.

IF (Ultra): Wait, you're onto something here! If he's manufacturing this Mist into a deadly substance, WHERE is he getting the resource to make it is a big question!

With discovering something unique to the Mist, the four began to convey their fears to the others.

Histoire: So, let me explain in my own way... Not only do we have to worry about the Chaos Mist, but with how it is made, you think that they have a way of making an infinite supply of the Mist to use???

Adult Neptune: Yes! With how much Mist they used in the capsules with little me and her friends were in, it had to be very concentrated to the point to even change them! With DCD, she could just push energy into them! If they had enough Mist to make that was enough to transform our friends into the Chaos CPUs, who knows how much they have saved up!

Histoire: Oh dear... This does not bode well...

The Reds and Blues were currently discussing how they handled themselves till now while Peashy played with Shadow. Shadow though, he felt unease as he sensed something bad could happen at any moment in the MRS.

Location: Inside MRS

Back at the fight, Captain IF yelled as she was thrown to the ground and heard laughter come from Chaos Green in their fight. IF was looking more worn for wear as her coat was getting damaged along with clothes.

Chaos Green (Data): Too easy. You can't even give me a real fight, IF?

Captain IF grunted in frustration as she got up onto one knee and then onto her feet. IF's hair was becoming messed up while some scratches could be seen on her face from the attacks she had been receiving.

IF (Captain): Ha... Ha... Just getting my second wind...

Neptune herself was having to rest against her blade as Chaos White mocks her for her poor excuse of attempts, Purple Sister crashed onto the floor hard as Chaos Purple relaxed in the air while enjoying her fun. Kiyoshi, seeing the battle happening around her, almost lost focus on her fight as Chaos Black tried to do an axe kick on her. The kick sent Kiyoshi sliding backwards as she was taking deep breaths from the exhaustion.

Chaos Black (Data): Better focus on me~ I'll be sure to give you a real treat on fighting more than they can~

Kiyoshi looked at Chaos Black in the eyes as she sighed and soon got up onto her feet. Kiyoshi began to take deep breaths to calm her nerves and regain some breath to control her racing heart.

Chaos Black (Data): Steeling yourself for the end~?

Kiyoshi: Ha. Nothing's ever over until the fat lady sings.

Kiyoshi began to smirk and look at Chaos Black.

Kiyoshi: Or that is, until I sing~

This confused Chaos Black as Kiyoshi summoned something out and tossed it into the air. When it got high enough into the air, it soon began to float and activate.

What began next was music filling the air as Kiyoshi smirked with her plan working. This began to catch the others' attention as music suddenly coming out of nowhere was confusing.

Chaos Black (Data): What are you doing?

Chaos Purple (Data): Music?

Chaos White (Data): Why?

Chaos Green (Data): Ugh... How annoying can this get...?

Dionix (Data): What is the meaning of this tomfoolery???

Kiyoshi began to smirk more as she readied her weapon while giving a bow.

Kiyoshi: I'm going to show you all something new that will bring light to our victory~

Getting ready, Kiyoshi began to charge towards Chaos Black and flicked her wrist to extend the blade and swing it.

Kiyoshi:Cutting all this garbage in half with my shining blade

With Kiyoshi beginning to sing, Kiyoshi became faster as the tip of the attack caused Chaos Black to be pushed back from the force of the hit. Making Chaos Black became surprised with how it happened.

Chaos Black (Data): What?! Why did a simple attack such as that push me back!?

Kiyoshi: I did extra homework on how to slaughter you

Kiyoshi ignored Chaos Black as to focus on herself and what her plan was. Kiyoshi continued to run towards Chaos Black as her enemy filled her blade with energy to create an energy slice towards Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi: I'll run through the field with high output and strength

The energy slice that was launched was in a horizontal slash heading straight for Kiyoshi. When the blade got close, Kiyoshi dropped down onto her knees and leaned back to slide under the attack and then jump up into the air.

Chaos Black (Data): No way! How is she so fast?!

Kiyoshi: I dive in with my all for both my dreams and my fights

Kiyoshi began to swing her blade around as each piece of the blade began to glow as Kiyoshi prepared an attack. Looking to her right, she could see that Captain IF was beginning to have a difficult time in handling Chaos Green and decided to help her.

Kiyoshi: Let's sing when our songs overlap

Kiyoshi soon aimed her attack towards Chaos Black for her attack. When Kiyoshi attacked, each created light that was from each piece of the blade was then hurtled toward Chaos Black. Being caught off guard, Chaos Black tried to begin moving, but was soon met with being pelted by the energy shots. The more Kiyoshi kept singing, the more it would soon affect Capitan IF, Neptune and Purple Sister. The three would feel as if the pain was slowly going away, and that they could move more freely and had more energy to spare.

Neptune (Adult Form): Oooo~ Watch out~ Cause this Nep is supercharged~!

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Where is this increase of energy coming from? I feel more energized!

IF (Captain): (Is this Kiyoshi's doing? After she began to sing, I feel like my strength is coming back to me to fight back harder!)

Kiyoshi:We'll rip apart even the tallest wall and create the future

Neptune, Purple Sister, and Captain IF soon began to fight back with some more effort to hold their own against the Chaos CPUs. Neptune gave a spin kick with some slashes from her blades, when Chaos White tried to swing her axe down on Neptune, she dodged out of the way with ease and kicked Chaos White in the gut to knock her back. Purple Sister was sending multiple shots towards Chaos Purple to distract her enemy and give some cover behind her attack. Chaos Purple was busy blocking the blasts but failed to see Purple Sister from giving an axe kick to send Chaos Purple spiralling downward to the floor. Captain IF smirked as she found herself being able to keep up with Chaos Green as she was being able to dodge each thrust made towards her. When a thrust came down the middle, Captain IF crossed her Katars together to block the thrust and repel Chaos Green's spear. IF soon follows up with a shoulder to Chaos Green's chest, follows up with a kick to her head and then a spin-thrust kick to Chaos Green's abdomen.

Kiyoshi:"Our dream won't lose"

When Kiyoshi begins to fall to try landing on the ground, Chaos Black was beginning to charge towards her to try and get the upper hand on Kiyoshi.

Chaos Black (Data): Got you now!

Kiyoshi: Push through it with our strong love

Just as Chaos Black was about to grab Kiyoshi's leg, an energy disk found its way as a foothold to allow Kiyoshi to avoid her foot from being grabbed by Chaos Black to launch herself into the air!

Chaos Black (Data): What?!

Looking over, (Y/n) was positioned in having been the one to throw it in helping Kiyoshi and protecting her. This caused Chaos Black to get enraged and charge towards (Y/n), who was still having trouble accessing his generator. Flipping in the air, Kiyoshi used her whip blade to launch it at the ceiling to use as an anchor and pull herself to the direction. Kiyoshi flipped through the air over Chaos Black and landed on the ground with her blade ready that had reconnected back together.

Kiyoshi:Ready, go!

Kiyoshi and Chaos Black clashed as Kiyoshi was doing everything she could in trying to keep Chaos Black away.

Kiyoshi:I may be inexperience and incomplete, but I won't run away

Kiyoshi pushed up against Chaos Black's blade and they began to swing at each other repeatedly to not give the other ground. (Y/n) was still trying to figure out how to activate the new generator.

Kiyoshi:When I believed I had overcome everything, my history became stars

Kiyoshi took her hand off the blade really quick and focused energy into a blast with her hand to push Chaos Black back, but it backfired when Chaos Black knocked her blade into the air!

Chaos Black (Data): Got you now!!

Chaos Black was about to swing down on Kiyoshi that would soon end her life, but suddenly, (Y/n) had blocked the blade with his Sapphire Spirit to protect Kiyoshi.

(Y/n): Noire! I'm not going to let you be a murderer!!

Chaos Black (Data): Y-You can still fight?!

(Y/n): When my friends are in danger, I'LL DO ANYTHING!!!

The generator behind Kiyoshi began to react softly as Kiyoshi herself noticed it also. With (Y/n) getting the courage back to keep fighting, the generator will recognize his will to save those he loves.

Kiyoshi:Now illuminate this moment with light and support

Kiyoshi began to focus on her own power and charging up her energy between her hands. The energy was coming together slowly as Chaos Black smirked while looking at the damage she did to (Y/n)'s cheek.

Chaos Black (Data): When I'm done with you, I'll leave more personal marks of my own kind on you to remember who is more powerful!!

(Y/n): Even though the Chaos Mist has you under Lord Dark and Crazy, I know deep down you don't want it. And that's why I WON'T give up!!

(Y/n) yelled to let his energy surge to push against Chaos Black's while digging his feet for more of a grip to hold his ground.

Kiyoshi: See, someone's waiting for you...!

Giving his all to push against Chaos Black, (Y/n) channelled his energy to his arms to give more power to his swing to push Chaos Black back. Kiyoshi soon rushed past with her energy between her hands as it glowed brightly. A glow was happening inside of Kiyoshi's shirt as it radiated the same energy in her hands.

Kiyoshi:Let's go together, my twin heart

Kiyoshi thrusted her hands forward and soon blasted Chaos Black with a concentrated move that would propel her towards the glass wall to crash against it. Kiyoshi looked towards (Y/n) with a seriousness in her eyes.

Kiyoshi: I don't need your help, focus on the generator to activate your powers again.

(Y/n): If that's your way of saying "Thank you for saving my life." I'll take what I can get.

Kiyoshi: If we survive this, I'll give you a proper thank you at the Jonny's.

(Y/n): Yeah, yeah. Just know that-

Catching something Kiyoshi said to him, (Y/n) widened his eyes and looked at her.

(Y/n): Wait, how do you know that diner???

Kiyoshi realized a mistake and looked away from (Y/n). (Y/n) began to question Kiyoshi more at the feeling that she may be hiding something.

(Y/n): Hey! Answer my question! How do you know that diner!? I never mentioned that to anyone in this world!! How do you know that diner in specific?!

Kiyoshi: If you live and regain your memories... You'll find out personally...

Kiyoshi began to run back into the fight to try and help the others while Chaos Black was stunned for a moment. (Y/n) had an arm out in wanting to stop her, but he couldn't really have the luxury to ask. (Y/n) looked around as Kiyoshi kept singing to give power to her allies. Captain IF dodged the strikes made to her and even countered an attack back at Chaos Green with Kiyoshi shoulder tackling her in the back and continued to sing.

Kiyoshi:I have gained loads of experience doing this again and again

Neptune focused on using a single blade but used a gun in her other hand to have range and melee at the same time against Chaos White.

Kiyoshi: No matter what you throw at us, we'll get through it together

Neptune (Adult Form): This one is to you all SAO fans of that one Kir-what his name is!

Neptune charged in towards Chaos White as she leapt forward. Neptune made it look like she was going to swing with her sword, but it then turned out that she began to fire with her gun at a close quarter. The attack caused Chaos White to stagger back from the attack while Neptune cheered at her own plan.

Kiyoshi: I now understand how to rip you apart

Purple Sister flew circles around Chaos Purple, thanks to the power boost given to her by Kiyoshi's singing and was able to leave speed afterimages. Chaos Purple tried to attack one of the images but hit nothing but air.

Chaos Purple (Data): For a "Hero" little sis, you sure are cheating!

Kiyoshi:I won't hesitate to hurt you

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Sorry sis, but this is to help you return to normal!

Purple Sister chose to ignore the comment in knowing that she had to keep focusing if it meant helping the others buy time. In finding times to strike, Purple Sister would fly towards Chaos Purple and do slashes from behind her and return to the group of afterimages. With (Y/n) however, he was still trying to activate the generator and was getting frustrated.

Kiyoshi: Let's try and harmonize our voices

(Y/n): AUGH!!! What is this going to take?! This is different from my original model!!

While (Y/n) was talking, Histoire began to try and help (Y/n) by communicating to him through the system itself.

Kiyoshi: Because when we're together, our power turns into bravery

Histoire (Outside MRS): (Y/n)?? Can you hear me?

Being surprised by the suddenness, (Y/n) looked up.

(Y/n): Histoire?!

Histoire (Outside MRS): Yes, it is me. But you need to really focus right now to activate the generator to help you and everyone else!

Kiyoshi: ♩"I won't hesitate any more"

(Y/n) was getting frustrated in knowing that he needed to activate it, but he didn't know how.

(Y/n): I'm trying! But I don't see a button on here at all!! I know I was able to do something by focusing it to let it know I needed to use it, but I can't get this one to work!

Kiyoshi:I swear upon this eternal love

Histoire (Outside MRS): That is because this generator is from the real world. You don't know this because you lost your memories, but while you had it, the energy it had stored while on Earth made it evolve. The design is ours alone, but how it reacts is based on the user's will. The device MUST sense your will and need to use it. But you won't be able to activate it if your resolve isn't there!

(Y/n) took in the words Histoire said as he began to hear as he began to think to himself on how he has contributed to the fight so far.

(Y/n): (B-But am I really able to do this?? What if this doesn't work...? What if-)

Kiyoshi:Ready, go!

Before (Y/n) could think anymore, he began to hear a familiar voice call out to him.

Black Sister (Data): Are you really going to just give up here?! Are you going to let us down after all you've promised us?! What will our sisters and Vert feel having to defeat you?! Think you idiot!!

KiyoshiIn a world where we cut everything into tiny pieces

(Y/n) looked over to Black Sister as she pounded on the wall with the bottom of her fists while staring right at him.

Black Sister (Data): You call yourself strong, but you are giving up this easily!? You don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand! You say no! You have the guts to do what's right, even when everyone else just runs away. You may be the most reckless man I may ever know, but you have the burning will to do what's right even in the toughest situations! Get up! Get back up and help your friends!! Get back up and help those you love you damned idiot!!!

Kiyoshi: Where we can laugh and cry with new friends from now on

Hearing Black Sister's words in how much she trusted him, the others looked at (Y/n) and gave him a nod that if Black Sister believed in him, so did they. Feeling the support, he had he began to hear more.

Purple Sister (Nepgear): (Y/n)! You have done so many things on your own! Your strength is not your ability to overpower someone! Your strength is being able to keep standing and keep fighting until you can't anymore!!

Neptune (Adult Form): You followed your heart to allow you to get to this moment! Even when you were told to run away or fight, you set your mind to what you wanted!

Kiyoshi:Let's overcome everything by holding hands

Captain IF jumped an attack from Chaos Green and landed on the spear to have it trapped for a moment. Chaos Green would have punched at IF next, but Kiyoshi punched Chaos Green in the stomach.

Kiyoshi:Let's walk onwards together...!

IF (Captain): (Y/n)! You are not who you used to think! You have come so far on how I met you! When you got an idea in your head, you always sought to make it a reality!! Others would have called you crazy, but you MADE the impossible into a POSSIBILITY!!

Kiyoshi: We are one, my twin heart

(Y/n) hearing all these words, he felt something in him building up power as his friends encouraged him deep down. (Y/n) looked at his generator and began to clutch it tightly in how he felt.

(Y/n): I may have given up... But even if I have all this power, I don't choose to fight for myself...

Kiyoshi:We've shared each other's pain

(Y/n): Not once did I ever want to use my power to protect myself...

The generator began to glow brighter in response to (Y/n)'s words. The others kept fighting to make sure (Y/n) would have time, but unknown to Kiyoshi's sight, Chaos Black was recovering slowly.

(Y/n): I always wanted to make a difference. Like something deep in me was different, like "What could I do because I was different?"

The generator began to glow more brightly as Dionix noticed the reaction the box was having with (Y/n).

Dionix (Data): What is going on with that fake??

Kiyoshi: Ever since yesterday

The generator began to glow brighter as (Y/n) focused on the memories he had recently regained as he thought about the people he saved. Thought about the friends he had made and even the three CPUs he fell in love with.

(Y/n): Not ONCE was I told to give up...! Not even trying to change who I am...!

Kiyoshi:Today's bond and the seed of ambition

(Y/n): The strength I gained isn't from the training I did most of the time... This is something else...!

The generator began to glow brighter and brighter as Dionix looked towards Chaos Black.

Dionix (Data): Black!! Go stop him, NOW!!!

Kiyoshi: Will shine into tomorrow

Hearing the command, Chaos Black nodded her head and began to dash towards (Y/n) at a quick pace. Flying towards (Y/n) with the intent to kill him under the influence of the Mist. (Y/n) looked towards Chaos Black as the generator shined brightly to the point where (Y/n) felt he could open the box. When his assumption was correct, he grabbed the Share Crystal that was inside and looked Chaos Black in the eye with his flame to fight reignited.


Kiyoshi:Shine through with our strong love!

(Y/n) then thrusted the Crystal into his necklace as the Crystal of Hope began to react on a deeper level than the first time as a purple dome encased (Y/n) around it. The dome repelled Chaos Black when she collided into it as she looked surprised by the sudden power spike she felt.

Chaos Black (Data): Wh-What the?!

In the Dome, (Y/n) had transformed into Guardian, but was about to go further than his plan would take him. In the dome, Guardian didn't have his usual armor on as he then acquired the emblem of Planeptune appearing on the top of his left hand. Guardian's hair soon began to turn purple and get longer behind his back. The armor he gained consisted of being purple as he gained it for his legs, torso, arms, and visor. When looking in the visor the words "Purple Guardian Mode" could be seen as Guardian soon summoned his sword that would be holstered in a sheathe while it rested at his side. When drawing the blade, he made a single slash as he soon began to sheathe it. When putting it away, the wall behind Guardian showed the symbol of the Sharicite and emblem of Planeptune in finishing the transformation. The dome dissipated quickly as it showed (Y/n) is his Purple Guardian form to which then surprised everyone.

Dionix (Data): WHAT?! What happened to him?!

Chaos Black (Data): What form is that?!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Now let's get serious.

Kiyoshi:Ready, go!

Purple Guardian crouched down as he then vanished from Chaos Black's sight. This surprised Chaos Black as she looked around but felt a presence behind her.

Kiyoshi:I may be inexperienced and incomplete, but I won't run away

When turning around, Chaos Black was about to attack when she began to yell in being sent flying back due to a punch made to her gut. The punch caused her to fly past the fights with Chaos Purple, White and Green to which caused everyone to look at Purple Guardian. The visor opened to show his eyes had gained the Sharicite symbol in them as he looked at the Chaos CPUs to begin forming a plan.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): All four of you will be purged of the Chaos Mist. I will see personally to that.

Seeing (Y/n) had powered up just as planned, the others backed away to allow Purple Guardian room to do what he needed to do. Kiyoshi, however, continued to sing to give what she could left in her song to boost Purple Guardian's power.

IF (Captain): Give it all you got!!!

Kiyoshi:When I believed I had overcome everything, my history became stars

Chaos Purple, Green and White soon began to fly towards Purple Guardian as he began to release a purple aura to increase his abilities further. Chaos Purple and Green were the first to arrive and begin attacking Purple Guardian as he was dodging each attack with ease. It would even look as if the attacks would be passing through him instead if one looked closely enough.

Chaos Purple (Data): Our attacks have no effect?!

Chaos Green (Data): No! (Y/n) is moving so fast, he's making us think our attacks don't affect him!!

Kiyoshi:Now illuminate this moment with light and support

Chaos White (Data): Then move out of the way, Thunder Tits!!

Looking behind them they could see Chaos White had prepared to slam her axe down on Purple Guardian. Chaos Purple and Green moved out of the way as fast as they could. Purple Guardian just stood there and looked up at Chaos White with a look before the axe slammed down to cause the floor to break around the attack and erupt dust and rocks into a spike. Chaos White soon floated up to look at the damage she had done to see if Purple Guardian was hurt in the explosion. When the dust cleared, Purple Guardian was nowhere to be seen!!

Chaos White (Data): What?! I was for sure I-

A shadow over casted above Chaos White as she was surprised and looked up. Above her, was Purple Guardian that delivered an axe kick that sent her sailing straight down and crash on the floor. Purple Guardian floated in the air with wings having been formed on his back. The energy coming out was the same as his aura for his power. Purple Guardian began to descend toward the ground to get down to even level with the Chaos CPUs. When landing on the ground, he began to look for Chaos Black as he didn't see her.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Now where did-

Kiyoshi:Now illuminate this moment with light and support

Chaos Black soon came rushing in as she was able to deliver a quick blow to his face with a punch with a loud sound to signify Purple Guardian had been hit. Purple Guardian had an impact mark on his face as Chaos Black cheered in landing a hit.

Chaos Black (Data): HAHAHAHA! What do you have to say for that now?!

Looking at Chaos Black, Purple Guardian just looked at her as he brushed off the attack as if it was nothing.

Kiyoshi:See, someone's waiting for you...!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): My turn.

Purple Guardian crouched for a moment before disappearing using Shadow Step in a blink of an eye, Purple Guardian had punched Chaos Black into the air. Purple Guardian began to appear and disappear around the area where she would be sent flying and keep hitting her. When Purple Guardian appeared in the next place Chaos Black would go flying to him, he soon caught her by her head and looked her in the eyes. The look meant he wasn't playing around and began to dive down and accelerated his speed.

Kiyoshi:Let's go together, my twin heart

Purple Guardian yelled as he soon slammed Chaos Black to the ground and caused the ground to erupt from the impact. Chaos Black groaned in pain as he then tossed her to the other Chaos CPUs who caught her. Chaos Black was dizzy for a moment before she could stand on her own feet and glared at Purple Guardian.

Chaos Black (Data): What kind of form is that?! Where did you get so much power?!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I don't need to explain as even I am confused. But what's more, I feel my mind is so much clearer than I previously had. In fact, I should thank Histoire for having made this... Because I can remember... I remember...

This confused some of the group, but Neptune, Captain IF and Purple Sister all had similar looks of worry.

IF (Captain): Crap...! Does he remember all of his memories...??

Neptune (Adult Form): Oh man, I hope we didn't activate some sort of secret cheat to get to a worrying boss fight...!

Purple Sister (Nepgear): That should be the least of our worries... If he remembers, what will he do...??

They looked to where Purple Guardian was but saw he had disappeared but then reappeared in front of them. This scared them as he was out of earshot of the rest of everyone that could try and hear.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I know you three are not from my memories... With what I know, I know this is a simulation to regain my memories... Am I right?

With how correct Purple Guardian was, Neptune, IF and Purple Sister nodded their heads. Purple Guardian looked over towards Kiyoshi as he wanted to question her, but he knew there would be a better time than now.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): If you're worried how I would get angry... Don't... Because that is not who I am in this state...

The four looked at Purple Guardian as he still had more to talk about.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): You did help me gain more power, but there was something we never thought would happen... Something that even my other self doesn't even know...

IF (Captain): What's that??

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I may be (Y/n) you are talking to, but I'm not the same as him. When I had taken the energy in, there was a moment where something happened, and here I am in this time era where I defeated the Chaos CPUs and saved my friends. But I wouldn't remember this if I was (Y/n)...

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Then, who are you?

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I am (Y/n) as you know, but I am also not him. I am the being of Planeptune's Share Energy given form and power. Purple Guardian. Call me as an alternative version of who you know as (Y/n), as I still remember all the memories, he experienced...

Neptune (Adult Form): Then... How do you feel about losing your parents...? You never talked about it...

Purple Guardian was sad as he then looked at Neptune to answer her question.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I was sad... I felt I had lost two of the most important people in my family... I felt so alone as I didn't know how to take it...

Purple Guardian began to recall the pain, the anger and loss that he had felt through (Y/n)'s memories. (Y/n) would be up late in focusing his next plan to stop Dionix and working constantly to prepare for any incident. As a defense from feeling more pain, his heart was shut from interacting with anyone other than Abby personally to keep him happy most of the time. When he needed something, he bluntly came out and said what he would need through his grief.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): With how things turned out, we were hurt badly... I could do nothing as I was only someone different observing everything around me. And I felt SO sorry, what I have done. Neptune... Nepgear... Aunt IF... I am so sorry.

Turning around to face the Chaos CPUs, Purple Guardian continued to talk to his allies one last time.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): When the real me returns, do not force him to remember... He is not ready to remember the pain of losing both parents... Should he remember, all I would be able to do is observe what he would do... Should you need me, Planeptune's Share Energy is what he'll need to bring me out.

Neptune, IF and Purple Sister looked at Purple Guardian as he began to walk towards the Chaos CPUs. Captain IF, not able to hold herself back, rushed forward to get in front of him to spread out her arms.

IF (Captain): No! I'm not letting you fight this by yourself! You always fight alone with no one to have your back for you!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): And it needs to be like this for this fight right now...

Captain IF shook her head in denying that and gave a stern look.

IF (Captain): No! You are NOT alone! Let me help you!

Purple Guardian looked at Captain IF and then sighed in knowing how stubborn she is.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Then you listen right now. Stay by me, don't get separated and do the best you can.

IF (Captain): Hey! I may look like a kid but remember who's older than you still.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Not in this situation, you're putting your own life at risk doing this. You have no idea what my original form dealt with.

IF (Captain): How bad was it?

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Where I was on my last legs and nearly gave up on myself to save them. With everyone cheering me on, I felt the strength to stand. My greatest strength isn't this form or my power, I can be as strong as I want. But what good is power if you don't have anyone to protect?

Captain IF nodded her head and smiled at those words.

IF (Captain): And that is why you won't give up. And like you, I have a family to protect. Abby, Compa and you. I know you can do this, but now I want to understand the world you tried to keep a secret. To be here and support you in all you stand with.

Purple Guardian smiled as he walked up next to Captain IF and then they both began to face towards the Chaos CPUs. The Chaos CPUs looked nervous due to the sudden change in power Purple Guardian was giving as Chaos Purple was the first to talk.

Chaos Purple (Data): What is that new form?? Where did you get all this power???

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I can't exactly say that... But the fact I can be in this form allows me to do what I need to protect the people I love AND save you four as well.

The Chaos CPUs looked at each other and began laughing at Purple Guardian's words with Chaos White beginning to speak next.

Chaos White (Data): And what if we DON'T want to be saved?! We feel SO DAMN POWERFUL!!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): And that's why I must help you. This newfound power you feel and using, it's hurting people around you! You four tried to kill your friends!

Chaos Black (Data): Why do you care!? Here you are showing off your new power as well, and yet you accuse us?!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Your minds are clouded by rage and chaos. This is by no way to perceive the truth like this.

Chaos Green (Data): Then instead fighting, why not join us? Maybe you can experience this power and see how we feel~?

Purple Guardian shook his head and separated his visor to look at them with his own eyes.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): And you should know that I won't just comply with the request. Everything that you are right now is not how I first met you all! Noire! You should know better than anyone that your people were terrorized by the Mist! I helped you fix that problem those scumbags in the forest facility were doing to the mobs! Neptune! When Mira powered you down, I saved you from the drones! Blanc! When Rom and Ram got kidnapped, I did everything I could to try and get them back! Vert! Even though you are not related to me, I treat you like family! You're like the Big Sister I never had!!

Purple Guardian grits his teeth while looking at Dionix and makes a statement.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): And I will save them and bring them back.

Purple Guardian closed his visor and reached for his sword in the sheathe to draw it out if needed. Captain IF got into a stance and looked at Purple Guardian with her Katars out.

IF (Captain): WE will save them. Together.

The Chaos CPUs got into their own stances to prepare for battle. Purple Guardian made the first move along with Chaos Purple to meet head on. Flying in to join in, Chaos Black tried to attack Purple Guardian from behind, but he dodged the attack by side stepping. IF was having her own battle as she dodged a slam of Chaos White's axe. IF had to guard against any stray rubble that came flying at her when the attack hit the floor near her. IF was then kicked from behind and let out a yell as Chaos Green attacked from IF's blind to send her flying. Gritting her teeth, IF flipped in the air and switched out for her guns to fire at Chaos Green.

IF (Captain): Augh...!

Chaos Green (Data): Someone getting frustrated~?

IF (Captain): Not even!

Captain IF landed on the ground and felt danger heading her way. When looking behind her, IF could see that Chaos White was charging in from behind her with the axe ready to slice her in half. Leaning backwards the axe barely grazes against her as Chaos White misses her attack. IF then fell onto her back and breathed heavily at the tension she felt.

Chaos White (Data): I missed! How?!

Chaos Green (Data): You do give off the murderous vibe...

Captain IF was breathing heavily as she got up and began running to her opponents using dual pistols. Firing both to empty her clips and then reload just as fast. Chaos Green and White were blocking each of IF's bullets.

Chaos White (Data): Is it me? Or is IF getting tougher??

Chaos Green (Data): It's probably the adrenaline rush she is feeling. The tougher the battle the more a person pushes themselves to meet their opponents.

Captain IF jumped toward Chaos White to which caused her to raise her guard. IF flipped forward to drive both feet towards the axe and pushed Chaos White back softly. Chaos White gritted her teeth in feeling the push and used her strength to toss IF into the air. Once up higher into the air, IF refocused and looked down. Twisting her body, IF began to spin while aiming down to rapid fire straight down on Chaos White. Because of this, the bullets rained down on Chaos White as each bullet grazed her.

Chaos White (Data): You bitch!! Gefahrlichtern!!

Chaos White created ice projectiles to fire at IF, but before they could move, they were shot down with great precision. IF spun faster and in the air as she neared the ground to then flip to deliver an axe kick to Chaos White's head. Captain IF felt a spark of something that caused her to lose focus for a moment, to which left her wide open. Chaos Green took her chance at this moment and kicked Captain IF in the face to send her flying. While Purple Guardian was facing off against Chaos Purple and Black, he noticed IF being sent flying.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): IF!!

Generating his aura, Purple Guardian pushed out a wave of purple energy to push both his enemies away to allow him to chase after IF. IF would have crashed into a wall, but the impact was absorbed by Purple Guardian, who used himself as a replacement to impact against.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): okay??

IF (Captain): Focus on your fight, I can handle myself.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): You were sent flying, are you sure about that?

IF (Captain): I was just distracted by something for a moment! I'm fine!

Purple Guardian looked at Captain IF and nodded his head. Looking up, he could see Chaos Purple and Black diving down towards them! Raising his shield, Purple Guardian blocks both attacks from them and looks at IF.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Gonna release a wave of energy to push them back! Get ready to move!

IF (Captain): Got it!

Channelling his energy, Purple Guardian focused his energy again to push both Chaos Purple and Black back again to allow Captain IF to begin heading back to her battle. Purple Guardian didn't even have a chance to recover as Chaos Purple and Black got in close and were able to push him back from a combined attack. When he recovered, Purple Guardian began to dodge the attacks or block them when he found that something was different in this fight than last time.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): (Something is wrong... Even though I powered up, I should be the fastest one here. Yet, I'm beginning to be caught up by these two. Wait, what if the power surge they felt isn't from the Mist this time... What if the alterations caused by that guy Chronos had to do something with it??)

Purple Guardian focused to power up his energy as to radiate in purple energy to increase his stats. While releasing his energy, he could react faster and attack harder because of it.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): (If this keeps up, I won't be able to do anything... I must find a way to get them into a single area...)

Purple Guardian focused on trying to keep the two at bay, but knew he had to try and even the tide. Purple Guardian saw both Chaos Purple and Black about to slam down their weapons on him when he raised his sword to block. The attack was beginning to make him buckle under the attack as he grunted to keep his guard up. With the increasing pressure that was being done, Purple Guardian had to use a weapon he still knew about.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): (Mother... Forgive me... I can't win without it...)

Purple Guardian began to focus as he soon released a wave of energy to push back Chaos Purple and Black to gain some space. When seeing Chaos Purple and Black begin to charge back towards him, Purple Guardian began to focus and began channelling a new blade in his left hand. When Chaos Purple and Black were about to land a hit from both sides of Purple Guardian, a loud metallic ring could be heard as Chaos Purple and Black saw their target dual wielding two swords at once! Both his Sapphire Spirit and Black Viper.

Chaos Purple (Data): What?!

Chaos Black (Data): You have a sword just like hers?!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): It's more that SHE has a sword like mine. As for how she acquired it, I will have to ask when I have more time!

Using Tornado Storm, Purple Guardian began to spin in a fast pace to create a gust of wind around him. Chaos Purple and Black began to get some distance to avoid it, but Black Viper soon wrapped itself around Chaos Purple's leg to catch her by surprise.

Chaos Purple (Data): What?! Oh no!!

Getting pulled in by the sword, Chaos Purple was beginning to be spun around as she was flung towards Chaos Black to be sent flying into a wall together. The two tried to get up, but the impact left them disoriented and had to rest before they could re-join the fight.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Time to cleanse you before-

Purple Guardian was about to help cure Chaos Purple and Black from the effects of the Chaos Mist, when the yell of Captain IF could be heard. Looking to where IF was, the fight she was having was beginning to get tougher for her as she was having to guard against multiple hits from Chaos White's Gefahrlichtern. With IF having to focus on blocking in front of her, she was currently distracted as Chaos Green tried to attack from behind.

Chaos Green (Data): Got you now!!

Hearing Chaos Green behind her, Captain IF couldn't do anything to defend herself in her current situation. Before the strike could be made, Purple Guardian had cut off Chaos Green by shoulder tackling her in sending her flying and then made a shield bubble around him and IF. IF looked at Purple Guardian and then looked to where Chaos Purple and Black were.

IF (Captain): You didn't heal them yet?!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): You were in danger! If I healed them while you were in a difficult situation, you would have died!

IF (Captain): I know the risk of being in here! I'm supposed to be the one helping you!

While Purple Guardian and Captain IF argued, Chaos Purple and Black soon began to get back up while Chaos White kept pelting the shield with her ice attacks.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): And lose you?! I won't make that decision!

IF (Captain): You have a life! I failed to be there when you needed me!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): And trying to get yourself killed is going to help?! What about Compa!? What about Abby!? I'm your nephew for Christ's sake! We can't lose anyone else!!

Captain IF wanted to say something, but she looked away knowing that if anything happened to her, it would only make things worse.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Yes, we're not blood related, but you and Compa were there for Abby and I when we needed it! IF, I'm sorry I treated you like that when I was going through a painful loss... I couldn't think straight because of losing both parents!

Captain IF looked at Purple Guardian in how sorry he was from how he acted towards her. IF wanted to say something, but she gets cut off when Purple Guardian and IF's bubble shield gets launched to a wall on the other side of the room. The impact leaves a dent in the wall as Purple Guardian struggled in keeping the bubble up. The four Chaos CPUs looked at them from a distance as they soon took flight to advance quickly to them. Seeing that all four were going to attack, Purple Guardian soon pushed Captain IF out of the bubble to deal with all four attacks hitting his bubble all at once.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): NGH...!!!

IF (Captain): (Y/N)!!!

With all four Chaos CPUs attacking at the bubble around Purple Guardian, he was trying to keep up with the damage around all sides as the shield was breaking slowly around him. Captain IF was having to force on watching Purple Guardian struggle in being trapped in the attack. Little by little the shield was being broken away as IF was watching the scene before her. A feeling of dread filled IF of having to see her nephew get put into a difficult situation as if being reminded of having to be on the side-lines when Iris had gone to help her son. Even sacrificing her own life if it meant saving her son in the process. Captain IF's heart pounded, feeling a tightening pain in her chest. Seeing Purple Guardian get down onto one knee as he was having to reduce the size of the shield to protect him from the attacks. Having to watch Purple Guardian being forced to defend and helpless to do anything, it began to make IF angry.

IF (Captain): ((Y/n)'s done everything for us... (Y/n)'s given his life to defend everyone... Giving his life for people he didn't know... Saving the lives of so many... Hardly any of us could do it...)

Captain IF soon began to tighten her fist and punched the ground in frustration. A spark of fire tried to light in her stirring emotions when she did that.

IF (Captain): (No one could ever give their life like how Iris, Jasper and (Y/n) has ever done...! Even if the CPUs needed (Y/n) to power up, they tried to defend the city when that bastard Johnathan and Dionix attacked the city...!)

Captain IF got angrier in how she felt about having to watch from the side-lines. Neptune and Purple Sister were getting antsy in seeing Purple Guardian struggling against his enemies and wanted to charge in, but Kiyoshi watched IF and saw something happening.

IF (Captain): (Iris and Jasper died for what they believed in...! They knew that if they tried to fight back, they knew they could die with a chance or no chance at all...! I'm the Captain of my Police force in Japan...! AND I DID NOTHING...!!!)

Captain IF raised her fists into the air and slammed them down on the floor again, this time however, a surge of fire began to surround her. A form of a fire circle was beginning to burn hotter as IF took deep breaths. The more IF kept thinking about her past actions, her eyes began shifting from green to red. Captain IF's hair was even shifting slowly as it was changing from being brown to blonde.

IF (Captain): (I promised Abby I would bring her brother back, but all I can do is watch...!!)

Captain IF's clothes began to shift as well from being blue to red along with her hair bow changing from being green to red. IF soon began to get up on her feet as she growled in anger from seeing Purple Guardian about to lose his shield as the image of Iris soon filled the last bit, she needed to initiate a power not even IF herself knew. IF soon closed her eyes as she felt something building up inside of her and wanted to reach for it.

IF (Captain): (I'm done being afraid...)

When she felt the energy that was building up inside her, the flames around Captain IF soon began to burn brighter with a more intense feeling to them.


Captain IF soon let out a yell as the flames soon began to shoot upward and engulf her in the flames. Neptune, Purple Sister, and everyone outside the MRS watched in shock at what Captain IF was doing.

Neptune (Adult Form): IFFY!!!

Purple Sister (Nepgear): IF!

Kiyoshi: Don't worry about her. Honestly, I'm surprised by this sudden change...

Neptune and Purple Sister looked at Kiyoshi who just smirked.

Kiyoshi: Because right now, things are about to get more intense~

The pillar of flame soon had a streak of fire shoot out from it that was racing towards Chaos Purple and Black. The Chaos CPUs were wanting to block against the flame that was surging towards them, but coming out of the streak of fire, was IF herself!

Chaos Purple (Data): From within the fire itself?!

Using her Katars, Captain IF soon strikes against both Chaos Purple and Black as the attack soon sent the two flying backward by surprise. Everyone got a good look at Captain IF as her appearance had changed greatly. Captain IF's hair had changed to a blonde color, her clothes to being a red color with some flame like symbols being yellow at the end of her sleeves. IF's green bow had turned completely red with her eyes having turned red too. In this form of activation, IF has achieved the power of Flame Awakening.

IF (Awakening) (Captain): I'm done being on the side-lines. All I can do is watch as everyone around me gets hurt... It's my turn to help make things right.

Looking at Captain IF, Purple Guardian was surprised by IF's sudden change.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): IF???

Looking behind her, Captain IF began running towards Chaos White due to the damage Purple Guardian's shield had. Seeing IF charge towards her, Chaos White had to separate from the shield to defend herself.

Chaos White (Data): Hey! Don't get any-!

While charging towards Chaos White, Captain IF enhanced her blades with fire to initiate the Flame Soul Slice as she dodged a strike from Chaos White and slashed past her. Turning around quickly, IF began to go back and forth to confuse Chaos White while striking at her each time she made a pass. When jumping into the air, she created an energy platform to launch off from to make another slash from above. The initial strike caused Chaos White to be sent backwards and roll against the ground from the attack. Finding that he had room to work with, Purple Guardian soon pushed with his shield and threw Chaos Green off balance and then punched her in the stomach. Chaos Green coughed up some spit as she had to hold her stomach and try to control her breathing. Purple Guardian faced towards Captain IF with a surprised look in his eyes.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Okay, that's new.

IF (Awakening) (Captain): What's new?

Having not noticed her new attire, Captain IF looked at her clothes and hair and became shocked upon seeing the many changes she had.

IF (Awakening) (Captain): What the hell?!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Being honest, I never once saw IF transform into... This.

IF (Awakening) (Captain): Never??? But I just did it.

Purple Guardian thought for a moment and then concluded.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Hmm... It could be from something that involves experience... But I'm not sure...

IF (Awakening) (Captain): "Involves experience"? What do you mean?

Before Purple Guardian could have a chance in explaining, Captain IF lost the new surge of power she felt and looked at her clothes.

IF (Captain): What?! Oh, come on! I just got that!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Just as I thought... You'll have to develop that power more...

Captain IF looked at Purple Guardian with confusion and annoyance.

IF (Captain): What do you mean "Just as you thought"?!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Be still with your anger and annoyance. IF never unlocked the form you used... It only makes sense that since you experienced something different from the IF I know that it be a source of a new power.

Captain IF tilted her head and was about to say something before Purple Guardian used his blades to block an incoming strike from Chaos White!

Chaos White (Data): I'm going to kill you for that attack IF!!! YOU HEAR ME!?!?

A red glowing eye could be seen under a shadow casted over Chaos White's face as Purple Guardian had to try and get the attention on him somehow.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I know this isn't going to end well for me later, but you're still flat as hell...

Looking at Purple Guardian, Chaos White's attention then focused more on Purple Guardian as her rage was more on him now.

Chaos White (Data): WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY!?!?

Pushing up on Chaos White's axe, Purple Guardian soon took flight as he began to fly towards Chaos Green as Chaos White was in hot pursuit after him.

Chaos White (Data): I'M GONNA KILL YOU (Y/N)!!!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): (I really didn't want to say that, but at least I have her attention on me now...)

Activating his boosters, Purple Guardian sped up as he and Chaos White were in an aerial combat exchanging strikes with their weapons. Chaos White swings her axe as it causes Purple Guardian to spin slightly in the air and recover from the attack to keep flying. Chaos Green, after recovering from the punch Purple Guardian did, began to chase after him too. Chaos Purple and Black soon recovered after the attack Captain IF made and was going to attack her, if not for Chaos White and Green attacking Purple Guardian.

Chaos Purple (Data): Let's get Iffy later, I want some fun with (Y/n) first.

Chaos Black (Data): You know, considering we're only getting one chance, let's do it.

Taking flight, Chaos Purple and Black soon began chasing after Purple Guardian as all were focused on him. Captain IF, who could only watch, heard Kiyoshi, Neptune, and Purple Sister head their way towards her.

Kiyoshi: IF, we need to retreat.

IF (Captain): No! I'm staying right here!

Kiyoshi: We can't help him from down here!

Purple Sister was about to say something, but Kiyoshi looked towards her.

Kiyoshi: Please don't go up there, whatever Chronos did, it's making them stronger and stronger by the second. We can't afford to take a chance like this!

Neptune (Adult Form): Then what do we do then?!

Kiyoshi looked up and sighed in having to only observe.

Kiyoshi: I don't know...

Purple Guardian was flying fast as he looked behind him to see all four Chaos CPUs giving chase as Chaos Green boosted forward to get closer. Using both blades, Purple Guardian redirected the attack of Chaos Green's spear and kicked her to send her downward. Chaos White and Black went left and right to alternate which side they were attacking on. Trying to anticipate their movements, Purple Guardian decided to engage the brakes of his flight to fly backwards to deliver an elbow strike to Chaos White's stomach. Being distracted, Chaos Black takes her chance to strike at Purple Guardian from behind. But Purple Guardian exerted more power as a form of energy reached out from behind to stop the attack of Chaos Black's blade.

Chaos Black (Data): What trickery?!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Not trickery... Just pure control...

As Purple Guardian said this, a likeness in his image was created from energy and began moving towards Chaos Black. Chaos Black began to pull on her sword to get it free, but the clone of Guardian released its grip on the sword and caused her to lose balance. Before Chaos Black could regain her balance, the clone rushed in and began to deliver quick and decisive blows. Chaos Black could do nothing, as Chaos Purple and Green rushed in to stab at the clone and make it dissipate. Purple Guardian watched as all three Chaos CPUs began to rush at him. In wanting to buy a little time, he then grabbed Chaos White's arm and leg and lifted her to throw her at the other Chaos CPUs. They did indeed catch her, but only two helped her out. Chaos Black and Green were the ones who caught her. In being distracted, Purple Guardian rushed in and delivered a triple spin kick, one kick for each Chaos CPU to send them flying and stun them. While Chaos Black, White, and Green were stunned, Chaos Purple rushed into cross blades with Purple Guardian with their blades creating sparks from the friction.

Chaos Purple (Data): You've gotten stronger~ Why don't you think about joining us~? We can do so much together~

Purple Guardian shook his head to decline the offer as he made a statement towards her.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): And give up on everything I believe in and let those I love sink into chaos themselves...? That isn't the Neptune I fell in love with. The Neptune I know would protect her friends and family if it meant their lives were at stake.

Chaos Purple (Data): But if you joined us, Dionix could try and change them and you into us~

Purple Guardian looked at Chaos Purple as he then began to push with his blades to show the difference in their power. Purple Guardian was even releasing his energy to make holding his stance even more structured, the power he had gained was enough to make Chaos Purple be forced to go to one knee and struggle in pushing her blade against Purple Guardian's.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): You're not getting the picture! The Chaos Mist is screwing up your minds! You're not people of Chaos! The girl I fell in love with the moment I was pulled INTO this world, is NOTHING like the woman I see now!!

Pushing their blades to the side, Purple Guardian brought in Chaos Purple quickly to kiss her on the lips and surprise her. Chaos Purple widened her eyes in shock of being kissed suddenly while in the middle of combat. IF, Purple Sister and even Neptune dropped their jaws at seeing this.

IF (Captain): Okay... I knew he was a bit of a strategist, but I didn't expect that...

Purple Sister (Nepgear): I heard love could blossom on the battlefield, but I didn't think it would be literally...


IF and Purple Sister looked at Neptune with a stare, as well as everyone else on the outside who could hear her.

Histoire (Outside MRS): Neptune...

Neptune (Adult Form): Uh... Yeah Histy?

Histoire (Outside MRS): We're gonna have a talk about priorities later...

Neptune (Adult Form): But!

Before Histoire could say anything (F/n) and Emma got in the way quickly.

(F/n) and Emma (Outside MRS): (Y/n) is fighting for his life! Stop goofing around!!

After Purple Guardian was done kissing Chaos Purple, he separated from Chaos Purple as a faint glow was shown on her lips for a moment before it faded.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): And I hope with this, you somehow find your sanity from within all of this...

Chaos Purple looked at Purple Guardian, but Purple Guardian was soon forced away as Chaos White dragged him by his neck and slammed him to the ground. Purple Guardian grunted from the attack as he had to narrowly dodge the incoming strike of Chaos White's axe next. When trying to get into a stance, Chaos Black came in and kicked Purple Guardian in the head to stun him while Chaos Green delivered a punch to his back.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): AAAHHH!!

Purple Guardian fell to his knees as Chaos Green used her spear to get behind Purple Guardian to strangle him softly while Chaos Black pinned his legs down. Purple Guardian began to struggle as IF, Purple Sister, Neptune and Kiyoshi saw the situation before them. They began charging in to try and save Purple Guardian, but Chaos White slammed her axe to create a rock barrier between them.

Chaos White (Data): Ha!! Good luck getting past that!!

Kiyoshi: NO!!!

Kiyoshi began to pound her fists against the wall as some damage was being done to it. Captain IF was trying to see if she could get back the power she had used earlier but wasn't getting any luck with it. At most, she could change her hair slightly, but she would revert back too quickly.

Neptune (Adult Form): Uh, not to rush you, but we could use that powered up form of yours again!!

IF (Captain): I'm trying!!!

Neptune (Adult Form): Try harder!!!

While Purple Guardian struggled in trying to escape, he couldn't do much as Chaos White walked up with her axe in being ready. When she was about to swing, a hand grabbed the handle of the axe and halted Chaos White's attack. When looking behind her, it was seen that Chaos Purple was the one holding the axe back.

Chaos White (Data): Ngh...! What are you doing!? I can end his pestering right now!!

Chaos Purple didn't say anything, but just stayed silent. When looking at Purple Guardian and then back at Chaos Purple, Chaos White assumed.

Chaos White (Data): Oh, you want to do it yourself?? Hmph... Fine. Just don't get cold feet on me now.

Chaos White began to step back and let Chaos Purple get closer. Purple Guardian looked at Chaos Purple in the eyes as he tried to keep struggling, but knew it was pointless to even struggle. It was getting hard to breathe, and every movement meant he was losing more stamina with every second. Seeing Chaos Purple raise her blade into the air, the rock barrier was soon broken through as Kiyoshi was beginning to rush to Purple Guardian's aid. However, Chaos White cuts Kiyoshi off and stops her advance.

Kiyoshi: Blanc!! Get out of the way!!

Chaos White (Data): Ha!! Make me!!

Chaos Purple kept her blade raised as she kept looking at Purple Guardian as he stared back at her. Knowing escape was impossible and that the others would not get to him in time, he began to trust everything he knows. His friends on the outside were trying everything they can to get control of their systems back or yell in keeping him going. But knowing that he was stuck and wasting his energy to struggle was pointless. Pointless as he hoped for his own miracle to happen.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Neptune...I give all my trust...and belief in you...

Closing his eyes, Purple Guardian began to wait for whenever Chaos Green and Black kept holding him down. Chaos White focused on keeping Kiyoshi back while the others tried to get through the hole Kiyoshi made. Chaos Purple kept her blade raised in the air while Chaos Black looked back to Chaos Purple.

Chaos Black (Data): Come on! What are you waiting for!?

Chaos Green (Data): Finish him already!!

Chaos Purple (Data): I-I am!! J-Just... Just give me a moment...!!

Chaos Purple began to sweat slightly as Purple Guardian began to speak to her.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Neptune... Just like you didn't give up on me in the forest... I won't give up on you... Not here... Not ever... If you truly believe you should strike me down... I will never blame you for it...

Chaos Black looked at Purple Guardian and raised a fist.

Chaos Black (Data): Will you ever-!?

Chaos Purple (Data): Noire...

Hearing her name being called, Chaos Black began to look back towards Chaos Purple, but was suddenly kicked in the face to be sent flying by surprise.

Chaos Green (Data): Are you out of your mind!?

Using his freed legs, Purple Guardian lifted his legs and grabbed Chaos Green by her head to throw her in front of him towards Chaos Purple. Chaos Purple soon grabbed Chaos Green by her leg and arm to toss her towards the wall and crashed into it. Purple Guardian took a deep breath in having to endure it as a hand was offered to him. Looking up, he could see that it was Chaos Purple who held out a hand for him to grab and smiled softly at him. Chaos Purple's eyes that had once fogged up from the energy of the Chaos Mist, had vanished.

Chaos Purple (Neptune (Data)): I...hope I didn't keep you waiting... I tried to rush as fast as I could...

Purple Guardian smiled as he looked at her in the eyes.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): You didn't keep me waiting at all.

Knowing that one of the CPUs had regained control of her actions, Purple Guardian took the hand to gain some help up onto his feet. Purple Guardian stumbled for a moment, but hugged Chaos Purple for a moment.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): So glad you're okay...

Chaos Purple (Neptune (Data)): Um... Define okay...?

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Okay-ish.

Looking back into each other's eyes, they began to share a laugh, if not brief. Brief as they heard an incoming enemy as Purple Guardian took Chaos Purple's weapon to guard against both Chaos Black and Green.

Chaos Black (Data): What did you do!?

Chaos Green (Data): How did you even-!?

Purple Guardian (Y/n): It's only temporary, but I used what energy I can manage to give in shielding her mind. With how my energy is used from Planeptune for the time being, it's the perfect energy to shield her mind in giving her time to allow me with some help!!

Chaos Purple soon punched Chaos Black in the face while Purple Guardian grabbed Chaos Green's spear to slam her to the ground. Hearing the commotion, Chaos White soon realizes that their plan had failed and needed to regroup. Chaos White dodged an attack from IF and began to fly towards where Chaos Black and Green were at to get them back up to fight.

Chaos White (Data): What the hell happened!?

Chaos Black (Data): (Y/n) is protecting Neptune's mind from the Mist! But how?!

Chaos Green (Data): He must've done it when he was kissing her!!

Chaos White (Data): Grrr...!! That sneaky bastard!!

Looking at Purple Guardian, he soon gave Chaos Purple her weapon back as he kicked his blades up into his hands.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Okay... How confident are you in facing your friends...?

Chaos Purple felt her head hurt as she looked at Purple Guardian.

Chaos Purple (Neptune (Data)): Not so confident... My head is seriously hurting from being in this form...

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Then that means we don't have much time...

Looking around, Purple Guardian noticed Kiyoshi and began to formulate a plan.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Kiyoshi!!

Kiyoshi: Huh??

Purple Guardian (Y/n): High tempo! Action themed! Let it be one where it drives someone to keep going!

Kiyoshi thought of some songs, and soon picked one to sing.

Kiyoshi: Okay! I have one just for this!!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Good! Cause we need it now!!

Looking at the Chaos CPUs, they began to fly towards Purple Guardian and Chaos Purple. Chaos Purple was beginning to feel dizzy as she held her head, but Purple Guardian held her hand to supply her with more Planeptune energy to restore the shield around her mind. Hopefully longer and enough for just this fight. With the Chaos CPUs about to reach them, Purple Guardian raised a domed shield around them. The Chaos CPU weapons either contacted against the shield, but Chaos Green's was caught in it as the spear was mere inches from Purple Guardian's face.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): One fight, that's all I ask you for you to help me out like this.

Chaos Purple (Neptune (Data)): Knowing you're here with me, I feel I can conquer anything~

They both smiled at one another while the original Neptune was about to rush in there and try to break the data self and Purple Guardian away from each other, but Purple Sister and Captain IF wouldn't let her.

Neptune (Adult Form): That is my man and I have been waiting for him to return!! Let me go!

IF (Captain): Ugh...!! Give it up!! Your new human hormones are REALLY getting to you!!

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Is that how you dealt with things in your world?

IF (Captain): Will you just help me from letting Neptune get in the way!!

Kiyoshi was getting ready as she brought out an amp with an electric guitar.

Kiyoshi: All set! Let's give these people something to really jam about!!

Plugging in the guitar, Kiyoshi began to play the song she would sing.

With the song starting up Kiyoshi began to strum the guitar as Purple Guardian and Chaos Purple began to get enhanced with her power. With getting powered up, Purple Guardian looked towards Chaos Purple with a smirk.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): You ready~?

Chaos Purple (Neptune (Data)): Always~

Purple Guardian brought the dome in closer, before pushing it back hard to launch the Chaos CPUs. Purple Guardian and Chaos Purple began to fly to begin closing the distance to end this fight if they could while Kiyoshi began to sing.

Kiyoshi: ♩Trapped in the madness beaten hollow♩

Getting in close, Purple Guardian and Chaos Purple simultaneously hit against the Chaos CPUs that had just recovered from the dome push into the sky.

Kiyoshi: ♩Is there any way to save me, is there to break free from this mess.♩

Purple Guardian went and grabbed Chaos White and Green's legs and slammed them down to the floor. Chaos Purple went in for Chaos Black as they clashed their weapons before Chaos Purple axe-kicked her enemy to the ground, causing a dust cloud to form from the crash.

Kiyoshi: ♩Strapped to the sadness and the sorrow♩

Chaos Purple (Neptune (Data)): Sorry, Noire! But we're just trying to help you!

Chaos Black (Data): RAGH!!!

Chaos Black soon launched straight towards Chaos Purple, but soon Purple Guardian got in the way to kick her away.

Kiyoshi:♩On the verge of giving in♩

Purple Guardian looked at Chaos Green, White and Black as they prepared to launch towards him in seeing he was the main threat.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Tch... We must figure out how we can do this... With them going all out and powered up... There's little to no chance for the old plan... Instead... I'll need a new one...

Kiyoshi:♩With an urge of self destruction to end it all♩

Kiyoshi kept on singing while strumming away on her guitar. With how her music was increasing the stats of Purple Guardian and Chaos Purple, Chaos White looked towards her to try and stop it.

Chaos White (Data): Quit singing, you little bitch!

Kiyoshi didn't stop singing as Purple Guardian was quick to act as to use Shadow Step to quickly cut Chaos White off and deliver a powerful elbow strike to her gut.

Chaos White (Data): GUH!!!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Sorry, Blanc, but doing this hurts me more than it hurts you...

Kiyoshi: ♩This could be the end of time♩

Putting more energy into the elbow, it launched Chaos White away as she impacted against the wall and coughed in trying to catch her breath. Chaos Purple was blocking strikes from Chaos Green and Black, dodging or blocking the attacks that came towards her way. But even with the enhanced stats given from Kiyoshi, it wasn't enough still. Chaos Purple gasped as she had to block an attack from both sides by holding her blade above her head. The combined force of Chaos Black and Green were pushing her arms down.

Kiyoshi: ♩This could be the end of me♩

Chaos Purple (Neptune (Data)): (Y/N)!!

Hearing her cry for help, Purple Guardian began to focus his energy into an Energy Shot. Splitting the energy in half to his two hands, Purple Guardian fired both to hit Chaos Green to knock her down, while Chaos Black used her other hand to grab the ball of energy and crush it in her hand.

Kiyoshi: ♩Not going to pretend and let it fall into ashes, no♩

Chaos Purple used the distraction to sweep Chaos Black's leg to knock her down and gain distance to regroup with Purple Guardian for a plan.

Chaos Purple (Neptune (Data)): This isn't working! We need to figure out how we can end this fast! They're getting stronger and-!

Chaos Purple felt her head pulsing in pain as the Chaos Mist was trying to affect her.

Kiyoshi: ♩This could be the end of light♩

Purple Guardian looked at Chaos Purple as the Mist was trying to corrupt her again but could see the Chaos CPUs getting back up to fight still. Purple Guardian began to try and think quickly using all the memories he could remember.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): (This fight is not going in our favor, whatever changed in this system, it made it so they can recover faster and hit harder... If that's the case, dealing brute force is not going to help...)

Kiyoshi: ♩This could be the end of us♩

Purple Guardian thought as he soon looked at Chaos Purple and remembered about the Dionix fight back on Earth. The Chaos CPUs charged towards Purple Guardian as he began to generate energy in his hands and shoot upwards five times. Each shot he fired, he manipulated the energy to have them expand and go dense. Five layers to break through, five layers of barriers to break through as the Chaos CPUs collide with the first barrier as it cracked immediately upon impact.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Time to see what I can do with this power...

Kiyoshi: ♩Just when I was about to give up...♩

Creating a clone, Purple Guardian gave it orders to protect the barrier and buy time. Sending it through, it began to go around in the barrier to push each Chaos CPU away. Chaos Purple looked at Purple Guardian as she was about to go under again.

Chaos Purple (Neptune (Data)): I'm sorry... I don't think...

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Just shut up and let me do my thing.

Purple Guardian placed his hands onto Chaos Purple's head as he began to surge with power and pump in energy of Planeptune into her. Chaos Purple yelled as she felt the Chaos Mist was being expunged by force from her body.

Kiyoshi: ♩Something deep inside, keeping me alive♩

Chaos Purple (Neptune (Data)): AAAAHHHHH!!! WHAT ARE YOU-!?

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Pushing out all this damned Mist in your systems! The Mist corrupts the energy inside you but exposing it to pure energy will counteract it! But I need time!

The clone was doing its' best to push each Chaos CPU away, but it was soon grabbed by Chaos Black and pulled out of the protective barriers. The first barrier was broken as Chaos White was focusing on breaking the protective layers.

Kiyoshi: ♩Fusing into the unknown, losing my own control♩

Chaos Black (Data): Annoying shit!!

The clone was about to get up, when a spear appeared and pierced through it to shatter the energy that sustained it.

Chaos Green (Data): That should- Huh??

Looking into the barrier, she could see Purple Guardian sending energy to overflow Chaos Purple's body with it. Dionix could see this as well and got furious at this.

Dionix (Data): Stop gawking at what you're seeing!! If he frees her from the Mist, I will PERSONALLY make sure you all suffer later!!

Hearing the order from Dionix, the Chaos CPUs began focusing on the barrier again as the second layer was broken from the attacks. With how seeing Purple Guardian and Chaos Purple were pushed with their backs against a wall, Captain IF wasn't going to let them keep pushing. Captain IF began to approach, but Neptune grabbed her arm.

Kiyoshi: ♩I will sacrifice for us to survive♩

Neptune (Adult Form): Whoa! What are you doing?!

IF (Captain): Saving my nephew! I have to-!

Purple Sister (Nepgear): We're outclassed now! They're getting stronger and stronger with every passing minute!

Captain IF looked at Nepgear and was shocked upon hearing this.

Kiyoshi: ♩Every drop of my blood letting go of my sanity from within♩

IF (Captain): What?! What do you mean getting stronger?!

On the outside, Adult Neptune began to voice her worries. They watched as the Chaos CPUs kept powering up as they kept focusing on Purple Guardian to stop his plans and break his barriers.

Adult Neptune (Outside MRS): This is nowhere near how the fight happened last time... This is different from how I remember this completely... Before, it was just (Y/n)... But now he has the new Share Generator, four people to support him, and now Chaos Purple... But what is most surprising... Is the Chaos CPUs...

Histoire began to ask Adult Neptune that question.

Histoire (Outside MRS): I understand... The fight should have had (Y/n) in a position where he pushed himself to make life-risking efforts to free them and show his growth... But what do you find strange about the others...?

Kiyoshi: ♩Nothing can stop this dark hero♩

When the topic came up about the Chaos CPUs acting differently, Purple Sister voiced her concerns.

Purple Sister (Nepgear): It's the fact that even with (Y/n) in his new Purple Guardian form, and my sister being free from the control to retain the power of her Chaos self, they're getting outclassed and outpowered again! The energy output I'm sensing from their Chaos selves is getting stronger. Almost as if-

Adult Neptune (Outside MRS): -as if someone is supplying them...

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Yes! Exactly!

Kiyoshi: ♩Like a beast on the loose♩

Adult Neptune began to think as she wanted to say something but couldn't.

Adult Neptune (Outside MRS): If this continues... (Y/n) and Neptune will get overtaken and that will lead to a mess we can't fix...

IF (Captain): Then what do we do?! We can't just stand here and do nothing!

Kiyoshi wanted to say something to them about this whole mess, but even if she wanted to, all she could do was keep singing to give Purple Guardian and Chaos Purple the boost they needed.

Kiyoshi: ♩Devouring anything that gets in the way♩

Chaos Purple kept screaming in pain with the Chaos Mist being pushed out as she looked to see the Chaos CPUs were getting closer to them. By now, they broke through the third protective layer keeping them from reaching Purple Guardian and herself.

Chaos Purple (Neptune (Data)): (Y-Y/n)!! You have to stop...!! If you keep focusing on me, you'll-!!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I will NEVER give up. Not after EVERYTHING that has happened.

Chaos Purple looked at Purple Guardian as tears rolled down his eyes as he kept trying to push his energy to help Chaos Purple to be free from the Mist's control.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Ever since I was pulled into this world... I feared the unknown because of how different this dimension was...

Kiyoshi: ♩This could be the end of time♩

Purple Guardian began recalling events that he could remember during his first month that led up to this moment.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Even if I was someone that had no experience in fighting in this world or how to do anything, you all helped me to survive. Sure, we argued at times... Sure, sometimes I was scared... But being scared doesn't mean to give up.

Purple Guardian remembers his fight with Dionix with how he got his transformation during the fight. As he talked, the Chaos CPUs had broken another layer of the barrier Purple Guardian had made. Leaving only two barriers left in protecting them.

Kiyoshi: ♩This could be the end of me♩

Purple Guardian (Y/n): When I faced Dionix for the first time... It was my first real fight against someone without you all... I was scared that I was alone. But if I had let my fear stop me from making my own stand, I would have lost hope of you or the others coming to my aid...

Images of (Y/n) fighting Dionix kept appearing in flashbacks as the image of Dionix using a large dark ball of energy had been made and showed (Y/n) in a lot of pain and too weak to fight.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): That moment when I saw Dionix could have killed me from the start of things, I began to lose hope in myself as he had been toying with me... Making me believe I could have won with my own skills... But he was something on another level that I couldn't reach...

Chaos Purple felt sad that (Y/n) felt that way as so did the others that could hear him. When Chaos Purple was going to say something, Purple Guardian kept speaking.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I may have given up on trying to beat him... But something kept pushing me... Something deep within me...

Kiyoshi: ♩Not going to pretend and let it fall into ashes, no♩

The flashback of (Y/n) showed he had given up. Thinking of the past of his friends, his family and those that had cared for him. Thinking of all the fun, the rough times, the fights, the laughs, and anything he could remember. What had given him his spark to keep fighting, wouldn't mean his death stops everything.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): If I had given up on fighting that then and there... I would have just let that dark ball hit me. But thinking of how Dionix would have his way with you all and then with my world in his conquest... I couldn't stand it at all. The thought of you all dying surged my will to stand up. To not give up when I still had energy to spare.

A flashback showed (Y/n) holding back the giant ball of energy meant to kill him as he had surprised Dionix in surviving.

Kiyoshi: ♩This could be the end of light♩

(Flashback) (Y/n): DIONIX!!! I can't afford to lose here! If I die here and now, there won't be stopping you from destroying multiple dimensions and my friends as you see fit! That includes this dimension, and my home!! I have made many memories with my family and my friends!! I will not die here!!

(Flashback) Dionix: This isn't possible... Where is he getting all this strength from?!

(Flashback) (Y/n): I've come too far during my time here that I can't give up now! You don't even know what having friends and family are like at all!! To you, they mean nothing!! To me, I can't afford to lose it all!!!

The flashback ended as Captain IF was tightening her hand into a fist in hearing all of this as she couldn't restrain herself anymore.

Kiyoshi: ♩This could be the end of us♩

IF (Captain): You two either come with me, or I go in alone. Either way, I don't care which.

Neptune (Adult Form): Iffy??? What are you-??

Kiyoshi: ♩Just when I was about to give up...♩

Captain IF soon began to charge in towards the Chaos CPUs as they broke through the fourth layer protecting Purple Guardian and Chaos Purple. Chaos White was about to slam her axe down onto the last layer, when IF came out of nowhere and drop kicked her in the face. The attack sends her flying as Captain IF got up and looked at the shocked faces of the Chaos CPUs.

Kiyoshi: ♩Something deep inside, keeping me alive♩

IF (Captain): If you three to EVEN get near him and touch on hair on his head, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO GET THROUGH ME FIRST!!!

Chaos Black and Green focused on IF as she got her Katars out to block against them. Even if she was scared that one mistake could be her end, her thoughts of Iris filled her head in seeing her fight to stop Dionix from finishing Next Purple off.

IF (Captain): (If this is how this is all going to end, I'm not going to give up on this fight!!)

Kiyoshi: ♩Fusing into the unknown, losing my own control♩

Captain IF jumped up to dodge the spear thrust made by Chaos Green to land on top of it and deliver a kick to her face to knock Chaos Green away. When landing back on the ground, mere seconds was all she had to raise her katars up and deflect the blade from Chaos Black to the side. Feeling a bursting rush course through her, Captain IF felt a fire rise in her as she kept fighting to defend her life while defending the barrier that protected Purple Guardian and Chaos Purple. Chaos Black was shocked to see her attack was blocked that quickly as Captain IF delivered a headbutt to her enemy in hurting both of them. Captain IF soon jumped to wrap her legs around Chaos Black's head, lean back and send her flying towards Chaos Green and White.

Chaos Black (Data): AUGH!! What is your problem?!

Kiyoshi: ♩I will sacrifice for us to survive♩

When being asked that question, a fire soon began to circle around Captain IF as she looked at the Chaos CPUs.

IF (Captain): I get why (Y/n) fights now. Even when he faces unspeakable odds... He doesn't just fight for himself... But he fights for everyone he holds dear! If he's going to be carrying that kind of weight around on his heart and mind, I'LL BE DAMNED IF I LET HIM CARRY THAT ALONE!!!

A fire surged around her as for a second time, Captain IF was surrounded by fire as her clothes and bow changed to a bright red, having accessed the power of Flame Awakening again. Captain IF lifts her Katar at the Chaos CPUs to challenge them.

Kiyoshi: ♩Every drop of my blood letting go of my sanity from within♩

IF (Awakening) (Captain): So, who's going to attack first?

As the Chaos CPUs charged towards Captain IF, Kiyoshi began to focus on helping IF in giving her the boosts instead of Purple Guardian and Chaos Purple. While IF fought them, Purple Guardian looked at Chaos Purple with their current predicament.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Neptune...?

Chaos Purple (Neptune (Data)): Huh...?

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I... I need to tell you something... Something I have been wanting to tell you.

Getting confused by what Purple Guardian was going to say, Chaos Purple listened. Kiyoshi began to play more slowly as she hummed out at times during her song.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): After all this time, I am still thankful for how you saved me from Mira on the first day here. If you hadn't saved me, I would not be here doing everything I can to help you.

With Neptune, she held her hand closer to her heart as she remembered that day clearly when they first met and got to know each other.

Kiyoshi: ♩Is this how we are meant to be?♩

Purple Guardian (Y/n): And if I had to be honest, when I was about to die against Dionix the first time... Out of everything I couldn't hear my own scream, the area being destroyed around me... I heard YOUR voice when I was being swallowed up in that ball of energy. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here... And if I wasn't here, I wouldn't be able to tell you something I really hold close...

Purple Guardian held Chaos Purple more as he caressed her cheek softly. A blush was forming on Chaos Purple's cheeks while Captain IF sent fire at her opponents. When Chaos Black was about to attack IF from behind, Neptune and Purple Sister jumped in to block the attack and help in buying time.

Kiyoshi: ♩Is this everything we've been longing for?♩

Purple Guardian (Y/n): When you asked me to go on a date with you, I had found it to be crazy and out of left field from how you asked for it. But if there is ANYTHING that sprouted from it, is something I will be eternally grateful for.

In IF's fight, with Neptune and Purple Sister as backup, they were doing all they could to keep the focus from Purple Guardian and Chaos Purple, but they were soon pinned down by Chaos Black and Chaos Green.


Purple Guardian (Y/n): Neptune...

Chaos White soon began to charge towards the barrier while Captain IF, Neptune and Purple Sister struggled to get freed to stop her. As Chaos White got close, Purple Guardian felt this was all he could do. Purple Guardian looked at Chaos Purple and said to her.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I love you.

Purple Guardian soon kissed Chaos Purple on the lips as Chaos White smashed down the last barrier keeping them safe from harm. When she did though, a bright light began to shine out as it blinded everyone in sight.

Dionix (Data): Wh-What now?!

Kiyoshi smirked as she began to continue to play her tune to prepare for the climax.

Kiyoshi: ♩Just when I was about to give up...♩

Yelling could be heard as Chaos White crashed into the glass wall that had Dionix watching from and shocked him by the force that caused the glass to crack from.


As the light dims down, Chaos Green and Black regain their vision as they look to see someone standing over them and are shocked to see who it was.

Chaos Black (Data): What?!

Chaos Green (Data): That's impossible!!

Kiyoshi:♩Something deep inside, keeping me alive♩

Standing before them was not Chaos Purple, but Next Purple!

Next Purple (Neptune (Data)): Mind if I "cut" in?

Trying to get up to defend themselves, Chaos Green and Black didn't stand a chance as they were sent flying away from IF, Neptune, and Purple Sister with one slash from her blade.

IF (Awakening) (Captain): N-Neptune?!

Neptune (Adult Form): Huh, so that's what I look like in that form.

Purple Sister (Nepgear): Sis?!

Next Purple looked down and smiled at her friends and helped them up.

Kiyoshi: ♩Fusing into the unknown, losing my own control♩

Next Purple (Neptune (Data)): Sorry to have worried you all, but we're going to end this right now.

Nodding her head to Purple Guardian, they soon began to go full speed with a boost from Kiyoshi to get the Chaos CPUs and bring them together. Next Purple grabbed Chaos Black and Green and Purple Guardian grabbed Chaos White. They soon throw the Chaos CPUs at each other as Purple Guardian focuses his energy to create a bubble around the Chaos CPUs. With them being trapped inside, Next Purple looked towards her friends with her blade raised.

Kiyoshi: ♩I will sacrifice for us to survive♩

Next Purple (Neptune (Data)): Please, lend me a bit of your energies!

The CPU Candidates nod their heads while Purple Guardian focuses on giving some of his remaining energy, but just enough to keep the Chaos CPUs trapped inside the bubble. Next Purple's blade began to surge with energy powering up her blade as Dionix looked at her in shock at how much Share Energy was surging in her blade.

Dionix (Data): This fight... Is something I could not win!

Kiyoshi: ♩Every drop of my blood letting go of my sanity from within♩

Feeling her blade was fully charged, Next Purple got into a stance as the Chaos CPUs struggled to get out in time. Purple Guardian grunted as the bubble was breaking from the Chaos CPUs struggling to escape as Next Purple charged in with her blade and then sent a wave of pure share energy that hit the Chaos CPUs directly. As the attack hits the Chaos CPUs, the raw power of the energy that hits them causes the Chaos Mist in their bodies to be forced out as lights radiate from them. When the lights go out though, it is revealed to show that Noire, Blanc and Vert had reverted from their Chaos forms and lie unconscious. With the battle signalling that it was over, Kiyoshi strums her guitar a bit more before she finishes playing her song. When the song ends, Purple Guardian fell onto one knee and pants.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): At last... It is done...

Share Energy began to emanate from his body as he looked at his hand. Next Purple reverted into the data version of herself. Neptune, Nepgear and Captain IF soon began to run towards Purple Guardian as they saw the Share Energy beginning to dissipate. Signaling of reverting back to normal.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Looks like... My time is up for now...

Neptune (Adult Form): No! Nonononono! What do you mean "for now"???

Nepgear seemed to know, but Purple Guardian was the one to do it.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): What I mean is... My true memories are going to be sealed again... Whether I like it or not...

IF (Captain): What?! But that means-!!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): That means that I will return to an amnesiac state of mind... Not knowing what had happened after I transformed into Purple Guardian...

Neptune was crying as she fell onto her knees and held Purple Guardian by his cheeks softly.

Neptune (Adult Form): It's not fair! You can't go again...!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Neppy...?

Hearing the nickname given to her by (Y/n) she looked at Purple Guardian as she saw (Y/n)'s eyes behind the form he had taken.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): We will be reunited... But not like this. Please... If you can be patient, if you can do that, I will do one thing you will ask of me in the future.

Neptune began to cry less as there were sniffles coming from her now.

Neptune (Adult Form): A-Any ONE thing...?

Purple Guardian nods his head as Neptune smiles softly.

Neptune (Adult Form): I'll be keeping you to that promise. You better not break it.

Purple Guardian nods his head as he looks at Captain IF.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Aunt Iffy... I can't believe you would do something so reckless that you warned me NOT to do...

IF (Awakening) (Captain): What do you expect me not to do?! Watch you die without trying something!?

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Na... But it sure feels like I'm the one rubbing off on you.

IF (Awakening) (Captain): I- But- You- This wasn't-!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Admit it. I heard you talk from the way I fought my battles.

Captain IF began to grow angry as she was teased about charging into battle without a plan.

IF (Awakening) (Captain): We are not done with this conversation.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Considering I'm going to be losing my memories again soon... I doubt we have time...

The sound of clapping could be heard as Dionix was walking towards the glass wall from his side. The wall was soon going up to allow him entrance to the room.

Dionix (Data): done, very well done on your victory, Mr. (L/n)... This was one battle I did not think you could win. But again, you prove me wrong.

Purple Guardian looked at Dionix as Data Neptune, Neptune, Nepgear and Captain IF got in the way to stop Dionix's approach.

IF (Awakening) (Captain): Come any closer and I will-

As Captain IF was saying, her Flame Awakening soon goes out as she blinks and looks at herself.

IF (Captain): AUGH, DAMN IT!

Dionix: As much as I would have loved to see what you could do; I think we're all on for a press of time. Don't you agree, Mr. (L/n)?

Purple Guardian got up and soon got in the way of his friends as he took deep breaths to momentarily stop his detransformation sequence.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): You hardly call me "Mr." In fact... All you yell when you are furious at me, is either "(L/n)" or my name. You never got cocky and added "Mr." into it.

The others looked at Purple Guardian weirdly and then began to hear Dionix chuckling softly.

Dionix???: Well, well. That was fast on the pickup.

Purple Guardian held his sword into a stance and looked at Dionix. Even though that was the form he saw, he knew the way Dionix spoke. This was not one of them.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): If I had to think about who I was talking to, if not Dionix from my memories... There would have to be a reason to keep tabs on how plans go down...

IF (Captain): What do you mean?

Purple Guardian (Y/n): What I mean is, if you wanted to keep an eye on how your plans went, wouldn't you want to see if they worked out the way you intended from afar?

The others looked at each other as they felt a sense of dread. Dionix laughed more as the image of Dionix soon flickered to look like Chronos for a moment.

IF (Captain): Wh-What was that?!

Purple Guardian (Y/n): I knew it was you, Chronos.

Dionix (Chronos): Well, I was hoping to have been discovered later on in this fine little game I created in testing your skills. Hoping to have seen you suffer while I had a front row seat~

Chronos flickered for a moment and was then at the throne Dionix sat at. Everyone was on edge as Purple Guardian looked at Chronos with a glare.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): What do you want? Tell me, or I'll-

Dionix (Chronos): You won't do such a thing. Your energy is almost out. You're even struggling to keep that form of yours from ending just so you can talk to me. I'd stop trying if I was you.

Purple Guardian hitched his breath in being found out in his attempt.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): If you wanted me dead already, you could have done it when you were at the Basilicom. So why didn't you...?

Dionix (Chronos): Ah! And here is the main topic I was hoping you would ask!

A split slashed across the screen as Purple Guardian was on one side while Dionix's was on the other. The other half changes to Chronos in the real world who smirks while he sits at his own desk. Looking at the computer through the eyes of Dionix's Data.

Chronos: I feel that you are beneath me that I do not need to raise my hand to such trash as you. Pitiful trash that can be dealt by others. For you see, you play an important role. A VERY important role.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): And what role do I play for?

Chronos looked at Purple Guardian to explain.

Chronos: You serve as the means as a symbol of "hope" as one would put it. A fitting way considering you call yourself "Guardian".

Purple Guardian (Y/n): What's that got to do with me? Sure, I fight. But I fight when I need to. When I have no choice when people could get hurt.

Chronos claps his hands as he points to Purple Guardian.

Chronos: THAT right there, is why you are a symbol of "hope". You do it because people could get hurt. You do it because when others fail, you can help make a difference! THAT right there, is why.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): But it isn't just me that brings it. My friends-

Chronos: Mean nothing to the talk we are having. Your role here is different for people. And I do not mean here in this world. Oh no, no, no. It is for an ENTIRELY different purpose.

Purple Guardian (Y/n): Wh-What are you-

Feeling a spike in his chest, Purple Guardian soon fell to one knee and looked at Chronos. Chronos had a look of amusement in seeing Purple Guardian struggling to keep consciousness.

Chronos: Well, guess your time is about up. A shame really. I almost feel sorry this chat of ours is cut short again. ALMOST. Hahahahaha!

Kiyoshi: CHRONOS!!

Kiyoshi rushed up to stand next to Purple Guardian as she looked him directly in the eyes.

Kiyoshi: Hear me now! I won't let you get away with any of this!!

Chronos laughed as he looked at Kiyoshi.

Chronos: I don't know how you keep interfering, but I'll be sure of one thing...

Chronos grew more serious with what he had to say.

Chronos: The next time we meet in the real world, I will kill you where you stand. Just like your pathetic Big-

Kiyoshi: Don't you DARE say his name!!!

Kiyoshi was about to charge towards Chronos, she could do that however, Chronos ended communications using Dionix as a medium. Something snaps on Dionix as he shakes his head and looks around.

Dionix: Ugh... What was that?

Looking at Purple Guardian and keeping calm about his situation.

Dionix: You may have won and saved your CPU loved ones, but I never said I would let you leave here with your lives. As for your power, I'll make sure to get rid of you here.

Reaching for a button on his chair, Nepgear gasps as she remembers this moment.

Nepgear: Dionix! NO!!!

Pressing the button, an announcement began to play over the intercoms.

Intercom: Warning! All personnel evacuate from the base. Detonation of undersea base commences in T-minus two minutes.

Hearing that, Dionix began to laugh.

Dionix: I would love to stay and chat, but we all know how I can escape from this, now can we?

Purple Guardian (Y/n): D-Dionix...! S-Stop...! U-Ugh...

Purple Guardian using the last of his energy, he collapses onto the ground and reverts into (Y/n) as Dionix laughs at this.

Dionix then opens a dark portal as he looks back towards the group.

Dionix: Good luck carrying that deadweight out of here alive. You won't make it.

Dionix then steps through the portal as it closes. They began to worry about how to get out of the base, until they heard Uzume's voice. The others have reverted from their forms now that they need to get out of the base quickly. Knowing that Adult Neptune would be talked to, Neptune soon transfers herself to her data self to assume a normal role.

Uzume (Data): Big Nepsy! How many times can you use Croire's ability?!

Adult Neptune (Data): Ugh... H-Huh?

Adult Neptune shook her head as she looked around trying to think about what she was just doing.

Adult Neptune (Data): Um... Okay... Base about to blow up, we need a way out of here... Jeez, my head hurts for some reason...

Uzume (Data): We'll get you some medicine later! Hurry and open us some portals out of here!!

Nodding her head, Adult Neptune soon got her book out to channel Croire's power to open a portal to Planeptune for Uzume and her group and another for her and (Y/n)'s group. Noire, Blanc and Vert were stirring awake as they heard the blaring noises.

Noire (Data): Ow... What happened...?

Blanc (Data): Why are there sirens going off...?

Vert (Data): I think we're in one of those timed events...?

Intercom: Warning! Time until detonation of base: T-minus one minute.

Vert (Data): Oh look, I was right.

Another began to stir as it was now (Y/n) who was waking up. The others who were with Uzume step through to get to safety as they looked through the portal.

(Y/n): U-Ugh... Wh-What's-? What happened...?

(Y/n) looked around as Captain IF got closer to look at his watch, it still read that he had amnesia as she looked at Kiyoshi, Nepgear and Neptune.

IF (Captain): Seems he's gone back to normal... I doubt he'll remember anything... But that's not our problem right now... We NEED to get out of here!

Kiyoshi looked at (Y/n) as she tightened her hand into a fist. Knowing this wasn't the time, they had to get out as fast as they could.

Kiyoshi: Right. If we know his history, it should go about the same. If the other Neptune leaves us first...

Seeing Adult Neptune go through the portal, she called out to the others. Noire, Blanc and Vert were helping (Y/n) up to help him move towards the portal.

Adult Neptune (Data): Hurry! Before the place goes up in a big explosion!

Noire (Data): Would have been nice IF YOU HELPED!?

Adult Neptune (Data): Wouldn't it make sense for the portal user to be safe to help KEEP it open!?

Noire began to grumble as (Y/n)'s necklace began to shine and shoot a beam to the portal. The image of Adult Neptune began to go out as she tried to call out to the others, but soon the portal went over to Noire, Blanc, Vert, Neptune, Nepgear, IF Kiyoshi and (Y/n).

Nepgear: A-Ah! We didn't get through in time!

IF (Captain): Um... What happens now...

Neptune: Now...

The group soon begins to fall through the portal with all eight of them yelling.



As the eight fell into the hole, an image of Ivory could be seen as she looked at the others falling down the portal.

Ivory (Data): Those four seem to know something... And who is this... "Chronos" they speak of...?

Steeling herself, Ivory had a determined look on her face, as she soon followed through to go after (Y/n) and the others to stay with them due to the mystery of what had happened.

Location: Outside MRS, Planeptune Basilicom

Time: Midnight.

Looking at the screen, the portal soon closes as the base explodes soon after. The others sighed with relief of the situation.

Adult Neptune: Whew... That was too close.

Mirasashiro: Ugh... To think Shalla would intentionally blow up the base to kill one man...

IF was looking at Compa as she seemed to be spazzing out about her other gaining a transformation and stars in her eyes when speaking about it. Avdol was wiping the sweat from his forehead to calm down from the intense fight he watched. Shadow looked at (Y/n) as he jumped onto his lap and lied down as he felt scared for his master. Histoire was considering everyone's moods and feelings as she spoke to Mira.

Histoire: Regardless... I'm just glad they're safe... All of them that is.

Histoire (Ultra): Agreed. We knew what would happen if we sent them in... No telling what misfortune could have led if they failed...

Laughter could be heard as Chronos showed up on the screen of the MRS. Seeing a projection of Chronos caught everyone off guard as he began to speak.

Chronos (Hologram): I couldn't agree more with you on that, Oracle of Planeptune.

Histoire: Chronos!

Shadow got up and jumped down to get between (Y/n) and the image of Chronos. Chronos looked at Shadow and laughed.

Chronos (Hologram): Please. You could barely touch me the last time, little mutt. If I REALLY was here...

Chronos spoke before giving a glare to everyone. This sent shivers and fear to everyone who heard what Chronos said.

Chronos (Hologram): You all would be DEAD, where you stand without knowing how you died.

Everyone wanted to step forward to speak at Chronos, but they were too afraid. Everyone, but not Plutia. Seeing Chronos, Plutia walked forward as she was standing face to face with Chronos.

Plutia: Why do you hurt people like this? We're trying to help a friend in recovering his memories,

Chronos looked at Plutia as she didn't radiate fear nor was she shaken up from Chronos' statement. Just smiling softly as she looked at Chronos.

Chronos (Hologram): Why is that out of all people, I am not surprised that you show no fear...

Plutia: Why? Should I be scaaaaaared~?

Chronos looked at Plutia as he and Plutia seemed to look at each other as if they were the only two people in the room.

Chronos (Hologram): I should be surprised as you of all people never show fear. You show concern for those you care for, but fear is NEVER shown on you.

Plutia: Weeeeell~ I don't really think that honestly.

Chronos (Hologram): And why is that?

Plutia: Because anyone who tries to abuse their own kind of power, just doesn't scare me. It... Actually, makes me angry honestly...

Chronos glared at Plutia at her words as she wasn't scared.

Chronos (Hologram): Why do you not fear me??

Plutia: Well, from what I know, you REALLY want to kill (Y/n). But he never did anything wrong... And yet... You want to hurt him, even when he's been through a lot already...

Chronos (Hologram): That's where you're wrong. He has not suffered enough.

Plutia glared at Chronos as she was not happy with how he answered her.

Plutia: But whyyyyyyyyyy...? (Y/n) lost his mommy and daddy trying to protect them... He only has his sister left.

Chronos (Hologram): Then when I get my hands on her, (Y/n) will have nothing left to keep him sane.

Plutia gripped her plush of (Y/n) as she got angry at Chronos more.

Plutia: You say that (Y/n) should suffer...? Even when he lost his mommy and daddy...? And now, you want him to lose his little sister...?

Plutia glared at Chronos as some of her hair hung over her eye with some shadow over her eyes.

Plutia: You're not being very niiiiiiice...

Chronos (Hologram): I never said I was "nice". I only seek my ambitions, and nothing more than to make (Y/n) suffer.

Plutia looked at Chronos in the one red eye on his helmet. Plutia wanted to try and hit Chronos, but she knew it was just a hologram. Anything she did to it, would mean nothing. IF was feeling Plutia's anger radiating off her as she shivered in fright of seeing Iris Heart.

Plutia: You're making me angryyyyyyyy...

Chronos chuckled at how Plutia could be angry for even sounding like that and just had his back turned towards her.

Chronos (Hologram): I do not care if you're angry at me. It changes nothing of my own mission to bring chaos and destruction to this world. But a warning for those who try to interfere...

Chronos looked back at the group as Avdol could feel a slight sensation coursing through him when hearing Chronos speak.

Chronos (Hologram): Whether you all decide to keep up with delaying my conquest in the Hyper Dimension, I bring no mercy to those who oppose me. Not even the mother of (Y/n), who died by Dionix's hands. I wonder how you'll be able to explain all of that. Considering her death hit (Y/n) the most.

At this point, Plutia had transformed and tried to reach out for Chronos' throat. But if Iris Heart were to have gone in, she would have crashed into the MRS. What was holding her back was the Reds and Blues being given support by Noire, Blanc and Vert.

Tucker: Plutia! Calm down!

Iris Heart (Plutia): LET GO OF ME!!

Simmons: I wish we would! Even though we're putting our lives in jeopardy doing this!!

Grif: Jeez! How strong is this lady!?

Iris Heart had a rage in her eyes from how Chronos had spoken to her.


Chronos (Hologram): Like Mother, like Son. Both have a huge temper when their "friends" and "family" are threatened. It matters not though... The day you get to fight me, is the day you die by hand next.


Iris Heart was slowly getting closer to the hologram, but Mira and Avdol soon helped to stop her in her tracks once more as Emma and (F/n) looked at her.

Emma: Iris! You need to stop!

(F/n): We're all mad at this guy right now! But if you challenge him to a fight after what we all saw, we don't even know if one of us can survive against him!! Think about what had happened earlier today!!

Iris Heart wanted to keep struggling as she couldn't stand for what Chronos had caused. Chronos laughed at seeing Iris Heart angry at him.

Chronos (Hologram): Get angry as much as you want, it changes nothing for how we fight. You will face a fight where you'll NEVER beat me.

Chronos says as Iris Heart broke free as the image of Chronos disappears before Iris Heart could touch the throat on Chronos. Iris Heart growled angrily from Chronos' words as everyone saw Iris Heart enraged. They could see how furious Iris Heart she was as was gripping her hand tightly as blood dripped from her nails digging into her skin. As someone was about to say something, Washington arrived at the room and looked around with everyone else looking at him being confused.

Washington: What? Is there something on my face? Is a bit of my beard sticking out?

Compa (Ultra): You wear a beard underneath that helmet?

Dimension: Hyper

Location: Dionix's Base, Chronos' Office.

Having cut communications, he sighed as he was about to take his helmet off, when a person entered his room.

???: Permission to enter, my lord?

Hearing the voice, Chronos soon puts his helmet back on before calling out.

Chronos: You may enter now.

The door slid open as a person walked in as it closed behind them. When speaking it was that of a girl.

???: How goes with your plan...?

Chronos: I was able to delay their advancement... Not much, but it is going just as planned.

???: I see. I am glad your plan is going well.

Chronos: Yes. But my plan doesn't just end with messing around with how some events are changed. In fact, there is ONE more little detail about my virus, made with the help of our friend Dr. Kinja, has in store as a surprise for our "friends". In fact, it even includes your cooperation.

The girl bowed as dark purple hair could be seen for a moment as it showed her dark raspberry color eyes.

???: If my lord has any need for my help, I have sworn it the day I have found my usefulness. And with finding a place I can call home and be of use to someone, I could never repay anything back, except for lending my service.

Chronos looked at the girl and smiled at this.

Chronos: And you are someone, I cannot afford to lose. Go get ready, I will begin my own program.

The girl nods her head as she begins to leave the room to prepare for what Chronos has planned.

Chronos: The others should be getting that "special" surprise gift now~

Chronos began to laugh as it soon echoed out once more.

Dimension: Ultra

Location: Planeptune Basilicom.

Time: Morning.

As the others were trying to solve on how to remove the virus, Mira was becoming frustrated in having to deal with it. Plutia had calmed down as she clutched the plushie of (Y/n) close to her to calm down with Emma and (F/n) to support her.

Mirasashiro: Augh! How is my encryption not breaking a SINGLE lock on this virus!

Simmons: Calm down. We just need to try and figure out the origin. Try to isolate it and then figure out how to remove it.

Mirasashiro: That is WHAT I am doing! As soon as I get a lock-on, I instantly lose it!

Washington: Keep trying. I wish I had known of this earlier, I would have headed straight up if I knew any of this. WHY wasn't I told any of this???

Washington looked at Tucker, Caboose, Simmons and Grif in hopes for an answer.

Tucker: Dude, with how fast things escalated, calling for you was the least trouble for our problems.

Grif: Trust us, that Chronos guy, he could have KILLED us!

Caboose: He even hurt the Power Ranger doggie...

(F/n) looked towards Caboose as he raised an eyebrow in confusion.

(F/n): How do you even-

Caboose: Space Hulu.

(F/n): Wha-?? Huh??? There's a "Space Hulu"???

Both Histoires were trying to keep an eye on anything that could have been affected as something caught their eye.

Histoire: Huh? What is that?

Histoire (Ultra): Wait... Something-

Histoire gasped when looking at the journal and became very alarmed.

Histoire: NO! This isn't possible!!!

When hearing her, they began to converge towards Histoire to ask.

Vert (Ultra): Histoire? What's wrong?

Histoire (Ultra): It's (Y/n)'s journal!! Something is happening to it!!

When showing the others, they looked to see some of the words begin to leave the pages as some were being filled in replace of it. It was weird for them.

Noire (Ultra): Okay... What about the journal? It's just a book.

Histoire: Noire! You offend us!!

Noire (Ultra): Huh?!

Histoire (Ultra): These books contain (Y/n)'s memories!!! They are important relics for him!!

Noire was about to say something else when the MRS began to sound out an alarm.

MRS: Warning! Warning! Activation of a virus commencing!!

Mirasashiro: WHAT?!

Laughter could be heard as Chronos showed himself on the screen of the MRS.

Chronos (MRS): Hello again, you meddlesome worms.

Histoire: Chronos!

Histoire flew towards the screen to look at Chronos directly.

Histoire: What have you done?! What are you doing with (Y/n)'s journals!?

Chronos laughed as he looked Histoire in the eyes.

Chronos (MRS): The better question is, WHAT haven't I done yet.

Histoire: Explain yourself this instant!!!

Pressing a button on his end, a spherical bubble soon expanded outward as everyone gasped out in surprise. Some raised their arms or tried to turn away from what they saw, but when nothing happened, they looked around in confusion.

(F/n): Um... Was something supposed to happen???

Emma looked a little worried as she then looked outside and saw something very odd was happening.

Emma: Um... Everyone...? Look...

Gaining everyone's attention in the room, Emma began to walk towards the balcony and began to look out where there were birds in the air. But the peculiar thing was, the birds were frozen in mid-air past the guard rail. When seeing another bird moving nearby with Emma going towards it as the bird began to fly, but after going over the railing, it too froze in the air just like the other birds! Chronos began to laugh as both Histoires flew towards the computer to speak to Chronos.


Histoire (Ultra): Enough of these games!!

Chronos (MRS): Hahaha! I couldn't agree more! Now here comes your part to figure out! What happens when you face a challenge of restoring someone's memories, but try to keep true to some history to them at the same time?

Washington was getting equally annoyed by all of this as he walked up to Chronos as well.


Chronos rolled his eyes as he soon chuckled. Enjoying how he was messing with everyone to get them angry.

Chronos (MRS): If you must know, I have caused a time bubble to appear using your precious MRS as a medium to test on all of you. It's not just the birds that are frozen, it is EVERYTHING outside the bubble that is affected.

Everyone became alarmed at hearing this, making Washington look at Chronos.

Washington: Who the hell are you?

Chronos (MRS): I am Chronos. And all you need to know is that I will bring the destruction of this universe with my own two hands, unlike how my pawn, Dionix, could have done it.

Ivory glared as Chronos was just using Dionix/Shalla for his own gain and would rather dispose of him should Dionix lose any part for Chronos' plans.

Chronos (MRS): My virus I have made is not only meant to kill your precious (Y/n). But my virus also enhances the property of said capabilities. Transcending its normal operating systems.

Histoire: What do you mean!?

Chronos (MRS): I hope you all remember the original events that happened.


Chronos began to laugh as the video screen cut off and ended the call to the group.

Washington: What did he mean by that!?

Emma: Is something bad going to happen...?

(F/n) began to hold Emma close as to help comfort her.

(F/n): No! No nonono. Everything will be okay, love.

Washington did not like the feeling he had along with both Histoires. As they tried to figure out what was going on, they would soon find out more if the MRS was used in Chronos' favor. Ivory had a worried look on her face as she was speaking to someone, other than Avdol.

Ivory: Ooooooh...! This is so bad right now! What are we going to-!?

Looking over to where the person was, Ivory gasped as energy began to go into the necklace and see the energy course into the MRS. Ivory was fuming at how irresponsible her friend was being.


Avdol was scared by how Ivory yelled and looked at her.

Avdol: What is wrong!?

Everyone looked at Avdol as he explained he was talking to Ivory.

Ivory: Someone connected to (Y/n) JUST linked up to him and WENT into the MRS!!! She is using HIM as a medium to get in by force!!!

Avdol: Wh-What?! Who?! How did they link up?!

Ivory: Because she is like me!!! That's how (Y/n) can see me, but he doesn't even know about her presence!!!

Avdol: Who are you talking about!?

Ivory began to explain as the camera zoomed out to show the world around them being frozen as the bubble covered the entire Basilicom, but not the town. Looks of shock and surprise were scattered across everyone's faces on who it was revealed to them who entered the MRS, as the screen fades to black.

Chapter 8 Part 2. End.

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