Chapter 8: Dive into the mind. The Realm of Memories. - Part 3

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Kiyoshi: Last time... On Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Guardian...

The dive into (Y/n)'s memories took a turn for the worse when Chronos began to interfere with the process at a crucial moment. With the MRS being affected by a virus uploaded by Chronos, the system began to read real damage and send it to (Y/n) in the real world. To him, it was still the MRS, but it felt more real. Myself, Neptune, Nepgear and Captain IF soon went in to try and help (Y/n). When his old Share Crystal Generator was tampered with in the system to break upon using it. This would have drastically changed everything, had it not been for interference by those who entered to save (Y/n). From there, when (Y/n) acquired the modified and upgraded version of his old design, (Y/n) used the new power generated by his Share Crystal Generator and transformed into Purple Guardian. This however released (Y/n) from his amnesia effect and allowed the real him to surface. The battle was tough, but after freeing Neptune to transform into Next Purple, the battle soon changed to defeating the Chaos CPUs. Chronos was impressed by how things turned out, but didn't seem that impressed considering he lost this battle. With the group heading to (Y/n)'s world and Chronos activating another modification added by his virus, time outside the Basilicom had been frozen and now leaves the group questioning one thing... What does Chronos plan to do with the MRS...?

(Insert Venus no Harmonia by Asami Imani)

Third point of view

January 9, 20XX

Dimension: Ultra

Location: Planeptune Basilicom.

Time: Frozen.

With the time being morning, the others focus on trying to figure out Chronos' goal in freezing the entire outside world, (Y/n)'s group had just been admitted to Ohashi High. When (Y/n) took his seat, he felt everyone's stare of him being back, but for some reason, hate of the boys in the classroom. When he looked around, he saw his friends around him and sighed.

(Y/n) (Inside MRS): Okay... I know that we all just got to school... But-

When taking a closer look, the CPUs, Captain IF, (F/n) and Kiyoshi were all situated around him in a square!!

(Y/n) (Inside MRS): -why are you all around me in a square!?

Neptune (Inside MRS): Hey, at least you don't have multiple squares that form a circle~

(Y/n) (Inside MRS): How does that make any sense?!

IF (Captain (Inside MRS)): You can ask that later. Can we just focus on the class?

(Y/n) (Inside MRS): Haaaaa... You know what, it doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother me at all.

When (Y/n) began to take a closer inspection of the class, he did notice something was off.

(Y/n) (Inside MRS): Now it bothers me, it bothers me a lot!

(Y/n) pointed to Kiyoshi, whose desk was bright green!!

(Y/n) (Inside MRS): Why is your desk green!?

Kiyoshi (Inside MRS): For the laughs~

(Y/n) began to growl as the others watching on the screen chuckled softly.

Tucker: Ha. At least he isn't getting attacked by crazy bi-

Tucker was about to say something, until some weapons from any of the females in the room dared him to finish that sentence.

IF (Ultra): No, please. Finish what you were going to say.

Noire (Ultra): It'll be something worth dying for.

Tucker trembled at the threats as he shut up before he could cause more harm to himself. Avdol sweats at the scene as he tries to ignore Tucker's problem and focus on the MRS.

Avdol: So, this is where (Y/n) went to school?

To answer Avdol, Emma and (F/n) were up to answering him.

(F/n): Yup. (Y/n) and I first met during our younger time after he moved into town. We had a blast hanging out. We kept going to the same school together, even into Highschool.

Emma: The school was even the same place I met (Y/n) and (F/n).

(F/n): To which, you fell in love with me~

Emma then punches (F/n) in the head and leaves a bump and gives (F/n) stars. Emma was bright faced in a blush because of (F/n)'s actions.

Emma: BESIDES THAT!! We made a lot of memories here. They were especially fun with the CPUs there. But...

This caught Avdol's attention as Emma looked at the screen.

Emma: We didn't meet Nepgear, IF and let alone Kiyoshi...

Recovering from Emma's punch, (F/n) rubbed his head and agreed with Emma.

(F/n): Yeah. I was just jealous of (Y/n)'s four new lady friends. I didn't think he had three in a harem. Why can't I have-

Before (F/n) could finish his question, Emma delivered a series of blows that launched (F/n) to a couch.

Emma: Not the time for this (F/n)!

Avdol cleared his throat to keep to the conversation.

Avdol: Do you think this will affect much of (Y/n)'s memories?

Emma: Well... Even though we didn't meet IF, Nepgear, and Kiyoshi... I would say no...

Histoire flew up as she looked at the screen as she sighed to keep her hopes up. Fearing something could happen because of Chronos' interference.

Histoire: For (Y/n), Neptune, Nepgear, Captain IF, and Kiyoshi... I hope nothing happens...

In the MRS, the door at the front of the class opens as someone calls out to Ms. Koigakubo of Class 2-C.

??? (Inside MRS): Um, excuse me? Is this Class 2-C?

The teacher herself looks at the sliding door as a new girl presents herself.

Ms. Koigakubo (Inside MRS (Data)): Can we help you?

??? (Inside MRS): Um... I was running late, and I wasn't able to get here in time... I'm a transfer student from another school.

Hearing those words, Emma and (F/n) looked at the MRS in shock as something was off. IF was the first to catch their reactions as she asked them.

IF (Ultra): What's wrong?

Emma: After (Y/n) and the CPUs joined our class, we began right then and there.

(F/n): Whatever girl said that in the memory, that's NOT what happened.

Processing the thought, IF widened her eyes as she rushed to the machine and looked at it with Avdol, Histoire, and Adult Neptune. A new girl walks in as time begins to move slowly. The girl's dark purple hair floated slightly with each step as she was dressed neatly. Her hands resting on her skirt to have an innocent look. Walking up to the chalkboard the girl began to write her name on the board to step to the side, as her eyes had the color of dark raspberry were revealed to the class. Giving a slight curtsy, the girl looked at the class and scanned around before telling them her name.

??? (Inside MRS): Hello, my name is Dawn Camille Dixon, but you can call me D for short. I hope we all can be friends~

The now named Dawn gave a smile as the boys erupted in the class, probably even more than when the CPUs first showed up along with IF, Nepgear and Kiyoshi. One of the boys was even (F/n) in the MRS as he whistled. Emma soon gained a tick mark and looked at (F/n), who in turn felt his spine shiver.

Emma: (F/n)~?

(F/n): E-Emma, that is not me, I'm just as confused as you are...

Emma: Why would you be cheering for another girl~?

(F/n): That is not me!! So don't look at me!

While (F/n) was beginning to beg for his life with Emma, the others focused on the girl that Emma and (F/n) said that they don't remember about the girl in the monitor.

Avdol: If we're to assume that the girl that introduced herself right now, we are to believe that this isn't part of the original memories.

Histoire: And if that's the case, we don't have any means of being able to contact Neptune or the others about this problem... With how Chronos hijacked our communications AND somehow stopped time outside the Basilicom... We have no choice but to sit and watch. Hoping that everything will be okay for everyone in there...

The others had to agree while Washington paid close attention to Kiyoshi. Noticing she had a look of just staring at the girl named Dawn intently.

Location: Inside MRS, Ohashi High, Class 2-C.

As events fast forward in the MRS, it was then lunch time with (Y/n) and the others as Dawn approached the group. Dawn had her own lunch as she gave a smile at the group.

Dawn: Hello~

(Y/n): Hmm?

Looking at Dawn, (Y/n) recognized her earlier.

(Y/n): Ah, you're the new girl. Dixon-san, was it?

Dawn: We don't have to have such formalities. You can call me Dawn.

(Y/n): Um, okay, Dawn. But what brings you over here?

Dawn held up her bento box as she smiled softly.

Dawn: I was hoping to make friends by eating lunch with them.

(Y/n): Is that so? Well, we could always use another friend.

(Y/n) smiled in being his usual self in trusting others. It was in his nature to always give people a chance. Captain IF stared at (Y/n) at how kind he is in trying to make new friends with others. While Captain IF was with Neptune, Nepgear and Kiyoshi, the four of them talked while (Y/n) was with (F/n), Emma, Noire, Blanc and Vert.

IF (Captain): Okay. So, I tried contacting the others last night, but it doesn't seem like I'm having much of a chance...

Neptune: We used to be able to hear them and even talk right back. What happened?

Nepgear: Do you think whoever that Chronos guy is, is the reason we can't communicate with them?

Kiyoshi: As smart as always, Nepgear. I was thinking the same as you.

The three looked at Kiyoshi as she had a serious look on her face. It seemed that Chronos and her had a history together, considering their interactions with one another.

IF (Captain): Do you want to explain to us just WHO Chronos is??? I know that you two have a history together based on your interaction at the Basilicom and the brief one before coming here.

Kiyoshi looked off to the side where (Y/n) was as she looked at Captain IF.

Kiyoshi: My history is... A "complicated" case...

Neptune: How complicated are we talking about? Stand complicated? Dimension complicated?

Kiyoshi: Even more complicated than that...

Neptune: Even more than Stands??? How is that possible???

Avdol on the outside of the MRS was having serious questions about why Neptune would be talking about Stands while Kiyoshi continued.

Kiyoshi: This matter is just between me and him... No one else is to even get in the way.

Nepgear: But why??? Why do we have to-

Kiyoshi: Just please let me handle him. I have scores to settle when he and I face each other without him running away like he does.

While the four talked, the memory of Johnathan soon entered the classroom as he began to move towards where (Y/n) was at.

(Y/n): Oh great... The last person I ever wanted to see just arrived...

(F/n) (Data): Are you talking about me?

(Y/n): Not you, you're the second.

(F/n) (Data): SECOND?!

(F/n) Owned Count: *Ding* 19

(F/n) from outside the MRS was fuming at the comment given to his memory self in (Y/n)'s mind while Emma rubbed his back. Approaching the group, Johnathan stood next to (Y/n).

Johnathan (Data): Well, well, well. I never thought I would see you again.

(Y/n): What do you want Johnathan?

Knowing Johnathan was not here for anything friendly, (Y/n) just kept his guard up. But for some reason, something scratched at the back of his head when Johnathan was here.

Johnathan (Data): What? I'm not allowed to say "hello"?

(Y/n): And the fact you mainly come to this classroom only to pick on me? Yeah, I doubt this is a good welcome back party, even from you.

Johnathan began to chuckle softly as he picked (Y/n) up from his collar and tossed him down the row of desks. The others were shocked in seeing this happen to (Y/n) as Johnathan walked up to him to pick him back up and pin him to the wall.

Johnathan (Data): What's the matter, (L/n)??? Not gonna fight back again???

(Y/n): I don't fight with scum.

Being called scum, Johnathan began to punch (Y/n) as hard as he could. Being afraid for (Y/n), Nepgear got up and rushed up to try and stop Johnathan.

Nepgear: Stop it! Don't hurt him!

Johnathan: Don't get in the way, bitch!

Johnathan backhanded Nepgear as she recoiled back into the desks and fell onto the ground. Watching this, (Y/n)'s eyes widened when seeing Nepgear get hurt as images of the CPUs getting hurt by Johnathan pop into his head. Johnathan laughed at how pathetic it was for Nepgear to intervene.

Johnathan: Ha. What a stupid woman. Learn your place.

When hearing Johnathan talking bad about his friend, (Y/n) soon grabbed Johnathan by the throat and pushed him away down the rows of desks. The look in (Y/n)'s eyes showed there was rage.

(Y/n) (Rage): You dare hurt someone close to me? You dare talk down to someone who is my friend??? How dare you.

Looking at (Y/n), Neptune and Kiyoshi knew something was wrong because this isn't like (Y/n) to get mad quickly. (Y/n) didn't fight back on his first day of school back since his adventure in her dimension.

Neptune: Something's off, (Y/n) shouldn't be like this.

Kiyoshi: Agreed. Something triggered him to act like this. I think some of his old memories are leaking out.

Hearing about this, the others thought about how Johnathan caused harm to others and even to the CPUs during their fights.

IF (Captain): Then what are we going to do???

Kiyoshi began trying to think of a solution as (Y/n) walked up to Johnathan. Johnathan got up and tried to punch at (Y/n), but his fist was caught by (Y/n) in an instant.

(Y/n) (Rage): You want to pick a fight? I'll show you what happens when you pick a fight!!

(Y/n) begins to bend Johnathan's fist backwards as Johnathan was trying to keep it as straight as he could. Making Johnathan walk backwards, the bully himself was trying not to trip over while not trying to scream.

(Y/n) (Rage): You act like such a child. Always picking fights. Trying to act like you own this school. BUT YOU'RE NOT!!!

Johnathan tried to swing with his other fist, but now it began to be in the same situation as his other fist in being bent backwards. (Y/n) soon forced Johnathan down onto his knees with bending his hands back to weaken him.

(Y/n) (Rage): You are NOTHING, but someone who picks on the weak and uses his strength to get what you want!! You only care about YOURSELF!!!

(Y/n) soon kicks Johnathan to send him sliding into the wall near the teacher's desk. Johnathan got up quickly and was about to charge back towards (Y/n), but after getting up, (Y/n) slammed Johnathan to the wall and punched Johnathan in the stomach.

(Y/n) (Rage): I don't fight with scum, but when my friends are involved... YOU BETTER BE DAMN SURE I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET IT!!!

Johnathan coughed some blood up from the punch given to him as (Y/n) was about to punch Johnathan in the head. But before he could, a hand grabbed (Y/n) by his wrist to keep him from punching Johnathan. (Y/n) looked towards Kiyoshi with rage as she was stopping him, but Kiyoshi only kept a calm look in her eyes.

Kiyoshi: You made your point. You can stop.

(Y/n) kept looking at Kiyoshi as she kept herself calm. Not being afraid of the situation before her of how angry (Y/n) is at the moment. Neptune watched on as she stumbled back slightly along with Captain IF and Nepgear doing their best to stay calm. After being talked to, (Y/n) begins to blink as he drops Johnathan to hold his head.

(Y/n): Ngh...

(Y/n) looked like he was in pain slightly from recovering from his rage as Johnathan got up with anger in his eyes as well.

Johnathan (Data): You piece of shit!!

Johnathan was about to attack (Y/n) in his moment of weakness, but Kiyoshi soon grabbed Johnathan's left arm and twisted it. Johnathan was being forced to his knees while Kiyoshi held his arm up above him.

Johnathan (Data): What the f*** are you doing bitch!? I thought you were helping me!?

Kiyoshi: I save you from further embarrassment and possibly your life. Your response was to keep attacking?? You are the dumbest person I ever met alive. Haven't you ever heard "Retreat to fight another day?" I swear, all you think is how to cause people harm. Do something worth your own time, and get a damn brain...

Kiyoshi soon lifts Johnathan up, forces him to walk with her and toss Johnathan out of the classroom upside down and his back against the wall.

Kiyoshi: Get a damn brain, and leave (Y/n) alone. If you don't...

Kiyoshi gave a glare towards Johnathan while an ominous aura surrounded her. The glare sent shivers down Johnathan's spine with just one look in her eyes of how serious Kiyoshi was towards him.

Kiyoshi: I'll make sure you LOSE that left arm next time... Stay the hell AWAY from (Y/n).

Kiyoshi soon slammed the sliding door as she tried to calm herself back down. Once Kiyoshi was back to a calm demeanor, she looked towards (Y/n) and walked over to him to help him up.

Kiyoshi: (Y/n)? Are you okay?

(Y/n): Y-Yeah... Wh-What happened??

Knowing (Y/n) had no recollection of what had happened, Kiyoshi began to lie to him.

Kiyoshi: Johnathan hit ya pretty hard. But we made sure he got the hell out of the room.

Noire was about to say something to the obvious lie, but Neptune, wanting to keep this lie, got up to her and shook her head. This confused Noire, Blanc and Vert as to why Neptune interfered on the subject to explain later.

(Y/n): Really? Huh... Guess it must've hurt badly... My head hurts a lot...

Kiyoshi: Yeah. Let's go back to eating our lunch. Maybe some food will-

Before Kiyoshi could finish what she wanted to say, Dawn walked over and began to help (Y/n) up onto his feet.

Dawn: That was really scary... Are you okay, (Y/n)-san?

Dawn wrapped her arms around (Y/n)'s arm to get closer to him and make him blush.

Dawn: I hope you're okay...

(Y/n): I-I um... Of course, I am. Just got a little banged up was all. Johnathan usually does that normally. But it doesn't bother me honestly.

(Y/n) tried to not pay too much attention to Dawn getting close to him. Noire, Blanc and even Neptune were looking at (Y/n) in judging him about this to send cold stares to him. Finally noticing the stares being given off by Noire, Blanc and Neptune, (Y/n) soon got his arm freed from Dawn's embrace as he chuckled softly.

(Y/n): Anyway...! Let's get back to lunch before the bell rings! We still have some classes still to go through and have to study for!

(Y/n) soon rushed back to his seat to try and forget what just happened to himself while Kiyoshi stared at Dawn. Dawn herself looked towards Kiyoshi and smirked.

Dawn: Jealous~?

Kiyoshi: ...

Dawn: What? Not going to say "hi?"

Kiyoshi had no words to say as she left Dawn hanging and walked back to Captain IF and Nepgear. They noticed the interaction while the CPUs, Emma and (F/n) talked about Dawn.

IF (Captain): What was that all about?

Kiyoshi: Nothing. Just women's feud.

Nepgear: Are you okay?

Kiyoshi: I said it's nothing!

Kiyoshi raised her voice as she soon sighed.

Kiyoshi: Please don't ask any more than needed.

Kiyoshi began to eat her lunch Iris had packed for everyone as time flew by for everyone. When the final bell rings, (Y/n) gathers his belongings and begins to head out with the group for the end of the day. Though, Kiyoshi, IF and Nepgear did not join them as they had their own talk to discuss about.

Location: Ohashi High, Roof.

Kiyoshi, IF and Nepgear stay behind to talk on the roof of the building. What had happened earlier during lunch bugged IF and Nepgear with (Y/n) getting angry against Johnathan.

IF (Captain): Okay... Let's try and assess our situation... We're trapped in this system, we can't even get in touch with the others and we're all having to go to school. Great... I'm having to go through puberty again...

Kiyoshi: At least you're not outside the system. I know that would drive you even more crazy not being able to help your "precious" nephew.

IF (Captain): Oh, shut up will you!?

Nepgear: Can we please not argue! We have other pressing concerns!

Nepgear cuts in to stop the tension rising further as to keep the topic on track.

Nepgear: Even though the system we are in is in the Ultra Dimension, I feel like my connection to draw in Share Energy has been cut... With having to go with the rules of this dimension, I'll only be able to access my HDD with (Y/n)'s help.

Kiyoshi: And that means having to supply enough energy to five CPUs and not four...

IF (Captain): I don't get it though, this is a system. Why would Nepgear and Neptune have difficulty? Shouldn't the system allow them to change into HDD without (Y/n) due to this being a fake version of his world?

Kiyoshi thought about it before concluding to convey to both of them.

Kiyoshi: I believe that it is Chronos' doing. With him interfering with (Y/n)'s recovery, I would not be surprised of him to up the difficulty on us.

IF (Captain): Great. Like we couldn't have had an easier time.

Nepgear: With who our enemies are? It's never easy...

With the three finishing their conversation, the three looked around to see if anyone was around below. With the school closed down for the day, the three carefully jumped down from on top of the building. Nepgear and Kiyoshi landed on the ground okay, Captain IF landed on her ass.

IF (Captain): OW!!

Kiyoshi: I told you to focus on a landing point.

IF (Captain): Not my fault you people make it look easy!! This is my first time doing that!!

After Nepgear applied some healing energy on IF, the three began to make their way home. Unknown to the three, someone was observing them from a distance.

Location: Outside MRS, Planeptune Basilicom

With the others outside, they could see someone was watching Nepgear, IF and Kiyoshi before they disappeared from the radar.

Histoire: Where did they go?

Mirasashiro: I'm afraid I can't tell you... They have disappeared...

Avdol: This is getting troublesome... First, we lose connection with the team, and now we have alterations in (Y/n)'s memories... Why did he go berserk like that with that kid? (Y/n) would have killed him from how he spoke.

The group was quiet at first before Ivory conveyed to Avdol about it.

Ivory: You see Avdol... Johnathan in the memory is the same person that helped Dionix take the life of Jasper and Iris... (Y/n) and Abby's parents...

Avdol widened his eyes as he became remorseful about his question.

Avdol: I see... I-I did not know Johnathan was the person who helped... I understand (Y/n) would get angry over this...

Adult Neptune: That isn't the only thing... You see the way HOW (Y/n) acted???

Everyone in the room looked at Adult Neptune, other than Mira as he had noticed that as well.

Noire (Ultra): What do you mean?

Histoire (Ultra): What did you notice about (Y/n)?

Adult Neptune: It's the fact of how (Y/n) reacted to Johnathan...

Everyone was still confused by what she meant, before Mira chipped in.

Mirasashiro: The way (Y/n) acted... Felt like he had much hatred for Johnathan... The hatred for his parents dying because of Johnathan...

This sent alarm to a few people as Pluto's looked at (Y/n) while Shadow was still on top of him. Shadow was whimpering softly as he couldn't do anything but wait for his master to awaken from the machine. Peashy was even nearby (Y/n) as she tried to shake him awake from the machine.

Peashy: Onii-chan... Onii-chan...! Wake up...!

It didn't take much, but the kindness (Y/n) gave to Peashy in spending time with her during his amnesia meant a lot to her. Plutia went over to her to get Peashy's attention.

Plutia: Don't worry~ He'll be okay. (Y/n) is strooooooong~ He even helped defend me when I was even tricked by that meanie Johnathan.

IF (Ultra): About that... Why did (Y/n) go help you? He suddenly wakes up being all okay, but then reaches you to help you out?

Plutia: Johnathan used some sort of shiny rock. I'm mean and scary one moment, then I'm back to normal.

Adult Neptune: Anti-crystals. A CPU's weakness...

Noire (Ultra): Wait, you mean to tell me that there is something to stop us in our transformed states???

Blanc (Ultra): There was nothing of that sort in our world.

Adult Neptune: That's because it didn't. It's something the others and I discovered in one of our adventures together. Red glowing crystals that can cut off a CPU from their source of power for a short while. No power, no way to defend themselves.

The more the CPUs learned of their new weakness to the Anti-crystals, the more they made note of ever encountering them.

Emma: Not to um... Interrupt this... But who is that Dawn person? Is she another virus implemented by Chronos?

(F/n): Yeah, not to mention that Emma and I have NO memories of ever meeting someone named Dawn. Even if she is c-

(F/n) suddenly shuts up when he feels his ear being pulled on by the jealous Emma.

Emma: Keep that up, and you'll only have ONE ear to listen from!

(F/n): Y-YES MA'AM!!!

With (F/n) being the new source of attention, the others began to laugh in light of the situation at hand and enjoy what form of peace they can get.

(F/n) Owned Count: *Ding* 20

(F/n) groaned as Mira watched the screen fast forward on its own without him touching it.

Mirasashiro: Now what is happening???

The others converged towards Mira as to see the screen and see events pass by fast. From the funny moment of seeing (Y/n) get whacked by Blanc, to the discovery of (F/n) and Emma discovering the girls were from another dimension. It soon begins to slow down when the group gets to the Dodgeball game that (Y/n), the CPUs and (F/n) were in. But this time though, it was (Y/n), the CPUs, IF and Kiyoshi.

Adult Neptune: I take it we didn't do that?

Mirasashiro: Yes. Chronos must be trying to get to certain parts on purpose.

Emma: This was the moment when we first saw (Y/n) get angered by Johnathan a lot...

(F/n): Yeah. He was even going to break Johnathan. Kinda wished that had happened now honestly...

Looking at the screen, Histoire looked at (Y/n) and worried about him.

Histoire: I only pray that (Y/n) makes it through this ordeal... I do not wish to see what he may have to witness or do when those moments come...

Everyone stared at the screen as they watched the events happen.

Location: Inside MRS, Ohashi High Gym.

At the school, time has passed by faster as it was now time for the Dodgeball tournament for the high school. For the team, it has changed since last time as it was now (Y/n), Neptune, Noire, Blanc, Vert, IF, Nepgear and Kiyoshi. Right now, the match was Johnathan's crew vs another team of classmates as Nepgear, Neptune, IF, Kiyoshi and (Y/n) noticed the sudden change of the area.

Nepgear: H-Huh?

IF (Captain): H-How did-?

Kiyoshi: Why did-??

Emma (Data): What's wrong?

Emma began to ask as Kiyoshi waved it off to make sure nothing was off.

Kiyoshi: Y-Yeah Emma. We just dozed off for a moment.

Looking at (Y/n), Kiyoshi was trying to tell him with her eyes as they needed to talk. Catching this, he nodded his head.

(Y/n): Yeah. Maybe some of us need to get a drink?

Neptune: Oooo~ I wonder if there are pudding drinks like in my world~?

(F/n) (Data): You literally drink pudding?!

Neptune: I made pudding into a drink. Is it wrong to have pudding flavored drinks??

(Y/n): Knowing you... I wouldn't be surprised...

Noire (Data): How do you think I feel KNOWING her!?

Getting up, the five were going to go to talk about the problem, but Dawn, who had been sitting next to (Y/n), held his hand.

Dawn: Will you be back?

(Y/n): U-Uh, yeah. Sure. Promise.

After knowing (Y/n) would be back, (Y/n) and the others began to head towards somewhere secluded to talk. Though, (Y/n) felt a little off about something, but decided to shake it off for now.

IF (Captain): Okay, we were just walking home earlier, WHY ARE WE HERE!?

Neptune: Yeah! I was just about to kiss (Y/n) in his sleep again on the second night here, and I miss it!!

(Y/n), IF, Nepgear and Kiyoshi looked at Neptune as her priorities were off and ignored her for now.

Kiyoshi: Besides... "That", something obviously happened that caused us to skip to a certain point in the memory.

(Y/n): Okay, but why are we here???

Neptune: I do remember it was something about a Dodgeball tournament. I think it was (F/n) told us Johnathan was in it for payback?

Nepgear: That would be from what I remember in reading the journals.

(Y/n) stared in shock at Nepgear about his journals.

(Y/n): You went through my thoughts?!

Nepgear: It was important in case some of us needed to help in restoring your memory on the inside... I'm sorry...

IF (Captain): Regardless of reading my nephew's diaries...

(Y/n): "JOURNALS!!!"

IF (Captain): Not the point right now. We have to think about why we suddenly got here.

Kiyoshi: It has to be Chronos. He's been interfering since the CPU rescue, I wouldn't be surprised if he continued this.

(Y/n): Who IS Chronos??? I know we were talking to Dionix one minute, but then some guy took his place as if in a static image...

Kiyoshi: He's someone I've been trying to keep track of and possibly defeat. Chronos is my problem to deal with, so please don't go trying to fight him.

(Y/n) got a little angry as he looked at Kiyoshi.

(Y/n): If Chronos is someone dangerous, he could go after my family, Kiyoshi. I can't sit aside and expect someone else to handle this problem on their own. Before Chronos put a virus in the MRS, he hurt Shadow and almost my- This even sounds weird when I say it... -"Aunt" as they're my family from what I remember. So, I can't just-

Kiyoshi raised her voice and looked at (Y/n) with anger of her own to match his.

Kiyoshi: You will NOT go anywhere near Chronos!! Do you hear me!? You're not ready for him!!!

(Y/n) looked at Kiyoshi as he walked up to her and stared at her in the eyes. The two glared at each other as (Y/n) spoke to her.

(Y/n): You can tell me all you want, but my family is all I have. If anything happens to my family, I will never forgive myself.

Kiyoshi: If you do fight him, I will personally knock you out. And you wouldn't be able to know what hit you before it was too late.

(Y/n) and Kiyoshi stared at each other as Nepgear was going to get in the way to try and stop them.

Nepgear: Can you two please st-!

Before Nepgear could finish her sentence, (Y/n) lifted an arm up to try and punch towards Kiyoshi. But in an instant, (Y/n) was on the floor with his arm pulled behind him while Kiyoshi kept him pinned down.

(Y/n): Wh-What the?!

Neptune: U-Um... What happened?

IF (Captain): I-I only blinked! H-How?!

(Y/n) looked Kiyoshi in the eye as she glared more at (Y/n).

Kiyoshi: If you can't match the speed I can go, you have no chance at facing Chronos. Give it up, now.

(Y/n) wanted to struggle, but he couldn't even argue with his current position and relaxed his body to show Kiyoshi he was done. Getting off of (Y/n), Kiyoshi stood there and lectured him.

Kiyoshi: I know you feel like you have duties and responsibility to make sure the Hyper Dimension danger doesn't get to your dimension... But this danger goes beyond what you know itself. Please for once, listen when someone tells you something rather than acting on your own instincts...

Kiyoshi soon began to walk away to give (Y/n) a chance to calm down by himself. Nepgear got closer to (Y/n) as she held a hand out to (Y/n) to give help to stand up.

Nepgear: Well, regardless of Kiyoshi's... "Harsh" tone, I know you'll find ways to get stronger.

(Y/n) looked Nepgear in the eyes as he smiled and grabbed her hand, (Y/n) began to stand up with Nepgear's help to be back on his feet. After getting helped up, (Y/n) looked at Kiyoshi as he had a statement to make.

(Y/n): After this tournament, I'm going to prove to you I have what it takes to beat Chronos. Even if it takes me years to beat you. I'm not going to give up until I show you, I can keep up with you.

Hearing those words coming from (Y/n), Kiyoshi didn't sense any deception as she smiled and looked back at (Y/n).

Kiyoshi: Fine. But you have to promise that if Chronos personally shows up, you leave the fight to me, no matter WHAT happens.

(Y/n): I won't promise to not stay out of the fight if you get into danger. It's not in my nature to sit while I watch someone close die on me. BUT, if someone says and believes they can hold their own against an enemy, I won't disrespect their wish to stay out of a personal fight. I'll respect your wishes, but if you know me so well, you know I won't abandon you to let you die.

Finding some mutual ground, Kiyoshi smiled at meeting at a clear understanding to each other instead of butting heads.

Kiyoshi: Thank you. Knowing you'll be there to watch over the fight, I'll accept that instead of you being in the actual fight.

Nepgear, IF and Neptune smiled as Kiyoshi and (Y/n) was able to not fight any further as Johnathan walked out into the hall with his goons.

Johnathan (Data): (L/n). Hope you're ready to lose soon. Our match is almost upon us.

Looking at Johnathan, (Y/n) looked at Johnathan.

(Y/n): Yeah. Just don't get the bright idea that you'll win this match. Get too much of a big head, and you'll pop.

Johnathan (Data): Big talk coming from a bastard that has no balls to fight back.

(Y/n): Just because I don't fight back, doesn't mean I'm afraid of you. It's because I know control better than you do while you just fight just to be in control of people.

Johnathan growled as he glared at (Y/n).

Johnathan (Data): You better watch that mouth of yours. If you don't, I'll make you personally regret it.

(Y/n) didn't know why, but he felt anger when Johnathan said this as he walked up to Johnathan and stared at him.

(Y/n): Be careful who you make threats to, you never know what your threats can do. Don't push me, or else.

(Y/n) soon began to walk past Johnathan as he led the girls back to the gym to rejoin the group. Unknown to the group, under (Y/n)'s shirt, the Crystal of Hope was slowly changing to that of a dark glow. (Y/n) felt uneasy by what he felt, but hoped it wasn't anything bad.


It was now the tournament match everyone was waiting for. Where (Y/n)'s team was up against Johnathan's team. It was the middle of the match as some of Johnathan's men were out on the sidelines while Nepgear, Vert, Neptune and Noire were off to the sidelines. Each team was down to their four teammates. (Y/n), Blanc, IF and Kiyoshi, to Johnathan and 3 of his men. (Y/n) dodged a ball aimed for him by Johnathan while Blanc jumped away from aimed shots by Johnathan's goons.

Blanc: They have me pinned down here!

Hearing Blanc's predicament, IF grabbed a dodgeball and ran up to take aim and throw a ball, the rubber ball slams itself into the face of one of the goons as he slid backwards into the wall. IF cheered in taking one of them out, but she soon began trying to back up while backflipping to dodge some incoming balls at her. Unfortunately, one of them hits her in the back and makes her lose her balance to tumble on the ground.

IF (Captain): Damn it!

IF got up and quickly got off the court so as to not get in anyone's way. Kiyoshi had her hands in her pockets as Johnathan took notice of her.

Johnathan: What's the matter??? You're not going to play???

Kiyoshi: I don't really need to do anything. If I did, there would be no chance for you three at all.

Johnathan was getting angered as he began to focus on Kiyoshi with his remaining men in play. The three primed their shots as Johnathan and his goons threw their balls at Kiyoshi, but in fluid motions, Kiyoshi began to dodge each ball that came her way with no worry in her expression. While one of the goons was distracted, (Y/n) saw a moment he could see and looked to Blanc. They both nod at each other as they grab a ball each and charge in.

(Y/n): Here comes a double fast ball!!

Blanc: Heads up!!

The goon they were targeting saw the two look at him directly in the eye as they threw their balls. The dodgeballs soon make contact with the enemy player as he was knocked backwards onto their back. Blanc and (Y/n) high-five each other as they backed up to get distance as Johnathan threw a ball that went past them.

Johnathan (Data): Grrrr!!! STAND STILL!!

(Y/n): Where would the fun be if I let you~?

Kiyoshi just sighed as IF tried to dodge one ball, but soon got hit in the stomach hard by surprise.

IF (Captain): Ugh...!

IF suddenly went to her knees and clutched her stomach. Kiyoshi couldn't help her directly but called out to her.

Kiyoshi: You okay, IF?

IF (Captain): Yup...! Just got hit by surprise...

Kiyoshi: Then hurry and get out of the way while you can. I can't lose focus, not here.

IF nodded her head as she got off the court as quickly as she could. The game began to escalate as Kiyoshi knew it was time to end this before it could go further.

Kiyoshi: Alright! Listen up!!

Gaining the attention of the crowd and even those on the court, Kiyoshi pointed towards Johnathan and his last goons in play.

Kiyoshi: Before you even take out those two over there, you're facing me and ONLY me.

Johnathan looked at his goons and began to laugh with them.

Johnathan (Data): You?! A girl?! Oh, someone pinch me! This has to be a joke!!

Kiyoshi: You really want to be laughing? I'm pretty sure some people remember you getting your ass whooped by me.

With Kiyoshi saying that, Johnathan looked at Kiyoshi as if she made a mistake.

Johnathan (Data): You know, I'm definitely going to wipe that smirk off your face and even make you eat the ground you stand at.

Kiyoshi looked at Johnathan as she crossed her arms where she stood.

Kiyoshi: Then prove it.

Johnathan (Data): What?

Kiyoshi: I won't move from this spot. I can do anything else, but if I move a single inch from this spot, I'll accept defeat by going off the court.

Kiyoshi smirked at challenging Johnathan as he took the bait laid out for him. Johnathan and his two goons began to spread out and try to fire from multiple angles as possible. Blanc and (Y/n) were about to get closer, but Kiyoshi sensed their intent.

Kiyoshi: Stay out of this. I'm trying to make a point to old yeller over there.

Johnathan (Data): "O-Old yeller"!? Do I look old to you!?

Kiyoshi: Kinda proving my point really.

Johnathan growled as (Y/n) was wanting to object, but with how fast Kiyoshi was, (Y/n) looked to Blanc and to see with his own eyes how fast Kiyoshi was. Johnathan and his goons prepared to throw the dodgeballs, when the moment arrived for them, the three all threw their ammo towards Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi still had her arms crossed as the balls closed in toward her. When the balls got closer though, Kiyoshi quickly opened her arms and grabbed the first, the second and the third in an instant. To everyone, Kiyoshi caught all three balls with no problem as she had not moved from her spot and got Johnathan and his two goons out at the same time. Everyone was in shock of seeing what happened as the stadium erupted into an instant cheer at an impressive feat.

Johnathan (Data): NO!!

Johnathan was fuming at how this could happen to him. Kiyoshi dropped the balls on her as she knew the game was over. (Y/n) and Blanc stared at Kiyoshi in just being surprised by what she could do.

Blanc (Data): You... Did I catch that, right?

(Y/n): Not EVEN close...

Kiyoshi smirked and began to walk away as a ball rolled to Johnathan's feet. When seeing this, Johnathan soon picked up the ball and clutched it in rage.

Kiyoshi just smirked and didn't notice Johnathan holding the ball. Johnathan soon primes the ball to be thrown while Blanc gets out of her stupor about Kiyoshi beating three people at once. Johnathan was going to throw the ball as hard as he could to the back of Kiyoshi's head as he soon flung it. Reacting fast, Blanc rushed over to Kiyoshi to push her out of the way and attempt to catch the ball, but it soon collided against her face instead.

(Y/n): BLANC!!!

Kiyoshi widened her eyes at Blanc pushing her out of the way and soon taking the ball meant for her instead. Blanc fell to the ground as she trembled softly as (Y/n) quickly rushed up to Blanc to help her up.

(Y/n): Blanc! Blanc!! Are you okay?! Are you- Ngh!?

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as he saw Blanc begin to bleed from her nose, but it was more than the original time it had happened. Seeing Blanc get hurt like this caused (Y/n) to tighten his hand into a fist. Digging his own nails into his palm as blood was beginning to be seen from doing this while growling softly. Kiyoshi saw what was happening and tried to talk to (Y/n).

Kiyoshi: (Y/n), you need to calm down, if you get mad-

(Y/n): Shut the hell up, now!!

(Y/n)'s voice echoed in the gym as it caught everyone's attention and to Blanc's condition. Blanc groaned in pain as it had really landed on her nose.

Johnathan (Data): Damn bitch. Not even the target I even wanted. Oh well, I feel better at least.

(Y/n)'s eyes began to turn red with anger as his hair began to rise up slightly.

(Y/n) (Rage): What the hell did you say...?

Johnathan (Data): Huh?

After using some healing power to heal Blanc's injury quickly, (Y/n) got up and began to glare towards Johnathan.

(Y/n) (Rage): What the HELL did you just say!!!

Johnathan (Data): I'm not going to answer to someone like you. You're not even worth my time. Not even that pathetic bitch on the ground.

An aura surrounded (Y/n) as he couldn't hold his rage back anymore.

(Y/n) (Rage): I'LL F***ING KILL YOU!!! RAAAAAAAGH!!!

(Y/n) began to charge towards Johnathan and was about to pounce onto him, but Kiyoshi quickly got in the way and was doing all she could to hold (Y/n) back. Johnathan could see the rage in (Y/n)'s eyes as he backed away in how close (Y/n) was to clawing at Johnathan.


With hearing what Kiyoshi was telling the others, Johnathan did just that as he didn't want to stick around for what could happen. With how frightening (Y/n) was, everyone else began to clear the gym so as to not get involved. Kiyoshi was trying to hold (Y/n) back as she was then hit in the back hard with a double arm hammer. Kiyoshi grunted with each hit made to her.

Kiyoshi: NGH!! (Y/n)!! Calm down!!


Kiyoshi grunted as she struggled to keep up with (Y/n)'s increasing power. In the struggle, Kiyoshi saw a dark glow in (Y/n)'s shirt as it was most likely the Crystal of Hope. (Y/n)'s anger fueled his strength as he began to power through Kiyoshi's hold to keep walking as he growled with pure anger.

Kiyoshi: D-Damn it...!!

IF and Nepgear soon rush in to try and help restrain (Y/n) as his anger was fueled more by this.


IF (Captain): Ugh...! Damn! If he keeps this up, he's really going to go berserk!

Nepgear: Isn't there anything we can do to calm him down?!?!

(Y/n) began to lose it where he created Energy Shots in his palms as he was ready to strike at them. Kiyoshi was struggling with decisions on what to do as she didn't have time to think, but just act.

Kiyoshi: Damn it!!! I'm left with no choice...!!!

Kiyoshi soon began to generate energy as she made a dome shield out of energy. Nepgear and IF were suddenly separated from Kiyoshi as she and (Y/n) were the only two inside.

IF (Captain): Kiyoshi?!

Nepgear: This dome! You can control energy?!

Kiyoshi didn't answer as she was too focused on dealing with (Y/n) as she was dodging attacks. (Y/n) was in a blind rage as he swung his fists to try and deal powerful punches, but doing so made him slow and easy to dodge.

Kiyoshi: (Y/n)!! I'm giving you a chance to stop this right now!!!

(Y/n) wasn't even listening in his pure rage as he tackled Kiyoshi to the wall of the barrier. Kiyoshi grunts from the attack as she growled to herself in how pointless this was.

Kiyoshi: Fine! If you won't listen to reason, I'll force you out of this state myself!!!

Generating energy to her left hand, Kiyoshi makes a ball of energy that she pressed against (Y/n)'s chest. The ball exploded that caused (Y/n) to be launched away from Kiyoshi as he slid on his feet to keep his balance. Kiyoshi was fast as she began to deliver punches and kicks to (Y/n) as he was being pushed back. Kiyoshi then delivers a double power punch by bringing both fists to one side and then thrust them to the other in landing on (Y/n)'s chest. The attack launched (Y/n) to the wall on the other side of the barrier.

(Y/n) (Rage): Y-Your attacks are pointless!!! What makes you think I'll stop right now!?!?

Kiyoshi: I'm not trying to defeat you! I'm stopping you with this!!!

(Y/n) looked down to see Kiyoshi had gotten in close in a split second with energy building up between her hands. (Y/n) widened his eyes as it was concentrated energy as Kiyoshi began to pour it towards his chest. More specifically the Crystal of Hope.

Kiyoshi: PURIFY!!!

When the energy gets placed to (Y/n)'s chest and crystal, (Y/n) begins to let out a yell of pure agony as the dark aura that was around him began to be expelled by force. The energy was being absorbed by the Crystal of Hope as it glowed brightly with the same energy. The CPUs, IF, Emma and (F/n) stared in shock at what was happening as a bright glow of light surged in the barrier. When it died down, the barrier was dispelled with (Y/n) unconscious on the floor and Kiyoshi taking a few deep breaths to center herself. Once Kiyoshi was able to calm down, she crouched down and began to lift (Y/n) up slowly, but then the sound of a gun being loaded was heard as IF pointed it at Kiyoshi's head.


Kiyoshi: IF, we don't have time for 21 questions...

Nepgear: That light!!! That's the same kind of light (Y/n) used when helping big sis and the others when they were under Dionix's control!

IF (Captain): You had that ability, but you let (Y/n) fight his battle alone back in that base!!!

Kiyoshi looked at IF that was met with the same seriousness as she was right now.

Kiyoshi: We need to go. If anything, authorities are going to arrive soon. We don't need any more troubles than we have. If you want to explain the situation to the police, you can. But I highly doubt they're going to understand with a "certain" person living in this dimension.

IF looked at Kiyoshi as she knew she was talking about her past self and might come and try and question people. With no choice except to go with Kiyoshi, IF soon got to try and lift (Y/n) up.

IF (Captain): You better know that I'm not letting this topic go so easily. You're going to answer my questions later, whether or not you want to.

Nodding her head, Kiyoshi began to lead the others out of the school to begin heading home quickly to avoid the police. It would be a long night, but what choice did they have?

Location: Outside MRS, Planeptune Basilicom.

Back on the outside, Adult Neptune looked at the screen with Emma and (F/n) to observe the scene.

Emma: I know (Y/n) got mad... But he didn't get this angry...

(F/n): I know. Can't believe Neptune even whiffed the ball. At least (Y/n) didn't call my throw the worst throw again.

(Y/n) (Unconscious): That was the worst throw ever... Of all time...

Being caught off guard, (F/n) looks at the unconscious (Y/n) as he yelled at the timing of that saying.


Caboose: Not my fault. The wall got in my way.

Washington: Wait, did he just steal my catchphrase???

As (F/n) and Washington began to converse about (Y/n), but Histoire looked at Mira and Adult Neptune about Kiyoshi.

Histoire: Did you two notice what she did?

Mirasashiro: Putting up a barrier, creating attacks out of energy and channeling energy into (Y/n)...? Yes... We saw that.

Adult Neptune: But... That shouldn't be possible.

Vert (Ultra): Why shouldn't it be possible?

Histoire looked at Vert who asked the question.

Histoire: Because those techniques were something those of the Shinzuyaku Clan could only do. The Clan that had assisted past generations of CPUs in defending Gamindustri and protecting the CPUs.

The other Histoire took notice of this and looked at her counterpart.

Histoire (Ultra): But, for that to even be possible... That would mean that-

Histoire: I know what you're thinking... But it doesn't explain how this is possible... We know (Y/n) is basically the separated spirit of Shalla, or otherwise Dionix as they were defeated by Aiden and their Master... The good side of Shalla went to Earth where Ivory used to revive Iris and Jasper's son with the energy in the crystal. That would mean there are two people connected to the Shinzuyaku Clan that can control the flow of energy...

Mirasashiro: But seeing Kiyoshi using techniques by Shalla and (Y/n), she clearly has ties to learning such abilities... We can only assume that by having these abilities, she also has a Crystal to generate power from.

Histoire: That's right. The Clan had a specific way of carrying stored crystals of Share Energy that they could channel into defensive or offensive moves. But after the death of the clan, all the crystals should have been lost. Yet, we're seeing a third user of energy. How is that possible? If someone like her existed, we would have picked up any information available to us...

Tucker began to walk up from hearing this to add to the talk.

Tucker: So, what? She just suddenly appeared out of thin air and now just doing what she wants?

Histoire: That's exactly what we're thinking.

Avdol: But that can't be possible. If someone was hiding this whole time, why decide on showing themselves now?

Emma looked at Histoire with a few questions for herself.

Emma: Histoire? You said that the Shinzuyaku come from your dimension, right?

Histoire: That is correct.

Emma: Couldn't it be possible that some did survive and that they decided to go into hiding? Maybe the reason why they didn't want to be found was because they thought it would be better if they stayed out of it?

Histoire shook her head as she looked at Emma.

Histoire: No. Even if the Clan did survive... To stay out of the affairs of the world would mean they abandoned us or did not have the means to fight back... Kiyoshi however...

Histoire looked toward Kiyoshi and stared at her.

Histoire: I believe she is hiding something... Hiding a valuable piece of information... To suddenly arrive when we needed the right help, it doesn't add up. The only times when the Clan decided to go to another dimension, was when they were put in exile, or to seek to train their power...

Avdol: Then, do you think Kiyoshi is not a Clan member? Why would she save us when that man Chronos attacked? Do you think it was to buy our trust?

Histoire: If Kiyoshi was wanting to lie to us, she would haven't put herself into danger in the MRS... I'll need to make a request to her after we can re-establish contact or when they can get out. I wish to test something.

Histoire (Ultra): What do you plan on doing?

Histoire looked at Kiyoshi as she gave an answer.

Histoire: That... Will have to wait until the situation is resolved... For now... While the others are in the MRS, we have no function of time during this situation...

IF (Ultra): Without any way of telling what time, it is based on the sky outside... We're still stuck and have no way and have no way of being able to collect more food unless we get them from storage down below.

Grif: You have a food storage?! WHERE!?

Simmons and Washington both punch Grif in the head to keep him in check.

Simmons: The food is shared with ALL of us, Grif!!

Washington: If you so much as eat it all, I'll personally throw you over that balcony to a time stopped death.

Grif gulped as he rather kept his life than fall from a high place.

Grif: And suddenly, not so hungry anymore.

The machine began to fast forward again as Mira groaned in frustration.

Mirasashiro: Damn it all! It's happening again! Will these fast forwarding ever stop?!

Everyone looked at the screen as it soon sped up to (Y/n) being in the city.

Location: Inside MRS, Downtown.

As (Y/n) walked around, he suddenly jolted up as he looked around.

(Y/n): We really are skipping... But why though??? I remember that mom got a call because I did something, and I got suspended...

As (Y/n) tried to think, a hand tapped him on the shoulder to reveal it was Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi: I would say don't think too much about it, but then I would be lying when recovering your memories is a pretty big deal.

(Y/n) looked back to see Kiyoshi and was very confused.

(Y/n): Kiyoshi??? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?

Kiyoshi was still in her school uniform as she crossed her arms and turned her back to him.

Kiyoshi: I should, but I figured you want someone to talk to. Considering you're out and about just to pass the time.

(Y/n) was about to say something, but with how (Y/n) was suspended from school, Kiyoshi wasn't wrong about not wanting to be stuck in the house.

(Y/n): Okay, besides being a smartass, why be here with me? What makes me so special to have your company?

(Y/n) began to walk down the street with Kiyoshi following him.

Kiyoshi: Because.

(Y/n): Because why?

Kiyoshi: Now if I told you, where would the fun be in this mystery~?

(Y/n) got an annoyed expression on his face and looked at Kiyoshi.

(Y/n): That pisses me off more than getting no answer.

Kiyoshi: Good. Because I don't feel like talking about myself.

(Y/n): Why's that?

Kiyoshi stopped and looked up to the sky above her as she sighed.

Kiyoshi: Because what I do here, could be life or death for everyone we know here and outside the MRS...

(Y/n) looked at Kiyoshi and grew serious.

(Y/n): Is this about Chronos?

Kiyoshi didn't answer, but nodded her head at this to tell him he wasn't wrong.

(Y/n): Kiyoshi, if I'm even going to know who Chronos is, I NEED to know how I can combat him. If my family is in constant danger-

Kiyoshi: You promised, (Y/n). And I know you're not one to break promises. You always kept them.

Kiyoshi said as this confused (Y/n) about why she said that to him.

(Y/n): What does that even mean???

Looking around, Kiyoshi looked up as she then took (Y/n) into an alleyway. Generating a platform of energy, the two began to rise up to go to the tallest building nearby. This surprised (Y/n) in how Kiyoshi made a platform of energy so fast and controlled it to rise up without causing the uplift to push them to it. When getting to the top of a building, Kiyoshi walked off first while being followed by (Y/n) before the platform disappeared.

Kiyoshi: Tell me, were you looking at a shopping window at a jewelry store earlier?

(Y/n) looked at Kiyoshi as during the skip, he did see something that did have a jewelry store.

(Y/n): I did, I saw three in particular... A crown, one with a controller, and a heart with wings...?

Kiyoshi: Let's just say that you make 3 girls very happy by working hard for those jewels~

(Y/n) began to blush and then even harder when being teased about Noire, Neptune and Blanc.

(Y/n): Okay, if you went to school, then how did you know I was in the city right now?

Kiyoshi: I asked your mom, and she told me you went out. You always love to explore places when you have a lot on your mind.

(Y/n) began to get a little annoyed that his mom told Kiyoshi where he was, but decided not to let that get in the way of their talk.

(Y/n): So why be with me? If you're skipping school, why would my mom let you? She practically makes me go to school and if I skipped, I would be dealing with the clothesline incident again...

Kiyoshi: Yeah... Don't tell me that, I pretty much know.

(Y/n) looked at Kiyoshi while having a shocked expression.

(Y/n): How much do you know...?!

Kiyoshi looked back with a devilish smirk.

Kiyoshi: Don't piss the mother while she air dries clothes~

(Y/n) soon froze and felt the terror of the incident wash over him as he went into a fetal position and hugged his knees close to him.

(Y/n): So... Much... Water...

Everyone watching on the outside began to sweat while (F/n) was in the same position (Y/n) was. Their only thoughts were "What in the hell is the Clothesline Incident?!" With Kiyoshi, she giggled a little and walked up to lightly tap (Y/n) on the shoulder.

Kiyoshi: Sorry about that, but I couldn't resist seeing the look on your face~

(Y/n): My painful torture of that moment is nothing to laugh about...!!

Kiyoshi: Kinda? Plus, it keeps readers questioning it. Hope that the writer of this just ends the mystery already. Kinda dragging it out, don't ya think???

Kiyoshi looked at the camera with an objective look on her face while (Y/n) looked the way she looked. To (Y/n), he saw nothing.

(Y/n): First Neptune and now this? What am I not seeing here??

Kiyoshi ignores (Y/n)'s question as she soon looks to see a smile beginning to form.

Kiyoshi: It's happening...

Looking at a specific building, Kiyoshi soon drops some clothes to the ground of the roof. (Y/n) looked to see a hood, pants, and some other accessories.

(Y/n): What are these for?

Kiyoshi: For a disguise, of course.

(Y/n): Why would I need a disguise!?

Kiyoshi pointed to the fire to show (Y/n) what she was talking about.

Kiyoshi: You ever have that itch that you can do something but can't because of people knowing???

(Y/n) looked at Kiyoshi as if she knew exactly how he felt.

Kiyoshi: I'm giving you a chance to DO something to change that! Put that on or stay here, I don't care which. But if there is one thing, I won't sit by while others get hurt.

Kiyoshi soon began to generate power that switched her clothing out of her school uniform. What formed was her combat attire, but with a short coat, a hood, some goggles, and a scarf to cover her face. Kiyoshi looked over to (Y/n) as she showed a wristwatch that allowed her to summon a hoverboard that was of a dark purple color.

(Y/n): A-A hoverboard?!

Kiyoshi: If you want to gather your courage and remember why you gained your power, meet me where the fire is happening.

Kiyoshi jumped and landed onto her board and began to fly towards the building catching on fire. (Y/n) ran to the edge of the building and saw Kiyoshi sail through the air.

(Y/n): That girl, just WHO is she???

(Y/n) watched Kiyoshi as she kept going to the fire and looked at the clothes on the ground. Looking at the clothes, he frowned and soon began to get his combat attire out in order to disguise himself.

Location: Apartment Fire.

Arriving at the location of the building that was on fire, Kiyoshi soon began to land with her hoverboard as she began to run towards where the entrance was. At the entrance were Ryuuji and Taiga who were coming out of the fire after being escorted by firemen.

Ryuuji (Data): No! You don't understand! Our daughter is still there!!

Taiga (Data): S-Sophie...

The firemen kept Ryuuji from trying to go back in, but Kiyoshi, who was in disguise, walked up to them.

Kiyoshi (Disguised): You have a daughter in the building?

Ryuuji looked at Kiyoshi and wondered who she was.

Ryuuji (Data): Y-Yes, we do... My wife and I have a young daughter in the building still on fire...! We got separated while trying to get out...! She's still on the fifth floor...!

Kiyoshi (Disguised): Don't worry, your daughter is going to be fine.

Ryuuji looked at Kiyoshi and was confused.

Ryuuji (Data): What are you going to do?

Before Kiyoshi answered, a hoverboard soon made its way to where she was as it was (Y/n) who donned his Aura Knight attire.

Kiyoshi (Disguised): Ah, and here is my partner now. He's the real head of this rescue mission.

Ryuuji (Data): Um... Again, who are you two?

Walking up to Ryuuji, (Y/n) had to think quickly about what he would say.

Aura Knight (Y/n): Sir, please don't be alarmed.

(Y/n) looked at Ryuuji and Taiga as they both had a wedding ring on. Meaning they were married. Taiga was now unconscious as she couldn't handle the strain from the fire from getting from the top to the bottom floor while worrying for her daughter.

Aura Knight (Y/n): I take it you're married?

Ryuuji (Data): Y-Yes... This is my wife, Taiga... My name is Ryuuji Takasu, and we have to get back inside, our daughter Sophie is still in there!!

Looking at the building, (Y/n) tightened his hand into a fist as he looked at Ryuuji.

Aura Knight (Y/n): Don't worry, we'll get your daughter for you. Stay out here and take care of your wife.

(Y/n) began to walk towards the building with Kiyoshi as Ryuuji called out to them.

Ryuuji (Data): Who are you???

Stopping for a moment, (Y/n) turned around and looked at Ryuuji.

Aura Knight (Y/n): If we make it, I'll tell you.

Running towards the building, the Firefighters tried to stop Kiyoshi and (Y/n) before they could get in, but they generated a barrier of their energy to pass through the flames with ease. Once inside, Kiyoshi and (Y/n) began to look for a way to get to higher ground.

Kiyoshi (Disguised): (Y/n), go that way, I'll try going this way.

Aura Knight (Y/n): Got it. Try to cover more ground and look for that child fast! If you find anyone, get them out of the building!

Kiyoshi (Disguised): Right!

Separating, (Y/n) began to go the way he went in his memories as Kiyoshi began to go a different way. With being able to work together, Kiyoshi focused power on her ears to try and listen for people trapped in the building. In a matter of minutes, Kiyoshi would save four citizens while (Y/n) saved Sophie from the fire. Family members were relieved and happy that those they knew inside were safe and sound to live another day. (Y/n) and Kiyoshi were about to leave when Ryuuji soon tugged on (Y/n)'s coat to gain his attention.

Ryuuji (Data): Sir, Miss... I-I can't thank you enough for what you did... Not only did you save our precious daughter, but you worked together to save anyone still trapped. H-How can we ever repay you...?

(Y/n) looked at Kiyoshi as he shook his head.

Aura Knight (Y/n): Sir, just seeing your daughter and many others happy to be with their families, is all I would want.

Kiyoshi (Disguised): We don't do it for the money. We do it because it's the right thing to do.

Ryuuji looked at the two before (Y/n) and Kiyoshi began to leave.

Ryuuji: Wh-Who are you two...???

Stopping in their tracks, (Y/n) had to think of a name, but a name already scratched his head.

Aura Knight (Y/n): I am the defender of peace for those in this city, you can call me, Aura Knight.

(Y/n) looked at Kiyoshi as she had already had a name for herself.

Mystic Witch (Kiyoshi): As his accomplice, I defend the love for families and seek justice for those wronged, I am Mystic Witch.

Ryuuji looked at the two before they summoned their hoverboards and began to leave as quickly as they gave their secret code names. The two soon went to a building up high as (Y/n) and Kiyoshi pulled their hoods down and (Y/n) yelled out.


Kiyoshi: Yeah, want to scream that any louder for the city to hear??

(Y/n): You don't understand, for the first time, I haven't been so useless and cautious! That was amazing!!

(Y/n) fell down onto his back as some soot rushed from his body upon impact to the ground.

Kiyoshi: Someone feels more alive and happier.

(Y/n) sat up and put his arms behind his head to look up at the sky.

(Y/n): It's not that I've been sad, I just... Felt like I had a different purpose...

Kiyoshi looked at (Y/n), confused by his response.

Kiyoshi: What do you mean?

(Y/n): Well, I always felt "different"? I felt so out of place here that I felt like an outcast except to my friends and family. When I got to the Hyper Dimension for the first time, I was scared... But after saving Neptune and fighting against that robot Mirasashiro, I felt more alive than ever. Being in that dimension for 3 months has left so much of an impression, that the CPUs and their friends, well... They feel like they've been my family forever.

Kiyoshi looked at (Y/n) with some surprise as she giggled at (Y/n)'s words.

(Y/n): Hey, what are you laughing at???

Kiyoshi: Nothing, it's just something I didn't think I ever hear from you of all people.

(Y/n): Huuuuuh???

Kiyoshi began to laugh as she walked away and focused her energy to change back into her normal clothes.

Kiyoshi: Come on, get changed so you can get back home. Your mom must be wondering where you're at. For me, I'm just going to explore until school is over.

(Y/n): And what about the soot on my clothes?!

Kiyoshi: Your problem~


Kiyoshi soon kept off of the building as (Y/n) rushed over to where Kiyoshi jumped from. When getting to the ledge, Kiyoshi was already gone.

(Y/n): How did she disappear so quickly!? Is she Batman!? Na, that would be silly. That's only in cartoons...

With Sophie being safe and now having some form of a disguise, (Y/n) smiles at his way of being able to save people without being discovered. After using an energy disk to float back down, (Y/n) looks out of the alleyway and begins to head home.

Location: Outside MRS, Planeptune Basilicom

Everyone sighed in the room as (Y/n) made some close calls when looking for Kiyoshi.

IF (Ultra): Okay, I know he was crazy about heading to a fight, but in a building that could come down any second??? That's just nuts.

Emma: If (Y/n) wasn't around that day, he wouldn't have met Sophie or her parents... They're part of the reason (Y/n) gained a reason to become Aura Knight...

(F/n): It's still a weird name if you ask me...

Emma: You would only think that because you didn't think of it first.

(F/n): Whatever!

While the others argued, Ivory looked at (Y/n) as he was still in the machine. Ivory felt she couldn't do anything in her current state while Avdol noticed this.

Avdol: You must be worried about him?

Ivory: Yeah...

Avdol: What is your story with (Y/n)? I would very much like to know. It's not every day you get to talk to a spirit linked to another to talk to.

Ivory looked at Avdol and then at (Y/n). Gesturing to a chair near them, Ivory sat in one while Avdol sat in the other.

Ivory: Now, you know that I used to be the previous CPU of Lowee, right?

Avdol: That is from what I was told from Histoire along with what you said. Still, to be linked to (Y/n)'s crystal, it's almost as if it saved your life.

Ivory shakes her head as she looks at her hands as they were partly seen through.

Ivory: Even though I can interact and still talk to (Y/n), it doesn't change how I got like this... Had Shalla's crystal not taken my energy into his crystal, I would have faded away... My life ended when the Deity of Sin struck me down, while Shalla had to cry over my death...

Ivory remembered pieces of the past of when she could gather enough energy to be conscious. From the funeral Shalla attended, the outbursts, attacking monsters out of aggression and neglecting his duties.

Ivory: Shalla and I had made a special bond... A bond that couldn't be shattered even after death... But with me gone, it really hit Shalla hard as all the memories we shared, soon ate him up inside.

Ivory could still remember the night of the genocide Shalla had committed to up to the point of the sealing of Shalla.

Ivory: To ensure that Shalla didn't have his full power should he have ever escaped, Aiden and their Master, had created another crystal. One to drain half of Shalla's power and into the crystal... At least, that was the plan...

Avdol noticed that Ivory soon gained a worried expression as she looked at (Y/n).

Avdol: I feel that what you say next, might be involved about Shalla?

Ivory nods her head to answer him.

Ivory: Shalla was never meant to be unsealed from his imprisonment, but whoever helped him... Must be very powerful... Because even though (Y/n) and Shalla share the same energy source, Shalla... Still retains his power, even before the sealing...

Avdol widened his eyes in hearing this as he was stricken with shock.

Avdol: A-Are you absolutely sure of this?!

Ivory: Yes... Even when Shalla transforms using his rage and hate... When (Y/n) and Shalla fought, (Y/n) was being toyed with by Shalla. Led to being thought he could win... Expending his energy and stamina while Shalla hardly breaks a sweat...

Avdol trembled in fear at how strong Shalla could be with just himself.

Ivory: However...

Avdol was suddenly taken away from his thoughts and back to Ivory in chipping in something.

Ivory: During when Shalla was about to kill (Y/n)... Something just seemed to... "Snap" in (Y/n)... Like, a will that couldn't be broken...

Ivory thinks back to when (Y/n) was holding the dark ball of energy as a surge of power coursed through (Y/n) at the time.

Ivory: I could feel his will to survive, the need to protect his friends and family. (Y/n) even worried about anyone who would have to deal with Shalla. (Y/n) knew that if he died at that moment, it wouldn't stop with his death... That's when I began to feel a change in his flow of energy.

The memory kept showing the image of (Y/n) unleashing all his power he had left as his will and need to protect his family was even greater than defending his life.

Ivory: Even though (Y/n) knew he could die, he couldn't accept that truth. So, he kept pushing his body, surging with energy to just keep himself from being overtaken by the ball of energy. At that moment, something began to change in the Crystal of Hope.

It soon showed (Y/n)'s crystal as it glowed very brightly as it floated up slightly by the power being unleashed.

Ivory: (Y/n) unleashing all of his power caused a fluctuation of energy to surge. The will and need to protect his friends and family began to unlock a new power. A power that no one ever could reach...

Avdol: What is that? What power did (Y/n) reach?

Ivory looked at Avdol with one she knew for certain.

Ivory: (Y/n) reached deep down so far for strength to fight, it began to reach out to everything he could. And from searching, he created a new power... The power of bonds.

Avdol: "Bonds"?? I don't quite follow...

Ivory: You know how you have those that you cherish, and you do anything in your power to keep them safe?

Avdol: I do?

Images of (Y/n) continue to fight against the dark ball of energy as the power (Y/n) had at the time runs out. Neptune seeing (Y/n) soon scream and crushed by the attack soon caused the Sharicite to react.

Ivory: You see, the first person (Y/n) ever encountered and helped, was Neptune. (Y/n) didn't have any power nor a real way to fight off the drones Mira had sent after them... But instead of running away, he chose to stay and help Neptune. A normal human being with no knowledge of the world he was taken into, decides to help instead of running away.

Pictures of (Y/n) fighting the drones and getting damaged in return were seen until Neptune helped in return.

Ivory: That small moment of (Y/n) and Neptune getting to know each other, was what caused (Y/n) to awaken to his hidden abilities. The power to generate Share Energy and allow himself to give Neptune the power to fend off that attack.

Images of the Sharicite symbol appeared on (Y/n)'s right hand as he transformed Neptune by accident to Purple Heart.

Ivory: From there, the more (Y/n) helped those around him, the more his power began to grow. From Neptune, to Noire, to Blanc and even pushing Vert away to keep her safe. Sure, (Y/n) was reckless in his actions to tackle situations he didn't know about...

Images of the smiles he had along with getting along with each group made every moment worth it for (Y/n). From the funny interactions with Neptune and her friends, to training with Noire, to chatting with Vert and Blanc and hanging out with their sisters.

Ivory: From helping and deepening the bonds he forged, (Y/n) has grown stronger with each passing moment. I may have helped in giving (Y/n) the transformation, but he didn't have the means to access it yet.

Avdol: So, who really saved (Y/n) during that fight, if I understand, was Neptune due to her realizing that (Y/n) was about to die before her very eyes and couldn't do anything except watch...

Ivory: Very perceptive. Because (Y/n) had interacted with Neptune the most, the Sharicite reacted to Neptune's need to help (Y/n). The Sharicite sent whatever energy it could send without affecting Neptune in a bad way.

The power being sent to (Y/n) caused the crystal to glow greatly and cause an energy surge that caused the energy to push out and protect (Y/n). The energy that surged in (Y/n) is what also awakened his ability to transform and finally meet Dionix on even ground.

Ivory: From there, (Y/n)'s bonds only kept growing from there. And even to this moment, they haven't stopped growing.

Images of those (Y/n) that have helped in his world only kept earning him what little trust those gave to (Y/n) except those that seemed to gain from him.

Ivory: The people who (Y/n) helped, he never did it for money, profit or just to show off. (Y/n) did it all because it was the right thing to do.

Images of (Y/n) protecting his friends, family and the innocents caught in the mix. The baseball stadium, the mall and even downtown.

Ivory: No matter what impossible odds stood in (Y/n)'s way, he couldn't sit idle when he could do something to stop it. Because of that...

Images of (Y/n) and those that he knew and loved were around him while others were mere silhouettes behind his close family.

Ivory: His selfless actions had earned him the strength and will to continue to fight. (Y/n) wasn't the only one that had changed that day when he unlocked his transformation from me...

The image of (Y/n) smiling at those around him was shown as the camera slowly moved into the glowing crystal. Pulsing and glowing bright at each second.

Ivory: For (Y/n), he had achieved a power that no Clan member had ever done for a long time... The Crystal of Hope saw this power inside (Y/n) and it reacted to him alone. (Y/n) doesn't just get stronger from how he trains anymore, the connections he makes are his true source of power for him.

Avdol looked at Ivory as he then looked towards (Y/n). The crystal around his neck and then to those working on trying to help (Y/n).

Avdol: I... I think I see what you're talking about. The many people (Y/n) had come to know, share their pain, and trust in (Y/n), I can see how much they want to make sure (Y/n) is okay. (Y/n) has changed so many lives with just his presence alone, but his actions leave his mark on the world. It's incredible.

Ivory nods her head, but looks at Avdol.

Ivory: That's why (Y/n) is so important... (Y/n) can't die here nor give up on... If the five didn't go in, I don't even-

Avdol: "Five"??? But we only saw Neptune, Kiyoshi, Nepgear and (Y/n)'s Aunt go in, didn't we?

Ivory froze in what she said as she covered her mouth and began to sweat.

Ivory: Oh no...!

Avdol: Ivory! Who's the fifth person that went in there!?

Ivory looked at Avdol as she looked him in the eyes and shook her head.

Ivory: No, it's too soon...! I'm sorry...!

Before Avdol could question Ivory more, Ivory soon turned into a ball of light and went to dive back into the Crystal of Hope, Avdol chased her and yelled into the crystal.

Avdol: IVORY!!! Who is the fifth person!?

Everyone looked at Avdol as they were surprised by his sudden outburst. Avdol began to explain to everyone about the talk about (Y/n) and his powers, all the way to what Ivory had recently brought up.

Washington: So, (Y/n)'s power doesn't come just from himself, but from all the connections he made?

Histoire: The crystal had evolved to be like that?? But, for it to evolve into that form of power, it would make it to be another Sharicite. A crystal to be able to absorb the beliefs and trust into power.

Tucker: Why do I get a feeling a talk about hearts and power is what's happening here?

Simmons: That sounds a bit childish.

Mirasashiro: What was that?

Mira was behind Tucker and Grif as he picked them both up from behind.

Tucker: Hey! F***er!! Let us go!

Simmons: Wash!! Help us!

Washington looked at the two and turned his back to them.

Mirasashiro: Take back what you said, NOW.

Tucker: O-Okay...! Just let us go!

Simmons: We're sorry!

Mira drops the two soldiers as he goes back to the computer.

Tucker: What's his problem???

Histoire: Someone that (Y/n) showed the error of his ways. Mira used to be on the same side as Dionix. But the short few interactions between him and (Y/n), changed him to stop Dionix and stop him from doing what was done to (Y/n)'s family...

Tucker: W-Wow... I... Um...

Mirasashiro: Just forget it now. We have more problems now.

Looking at the screen the others could see that events were fast forwarding again. It was soon taking the group to be in the mall where the others were looking for clothes.

Location: Inside MRS, Downtown Mall.

As the fast forward soon ended, the group soon found themselves in the mall in a clothing store. The group was with Emma, (F/n), Iris, Noire, Blanc and Vert as to look for clothes for those from another dimension.

Nepgear: Huh?

(Y/n): Now where are we??

Looking at the top of his head (Y/n) saw the fez and smiled.

(Y/n): Oooo~ Neat fez~

Kiyoshi: We must be in a clothing store... The mall I presume.

Neptune: Oh, yeah. This was when we played that game with Iris, and she was all "Here's Iris" and stuff.

Neptune shivered at remembering that.

Neptune: I smelled like cooked pudding...

(Y/n): Neptune, you can't cook pudding... It would just melt... Or evaporate... Great, now I'm confused.

Neptune: Yeah, speaking about confusion...

Neptune took the fez from (Y/n)'s hands and chucked it across the store.

(Y/n): MY NEW FEZ!!! WHY!?

Neptune: It's dorky and my boyfriend is not wearing it!!!


IF (Captain): Guys??? Where are we???

Coming out of a changing room, IF was in a pair of different clothes. Sporting the same long coat, the coat was different as it was a short sleeve coat this time with black detached sleeves that had fingerless gloves. IF still had the leafy bow in her hair and had on a black tank top that exposed her midriff and short black shorts. To finish it off, IF also had on blue boots along with black thigh high stockings.

(Y/n): I-IF??? Is that you???

IF (Captain): Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?

Neptune: It's just that...

Nepgear: You want to take a look in the mirror...?

A chuckle could be heard as the data version of Iris was there observing and spoke up.

Iris (Data): If I had to be honest, this is quite an improvement~

Being very confused, IF looked into the mirror and began to blush very hard at her own appearance.

IF (Captain): A-Am I wearing this!?

Iris giggled at IF's embarrassment and walked up to her.

Iris (Data): Considering your personality, this is really a fitting look for ya~ You'd be surprised by who I know in this dimension~ Hehe~

Thinking for a moment on what Iris was meaning by, IF began to blush and realized something in her thoughts.


Iris giggled as she talked to IF more.

Iris (Data): But really, you really look nice in this.

IF looked at Iris as she saw Iris smiling at her. That smile that made everything seem like everything was okay. Seeing this, IF began to tear up and began to cause confusion to those present while Noire, Blanc and Vert were still inside the changing rooms.

Iris (Data): Iffy? What's wrong? Why are you-

IF suddenly hugged Iris as she held onto her tightly.

IF (Captain): I... I... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

(Y/n), Emma, (F/n) and Iris were very confused by what IF was saying as Nepgear, Neptune and Kiyoshi knew exactly what IF was saying.

Iris (Data): Iffy? What are you apologizing for? You did nothing wrong...

(F/n) (Data): Yeah, you okay??

Emma (Data): You can always tell us what's wrong...

IF wanted to continue what she wanted to say, but was soon interrupted by someone else.

Johnathan (Data): Jeez, one day do I wish I didn't have to see anyone dumb and stupid in this world... Let alone the band of misfit idiots.

(Y/n): Ugh... Just one day without Johnathan being here... Just ONE... Damn day...

Johnathan looked at (Y/n) as he did the same to Johnathan.

Johnathan (Data): Loser.

(Y/n): Jerk.

Johnathan and his goons looked around and chuckled.

Johnathan (Data): So, what are you dumb assholes doing here?

(Y/n): Uh, I could ask you the same thing? We're just here looking for clothes. That's all. Why are you here???

Johnathan (Data): Well, I heard an idiot yell from outside the store, and thought I would investigate. That and this fez hit me from out of nowhere.

Johnathan said as he held up the fez. Neptune soon facepalmed at her own actions.

Neptune: Curse my antics...

Johnathan chuckled more as he looked to see Noire, Blanc and Vert exit the changing rooms and caught his attention.

Johnathan (Data): Why don't you just go home (L/n), I'm sure some of the ladies here are fine.

(Y/n) could sense some hostility coming from Johnathan as he stepped closer to him.

(Y/n): Excuse me??? I don't think you have any right to say stuff and ESPECIALLY in front of my friends.

Johnathan (Data): Yeah, exactly what I'm meaning. The girls here are just your "friends" and that's it. I think they would be much happier with stronger men than you and your dweeb friend of yours.

(F/n) got irritated by that comment as he stepped forward.

(F/n) (Data): WHAT!? I am NOT a "dweeb", dude!!

Johnathan (Data): In my eyes and my gang, you are.

(F/n) was getting angry at this as (Y/n) stepped forward towards Johnathan and began to poke at his chest.

(Y/n): I don't care who the HELL you are. I'm not scared of you, and I would give you THOUSANDS of reasons why not to piss me or my family off. If you knew what you were in for, I would leave, now.

Johnathan looked at (Y/n) and began to chuckle as he looked at his gang that began to chuckle too. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow at this as he was confused why they were laughing. Suddenly, Johnathan soon threw a punch that caused (Y/n) to be knocked towards some clothing racks. (Y/n) was not prepared for an attack like that as he felt the back of his head as he was bleeding softly. IF and Iris widened their eyes at this and rushed to (Y/n) as he had his hand on the back of his head.

Iris (Data): (Y/N)!!!

IF (Captain): (Y/n)!!! Are you-!?

Looking at (Y/n) and seeing the blood on his hand, IF and Iris both had a look that was shared with both of them of how they felt. IF soon began to tighten her fists as she dug her nails into her gloves. The others rushed to be at (Y/n)'s side as they worried about their friend, but to Noire, Blanc and Neptune, as (Y/n)'s girlfriends.

Nepgear: (Y/n)! Are you okay!?

(Y/n): Ngh... Just a... little dizzy...

IF stared as she was taking deep breaths. Images of the night of what happened began to play on replayed loops as she began to breathe quicker. Iris looked as she gasped for a moment before gaining a serious look in her eyes and stood up.

Iris (Data): Neptune... Noire... Blanc... Nepgear... Kiyoshi... Please help my son inside the changing room and take care of him. Anyone else can hide in any room they want... IF...

Before Iris could say something, IF looked at Iris as she gave a deep glare.

IF (Captain): Don't you DARE tell me to stay out of this!!! If you do, I won't listen!!

Iris shook her head as she looked IF dead in the eyes.

Iris (Data): No, I say, we "teach" Johnathan a lesson he'll NEVER forget~

IF looked at Iris as if surprised that she was being allowed to join, but she nodded her head as she stood by Iris and cracked her knuckles.

IF (Captain): If it's alright with you, I would like to have Johnathan all to myself.

Without objecting, Iris grinned and nodded her head to allow IF to be the one to handle Johnathan.

Iris (Data): Be my guest~ The miserable brat is all yours~ To compensate for this, his goons basically equal to one Johnathan in their own right~

The goons felt insulted as Iris took out a whip and cracked it, making a loud echoing sound in the store. Nepgear and Neptune hurried and rushed (Y/n) inside the room while everyone decided to choose which ones to be in. Iris began to walk towards the goons while IF walked up to Johnathan.

Johnathan (Data): And what do you want, "Shorty"?

IF looked up at Johnathan as she was not happy with him. Not happy about the past, not happy about the present and especially not happy about the data version.

Johnathan (Data): Tch... Stupid bitch...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

IF soon reacted as she is then kicked Johnathan in the stomach and send him flying down the row. Johnathan's goons were about to punch IF, but a whip cracked that caused to leave a bruise on the first one of her victims.

Iris (Data): Now, now, boys~ Your attentions should be on me~ I was promised the torture of all of you by my own hands~ In all fairness...

Iris soon had a dark serious look in her eyes as she pulled on her whip to bring it back to the farthest the tip could reach.

Iris (Data): The moment you stepped in with that bastard, your innocence has become voided...

Iris soon launches her arm as the whip soon begins to fly and make a loud crack that recoils a goon backwards hard. With IF, the Captain was delivering punches to Johnathan as each one could be heard from the hard punches. Johnathan tried to swing his fist, but was blocked by IF's forearm. Having her other hand primed, IF soon thrusts her arm and twists it to increase the damage dealt to Johnathan's stomach on impact.

Johnathan (Data): NGH...!!!

IF soon followed up with delivering a headbutt to Johnathan as it caused his nose to bleed.

IF (Captain): That is for Blanc...

Johnathan (Data): Wh-What are you-???

IF soon grabbed Johnathan by the back of his hair and slammed him down to the floor.

IF (Captain): This is for Noire...!

IF soon kicks Johnathan in the stomach that causes said man to cough up spit at having his wind be knocked out of his lungs.

IF (Captain): That was for Vert...!!

IF was getting angry for all the trouble Johnathan has caused to her and her family as she had read (Y/n)'s journals about his fights with him or as Discord. IF soon lifted her arm up as she had her hand clutched tightly into a fist, some blood trailing down with her nails digging further into her palm. As Iris was dealing with the goons, she was watching how much IF was doing to Johnathan.

IF (Captain): This is for Neptune...!!!

IF soon launched her fist to crash it into Johnathan's arm as it almost breaks Johnathan's arm.

Johnathan (Data): AUUUUUGH!!!

Johnathan tried to get up, but IF slammed her foot onto his back to make sure Johnathan couldn't escape.

IF (Captain): We're not done here... I'm not satisfied with your torture yet, boy...

Johnathan (Data): Let me go...! What is wrong with you?!

IF glared at Johnathan as she picked him up and began to throw punches left and right on him.

IF (Captain): "What's wrong with ME?!" I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT IS WRONG!!!

IF soon took Johnathan's arm and tossed him towards a clothing rack and knocked down the set. Johnathan gets up and tries to swing one of the legs of the stand at IF as she was dodging left and right of the attacks.

IF (Captain): You're nothing but a selfish brat who does nothing except make others miserable. You bring others down just to feel you're stronger than anyone, BUT you're not!!!

IF soon grabbed the weapon Johnathan was wielding and pulled it from his hand and tossed it to the side.

IF (Captain): You're nothing but a shit stain on this planet, who thinks he can just get away with whatever he wants!!

Johnathan tries to throw a punch at IF, but she grabs his fist and bends it down while pushing his hand up.


IF (Captain): If anything, you're nothing but a parasite that only leeches off of the happiness of others and makes them miserable...

Johnathan could feel his wrist was breaking slowly as he clenched his teeth in pain while Iris tossed one goon to the side while observing IF. (Y/n) poked his head out of the changing room after recovering slowly from the pain he took from Johnathan to see IF holding Johnathan in place.

IF (Captain): Your constant meddling, your persistence to ruin (Y/n)'s life, to spread rumors about him...

IF soon pulls out her katar out of the sleeve to make it look like she pulled it out, when she materialized it out of the inventory to point it at Johnathan. IF soon tossed Johnathan to make him be on the floor to look up at her. IF's eyes were seen glowing with a fiery glow in how serious she was about to do.

IF (Captain): I'm going to make sure... You can't keep hurting my family!!!

IF soon lunged at Johnathan as he dodged a stab that went into the floor instead. Johnathan was doing what he could to keep his distance as IF kept pace with him. Swinging her katar and then pulling another one out to try and end Johnathan. Seeing IF not stopping on her relentlessness, (Y/n) emerged from the changing room to not sit by and watch this. Neptune and Nepgear tried to stop (Y/n), but he was too quick for them. Knocking Johnathan to the ground, IF held her katar in her hand and placed her boot into Johnathan's chest.

Johnathan (Data): S-Stupid bitch!!

IF pointed a katar into Johnathan's face to shut him up as she stared into his eye.

IF (Captain): For a person who's about to die... You really don't even learn... I guess that's why you hurt others... Because you can't imagine being in their shoes... To feel helpless... You're nothing but a punk who needs to be taught his proper place... And die...

IF soon pulled her katar back as she yelled when thrusting her weapon forward.

(Y/n): IF NO!!!!

(Y/n) soon grabbed IF by her wrist and moved it to land the weapon to the side of Johnathan's head. Johnathan looked to the side to see it was just a meter away from stabbing him through the skull as his head was only cut slightly.

(Y/n): IF!!! It's not worth it!!!


IF kept trying to free her hand from (Y/n) as she focused on her other to try and stab Johnathan. Reacting just as fast, (Y/n) quickly grabbed her other wrist as the katar was just inches from Johnathan's eye.

Johnathan (Data): Sh-Shit!! Keep her away from me!!! A-AH!!!

(Y/n) kept trying to keep the katar away from Johnathan as (Y/n) was pushing IF back.

(Y/n): NGH...!!! IF!!! You can't do this!!! It's not right!!!


(Y/n) looked at IF as he pushed her away from Johnathan. IF lost her grip on the katar that was next to Johnathan's head as (Y/n) was keeping his grip on IF's wrists.

(Y/n): I get that Johnathan is an asshole!!! But he doesn't deserve this!!!

IF (Captain): Let go of me!!! Let me do this!!!


(Y/n) yelled at IF as the CPUs, (Y/n)'s friends, Johnathan's goons, Iris, and Kiyoshi were watching this. (Y/n) then squeezed IF's wrist to make her drop her other weapon and make her yelp in pain.

(Y/n): Don't lower yourself to Johnathan's level!! If you lower yourself and let him, get to you, you're going to make a big mistake!!

IF (Captain): Like you're one to talk!!! You say that, but you're not innocent yourself in all of this!!!

(Y/n) looked at IF in what she was meaning as Johnathan got up quickly and pulled the katar out of the ground. When charging towards IF, she saw Johnathan's actions while (Y/n) was unaware of this. Johnathan was about to try and use IF's katar, but then a whip wrapped itself around Johnathan's wrist and then pulled him away from IF and (Y/n). Johnathan was on the ground as he reached for the katar, but Iris stepped her heel onto Johnathan's hand.

Johnathan (Data): AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!

Johnathan looked up to see Iris staring down at him in a menacing stare of not liking Johnathan's actions.

Iris (Data): Wow... You really must have a small dick if you resort to attacking when people are defenseless... I almost feel like I want to kill you... Almost.

Johnathan (Data): G-Get off my hand!!!

Iris soon leaned down to glare at Johnathan.

Iris (Data): And let you do what? Do the same thing Iffy was trying to do...? My SON saved your life, and you are trying to attack back after that embarrassment you suffered through... You really are the lowest of scum...

Iris thought for a moment and then smirked as a better way of insulting Johnathan's actions.

Iris (Data): Correction... You're even worse than scum... You're nothing more than a coward who rather someone else fights your battles and finds ways to take a cheap shot. You're no man... You're a coward.

Johnathan began to grit his teeth as he was about to say something, but Kiyoshi soon slammed his head down into the floor.

Kiyoshi: Get the hell out of my sight. That's strike two in terms of not learning your place.

Iris lifted her heel off of Johnathan's hand as he tried to get up, but Kiyoshi kicked Johnathan in the stomach and then took him by the throat.

Kiyoshi: Keep this up, and I'll MAKE you regret ever messing with those close to me...

Johnathan grits his teeth as he got up and was leaving with his goons that were groaning after the beat down Iris had done to them. IF kept struggling as she broke free and wanted to chase after Johnathan, but (Y/n) called out to her.

(Y/n): If you chase after him, you're only letting him win...

IF (Captain): And that call was not yours to make!!!


The sudden rise in (Y/n)'s voice caught IF off guard as he stared into her eyes.

(Y/n): I don't know what you know, but I know you have your reasons. But whatever it is, taking a life won't fix ANYTHING. Have you EVER heard of someone killing, and feeling better about it in the end??? Have you???

IF wanted to say something, but began to look to the side at Iris as she stared back at her. IF soon began to break down and fell to her knees, feeling the stinging pain of tears finally breaking through. IF tries to wipe them away, but they keep falling as all her emotions finally catch up to her. Feeling a pair of arms wrap around her, she looks to see (Y/n) was trying to comfort IF as to try and help her. Kiyoshi soon joined in as she held IF's hand and then followed up with Iris holding IF close to her to rest her head on her chest.

Iris (Data): Everything is okay. Whatever dangers come our way, we're going to be able to deal with it. Together~

IF looked up at Iris who gave a warm smile to her. Seeing that warm smile caused her to break down even more as she cried more with what she knew. At the end of that day, the group was content with what they got and began heading back home. On their way home the group had seen Dawn and interacted with her, Kiyoshi had kept to herself in this matter until the group continued making their way back home. Before anyone realized it, the time began to fast forward once more.

Location: Ohashi High, Festival

Opening his eyes, (Y/n) found himself in the gym with (F/n), Emma, the CPUs, IF and Kiyoshi. The only person not there with them was Noire as he was confused where she was. Around everyone else, they were in the gym where there were many students gossiping and talking to each other.

(Y/n): Uh... Now what's happening?

Kiyoshi: This is the moment of the pageant. The idea for the school to decide who is the prettiest girl in our class.

(Y/n) looked at Kiyoshi as if she was serious as she nodded her head.

(Y/n): Okay, so why are we here then???

Kiyoshi: If you wait, you'll see.

(Y/n) was even more confused until someone talked on the mic.

Female announcer (Data): Up next! Noire from Class 2-C! Please make the stage!

(Y/n): What?

Looking on the stage, (Y/n) could see Noire walk onto the stage. Noire had her hair up in the twin ponytails with a new pair of blue ribbons. She had on a necklace that had beads and a few that looked like flowers. What captivated (Y/n) more was her dress as it was of a dark blue with some black details placed on the dress. She had another material that looked like it was see through as (Y/n) could see her skin slightly underneath it. The black fabric was wrapped slightly around her arms and tied around her waist with a black bow to go with it. Noire also had a pair of stockings on with a pair of black heels to go with her dress. Kiyoshi looked at her watch and then towards the readers without (Y/n) noticing.

Kiyoshi: This is the part for the readers that if you don't remember what Noire is dressed like, make sure to go back to book 2 in part 2 of the festival. But for those that do have remembered the photo, here is a cookie for those that do.

Kiyoshi tossed a cookie toward the camera, but the cookie hit a student instead.

Male Student 1 (Data): Ow! Who hit me with- Oooo~ Cookie~

Kiyoshi heard the student eating the cookie happily as she just observed the pageant play out normally. As Noire was leaving the stage, an announcement was made.

Female announcer (Data): Now, I do have a special announcement to make.

Kiyoshi raised an eyebrow when hearing this as Neptune was also curious why this was happening from what she remembered.

Female announcer (Data): As you know, each class voted who was to participate. But in Class 2-C, there was a two-way tie! That means Class 2-C has one more lady to show here tonight!

This began to cause a little bit of a commotion as this was unexpected between the students.

Female announcer (Data): Please welcome to the stage, Dawn!

Kiyoshi widened her eyes along with Neptune in seeing this happen. Walking onto the stage, Dawn walked elegantly with her hands in front of her with one hand on top of the other. The sound of heels clicking against the floor of the stage could be heard in the gym. The dress Dawn wore was that of a dark purple that went down nearly to the floor to hover just slightly from it. Dawn's shoulders were exposed while a small cleavage could be seen. The dress was somewhat tight as her waist could be seen to show off her curves a little. Her hair was done up in braids as it rested over her shoulder. When standing in the light, Dawn looked very captivating to the crowd.

Dawn: Hello~

The crowd seemed to go crazy with how beautiful Dawn looked, even (Y/n) seemed to be lost in her beauty, but he shakes his thoughts away from that. His support was for Noire, not a girl he had only met and doesn't know much about.

Emma (Data): Oh wow, Camille-san looks so beautiful.

(F/n) (Data): You can say that again~

(F/n) was just fawning over Dawn as Emma clobbered him over the head.

Emma (Data): You can look, but no fantasizing...

(F/n) was on the floor twitching at being hit in the head ten times as the real (F/n) on the outside stared at Emma if he ever did that. After Dawn left the stage, the voting began. The students had a hard time trying to decide as there were numerous students, but only one could win. When the time came, the contestants stood on the stage in a single row.

Female announcer (Data): Is everyone ready to find out who our lucky girl of the night is~?

The crowd cheered as they were ready to see who had won. Taking an envelope, the announcer got ready to tell who had won.

Female announcer (Data): The winner of this contest is...

The announcer opened the envelope and began to look at the results. The lights began to move around to give more of a dramatic effect as (Y/n) stared at Noire. When the lights go out, they soon shine down on the winner of the contest.

Female announcer (Data): Noire!!

Noire smiled as she was really happy as she had sensed that it might have been close due to Dawn, but Noire was happy to still have done well enough. Dawn walked up to Noire and held her hand.

Dawn: You did great, Noire.

Noire looked at Dawn and gave a nod.

Noire (Data): Thank you, Dawn.

The two soon hug each other in congratulating one another for their own hard work. When the lights go out, Noire let out a yelp as it caused (Y/n) to worry.

Noire (Data): H-Hey! Where are you idiots- Ah!! Hey! Don't touch there!!!!

(Y/n) was about to rush to the stage when Kiyoshi held him back. When the lights came out the announcer began to let the male students know that the next event was for anyone who wanted to race. The winner would be the one who would crown the pageant winner and have the first dance with her. Hearing this, (Y/n) looked to Kiyoshi as she nodded her head that she knew about this and began to lead (Y/n) to where the starting line is.

Location: Outside the School, Starting line.

At the starting line, (Y/n) was by himself as he took a deep breath. Johnathan and his goons were also there as they had exchanged a few words to each other. Though, nothing good was said when they did. When the racers got into their stances for the run, Johnathan talked to (Y/n).

Johnathan (Data): When I win, I'm going to make your girlfriend mine.

(Y/n) felt threatened by this as he had a bit of a growl in his voice.

(Y/n): Think even touching Noire just for a second, and I'll break your arm.

Johnathan chuckled as he looked towards (Y/n) with a menacing look in his eyes.

Johnathan (Data): How can you if you can't even run?

(Y/n) tilted his head at what Johnathan was talking about, when the starter pistol fired and signaled the runners to begin. When (Y/n) and Johnathan begin to run, Johnathan instantly kicks (Y/n) in his ankle to knock him down. When trying to get up, some of John's goons' step on his ankle as (Y/n) gritted his teeth in the pain of each one purposefully stepping on his foot. (Y/n) was left in the dust as he tried to get up, but instantly fell.

(Y/n): Sh-Shit...! They broke my ankle...!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Even if everyone left (Y/n) behind in the dust, (Y/n) soon felt a pair of hands on his ankle and a green glow that was making his ankle feel better quickly. Music could be heard as (Y/n) seemed to recognize this song from somewhere. Looking over, (Y/n) could see it was Kiyoshi who stayed and helped in healing (Y/n)'s foot. The music began to get louder as Kiyoshi began to sing and hold out a hand to help (Y/n) up.

Kiyoshi: I'm sure you'll find it...

(Y/n) looked at Kiyoshi as he smiled and took her hand. When taking her hand, both Kiyoshi and (Y/n) could feel a surge of power course through them as if wind was being created to push the dust away. Feeling they had gained the boost of energy, the two got in a position and soon began to run.

Kiyoshi: We still don't know

(Y/n) and Kiyoshi could see that they were behind the others as they had to begin catching up or the race would be over before they could see the finish line.

Kiyoshi: If you spread your newborn wings

(Y/n): Damn! When I catch up to Johnathan, I'm breaking that damn leg of his!

Kiyoshi tightened her hand to (Y/n)'s to get his attention. Kiyoshi shakes her head as if to give a signal not to focus on that as the race was more important than a grudge.

Kiyoshi: You can fly hard and high

Up ahead, Johnathan had kept some of his men to stay behind and to stop (Y/n) if he could ever catch up. They were trying to block the way as they smirked.

Kiyoshi: May your longing remain at your side forever

(Y/n): Bastards!! Get out of our way!!

Feeling a surge of energy (Y/n) and Kiyoshi soon ran faster as they vanished from view and surprised the goons. They heard running as they saw (Y/n), and Kiyoshi had passed them that quickly and began to head around the corner.

Kiyoshi: The star shining in the yonder guide you to a place

When going around, they could see that the other students were being held back as there was a blockage from continuing.

Kiyoshi: That I'm sure you'll arrive at earlier than anyone

(Y/n): Augh!!! This cannot be happening!!

Kiyoshi soon pointed to the side where there was a fence that looked sturdy and to the side of the wall. Knowing what Kiyoshi meant, (Y/n) nodded his head to the wall while Kiyoshi decide with the fence. The two let go of each other so they could focus on their chosen path. (Y/n) jumped up to focus his energy to his hands and feet to have a pull towards the walk. Kiyoshi jumped up to the fence and began running across it with perfect balance and speed.

Kiyoshi: The world is hiding a light in your hands

The students looked to see Kiyoshi singing while (Y/n) was trying to keep himself pulled to the wall, but was slowly sliding down. Looking to Kiyoshi, she got the signal that she had to help.

Kiyoshi: I'll unveil it with my hands

Both jumped towards each other as Kiyoshi reached out to (Y/n) as they grabbed hands. Kiyoshi soon twisted her body to help fling (Y/n) across while Kiyoshi landed on the wall. (Y/n) could see that Johnathan's goons were the reason for the blockage. Kiyoshi soon jumped off from the wall to reach the other side with (Y/n) as the goons looked back to see both of them give a cheeky grin.

Kiyoshi: Right now

(Y/n): Later losers~

Both getting ready at the same time, (Y/n) and Kiyoshi began to run in sync with each other as they felt more energy being together. The two could see that they were catching up as Kiyoshi still kept singing.

(Y/n): Keep going! We're catching up to that bastard Johnathan!!

Kiyoshi nodded as the two kept running at full speed to what could pass for normal humans. If they did too much unnaturally, it would raise a few questions. They both soon made it to the sports field as the crowd was getting more hyped. Johnathan didn't know why the crowd was cheering, but he looked behind to see (Y/n) and Kiyoshi were catching up fast to them.

Johnathan (Data): What in the f***!? I know his leg should have been broken! We all stepped on his foot!!

Looking at his goons, Johnathan began to issue an order.

Johnathan (Data): You two! Keep them away! I'm winning this race and getting his girl!!

Nodding their heads, the goons began to run back to try and stop (Y/n) and Kiyoshi. (Y/n) began to growl from Johnathan trying to take actions to keep him from winning.

(Y/n): I don't care how many you send Johnathan!!! I won't be stopped by this!!

(Y/n) charged forward as he glared at the two goons. The goons felt their spine chill up as they tried to run away, but (Y/n) shoulder bashes them out of the way. Kiyoshi and (Y/n) kept running as Kiyoshi began to run faster to pass (Y/n) and rush forward. Kiyoshi soon wrapped an arm around his neck to hold him back.

Johnathan (Data): DAMN WOMAN!!! GET OFF!!!

(Y/n) soon passed both Kiyoshi and Johnathan as he could see the finish line up ahead. (Y/n) looked back as Kiyoshi was doing all she could to hold Johnathan back as he was trying to throw her off. (Y/n) looked at them and at the finish line that Noire was waiting at. It would be easy to finish the race now, but making this far was only possible with Kiyoshi's help. Turning back, (Y/n) began to run towards Kiyoshi as the next verse began to play.

Kiyoshi: You turn back, unable to give up

(Y/n) rushed up to see that the goons were about to attack Kiyoshi from behind. (Y/n) sped up as to vanish and then appear once more as to have both goons by the throat.

Kiyoshi: On the fact that you'd given up. Let's bring that to an end

(Y/n): Hello boys~ Let me introduce you to the dirt~

(Y/n) soon slams the goons down onto the ground while smirking. The goons groaned in feeling the pain of hitting the ground.

(Y/n): Say hello~

(Y/n) was about to continue, but (Y/n) soon fell down. Looking behind him, (Y/n) could see it was the goons holding his ankles.

Kiyoshi: You're standing on the hill visible in the distance

Goons (Data): Payback is a bitch!!

(Y/n): Oh, come on! Let go, you idiots!!

Both Johnathan and (Y/n) were now struggling to try and break free from each of their helpers' grips. In the distance, the two groups could see the ever-approaching other runners that were soon catching up to them.

Kiyoshi: I'm sure you'll find your longing

Johnathan (Data): Quit your singing, you bitch!!!

Johnathan soon elbows Kiyoshi in the gut and makes her recoil in pain from the attack. Johnathan soon continued running as (Y/n) yelled out in frustration.

(Y/n): NO!!!

Johnathan (Data): Good luck catching me now!!! Have fun seeing your girl dance with me now!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

(Y/n) hits the ground as he tries to kick the goons off. They kept their hold as Kiyoshi had to do something fast. Going up to (Y/n), she soon takes his hand and continues to sing.

Kiyoshi: The invisible light is the dawn that called to you

Using her strength, Kiyoshi soon began to swing (Y/n) by both of her hands as (Y/n) was yelling out being worried.

Kiyoshi: We'll depart for a new world

(Y/n): Kiyoshi!? What are you doing?!

Goons (Data): IS SHE NUTS!?

The goons tried to keep a hold of (Y/n), but they soon lost their grip and were flung away and rolled against the dirt. Looking to see if the goons were gone, Kiyoshi kept speeding up, spinning both of them around.

Kiyoshi: Put the beginning of a dream on your song

(Y/n) looked at Kiyoshi and then to where Johnathan was. Kiyoshi's plan was to throw (Y/n) using the momentum Kiyoshi could gain and realized it.

Kiyoshi: I'll unveil a miracle

(Y/n): KIYOSHI!!! THOW ME!!!

Kiyoshi smirked as Kiyoshi soon took a step to aim where she needed to throw. Using all her strength she had to offer, Kiyoshi soon throws (Y/n) as a gust of wind was created in its wake.

Kiyoshi: Right now!

The song was reaching the climax as (Y/n) kept himself as straight as possible while zooming across the track. Johnathan was getting close to the finish line as he was mere meters away. When looking back, Johnathan's eyes widened in shock as (Y/n) had instantly caught up as he tried to reach for the finish line. (Y/n) was closing the distance fast as he reached out with his hand. The race was really close, but in the end, the split second was all (Y/n) needed as he was the first to touch the ribbon and pull it with him past the finish line and keep it from Johnathan's grasp. (Y/n) soon hits the ground as he rolls against it with the ribbon in his hands to be the winner and is on his stomach.

Johnathan (Data): NOOOOOO!!!

(Y/n): YES!!!!!!

The crowd cheered at how close the race was as it had everyone holding their breath. (Y/n) breathed hard as he was about to try and get up, but Johnathan soon kicked (Y/n) in the head and made him yell in pain.

Johnathan (Data): NO!!! You weren't supposed to win!!!

(Y/n): Haa... Haa... And yet, I still did... It must be making your blood boil, seeing me take "your" victory away from you. Ha ha ha...

Johnathan soon growled in anger as he picked (Y/n) up and began to punch him. (Y/n) was exhausted with how much he worried in the race as he tried to keep his guard up. Johnathan delivered a punch to (Y/n)'s gut and then to his shoulder. Johnathan soon kicks (Y/n)'s knee from behind to force him into a kneeling position. Johnathan wraps his arm around (Y/n)'s throat as he begins to choke him.

(Y/n): A-Augh...!!!

Johnathan (Data): If I'm going to lose, I'm going to make sure you lose your life!! You are NOTHING!!! And I'll make you wish you had let me win this race!!!

(Y/n) was trying to struggle as he tried to get Johnathan off him. Noire saw this and got up and was about to run, but she suddenly froze up. Noire's eyes soon began to show emptiness in them. (Y/n) was struggling to keep his consciousness as he looked to see Noire frozen as a dark aura was beginning to radiate off her. Seeing this aura, (Y/n) began on trying to speak.

(Y/n): J-John...! S-Stop...! N-Noire...!

Johnathan (Data): Don't you worry, once I'm done with you, your sweet girl will be mine~ Now... Go! TO! SLEEP!!

Johnathan applied more pressure as Kiyoshi was about to help (Y/n), but she noticed (Y/n)'s focus wasn't on getting Johnathan off him. Looking towards where his attention was, she gasped in seeing the aura around Noire as she was beginning to lose control as she fell to her knees and held her head.


Kiyoshi began to rush to Noire as it was soon brought attention to the CPUs, IF, (Y/n)'s friends and Iris. They looked to see that something was clearly wrong. Before Kiyoshi reached Noire, Noire began to yell as a force of dark aura began to push the objects and people away from where she was.

Kiyoshi: N-NO!!! I'M TOO LATE!!!

Getting hit by the force of wind, Kiyoshi was launched away like the others. In the dust, Noire's figure began to stand up as giggling could be heard from within it. When the giggling stopped a dash out of the smoke could be seen as Johnathan was launched backwards. (Y/n) soon began to cough as air was able to find its way back into his lungs.

Noire? (Data): (Y/n)~? Are you okay~?

(Y/n) was about to say something as he looked up at Noire, but widened with what he saw. Noire's clothes had changed along with the look in her eyes. The variation of her normal clothing from Hyper dimension was different along a soft glow to her hair. It was as if her clothes had taken a darker appearance. Noire cupped (Y/n)'s cheeks while staring into his eyes. It looked as if Noire still had some control, but something still felt off.

Noire? (Data): Don't worry~ I'll teach Johnathan a lesson~ One that he'll EVER learn~

The way Noire said that, (Y/n) soon took Noire's hand and looked into her eyes.

(Y/n): Noire...! Look at me! Really look at me! You're not yourself! I'm getting a bad feeling about all of this...!

Noire giggled as she soon sat down on (Y/n)'s lap and kissed him directly on the lips. This surprised (Y/n) with that in making yelping sounds while Noire wrapped her arms around his neck. One hand resting behind (Y/n)'s head, the other hand on his back. Noire pulled (Y/n) closer to deepen the kiss as her chest was pressed against his. Noire was even bold and french kissed him as everyone was watching as Noire let out soft moans of pleasure in kissing her lover. When breaking lip contact, her tongue was retracting away from the kiss as a thin line of saliva tried to connect the two before snapping in the middle.

Noire? (Data): We'll have more fun, after I finish Johnathan~ Just wait here, and I'll do more later~

(Y/n) had a big blush on his face as he tried to recover, but before he could, Noire began to rush towards Johnathan.

(Y/n): NO!!! NOIRE!!!

Johnathan was about to get up, but Noire stepped on his chest and forced him to the ground. Johnathan looked up to see Noire as she giggled and observed.

Johnathan (Data): N-Ngh...!! Damn bitch! Get off me!

Noire smiled a little more as she applied more pressure instead of taking off. Johnathan was struggling as he was trying to get Noire to take her foot off Johnathan.

Johnathan (Data): Damn it woman!! I said take it off!! You're crushing my chest!!!

Noire? (Data): Like you're one to talk~ Hehehe~

Noire looked down at Johnathan and she began to explain.

Noire? (Data): You feel like you're so great and think that you're above anything~ But guess what~? I'm about to show you just how weak and pathetic you are~

Noire kept giggling as she suddenly created a dark purple ball of energy and aimed it towards Johnathan. Noire had a crazed look in her eye as she had intentions to fire it. Students nearby began to worry as some had phones out while teachers were trying to call authorities. (Y/n) looked around and saw all of this as he was wide eyed in terror.

(Y/n): No... This can't be happening...

(Y/n) looked at his friends and then to Johnathan as he was screaming in terror.


Noire was giggling more in enjoying seeing Johnathan scream in terror. When Noire was about to fire it at Johnathan, (Y/n) had rushed in and wrapped his arms around Noire and lifted her up quickly as the ball of energy was fired into the sky.

(Y/n): Tch...! Can't let that come back down!!

(Y/n) soon created a ball of energy himself and then launched it to make contact with Noire's. When the two energies collided, the explosion was a considerable size as the attack would have obliterated Johnathan. (Y/n) stared at the explosion in the sky and looked at Noire.

(Y/n): Are you crazy Noire!? You could have killed everyone here!!

Noire giggled as she looked back at (Y/n) as she looked him in the eye.

Noire? (Data): But if I still had you, I would still be happy~ Just you~ And me~

(Y/n) looked at Noire as she pressed herself more onto him. When observing Noire more, (Y/n) began to think to himself.

(Y/n): (What is going on with Noire??? She's not normally like this...)

Noire giggled as she had a hazy look in her eyes and whispered into (Y/n)'s ear.

Noire? (Data): If you let me end this pathetic coward, I'll let you do anything you want to me~

(Y/n) began to blush hard by what Noire could be thinking as Noire turned towards (Y/n) to wrap her arms around his neck again. Holding (Y/n) close as Noire blushed with love and want on her face.

Noire? (Data): Do you want me~?

(Y/n) began to stammer slightly as he didn't even know how to respond to Noire. Kiyoshi quickly got in the way and separated the two.

Kiyoshi: Get away from him!!

Noire frowned at Kiyoshi getting in the way as (Y/n) looked at Kiyoshi.

(Y/n): Kiyoshi! What the LITERAL HELL is going on here!?

Kiyoshi: There's no time to explain right now! We need to-

Noire? (Data): Are you trying to take MY (Y/n) away from me...?

Kiyoshi and (Y/n) looked at Noire as she was glaring at Kiyoshi while a dark purple of electricity was generated around her hands.

Noire? (Data): Well...? Are you...?

Kiyoshi: Noire, you have to listen...! You're not thinking straight right now...!!

Noire rushed in and grabbed Kiyoshi by the neck and began to electrocute her.


Seeing Noire getting more violent, people began to panic as the students and Johnathan were trying to run away.

Noire? (Data): (Y/n) is mine... I won't let you steal him away from me...

(Y/n): Noire!! Stop this!!!

Noire ignored (Y/n) as she was focused on trying to electrocute Kiyoshi.


(Y/n) contemplated as he soon held onto the hand Noire was using to electrocute Kiyoshi as to break Noire's hold on her. Kiyoshi fell to the ground as (Y/n) had a tight hold on Noire's hand. The electrocution (Y/n) felt made him go down onto one knee as his body writhed in pain.


Noire stared at (Y/n) as she got angry at him.


(Y/n) looked at Noire as he looked her in the eyes.

(Y/n): Why would you think that...!? I love you Noire...!!! Why are you attacking people for no reason...!?

Noire stopped the flow of electricity as she held (Y/n)'s hand and got closer to him.

Noire? (Data): Because~ I love you so much that I want to be yours and only yours~

(Y/n) began trying to think what he could do to calm Noire down. (Y/n) held Noire's hand more as he pulled her closer to hug her.

(Y/n): And I want to be YOURS too...! I love you so much...! But you don't need to make a point by attacking others...!

(Y/n) looked at Noire in the eyes to see her eyes were still hazy as Noire looked back at him. Noire wrapped her arms around his neck and giggled.

Noire? (Data): Do you love me enough to do something very daring~?

(Y/n): Uh... H-How daring...?

Noire soon used her weight to get on top of (Y/n) as she pressed herself more onto him and looked at him in the eyes. The two were on the ground as Noire had (Y/n) pinned down and made (Y/n) blush. Noire bit her lip as she moaned softly and soon whispered into his ear.

Noire? (Data): I REALLY want you~

(Y/n) widened his eyes as he trembled as he looked at Noire as she was about to do something when a hammer soon swung and sent Noire flying.


(Y/n) blinked as he soon began taking small breaths while getting up.

(Y/n): Okay... You were a little close with the hammer, Blanc... But did ya really have to- What is happening...?

When (Y/n) looked at Blanc, she was seen to look different just like Noire was. Similar to Blanc's original outfit, it looked like it was darker with a dark aura around her. Blanc's eyes looked hazed as everything about Blanc looked different to him. Blanc's hat looked corrupted along with her coat and had dark purple fur that almost looked like fire. Blanc's sandals had changed to look like dark boots as her dress revealed her stomach and a portion of her upper chest.

When Blanc looked to (Y/n) he suddenly froze as he was afraid of being smacked by her hammer next.

(Y/n): B-Blanc...?

Blanc? (Data): Are you okay?

(Y/n): Um... I mean... I was...? But what about you...?

Blanc's eyes shadowed for a moment as she walked over to where (Y/n) was. (Y/n) began to sweat in fear for his life as he didn't know what Blanc was going to do with that hammer. To his surprise, Blanc just drops it as she gets on her knees and holds (Y/n)'s hand. Blanc then placed (Y/n)'s hand onto her cheek as she sighed happily at his touch and looked him in the eyes.

Blanc? (Data): Your touch is always so warm~ I love when I'm so close to you~

(Y/n) began to sweat as he was about to say something, but then two arms wrapped behind him and got pulled away from Blanc. (Y/n) suddenly felt something soft pressing against his head as if it was a pillow. But upon further inspection, it showed that it was Vert who had not only placed his head to her breasts, but gone through a similar change like Noire and Blanc. Vert's outfit had changed to reveal more skin as Vert's eyes were hazy in how they looked. Vert was softly petting (Y/n) on the head while giggling to herself.

Vert? (Data): Instead of spending time with those insignificant women, why don't you just cuddle with your sister~? I'll let you rest on me as long as you want~ Hehehe~

(Y/n): V-V-Vert...??? N-Not you too...

Vert giggled as she pecked her lips on top of (Y/n)'s head. When Vert noticed something, she suddenly called forth a spear from a glyph to have it collide against Blanc's hammer. When (Y/n) looked to see Blanc, the Lowee CPU looked pissed beyond her original comprehension.


Vert? (Data): It's not stealing if he had already promised me that we were like family already~ Plus, he and Abby already feel like they're my brother and sister from how much we interacted~ Isn't that right, my cute little brother~?

(Y/n) was blushing up a storm as he was trying to get away from Vert.

(Y/n): Girls...! Something isn't right...! You can't be acting like this...!

Blanc? (Data): Like hell I can't... For the first time, I feel like I can do anything I want! And right now, I want to feel nothing but your touch.

Vert? (Data): If you want my brother~ You're going to have to take him from-

Before Vert could talk any further, Noire suddenly comes from nowhere and throws Vert away from (Y/n) and causes him to fall to the ground.

(Y/n): Ah!!

Noire? (Data): First I get hit and now you two try to take advantage of my precious time with him!? Oh...!!! I'm going to enjoy beating the two of you down...!!!

Blanc began to chuckle darkly as she looked at Noire.

Blanc? (Data): Funny as you should say that... Because that's what I was going to do to you, Vert, and Neptune~ (Y/n) belongs to me~

Noire and Vert both looked at Blanc upon her proclamation as they glared at her.

Noire? (Data): Ha... Hahaha~ Since when did he belong to you~? If anything, (Y/n) is mine to have~ You wouldn't even be able to please him properly~ I on the other hand very much do~

(Y/n) just blushed deeply from how Noire was talking as if he knew what Noire means. Blanc gained tick marks as she looked at Noire.

Blanc? (Data): And who are you to say that I can't please (Y/n)?! I can do that just fine without a pair like yours or Thunder Tits!!!

(Y/n) blushed more as he spoke up.

(Y/n): Hey! Can we NOT focus on how to please me in that kind of way while I'm here!?

Vert suddenly held (Y/n) and held her close to him as she hugged him tightly.

Vert? (Data): You're always welcomed to always rest on mine~ I don't ever mind that~

(Y/n) froze as he looked at Vert with some sweat rolling down his cheeks.

(Y/n): Vert...! Would you knock that off right now! This is a serious moment right-!!

Before (Y/n) could finish his sentence, Noire and Blanc soon took Vert and threw her away from (Y/n). Noire and Blanc both took a side of (Y/n) as they glared at each other while (Y/n) looked more scared.

Noire? (Data): Give him to me!!

Blanc? (Data): No! I love him more than you do, goddess bitch!!!

The two CPUs were fighting over (Y/n) as he looked more worried by the second. IF tightened her hands into a fist as she rushed up to Kiyoshi to help her up.

IF (Captain): This is getting out of hand, (Y/n) needs us!

Kiyoshi: Agreed. Let's try getting (Y/n) away from here, if he goes, so will the others in following him away from civilians.

Kiyoshi and IF began to rush in as Kiyoshi pulled on Noire while IF pulled on Blanc. The two get them off of (Y/n) as Nepgear rushed in to help (Y/n) to his feet to run. (Y/n) looked around and could see people freezing up in what they had witnessed along with running away. Kiyoshi looked into the crowd and saw Dawn looking right back at her as she smirked.

Kiyoshi: DAWN!!

Slowly, Dawn soon hides behind a group of people as she disappeared when the group moved. Kiyoshi got angry at her, but couldn't focus on someone who ran away. Kiyoshi focus was now keeping herself and the others alive. IF was having to dodge Blanc's attacks as the ground exploded from the hammer making contact. (Y/n) was still running with Nepgear to try and head toward their friends. But Vert suddenly pulls (Y/n) back as he yells.

Vert? (Data): Dear brother~? What's wrong~?

(Y/n): Ngh...! Ah...!! Get off me Vert...!

Vert kept a tight hold on (Y/n) as he seemed to be freaking out slowly. Neptune began to run in as she soon began to pull on (Y/n) to free him slowly.

Neptune: (Y/n)! I got ya!

Vert? (Data): Stay out of this Neptune!

Creating another glyph, Neptune saw in the corner of her eye that it was aimed at her head as she stepped back quickly, the spear appeared as it soon scratched Neptune on her cheek.

Neptune: Aahh!!!

(Y/n) kept looking around as he was taking fast breaths while his eyes darted around quickly in his current environment. Behind Neptune, Iris soon rushed in as she soon kicked Vert in the face. The kick caught Vert off guard as she had to hold her nose in pain. Iris had a worried look on her face as she helped (Y/n) to his feet to run.

Iris (Data): I got you...! Come on...!

(Y/n): M-Mom...!

Vert growled when Iris did that to her and was taking (Y/n) away. Vert tried to get up, but Neptune suddenly dog piled onto her with Nepgear.

Neptune: Sister sandwich joke - Part 2!!!

Nepgear: Not the time for this joke!

Neptune: Ack! Right...!

Kiyoshi was blocking punches and kicks from Noire as she was delivering some of her own back. IF just kept her eye on Blanc as to keep evading the hammer that was trying to strike her down.

Blanc? (Data): STAY STILL!!!

IF (Captain): Yeah... Let me think about that...

IF jumped as the hammer came down to land on top of it. IF soon jumped forward to kick Blanc in the chin and send her away from her weapon. The kick sent Blanc flying into Nepgear and Neptune as they were knocked off of Vert. Feeling herself freed from being held down, Vert got up and began casting another glyph. (Y/n) and Iris kept running as (Y/n) felt a terrible feeling. The world seemed to have gone into slow motion for (Y/n) as he soon looked down and saw the glowing light of Vert activating a new glyph. Widening his eyes, the attack would harm his mother the most due to her being human. (Y/n) began to halt in his movement to get freed from his mother's hold. Generating his energy, (Y/n) soon pushes Iris out of the way and out of the glyphs area. Neptune looked to see where (Y/n), and Iris were as she widened her eyes. It was almost as if déjà vu to her as it was recalling a memory of when (Y/n) pushed her and Nepgear away from a bomb Mira had left for them at the cave. This time though, it was out of the way of Vert's attack. Trying to raise his arms to guard, spears began to appear out of the glyph as (Y/n) was launched into the air. Iris looked in horror as she went wide eyed at the situation.

Iris (Data): (Y/N)!!!!


(Y/n) wasn't ready for the attack in time as he yelled with each spear that cut into him. (Y/n) was sent higher and higher with each hit made on him as wounds were made to him. A spear soon sent itself fast upward as it impaled into (Y/n)'s stomach, causing him to cough up blood. Iris soon felt a cold chill overcome her as she soon let out a blood curdling scream.

Iris (Data): (Y/N)!!!! NOOOOO!!!!

Hearing Iris scream out, caught Kiyoshi's, Nepgear's and IF's attention as they looked to see where Iris was looking as they gasped in seeing (Y/n) get impaled in the air. Neptune was already watching as she sat there motionless seeing (Y/n) be impaled. The spear soon disappeared as (Y/n) began to descend back down, but not in a safe way. Iris ran in as she saw her son falling still. Before (Y/n) could hit the ground, Iris soon caught her son in her arms as (Y/n) was trembling. (Y/n)'s eyes looked faded as little light could be seen fading away from his vision.

(Y/n): Ack... N-Ngh... Mmmm... M-Mom... I-I...

Iris (Data): Shhh! Shhh!! Save your strength!! You're going to be okay...!!!

Iris looked towards Nepgear and began to yell out for her.


Nepgear was staring in shock as the yell snapped her out of her shock of (Y/n)'s fatal condition. Nepgear soon began to rush to where (Y/n) was as she began to heal (Y/n)'s damage as fast as she could. Kiyoshi stared in shock as she began to get tunnel vision in seeing (Y/n) lie on the ground with blood coming out of him. Neptune could only stare as she was motionless and could feel her tears racing down her face and tried to stop them, but they wouldn't stop. IF was in a trance of seeing her nephew on the ground like this and didn't know how to respond to this at all. Iris was crying her eyes out and trying to keep (Y/n) focused. Noire was too busy focusing on Kiyoshi to know what was really going on as she hit Kiyoshi in the head, but it didn't affect her.

Kiyoshi: (Y/n)... Grrrr...

An aura of light was beginning to surround Kiyoshi as she fell to her knees as something was beginning to glow inside her shirt.

Kiyoshi: No...! This isn't happening... I can't let it happen...!! I WON'T LET IT HAPPEN...!!!

The glowing object in her chest soon fell out as it was a crystal that was glowing brightly. More specifically, a Crystal of Hope. Those observing on the outside could see the crystal around Kiyoshi's neck as they stared in shock.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Kiyoshi: I had to watch someone close to me die already... I couldn't do anything for him...!! I CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN!!!!

Noire felt that something was about to happen as she rushed in to try and finish Kiyoshi off. Before Noire could though, Kiyoshi grips the crystal tightly as her body glowed and was covered in a bright light. Kiyoshi was floating as her clothes vanished with a glowing light around her body. Kiyoshi had a serious look on her face as she summoned black gloves to her hands that reached to her upper arm. Black boots that went up to her ankles and black stockings that went up to her thighs. Kiyoshi curled up as she reopens her body to generate a bodysuit that showed some cleavage while showing a bit of her thighs and shoulders while her breasts grew to a size C. Wings made of light glowed behind her as it was magenta colored. Kiyoshi's hair began to float as the ponytail was undone as it turned into different color than it was into more of an iris blue with her hair having more of a wild look. Kiyoshi's eyes soon turned to a more magenta kind of color with a power symbol in her eyes as she summoned out Black Viper to her hands. Kiyoshi displays quick movements of her whip sword in creating a whip-like barrier before reconnecting it to get into a battle stance with it. When the light dies, Kiyoshi could be seen floating in the air as she glared at Noire.

Kiyoshi (HDD): I've grown tired of going easy... It's time to get serious...

Noire and the others stared at Kiyoshi in shock, but Nepgear couldn't take her eyes off of (Y/n) as she was trying to keep him alive with all her energy she could generate. Noire begins to break from her shock as she charges in at Kiyoshi with a sword of her own and jumps up high to strike at Kiyoshi from above. Flinging her sword, Kiyoshi sends the whip to wrap around Noire's leg and slam her to the ground hard to make Noire cough up some spit. The next second, Kiyoshi was just above her as she had a ball of energy and pushed it down on Noire.

Kiyoshi (HDD): Purify!!

Noire began to yell as the ball was then being absorbed into her as the dark aura around Noire vanished as her clothes went back to being her beauty pageant clothes. Blanc was trying to recover from what had happened to her, but Kiyoshi soon appears in front of her and surprises Blanc. Blanc was about to punch Kiyoshi, but she just stood there as Blanc kept trying to punch her. It was as if her punches didn't affect Kiyoshi at all.

Blanc? (Data): WHY WON'T YOU FLINCH!?

Kiyoshi (HDD): Because... I've been holding my power back all this time...

Kiyoshi soon grabbed Blanc's hand as she made her sword go away to create a ball of energy to consume Blanc in like she did with Noire.

Kiyoshi (HDD): Purify!!

Blanc soon returned to normal as she had passed out on the ground with Vert being the last one still being affected. Kiyoshi summoned her weapon back out as she was now blocking attacks coming out of glyphs Vert was making. Kiyoshi reached toward where (Y/n) was and called out a skill to herself.

Kiyoshi (HDD): Equip!!

A faint glow came from (Y/n) as his version of Black Viper was taken from him and was now being used by Kiyoshi. Vert saw this and began to send more glyphs out at Kiyoshi. But despite how many, Kiyoshi was keeping up with Vert as she was making a barrier made out of the many swings of the whips. With securing her safety from the attacks, Kiyoshi began to charge towards Vert while keeping the whip barrier up. Vert tried to keep sending more glyphs, but Kiyoshi was beginning to cut them down before they could reach her. Before anyone knew it, Kiyoshi dropped her weapons to create a ball of energy as she pushed it towards Vert with a yell.

Kiyoshi (HDD): Purify!!

Vert began to feel the aura of energy that was in her body leave her as she had returned to normal like Noire and Blanc. Kiyoshi panted as she quickly vanished and soon appeared next to Nepgear and Iris as she placed a hand over Nepgear and called out a skill. Most of (Y/n)'s wounds were closed, but Nepgear had been having trouble sealing the damage to (Y/n)'s stomach the most.

Kiyoshi (HDD): Greater Heal.

The power Kiyoshi used was soon taking into effect immediately as it soon began to quickly heal (Y/n) fast as the hole though his stomach was now sealed back up along with the hole in his back. Iris and Nepgear stared at Kiyoshi in shock at how fast she healed (Y/n). While (Y/n) was still conscious, with some light returning to his eyes, (Y/n) looked towards Kiyoshi as he stared at her.

(Y/n): K-Kiyoshi...?

Kiyoshi (HDD): Rest (Y/n)... You're going to need it...

With the shock and strain (Y/n) had from Vert's attack, he soon passes out and lies there in an unconscious state. Kiyoshi lifted (Y/n)'s hand to see if there was a pulse, though she was scared to find none. To her relief, there was a faint pulse from (Y/n).

Iris (Data): K-Kiyoshi...? Y-You're-

Nepgear: You're a CPU...???

Kiyoshi looked at Iris and at Nepgear before staring at (Y/n). They soon began to hear sirens as Kiyoshi soon looked to Iris.

Kiyoshi (HDD): We need to go. Iris, call the IF and Compa that lives in this world and get them to the house immediately. (Y/n) lost too much blood and needs a transfusion as fast as he can.

Iris stared at Kiyoshi as something was off about what Kiyoshi requested for her to do. With little time for how this was going, Kiyoshi raised her voice and yelled.


Snapping out of her suspicions, Iris nods her head as she picks up (Y/n) and begins to run with her son in her arms. Kiyoshi began to create three disks of energy and fling them to be under Noire, Blanc and Vert to be encased in a bubble. Kiyoshi soon placed a hand on Nepgear and focused on sending energy to Neptune to transform them both into their HDD states as well. IF, Purple Heart and Purple Sister looked at Kiyoshi in shock at all that had happened as the two Black Vipers soon disappeared back into Kiyoshi's inventory.

Kiyoshi (HDD): We're leaving... We need to get back to the house now.

IF (Captain): Hold on a minute!! You're a CPU!?

Purple Sister (Nepgear): B-But that's not possible...

Purple Heart (Neptune): Who are you REALLY, Kiyoshi?

Kiyoshi didn't answer as she looked at Purple Heart for an answer.

Kiyoshi (HDD): While you can call me Kiyoshi, my current form is Iris Sister.

Now proclaimed as Iris Sister, the three looked at her with surprise and began to fly off with Noire, Blanc and Vert to head back to the house. The three looked at each other while Iris helped (Y/n) into the car and covered him in a blanket.

IF (Captain): "Iris Sister"??? Whose sister is she though???

Purple Sister (Nepgear): I never heard of someone named "Iris Sister" before... Neptune...?

Purple Heart just stared at Iris Sister as she guided the energy bubbles with Noire, Blanc and Vert in them back to the house.

Purple Heart (Neptune): We shouldn't be asking such questions at this moment...

Looking around, the three could see people taking pictures and recording the three. With this many people and multiple videos and pictures being recorded, it only brought nothing but bad news for them.

IF (Captain): All these people... They saw what happened...

Purple Sister (Nepgear): And with how much it affected (Y/n) when he fought Johnathan and Dionix... Oh no...

Purple Heart (Neptune): I fear... (Y/n)'s normal life has ended here now...

With the three of them talking about (Y/n)'s fight and his secret being broken this early, the three soon began to head back to the house. Purple Heart and Purple Sister focused on helping IF by lifting her up by the arms and began to fly her away from the school and back home. IF looked back to see the damage that was left to the school as she sighed.

IF (Captain): Why can't I do ANYTHING to help my family...?

IF felt a burning need rise up in her as she was too focused on wondering what is going to happen to (Y/n) with these changes of events.

Chapter 8 Part 3. End.

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