Episode 10

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(Soren POV)

I started to explain where I'm from and where all this is nothing but a fictional world from the anime, games and manga especially knew these events. The girls gave an skeptic expression. Of course they would be. Who wouldn't believe such a thing

Decided to grab some of my stuff from my old world as myself to get it. Once I'd came back. Set up the anime DVD called Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation in Vert DVD Player. Show those events where Neptune supposed to save Black Heart while I wasn't there.

Neptunia girls were shocked by this. Next show Rom and Ram being kidnapped except their little girls, Arfoire theft included during that time. Not to mention the Anti Share Crystal, especially their sisters capture, plus materialize Purple Heart and Black Heart sword then dematerialize it.

Brought Histoire before this instead of her just hearing it from the phone. Everyone was absolute shock by this truth. I also explained the Multiverse has infinite possibilities which means other fictional worlds in fact do exist.


Age: Hundreds of years old

Histoire: Color me surprised. Can't imagine a world where we exist as fictional characters. But.....as you say the Multiverse is filled with infinite possibilities.

Fiction: I didn't want to lie. Just wasn't sure none of you would believe me and tried to be cautious not to mess with Canon Events. Unsure what would if I trialed it off to far. This world might-

Uni: You liar!

Uni glares at me with daggers.

Uni: You knew. You knew this would happen and did nothing! Could've save Noire! Some hero you turn out to be! Your-your....

Compa: Uni. Fi-Fi had a good reason.

IF: Yeah. Like he said if he'd told us before. We'd wouldn't believe him before.

Rom: Plus if you think about it.

Ram: He did tried to tell our sisters earlier before they left.

Uni made a Tch sound.

Fiction (sad):..........I'm sorry.

Histoire: We-I mean almost most of us understand why.

Nepgear holds my hand and smile at me.

Nepgear: We're still your friends, Fiction. I'm glad you're being honest with us.

Fiction: Nepgear......since I've gone this far to tell you all the truth. Then-

I took my hood down and masked off to show my face.

Soren (nervous): My real name is Soren Azure. So....Y-yeah.

C, H, I, N, R, R, U (blush): 'So cute'!

Soren: I should've been honest with you all from the beginning. The other reason was everyone hating me and wanted me gone. I'll be okay with that. I was scared. I like being with you'd all. Never had this much connection with anyone before. Everyday was fun.

Rom: Soren.

Ram: We had a lot of fun with you too.

Soren: When Noire and Uni told me Lastation Basilicom can be my home. It made me happy. Felt like I've actually belong somewhere. Felt wanted. Didn't have to be alone anymore.


Soren: You girls meant everything to me more than you can know. You'd all accepted me for who I am. Didn't call me a freak nor a monster.

Compa (blush): So-So.

IF (blush): I didn't know we mean that much to you.

(3rd POV)

The girls blushes and speechless from Soren words. Now Uni started to feel bad after she heard his sincere words.

Soren: Uni.

Uni: W-what?

Soren: I promise I'll save Noire and rest of the CPUs. Even means doing it alone. Wanted to repay you'd all.

As he about to leave IF stops him.

IF: Your not going alone.

Compa: We wanted to help too!

Nepgear: We're in this together. Don't have things alone anymore.

R, R: Yeah!

Soren looks at Uni who diverted her gaze away from him.

Uni: If something happens to you. Noire wouldn't let me down. Besides.....if I were in your shoes probably done the same. Only live our world over a month. I'm sorry. Took my frustrations on you. When you told us the truth.....

Soren hugs her and smile.

Soren: I get it. For now on I'll be honest with you'd all. I cared about you and everyone else.

Uni hugs back.

Uni: Soren.

Rest of the Neptunia girls sigh in relief.

Soren: Okay. How about we do some training? Gotta help you CPU Candidates how to transform. Already know what's holding you girls back. Not physically, but mentally.

Next Day


The group except Compa, IF and Histoire step out of Aurora Curtains as everyone at where Neptune, Noire, Blanc and Vert held captive.

Nepgear: Neptune!

Uni: Noire!

R, R: Blanc!

Fiction: Vert! Everyone!

Neptune: Nep Jr.?

Noire: Uni?

Blanc: Rom? Ram?

Vert: Fiction? Girls?

???: So you have arrive.

Soren and friends saw Arfoire and Warechu across the area.


Age: Hundreds of years old

Arfoire: I am Arfoire. I am the who will bring destruction to Gameindustri.


Warechu: I'm Warechu, chu.

Fiction: 'Glad I didn't bring Compa with us'. The names Fiction. These are my sidekicks.

CPU Candidates: Sidekicks?!

Fiction: Joke! Joke! Don't get all serious. Hehe.

Noire sigh.

Noire (smile): Joking a time like this? What do I expect differently from you.

Fiction: Can't tell that's a compliment or a diss. Anyway we're hear to take you down and save our friends. Ready Nepgear, Uni, Rom and Ram?

They nodded.

Fiction: It's Morphin Time!

N, U, R, R: Huh?

Fiction facepalm.

Fiction: Just transform.

Nepgear Transformation

Skip to 0:33


Uni Transformation

Skip to 0:15


Rom and Ram Transformation

Skip to 0:20


Main four CPUs were surprise by their sisters sudden transformation into their Goddess Forms.

Purple Sister

Black Sister

White Sister 1 (Rom) & White Sister 2 (Ram)

Fiction sigh.

Fiction: 'Felt left out here'.

Arfoire roll her eyes.

Arfoire: Just because you'd can transform into your goddess forms means nothing to me. Behold!

*Transformation sfx*

CPUs: What the?!

Arfoire: Now prepare yourself to meet your demise!

Fiction: 'Meh. Arfoire forms from the Neptunia games was more intimidating. But can't underestimate Arfoire. Now she's faster and stronger. Gotta keep up'. C'mon!

To be continued

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