Episode 11

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Battle Theme


(3rd POV)

Arfoire charges at the heroes in fast speeds while fires beams from her funnels from above. Fiction, Nepgear, Rom, Ram and Uni quickly evade. Although appear right behind the twins.

Arfoire: Rainy Ratnapura!

*Stab x13*

White Sister-Rom, White Sister-Ram: Aaahh!

Purple Sister: Rom! Ram!

Black Sister: That was Vert move!

Fiction: Focus you two! Uni. Nepgear. Aim at the funnels. It'll get in our way. I'll back them up.

Nepgear and Uni nodded. They focus on taken down those funnels as Fiction went to help Rom and Ram. Fiction materializes Rem weapon called "Morning Star" from Re: Zero anime. Swung his spiky ball of steel around then threw at Arfoire.

She paired his spiky ball. Arfoire uses Neptune and Vert SP Skill at the same time.

Arfoire: 32-Bit Mega blade! Inbetween Spear!

Fiction cartwheel toward his right and backflip couple of times except Arfoire already in front of him slashes Fiction then roundhouse kick Soren across the area.

Fiction: Gagh!

N, N, B, V: Fiction!

Arfoire: So wea-

WS-Rom, WS-Ram: Ice Coffin!

Arfoire hit by White Sisters ice blast made her stumble back a bit.

Arfoire: Tch. You little!

Arfoire uses Vert SP Skill called "Kinestra Slash" she move fast speeds instantly deliver bunch of strikes!

WS-Rom, WS-Ram: Aaaghn!

Arfoire block Purple Sister sword form above and back away dodging Black Sister long range beam. Arfoire switches her weapon similar to Purple Heart to activate another skill attacking Nepgear.

Arfoire: Cross Combination!

*Slash x12*

PS: Aaahh!

BS: Nepgear!

Arfoire: Should pay attention about yourself!

Black Sister kept firing at Arfoire. Villain dodges with less effort, switch into another weapon similar to Black Heart.

Arfoire: Tornado Sword!


BS: Kraaagh!

A web stick onto Arfoire blade as Fiction tossed away.

Fiction: Now you've done it!

Deity of Sin weapon vanish. A different appear on Arfoire left hand that almost look like White Sister weapon.

Arfoire: Gefahrlichtern!

Fiction immediately dodge toward the left, except she show up right beside Fiction and activate White Heart other skill called "Getter Ravine" smack down Fiction onto the ground as he cough up blood underneath his mask.

Noire (anger): You bitch!

Blanc (anger): I'm gonna kick your old hag ass!

Neptune (anger): Now I'm piss off!

Vert (anger): How dare you!

Arfoire stomps on Fiction head and laughs.

Arfoire: I heard rumors a hero with unusual abilities. I'm disappoint-

Arfoire got smack away by Nepgear kick.

PS: Now!

CPU Candidates activated their SP Skills.

PS, BS, WS-Rom, WS-Ram: MPBL! XMB: Empress! E-Force Blizzard!


Arfoire: Damn you!

Purple Sister helps Fiction get back up.

Fiction: T-thanks.

PS (worried): You okay?

Fiction: Don't worry. My Healing Factor instantly kicks in no matter how much damage I end up taken.

Everyone regroup as they stared down at Arfoire.

BS: She's tough I give her that.

WS-Rom: We need to save our sisters soon.

WS-Ram: Unfortunately gotta deal with that old hag.

Arfoire: Stop calling me an old hag! You breasts!

A burst of power surges from her entire body. Out of nowhere summon new funnels and switches into a blade and launch an all out long range attacks. CPU Candidates use their glyph barriers protect themselves and Fiction.

The explosion send them couple of feet across the area.

N, N, B, V: Oh no!

End Theme

Fiction slowly gets back up with all his strength. He never fought someone this strong before nor fought anyone who have superpowers until he'd came to this world.

Fiction: I-I can't give up. Got to-

Arfoire: Die!

Fiction: Uh!

Arfoire near Purple Sister to unleash a strong attack except Fiction pushes her away.

Arfoire: Infinite Slash!

*Slash x18*

Fiction: Uaagh!


Fiction fell onto the ground with critical injuries, thankfully heals instantly although lost a lot of blood at the process.

Fiction: N-ngh!

Everyone except Arfoire: Fiction!

Arfoire does her signature annoying evil laugh.

Arfoire: That's what you get.


Stomps on Fiction chest with her heels as the poor girl grunt in pain.

PS: Get off of him!

BS: I-I'll kill you!

WS-Rom: Leave Fiction alone!

WS-Ram: Damn you!

Arfoire grabs Fiction on his neck and lift him up. Strangles the poor hero

Fiction: Agh! K-krgh!

Arfoire (smirk): Not much of a hero aren't you?

Fiction: S-shut up. I won't l-let you-

Arfoire stabs right through his heart with her blade. All the Neptunia girls look in horror to see someone they'd care about her stab right in front of them!

Noire: Nooooo!!

Arfoire saw his wounds are started to heal.

Arfoire: So you'd can heal, eh? How about I keep stabbing you to hear your screams. If you'd beg me-

Fiction: N-no way in hell I'll ever b-beg. Not t-to someone like y-you!

(Soren POV)

Even though I'd can heal. My vision started to become blurry due to the lost amount of blood.

Fiction: Long I still draw breath. I'll never give in.


I grip my right hand onto Arfoire left hand. My only thoughts were how I'd can save them? I want more power. The power to save these girls who accepted me.

Fiction: Don't care what happen to me! Longest I can protect them!

Suddenly I felt something within me. A great power course through my body. Arfoire back away almost with a slight hint of...... fear?

Arfoire: 'What is this feeling?! That boy power is..... terrifying'!

The girls notices this too.

Neptune: Does Arfy look scared?

Noire: Yeah.

Blanc: But why?

Vert: Is it because of Fiction?

Just stare at her with cold glare.

Fiction (serious): I'll destroy you.

Neptunia girls: Uh!

Neptune: "That doesn't sound very heroic. I have a bad feeling about this".

Author: "Your not wrong".

Felt a destructive urge to destroy Arfoire. A burst of powerful energy shot towards the skies like a pillar of light.

A familiar armor materializes around me and energy burst dies down.

(Nepgear/Purple Sister POV)

Soren is clad in unknown armor we have never seen before. Unlike his costume this one has the appearance of a hero, yet at the same time completely different entirely.

Fiction: Your finish!!

To be continued

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