Chapter 2

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"Hey, hey Katsuki!" Kirishima, a young dragon shifter who had befriended the Bakugo child after the family took up residence in the forest he owned, poked Katsuki, hanging upside down from a tree.

"What, Spikey Hair?" Katsuki sighed, turning from what he was doing to Kirishima.

"The Toshinori kingdom is hosting a festival for over a week. Let's go!" Kirishima flipped, landing on his feet beside Katsuki, grabbing onto his arm.

Katsuki froze at the mention of the Toshinori kingdom.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." Katsuki looked down, talking rather darkly.


Izuku was not left alone for a moment until he woke up. If Inko wasn't there then at least 3 people were in the room, and his door and window were guarded at all times. It wasn't just Izuku who was traumatised by Hisashi.

He was barely awake by the time of the wedding, but he was able to attend his mother's true happiest day.

The kingdom all celebrated, petals falling on the happy couple as they married.


Shoto Todoroki, the prince of the Endeavour kingdom, needed a break.

He had been his father's successor as long as he could remember, his earliest memory Touya trying to kill him to get the position back. Touya, his eldest brother, had also done many amazing things for Shoto and their other siblings, but they hadn't been allowed to mention him since his disappearance.

Even Shoto's mother, Rei, had been driven insane by his father, burning his eye. He didn't blame his mother or brother for their insanity.

Shoto was the "perfect balance" of Endeavour's skill in hypnosis, which he should never be able to use due to the international treaty, and Rei's family's skill. Shoto heard that his white hair and grey eye were evidence enough of that, but he was still unsure what skill that was.

If it weren't for a group of, as his father called them, "good for nothings" then Shoto may well have ended up the same as them. He could slip out when they took all of his father's attention.

This time he slipped to the Toshinori kingdom.

It was so unlike the Endeavour kingdom. Even the edge of the kingdom was celebrating the marriage of the king with his new bride. In the Endeavour kingdom the celebrations would be clearly forced as they all mourned the poor woman who was sacrificed to him again.

"Hello!" Shoto jumped at the up beat voice behind him as soon as he reached the centre of the country.

"Hello." Shoto greeted, turning around to see the boy who had spoken to him.

The boy had fluffy green hair that looked like it would be nice to touch, a white shirt, brown gloves, red shoes, dark blue green trousers, and a green waistcoat. He had bright green eyes and a smile that seemed to be contagious, though perhaps it was because everyone around here was so happy.

"If you don't mind me saying, you don't look like you're from around here," The green boy was blinding Shoto with his smile, but it made his realise how much darker his clothing was than the people around him. "Do you want me to take you around?"

"Yes please." Shoto nodded to the boy, who somehow seemed to grin wider.

"Great! I'm Izuku, by the way." Izuku held out his hand for Shoto to take, leading him through the crowds, Izuku being stopped by many people who offered him congratulations, for what Shoto wasn't sure, but Izuku was a clearly bright and friendly person, so it wasn't surprising.


"Boomy!" Kirishima called to Katsuki from a stall, Katsuki having insisted that he not be called by his name. "Come look at this."

"Why did you have to insist we come all the way to the capital?" Katsuki sighed, going over to his hyperactive friend.

"Because this is where everything is happening, of course it's where all the best things are!" Kiri held up one of the broaches to Katsuki's chest.

"Yeah, yeah." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this, Shitty Hair."

Katsuki's names for people tended to change depending on how he felt, "Shitty Hair" coming out if he was angry, embarrassed, or both.

Katsuki leaned against a wall, begrudgingly wearing the broach Kirishima had picked out for him, watching as he ran from stall to stall. It had been many years since he had been here, and the memories weren't all good. There were the times he was playing like the other little kids, but then there were the times he was forced to watch, or be involved in the abuse Izuku faced at the hands of Hisashi.

Perhaps in some ways it was better that they got banished.

He no longer had to see or hear Izuku get hit or scream in pain. He wished that Izuku hadn't gotten injured that time they went to the creek, and he had gotten much more seriously injured than could reasonably been expected, but it meant Katsuki was free. Katsuki just felt guilty for having pushed him, but he and his parents told him regularly that it wasn't really his fault.

"Katsuki Bakugo."

Katsuki jumped, hand twitching above a knife, but not wanting to start a fight in the middle of the festival, the middle of the capital, and get the guard called on him. His heart was in his throat, though, when he saw Aizawa.

Aizawa was a high up member of the guard, in fact he served directly under the king, and was someone who knew Katsuki directly. There was no way to pretend he was being mistaken for someone else.

Figuring it was better to explain to Kirishima why he went home first than to explain why he got arrested, Katsuki turned tail to run, but before he could even take a step a hypnosis pendant fell in front of his eyes.

A secret that few knew about Katsuki is that he was very weak to hypnosis, though unlike most he also wouldn't speak at all when hypnotised.

"Take me to your family." Aizawa, one of the people who knew this fact, whispered into his ear.

Unable to stop himself, Katsuki turned to lead the way to his mother and father. He didn't know why, they were only banished due to him being too young, and he was the only one in the country when he shouldn't be.

He had known this was a bad idea.

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