Chapter 3

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"Katsuki? Why are you back so soon?" Masaru looked up when he heard Katsuki's footsteps approaching. 

Katsuki tried desperately to tell his parents to leave, Aizawa a little distance behind him, not used to the environment, but of course he couldn't. Now he had found his parents he couldn't move at all, helplessly waiting for Aizawa to catch up and do who knows what to them. 

"Katsuki," Mitsuki's voice was scary it was so calm, but he couldn't respond. "What's up with you?" 

"So you were hiding here." Aizawa finally broke through the trees, the two parents immediately jumping to defence. 

Aizawa tapped the side of Katsuki's head, releasing the hypnosis and causing him to collapse to the side. Both his parents rushed forwards, but someone else had a head start. 

Aizawa was the one who caught Katsuki, who was completely unconscious at this point. Even if nothing was said, it sounded to the Bakugo parents that this was a threat. They would have to do whatever Aizawa told them if they didn't want anything to happen to Katsuki. 


"Sorry," Izuku wiped away a tear as he laughed. "These clothes don't seem to fit you." 

Shoto was wearing some old clothes Izuku had found in their old house. They probably belonged to Izuku's father, seeing how the belongings of himself and his mother had already been moved to the palace. The clothes were much too small, revealing Shoto's hairy legs, his torso, and his forearms. 

"It's fine, I probably still look more normal than my previous clothes." Shoto tried to adjust the clothes so they were comfortable. "You house seems very... Bare." 

"Yeah, mum and I are moving. We tend to leave things we don't want in the house when we move, it's the choice of the next owners if they want it or not. Some people said we should burn some of it, but they wouldn't tell me why." Izuku's eyes seemed to glass over as he spoke, but he had snapped out of it before Shoto could mention it. 

"Well, shall we get back out?" Izuku jumped to his feet, grinning as he held out a hand for Shoto to take. 

"What exactly do you do at a festival?" Shoto allowed himself to be dragged back out of the house. 

Izuku stopped, turning to look back at Shoto in such genuine shock Shoto worried he had said something offensive. Izuku's face wasn't one of offence, though that did little to quell Shoto's discomfort at the idea of a misstep. 

"You've never been to a festival before?" Izuku had grown up with multiple, vibrant festivals a year, it was an insane idea for him that someone could not know what to do at one, or have never been to one. "Where have you been living?" 

"The Endeavour Kingdom." Shoto tried, and failed, to keep the bitterness out of his voice, his father's booming voice of demands and insults echoing in his ears. 

"Oh," Izuku's face fell somewhat. "I've heard it's awful there. The king only allows festivals in his honor, and... Well..." 

"Your information is right, the king is difficult for everyone. People do their best to avoid the festivals, and I've never been able to join." Shoto looked away from Izuku, his scar seeming to hurt more than usual. 

"Then we need to make sure that you do everything you can now!" Izuku punched the air, pulling Shoto along as he ran through the stalls. 

That day was, by a long shot, the best day Shoto had ever had in his life. It was like Izuku's joy was feeding its way into him, filling him entirely. He felt like he was looking to Izuku about what to feel, and of course that emotion was almost entirely joy. 

They ate food from many different stalls, played some games, lost all but one, and wandered around window shopping. Shoto wasn't sure what it was Izuku had won for him, it was a large, green, fluffy ball with large, jewel like eyes. It was very cute, somehow reminding him of Izuku himself, but he didn't know what the point of it was. 

"Let me know if you want anything," Izuku wandered slightly in front of Shoto as they looked through the stalls in the market, many items made to look like their king and new queen. "Mum gave me spending money for today only." 

Izuku laughed slightly. He had been raised by a single mother who often struggled to make ends meet, and though they would both pretend it didn't happen, she always felt guilty she couldn't give him lots of money for the festivals. He hadn't been bothered though, her cooking had always been the best, and many of the food sellers would give him "tasters". It was nice to be able to spend it with a new friend though. 

"You look a lot like the new queen of this country," Shoto mused, his fingers tracing Inko's face in a brooch. 

"You have a good eye, that one was made by a good friend of the king's." The merchant behind the stall who had shoulder length, blue hair that was tied loosely in something between a ponytail and bun smiled widely. "It costs 56 gold, but for you, I'll discount it to 40." 

"Hey Ino." Izuku backed up to look at what Shoto was doing. 

"Ah, Izuku. How are you feeling about the move?" Ino, the merchant asked, now looking rather embarrassed. 

"I'll get more used to it as time goes on. My new room is much bigger and grander. I think mum's going to like not being around the memories of my dad." Izuku looked at the different brooches and necklaces Ino was selling. 

He may not have, but Shoto noticed that Ino flinched as Izuku mentioned his father. It seemed a little odd to have that kind of reaction for someone Izuku said he didn't remember. 

"Do you-" Ino shook their head and sighed. "I don't know why she hadn't moved earlier, that house has bad energy." 

"Did you want that?" Izuku pointed at the brooch Shoto was still holding, Izuku holding a necklace that had a four leaf clover on it. 

"No, if I took this home it would just get broken." Shoto shook his head, putting the brooch back. 

"Okay, I'll take this please. I think mum will love it." Izuku handed over the coins as Shoto turned away.

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