Chapter 4

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"Are you finally going to tell us what this is all about?" Mitsuki was surprised by the lack of attention they were paid, Aizawa leading herself and her husband into the capital, Katsuki in his arms. 

"The new queen would like to speak to you about that herself, though I can promise it won't bring you harm." Aizawa was curt, like usual, giving very little information. 

Mitsuki was aware there was a festival on, after all Katsuki had gone with Eijiro, but this was the first she was hearing about a queen.  It sounded like the new queen was someone who knew them, but that hardly narrowed anything down with where they lived. It had been so many years she didn't even know what position any of them were in. 

"Sweetheart," Masaru lay a hand on her shoulder. "It's not like we're in cuffs, just... Let's see where this is going." 

"Fine." Mitsuki took Katsuki into her arms as soon as Aizawa put him down. 

Though it was now empty, they were in the same hall they were in all those years ago when they were exiled along with Katsuki. 

"Mitsuki." Inko's voice filled the room, making the Bakugou parents look up immediately. "I'm so sorry it took so long to talk to you again like this." 

"Inko? You're the new queen? What reason do you have for bringing us here?" Mitsuki had more questions, of course, last time she had seen Inko she was already married to someone else. She hadn't heard about his death. 

"First of all I need to apologise to you all, you didn't deserve banishment. Most of those instances when Izuku said it was Katsuki it wasn't. I couldn't think he was lying. It was almost all Hisashi, he hypnotised Izuku to make him blame Katsuki." Inko bowed to Mitsuki and Masaru. "Of course, there will be substantial compensation for the wrongful punishment, as well as the banishment being immediately lifted. We have been looking for you all for years." 

"When did you find out about this?" Mitsuki was shocked to hear that, as far as she remembered he and Inko had been a perfect couple, and Izuku had been nothing but a bundle of joy. 

It had taken quite some time for them to find a place to stay; they had first tried the Endeavour kingdom, but that didn't work. That kingdom was stifling to say the least. For people who had been born and raised in the Toshinori kingdom it was unbearable. 

They had taken up residence in the forest of no man's land, where they had met Eijiro. He was a dragon who knew how to take a human form, which had been far more of a shock to Mitsuki and Masaru than Katsuki. They had bought, or in some cases stolen, clothes from nearby villages or travelling merchants. 

"About a month after the banishment. I walked in on it happening. We figured out what had happened and had been looking for you ever since." Inko was ashamed of herself for how she had acted before, but wouldn't any mother react like that after hearing that someone had hurt her child that badly that regularly. 

"And that justifies kidnapping my son?" Mitsuki shook her head, it didn't matter how much she and Masaru missed living in their old house, it had likely been stolen anyway, Katsuki had built a life with Eijiro in the forest. 

"Kidnapped?" Inko looked between the two adults in confusion. Of course she could tell that Katsuki was unconscious, but she didn't know why. 

"Katsuki went out with Eijiro and when he came back he had been hypnotised by Aizawa. Then Aizawa used him being unconscious to make sure we followed." Masaru, the calmer of the two, explained in place of his wife. 

"I- I promise you I didn't know about that. You know Aizawa, he's all about 'rationality' by his own definition. I promise you this will be discussed with him." Inko shook her head, she was glad to see her old friend again, and hoped that Izuku would feel the same, but honestly. 


"Hey," Izuku grabbed Shoto's sleeve before the other left. "Take this before you leave." 

Though not as large as the one Shoto had been looking at for so long earlier, but it was otherwise almost identical. It was small enough that Shoto should be able to hide it from his father, and even if not, it was just some jewelry, not something important. 

"Something to remember your first festival. Hopefully I get to see you again soon. Next festival is in a month." Izuku smiled, and something in Shoto felt warm as he looked at Izuku, a warmth he had never felt before. 

Izuku's smile was infectious. 

"Thank you." Shoto bowed as he accepted the small gift. "I'll try to get you something next time there's a festival in my kingdom." 

"Well, it means more if I've been there too. You have to invite me, okay?" Izuku tilted his head to the side slightly. 

The evening light was illuminating Izuku from behind, the golden light catching his messy hair making it look like a halo. Any air that had been in Shoto's lungs was gone now, stolen away by the angel in front of him. 

"Are... You okay?" Izuku's voice pulled Shoto back to Earth. 

"I'm fine, sorry." Shoto looked away, glad for the cold night air as he didn't want anyone, especially not the cause, to know he was blushing. "It would probably be hard for you to come to one of our festivals. I live in the capital, and you're a prince now. I doubt you'll be allowed to come alone, and our kingdoms are hardly friendly." 

"I'm sure 'll be able to make it, we aren't that strict here. Besides, I'm only a prince through marriage, their king would hardly class me as one." Izuku shrugged off Shoto's concern with ease that only made the other more worried. 

"I really should be going now." Shoto looked sadly at the path he had to take. 

He had lived almost unaware of the world around him, his whole life under his father's thumb. One, fantastic, day in Toshinori kingdom made him feel more at home than he did anywhere else. 

He would definitely be coming back. 

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