Chapter 29:: Be Spontaneous

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Chapter 29// Be Spontaneous


"Mom?" I push on the door just enough to glance around it into her bedroom, my voice cautious and hesitant. "Mom I brought you some lunch." I enter the room, ignoring my father's clothes littering the floor and heading up to the bed. Soon after my mom found out about his cheating, she felt it necessary to attack the wardrobe and throw all of his clothes onto the floor. I don't think it made her feel any better than she did before, so she stopped, but she hasn't had the strength to pick the clothes back up yet. I haven't either. My gaze softens again as I see her, cocooned in her sheets and staring at the ceiling. "Mom?"

She glances at me, and pulls on a weak smile immediately. "Yum. I'm starving," She mumbles, although I think it's more for my benefit than it is for hers. She props herself up on a cushion and I place the tray down in front of her on the bedsheets. She looks nothing like the woman I've known all my life: she looks tired, and miserable. I've cut her sandwiches into triangles, and bought her a chocolate frappe back from the Beach Café. Lois introduced those to her, and she's now addicted to them. It's not enough to bring a smile to her face, and I feel guilt wash over me. I shouldn't have told her about Dad. She wasn't ready.

"So, I realised something today," I begin, sitting down at the edge of the bed. Mom picks at her sandwich, and looks up as I speak. "Lois told me that she liked me."

"Really?" Mom's eyebrows shoot skyward, "She finally told you?"

"I didn't realise you knew," I frown, "I can't believe she told you before she told me." I roll my eyes, "Yeah. I went over to her house today, trying to explain things to her. Before I got the chance though, she told me she loved me." My eyes shoot up to Mom's, and she's staring at me in surprise. "She loves me," I repeat, grinning. "You heard right."

"That's amazing," Mom croons, and this is the most emotion I've seen out of her in two days. Her mouth just can't help but smile. "I'm assuming from the grin on your face that you love her back. Are you two together now?" Her sandwich lies forgotten on her bed sheets and she leans forward a little bit, sitting up properly now. I can't believe I'm getting a little emotion out of her, that this news is actually distracting her. She's excited again, not sad, excited.

"No we aren't together," I shake my head awkwardly, glancing away, "I didn't actually have the chance to tell her that I love her back....I can't believe I'm telling you this," I cringe, "But I need your help. I need you to help me with what to say to her. I also have something I need to explain to her, but I'm not sure if she's going to be angry, or whether she'll even want to be with me after this bombshell." I bite my lip and scratch the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Hold on, you didn't tell her you love her back? Are you insane?" My mom asks incredulously. The spark of emotion in her eye I saw previously in this conversation has grown into a fire which consumes her whole expression. She's immersed in the story. "Do you have any idea how crazy she's going to be going right now? She just confessed her love to you and you couldn't say it back? When were you planning on telling her?"

"Well I was planning on telling her tomorrow," I frown, "Her brother said that she needed a bit of time to digest the information that he's seeing her best friend. She's a bit of a mess right now, and she needs some space." I try to justify my actions, but my mother just buries her face in her palms. "I could go and see her now?" I suggest weakly, "See when she has her shift at the Beach Café. But what do I say to her? How do I even begin?"

"You get your ass to that Beach Café as soon as possible, and you tell her that you love her. You definitely do not wait," My mom enunciates as though I'm dumb, "What's the issue? Everything will work out from there. It shouldn't be scripted, it should be spontaneous."

"The issue is that I've been dating this girl, as a fake relationship to try and get Lois jealous...will she be mad at me for lying to her?" I bite my lip and look up at my mom, suddenly wary. What happens if Lois doesn't want to be with me, even after I've told her I return her feelings? Will I lose her as a friend and a crush? Everett seemed so positive that she needed space, but I can't imagine how I would feel had it been me who'd confessed my love to Lois and she didn't reply. She needs to know how I feel about her; I just really hope it's enough to make her stay with me.

"You went down that route, huh?" Mom sighs, "I shouldn't think she'd be angry, but you need to make sure that she knows it's a fake relationship before you start confessing your feelings. Explain your side of the story, and then tell her why you did it. Tell her how unsure you were of whether she liked you back, and how desperate that made you. Then finish it with the confession." Mom orders, "Now, what time does her shift start? You need to be there as soon as you can. Make her feel like she's wanted- her confusion has gone on long enough." She pushes me slightly and I stand up.

"Okay I'm going," I nod, "Will you be okay here on your own?"

Mom's eyes seem to flash with pain again for a second. "Sweetie, just because my romance didn't work out, doesn't mean I want to risk yours. I want a daughter in law and grandchildren, and I want said daughter in law to be Lois. Get your ass into gear and stop worrying about me."

"Okay I'm off to get the girl," I roll my eyes, ambling to the door.

"You better, or you're grounded for a month!"

I roll my eyes at my crazy mom, but I can't help but feel a new kind of urgency in my step. My pace has quickened whether I like it or not: I need to see Lois.


My eyes instantly meet hers as I walk into the Beach Café.

Lois is stood with a mop in her hand, clearing the floors while the last customers are eating. I know that in fifteen minutes, the café will shut, and my plan is to ambush her at the end- so that we're alone. It's time we talked everything over. She stares at me for a second, before blushing and ducking behind her brunette hair. The sadness and frustration I saw in her expressions earlier have disappeared, which is good. Maybe Everett was right: maybe she did need a little bit of space for a few hours. It seems to have done her some good. I look at her for a second longer, before targeting Ben across the room and making my way over to him. I texted him just before I left the house, to let him know my plan. He's going to sit with me in the fifteen minute wait.

"Hey bro," Ben greets as I sit down. "Nervous?"

"No," I snort, but really my heart seems to speed up every time I think about what I'm going to do. I turn around not-so-subtly and watch as Lois cleans the floor. A couple of guys are glancing over as she bends over slightly, and my fists tighten on the table. I shoot them an icy glare, even though they haven't spotted me, releasing my anger in one quick exhale before turning back to Ben again. He watches me with one eyebrow raised. "What?" I ask defensively. "I'm not nervous."

"Yeah alright," Ben hums sarcastically. "Dude, I think it's time we had the talk."

"The talk?" My eyes widen. "Um, I am aware of the birds and the bees already thank you, I'd prefer not to have that chat all over again."

"You idiot," Ben rolls his eyes, "I mean the talk where I ask you if you're positive about all of this. Are you ready for a relationship? Because if one day you hurt're probably going to have a whole armed mob after you. Everett, myself and all of her girlfriends, specifically. Are you ready to commit?" Ben leans forward, eyes narrowing. "I know you like her man, but if you hurt her..."

"I won't hurt her," I reply slowly. "I don't think you quite realise how much I like her. I'm not about to screw that all up. It's just whether or not she's angry with me about the fake girlfriend that I'm worried about...if she's angry about that, then there's a good chance she won't want to be with me even if I do tell her that I return her feelings." I sit back and run my hands through my hair. "You don't need to give me the talk, Ben. I'm not even dating her- the timing is a little off."

"Yet," Ben says simply, "You aren't dating her yet."

I stare at him for a second. "You don't think she'll be mad about trying to make her jealous? You don't think she'll hate me...for playing with her feelings, or lying to her?" I glance around at Lois again, but she's not looking at me. Her hair is straight and long today, and she's wearing a pair or jean cut off shorts with a long sleeved top and flip flops. When I first started liking Lois and told Ben about it, he was a little surprised. I guess seeing as my previous type was Rita, and the pair are more than a little different. Yet now I look back on my relationship with Rita- there were so many holes there. We didn't share any interests at all. She dumped me because I wouldn't have sex with her, and she'd flirt with tonnes of other guys right in front of me. We were only 16.

Lois isn't like that; she's completely different. It's more serious when I'm around her. We're good together. I sound like a love struck sap.

"You weren't lying specifically to her- you were lying to everybody," Ben points out, "I think she'll understand why you did it, I wouldn't worry so much. You didn't know whether she liked you or not, so you tried to promote a reaction out of her. The sucky thing was that both of you were so oblivious to each other's feelings that it physically pained me."

"Well I'm not oblivious anymore, and neither will she be in five minutes." I glance up at the clock and my stomach tightens. Even though I know from two reliable sources that Lois likes me back, I still can't help the fear that I'll be rejected and embarrassed. I think I'm overthinking things. I glance around the café, and see that it's basically empty apart from myself and Ben, and another older man. The two boys looking at Lois' ass earlier have disappeared. "Ben, I think it's time you need to leave. I need to fly solo from here." I give him a meaningful look and Ben nods.

"I wish you all the luck man," He claps my shoulder as he walks past me, and I suddenly realise that this is it. I'm alone, and as soon as that elder man leaves the café, it's time for me to face Lois. No workers are around apart from her and Adam, and it's him that I'm going to target first.

"Excuse me," I stand up and head over to Adam as he wipes the counter over. He's one of Lois' friends. He'll want her to know how I feel, right? Especially if he knows that Lois likes me. "Hi," I greet awkwardly, trying to keep my voice hushed from Lois' ears. "I'm Jesse, Lois' friend."

"I know who you are," Adam nods, "What's up?"

"Well I kind of have something I want to confess to Lois," I say, coughing a little to hide my embarrassment. "Could you do me a huge favour and leave her in charge of locking up the café tonight? I want to speak to her alone for a little while." I don't even need to expand my reasoning, because Adam is grinning at me. He raises a fist up and I bump it slowly. He must know that Lois likes me. Either that, or he's really creepy and a bit obsessive over her.

"Sure thing," Adam nods, "It's about time you two get together. But if you hurt her-"

"You'll be in the club of people hunting me down with pitchforks and torches," I finish for him, "I get it." Adam gives me a strange look, and I shrug. "A lot of people have said the same thing." Without waiting for a response, I walk away and sit back down in my seat, watching patiently as Adam approaches Lois and tells her the news. Then, throwing an incredibly obvious thumbs up at me, he leaves the café. Lois is staring dazedly after him, obviously uncomfortable with knowing that I'm waiting for her. She glances at me, gulps and then continues to mop the floor. She's nervous, I realise. I wish that old man would hurry up and finish his carrot cake, or I may have to throw him outside.

Lois doesn't look at me as she mops.

After two minutes I can't take it anymore. "Excuse me," I say to the old man, "I'm very sorry but its closing time." I gesture up to the clock and slowly his eyes follow my hand. I'm impatient now: impatient to talk to Lois after what feels like forever. He's the only one stopping me now.

"I apologise," He says gruffly, smiling a little with a twinkle shining through his glasses. "It was just too fun to watch you agonise over your lady friend." He stands up slowly, and I watch in shock as he tips his hat to me. "I hope you manage to win her over, young man." He hobbles his way out of the café, and I'm frozen as I watch him leave. That was more than a little weird: was I really that obviously impatient? The silence consumes me for a second, before I realise what it's time to do. My heart seems to jump into my throat. I turn to face Lois.

We're finally alone.

"We need to talk," I tell her, climbing out of my seat and walking towards her. I capture her eyes and hold them hostage: approaching warily. "I need you to hear me out. I have so much to say, even if you don't. There are things that you don't know: things that I really want you to." I take another step towards Lois, until we're stood directly opposite each other. My nerves seem to have disintegrated in her presence. She stares at me, her green eyes wide and anxious. It takes every muscle I have to stay still: not to kiss her and end her confusion right now. My mom told me to explain the whole situation to her first, but is that really the way to do things? Should I risk that she'll be angry and leave before I get a chance to finish the story? That she'll leave before I get to kiss her?

The Beach Café is dark around us. It's now seven pm and silent around us. A window is open, and I can hear the waves crashing outside, spurring me further and further into the courage to act. Lois looks at me, and exhales slowly. "I'll listen," She says softly, "But first I have a question."

"Shoot," I say, taking her forearms in my hands. She glances down and frowns, but makes no effort to move away.

"How is your mom?"

Are you kidding me? I stare at her in shock. I release a slow breath and decide not to mention how much she's just ruined the atmosphere already. "You heard that I told her then."

"Ben told me," Lois nods, "Is she okay? How is she holding up?" She's soft and concerned, and the frustration is building in my gut as I watch her. I want to confess my love for her, and she decides to bring my mom into the conversation? Talk about a mood killer. This girl really is completely oblivious. I release her forearms and move back slightly, sighing as I think about my mom at the moment. Guess any chance of a romantic atmosphere has disintegrated for the moment.

"I think she's getting better," I say honestly, "She's been a mess for a couple of days, but she cheered up a little bit today." Because of you. I don't add the last words, but I probably should. I won't rush into things, though. Baby steps. If she wants to talk about my mom right now, she can.

"I should visit her," Lois shakes her head, "I haven't seen her in ages." A small indent forms between her eyebrows, her cheeks flushing slightly pink. She's adorably, awkwardly perfect.

"She misses you," I nod, "Almost as much as I do...Is it my turn to talk yet?" I walk around her and lean against the counter, and she follows me hesitantly. I take the mop from her hands.

"Should I be scared?" Lois asks me, smiling a little as I prop it against the counter beside us.

"Absolutely terrified," I grin in reply.

"Okay, shoot." She purses her lips and looks up at me. "What do you want to talk about?"

I consider doing what my mom suggested, but to be honest that doesn't feel like the way for me. At the moment, my heart is screaming at me to act now and explain later. I'm just going to jump straight into it: straight into confessing to her. My heart begins to speed up, and suddenly a lump forms in my throat. I release a deep breath and look at her. "Did you really mean it when you said you loved me?" The words exit my mouth and I almost take a step back in relief. I got the words out without stuttering like a lunatic, or speaking too quietly. No going back now.

A look of panic crosses Lois' face and she flushes red. "No, of course not!"

"Did you mean it when you said you loved me?" I repeat, a little hurt, but I know she's not telling the truth. She can't be telling the truth: I know she meant it. Snap out of it Jesse, you know she likes you. She's probably just freaking out about you asking such a direct question.

"No," Lois repeats, before frowning. "I mean yes...I-I don't know Jesse!"

"You don't know?" I raise an eyebrow. Of course she's lying. She must be. I've not come this far into my confession to find out that this is one huge April fool's joke or something. It's not April 1st.

Lois stares at me defiantly for a second, and then sighs. "What do you want the answer to be?"

She looks at me so helplessly, and I can't help but smile. My heart races a little bit faster, and I can feel the power of adrenaline in my heart. This is it. It's all or nothing right now, and I'm going to take the chance. Who needs advice? Fuck it all. Fuck everything, for her. "You're kind of dumb sometimes," I grin, leaning my forehead down to touch hers. She closes her eyes for a second, her eyelids fluttering shut. "But I guess that's one of the things I love about you."

Lois's eyes fly open, wide and surprised, but I don't give her a second to open those perfect lips of hers and start babbling about cats, or my mom. I won't let her break this moment with her adorable tendencies. My heart is racing so hard I can hear my pulse in my ears, and every instinct is telling me to lean in. Without contemplating for a second, my hands shoot up to cup her face, and I follow my instincts: letting the electricity of our contact guide me through it all. "I love you Lois Reynolds." I murmur softly, pressing my lips onto hers.

Her skin is soft, but her lips are softer.

I'm kissing her. I'm kissing the girl who almost killed my mom, and it feels amazing.


If you still have a graphic, but haven't sent it in, please still send it to me :) I'd love to see it!
My exams are over now: and I'm sorrynotsorry for the cliffhanger! Finally Jois are happening, I hope you all liked this chapter! The next chapter will be posted next week (sooner hopefully)!

My prom is on Monday *Squeals*, but for now I'm just glad that all my exams are over. How did yours all go? Let me know in the comments.

FINALLY, The Wattpad Block Party is coming up and I'm excited to announce that I am collaborating with TaintedRain (Ashley is a good friend of mine) for my feature! We are doing a character interview with ALL of our characters, so if you have any questions for any of my characters or her characters, COMMENT THEM FOR THE CHANCE TO BE FEATURED!

See you later Alligators,
Lauren xoxo

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