You are a spellbinder.

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    It is hard keeping secrets. Especially when you are a open book and your friends can tell you are keeping something from them. I am in the last period of the day at school. We have a free day today in here so I have been thinking about what to do. If I should tell my parents or not...I do not think I will. My parents work for our government. But they do not work for just any branch. Their job is to kill any spellbinder that they might come across. I am just not sure if their love for me is more then their love fir their job... I mean, it is part of their job to kill me...even if I am their own daughter, they most likely will not hesitate. That is the reason why they are known throughout the world as the merciless spell-killers. A great name I know. Unfortunately I am known as their apprentice not their daughter. But...I have never thought their job was just. Just because they are spellbinders they have to be killed...I sighed and looked out the window.  Keeping secrets ... No...keeping THIS one is hard. It is life or death. I tell someone, I die, I keep it a secret, and I live. I wonder if any of my friends are like me?
I shook my head. No that's impossible. Then, I started feeling anxious, confined, but then strangely happy? What is this ?  Suddenly a voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"-sorry I am late Miss. I am new and had trouble finding here." I looked up to the front of the room, and I saw Miss. Rain in her usual dress of jeans, flats and a blouse, with her hair in a bun. But looking over to the door I saw a boy I have never seen before. From what I could see he ran here, due to the fact he was leaning over trying to catch his breath. He had shaggy carmel brown hair, broad shoulders,and he looked sorta tan, as if he had just been out in the sun for a long period of time. He then straightened and I could get a good look at him. His caramel colored hair was falling in his bluish green eyes a bit, he had oval but also round. He was well-built, skinny but at the same time muscular. He was wearing a black tee-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes.

"Well okay.  Isabelle the seat next to you is empty, is that right?"

I sighed and nodded my head. She nodded her head as well and faced the boy. "Okay well, introduce yourself to the class and then go sit next to Miss. Isabelle Star."

All the color drained from his face as soon as Miss. Rain said my last name. You see, everyone knew that the only family with the last name of Star were Spell-killers. It was what our family has specialized in since the civil war. There had always been questions about us being spellbinders ourselves, but we always declined. This new development new development... It makes me question if we were at some point.

"- that is all you all really need to know." my friends laughed. Huh. That is -


Wait? Is he...talking to me? The way his face looked when he heard my name I though he gonna be one of the ones who avoids me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him slip a note to me. I opened it and what I saw made my heart rate speed, the color drain from my face, my eyes widen, caused me to not be able to breath.

You are a spellbinder.

How the fudge could he tell?! He must be trying to get to me. To see if the rumors are true about my family being spellbinders.  I sent back,

what do you mean?! Of course I am not a spellbinder! I am a Star! Not anything like those traiterous spellbinders! How dare you compare me to one!!

I watched him out of the corner of my eye as I sipped the note back to him. He opened the not and rolled his eyes. He quickly jotted down something and passes it back.

Don't try to lie. I can tell you are. All spellbinders can sense other spellbinders. Do not tell me you did not feel some sort of feeling that was not you own?
Like before I came in the room or something.

He is right I did. I felt strangely happy when I should have felt depressed. He took out a new sheet and scrawled something else down.

Don't believe me eh? Okay, that is fine.  If you are a spellbinder, meet me on top of the school. At mid night. We will then talk freely. But know, now that you have awoken, in a year from the day you discovered, you will have to chose a side. Light or dark. I can help you. Show you some basic spells, so you can hide you magical aura from your parents. I can also teach you to rid anything of any trace of magic. But! You can not rid your self of magic.    Remember, the roof at 12 so you can learn more.

By the way, my name is Lynx.

So...his name is Lynx . Peculiar name. I will come to the roof Mr. Lynx. But first...I will have to scout it out to see if this is a trap.

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