A Trip to Forever Falls

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Kent P.O.V

Cardin has decided to become arrogant and tried to battle me to win. Needless to say, he made the dumbest choices that only a pathetic fool could make.

"Give it up, Cardin. You are losing this fight already."

"Never! I am so close to beating the Doctor Fa-"

As if to prove his answer wrong, I shot a powerful blast of energy, and his aura dropped to red.

"That's enough for now, Mr.Nelson. Students, as you can see, Mr. Winchester's Aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament-styled duel, this would indicate that Cardin is no longer fit for battle, and that the official may call the match. Mr. Winchster, it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to your Scroll during combat. Gauging your Aura will help you decide when it's appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now, would we? Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!"

Of course, this is before the time that Cardin decided to pick in my friend, Velvet.


I was sitting with Team CVFY and I was talking about some of my adventure and all that crazy stuff. It was going fine, until I heard Velvet whimpering in pain by none other than the cruel person, Cardin, along with his friend, Russell.

Velvet: "Ow! That hurts! Cardin, Please, stop..."

Cardin "Hahaha...I told you they were real.

Russell "Hahahaha...What a freak!"

Now how did a respond to such s thing happen? I outright summoned an Ankh and push him out of the building. Russell was caught off guard, and I spoke out to Velvet.

"Hey...Velvet! Over here!"

Velvet turned to see me and smiled shyly. She goes to the table and sat next to me.

"Thank you, Kent. For helping me with Cardin back there."

"You are welcome, Velvet. Really."

Velvet held my hand under the table for a bit, squeezing it for comfort, and I did the same back. At least that this won't be this bad to her.

"Well...I gotta say, Kent."

Coco began to speak up. I turned to her with confusion appearing on my head.

"You got to say, what?"

Coco smiled at me, genuinely.

"You really have a taste in fashion with your magic. It was cool, but very funny what you had used on Cardin."

"Well, I like doing the Ankh on my Amulet of Anubis. Very cool."

Coco later smiled, before all member of our team went back to eating our food.

Flashback ended...

Well...after giving Cardin a beatdown that he should deserved a lifetime ago, I was starting to feel fine from what I had done to him. It was very great to relive some of the steam I had. After all, it is great to lift a few scars.

Right now...I am in Oobleck's class. He is talking about some stuff that I actually I put myself in. It was about Faunus rights. It was something that I tired to help with. When I saw the Faunus' blinded by their own rage, I did all I could to make them a more better people than before. I even convinced them to be more heroic than before. There is one that refused to help. Adam Taurus. He is the guy that kept on holding on to his immense rage. He even tries to kill my on a lot of occasions. However, I eventually stopped him, and put him to prison for his entire life.

Now, back onto the class...

Oobleck: "Yes! Yes, prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution--more popularly known as the Faunus War. Humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in Menagerie. (zooms around the classroom more, sipping his coffee again before continuing to zoom and talk) Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events! Why, the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day! Now! Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?"

Some of the silhouetted students raise their hands. Velvet, after a moment, does the same.

Oobleck: "Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence!" (takes another sip of his coffee) "I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to White Fang! Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the third year of the War?"

I than see Weiss raise her hand.

Weiss: "The battle at Fort Castle!"

Oobleck: "Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?"

Cardin tried to hit Juane in the head with a paper-ball, but I use telekinesis to send it right to his head.

Cardin: "Ghhhh....What in the..."

"Ahh...Mr.Cardin...can you tell me the answer to this?"

"Tch...Maybe they're lucky."

"I am sorry, Mr.Cardin...but you have the wrong answer here."

Me: "Or maybe he has not done his homework. I can tell you the real answer to that question here."

Oobleck: "very well, than, Mr.Kent. Tell us the answer here."

"The Faunus' have the ability to see in the dark better than even most humans in history. Because of this, it would be easy to attack humans who are foolish and are very inexperienced to even come across their territory, (my eyes than turned to Cardin) especially to those that are foolish to hate Faunus' in the first place, which would mean underestimating them."

Oobleck: "That is correct! (Cardin growled at me, but did nothing) General Lagune was inexperienced, and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched, and the general was captured."

Oobleck: (as Cardin gets up from his seat, fist clenched) "Mr. Winchester! Please take your seat." (when Jaune was able to stop himself from laughing at him, which, thankfully, Oobleck didn't notice.) "You can see me after class for additional readings." (takes yet another sip of his coffee).

After a bit, I got my stuff back out, and I walked back to my dorm. Thankfully, Cardin won't be bothering people for a while.

Than, I got ready to pack my jars in my backpack. Tomorrow, people are getting ready to go to Forever Falls. And my team is as ready as they will ever be today, and tomorrow.

The Next Day...Forever Falls...

Right now...I am on the bus with my team, along with Weiss and Blake next to me, and Pyrrha at my right. My team is behind me, and CVFY is in front of me. Luckily, Cardin is way at the back of the seat. And he got himself an F for not paying attention.

When they finally reached the location they want to be at, everyone all stepped out of the bus, and looked around at the location. I admit, I may have never been to Forever Falls once, but this is absolutely beautiful. Eventually, Glynda spoke out to get us to pay attention.

"Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so. Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!"

As I look around the place, Velvet suddenly grabbed my arm without me know she was coming.

"Come on, Kent. Let's have our teams work together here!"

"Okay...I will start it!"

Both my team and Velvet's team start to work together to get the Red Sap. However, Cardin is going to get payback at me, even in the place right here. This is not going to go well for that fool.

Third Person Point Of View...

And Kent was right. Cardin has been trying to use the red sap he collected, and make him very humiliated.

"All right, you guys! You have those red saps ready?!"

Cardin spoke out, behind one of the trees, and looking at where Kent is at.

"I have them right here."

Done spoke out to Cardin. He is carrying one of the jars in his hand. Cardin chuckles darkly, as he prepares to throw it.

"Now for him to get a taste of the Red Sap!"

He threw it at Kent. But Kent, anticipating this, summoned a shield from behind him, and the jar went inside.

Cardin got confused, as to why he is not hearing some shouts of annoyed anger. He looks to see that he is still okay, and the jar is not there. As he looked around, the turned to see the jar going to his...



"Gaaaahhhh!!! What the hell?!"


A distant roar was heard from somewhere from behind him. Suddenly, a large Nevermore came out of nowhere in front of Cardin and his team.

"Woah! That's a big one!"

"No way I'm fighting that!"

His team ran away, leaving Cardin to right for himself. The Nevermore hit him in the stomach, which sensed him back right on his butt. Cardin tried to use his mace, but it was swatted. As Cardin was afriad of what is going to happen, Kent decided to help at least once, and blasted it. The blast incinerated it out of existence. Kent than hovered over Cardin, grabbed him by the armor, and brought his face close in a threatening manner.

"Listen here, Cardin! I will not tolerate this behavior of yours any more further. If you try such a thing one more time, I will not save you the next time you are endangered."

Kent spoke out in a very threatening manner to Cardin, before dropping him, and hovering back to his great friends. Kent is finally done with him and his friends, and they got a passing grade. Team CRDL, on the other hand, got a F in the class. Well, that's shameful.

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