Unhappy Reunion and a fight

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Alright, he beginning of the second year. I am starting to feel like something bad might treat to go wrong. I don't know if it is just me or not, but it is my belief that Ruby and Yang are going to contact their family and try to take me back to their torture home. Well, if they plan that, while I refuse to kill them, that doesn't mean that I cannot give them pain. Right now, I am in my normal clothing as Dr.fate, because Ozpin allowed me permission, along with the other members of my team, very nice. Right now, we're walking to Oobleck's class, with Team CFVY. I am so glad that they are around, because I can never stand the presence of both Ruby and Yang.

Right now, I am sitting in the front row, very far from Ruby and Yang. At least they are not noticing me in class. I can never stand them watching. Unfortunately, Yang and Blake, Avon I really don't mind with, in behind Emerald and Amber. Which is not good if they plan to threaten them in the middle of class. Ruby is acting like a real idiot, not paying attention. As I watch Oobleck, he than suddenly spoke out loud.

"So than...who want to give us a demonstration, please?"

Me and Weiss raise our hands up and spoke


Both me and Weiss looked at each other, Weiss looked confused, while I gave her a expression filled with confidence.

"So...Kent, will you do?"

Port spoke out to me.

"I will, and quick question, am I not allowed to use the powers in class?"

I spoke out to him. Port looked down and gave out a thoughtful-looking expression.

"Well...as long as you don't use the Helm...Yes. You can use your magic."

Thank you, Professor. Word kept. And also...try to give me challenge."

I than stood up and walk to him, as he prepare a rather large cage inside the classroom. I don't even know how he manage to fit it. The door is to small, even for the cage to fit through inside this thing.

Third Person Point Of View...

As Kent is walking forward, Amber felt a hand tapping on her shoulder, and saw Yang looked at her with a somewhat rather stern expression present on her very face.

"What do you want, Yang?!"

Amber whispered to her quietly, but also very, very angrily.

"Tell me how Kent has been doing since he ran."

Yang spoke out to her in a very angered voice, though she is still whispering.

"Has has been doing way more better than your family doing torturous acts on him."

Yang got very angry, as her eyes become red, and Amber's eyes start to flare.

Before Yang can even speak, Professor Port spoke out to everyone resent in the class.

"Alright everyone, Mr.Nelson will now demonstrate to us on being skilled. Are you ready, Mr.Kent?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Port than unlocked a cage and revealed a large Grimm. This Grimm is a Nevermore, and about twice the size of the usual one seen by many hunters and huntresses. The Nevermore roars, and Kent took a little step back. His cape is blowing by the roars that was unleashed. While Kent is not as powerful when he wearing the helmet, he is still powerful and is just as effective. For a regular Nevermore, it take 10 hit to kill. But this Nevermore, rather unsure. So it is time put his powers to the test.

The Nevermore roars, as it charged at Kent, who than unleashed a magical energy beam. The beam wasn't very painful, but it was enough for the Nevermore to stagger back. Kent than punched it in the face, with increased strength. It staggered back further, but the Ursa jumped and tried to squash Kent. Kent, however, conjured a shield, and than stopped it from being squished. Than, Kent used one last Frisk up his sleeve. Kent than summoned an even larger and stronger beam, and vaporized the Nevermore in an instant.

Everyone was surprised at that, but Professor Port clapped at the display of power seen.

"Bravo, Mr.Kent! Bravo! We are in the presence of a true hunter!"

During class, things took a dive quickly. Weiss has demanded for Ruby to shut up, as both the fact she knows what she is doing, secondly, the fact that she believed Ruby never deserved to be a leader in the first place, and finally, for actually standing up for me at what she heard her family had done to me in the past. Personally, I am glad that Weiss is doing this for me, but I am rather confused at the fact of the reasons of the leader. Well, minor reasons aside that, I am now walking down through the hallway, and my team were complementing me for my success in the classroom.

Neo: 'Kent! You were incredible there!"

Amber: "What you did was very great!"

Emerald: "Did you somehow raise your power in there?!"

"I guess I kind of did raise my power while in the fight. I don't know how I had done that. I guess what I did had just came out of complete nowhere."

Just as me and my team continued walking down, I heard voices of those I wanted to hear from.


I turned and saw Ruby and Yang are rushing towards me, with desperation in their eyes. Getting angry, I shot out a blast of magical energy from my right hand. The blast hit both of the sister way from me.

"I thought I told you to never see me again!"

I shouted to the sisters, who were looking at me with fear in their eyes.

"Please, big brother! We just want to talk to you!"

"Well I don't want to talk to people like you or people like your family. They can rot in hell for all that I care!"

Emerald than spoke out to the sisters in a very stern but very aggressive tone.

"What you and your family has done, it is so unforgiving! You think you deserved to call him your brother after what you have done?!"

Yang's eyes glow red, as she got up and is very enraged at those words.

"Shut up, Emerald!! You are not in this conversation with me and Kent, my brother!!!"

She than tried to punch him, but Neo stepped in and kicked her so hard in the stomach, she was sent flying back a bit.

"Thank you Neo. Appreciate it. You do not have the right to call me your brother! And Emerald has the right to get put in this conversation with me here! You better back off, it I will make sure you suffer for what you have done to me in the past, back when we're kids!!!"

I spoke out, as I prepare in energy blast to give her pain. Yang got frightened, and thankfully, no one was here to intervene here.

"Kent! Please stop doing this!!"

Ruby spoke out and ran to me, but amber kicked her down to the ground, which I was thankful for. Before I can truly make them suffer for what they had done to me, Ozpin's voice was heard from the speakers that's on the wall.

"Will Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long come to me in my office this instant?"

I looked down at them, and my magic had dissipated.

"Guess you're lucky this time. Go towards Ozpin and do not ever disappoint the headmaster."

Both Ruby and Yang look down at the ground, as they stand up and walk to the elevator. But as I looked at them going away, I have a bad feeling that his is about to go wrong. I feel like that of Ruby and Yang are going to Ozpin, than that would mean one thing: The family that has tortured me, they are here.

After a minute of silence, Ozpin's voice came out, and I think I am correct about I think is happening.

"Will Kent Blackburn come to me in my office this instant?"

As I looked up, I have no idea what to do in this situation. I am doomed if my family tries to come for me. After 10 minutes of thinking, I turned to Amber and spoke out to her, desperately.

"Amber, can you accompany with me while in Ozpin's room? I feel like I am about to see something that I hope to never see."

"Okay...I will accompany you."

Both me and Amber went into the portal I made. If the family is here, than they must have forced him to make me come. I really hope I can get through with this situation.

"Okay, Ozpin. What is it?"

As I spoke, I notice who I thought it was. It was my family. They are here in Beacon. Summer than turned to me, shocked.

"Kent...There you are!"

She tried to hug me, or hurt me. I am not sure, but I am sure is that I will not let her attack me. I extended my right hand and grabbed her by the neck. I than tightened it.


Taiyang spoke out.

"Meeting you all here like this...is has no defiant meaning."

I spoke out, as I through Summer to the blond male idiot. He got thrown back by the amount of force I put behind my own strength.

"You have a lot of nerve coming to me after what you've done."

"Kid...we were worried when you had gotten kidnapped by-"

Qrow would have finish if I had put an energy blade in front of his neck, threatening to pierce him.

"Did you seriously think that lying is going to work? Or are so ignorant after all of this, that someone here already know what's happened?"

"Wh-What are you saying?"

Raven spoke out. I nodded my head to Ozpin, as he stood up and spoke.

"There is no point in lying about this, everyone. Nabu has already in formed me of the situation as hand."

Everyone was shocked at what Ozpin has said to them.

"You mean to tell me...you know of this location all this time?!"

Summer shouted at Ozpin. Nabu, who's soul is in the helmet, than came out of my back, but did not go on my head.

"Nabu has told me to not tell you about his location. He claimed that if you ever come to Kent, he would get tortured because of you. I must say I have never seen Nabu this angry before. And I have never gotten this angry in my life."

Ozpin spoke to the family in a rather stern tone. Summer than fearfully and saddened came it me.

"K-Kent...please! I...I know I made such a mistake, but..."

As she spoke out the word mistake, I got instantly angry, and spoke out enraged.


Summer got frightened, than fell to her knees and cry in her hands. All of a sudden, I got punched in the face by none other than Taiyang himself.


Tai had an angry face, but than realized what he has done, and has an apologetic face on him now.

"Oh, Gods. Kent I am so sorry. I-"

Amber hits Taiyang right in the face, as she shouted out.

"Stay away from my loved one!!!"

Suddenly, the Golden Helmet of Fate hits Taiyang in the head, and when on to my head. Dr.Fate, Nabu, finally came back. And this time...he is way more angry.


Nabu roared at Team STRQ, as his voice shook the entire building around. Raven, Who is frightened at seeing Nabu again, tired to speak up.

"Look fate! All we want it see being him back to the family again! Why can't you just-"

Raven spoke out, but Nabu interrupted her and shouted out in a more enragingly loud voice.


"Than how about we challenge you!"

Nabu turned to see Ruby speaking out to Nabu.

"How about we challenge you to a fight to see who wins. If we win, my brother comes back. If you win, he's still yours!"

Nabu looked at her for a moment, before speaking out to her calmly.


After that, Nabu and Amber has teleported away

25 minutes later...the arena...

In the arena, Team KEAN are fighting against Team STRQ, and both Ruby and Yang. As both of the groups looked at each other, Raven spoke out to Kent Nelson.

"Please, Kent. I don't want to hurt you more.

Kent, however, spoke this to her

"Just shut up and fight!" Kent Nelson doesn't have the helmet on, but he will use it, when he feels that he is at a disadvantage, or when he is staring to get immensely angry.

Glynda than shout out "Begin."

Both of the teams rushed to each other. Emerald attacks Qrow and Raven. Neo attacks Taiyang and Yang. Amber attacks Ruby. And Kent attacks Summer.

Emerald attacks them both and use her chains and scythes. Normally, they would break by heavier objects, but Nabu has taught her to infuse aura with both her weapons to increase both strength and durability. She jumps, flips, and later struck both Raven and Qrow and gains distance from them. As Qrow tried to shoot her, Emerald made her shot, and use a aura-infused bullet, and not only destroyed the bullet, but also clogged the gun on the sword. Qrow growls for a bit, and both him and Raven charged at Emerald again. She later ran to them, and used her guns to defend against both of the blades.

"Tell me, Branwens. Do you truly believed that you deserve forgiveness after what you have done to him?"

Qrow: "Are we wanted if to be forgiven by Kent! Is that so hard to do?!"

"Yes, it is! His life was to much of a suffering! All that he ever wanted was to get out of it, and you trapped him. Maybe he should have trapped you both like birds in a cage. You people do not deserve Dr.Fate's forgivness!"

Raven: "Yes we do! We love him! We will get him back, no matter what it is!"

"If that is the case...than answer me this question...WHAT GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TORTURE HIM FOR SO MUCH, YOU OLD BIRDS??!!!!"

Emerald shouts, before using her guns to send them back. She is going to protect their drones no matter what.

Neo faces off against a pair of Blonde Brute Idiots. Due to her small size and use of kicking them, she has a upper hand while inside of the fight. As she jumped and flipped over the pair, Taiyang tried to get her by the hair.

"Hold still, little brat!"

Taiyang tried to punch her, but Neo flipped and kicked right in the most vulnerable part. Taiyang froze from it, and gets kicked away by Neo. Yang tried to hit Neo, but ended up hitting an illusion.

"What the hell!!! Where did you go, Shorty?!"

As she looked around, Neo than came up from behind her, and kicked her in the back, taking quite a lot of aura from her. Yang turned around, as she tried to punch Neo, Who kept on dodging her punches.

"When I get you kissing the ground, I will make sure, you never reunite with Kent!!"

She than tried to do upper cut her, but Neo dodged and kicked her back just a little bit. Yang than tried to grab Neo, but she made an unexpected turn around, like this.

Neo took half of Yang's aura and drained it away. Yang than struggle to get back up, but Neo ran and kicked her away. Yang than got up and is way more angrier than before.


Yang than rushed at Neo, as they both clash again.

Amber is Ruby. The Silver-Eyed girl kept on trying to catch her off guard with her speed, but Amber was trained to do this. She was able to react and later clash with Ruby.

"Tell me, Ruby! What gave you the right to gain forgiveness from the one you and your family had tortured?"

Amber spoke out in a angry voice. Ruby was saddened and spoke this to her.

"All I wanted is to bring him back and reunite with him once more? Is there a problem?!"

Ruby spoke out. Amber than got a bit more angry when she spoke out this to her.

"It is bad enough for you to give him so much torture, but much worse is to forcing him back!"

"All I wanted is to see him in my arms! I wanted to change everything!!"

"Don't you get it, Ruby? You had damaged his mentality beyond repair!! You don't and will never deserve his forgiveness!! So leave Kent Nelson alone!!!"

Amber than shoved her back, and unleashed a powerful shockwave from the white wind dust that is on her staff. She than spun it and bright for a fiery blast.

Ruby lost 60% of her aura, and she is sent back by the force of the blast. Amber than ran up to her and prepared to attack the red hood. She is not going to allow her to escape her sight, and get away for al the torture she's done.

Kent Nelson is battling Summer. Summer tried to attack him, but Kent hovered out of way. He is unable to fly, but he can levitate himself off of the ground. As they both kept hitting, they are sent back by a shockwave made by their attacks, and clashed once again.

"Please Stop!"

"An unlikely outcome."

Kent than one the clash, and send her back with magical energy.

"Kent, Please! I don't want to hurt you even more!"

"You deceive yourself!"

Kent than summons a magical energy, which hit Summer, stunned her in place briefly, send her back, and losing 70% of her aura.

"I will never return back to you along with your monstrous family."

Many of the family members have been snuffed down to red. All of team KEAN have lost just a bit of Aura, but Kent's untouched.

"Give it up Summer. You are all alone. You can not and will never win."

Kent spoke out, but she is way more furious now.

"How dare all of you...KEEP ME AWAY FROM KENT!!!"

She than whipped out her sniper mode of her scythe, and shot Emerald, Neo, and Amber in their most vulnerable spot. Neo and Emerald got down quickly, but Amber's aura protects her from bullets, thanks to her Fall Maiden status.

"You 3 brats will not keep me away from my son!"

Kent looked at both Emerald and Neo in shock. Than he looks down to the ground that's below him.

"An old friend once told me...the helmet doesn't make the man..."

Summer looked confused, until the Golden Helmet of Fate whizzed past her, and floated on top of Kent. Kent than looks up at Summer with a determined expression.


Kent than took the helmet on, and Kent prepares to make her pay for what she has done, along with Nabu. Amber activated her Fall Maiden Powers, and shot a blast of fire at her. This took a lot of aura from Summer, but the battle is not done yet.

Summer tried to strike Dr.Fate. However, Fate seems to have a surprising of his own.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After the attack, summer struggled to get up, but Fate blasted a small beam of energy, thereby knocking her out cold.

"And Team KEAN wins!"

Neo and Emerald got up, and both of them hugged Kent, who took the Golden Helmet of Fate off him.

"You did it, Kent! You win the battle for us!"

Neo hugged Kent at the lower waist, as he hugged his team

"Thanks, you all. But right now, let's go back to the dorm now. I am rather exhausted from the tagging against those people."

Kent than summons a portal, and returns to the dorm of Team KEAN.

Victory Pose...

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