The 2nd Year Initiation

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Kent P.O.V we are. I am back into the initiation, of the second year. We are finally at the second initiation today. I just hope that I get to hide this...until I finally get to be on stage. For now, I have to fight. I won't be using the Helmet of Fate, anytime soon. I went into to the platform, and my other team do as well. The area we're at is separate from where the first years are.

"All right. I hope that the result are the sane."

I spoke out to them.

"Yeah... just hopefully the results aren't so catastrophic. Like, what could go wrong?"

Amber spoke out to the group and all the others. The others did not respond to her. So they are preparing to take the worst that could possibly even happen. Than, the platform went off, and Kent is sent flying, and quite literally doing so.

Kent than flied and stopped in mid-air, and simply jus landed on the ground. Everyone watching it thought it was silly, and some even laughed at such a ridiculous scene ever seen around here.

Amber did the same, only she slowly went down, and put her feet on the trunk of the emerald tree. Neo simply floated down, and landed softly on her feet. Emerald swung on the branch, and landed with absolute grace. Strangely, Kent and Amber have already found each other now. So they flied and went along to a temple east.

Emerald and Neo than found each other moments later.

Emerald was getting attacked by a couple of the Death Stalkers. She is using her guns that are infused with aura, in order to attack and penetrate the armor it has. Neo than suddenly appeared out and cuts off the stinger. Neo used an illusion and made a copy, while hiding her and Emerald from the Death Stalker trying to kill. The Death Stalker hit the illusion, and both Neo and Emerald appeared and cut the Death Stalker down to size.

"Thanks a lot, Neo. I owe you one for that."

Neo nodded her a 'you're welcome', and both of them saw a temple, that is east from their current position. Both Neo and Emerald looked at each other for just a little bit, before deciding to go to that temple. During their time walking there, Emerald starts to converse Neo.

"So...Neo. How did your time with Kent go and that date that you had?"

Neo held up her scroll. It than typed itself out.

"It has gone pretty well. No interruptions, all worked out. Though some guy attacked me, and someone broke their bones."

Emerald snorted a little bit. Kent getting payback at a guy for outright attacking Neo, that must be very rough.

"Why don't you date him? It would be very great for you to have done that. Makes you much closer."

Emerald blushed at what Neo had just said to her. She is never very skilled with dates and is actually afraid of being rejected by Kent, the person she loves. Kent may have treated her equally, he is unsure if she will treat her more than just a great servant. She does notice that she treats her as an equal, she is just not sure that it is actually real. as they kept walking, they found the piece of the relic from the last year. It was the white rook. The pair grabbed onto it, and went towards the temple, which is at the east.

Kent and Amber are inside of the temple right now. They than looked forward and saw what seems to be the relic from last year: it is a White King. after taking it, the pair than felt the ground. It is starting to shaking. They looked around, and saw many of the Death stalker Grimm coming out of the ground.

"Okay...That is very new."

Kent said, as last time, this has never happen before when they're in last year.

"Where are these coming from?"

Amber than spoke to Kent.

"I do not know where. I do know that we both need to get out. Otherwise, we are Grimm food!"

Amber nodded and we both take flight. Getting out of the entrance, and we see a number of the Grimm. There are just so many of them appearing at once. Emerald and Neo appeared right where the duo are at. They than prepared to bring out the fight very damaging.

Kent than fired an energy blast made of pure magic. It took on the form of a extending long ankh. Emerald began to fire her pistols.

Neo than used her umbrella and treated it like it is a large shield.

Ambwe than began to cast fire, thunder, ice, and leaves.

Many of the Grimm getting hit by the attacks are getting vaporized immensely to ashes. Than, a flying Grimm came in and tried to snatch Amber, causing Kent to intervene and fired a magical blast at the bird-like Grimm.

Kent than flies up to the bird-like Grimm, along with Amber, and began to battle with the giant monster. Kent summoned a shield to stop it from hitting them, and Amber summoned fire towards the bird. The bird was turning back. Kent than prepare and charge the power of his blast, while Amber does the same for her attack.

Emerald and Neo below used their melee weapons to fight.

The Grimm than start to become more less and less. Neo swing and stab with her sword. Emerald used her mini-scythes to cut off the Grimm's really poisonous stinger. Emerald than backflipped and and ripped the stinger of it, by wrapping her scythes around it and pull it forcefully, as well as augmenting her strength. Dr.Fate have been teaching Amber, Emerald, and even Neo, to augment their powers and physical abilities by infusing them with the power of Aura.

Neo casted a number of illusionary copies of herself only. Dr.Fate has pushed her semblance to their absolute limit, and now, she can make copies of herself and her allies. The Grimm got immensely confused, and have no idea which Neo is the right one. Emerald is making herself just as effective, by infusing her weapons with her own aura. That way, she can make the bullets way more damaging. Even if she ha to scream the entire thing aloud.


Back up in the sky, Amber and Kent finished charging up the blast. When the bird Grimm went close enough, the pair that gave out their all on the fight.

The blast is so powerful, it makes everything look like that fireworks are blowing up. Down below, the battle has finally been finished. Team KEAN has finally one the battle. And they both celebrate themselves, before going to the stage.

"That was so unusually blizzard! You don't think Salem was responsible for this unexpected thing. Do you think so, Kent?"

Emerald spoke to Kent Blackburn. Kent looked down, thinking back. It did look like they had came out of nowhere, which is most likely what Salem would in-fact do. And the Grimm only aiming towards Amber, Who has the power of the Fall Maiden. It would make sense for her to try taking her.

"I guess so. The Nevermore tried to grab Amber, and many of the Death Stalkers cam when Amber's present. I wouldn't be shocked if Salem tried to do it today and would try to take all of us by surprise."

Than, Amber came by his right side, and leaned next him. Emerald than does the same, but at the left. Neo just simply sits right on the Doctor Fate's lap. It was somewhat a awkward moment, but rather comforting nonetheless.

Third Person Point Of View...

Now on the stage. Since there are so many first years, they wanted to see who the next Dr.Fate is. First things first, the first year teams get an introduction.

Ozpin: Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark.

The screen of the auditorium shows each of their profiles as the boys are lined up for the applauding audience to see as Ozpin continues.

The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by... Cardin Winchester!

The audience gives one more wave of ovation, while four students walk up to the stage to take their places in front of the headmaster as their faces fill the screen.

Ozpin: Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR.

Amid the clapping, Nora laughs and gives Ren a hug.

Ozpin: Led by... Jaune Arc!

Jaune: Huh? L-Led by...?

Ozpin: Congratulations, young man.

A grinning Pyrrha offers a friendly shoulder bump to Jaune, Who almost falls, but is able to get back up, all perfectly standing. He was lucky that it did not happen right now.

Ozpin: And finally: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long.

Ozpin than motions over the four people as they all stand before him.

The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!

Weiss looks to her right surprised, where Ruby is obviously in shock as Yang goes over to hug her sister.

Yang: I'm so proud of you!

Ozpin: And before we are done for today, I would like to show you one last team. You people don't know them, it is because they are the most powerful team I have and are kept in secret. The is a Second year at Beacon Academy. Come forth, Team KEAN.

The man in the black cloak comes up first, than Emerald Sustrai, than Neopolitan, and finally, the current Fall Maiden. They all looked at the audience, and Ozpin than gave the sign to Kent in revealing his face to them. Kent took the sign, and lifted the hood off him, finally revealing out his face.

Everyone was confused at who this person on stage is, until a helmet came out from above and is now right next to Kent Blackburn. Everyone recognized the helmet here. It was the Golden Helmet of Fate. Is was used by many of the Dr.Fates, many dates in the past have been known to be extraordinarily powerful in fighting people. Everyone has heard of them. But than, that would mean.

"My name is Kent Blackburn. I am the current Dr.Fate. It is nice to see some new huntsman and huntresses. I hope that we can get along in Beacon Academy. I hope that the people I meet don't harm other for their own selfish reasons.

Everyone cheered at the new Dr.Fate present here with them. But 2 people have gasped. Kent recognized the 2 voices from anywhere. It was his sisters. The ones that had been responsible for destroying his life, and ruining his mind. Thankfully, Nabu was actually able to fix the fragile mind. But he is still scared forever from what has happened. Dr.Fate than used his power to make a portal to go to their dorm. As they go forward to the door, Kent heard the voices that he does not want to hear ever again.


Kent turns to see Ruby and Yang coming towards him. Emerald prepares to pull out her guns, but Kent held his hand in front of her, wanting this by himself. Yang than suddenly tried to grab him by the neck, but Kent grabbed her hand, and it's all without effort.


Yang shouted at her brother, with her eyes red.

"Have you easily forgotten why?!"

Kent hosted back at her. Yang's eyes became lilac once more, as she than tears up.

"N-No, Kent. I didn't mean to-"


Kent than shouted at Yang, who flinched at his tone.

"You do mean it! All you wanted is to make me your punching back, you target shot, your stress reliever again. You think that if you say that 'You're Sorry' will make me come back?! No, it won't make me!! I am sick and tired of people always harming me just because they wan to for their own selfish amusement!! I am not here to give you such an entertainment! No. I want to be every single bad day you are having, and will ever always have in your life."

Kent spoke out to them in a relatively dark tone. Kent makes a portal and Amber and Neo went through. As Emerald and Kent are about to go though, Ruby than tried to stop them.

"Kent!!! Please!!! Don't go away!!!"

Ruby than used her semblance to try and stop Kent, but than Emerald kicks her away, and is sent flying back to where Yang's standing.

"What you people have is so cruel and vicious, even to me. You have lost the right to call him your own brother."

Emerald spoke to them, before going inside of the portal.

"What was that all about?!"

Weiss spoke out, being along with Blake, unable to believe what she was actually hearing.

"We didn't mean to, we were kids! We had know idea what we were doing!!"

Yang spoke out to them.

"More like you wanted it to happen. Bet you must have enjoyed making him broken.

Blake and Weiss left, leaving Ruby and Yang all alone.

"Ugh..the nerves of them."

Kent had spoken out, unable to believe their hypocritical actions. They had harm him badly, and now they want forgiveness.

"Will you be okay, Kent."

Neo types out in concern.

"As long as I am through with them. I'm fine."

He than spoke, as he laid on the bed, and closed his eyes to rest. This is going to be long, and literally, the worst year inside of Beacon Academy.

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