confessions under the moon light

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(A/N): hello! the chappie is here! I dedicate this chapter to ume-chan! she requested for this chapter to be updated right away! so yay to her! dont forget to check out her books shes a good writter!


(still Juvia POV)

".......what???......" i was so shocked.... but confused at the same time. "don't leave me.." he said. i pulled my wrist back from him getting kinda mad. "what are you taking about? you never seemed to like me no more than a friend. you always reject me and when i finally give up on you now your saying not to leave??"

"please..." he looks dead into my eyes. i looked right into his that seem to say sorrow and regret. his eyes seem to have gotten water in them. like he was going to cry. thats when i eased my anger. "gray.." i said in a soft tone.

"look.. let me confess." i crossed my arms and looked at the moon giving him time to say what he needed to say. " Juvia... i know I've been denying you but i never meant for you to leave i just.. didn't have the courage to go any further that we are today. when you stopped wanting to talk to me.... and you ignoring me, i never felt so alone."

i gasp. "alone?! you don't know anything about being alone... you were not the gloomy person who had bad luck with love. i had to come to figure that you did not feel the same way for me. I'm worthless and nothing. for as long as i live i feel the need to stop looking for love and to give up on hope... but unfortunately i cant do that... cause i promised someone that i wouldn't."

i took a step back. "gray... i don't understand it. just leave me alone to be. I'm worthless. a pathetic nothing who cant find love!" tears start rolling down my face. i start walking away. "love is pointless gray-sama.. you should already know that."

i took a couple of steps. he hugged me from behind. "thats not true. you are a great person. i really regret the way that i made you feel... the way i ignored you... and the way i rejected you." i cut him off. "but gray-" he cuts me off. " juvia.. your talking non-sence. everything you said... i don't agree. i agree the opposite. don't give up on me. don't give up on love. on our love juvia. its not fair."

i didn't replay back. i sighed. "i don't believe you gray... I'm sorry. i cant get hurt anymore." i said pushing him away. "juvia. I'm not good at expressing my feelings toward people. but if you would just give me a chance to express my feeling toward you." "and what makes you think ill do that? you had plenty of opportunities to show me and you never did."

"well then i will show you right now. tomorrow and the next after that.." "gray.." i said shaking my head. " juvia i love you." i stopped denying. i look up at him. his face starts to get blury. "thats impossible.... how? why now? you broke my heart." "well then let me fix it."

i look up at him. "fine... prove to me that you love me.. then maybe i wont leave you." he nods. i start to walk off whipping my tears away. he holds my hand. and grips it a little tight. i did the same. for the time being. we both walked across the sand.

[[time skipp next day]]

i woke up early to get to work. i took a shower cause yesterday was a long night. and this time i made sure i bring my clothes with me. after i was done i brushed my teeth and did the usual before i go to work. when i came out gray was still asleep. i rolled my eyes. but when i looked at him a flash back went through my head of him saying that he loved me. i blushed a dark red.

i poked his face. *poke* *poke* he opens his eyes. "gray you have to get up or your going to be late." i said in a low voice. "okay." he said as he got up. "could you wait for me?" i nod. a couple of minuets has passed and he was ready.

i went to the door. get pulled me into his arms. i got to blushing. he's nose was barred in my neck. which kind of tickled. "have a good day juvia." he said in a sweet voice. "y-you to." i said nervously. we walked out the door and went our separate ways.

-hours later-

my shift was finally over. i decided to go to the amusement park. but before i did i sat on a swing at the park and ate a dongo. the wind started to blow. i closed my eyes enduring the breeze. i opened my eyes and there was gray standing there in front of me.

Gray POV

she looked really cute closing her eyes giving into the wind. the curls of her hair blowing in the wind.when the wind was done blowing she opened her eyes. "what are you doing here?" she said. "i got off my shift early." i put my hand out giving her a sign to grab hold of it.

she reaches her hand out. "lets go to the amusement park." she said. i nod. "but first i want to do this.."

Juvia POV

he started to lean in and he kissed me.

smack dash on the lips. and you know what?

i started to kiss him back.


(A/N): hello! hope you like this chapter!  I promise I will update soon. so... tell me watcha think whats goin in between gray and juvia. comment and vote.

pwease and thank you!!


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