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(A/N): hello hello! the next chapter is here! I hope you like and enjoy this chappie! now start readin!


(juvia POV still)

a couple of days have past. i work at a maid cafe. yes. im a waitress. i was taking peoples order when i saw gray outside the window walking pass. i pulled a puzzled face. what is he doing isn't he sapose to be working? it might just be his break i thought.

i shrugged it off and got back to work. a couple of hours after that it was my break. i took off my uniform and put on my regular clothes. i was on my way out to another cafe i heard of. it was sunny out in the huge court yard they had. i was smiling. actually smiling for the first time in a while.

i think its because I'm alone and i have time to think. when i got to the cafe i ordered a sundae. cause thats how i feel today. while i was waiting i looked out the window. looking at the amusement park. watching roller coasters pass by.

"here you go." i heard a familiar voice say. i truned my head back to see my sundae and.... gray? "you work here?" i said. he nods his head. "yea.." "as a waiter?" he nods his head again. "yea." then he walks away.

i start to eat. "okay then.." i trun back to looking at the court yard amusemnt park.

not to be a stlaker but i know what time he gets off so i decided to take time off of work.

[[time skipp]]

i took a bath the following night. when i had got out the tub i notice i was such in a rush to take a bath i forgot to take my clothes with me. i peaked outside the the bathroom door. gray wasent in the room. i quickly rushed to the dresser and put on my bra and underwear.

i heard the door opening. ah its gray! i grabbed my clothes and ran back to the bathroom as fast as i could. as soon as he opend the door i made it in the bathroom door. but i slipped on water and hit my head on the edge of the tub.

gray came in the bathroom. i started blushing. he seen me in my underwear! i wanted to get up and push him away telling him not to look but when i tried to get up i would fall back down again. "g-gray.." i said. he started blushing walking torwards me.

"just help me up.. my head hurts." he took my right hand and and accidently touched my left breast. i yelped and blushed a dark red. i slapped im. "sorry reflex." i said smirking. he pulled me up and pulled me into his chest.

i was still blushing. "sorry reflex." he said. when i finally got to stand he left the bathroom. i changed fully and came out a couple of minuts after.

i grabbed my bag and put on my shoes. "were you going?" he said. "out." i said. i had to admit. i was a little nervous to talk to gray at all. "alright.." he said. i started to walk off. "its getting dark." he said. i nod. "j-juvia knows." i walk out the door.

i walk through the lights of the amusement park. i hear peoples laughter. wich kind of made me smile. while i was exploring a little more i found a beach. i decided to sit by it in the moon light. it was dark around me. i dropped my bag and took off my shoes. i went to the water.

i rose the water up fiddling with my magic abilities. i formed a broken heart. "why a broken heart?" i heard someone questioned softly. i got startled and the water dropped to the ground. i looked behind me it was gray. was he following me? "o-oh gray... what are you dong here?" i said.

he shrugged. i picked up my bag and put on my shoes. i was gonna walk off but i stopped.now is my time to tell him... "gray?" he looks at me. "yea?" " i just want to let you k-know..." i gripped the strap on my bag.

"that i will be moving on...kay? you dont have to worry about me stalking you or bothering you anymore.. i know you dont feel the same way." i fake smiled.

It was silent between us. i figured he wasent gonna say anything so i started to walk off. he grabbed my wrist. i looked at him. his hair shadowed his eyes. "d-dont leave me..." he said.

my heart started to pound.



(A/N): im sorry this chappie is short ill make the next chapter longer! but so was this chapter good? I hope you enjoyed this chappie! vote and comment it lets me know to continue to update!

pwease and thank you!!

~ ●_●

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