loves couple resort

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(A/N): heyy all I have to say is calm down people! I had writers block for this story for a long time. Then someone said maybe she should be pregnant and so I did. And no the story is not going to end just yet all because she is, just hang in there people there's a reason why I'm doing this!


Juvia POV

"I'm....just scared and I've been getting nervous for a while." I can't do it!!
































"Ok juvia seriously. Just tell me the truth. I know your lying."

Gray POV

It went quiet again. "Fine I'm pregnant." She said covering her face. I Kew it!! But why didn't she just tell me from the start?

She had her hands over her face. I removed her hands and started giving her kisses from her cheak down to her neck. She giggled and broke away. "I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen."

She started to go on and on about how it was an accident and she didn't know. Then she went on about how she was afraid to tell me. "I just thought... You would get mad cause I thought you weren't ready for a kid. I know I'm not." She said.

She steps a little closer. "And why did you give me kisses?" She said. "Well I don't get why you thought is a bad idea for me to know. Juvia I told you I love you no matter what. And I mean that. So baby or not I will stay with you.

And I gave you kisses to lighten up the mood. And plus I was happy. I want this baby. I'm proud." I said blushing and scratching the back of my head.

Juvia POV

I put my hand over my mouth. I didn't think gray would act this way but it made me super happy. I started to blush as well. "May I?" He said reaching his arm out getting closer. "Speak to the baby?" He said touching my stomach.

I nod not being able to speak. He down on one knee. He placed two hands on the side of my stomach. "Hi I'm going to be your dad." He said smiling. He gasp a little. "Its great to meet you to." Then I notice he was having a conversation  with the baby.

"Gray?" He looks up and gets off his knees. "I can hear our babies thoughts. I heard my father did it with my mom but I didn't know I was able to do that." I smlied.

(A/n: anyone a fan of twight?! I am sorry I just had to mix a little of that movie in her. Edward and Bella forever!)

-time skipp-

I woke up the next morning g ready to work. "Think we should go to the docter?" Gray said. "Sure. Your so serious about this." I said smiling. "Its my first kid why wouldn't I be?" He said while he sat on the bed.

"Gray, the month is almost over." I said. " we need to pick up the pace and get what needs to be done." "Right. We should get a lot done today no problem. After work." I nod.

-after work-

Gray POV

We were at the docters. "Hmmm well your a couple weeks old and the two babies has  baby has already developed. So you should get a small bump by the next month. I prefer you to eat light food like fruit and veggies that way you won't throw up all the time.

It'd still a small baby so it won't like all that heavy food your giving it." I look at juvia. She was nodding. Two babies huh. "And so do to it being small I'm not able to tell you the baby's gender yet but I will soon. And another thing. There's something you should know.. Your baby is not going to give you two the normal pegancy its sapose to give you?"

The woman docter said.

"What do you mean?" Juvia said. "Since this baby has grown faster then its sapose to you baby should have great amount of power causing you to not have a normal pregnancy but a magical one. But any other questions I'll be happy to answer." She said.

"Thanks for the notice." I said. "No problem." And with that she left. "Well this should be interesting." Juvia said. "Now all we have to do is meet up with natsu and them again." She nods and I grab her hand. "Do t tell the guild members yet I want it to be a secret till we get back to the guild." Juvia said. "Ok."

(When we got there) "hey." Lucy said. "Hi." Juvia said.

Juvia POV

"So what level are you guys on?" I said. 5 sences?" She said. "Great were on the same level so I was thinking. We need to get back to the concessness and show them that we seen love, smell love, and tasted love." "O! Or we can do that all at once." Lucy said.

"Keep going." I said. "Maybe we can do the 5 sences in one place were there couples. And if there live is strong enough. We would be able to smell there love along taste it. A couples love can only be so strong even you can straight out see it also feel it." She said.

"I like it. We should go on with this plan." Gray said. Natsu agreed so did I. "So I was thinking. Loves couple resort. I heard there only people who truly love someone are there. I think that would be the perfect place." "Yea let's go right now. I have time to spare." Natsu said getting up.

"Yea." I said. Luct and gray shrugged. We walked off the property of the hotel resort and went to the next building. We walked in the entrance. "Do you see that or am I just going crazy?" I said. "Your not going crazy juvia. I see it to." Lucy said.  It was pink mist every were.

"Is this what love looks like?" Natsu said. "Yeah." Gray said. "Then if that's the case I can smell it. The smell is so string I can taste it." Natsu said. "What does it Smell and taste like?" Lucy said. "Maybe if you sniff the dust you could.

And so we did. As soon as I did I emidately tasted. "It taste sweet." I said. "Smells like perfume." Lucy said.  "All we need to do is hear it. I wonder what it will sound like." Natsu said. we walked into the building.

I started to hear music. Love music to be exact. "Oh this my song." Lucy said. I smiled. The song was let me love you. Natsu went over to a person. "Excuse me. Do you hear music or see anything floating around?" He asked. The lady shakes her head.

"Yup were offiaclly crazy." He said.  "But hey we did it. Now all we have to do is go back to the concessness."  Almost there... I said in my head.

But then I got hungry again.


(A/N): hello! I update! And you guys comment to fast. I mean seriously. I updated on my phone the last chapter and I wake up to check my phone and I already had comments (-_-) you guys must really wanted to know what happened. But I'm glad to see comments when I wake up! Yes I don't update on The computer I update and check wattpad on my phone and iPad that's why it takes me some time to update. Plus I'm typing on a small keyboard but I'm super fast at it! Seriously texting should be a sport! But any way comment some more! And along with that vote .

Pwease and thank you!!


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