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Gray POV

"looks like we have to go." juvia nod. we walk into the blue light and dissapeard. we were in a dark place. we started to walk until we saw blue light again.

we walked to the blue light and there were three concessions. the girl one starts to talk. "hello. thank you for meeting us here. we have gather you here to tell you a few things." she said. a guy speaks.

"what you felt from that light was a sence of love. witch means there is a since of hope in your safety. but we just have one little problem." he said. the last person speaks. "he, gray the one that your with, might not be the one for you."

my eyes winded. "what?" I said. I took a step forward. juvia grabbed onto my arm. "who is my destend partner then? " "that we don't know for sure. were just not feeling your vibe gray. were is your disire to save her?" "I do have the vibe to save her."

"it needs to be stronger. prove to us that you want it. that you want to be saved. that you know what it means to love someone and know how it feels to get hurt. both of you would have to experience it." the girl said.

Juvia POV

"keep completing your steps. then we should decide rather gray has showed enough love for you." " don't you think its a bit unfair that your being a little rough with us?" "your not the only one who's in danger you know. that Lucy girl is in the same position as you are."

I raised an eyebrow. "no kidding?" I said shocked. "yes it is true. perhaps if you guys can. work together it would be easier to prove that both of you can love." I look at gray. he nods.

"well do it." I said. "alright then we have an agreement." the other guy said. they all snap there fingers at the same time. gray was gone. "juvia before you go... you should know your pregnant." the girl said. my eyes winded. "what?" i said. "you have an advatange juvia, against us. use it wisely." and we were back at the beach were we saw the blue light. I sighed. "im scared." I said. "its okay. I'm by your side. what ever it takes to save you just don't leave me." he said.

we started walking. "gray relax . I wont ever leave you." but..... im just scared to tell him... gray..

~in the room~

we finally got back to our room. I changed into my pajamas while gray did the same. we sletped In the same bed witch we do often now. we were in the dark room. it was silent.

"think we should talk to Lucy and natsu tomorrow?" I said. he nods. he pulls me closer to him. he buddies his nose in my neck. "juvia your all mine." he said while I giggle. "I know, gray-sama."

Gray POV

I woke up the next day and me and juvia was around at work then when the time came me and juvia had talked to natsu and Lucy.

we met up in the park. "hey guys." I said as I sat next down to juvia. "hey." they said. "ok so we need to talk to you about something." juvia said.

"what is it?" Lucy said. " have you been in any danger of being in fire for eternity?" she said. she raised her eyebrows and nodded. "why?" i just smirked. " well yea i am. i didnt think anyone els could be in danger like that." lucy said. "dont worry im going through the same thing." juvia said.

i started to think. " think we could do some team work?" i said. natsu nods. "i think that should be good. juvia got up and ran. "juvia?" i said. she threw up in the garbage. i wallked up to her. "are you ok?" i said. "im fine it was just smething i shouldnt have ate this morning." she said assuring me. "ok, well you should watch what you eat." "i will."

we sat back down. "sorry."she said to natsu and lucy. "its ok. we can just pick were we left of later." we both nod. "that sounds god." juvia said.

Juvia POV

half the day has passed and i decided to do a little over time. the amusement park was closing a little early so i was set to close up some of the stands and rides. i was twirling the keys that were in my hand. then all of a sudden i started to think about food.

god i felt so hungry. but what was i hungry for???? after closing down some of the rides i started to rap up some of the stands. on my 5th stand i was closing was a food stand. i was staring at a bag of chips. i was debating rather to eat them or not.

but then my stomach got the best of me and i ate some. i took the whole bag with me. i put my money in the box. so that way i paid for it. i started walking with the bag of chips closing down the rest. as soon as i was done closing up the whole bag was already empty.

i shrug and threw the bag away. i shut the entrence gate of the amusement park. i felt a tiny kick. "oh my.." i said to myself. i really am pregnant. i said while i felt tears threating to come out. put then i felt the need to throw up again. i went to the nearest garbage and did so.

"did you not like thoughs chips?" i said holding my stomach. i sat down on the grass leaning against the garbage. i put the keys aside. "what am i going to do?" i asked the baby while looking at the sky.

"juvia." i heard my name. i turned around it was gray. my heart was beating faster. "so what are you doing here?" he said as he held out his hand. " oh nothing...its just i was doing some over time and thought i should take a break." "juvia.... are you sweating?" i whiped my forehead. "yeah. probably cause im dehydrated." i said trying to crover for the babys doing.

"come lets go get you water." i nod. he held my hand. I picked up the keys. this damn baby. i look down. your making me look bad you know. i said smirking down at my stomach. he gave me a battled water. i started to drink the whole thing. "wow." he said. "what?" i said whiping my mouth. "you sure threw up a lot today... and you were eating a lot AND you seem to be holding your stomach often."

"you were watching me the whole day?" i said. "yea i was worried about you ever sence you threw up. is there something your not telling me?" i truned around not being able to face him. he hugs me from the back. "come on juvia. you can tell me anything."

well if thats thats the case. "gray-sama.....gray... im.......


(A/N): blaaaaahhhhhhhhh!! Cliffhangeerrr!! Sorry guys I felt like doing that. So anyways I somehow got the most request on updating this book and so I did.

Anymore request? Want to know if juvia told him or not? Gemme 42 comments!.... No I'm just joking. Just give me 10 and I'll update.

See ya later!

Pwease and thank you!!


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