An impactful debut

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I do not own any character or DC.

Chapter One: An impactful debut



I opened my eyes and groaned. That was some bad dream! I'd dreamt I was trapped in a colorful glassy realm, that I kept falling into for eternity. It was like a wormhole sucking me in again and again and I could do nothing but scream. Thank god it was just a dream. But it felt so real.....


By the way, why am I staring at the sky? I awoke because I fell off my bed. Don't tell me I actually rolled across the floor till I fell out my window down into the street? A bad joke. Of course, it was more plausible to assume I'd slept out while coming home, especially after heavy drinking. Except I don't remember going out with the guys last night.

I rose to my feet.

I had the nastiest hungover though. So I must have drank my memories away partying or something last night. I checked my back pocket for my wallet but couldn't find it. In panic I looked around the alley I woke up but no sign of it. I was mugged then!

"Ugr!" I kicked a thrash can then walked out of the alley. I rubbed my forehead while looking around at my surrounding. This's my neighborhood for 2 years but something was wrong. "Uh?" I stared at the bakery across my apartment building. It wasn't there the last time, instead there was suppose to be a barbershop. I was a little addled and nothing I saw registered in my mind until now, but something's really wrong. It looked like it, I decided, but this isn't my neighborhood. These buildings looked old while mine were recently renovated. They were more details to that that differentiated them, that by the time I gave it a good look I didn't even know why I mistook this slum for my neighborhood.


It seems my senses were coming slowly. I don't know how I didn't notice until now but I realize people were running and screaming around me, and the ground shook insistently. "What.....?" I frowned in confusion and blinked. My headache had subsided but my head felt full, like it was stuffed with wool. I couldn't think straight.


Suddenly as I was looking at the building I thought was my apartment building at first, I heard an explosion from behind and turned. Something had crashed into the the building beside the bakery just now. I started to feel the weight of the situation suddenly. Is this a terrorist attack? Was that just a missile?



Someone walked out of the wall of the building from the hole that just appeared as if nothing happened. My eyes widened as I realized the thing I thought a missile was in truth a woman.

The "woman' wore a corset like armor and short skirt____ the armor was in gold and red, while the skirt was in navy blue. Her glossy black hair had a golden tiara sitting on it. On her hands were a sword and a round shield: bracelets covered her wrists. And her waist held a glowing yellow whip. She rose to the air, floated, then turned to me. "Please leave the area for your safety civilian." She said then flew away.

I know this woman. Of course I do! Who doesn't? But all I felt was disbelief cause even with all the resemblance, who in my shoes would believe they just saw a woman straight out of fiction land. Yes the woman I thought I saw was fricking wonder woman from the DC universe.

"DC?" I muttered dumbfoundedly. "Did I just wake up in the DC universe like some fanfic character? Am I mad? Or is this just a dream?" Now I know I should be running away from this place to keep my life, but I was intrigued. Who or what was she fighting?

Voom... Voom.. Voom..

I walked up the street, placing my hands in my jacket pocket as I tried to trace where the fight was happening. It wasn't that hard from the tremors on the earth and warrior's scream and booming sounds of collision and broken stuffs. I went left at the intersection, taking a moment to look at the sign. Shelley Breakton avenue. This is my street. I'm really in an alternate universe aren't I?

Voom... Voom... Voom...

I took another street at another intersection that led me towards the fight. Soon a park came into view. It was somehow covered with shrubs and over grown vines but I quickly spotted wonder woman. She was fighting a grey 7 feet and half giant while green vines rose around the park, attacking a green lantern. The green lantern made a construct bubble as shield, but the vines kept coming, looking like it'll overwhelm him before anything.

I snuck close to the park and jumped in. Quietly, I snuck behind a tree and peeped. I finally saw the person responsible for the vines. A red haired woman with green skin wearing nothing but bikini. The Flash was tangled in vines five steps away from my hiding place. He wore red skintight, and red helmet with yellow lightning signs at the temples. Our eyes met and he shook his head, silently telling me to leave. But I decided to free him.

I came out of my hiding place.

Boooom! Boooom!

"Grundy vex!" Solomon Grundy sent a punch at wonder woman. She dodged, then bashed him with her shield. He came flying my direction just as I reached the Flash; I tried to dodge but he collided with me and sent me flying with him.


I felt myself slamming into the asphalt with the giant body atop me. But strangely, I only felt mild pain from my collision with Grundy and the impact with the hard ground. What I felt more was an itch or tingly feeling all over my body, especially at my chest, as if something was trying to come out. I let it out.


Purple light flashed outward in the shape of a dome, with me in the center, sending the giant villain flying away. I rose up, panting. The asphalt cracked with spider web like lines. I looked at it in a daze. I have powers! Woa...! Uh holly molly .....! I felt elated. I stared at my hands then looked up. Across the street wonder woman stared at me with a raised eyebrow. I looked away.

"Huh? Grundy confused,"

Poison Ivy was still sending her vines at the lantern. I wondered if I could attack her from behind. Hmm... This unlike me.....  However the other villain gave me no chance. Grundy was already on his feet running at me.

Wonder woman sheathed her sword and brought out her whip. She twirled it, then threw it at Grundy. It wrapped around his hand. She pulled making the undead skid to a stop. He glanced at her over his shoulder then clenched his fist. An invincible wave hit the female hero on the face, stunning her. Then Grundy pulled, hurling her over his head at me.

The amazonian crashed into me. We tangled and went flying together. I hit the ground, bounced, we separated. She rose before me looking very pissed.

I stood too. The ich was all over my body again. Grundy growled as he matched towards us. "Hey," I said. "Don't you think it's about time you stop holding back?"

Wonder woman glanced at me. "Do you want me to kill him?"

"Better than dying right?"

"I can deal with him." She retrieve her whip.

"Yeah sure,"

She rose into the air. Suddenly a vine wrapped around her torso, Grundy wasted no time to jump and punch her as she couldn't move. She went flying away from the result of the villains' teamwork, disappearing behind a building. I heard her crash and sighed, placing my hand on my face. I looked towards Ivy, green lantern was still struggling to deal with her.


A wind blew, leaves swayed in the park, a butterfly flew close, wings flapping in slow motion.


I blinked as if I woke up from a trance. My head cleared as if I was doused with ice water and soon my body started shaking as the reality of what's happening finally dawned on me. I'm in the DC universe? I'm fighting villains? Even though I have powers I can die! I took a step back, my heart beating loudly; My throat felt constricted, the fear was burning a hole in my chest. But instead of feeling warm, I felt cold..... A chill that had nothing to do with the temperature. What am I doing here? For the first time since finding myself here, I questioned myself.



Grundy slammed at me sending me flying through a wall into the building across the park. 'Coughs'I coughed and rose to my feet. Dust everywhere. 'Cough, cough'


My body was itching more, it took all my concentration to not release the energy: since my first exchange with the marshland monster, I had long realize I can absorb and release energy. If I want to survive, I must time it.

The thing is about timing. There's a few people from comics that possess similar powers to mine. Among all of them, my favorite is Sebastian Shaw. Yes the black king of the hellfire club. A bland villain in some ways yes, but his powers has always been a plus for me. It was simple why. The thing he can do with his powers made him a very terrifying person. How he does it was patiently absorb, then counterattacked at the right time. Timing.

I focused on my right hand as I thought of that, moving the tingly energy there. My hand started vibrating as I pushed more and more energy into it.


Grundy suddenly burst into the building. I forced more of the energy into my hand and jumped to meet him without hesitation even though my awareness of fear has returned. I threw a hook to his chin which he didn't care to avoid, releasing the stored up energy in my fist in one go immediately my punch connected.


Purple energy burst outward sending the grey giant flying out of the building.

I walked out of the building ready to continue the fight, but I was surprised as I looked at the street. In the middle of the street, the marshland monster lay passed out.

I couldn't believe my eyes. As I looked around I couldn't see anybody else. Neither green lantern or Ivy that were visible from here fighting together just earlier.

Wonder woman flew over. "I see you have dealt with this one," she said. I frowned but said nothing. "The female one has help, she's captured the flash and is escaping. I'll take pursuit." She turned and flew into the sky, disappearing over the buildings.

I looked around. There was nobody. I think my work here is done. Now I have to find out what the hell is going on. I turned away from the park and walked away.


Okay trying to give writing fanfic a try. If you like my work and want to support me I'm in Facebook as En Sii. Wattpad with my original stories as Ensii99 and webnovel with my own writing light novels. Thank you.

And once again, I do not own DC.

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