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I do not own DC or its characters

Chapter Two; 1941

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

I walked with a frown on my face. The buildings around me..... The cars.... The city itself....

'Don't tell me....' My eyes shook.


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Only my footsteps could be heard in the deserted street. It was like there was a zombie apocalypse or something. Ah! I couldn't even laugh at my own joke. Nobody was around; Most having fled the area, others no doubt holed in their houses. I walked in silence.

'So that's how it's...' I shook my head.

From everything I saw, I am finally convinced that I am not only in the DC universe but a different timeframe altogether. This is definitely not 2022 or the 21st century: Though which era in particular, I wasn't sure yet.

Looking at everything, I was sure of it. Cars that should belong in the museum were beside the street, the lack of electronic billboards in such part of the city, heck the buildings themselves. To me everything I saw in the city was stale, primitive, and lacked the soul of modernism.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

A police blockage appeared ahead. The cops wore black jackets and peaked hats__ the type of dressing you'd expect to see in Wonder Woman or Captain America world war movies. Some held truncheons and others riffles; patrol dogs moved restlessly in chains too. Behind the cops, a crowd of refugees and reporters had gathered.

An elderly man with a round face and thick mustache noticed me first. He narrowed his eyes as I drew closer. "Get over hear big guy!" He ordered.

"Yes sir," I walked over. My 6ft 4' height towering before him.

"Cross over, now!" The man appeared to be the leader, and not very competent. He scowled at me as I squeezed between the two cars blocking the road. "What kept you in there? You were supposed to be evacuated along with everyone else thirty minutes ago!"

"Yeah sorry about that." I said honestly. "I wanted to watch the fight."

"You did now huh?" The guy scoffed. "Did you see anything?"

"Wonder Woman," I shrugged. "I saw her crash into a building and got too scared and ran away."

The man looked suspicious. "You saw the wonder woman? That's enough fortune for a man eh? Now go on citizen, be on your way." He waved dismissively not believing anything I said. It was all good to me though. Though like always I felt bad for deceiving someone.

Lying is one of the things I despise the most in this world, but unfortunately I can't seem to stop doing it.

After I passed the blockage and the crowd of refugees behind it, I slowly walked up the street. People were scarce here because of the blocked road, but as I took more distance away from the affected area everything became normal....

Ssho......!     Ssho.......!

Voom! Voom! Voom!

People and cars competed with their kind for the street. Men wore old fashioned suits and ill fitting shirts, while women wore practical___ though colorful___ cloths. Most wore coats too... Everyone acted as if it was cold. That's when I noticed. The sky was grey, and the sun a little dim.


Wind blew.

It wasn't snowing but the cold was enough to give freeze breath. I didn't feel cold though. I frowned and concentrated on my myself. Well I do feel cold.... More like I'm aware of the cold but it didn't bother me. A side effect of my powers? I didn't know. As I was thinking of that, a man shoved past me and told me to move. The street was a little busy, I realized I was blocking foot traffic and started walking.

Nothing notable happened afterward. I just followed the stream of the people through the city. Soon I came to a block of office buildings. I snatched off a newspaper from the trash can of one and went into the alley beside to go through it. It was a black and white picture on the cover, but that wasn't my problem.

[Date: December 6, 1941]

Chroop, Chroop, Chroop,

I flipped through the pages, my hands shaking.

[President Roosevelt's new economic plans.]


[The war in Europe. JSA a cure or poison? US-Japan relations crumbles.... Opinion; The apple does not fall far from the tree.]

After sometime I folded the newspaper with care as if it was a family heirloom and left the alley. I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going. It occurred to me as I walked that I am in a familiar city, in a familiar enough world, but I was in all intent lost. I didn't know no place, or know no one. I didn't know the way home.

Somehow, later on, I found myself atop a building I climbed through stairs in empty halls. I sat at the edge of the roof with my legs dangling in space.


I looked down. It was a long fall, best to avoid it. After some time I opened the news paper again. Somehow the fact that I'm in the DC universe hadn't bothered me as much as the fact that I am in 1941. I feared the second world war more than a crazy world filled with superheroes! One is history, the other is fiction. Well that was until some hours ago. So history is more scary huh? Isn't that funny?

Chroop, chroop, chroop

I started flipping the pages again. Maybe there's something important I missed. Suddenly....


"Is they something interesting in the news?" A voice said from behind. I spun. A dark haired boy of about nine or so was grinning at me. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked back.

The boy shrugged. "I saw you climb up here from across the street. Most people don't come here so I got curious. I'm Owen by the way."

"I needed to think." I looked away briefly, forward, at the district below. A stack of suburban houses mixed with commercial buildings.

"You mean a quiet place right? This might be the best place in all America. Since it burnt down nobody seem to be able to renovate it. The minister said it's hunted..... At night, in winter, you could hear something howling. Grrr...."

"Really? Have you ever heard this howl?"

Owen shrugged. "Well, I don't live here.... We live at the end street, there," he pointed up the street. "Me and my mother and Mandy, my little sister."

I didn't care. Of everything he said only one thing interested me. "You said no one comes here?"


It was soon getting dark. I know nobody here, and was both tired and weary. I realized just now that that's what I should do, get a quiet place and sleep. Tomorrow I'd deal with the DC universe.

WOooo......  WOooo....... WOooo.....


I awoke at the howl of the wind blowing through the window. Huh? Had I left the window open again?! Darn it! Confused I sat up and looked at my surrounding. I was in a hall... Laying on the bare floor... What the hell....?!


Then I remembered everything that happened yesterday. How I found myself in this world, to helping the troi of heroes; Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and the Flash, defeat Grundy.... Later I discovered the year is 1941 and after testing my powers once again, I went to sleep in this abandoned building.


The inside walls of the building that made rooms had been smashed at sometime, so each floor was just a big hall. An abandoned renovation? Anyway, at the absence of walls I chose to lay in the center of the room but I was still under the mercy of the cold pouring from the shattered windows. Thank God for my powers! I'd probably have frozen to death without it. Even then, I was shaking from the cold.

I went down stairs and walked outside.

SWOOSH......! SWOOSH......! SWOOSH.....!

It was snowing badly.

A strong wind blew suddenly. The street was empty, probably because of the weather. The sun was dim and the snowing was fierce so I wasn't sure but I think it's not that early in the day that people would still be in bed. So they were probably just hiding from the weather. The reason I was thinking that was...


I was hungry. I haven't eating for at least a day. Yesterday before going to bed I'd rummaged through my pockets and discovered that the only thing I owned was my cloths, my socks and my boots.

I was penniless.

However, I couldn't stay here. I needed sustenance to survive after all. Though I'm no stranger to violence, I have lived my whole life until now without wanting anything. Once from my parents' wealth, and later from the fortune I made from writing a New York bestseller after my time in the airforce. So I couldn't just become an expert in hustle in a day if my life depend on it.

'I should go to the house ahead,' I thought. 'Maybe I could beg them for breakfast if they are up.' I started walking. The snow whipped fiercely. The whole world a white screen. The wind buffeted me but I walked on, undiscouraged, like a moving tower.

I was half way towards the house when....



A bright green light shined from behind. I stopped in my steps and turned around, shielding my eyes with my hand from the glare of the light. "Who...?"

"Good morning sir." A voice said.

I squinted and my sight finally adjusted to the light. The cause of the green light was the Green lantern___ a blond guy wearing a sleeveless jacket and a green eye mask___ floating in the middle of the street. Beside him was Wonder Woman, hovering with her hands folded across her chest. A smirk on her face.

Green lantern was the one that spoke to me. I looked at them in confusion. My head was light because of my hunger, and in my food-focused mind, the reason of their appearance was inconceivable to me. "We want to talk," Wonder Woman said.

"What.....?" I said like some cave man, then my wits returned. I stared at them. "Buy me breakfast and I'll tell you anything you want." I am a simple person of simple wants after all.

The look on the two heroes faces was priceless.


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