First Mission

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*sigh* Here we go again; I don't own DC or its characters. Ah, right. Enjoy.

Chapter Three; First Mission

I sat back in the chair and bit into another burger. The restaurant was fairly busy despite the weather and everyone's eyes were on us; two superheroes sitting at a table opposite a tall black guy.

Yum, yum, yum...

I eat hungrily.

Wonder Woman watched me with eyes full of pity. "Is it really that good?" She asked.

"Uh huh," I nodded enthusiastically and picked another as I finished the second one. Hmm, this is really good.


The snow was falling fiercely.


Wind blew.

In this suburban neighborhood, the three people in the middle of the street were silent. And, after the heroes finally overcame their surprise they exchanged looks with each other. Then...

The Green lantern turned to me. "Can you fly?"

'A funny question'

"No," I'd tested out my powers yesterday before 'going to bed'. The only thing I can do for now is absorb and release energy, so I answered without hesitation.

"Then I'll carry you. Just relax," Wait.. woah... A thin green glow suddenly covered my body and lifted me up. I studied my body with a blank look then nodded at the lantern I strongly suspected was Alan Scott, the golden age Green Lantern. "Do you need to wear a mask or something?" He asked.

"No I'm good."

"...uh, then let's go,"

I rose to the sky with the heroes. The roofs of the houses were soon below us. As we flew away, I glanced behind. The suburban area shrank quickly and soon all I could see were blurry spots.


Snow buffeted us harder as we flew, obscuring my vision greatly. However I wouldn't be denied some sight seeing by such things. I looked down and squinted. Wow, now this is a nasty long fall. The top of the tall buildings covered in snow looked beyond reach, while suburban houses appeared as small as my hand.

On the way Wonder Woman suddenly stopped. We flew past her before Green Lantern stopped and turned around. Wonder Woman was staring at the direction towards the east. "Is something wrong?" The Lantern asked.

"You go on," the Amazonian princess replied. "I'll be right behind you." Then she shot towards the direction.

"Trouble?" I asked after she disappeared.

Green Lantern shook his head. "I suspect a crime..... I can't see anything though.... Damn her vision! Let's go."


We continued flying.

After some time Wonder Woman returned. "What happened?" Green lanterns asked.

"An accident." She replied. "It wasn't too serious. Luckily an ambulance arrived.... I heard screams, that was why I left."


We flew in silence after that. At some point we started descending, the buildings came within reach, and finally when we were among the buildings again a restaurant came into view.


We landed before the entrance. Wonder Woman opened the door and lead our party in. Everyone gawked. We found a table and I ordered hamburger and milkshake, the lantern ordered water which he didn't touch, and Wonder Woman asked for milkshake which she sipped with a straw.

So that's how we ended up in this situation.

<Flash back ends>

When I finished the fourth hamburger, I finally settled and drank the rest of my milkshake. I looked towards the heroes. A gorgeous dark haired woman in her prime and a middle aged blond guy with green eye mask. "So what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

Wonder Woman glanced at my plate. "You can finish your...."

I shook my head cutting her off. "No, I'm okay,"

"Fine, then let's start with your name."

'Was she upset?'

"James Greek," I said. "But everyone calls me Greek."

"Okay Greek, are you aware of the president's decree?"

I frowned. "No,"

Green Lantern reached into his jacket breast pocket and brought out a folded newspaper which he tossed on the table between us. I picked it. The headline read.

[War! Japan bomb Oahu by air and sea.] Date December 8 1941.

"Today's papers?"

"Yes," Green Lantern said calmly.

I sighed then rubbed my face with my hand. History. I could have prevented this if I was transported here sooner. Maybe a week's heads off. But yesterday I'd been too busy trying to get my bearings to think about such things. "Flip to the next page," Wonder Woman suggested.


[Aftermath of Pearl Harbor; President Roosevelt calls all mystery men to serve!]

"We had a meeting yesterday night with the president... " she hesitated and looked around then lowered her voice. "With JSA still missing, he made a new team,"

I stared at the line in the newspaper. "The All Star squadron huh?"

"A chivalrous name," Wonder Woman nodded.

"Yeah, so...."

"We were thinking if you'd like to join." The Lantern said looking at me grimly. "The new squadron is already stretched as it is trying to guard the west coast, and we'd like to find our missing friends. So are you in?"

"Yeah...." I said without hesitation. "But I'll like to hear more,"

Wonder Woman nodded easily. "Are you finished here?"


"Good, come."

Outside, the green light covered my body again and we flew away. This time I couldn't appreciate the rare sight this elevation offered as I was deep in thought. Pearl Harbor.... I have to look out for not only comic related events but historic ones too. Ugrr...

I didn't keep track of where we were going but we flew for about ten minutes or so, and before I knew it we were landing atop the roof of a skyscraper. I touched down lightly as the green glow surrounding me vanished, then looked about the empty rooftop wondering. Wonder Woman and Green Lantern walked to an empty spot. The Female hero suddenly stooped and stepped forward....


She vanished into space?! Ah! The invincible plane!

Green lantern grinned at me. "Come on," he waved then entered.

I drew closer. Uh, up close I could make out the plane's outline, though barely. I needed a great deal of concentration to do even that, it was frustrating. It looked like a biplane with the propeller at the nose and double wings.

"Ah!" I exclaimed as I entered the plane. I thought it'd be more advanced but inside looked like a world war era plane. Though unlike a biplane, it had four seats; two seats at the cockpit and another two in the cabin. Green Lantern was seating at the cockpit next to Wonder Woman, the pilot. I sat on the seat just beside the door I entered through, which was behind the pilot's seat, and fastened my seat belt.


The plane took off smoothly. No need for runways or anything, it just rose up like a helicopter. Interesting.... How does this even work? Magic? Technology? As a former airforce engineer, it made sparks fly in my head.

After the jet was settled in the air, Wonder Woman took off her seat belt and rose. She walked into the cabin and sat on the seat beside me. I glanced at the cockpit. 'Auto pilot? Why not?'

Wonder Woman crossed her legs then faced me. "We haven't introduced properly," she said with a serious face. "I am Princess Diana of themiscria, it's a pleasure to meet you." She offered her hand.

I took it. "James Greek, but just call me Greek," her hand was surprisingly soft for a warrior. I released it reluctantly.

"Green Lantern," Green Lantern shrugged. "I'm not giving you my secret identity, sorry."

"Who told you I wanted it?" I rolled my eyes, then turned to Wonder Woman. "What is it you wanted to say?"

"We couldn't rescue Flash." She replied coolly, going down to business. "Thanks to you we got the one called 'Solomon Grundy' but he was broken out of jail the next day in the panic that followed the Japanese attack on Hawaii."

"The attack was yesterday....." Something occurred to me suddenly; the timeline didn't add up. Yesterday afternoon we fought Grundy, the same yesterday he was rescued, the same yesterday the Japanese attacked.

"Hey Diana..." I said hesitantly. "When did we fight Grundy? How many days ago?"

"Two days ago," Wonder Woman frowned but answered.

I fell in thought. We fought the famous zombie on the 6th, then... I slept through the 7th? A whole day straight? Hu 'maybe it's the fatigue from whatever dimension I crossed to arrive here. It seems pluasible. "What time is it?"

"10am, local time," Green lantern replied. "Is there something wrong?"

"No," I shook my head. "Please continue what you were saying, Wonder Woman."

She nodded. "Right, so Grundy was broken out by Baron Blitzkrieg and an unknown supervillain."

"It's like villains grow out of trees these days!" Green lantern looked disgusted.

The heroes did not know these villains, that means.... Ah! Everything finally made sense. Pearl harbor, missing JSA members, formation of the 'All Star Squadron'. This is like the golden age comic. That means.... Per Degaton.... Ha! He went to the future to bring future villains of the JSA. "How did this villain look like?"

"We'd gotten a description." Wonder woman said. "The prison guards said they were two men that attacked. One wore black costume and cape, there was a glowing yellow triangle on his chest: he's strong, could fly and used lightning; The other one though was dressed in yellow, mask and all.... He had pink cape and a red cross at his chest. He didn't do much, but was invulnerable to bullets.

"We deduced from the description that the later one is Blitzkrieg, but we did not know the former."

'Black Adam,' I'm sure of it!

Black Adam is from the future, probably. I didn't know which reality this is to be certain though. This reality could be anything from golden age comic to some animated series. It's not like I know every DC verse out there! If I could guess though, this universe feels like new earth comics, though it might be some other or an highbred altogether.

Wonder Woman went on. "They thought they took us off guard but seeing how bold the bad guys have become these days we expected such a thing and added security. Tightening security was not all we did though. As a precaution, we put trackers on Grundy too."

"And after they broke him out he led you right to their hideout," I said.

"More like base," Diana winked. My heart skipped and suddenly I was back in high school tongue tied before Jenner Roberts. Unaware of my condition Diana continued. "Their base is in south America. In the pacific, sixty miles west of Guayaquil, Ecuador, that's where we are headed."

I looked away from her and asked. "They didn't find your trackers?"

"How could they, Greek? The trackers were magical."

"..... Dr Fate?"

"Yes.... I'll be honest with you. We didn't tell anyone of this mission because of the possibility of the new squadron or even the Whitehouse being compromised."

I paused to take that in then glanced at the Lantern in alert. He looked relaxed, but still.... Are they ready to attack me? Ah, I'm probably overthinking this. I scowled at Wonder Woman. "And yet you ask a complete stranger for help. So you suddenly trust me more than the heroes you have been working with?"

She shrugged. "As you said, it's the matter of trust Greek. Nobody will expect me to ask you for help." She rose to her feet. "Ah, enough of the secrets. That's it for now. You'll know more when you earn it." She walked back to the cockpit.

I watched the back of this muscular yet gorgeous woman in that revealing armor until she sat. She's more buffed than Gadot that's for sure and looked nothing like her beside the character similarities. 'If...' I thought. Plus I probably know more secrets than her anyway. Staring out the window, at the clouds this high, I started feeling drowsy.

BEEP... BEEP... BEEP... BEEP....

I didn't know when I fell asleep but I awoke to a beeping and panicked voices. "What?! How could they spot us? I'm invisible to even radar!!" Diana screamed.

"Now's not the time to complain Diana!" Green lantern growled. "Do something!"

"I'm trying, you.... Ah, Hera," the plane suddenly swerved sideways. "Ah, I avoided it!"

"Here we go again," The Lantern grumbled.

"What's happening?" I asked curiously.

"What do you think stone face? We are under attack by missiles lunched from the island."

"I see that. But.... why is she so elated?" I looked at Wonder Woman who was no doubt grinning. I couldn't see her face but her voice was a dead give away.

Green lantern looked slightly embarrassed even behind the glow of his construct. "She's... A little battle crazy,"

"A little?" I questioned.

"Well, maybe a lot,"

The plane swerved again. "Ah! You missed again missile guider!" Diana's voice came again. "Hmm... It seems I can't keep avoiding forever..... since they know we are here, I just have to do this... Right! Everyone brace yourself!"

"What are you?!!"

The plane swerved again. But this time instead of avoiding, Wonder Woman seemed to have intercepted the missile.


A big impact. The plane spun in circles.

Whhhooo! Whhhooo! Whhhooo!

Strong wind invaded the plane. In the midst of it. "Hu!" I heard Wonder Woman groan. "It made more damage than expected! Abandon the plane you two!!"

Green lantern flew out of the hole the missile made in place of the plane's tail. A green construct scissors suddenly cut my seat belt, and a giant green hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me after him. We went outside.


We watched the plane tumble down towards the water. It was an odd sight. It looked like nothing but a burning circle hurtling down with tremendous speed, since we couldn't see the plane itself, only the fire burning it.


Then suddenly....

Our observation was cut short by the roar of the break of sonic barrier. We spun to see a missile shooting towards us up close. I screamed. Green Lantern made a shield around us.


I was flung away. The world spun in circles.


I stared at the sky in a daze.


Then I crashed into the ocean. My vision dimmed for a moment, I couldn't breath, my limbs felt stuck. Everything went dark.


I opened my eyes immediately I closed it. Looking up beyond the haze of the water I saw the winking eye of the sun. Panicking, I kicked and flapped to go upward. And suddenly I rose as if a giant hand had grabbed and pulled me up.


I broke out of the surface of the water with a gasp.

However after I resurfaced I kept elevating. For a moment I thought it was the Green Lantern pulling me up. But instead of green, it was a thin sheet of purple light that covered me..... Ah? I wasn't wet too. I stopped rising as I studied myself.


The sea was 2ft below me, plus a sense of weightlessness, it took me a moment to realize what this meant. I'm flying! I twisted in the air, hu, I added elevation by choice! Ah! But this is not the most important thing; I looked around after geeking around for some time.

Wonder Woman and Green Lantern had already resurfaced. That's if they even fell into the water in the first place. There's something else.... I looked away from them. In the distance  towards the west, I could see an island. That's where we are going huh?

I was closer to the island than the heroes so the two of them had to fly to my position. Green Lantern arrived first, he double took. "So you can fly after all," he said accusingly.

"Only when I absorb enough energy," I shrugged.

"That's your ability?" Diana asked as she arrived. "You can absorb and use energy?"

"I release them most of the time," I shrugged again trying to appear casual. I still didn't know the full scope of my powers but I couldn't look like a rookie in front of Wonder Woman. That's why I lied even though I felt like shit doing it.

"So what's the plan Diana?" Green Lantern asked changing the subject fortunately.

Diana looked towards the island. I thought she'd be more upset seeing her plane destroyed and all, but she was calm. She opened her mouth. "Hopefully they think we died in the plane. Let's maintain stealth. It's better to sneak into the island. I don't want a hostage situation."

"If they see you coming they'd bring out the prisoners to stop you?" I asked fascinated.

"It happened once...."



"Fucking Nazis," Green Lantern spat wearily.

"Language!" Wonder Woman scowled.

"Ah, it's just us freedom fighters." Green lantern complained, looking a little embarrassed. "You have been to war Wondy, you must have heard a lot of cursing. It's what we men do to raise our spirit."

"Oh really?" She scoffed unconvinced.

"You wouldn't know right? You are a woman!"

"And a wonderful one at that." I deadpanned.

Wonder Woman stared at me blankly for a moment then burst out in laughter. A pleasant sound starting from her belly. After some time she sniffed and wiped her tears with her hand. "Ah! What fun between sisters and brothers in arms. Let's advance to the island fellow freedom fighters and save our friends!" She declared, burst into laughter again, and shot forward.

The three of us flew at a steady pace, we men flanking the amazonian at both sides. We weren't going that fast, but we weren't slow either. Still I could barely keep up. Wonder Woman and Green Lantern flew in a laying posture but I flew standing. I could feel my energy draining quickly every second though. I realized with some anxiety that I needed to absorb an attack fast or I'd crash. Luckily we reached the island before that.

"What are they so afraid of?" Green Lantern scoffed as he stared at the island. He was muting the glow of his construct some to avoid being spotted by the island guards.

"Probably us," I replied. I couldn't blame him though, the place was guarded for war. We were on the water hiding behind the big supply ship in the harbor. Henchmen patrolled the pier but the most troublesone ones were those on the walls. Yes the island was walled. Built battlement fitted with gun turrets.

"Those guns are strange...." Green lantern said. The island guards wore tactical suits, gas masks and sun glasses combo, and held high tech riffles that looked like it'll spew out lasers or something exotic than mere lead bullets.


"Hide," Wonder Woman hissed suddenly. She grabbed green lantern by the shoulder and pushed him into the water. He didn't resist. I followed in quickly after her action, sinking into the water. I floated for a moment in the water before Diana entered.

We stood in silence. I was counting to a minute until I was out of air but Green Lantern cast a green burble around me and Diana. We continued waiting. And then....


After maybe 90 seconds, finally, Diana gestured to us. Green Lantern dispelled the construct around us and we resurfaced. Only poking our heads. Together, we followed Wonder Woman's gaze. At the island, three men were flying into the wall. The first was a bald guy in a black costume and cape, and a glowing triangle on his chest: the other was a man in yellow costume and mask, with a red cross on his chest; and the third was a green skinned guy in a red costume, green high collar and cape. His green hair was styled up at the sides like horns.

Black Adam, Baron Blitzkrieg and Wotan.

After the three disappeared over the wall we plunged out of the water completely. "Baron blitzkrieg and Wotan," Wonder Woman whispered. "I suspect the unknown one was the man that help broke out Solomon Grundy."

"Black Adam," I breathed. "He's not from around here."

"You know him?" Green lantern asked.

"I know many things." I looked at Wonder Woman. Her eyes were closed and her head tilted to the side. "We should do something fast," I told her. "I'm running out of energy."

She ignored me. I was getting desperate, just when I was about to lose patience and ask again she opened her eyes. "Change of plans," she said. "It was far, but I caught a few things they were saying. Baron Blitzkrieg said something about the portal and being rid of the prisoners. I hope it's not what I think."

"What do you mean?" Green lantern asked.

I frowned. "You think they want to transport the prisoners to Germany?"

Wonder Woman sighed. "As I said, I hope I am wrong. This is what we do. Forget stealth we are forcing our way in as fast as we can. Green Lantern call backup, then follow me." Finishing that she rose higher in the air till she was visible to the island guards.


She cannoned towards the wall with the roar of breaking the sound barrier.



The guards fired their riffles at her, spewing red beams, but it was already too late. She slammed into a gun turret with her shield, sending mangled pieces of metal and concrete off the rampart.


She moved quickly, blurring, to make quick work of the men on the wall. The guards on the ground weren't standing still though. They quickly lifted their riffles and pointed it up at her. That was when.....

"Come," Green Lantern said. We jumped out from our hiding place and flew over the water towards them. They sensed our approach somehow and turned to point their guns at us. They fired. Green Lantern quickly avoided by flying to the side but I was too slow in maneuvering. They got me.

Red lasers pelted my body. I tensed for a moment shielding my eyes with my hand but the beams didn't harm me. In fact I felt invigorated; the lasers felt like being hit by raindrops. I froze for a moment to let that sink in then speed up unafraid. My speed was incomparable to earlier. I was like a meteor!


I crashed into the two guards sending them flying away, then I hovered in the air letting the rest pour their laser beams at me, which I greedily absorbed, increasing my power. I wanted more!

But... Suddenly two of the three remaining patrol gaurds went flying from blasts of green light. I looked up to see Green Lantern fly past towards the wall. And Wonder Woman was no longer on the rampart.

'Causing mayhem inside?' Then I can't waste time here. I walked towards the last guard. He stopped shooting at me and drew back in panic. But I didn't care. I punched him in the face and watched him crumble to the ground before flying off.


I flew to the top of the wall. Beyond it a different world opened to me. The most dominating element in the island was a tall black tower. A compound and a runway surrounded it at both sides, a jungle was at the borders of both. That was not all, well armed soldiers that looked like those outside filled the compound, with tanks crawling in support. Moreover more soldiers poured fought from the tower, all in black tactical suits and gas masks. It was a little terrifying.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

However within the ranks of such show of force was nothing but pandemonium as Wonder Woman and Green Lantern went to work. The princess was knocking down soldiers like nothing, and moving away before she's shot at. Wow, she's very fast. Green Lantern wasn't too bad himself as he supported her from above.

I can't be outdone by a woman now, and another guy...! Gu...!

I took in everything then flew down as I picked the spot I'll attack from. A tank pointing at Wonder Woman from behind. I swooped down to it, flipped swiftly and landed heavily in a superhero landing. Immediately I landed I released half my stored energy. Luckily I could really do that.


The tank exploded. The battle paused for a moment as everyone turned to me by some miracle. I stood atop the flattened tank and spread my hands narcissistically. "Say my name!" I shouted.


Then the soldiers started firing at the me. Fun busters, but I embraced the gift of energy. I wonder how they'll feel if they know there are in fact powering me up. A tank turned to me and aimed, I grew nervous but I know it was something bound to happen at some point. I had tanked hits from Grundy, so I'd probably survive this at worse.


The tank fired.

"Gu!" It hit me in the stomach. I didn't fall but I stooped over as it knocked the wind out of me. God, it felt like a punch. I heard the shell thud to the ground then straightened and glared at the tank. I jumped to the ground. "My turn!"


I released the energy. All of it! All that remained in my body was small residue. The result was....




When the purple light disappeared, nobody was in a wide circle around me. In fact me and Green Lantern were the only ones still standing in the battlefield. The Lantern was in the sky so he didn't count anyway. All around the runway were downed guards groaning or twitching or quiet. No one rising.

At the side, a tank finally rose up in the air revealing Wonder Woman. She tossed it to the side without like it was some unwanted toy, then stared at me with playful anger. "You buried me under a tank, that's a first!"

"You're telling me none of your other dates ever managed?" I grinned.

"Greek, have you ever been punched super fast by a pissed off woman that could easily lift a tank?"

"Not that I remember, no."

"Put a leash on your tongue to avoid that, okay."

"Yes, ma'am," I did a mock salute.

She suddenly turned serious suddenly and looked towards the only building in the island, the black tower. "Strange," she frowned. "I would have thought someone will come out to answer our knock. Are they being shy now?"

"Not at all," a golden light flashed before us. Wotan and Baron Blitzkrieg appeared in the air. The wizard's cape was flapping in the air.

"Wotan!" Diana hissed drawing her sword.

"Wonder Woman, it's good of you to visit. I have something especially prepared for you. Death!"

Diana scoffed. "You talk too much Wotan, I'm going to shut you up!"

"You think you can stop me? Ah, you flatter yourself!" He lifted his hands. Circular orange light glowed at each one, then he shot it at us. We avoided. At the same time Baron Blitzkrieg flew at Green Lantern.

Green Lantern caught the Nazi with a giant hand construct, made a fist around the villain, and sent him flying towards the sea. But before it reached the sea the construct hand broke to pieces. The next moment red lasers blasted the hero sending him flying into the trees.

Baron Blitzkrieg tumbled down in the air before steadying himself. The Nazi has several useful abilities. Like flight, invulnerability, heat vision and more, though it came with a big weakness; he can only use one at a time. Although he didn't seem at a disadvantage because of it. He quickly flew towards the trees where the Lantern had crashed.

I wished the Lantern luck and looked away; me and Diana has our own problem after all.


Wotan kept sending eldritch blasts at us. I was still juiced with energy, if not much, so I did my best to avoid with my buffed up agility. I could have tried to absorb the beams. However since it's magic, I didn't know whether it'll suppress my powers and harm me.

I know how the DC universe work. Everyone has a weakness, mine could just be magic. It wasn't inconceivable.


A beam finally struck me in the chest sending me flying. Grr.... It hurts. I touched my chest then held up my hand for inspection. I wasn't bleeding, thank God! I rose to my feet clenching my fist. I had absorbed the energy, though not completely, approximately half while the rest dissipated. I can do this. I looked back up.

Wonder Woman was in the air battling Wotan. He threw lightning, arcane blasts and chains, but she blocked the first, weaved past the second, and cut the last. She closed the distance in a burst of speed and swung her sword at him without hesitation. But...


The wizard vanished into thin air. "Look out!" I shouted as he appeared behind her. I tried to fly to him but I didn't have enough energy to even float. He sent two orange blasts at her which hit her in the back and sent her flying into the black building.


Wotan turned his attention to me. His red eyes glared at me with animosity then he poured orange flames with both hands down at me. I stood my ground, braced myself, and held my hands above my head to catch it.



Pain traveled down my arms, I groaned. My cloths were in tatters, the sleeve of my jacket gone. The force of the fire pushed me back. This time I started absorbing it by my own decision.


My legs dug into the ground. "Arrr....!" I was pushed to my knees, but.... I was ecstatic!

I was absorbing the energy, lots of it! I could feel myself charging up like some kind of battery. I felt so invigorated, so alive that I started laughing. "Haha hahaha!"

The fire stopped abruptly. I floated in the air once again, drunk in power. Wotan was looking at me with wide eyes. "You eat my spell......?" The sorcerer asked. "Who are you?"

"Greek," I said. Then I released the energy as a thick beam from my chest. The beam hit the unsuspecting Wotan sending him flying into the trees. 'So I can do that too,' I thought.


He crashed into the woods disappearing from view, I flew higher into the air to check. However I didn't follow. I spun around to see him behind me. He was floating beyond reach, his green cape fluttering in the wind. Curiously a black gun was in his hand. "You didn't think the same trick would work twice did you?" I said.

"It's no matter. You can absorb energy?" He sneered. "Absorb this!" He pointed the gun at me and shot black rays. I didn't know what the rays are, however, from the wizard's confidence I didn't want to try absorbing them.

I quickly moved out of the way. His aim followed me pouring black beams after me. I flew in zig zags. I just started flying some half an hour ago so I wasn't an expert, I made a mistake and one clipped me in the shoulder. "Arrrg....!" It hurts more than the flames! I went flying down crashing into the runway with a thud. I looked up.

More black beams flew down at me.


I tensed up. I was ready to release my energy at any moment. I narrowed my eyes to track the progress of the beams. 'I'll release my energy immediately it nears me,' I thought. 'I will be pelted at any moment now.' I readied. But suddenly a green bubble surrounded me. I looked to the side. Green Lantern was floating in the air above me. The superhero lifted his ring, raising the bubble, turning it to a hammer in one smooth motion then swung it at Wotan.

The gun disappeared from Wotan's hand, he waved his hands and thrust them forward. A thick golden beam appeared and shot towards the hammer.


Two attacks met.


The construct broke into pieces, then the wizard followed up with solidifying the light beam into chains and threw it at Green Lantern. The chains wrapped around the Lantern biding him completely, then before he could break out, Wotan waved his hand turning it into flames and sent the Lantern flying into the forest.

"Haaar!" I heard a scream and turned to see Wonder Woman reemerge; she shot towards the villain and started attacking him fiercely.


The wizard blocked.

I rose to the air again but more hesitant to fight now than earlier. I still has as much energy as earlier but my defeat had cleared my head. I am not invincible. Thank you for showing me that Wotan. Now's time for round two; AKA pay back time.

I started flying towards him but stopped abruptly.


A giant golden ankh appeared in the air between me and the two fighting. From within a man in a golden helmet appeared, floating in the air. His costume was blue, with gold gloves, boots, belt and cape. A cape that fluttered in the wind.

Wotan paused. "Nabu!" He spat.

The ankh vanished. Dr Fate moved his head studying everything. I couldn't make out any emotion from the helm. It was unnerving. He nodded to Wonder Woman once then set his eyes on Wotan. "You again...... I never thought you'd ally with the like of these..... Or any other for that matter." He looked down at Baron Blitzkrieg sprawled passed out on the ground. I blinked, I hadn't seen him until now.

"You know nothing," Wotan hissed then he smirked. "You didn't really think you had actually destroyed me from a mere fall did you?"

"I'll remedy that now," An ankh appeared horizontally in the air then the bottom elongated as a beam, shooting at Wotan, sending him flying towards the ocean. Dr Fate turned to Wonder Woman. "I couldn't get you more help without the president's permission. Try to free the heroes on your own. I'll take care of Wotan.

"Okay," Diana said then looked at me. "Let's go, Alan will catch up."

'Alan, Green lantern...' Wonder Woman made a slip of tongue? I'll just pretend I didn't hear anything since these guys are so guarded about their secret identities. But so he's really the Golden age Lantern.

Me and Wonder Woman flew towards the black tower for a final confrontation.


I don't have much to say besides thank you for reading.

Okay maybe I do have something else to say.

Things have started shaping up for our MC. Lots of dialogue, answers, and a fight at the end. I hope you enjoyed.

If you like my work you can support me on Facebook.

Username; En Sii; Ensii99

Webnovel; Ensii99

Once again I don't own DC. Can you believe that?

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