Book 2|12. In the Garden

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Chapter dedicated to LucyTrewett. Welcome to the story! Thanks for reading and slapping the Vote button! You are awesome!

Suddenly, a man came into view. I gasped sharply. It wasn't a vampire that advanced steadily on me...

Chapter 53 – In the Garden – Raine's POV

It was Hayden!

I stared at him in shock and hissed, "How did you find me?  How did you get in here?! They'll kill you!"

He smirked, "No they won't kill me. They invited me. I am here for the Alliance."

"But Armand..."

"Our treaty was reestablished once Armand believed you were no longer the daughter of a Hunter," he explained shortly. There was sharpness in his tone.

I asked carefully, "What do you mean Armand believed? You don't think it is true?"

His mouth was set in a thin hard line as he replied, "No, it works to our advantage right now, but I have always felt a connection with you, something that runs deeper inside of me. It is familiar. And I have to believe it means something."

Oddly enough, his words sounded exactly how I described my relationship to Felaern to Talia, a few days ago. I didn't have time to dwell on it, and spoke gently but firmly, "I am not the daughter of a Hunter. I do bear the family crest of Armand the Slayer."

"Show me his mark," he challenged.

I answered simply, "I cannot."

He narrowed his eyes and nodded as if I had just proved his point.

"When I was mortally wounded by Vladimir..." I explained, my tone taking on an edge, as I reminded him of his earlier betrayal.

He had the decency to flinch.

I continued, "Cage couldn't heal me, because I do not heal from vampire blood – save one. Armand is the only vampire that can heal me and his family crest appeared and remained visible while his blood was still in my system. It faded over time and has gone now, however should I ingest his blood again, it would reappear."

Hayden's eyebrows furrowed together in deep thought.

Finally he spoke, "I am sorry about Vladimir. I never intended for you to get hurt. It was a calculated risk. I thought if you could see Armand for the man he is, you would realize the truth and fight with us. Regardless of your heritage, the prophecy still states that your loyalty rests on the head of a pin. Inside of you is a good person, loyal and loving and just. You are nothing like Armand. He is a coldhearted brutal killer, quite unlike the Hunters, who value family and each person's well-being above all else. You must admit that your heart is the heart of the Hunter, not a Slayer. Everything I have done, even when I put you at risk, was to get you to see that truth. You belong by my side. And the side you choose will bring great devastation and victory."

I stared at him with wide eyes. He was silent and waited for my response. He could see me thinking. I couldn't deny that his words made sense. I was clearly not suited for the violence of the vampire world, but then why was I unable to choose Hayden's side against the vampires? I simply had no choice in the matter. My allegiance to Cage and Armand was almost primal. Even when Armand had sentenced me so severely by giving me over as a pet to Vladimir for a year, before he killed me himself, I had begged for him to be spared – and I had given my own life for his.

Hayden did not realize or understand the impossibility of my loyalty. And I felt it was better for him not to know. While he still thought he could sway me, the hunters would not try to kill me. But if Hayden knew my absolute and unchangeable loyalty, I had no doubt he would target me once again, considering his full confidence and belief that who's ever side I chose, would have ultimate victory.

Hayden's blue eyes sparked as he continued, imploring me, "Tonight, you will see what I mean. You will see the depravity that comes with these heartless immortals. You are too innocent and kind for their world. Come with me! I can get you out of here. I can get you free."

My throat constricted at his sincerity. His affection for me, whether misplaced or not, was obvious in his eyes. I just shook my head silently. I couldn't go with him. I had tried to escape once. Cage had been able to locate me within hours. General Raed had already warned me the punishment would be severe if I did not follow through with my duty. I had no idea what punishment Quinn would inflict, but General Raed was clear that my princess status would not make me exempt from feeling his wrath to its fullest extent. I shuddered hard at the thought.

Hayden's face fell, knowing my answer just from my expression. He extracted a small black phone from his pocket and slid it discreetly into my palm. As he prepared to leave, he brushed his knuckles against my cheek tenderly and whispered, "I'm not going to give up on you. Take this. Keep it hidden. You will be able to reach me when the time comes for you to need my help. I will always be there for you."

I was stunned, not sure what to say. There was no doubt to the sincerity of his emotion and I couldn't deny that his affection warmed me.

I nodded silently.

He stood to his feet and disappeared through the tall garden bushes.

From the position of the sun in the sky, I knew I must have fallen asleep before Hayden arrived, and had been gone much longer than I had anticipated. I jumped to my feet and hurriedly made my way back, hoping I would arrive before Alaric.

And yet again, luck was not on my side.

The instant I slipped into the room, he spun to face me, his features livid. He hissed accusingly, "Was it too much to ask for you to stay here while I was gone?! The entire compound is overrun with sadistic vampires. I asked you to do one thing and you couldn't even do that for me!"

I hadn't meant to worry him. I cringed and mumbled, "I'm sorry."

A muscle clenched in his jaw as he angrily replied, "You're sorry?! You blatantly disobeyed me and all you have to say for yourself is, 'You're sorry'?!"

Fury wound through my body, causing me to tremble as I spat vehemently, "I didn't ask for any of this! I was content with my boring existence. And then, quite against my will, I was cruelly thrown into your world of monsters and men. I may have to mate with you, but you have another thing coming if you think I am here to obey your every command! Fuck that!! I will do as I please, and you may ask when you want something from me. But don't you dare presume you have my unquestionable obedience, because you do not!"

He glared at me and growled in frustration, "Fuck, you are difficult! And your stubbornness is going to get you killed! Make no mistake, you are accountable to me, whether you like it or not! Get dressed. We need to leave within the hour."

He slammed the door behind him as he left the bedroom.

I cringed. I hated fighting with him. We did it so rarely, and on the occasions were we have butted heads, we were both ridiculously stubborn.  Not the best attitude to have when trying to reach resolution. I pushed my troubled thoughts away, so that I could focus on the task at hand. I had returned much later than planned, forcing me to rush to make up the time.

I grimaced when I looked at the outfit that was selected for me for tonight's festivities. I knew Alaric wasn't pleased with it either. My legs were completely revealed, sheathed only in black patterned stockings, all of the way up to a black bikini bottom. A black lace corset covered my torso and breasts, pushing them even higher. The back of the outfit had a lace panel that hung down to my ankles.

After I carefully poured my body into the outrageously revealing outfit, I finished the ensemble with 6 inch heels. Of course.

I stepped out into the living area, still worried about facing Alaric's wrath. Tonight was not a good night for me to piss him off, considering I would likely need his protection.

He spun to face me. His eyes swept down my body and back up again quickly. He frowned and hissed, "Fuck!  It is not enough that you are drop dead gorgeous and carry a scent that brings most vampires to their knees.  Oh no, now you have to go into this lion's den half naked!"

I didn't disagree with him, and stared with wide fearful eyes, for what was to come. Abruptly, he noticed my bottom lip quivering and rushed to my side. His steel arms wound around me, and he whispered, "I'm sorry for losing my temper earlier. You scared the shit out of me."

"It was my fault. I hadn't heard from you and started to panic, thinking of all of things that could go wrong. I thought if I stayed in the sunlight, I would be safe and then accidentally dozed off in the rose section.  I'm sorry for worrying you," I muttered, my voice catching.

"'s over now and you're safe. That is all that matters," he murmured soothingly into my hair and then hissed determinedly, "As soon as etiquette allows, you will be wearing my jacket."

He held out his hand and grasped it tightly as we left. I wasn't sure if I was more nervous about meeting a room full of blood-thirsty vampires or seeing Cage again!

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