Book 2|13. Bloodline Vampires

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Pic above: Isolde, Marku and Liliana

Chapter dedicated to JuneMakin. Welcome and thanks for knocking the shit out of the Vote button! You are awesome, my friend!

Chapter 54 –Bloodline Vampires – Raine's POV

I held tightly to Alaric as we navigated the interior of the main estate. Its beauty and opulence was stunning. Huge grand staircases spiraled and flowed like a waterfall of steps, cascading down from the highest level forty feet in the air, intersecting together in several landings, only to split apart again in contrary directions, before gracing the main floor.

Marble and intricately engraved hardwoods, hand chiseled by only the finest craftsmen, adorned most surfaces. And noble candelabras stood erect, with an air of indifference, as they illuminated our path.

The sound of my heels clicking against the cold hard floor resonated in my ears as we approached a set of two large ornamental doors, hand carved and gilded with gold embellishment.

Alaric hesitated just outside the doors, and murmured, "Are you ready?"

The resounding answer was no. I had no desire to walk into a room filled with cruel and violent vampires. But alas, it was just one more of my duties, courtesy of my relationship to Armand. No answer released from my lips. Instead, I just squeezed Alaric's hand and nodded.

He opened one of the doors and led me through into a massive room. We were met with soaring marble columns, which supported hundreds of arches, and a domed ceiling. Giant chandeliers clawed the air, refracting and scattering light from thousands of crystals in every direction. It looked very reminiscent of an opera house, complete with three-story balconies stacked on top of each other, and blood-red plush seating. Its breathtaking beauty was almost ridiculous.

I didn't have much time to fully appreciate the splendor around me, because as soon as we entered, there was a resounding beat of silence, and every head in the room turned in my direction.

I knew why.

They had caught my unique and apparently vampire-captivating scent.


Alaric's grip tightened almost painfully as tension coursed through his body. The silence did not last more than a second or two before most resumed their previous conversation. However, I noticed more than a few throwing furtive looks in my direction, and some just continued to outright stare boldly. Their countenances were a mixture of curiosity, suspicion and lust.

Shit. Again.

Alaric guided me toward a grand table in the center of the room with fifty intricately carved chairs surrounding it. It wasn't difficult to determine that only the vampires with the highest status were allowed a seat there – which I was not.

The perimeter of the room had hundreds of additional chairs, most of which were occupied, and hundreds more vampires standing behind them. I glanced up for only a second to find the balconies teeming with vampires as well. The overload to my senses was shocking and intense.

He had already described the seating arrangement to me, so I was prepared when we walked toward the front row of surrounding chairs.

That was when I saw him – Cage.

Armand sat at the head of the table with Cage on his right, who was currently glaring at my hand, which was conjoined with Alaric's.

I cringed.

Alaric waited until I was settled comfortably in my seat, and then briefly kissed my cheek, before occupying the chair next to his father at the table. I knew he didn't like being separated from me, but I was only about ten feet behind him. From his position, he couldn't see me unless he turned around. However, Cage was seated directly facing me.

My heart pounded in my chest. I desperately wanted to run to him and throw myself in his arms. The pain in his eyes revealed he wanted the same thing. After just the briefest of moments, he forced his attention back to the discussion at hand.

My gaze traveled to the other end of the table to find a fierce and menacing looking vampire – he had to be Marku. He wore no shirt, revealing his incredibly thick and defined chest. His arms were rock hard; his sinuous veins prominent against his bulging muscles. He had black hair, which was wound into long dreadlocks, reaching down his back. But it was his eyes that caused me to shiver. They were pale silver, so light they almost looked white.

Talia had cautioned me about him. Looking at him now, her warning was unnecessary because his cruel and vicious expression told me everything I needed to know. Shit, he made Vladimir look like a kitten.

His expression was intense and calculating as he listened to one of the females. I looked in the direction he was staring to find a strikingly beautiful woman with long flowing cherry-red tresses and chestnut-blonde highlights. A butterfly tattoo graced the corner of one of her large hazel eyes, which were outlined with heavy Kohl eyeliner.

She argued in fluent Russian, stressing her point regarding one of the borders of her country. I wondered who she was. Her frame was small, but she exuded power and authority.

I didn't have to wonder for long because Marku debated back, "Liliana, we have already addressed your point of contention."


She was another Bloodline vampire!

Thus far, I had identified four: Armand, Marku, Quinn and Liliana. That just left one – Isolde.

Marku continued with a growl that sent fear up and down my spine, "The Saxon territory has been under my rule for well over 300 years. I have no intention of relinquishing it." His lips curled into a wicked grin as he issued his challenge, "If you want it back, come take it by force."

Liliana glared at him and spat, "Never assume I won't!"

Her defiant response just caused him to smirk.

Quite abruptly, my glance dropped down, landing on the woman kneeling next to Marku's feet. My attention had been so captivated with Marku and Liliana's conversation, that I had not noticed her before.

I inhaled sharply to see what she was wearing – a richly studded collar, matching bands on her hands and feet – and nothing else! Sparkling silver chains hung from the back of her collar and connected to the bands on her wrists and feet. I had a feeling he used the chains for more than just decoration. My stomach turned at the thought.

Marku was literally petting her head absentmindedly, as he focused on the discussion at hand. Her absolute obedience was evident in the way she stared up at him, waiting to fulfill his every command.

It was then that my attention drifted outward into the crowd, and I noticed how very many vampires had brought pets with them. Some had limited clothing but most were completely naked. I was also shocked as hell to find not all of the pets were female. There were quite a few male pets in the crowd, as well.

I blushed deeply when my eyes fluttered over one of them. His nipples were pierced and he wore nothing but a cock ring. Apparently, the apparatus was necessary to keep him from coming while his female vampire owner stroked his extremely hard shaft, as she whispered with another woman next to her. I highly suspected he was being punished for something, because the look of almost sheer desperation on his face told me he had been in that position for quite a while.

Hayden's words came back to me: "You will see the depravity that comes with these heartless immortals."

He wasn't wrong.

Just as I was contemplating his earlier words, Hayden caught my attention and stared at me knowingly. Did he suspect my thoughts? I glanced away and looked at the four men he had brought with him, two flanking each side. They were all enormous and clearly not enjoying themselves, versus many of the vampires who were laughing and joking.

Alaric had explained that each faction who was represented at the table, included their ruler plus four other members of their Monarchy or High Council. All five Bloodline vampires were in attendance, as well as the Hunters, and four additional Clans who controlled various territories across the world.

I was a little uncomfortable because more than a few of them watched me with a hell of a lot more interest than I wanted them to have. One in particular, seemed to keep his green eyes trained on me. He had short black hair and looked like he stepped right out of the pages of a magazine. He and all four of his associates were impeccably dressed in Dolce Gabbana suits. I found it strange that I recognized their attire from a fashion week runway show I attended last year in Paris.

However, even though he was groomed to perfection, there was a hardness and feral quality to his countenance. He very clearly wanted something from me. I didn't want to imagine what it could be because all of the scenarios that flashed in my brain were scary as shit.

I did my best to avoid his glance, instead moving on to curiously observe each person. There were far less females than males. I wondered if the women were as aggressive and heartless as the men. They would probably have to be, to stay alive against these tyrants. My thoughts were interrupted by a woman speaking, "Echo, will you be attending next month's auction?"

She was speaking to the man with short black hair and green eyes. He reluctantly tore his attention away from me, and replied, "Yes, Isolde, I will be attending with several of my men. We expect this shipment of stones to do quite well."

"Isolde," I breathed to myself. My mother's bloodline. She was truly exquisite with flawless deep mahogany skin, white hair, large round eyes and full ruby-red lips.

I refocused on the conversation at hand, intrigued and curious what stones they were referring to.

"I certainly hope so. The last two collections significantly under performed. One more failure and I will have to rethink our arrangement," she replied shortly.

His expression turned stone-cold, causing shivers to flicker up and down my spine, as he replied, "I can assure you, Isolde, all of your expectations and then some, will be met."

I was disappointed when they didn't clarify any more than that. I planned to ask Alaric about it later. The conversation moved on to other matters, most of which consisted of property and territory, as well as vampire versus human rights. Several contracts were drawn up, printed and signed for various agreements. It was surprisingly similar to the many business meetings I had participated in regarding my own wealth.

A few hours in, they broke for an intermission. Most of the vampires took the opportunity to check their laptops or phones. However, both Alaric and Cage remained engaged in conversation with different individuals, so neither was able to come to me. I fidgeted, trying to find a safe place to rest my gaze. I wanted to get up and stretch my legs, but I didn't dare move without Alaric.

I was uncomfortably close to the male pet I had noticed earlier and his owner, only about ten feet away. I had a perfect view of them because they sat on the first row bordering the next side. I threw a quick glance in the pet's direction, only to find he was still in the same position I had seen him in two hours ago. Hard as a rock. Shit.

Abruptly, his owner removed her hand from his shaft, and pulled out her cell phone. The hope that his punishment might be over, was clear on his face. But then his expression turned to horror.

My heart beat accelerated, wondering what more could happen to him.I couldn't hear her phone conversation, but obviously he had. And then I knew.

A beautiful brunette, scantily clad in extremely sexy black lingerie, walked up the aisle and knelt down. The female vampire stroked her head approvingly and purred, "Be a good pet and keep him busy. I need to run out for a few minutes."

"Of course, mistress," her pet replied smiling.

She turned her attention back to the man and warned sternly, "If you come, we will begin the process over."

He gritted out through clenched teeth, "Yes, mistress."

The brunette proceeded to mount the poor man. It was obvious she must have been wearing crotchless panties, because she centered herself and slid down around him, in one swift move.

He shuddered hard.

I wondered if she planned to just sit there while they waited for their owner to return, but oh hell no, she began to ride him viciously. He tossed his head around as he let out an almost constant stream of groans. His hands were clenched into fists so tightly that blood began to drip onto the marble floor.

I was appalled and horrified.

Apparently, the noise the man was making caught the attention of Alaric, because in the next instant, he was by my side. He swiftly pulled me to my feet and had me in motion, away from the two pets fucking.

He led me through a small side door, into an empty corridor and wrapped his steel arms around me. I shuddered hard. I was able to contain my tears but couldn't stop my entire body from trembling uncontrollably. He continued to just hold me and whispered soft shushing noises until I regained my calm. When I was finally still, he growled into my hair, "I'm sorry you had to see that."

His anger was evident.

I focused on breathing as I rested against his chest, and then rasped, "He's wearing a cock ring and been like that for hours. She is punishing him by not allowing him release."

He hissed even angrier and pulled out his cell phone. I heard him give orders for Talia to join us. A minute later, she was by my side staring at me worriedly. Alaric didn't take the time to explain. Instead, he commanded, "Wait here with her. I will be back."

Before I could even ask him where he was going, he disappeared from sight. Talia whispered nervously, "What happened?"

I explained, cringing and shaking, as the memory was made fresh in my mind again. She took my hands and murmured, "It will be okay."

"What do you think Alaric is doing?" I asked anxiously.

She sighed, "I do not know, but I am certain he can take care of it."

Fifteen minutes later, Alaric returned. I immediately thrust myself into his chest. The safety of his arms wrapped around me again. He spoke soothingly, "Everything is okay now."

I looked up at him. "What did you do?"

He smirked, "I bought you a pet."

"You did what?!" I stepped back, and gasped in shock.

"Yes. I sent him on his way to um, fix his situation, and get dressed. He will be by your side when you return."

"But I don't need a pet! What am I going to do with him?!" I asked a little frantically, still struggling to understand.

Alaric smoothed a stray strand of hair away from my face and replied, "Whatever you wish. He is yours. I have already called to have an apartment near us prepared for him. I didn't think you would want him living with us," he added teasingly,

Well, he was right about that. But I still had no idea what to do. And then it occurred to me that my new pet was finally out his misery now. I grinned at Alaric, incredibly thankful for helping the man.

He smiled brilliantly back at me and murmured, "That's my girl. Now let's go, so you can meet him."

I followed Alaric back into the expansive meeting room. As we walked to my seat, I could see the gentleman, now fully dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, kneeling by my chair. When we reached him, Alaric gave instructions, "You may look at me."

The man raised his head and stared at both of us with wide eyes.

Alaric continued, "Raine, this is your new pet, Talon. Talon, I would like you to meet Princess Raine. I am certain you will exceed her every expectation," his voice settled into a hard edge on the last sentence, clearly warning the man regarding his future behavior.

"Of course, master! Her wish is my every command," Talon swore fervently with deep gratitude.

"Very good," Alaric murmured and then kissed me on the forehead, before returning to the table.

I sat down and looked at Talon. Having him kneeling in front of me on the floor, was awkward to say the least. I patted the empty chair at my side and said, "Please, sit next to me."

He looked at me, almost in fear, as he hurriedly replied, "I cannot do that, mistress. It is not my place."

"But you were sitting in a chair earlier," I said in confusion.

"That was only for the purpose of my punishment," he explained softly, cringing in embarrassment.

Well I wasn't going to have him just bowing down to me. I demanded firmly, "Did he not just tell you, that you are too exceed all of my expectations?"

He looked down and trembled hard as he whispered, "Yes, mistress."

"Okay then Talon, I expect you to place your ass in that chair," I insisted.

Instantly, he obeyed, nervously twisting his hands together.

I teased him, "If you would like to think of having to sit next to me as a punishment, then you may do that."

He looked over at me in surprise, not quite sure what to make out of my words. I grinned at him, and finally, he gave me a tentative smile.

From the corner of my eye, I could see one person who was not quite as pleased with our new arrangement. His previous owner was glaring at me intently.

I ignored her as the session began again...


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