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Saturday and Sunday were just like any other weekend ever. With the exception that Alya didn't come over and Marinette was making an elegant and fancy dress for the ball. She went to school on Monday and made up with Alya. In celebration Alya had invited her to a little mini bonfire at her place on Friday. So Mari excitedly waited for 6:00 of Friday to arrive.

Finally Mari was at Alya's getting the fire started in the back yard when they heard the doorbell. Alya smiled and answered the door. The Ombre returned with Adrien and Nino and gave Marinette a sheepish grin," I want you to make up." She explained. Marinette just smiled and said," Sorry, I forgot to tell you we already did." As That was stated Alya and Nino watched with shock as Marinette got up and hugged Adrien and talked to him without a single stutter. Which, of course was her goal as she sat down and Adrien grinned.

Mari picked up a magazine she had meant to read as the other three socialized and made s'mores. She got to a particular page and she almost screamed in anger. The page was about Ladybug. Explaining how she's been seen lazing around Paris, sleeping on the job, and sneaking off playing with of all these different people. That with all the people she has been sleeping with, all of Paris will know the masked heroine's identity. Marinette frowned as she kept reading, her eyebrows creasing with stress as it continued. Adrien picked up on Marinette's growing anger and went to read over her shoulder without her realizing.

With Alya and Nino's eyes on the couple, they whispered to each other in confusion. Adrien frowned and took the magazine from Marinette.

"Hey! That is mine! Give it back!" The angered girl yelled.

"Oh, this?" Adrien smirked a Chat Noir smirk," Well, Princess(insert Alya's squeal), as far as I am concerned this," he referred to the magazine," is trash." And with that he threw the magazine into the fire.

"Adrieeennn!" Marinette whined as she looked into the fire. Though she wasn't to mad as she watched the fire burn the horrid magazine. As it did the magazine curled in on itself as though in an excruciating pain. And as it continued to burn pieces of the the edges broke free and floated into the air as the smoke propelled it. The little bits of paper still burning as it danced through the night sky without a single care. It gracefully glided through the air, doing backflips. That is until Nino's face intercepted it's path in a hot blaze of glory.

"aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA IT'S BURNING MY FACE OFF HEEEELLLPP!" Nino panicked. That is until Alya rolled her eyes and took the little piece of paper off of his face. Adrien and Marinette laughing throughout the whole thing, leaning on one another to keep from falling into the fire.

Adrien began to sing," THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIRE!" Making Marinette laugh harder as she cut in with," SHE'S THE TEAR IN MY HEART, I'M ON FIRE." Leaving them both in a fit of giggles. They looked at each other and went next to Nino and sand," LETS GATHER ROUND THE CAMPFIRE AND SING OUR CAMPFIRE SONG, OUR C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G SONG"

"Stooooop it guys!" Nino whined. As Adrien fell into a fit of laughter as Marinette was trying not to do the same. Suddenly Alya grabbed Nino out of the way and pushed Mari onto Adrien. She just looked at Adrien and laughed harder with him as a blush spread on both of there faces. That was until all four of them heard a crash. The laughs ceased and the light bubbly atmosphere disappeared. 

An Akuma rose from behind the fence. She was wearing a horrid dark blue dress with mismatched stars horribly sewn into the dress that poked out in all the wrong places. She wore a beanie with the same star design. She had a literal glow about her making her skin no longer look like skin.

"GET OFF OF HIM! ADRIEN AGRESTE IS MY SUPER STAR!" The girl screamed, explaining her get-up slightly and the cause of her transformation," I AM STARGAZER, CONTROLLER OF THE CELESTIAL BODIES ABOVE!" She continued. Alya already had her phone out and squeal about Ladybug was gonna be there soon. Marinette had gotten off of Adrien immediate feelings of regret filled her as Stargazer grabbed him. She then shot a blast of blue fire at the bluenette. She braced herself only to see Nino take the hit as the akuma fled.

"Nino! Alya you stay with Nino I'm going to get Adrien back!" Mari yelled to Alya tears in both girls' eyes. Alya didn't argue for once as the pig-tailed girl left. She hid in a bush a couple blocks away, transformed, and zoomed through the sky. Panic filled Ladybug as she searched for Stargazer and Adrien. She heard them before she saw them. Stargazer was walking holding Adrien with a strange leash as she blasted cars and terrorized the civilians of Paris. The heroine crouched and threw her yo-yo to hook around a lamp post and waited for the akuma to approach. Surprise was the key since Chat was currently...uh...held up. Ehehe he wasn't the only one with jokes.

Stargazer laughed as she walked, Adrien in tow. Until she tripped over the wire, letting go of the leash. Ladybug unhooked her yo-yo and jumped toward the fallen fashion disaster.Adrien grinned and went to is partner.

"GET BACK HERE MY STAR!" Stargazer screamed. Ladybug chuckled as she stood in front of the blond. But this chuckle wasn't one of humour, it was one of pure loathing.

"You want him? You're gonna have to get through me first." She replied slyly. Adrien stared in awe at the girl in front of him, still trying to convince himself this was the girl who sat behind him, who fell on top of him earlier. The said girl turned to look at him over her shoulder and said," Go hide, I'm still waiting on a certain black cat to get here for an important Chat." Adrien tried not to laugh as he ran away. He stopped laughing when a certain issue came up. He didn't expect his lady's puns to get him...excited. HE COULDN'T WEAR A SKIN TIGHT SUIT IN THESE CONDITIONS. Speaking of skin tight...he realized innocent Marinette wore a skin tight suit as well...on a daily basis. "NOT HELPING!" He thought to himself. Plagg came out and saw the blushing boy trying desperately to calm down his little friend. He chuckled considering this wasn't the first Chat Noir to have this issue. He gave Adrien his Camembert.

"Here kid eat this. You're not the first Chat Noir to have this issue, this is part of the reason I eat the stuff. Asides from loving it." Plagg explained smiling. Adrien gave a smile before eating the horrid cheese and scrunching his face. It worked.

"Thanks, now Plagg, transform me!"


Ladybug just told Adrien to go transform in the best way possible. A smirk on the heroine's face as she faced the villain.

"Ladybug, GIVE ME YOUR MIRACULOUS! THE HEAVENS ABOVE COMMAND YOU!" The akuma screeched. Ladybug just smirked as she replied with," If the heavens are gonna be like that then Hell it is!" With that the akuma threw a rain of fireballs at the red and black heroine, Stargazer screaming with rage. Ladybug used her yo-yo to deflect the fireballs while finding a place to take cover. She ran behind a car and didn't stop knowing what fire did to cars. Car after car exploded behind her until she jumped up onto a building. Looking for something to help her. Just then she saw Stargazer in pain when her bare foot stepped in a puddle of water.

"Bingo." Ladybug whispered to herself. Looking around she didn't see the fireball blasting towards her. Causing her to har in a flash of red into an ally. Her left upper arm burned pain rushing through it.

"Where is he?" Ladybug asked herself as she dodged more attacks. Trying to ignore the pain.

"It seems things are getting heated here, My Lady." Chat said landing by her side.

"Chat what took you so long? I needed you here!" Ladybug asked, completely irritated.

"Uh...a little issue came up that I had to take care of...My Lady! What happened to your arm?" Chat yelled.

"It doesn't matter right now we have to get her wet! Water hurts her Chat!" With a nod Chat ran to a fire hydrant and waited for a signal.

"HEY STARGAZER! THE SEWER RATS CALLED, THEY WANT THEIR CRAPPY DRESS BACK!" Ladybug yelled getting the akuma's attention. Stargazer scoffed and slowly walked towards Ladybug, shooting in the process. Ladybug continued throwing insults and attacks at Stargazer, while doing so she found the akumatized item was one of two items. Her beanie or the star bracelet she had.

"Lucky charm" Ladybug called and received a water gun. It was obvious what to do but she wanted to double check and maybe see the item. Her ladybug vision made the water gun glow up, Stargazer, the spot near next to the fire hydrant, Chat, the fire hydrant, and then the beanie on top of Stargazer's head. Ladybug smirked as she shot Stargazer until the akuma was right where she needed to be.

"NOW CHAT!" When the words left her voice Chat screamed," CATACLYSM!" Causing Stargazer to look at the leather covered hero with fear. Chat touched the fire hydrant drenching Stargazer as she screamed.

"THE BEANIE CHAT! IT'S THE BEANIE!" Ladybug yelled as both Chat and Ladybug grabbed it, accidentally tearing it together. The akuma started to fly away.

"No more evil doing for you little akuma!" Ladybug stated with a smirk as she opened her yo-yo. She spun it around and threw it towards the akuma, catching it while yelling," Time to de-evilize!" She tapped the top of the yo-yo and the now white butterfly flew away.

"Bye bye little butterfly!" Ladybug said pleasantly.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" She shouted as she threw the water gun up into the air, causing it to fix all the damage that was caused to the city.

"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat said in unison, fist bumping one another. Beeping signalled both the heroes to get to a hiding spot quickly.

"Chat, we need to get back! C'mon!" Ladybug said and grabbed Chat's hand and ran to go hid in an ally as both of their times were up. Walking together they made their way back to Alya's place. Both being tackled by Nino and Alya upon arrival.

"Marinette! Why did you run after Adrien?! You should have let Ladybug and Chat Noir do their thing!" Alya yelled, worry written over her face.

"Alya you run after Ladybug and Chat Noir all the time. Do you realize how much that worries me?" Marinette shot back.

"But that's different! I'm not directly throwing myself in danger!"

"Really? I find that hard to believe. How do you even know if I necessarily threw myself into danger anyways, you weren't there. I could've been a safe distance away."

"Marinette just being around that is dangerous you could've been hurt." Alya went to hold her best friends upper left arm, only for Marinette to hit it away.

"Alya I can say the same to you after every attack. You just think I am weak! You already admitted it to me, you know what I'm leaving. See you all on Monday! Bye." With that Marinette began her walk home.

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