I'm sorry

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Marinette didn't go to school, she told her parents that she was too stressed, which was very true. They allowed it since it was Friday.

"Maman, I'm going out on a walk, I'll be back in an hour or so." Marinette said, going to the door.

"Ok dear, be safe." Sabine smiled to her daughter. 

 Marinette walked down a block before she hid to transform. She then swung up onto the roof of the nearest building. She continued to run until she couldn't run anymore. She ended up on the roof of the Agreste Mansion. She yelled out of frustration.

"My Lady?"

"Why aren't you at school?"

"Same as you. Why'd you come here of all places?"

"The grin you were wearing last night showed no sign of stress, you're lying. I'm not sure myself, as to why I'm here I mean."

"Ok, fine. Because you weren't there..." At that Ladybug turned to face Chat.

"So I don't matter or even exist until you find out I'm Ladybug?! You would pass me through the hall completely ignoring me but as soon as you find out I'm Ladybug you ditch for me?! You love the mask...not me."

Chat was surprised by this sudden outburst. He then glared at her.

"Well I'm sorry it's a bit hard to talk to someone who stutters and mixes up her words around you and you only! I wanted to talk to you, really I did! But I thought I scared you or something, you always would be kind and comfortable around everyone in class! But as soon as I started talking to you, you would get all nervous! I figured you were scared of me, or I did something wrong!" His voice faltered at the last sentence.

"Wow, you really are oblivious, aren't you?"

"I guess so."

"Well, I'm going to go, I don't even know why I came here, I was just...trying to get away I guess and went on autopilot."

"Why would autopilot lead you here?" Chat asked with a smirk. Ladybug rolled her eyes.

"Well, when I'm thinking about a situation, my body goes to a relevant place or person to said situation. I'm gonna go before I yell some more now." With that she through her yo-yo and before she could jump off she was stopped by a hand.

"What now?" She asked frustrated.

"Was that part about designing a dress true?" Chat asked curiously.

"Sort of."

"Is it elegant?"

"Yes, why?"

"My father is throwing a party...more like a ball. I want you to come."

"When is it? Why should I go, and what's the catch?" Ladybug questioned furiously.

"It's in two weeks. You should go because my father is a famous designer and could help your career as a designer. The catch is you'll actually have to talk to me, and act buddy buddy with me in order for a good impression...that is if we aren't friends by then." Chat replied coolly

"Ugh, I'll think about it, no promises ok?"

"Ok." With that Chat smirked and let Ladybug go. She soared through the sky leaving Chat Once again to his own devices.


Ladybug went to the park and sat on a bench. She put her feet up and drifted off to sleep.

Ladybug woke up with a start, first seeing Alya before bumping her forehead with her own causing Alya to back up. Then she proceeded to look at her hands to assure she was still Ladybug.

"Sorry Alya. That's your name right?" She said. Alya nodded vigorously.

"Yes and it's ok, it's my fault I startled you awake." she suddenly turned serious," But I woke you up because I need your help."

Alarmed Ladybug immediately sat up," Where is the akuma? What happened, is Chat with it now?"

"Nonono. Not that kind of help...yet." Alya smiled awkwardly.

"Well then what's wrong? How can I help?" Ladybug asked, confusion evident on her face.

"You see, my friend, her name is Marinette. She has been going through this argument with myself and her crush, and well, she hasn't been in the best spirits. She wasn't at school today, or at home when I went to check on her, she went on a walk said to her parents she'd be back in an hour and so naturally I got worried so I ask you to please search for her and bring her back safely. Please." Alya said starting off calm, slow, and nervous, ending with a panic, fast, and urgent tone of voice with tears at the brim of spilling. Ladybug smiled sweetly.

"I'm sure your friend is fine, I'll find her. You'd be surprised how strong people can be, and how many have expressed the same worry to me." Ladybug replied, tears brimming her eyes as well. Then Alya hugged her sobbing. Saying repeated thank yous and pleases she finally let go and left with a goodbye. Ladybug hid and detransformed then went home. When she got home her parents immediately hugged her, worry evident in their faces and tears.

"Marinette where were you? That was longer than an hour! Four to be exact." Sabine asked her daughter.

"I'm sorry maman, I went to the park and accidently fell asleep under a tree. I'm sorry." She stayed with her parents until she went to her room to "sleep".First she took down all the Adrien pictures and put up a different wallpaper on her computer, just in case Chat paid another visit. Then she made her bed to look like she was sleeping then transformed and went on patrol.


When Ladybug left, Chat's smirk faded. He wanted that to go down better. He needed to contact her. But the problem with that was one simple number.

He didn't have her number. He didn't know how to text or contact her without it. He thought for a moment as he headed to his room detransformed. Then he realized. He grabbed his phone and texted Nino to give him Alya's number, then Alya would give him Marinette's number. It was full proof.

A: Nino, I need Alya's number

N: Why?

A: Trust me, please? I don't wanna tell you why just yet.

N: Fine you're lucky I'm using this as an excuse to get her number for myself to.

A: Thank you dude. :D

He waited for Nino, hours later to his dismay, to send him Alya's number and immediately texted her.

AD: Alya, I need a favor, and I need you to not tell Marinette or Nino. Marinette because it's about her, Nino because I want to tell him when I'm ready.

AL: Ok, Nino said you needed my number, so what do you need?

AD: It's about Marinette, I need her number.

AL: And why should I give you her number when I got a text an hour ago that Mari was missing and it very well might be both of our faults that she is probably akumatized?!

AD: Wait, what? I will find her, I will not rest until I do, just give me that number. It might help me in retrieving her. Please.

AL: Ugh fine, I'll give you her number but you better not hurt her, and apologize!

Alya sent the text as promised and when Adrien opened the door to leave, Natalie was waiting.

"Good you are ready for your photoshoot, let's go." Natalie said emotionless.

"Can't I skip this one photoshoot? Please?" Adrien pleaded desperately.

"No this is a very important shoot that can make your father's Autumn fashion line go sky high." Natalie said with a slight glare, with that Adrien followed her to the limo.


Ladybug waited at the top of the eiffel tower and waited for Chat Noir. She looked over the edge and an idea popped into her head. She held onto the pole besides her and leaned over the edge. She wrapped her yoyo around the pole and leaned farther. Suddenly Chat came up and yelled, scaring her, leaving her to slip and holding nothing but her yoyo to keep her from falling.

"My Lady, would you like some help back up?" Chat asked chuckling. Ladybug glared back.

"No, I can manage." She then climbed back up to Chat. Silence followed

"So I see you haven't been corrupted by an evil purple butterfly." Chat said bluntly

"Alya talked to you to? I feel asleep in the park in this form and she asked me to find myself." Ladybug chuckled.

"Something like that. Listen, can we talk instead of patrol, we always hear akumas before we find them anyways." Chat asked, hopeful.

"I don't see why not." Ladybug sighed, sitting down.

"Ok, well first I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone through you diary or your room in the first place-"

"That I agree with."

"-and I'm sorry for being so...insensitive I guess? Well I'm sorry for not thinking of you when I acted. I'm also sorry for telling you something that's not true. You are not weak and I never should have let you think that. It's my fault that you got so hurt."

"I'm sorry too. I let my insecurities protect me from someone I didn't need protection from. I yelled at you for being curious and I avoided you like a disease. I'm also sorry for stalking you and growing an obsession over you. If it makes it better I took all the pictures down." Ladybug at this point was a bright, bright red. Chat started laughing until he cried and Ladybug punched him in the arm. Still laughing Chat replied," Sorry...my...lady...it's just...that's hilarious."

"Yes it kinda is." Ladybug chuckled.

"So...now what?" Chat asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you love me and I love you, it's obvious."

"Nononono, you love the mask, you don't love me. You don't love Marinette, you love Ladybug. Marinette loves Adrien and he doesn't love her back."

"I get it...so that would also mean you don't love me either, Chat Noir is when I am truly myself and I don't love you when you are truly yourself. Therefore we have to try and change that because that will not do, I made a promise I would love the girl behind the mask and I'm gonna keep it."

"Really? Why do you want this to work? Love doesn't work that way, and we are no exception."

"Love can be surprising, besides, if we can't get it to work that way, we are both screwed bugaboo." Chat said slyly with yet another silence following, but this time it wasn't an awkward one.

"Then I guess I have a dress to make, don't I?" Ladybug said as she stood up.

"I guess you do."

With that Ladybug took off towards her home.

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