Wait, What?

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"Oh, hey honey! Why didn't you tell us you were friends with both of Paris's famous superheros?" Sabine asked her shocked daughter.

"I, uh, well," Marinette was stumped. She didn't know what to say especially with Chat smirking at her and her parents chuckling.

"Why are you here Chat?" She asked instead of answering.

"Well, I came to talk to you but instead got in a fight with Ladybug, I would love to see the dress you are designing for her by the way, and you mother here, came to comfort me." Chat explain, his smirk only faltering at the mention of Ladybug," Where were you, might I ask?" Chat added smoothly.

"I was at...the park! Yes, the park! I wanted to take a break from my homework and went on a walk to the park." Marinette said quickly," Sorry for not telling you Mama, Papa."

Chat gave her a weird look before shrugging it off then saying," Well Mari, since you're here we have something to discuss in your room." Marinette just sighed and nodded as she lead Chat into her room. Once they were inside Chat closed and locked the trap door.

"I would really love for you to stop calling yourself we-"

"I know, I already have, I met a friend in the park and he helped me realize that." Marinette interrupted. Chat's face fell as he realized someone else told her something that he should have. Marinette noticed this and hugged him," Though I appreciate your concern, I really do, but now it's fine, ok?" Chat smiled, hugged her back, and nodded in agreement," ok." Before either could say something a beep sounded from Chat's ring.

"...Did you use Cataclysm in my house?" Marinette asked.

"Your parents had accidentally burnt a cake and wanted to see me use it. Do you have Camembert?"

"In the kitchen." With that Chat raced down to the kitchen. Marinette giggled and tried to work on her homework. But that too was interrupted, but this time by a scream. Marinette immediately transformed and ran to the balcony and swung out, in the process hitting her desk causing her diary to fall out of her box and onto the floor.


The akuma was on the complete opposite side of Paris. The Akuma was a anime fan who was grieving over the loss of their favorite anime character, and was out for revenge on the creator. Her name was Animator. Ladybug had to use Lucky Charm and left before Chat had a chance to apologize, though she still gave him a victory fistbump, I sign that she had no hard feelings towards Chat. Though when she detransformed, she was across Paris from her home, with no cookies on her.

Chat on the other hand hadn't used cataclysm and headed to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. When he arrived Marinette was nowhere to be seen. So being the reasonable person he was he sat down and looked through her designs, did her physics homework, and played video games. Each took up 2 hours and 30 min total. Being extremely bored at this point he began to leave, until he saw a little half circle pink and white polka-dotted book on the floor. He opened it to the first page, it looked like notes for Marinette to become class president. He chuckled at his classmates requests.

Though when he turned the page he realized this wasn't just some school journal. He face heated up when he saw a picture of himself, as Adrien, with a heart around it and little hearts surrounding it. It was then he realized the pictures on the wall and why he tapped the spacebar on her computer, he saw the wallpaper. The more he tried to convince himself it was a simple little crush, the harder it was to believe. He looked back at the diary and noticed the words next to the photo.

Dear Diary,

I don't understand! Why can't I talk to Adrien? I can talk to everyone else but him. So what, he's just a super hot model, who is extremely nice, amazing, flexible, smart, speaks Chinese, does fencing, plays piano, oh who am I kidding, he's absolutely perfect!

"Wait, how does she know all this?! Only Nino knows I play piano, and fence!" Chat asked himself. None the less he continued reading.

Every time I talk to him, I just freeze up and start stuttering. I just make a fool of myself. Though I decide not to dwell on it, after all, if I were akumatized, I won't have Ladybug to save me.

"Ladybug won't save her? Why wouldn't she? I thought my lady said they were friends..." Chat wondered. He decided to skip to one of the most recent entry which was yesterday night.

Dear Diary,

Why is it that I can only speak to Adrien when something bad is going to happen, or when I am mad at him? I had slapped him and yelled at him after he helped me after Chloe's teasing. I ran away before he could react. Then Chat visited later that day, we ended up yelling at each other. I wonder if he would've yelled at me if he knew the truth?

Before Chat could continue Marinette walked in saying," Sorry I didn't have cookies TikkI WAHHHH!" Marinette stood at the top of the now closed trap door. Chat having her diary open in his hands, and Tikki right next to Marinette, all three to shocked to move, or say anything.

"What did you read?" Marinette was the first to speak.

"Only that you like me, and know an extreme amount of me, that you are hiding something from me, and that Ladybug can't save you," Chat nodded at Tikki," I figured out what the last two were, my Lady."

Tikki giggled nervously as Marinette blushed, then her expression turned to confusion.

"Wait. I don't like you, nor do I know lot about you...wait...no...no...NO... NONONONONONO!!!" Marinette's face turned into one of fear as she grabbed her diary and pushed Chat out of her room onto the balcony and closed and locked the door. Chat sat there for a minute before he yelled," I'LL BE BACK!" As he proceeded to go home with the biggest grin on his face.

Marinette sat there, tears at her eyes as it dawned on her. Her crush liked her. But the wrong side of her. She went to her homework and saw he finished it for her in light pencil, so she could use her own handwriting on it. So with that she collapsed on her bed in tears. Tikki trying her best to comfort her, though she did little help, as Marinette cried herself to sleep.

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