Thank You

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"Where is Marinette?" Sabine questioned.

"She was g-gone when I got here, probably at her friends, her bag and stuff is on her desk." Chat replied shakily.

"Are you ok dear? Who were you yelling at?" At this point Sabine was fully in the room and sitting on the floor next to Chat.

"L-Ladybug..." He replied, wondering why he was trusting Marinette's mother so much.

"Why?" She questioned, beginning to rub his back. He then let loose the tears.

"I k-kept, b-bugging her to k-know her identity. I n-never thought that s-she'd be ashamed of it. S-so I kept a-asking until s-she told m-me that she was ashamed. S-she basically t-told me that she doesn't t-trust m-me." He blurted it all out as Sabine pulled him into a hug and continued rubbing his back, sobs racking through his body.

"Shhh, shhh," she cooed into his ear," I'm sure she trusts you, with the whole, both of you putting you lives on the line for each other. She is probably stressed in her civilian life, and so when you asked, she got defensive. You both are teenagers, you are bound to have insecurities. You may not have as many as her, or vice versa, but you both still have them. You feel more confident with your identity hidden, don't you."

As her words sunk in, Chat slowly nodded his head on her shoulder, trying to calm down. After a few minutes, Chat finally stopped crying and pulled away from Sabine's comfort.

"Thank you. No one has comforted me like that in years." Chat smiled, then he noticed the tears and snot he left on her shoulder from crying. He cringed and pointed toward it," Sorry about that."

She looked at her shoulder then smiled at him,'" It's quite alright dear, I've had worse messes on me, I am a mother you know." She joked a bit then added," Why don't you do downstairs and grab something to eat while I go change my shirt?"

" Ok, thank you." Chat nodded wanting to be polite as he followed her out of Marinette's room. He went down stairs as Sabine went into her room.

Chat walked into the kitchen to see Tom, who was busy baking to notice who walked into the kitchen.

"Sabine, what was going on up there?" Tom asked, not bothering to look up.

"Um, sorry, I'm not Sabine." Tom looked up at the unfamiliar voice and gasped.

"Chat Noir? What were you doing in my daughter's bedroom? Where is my wife?" He asked, getting a little mad.

Chat put his hands up as he replied," I had to talk with Marinette but she wasn't there, and Sabine is changing her shirt!" Tom was confused," Why?"

" I was crying because I was fighting with Ladybug and Sabine came and comforted me but in the process got tears and snot on her shirt."

"Oh, would you like anything to eat?"

"Some cookies, please?"

"Comin right up!"


Ladybug was crying. She knew she shouldn't have been so hard on Chat, and she shouldn't have slapped Adrien. Truth be told, she always knew she was weak, she just couldn't bring herself to accept it. The sound of movement behind her caused her to look behind her.

"Ladybug? Are you ok? What happened dude?" Nino questioned, climbing onto the roof as he sat next to her.

"Why are you on the roof of my house?"

"Sorry Nino, I didn't know this was your house."

"How do you know my name?"

"I would tell you, but then I would have to kill you." Ladybug attempted to make a joke.

"I remember some people calling you Nino when you were akumatized." She said after some awkward silence.

"Oh, what happened to make you so upset?"

"I...I'm weak. Under this mask, sometimes even with it. I choose not to accept it and when a boy I care a lot for brought it up I slapped him. When I told my best friend, she agreed. Then Chat approached my civilian form, we don't know our identities so it was kinda weird, and he yelled at me for not believing in myself. This was all yesterday, today I was gonna go on patrol earlier to avoid him, but Chat found me and of course started flirting, and as I was about to leave, I made an excuse about my civilian form...he then told me he wanted to reveal ourselves. I tried to tell him it was dangerous but he knew that was an excuse. So I told him how I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed of my true self. It hurt both myself and Chat, to a escaped immediately and managed to get here." The whole time Ladybug managed to hold back the sobs, but when she finished, she broke down. She was shaking as she tried to calm down.

"I-I can't help the fact that I'm weak. Why can't anyone understand that?"

Nino looked at the superhero in pity. It was hard to remember she was just like any other Parisian under the mask.

"Well, he probably got so used to seeing you fight and be strong everyday, he forgot that you are just like any human being, along with Paris. As for your crush, you just need to be more confident around him. My boy Adrien is completely clueless that this girl Marinette likes him, he actually thinks she is scared of him because she has no confidence. I know for a fact she has it, she just tends not to show it. I hold a lot of respect that she tries to bring that confidence out though. Anyways, as for your best friend, you should probably talk to her about the issue, tell her that you didn't appreciate being called weak. I've had to tell Adrien to step off from time to time before, even Alya. I personally don't think you are weak, I think you're just improving something you aren't exactly comfortable with." Nino said, attempting to give her his advice and thoughts. It went silent, just as Nino thought he had failed to comfort her, he felt arms squeeze him into a hug.

"Thank you Nino, thank you so much." Nino smiled as he hugged her back.

"No problem."



"Please don't tell this to anyone. I wouldn't want anyone to connect two and two and find out my identity." Ladybug pulled away from the friendly hug.

"Consider it done."


Marinette walked back home. She and Nino talked for a while until she decided it was time to leave, she de-transformed a couple of blocks away from her home thinking Chat might still be there. She walked into the bakery and headed to their home above the bakery to see something she never would have expected. Chat was sitting with her parents, eating cookies and laughing.

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