Chapter Six: Fate is sealed

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Ruby's POV:

I was still outside the wing of the airship when suddenly I saw a huge Dragon Grimm pass by, it was headed to Beacon, followed by a massive amount of Griffens, one suddenly landed near me and started trying to attack me, but I slashed it apart with Crescent Rose, I turned around and saw Torchwick's henchmen, Nico or something, her clothes suddenly changed to the one she wore before and she took a picture of me for some strange reason, then winked at me.

Blake's POV:

I-I couldn't believe he was here, I was very prepared to run till..

Adam: "Running away? Is that what you've become my love? A coward!" He said angrily.

Blake: "Why are you doing this?!" I asked him.

Adam: "You and I were going to change the world, remeber? We were destined to light the fires of revolution!" He shouted with anger as he stepped on a Atlas student.

Adam: "Consider this the spark." He said as he was going to stab the him, I suddenly drew my sword and charged at him as our blades clashed together.

Blake: "I'm not running!" I said.

Adam: "You will." He said as he kicked me to the floor and a Creep Grimm came charging at me till Adam shot it.

Adam: "But not, before you've suffered for your betrayal, my love." He said as he came at me again.

3rd POV:

Velvet was laying on the floor hurt as coco pushed her as a Grimm almost attacked her, everyone was trying there best to hold the Grimm and Paladins at bay, but they could only take so much, a Paladin suddenly punched Weiss.

Neptune: "Weiss!" He shouted, as Ren was holding a Grimm back till a Paladin suddenly noticed him and went to attack him.

Nora: "Look out!" Nora yelled as suddenly the Paladin punched her knocking her out.

Ren: "Nora! No!" He yelled as he was suddenly punch as well, it suddenly turned to face Coco who was shooting at it with Neptune.

Neptune: "This is really bad!" He yelled.

Coco: "Well, I guess now is better than-" but before she could finish, Grimm attacked her, Neptune and Velvet.

Coco: "Damn it! Velvet! Use it!" She screamed as a Beowolf was on top of her, Velevt tried to grab her Camera, till a Creep Grimm came and jumped on her knocking it out of her hand, everyone was now struggling, as a hurt Ren crawled to Nora and brought her close prepared at that moment to die till suddenly a huge Lightning bolt struck not so far away.

(Ignore the cars but that's how the Lightning struck)

Suddenly a smaller lightning bolt hit right in front of Ren as it caught the attention of everyone even the Grimm, as Ren ,who used his hand to block debris from hitting him  moved  he hand saw what landed...or rather who landed.

Ren: "(Y/n)...?" He said in surprise.

(Y/n): "Don't worry Ren, just look out for Nora, I'm going to personally take care of all of this." He said in a rather serious/angered tone, everyone else looked at (Y/n) in amazment and surprise, he looked like a plasma ball.

Velvet: "Whow..."

Sun: "Holy shit!"

Coco: "I'm..I'm turned on right now."

Weiss: "That's my man." Weiss said smiling confidently as the Grimm, Atlesean Knights, and Paladins all turned their attention on him and charged, as he smirked.

(Y/n) [Breaking forth-wall]: "Hey Author, hit it." He said.

Author: "On it!"

As the song started (Y/n) did a lightning dash, and vaporized the oncoming Grimm.

As he stopped spinning he took out Point Break and hitting and vaporizing Grimm around like they were nothing, a Paladin charged at (Y/n) as Velvet blocked it's way.

Weiss: "What is she doing she's going to get hurt!" Weiss said as Coco stopped her from helping.

Coco: "Trust me just watch." She smiled as suddenly a hologram version of Ruby's scythe showed up in Velvet's hand.

The Paladin shot at Velvet as she jumped up in midair, (Y/n) who was dealing with the Grimm turned and saw her, her movements were just like Ruby's exactly alike.

(Y/n): "I knew my cute, innocent bunny was dangerous and stronger than she looked." He said proudly as a threw his hammer to hit five Grimm in a straight line as it came back to him.

Velvet started off with Ruby's scythe then kept changing them to other people's weapons like; Weiss' sword, Yang's Gauntlets,  Blake's Gambol Shroud, Coco's Gatling gun, Sun's staff, Nora's hammer, and Even the one that got (Y/n) attention, Penny's swords, he stopped his fighting when he saw this mesmerizing how alike it was to Penny, he even shed a tear, but suddenly Velvet got punched by a crippled Paladin.

(Y/n)/Coco: "Velvet!!" (Y/n) and Coco shouted as Coco began to shot at it, as Neptune and a few others did too, Weiss who was just watching for a second suddenly got mad and used her glyphs to dash towards it, suddenly a glyph appeared behind her, much to her surprise, as she got in front of the Paladin, it went to try to punch her but it was suddenly blocked by a huge blade that was coming out of her Glyph.

The arm sword thing slammed the Paladin' s fist to the ground as it lefted the blade and cut the Paladin into two, Velvet quickly got up and took a picture of Weiss and her Glyph summoned thing, as (Y/n) finished up most of the Grimm much to everyone's amazment, he walked up straight to his friends.

(Y/n): "Looks like my Queen can pack a punch." He said impressed as he kissed her forehead as she got flustered.

Coco: "Heh saids the guy who basically came in like the powerhouse he claimed to be." She said as Ren came up holding Nora in bridal style.

(Y/n): "Is she okay?" He asked concerned.

Ren: "Just unconscious, she'll be okay I'll look after her. " he said as (Y/n) nodded.

(Y/n): "Listen this power of mine won't hold out much longer, it's temporary, and we still got a bunch of Grimm, Paladins, and Atlesean knights running around hurting people, so as of right now our priority has changed, get any civilians or students on airships and everyone sticks with a partner." He ordered as everyone nodded in agreement.

Weiss: "What about you?" She asked.

(Y/n): "I need to stop something from happening." He said in a serious tone.

Weiss: "Do you want me to come with you?" She said grabbing his arm, he smiled and brought her into a kiss much to her surprise, he kissed her for a few seconds as he let go.

(Y/n): "No stay here and help with the evacuation, I'm not losing anymore people I care about." He said as he grabbed her hand in comfort and smiled at her, she looked into his eyes and nodded confidently.

Weiss: "You be careful okay, this Queen can't lose her King." She said as he smiled.

(Y/n): "I knew you liked to be called Ice Queen." He said as his eyes turned whitish blue and Lightning radiated from his body again, he took out Point Break and lifted his hand as suddenly he took off like he was flying.

Weiss: "That's not what I meant!!" She said annoyed as suddenly a Paladin that looked more bulkier showed up.

Sun: "Are you freaking kidding me!! Just as (Y/n) leaves!!" He said annoyed as Weiss walked in front of everyone.

Weiss: "Come on everyone we have a job to do." She said as they all grew confidence again and charged at the Paladin.

(Meanwhile with Ruby)

Still outside the airship Ruby was fighting off against Neo as suddenly Roman came out of nowhere and fired at Ruby, as she slid across the wing of the airship she hung on with Crescent Rose as Roman walked up to her confidently.

Torchwick: "Little Red, little Red, you are just determined to be the hero of Vale aren't you?" He said.

Ruby: "What are you doing?! Without these ships the Grimm will destroy everything!" She said trying to understand why Roman was doing what he was doing.

Torchwick: "That's the plan!" He said as he tried to shoot her point blank as Ruby slapped his cane and he stubbled as Ruby got up only to be kicked by Neo several times before almost falling off till a Griffen pushed her back up trying to get her, she turned towards Neo and Torchwick.

Ruby: "But why? What do you gain out of this?!" She asked him.

Torchwick: "Your asking the wrong questions Red, it's not what I have to gain, it's that I can't afford to lose." He said as Ruby charged at him and Neo kicked her back and hooked her umbrella' s hook to her scythe taking it away as she kicked Ruby to Torchwick as he bounced his cane and it hit Ruby and it came back to him, he quickly shot her as she almost once again fell off, only for her to be lifted up into the air as it placed her back on the wing and suddenly a Lightning bolt was shot at both Neo and Torchwick as they managed to stumbled back but still stood on the wing, as they suddenly saw (y/n) there covered in his Lightning.

Torchwick: "Whow!! Just the brat of mine I wanted to see!" He said sounding excited.

Ruby: "(y/n)?" She said as he turned to her, she felt a bit of fear but he turned off his Lightning and helped her up.

(Y/n): "They treating you nice?" He asked as Ruby smiled at him.

Ruby: "You dummy." She said.

Torchwick: "Only the best treatment for my future daughter in law!" He said smirking as Neo drew a blade from the tip of her umbrella.

(Y/n): "I'm not here to fight you two." He said as Torchwick and Neo looked at him confused.

(Y/n): "Its strange to say, but I don't want to kill either of you." He said as he put Point Break on his shoulder.

Torchwick: "Why?!" He asked with a glare.

(Y/n): "There's only two people I plan on killing today if I can, and you two aren't it." He said seriously.

Torchwick: *Laughing Hysterically* "You just can't let me go can you?" He said as Neo charged at (Y/n) and Ruby, as she went to stab (Y/n), he quickly dodged it and bashed Midnight Strom to push her back.

(Y/n): "Roman, listen to me! I know you don't give a shit about Cinder or her plan, I see it in your eyes, you just want to survive, I understand! but please you have to give this ship back to Ironwood only then can I bargen with him about a deal if you cooperate with us to stop Cinder!" He shouted as he got closer to Torchwick.

(Y/n): "Please let me help you." He said holding his hand out to Torchwick.

Ruby: "He's right whatever it is your afraid of we can fight it but only if we do it together." She said walking up to (Y/n)'s side, Torchwick stood there thinking, as he was suddenly grabbed by Neo who looked at him with concern, he smiled at her gently, as he suddenly smacked (Y/n) with his cane and Neo did a flip and Kicked ruby to the ground, Neo them stomped her foot on Ruby's chest holding her down as she put her blade on Ruby's throat.

Torchwick: "You don't get it do you, I maybe a gambling man, but even I know there's some bets you just don't take, Like it or not the people who hired me, are going to change the world, you can't stop 'em! I can't stop 'em!" He shouted as Ruby noticed a button on Neo's umbrella.

Torchwick: "You know what they say (Y/n)!! If you can't beat them! Join them!" He said as suddenly Ruby pushed the button on Neo's umbrella opening it and sending her flying off onto the wind.

Torchwick: "NEO!" He shouted as he was suddenly blasted by lightning again by (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Your wrong, cuz even against a strong opponent, one must always try to stand agaisnt them, for every resistance no matter how little will keep them from ever wining." He said as Torchwick fire an explosive round at (Y/n) and Ruby, (Y/n) shot a lighting bolt as a mini explosion happened, as the air cleared, Roman charged at (Y/n) And hit him with his cane on his head.

Torchwick: "You got spirit kid I'll give you that! But the real world doesn't care about spirit!" He said hitting (Y/n) again beating him with it.

Torchwick: "The real world is cold! And if you two want to be heroes why don't you two do the part and die like every Huntsmen and Huntress has! Me on the other hand I'll do what I do best! Cheat! Lie! And-" before he could finish (Y/n) caught his cane.

(Y/n): "I guess you don't hear well! I said I won't kill you, but I don't have  to save you!" He said as he suddenly stood up, grabbed Torchwick by the collar of his trench coat and threw him in the air as a huge Griffen came out of nowhere and devoured Torchwick in one bite, it suddenly went to attack (Y/n) and Ruby as they both jumped on it's head and it crashed inside of the control room, suddenly the airship was going to go down.

(Y/n): "Ruby grab on!" He said as jumped at him and he pointed Point Break toward Beacon and they flew off landing safely in the landing dock.

Ruby: "You can fly now!?!" She asked (Y/n) excitedly with sparkles in her eyes.

(Y/n): "As cool as it is, it's temporary." He said as he ruffled her hair but suddenly it hit him again.

(Y/n)'s POV:

As the visions hit me again, I activated my Lightning mode and flew off hearing Ruby yell where I was going, this power is temporary and I have to make sure those visions don't come true before it runs out!

3rd POV:

Meanwhile the Paladin that Weiss and the others were facing suddenly powered down.

Sun: "Well that was easier than I thought." He said as Yang came out of nowhere.

Yang: "Weiss! Your okay! Have you heard from Ruby or (Y/n)?" She asked.

Weiss: "Ruby no *Huff* but (Y/n) was here *Huff* a while ago with a crazy new power!" She said.

Yang: "Well where's Blake and Tracy?" She asked.

Weiss: "They went after an Alpha Beowolf." She said as suddenly Tracy crashed in out of nowhere.

Tracy: "Yeehaa!" She yelled riding a Beowolf and Finully shooting it on the head with her Anti-Tank.

Tracy: "Sup guys! Did y'all see that crazy lightning a while ago!? Crazy right?" She said as Yang suddenly grabbed her shoulders.

Yang: "Trace where's Blake?" She asked her.

Tracy: "Last time I saw her she stopped to help some guy in the library but I don't know now." She said as suddenly something flew by at high speed covered in Lightning.

Weiss: "Is that (Y/n)!?" She said as Yang looked where he was going.

Yang: "You look for Ruby I'll meet up with Blake." She said as she went towards Blake last known location.

Meanwhile in the Vault, Ozpin, Juane, and Pyrrah ran inside the Vault heading to Amber.

Jaune: "What is this place?" Jaune asked while running and looking around.

Pyrrah: "Its... a type of Vault" she explained.

Jaune: "You've...been here before?" He asked as Pyrrah didn't answer.

Juane: "What would this School need to...hide?" He asked as suddenly he saw the machine Amber was being held in.

Juane: "What? Who?" He struggled to ask anything.

Pyrrah: "Jaune..."

Ozpin: "Pyrrah! Get into the pod!" He said as Pyrrah did so.

Ozpin: "Mr. Arc if you would like to help, you can stand guard here." He said as Jaune got into a battle stance, and Ozpin was typing something in the machine.

Pyrrah: "What do we do now?" She asked as he sighed.

Ozpin: " nothing." He said as the pod door lifted open.

Ozpin: "But you, Miss Nikos have a choice to make." He said as Pyrrah looked at the pod and then at Juane, she wiped a tear away as she got into the pod as it closed on her.

Meanwhile Blake was dealing with Adam.

Adam: "This could have been our day! Can't you see that!" He shouted angrily.

Blake: "I never wanted this! I wanted equality! I wanted Peace!" She said as she suddenly shot at him, but he blocked all the shots with his sword.

Adam: "What you want is impossible!" He said as he suddenly slapped her to the ground, then all of a sudden he was blasted by a lightning bolt and was thrown back, (Y/n) suddenly landed next to Blake, but with his Lightning mode on.

Blake: "(Y/n)!" She said surprised as Adam got up and spit out a bit of blood.

Adam: "Hehe, so we Finaully met..." He said smiling as he slowly drew his sword out and pointed it at (Y/n).

(Y/n): "So your Adam Taurus..." He said as he turned off his Lightning mode and they both walked in a circle  around each other.

Adam: "Your the one who killed many of my brethren." He said.

(Y/n): "I haven't killed any of your brethren, and if I have, it was never on purpose or because hate, it was mainly out of self-defense, but I'm I really the one to blame? Considering the fact that you lent them to a criminal and thought somehow they weren't going to get hurt or killed, only makes me believe your the one who actually caused all of this." (Y/n) said with slight anger.

Adam: "They will die for the cause of the White Fang!" He said.

(Y/n): "Except this wasn't apart of the White Fang's cause was it!?" (Y/n) shouted angrily pointing Point Break at Adam.

(Y/n): "No...this was nothing more than you and the White Fang being used as pawns." He said.

Adam: "Hehehe, there is no use trying to make me see it in a different picture, either way Beacon's fall will only bring more to the White Fang!" He shouted as he charged at (Y/n) And (Y/n) decided to use Midnight Storm to block it.

Adam: "I'm going to kill you!" He shouted as suddenly he jumped back and suddenly his hair glew red as well as his blade and mask.

Blake: "(Y/N) GET BACK!!" Blake yelled as she ran up and tried to block Adam's incoming attack, but (Y/n) pushed her back as he used Midnight Storm to block the slash attack, nothing happened as Adam and Blake stood there in surprise.

Adam: "Impossible!" He shouted in disbelief as suddenly Midnight Storm split in two and falling off (Y/n) arm.

(Y/n): "Guess that attack of yours was too much for Midnight Storm, but now your going to pay for that, a friend of mine gave that to me as a gift." He said as he got Point Break and took a battle stance.

Meanwhile back in the Vault, Ozpin was typing fast when he heard a boom from above.

Ozpin: "Are you ready?" He asked Pyrrah as she nodded and he gave her a concerned face.

Ozpin: "I...I need to hear you say it." He said.

Pyrrah: "Yes." She said certainly.

Ozpin: "Thank you Miss Nikos." He said as he activated the machine and it started draining Amber's aura and transferring to Pyrrah, as Pyrrah started screaming in agony.

Jaune: "Pyrrah!" He shouted in concern as he got closer to see what was going on.

Ozpin: "I'm...I'm sorry." He said looking at Amber as suddenly it happened, Amber was shot in the chest by an arrow just as the vision foretold.

Ozpin and Janue turned around to see the one who shot the arrow was none other than Cinder.

??: "I'm sorry boy" The voice in (Y/n)'s head said.

(Y/n): "What do you-" He suddenly couldn't finish what he was trying to ask as his Lightning mode activated and he was no longer in control of his body.

Adam was looking at him in surprise as Blake who was next to (Y/n) looked at him in confusion.

Blake: "(Y/n)?" She asked as "(Y/n)" turned to face her and said something to her in a different sounding voice.

(Y/n): "I'm sorry little one." He said as suddenly he flew out of the library, leaving Blake alone with Adam.

Adam: "Hehe, guess he had somewhere to be." He said surprisingly standing next to Blake as he suddenly kicked her to the floor and stabbed her in the stomach as she screamed in pain.

Yang: "Huh?" Yang heard Blake scream as she saw Adam standing over Blake.

Yang: "Get away from her!!" She yelled as Blake looked at her in horror and begged her not to come closer.

Yang activated her semblance as she charged at Adam who did just as the vision showed.

He sliced her arm off as she suddenly dropped to the floor knocked out.

Back at the Vault Amber blew her last breath as she died and the power in the Vault died, suddenly the aura that was supposed to go to Pyrrah went back to Amber and shot out of her and went to Cinder.

Jaune tried to charge at Cinder as Ozpin shouted at him to stay back only for Cinder to blast Jaune back.

Pyrrah: "Jaune!!" Pyrrah shouted as she busted the pod door open and it went flying at Cinder who's power blasted it to the side, Pyrrah got her weapons and tried to charge at Cinder only for Ozpin to block her.

Ozpin: "Take Jaune and get out of here! Find Glynda! Ironwood! Qrow! Bring the here right away! The tower can not fall!" He said in Anger.

Pyrrah: "But I can help." She said.

Ozpin: "You'll only get in the way." He said as Pyrrah nodded and got Jaune and left.

Back to with Blake, Adam was going to finish off with Yang as Blake blocked his way.

Adam: "Why must you hurt me, Blake?" He said as he lifted his blade,

Meanwhile with "(Y/n)"

(Y/n): "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE HER BACK THERE!?!" (Y/n) shouted within the head of the spirit possessing his body.

??: "Calm yourself boy, there is another matter we have to attend." It said out loud flying towards Ozpin's location.


??: "No...Their fates are sealed already just like Amber's, besides now you have a real threat to face, and my power is running out, if we don't stop her now, then Beacon will truly fall and the world will suffer for it." It said.

(Y/n): "IF YANG AND BLAKE ARE DEAD I SWEAR I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!" (Y/n) shouted in anger, as the spirit possessing (Y/n)'s body was silent and flew onward.

Meanwhile back at the Vault with Cinder and Ozpin.

Cinder: "This whole time, right beneath our feet...she was right about you such arrogance." She said as Ozpin turned his cane around holding it like a sword.

Drawing near was a showdown of the strongest, a showdown.. that would shake the world to it's very core.


(Loving this poster!!)

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