Chapter Five: Calamity

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3rd POV:

(In Ozpin's office)

Ozpin was getting some coffee waiting to see who the next contenders of the Tornument were.

Oobleck(on com): "Alright it's time to begin the randomization process for our next fight." He announced.

Port: "It looks like our first contender is Penny Polentina of Atlas! And her opponent will be...Pyrrah Nikos of Beacon!" Port announced as Ozpin adopted a face of concern, knowing full well Penny is an android and Pyrrah's semblance was polarity, surely this was going to be an...interesting fight.

(Meanwhile on the arena)

Penny: "Sal-u-ations Pyrrah Nikos!" Penny said gleefully as Pyrrah had an expression of discomfort.

Penny: "Its an honor to finually meet you! This is going to be so much fun!" She said excited.

(Meanwhile with (Y/n), Ruby, and Merc)

(Y/n)'s fist collided with Mercury's kick as a small shockwave caused cracks on the wall around them especially on the ground, Mercury quickly kick (Y/n) back as (y/n) used his arm to block it.

Mercury: "I've been waiting to go round two with you!" He shouted with joy as he did a side kick but (Y/n) caught his leg.

(Y/n): "Enough of your shit!" He said as he grabbed Mercury's leg with both arms and did a spin and threw him to the wall cracking it even more, but Mercury being flexible and having good reaction time quickly used his legs to bounce off the wall.

Mercury: "Man guess when people said you were a "powerhouse" they weren't kidding." He said smirking.

Ruby: "Mercury why are you doing this? You were hurt!? What's going on?" She asked him seriously, he didn't answer he just stood there smirking.

(Y/n): "Don't waste your time Rubes, I always knew, that bad vibe I got off you and Emerald always kept me from fully trusting you two." He said sternly to Mercury.

Mercury: "Well if you hadn't hit me with that lightning bolt in Goodwitch's class we wouldn't be here." He said jokely.

Oobleck: "Fighters are you ready!" Oobleck announced as (y/n)'s fear grew.

(Y/n): "Ruby you have to find a way to stop that fight now!" (Y/n) said as he charged at Mercury again, Mercury lifted his leg and shot out at (Y/n) taking him by surprise.

Mercury: "I told you you two already..."

Oobleck: "Three! Two! One! Begin!" He announced over the intercom.

Mercury: "...I'm not allowing you two to go." He said holding that damn that always got on (Y/n)'s nerves.

(Y/n): "Ruby use your semblance to get around him!" (Y/n) shouted as Ruby did so but Mercury was still fast enough to kick her back, Ruby pulled out her Scroll as Mercury shot it from her hand.

Mercury: "Lets keep this between friends." He said as he charged at Ruby but suddenly he was kicked back by (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Not today!" (Y/n) shouted as he got in front of Ruby, as Mercury flipped back up.

(Y/n): "Rubes I'm sorry for I'm about to do but go save our friends!!" He said as he suddenly picked Ruby up from the back of her Hood and threw her past Mercury, using her semblance she managed to get away.

Mercury: " bad." He said as suddenly he was kicked in the face super fast by (Y/n) smashing him on the wall and knocking him out instantly.

(Y/n): "Now that's a real kick shithead!" (Y/n) said as he ran to catch up with Ruby to stop what he saw on the vision from happening.

(Y/n): "I don't know how many Gods or Goddesses are out there but please let me get there in time!" He said as he ran out through a door and saw Pyrrah standing at the end of the Arena without her weapons as Penny was standing there with her swords pointed towards Pyrrah, as Penny sent the blades to Pyrrah suddenly used her polarity and sent the blades flying back suddenly the world felt like it went slow motion as the swords flew back and they wrapped themselves around Penny and...It happened, Penny had been sliced apart by her own blades...The crowd were all horrified, (Y/n) couldn't even say or do anything he was in complete shock as could do nothing but stare at Penny's eyes as they were staring back.

(Y/n): "PENNY!!!!" (Y/n) shouted with grief and rage, tears flowing down his face as he couldn't get to her due to the force field surrounding the arena.

(Elsewhere outside of Vale)

A massive amount of Grimm were wandering around, as they suddenly felt a tremendous amount of negative emotion coming from Vale, they all charged towards that direction.

(Back to the Amity Colosseum)

Ruby had found a door to the arena area as she saw (Y/n) on his knees not she got closer she saw why he was so still he was in shock and there in front of her and (Y/n), Penny pieces, Ruby fell to her knees in the same boat as (Y/n) as she began to bawl her eyes out.

(In the Commentator Room)

Oobleck: " Broadcast what are you doing! Kill the feed!" He said.

Broadcast Operator: "Somethings wrong! We don't have control over cameras! We can't even shut off the broadcast!" He shouted.

Oobleck: " What? How is that possiable?" Oobleck said as suddenly the broadcast showed the Beacon symbol and an announcement was being made everywhere.

Cinder: "This is not a Tragity." Cinder announced as (Y/n) rose his head knowing full well who it was.

Cinder: "This was not an accident, this is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children to men who claim to be our guardians, but are, in reality nothing more than men, our academies' headmasters weild more power than most armies, and one was audacious enough to control both." She said as Ironwood who was sitting the front section stood up angrily and walked out.

Cinder: "They cling to this power in the name of peace, and yet, what do we have here? One nations attempt at a synthetic army, mercilessly torn apart by another star pupil, what need would Atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent little girl? I don't think the Grimm could tell the difference, and what I ask you is Ozpin teaching his students? First a dismemberment and now this? Huntsmen and Huntresses should carry themselves with honor and mercy, yet I have witnessed neither, perhaps Ozpin thought defeating Atlas in the tournament would help people to forget his colossal failure to protect Vale when the Grimm invaded it's street or perhaps this was a mission to tyrannical dictator that had occupied an unsuspecting Kingdom with armed forces, honestly? I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong, but I know the existence of peace is fragile, and the leaders of our Kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves." She said as Emerald walked out of the Colosseum.

Cinder: "And as someone who hails from Mistral, I can assure you; the situation there is...equally undireable, our Kingdoms are at the brink of war, and yet, we the citizens, are left in the dark." She said as suddenly at Vale's front door Grimm were charging towards Vale as Atlas soldiers tried to stop them.

Cinder: "So I ask you..when the first shoots are fired..who do you think you can trust?" She said hanging up.

(In the Commentators Room)

Oobleck: "All the feeds are jammed! We can't get a message out!" He said freaking out.

Port: "Could someone plaese tell me what the he'll is going on!?" He shouted frustrated.

Suddenly emergency sirens went off.

Emergency announcer: "ALERT! INCOMING GRIMM ATTACK! THREAT LEVEL: NINE! PLEASE SEEK SHELTER IN A CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION." it announced as everyone suddenly started freaking out and running for the nearest exits, as Ironwood came into the Commentators room and made an announcement.

Ironwood: "Everyone please! Remain calm!" He announced as suddenly a Nevermore appeared over the arena, pecking at the force field.

Sun: "Nevermore!?" It said.

Coco: "How did it get pass the Kingdom's defenses?" She asked.

Ren: "It wasn't alone." Ren said.

(Meanwhile in Ozpin's office)

Ozpin was looking at the Amity Colosseum from his office window in a panic as Goodwitch and Qrow walked in also in a panic.

Qrow: "Oz!"

Ozpin: "Get to the city!" He ordered them.

Qrow: "But-"

Ozpin: "NOW!" He shouted at Goodwitch and Qrow who only nodded and ran off.

Meanwhile in Vale the Grimm were running rapid.

Back at the Amity Colosseum, the Nevermore was still pecking the force field to get in, suddenly Ironwood got a call from Ozpin.

Ironwood: "Ozpin, the girl...I-I can explain!"

Ozpin: "You brought your army to my Kingdom, James...Use it." He said angrily as James grew a determined expression.

Meanwhile three huge Atlas battle ships were standing by for orders and headed towards Vale, but on one of those ships, a certain multi-colored mute in a Atlas uniform had beaten up most of the soldiers in the control room and was standing in front of a door holding a certain bowl hat and a cane, opening the door showing HE was in it.

Roman: "Well...its about time." He said walking out of the cell and controlling the ship to make it shoot down the other two ships.

Roman: "Woohoo-hahaha! It's good to be back!" He said taking the ship towards Vale.

Meanwhile three airships landed on Beacon's platform and opened up to show Adam Taurus and his White Fang.

Adam: "Bring them to their knees!" He ordered as the other ships opened releasing Grimm

(In Vale fair grounds)

Blake, Tracy, and Weiss were watching as Grimm were running around them attacking as Atlas drones were attacking the place and citizens were running away.

Weiss: "I can't believe this is happening." She said staring around watching the chaos happening.

Tracy: "You can say that again." Tracy said as Blake pulled out her Scroll and called Yang.

Blake: "Yang are you okay?" She asked as back in Beacon, Yang was running through the hallways with Zwei.

Yang: "I'm fine, is Ruby with you? She's not answering her scroll and neither is (Y/n)." She said worried.

Blake: "No she isn't here and neither is (Y/n)." She said as Yang stopped and started to worry.

Tracy: "I've called them both too they don't answer." Tracy said.

Blake: "Yang I'm sure their fine, ruby's our leader she can take care of herself, and if (Y/n) is with her she's even more safe than we are." She said as Yang clenched her fist.

Yang: "Right." She said continuing to run.

Weiss: "This can't be happening...Penny.." Weiss said again only more sadly.

Yang(over phone): "I'm heading to the docks by the courtyard, White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!" She said.

Blake: "The White Fang are here!?" She said in surprise as suddenly the scroll was cutting off.

Tracy: "I thought me and (Y/n) took them out of Vale?" Tracy added.

Blake: "Yang!"

Yang: "I got to go! Be careful you three!" She said as she hang up.

Weiss: "Blake what are we going to do?" She asked as Blake used her scroll to send her locker to her location carrying her Gambol Shroud.

Blake: "Were going to the docks and we're doing our jobs." She said as Weiss looked at her determinedly and nodded as Tracy did the same they ran off to find an airship.

(Meanwhile in the Amity Colosseum)

Emergency announcer: "Waring Safety barriers failing!" It announced as everyone was running out off the Colosseum passing by two individuals stuck in a state of shock to pay attention to what was happening around them.

(Y/n) sat there on his knees taking in what happened and what's going to happen, he could do or say nothing that could change the fact that all this was his fault, had he listened and fought harder, even more tears started coming out of his eyes.

(Y/n): "...What do I do?" He asked out loud as suddenly Ruby came up from behind and hugged him.

Ruby: "We have to keep fighting." Ruby said hugging him.

(Y/n): "This is all my fault." He said.

Ruby: "No it isn't." She said as she let go and stood up and saw that the barrier broke and the Nevermore was going to charge at Pyrrah.

(Y/n): "What do I do?" He asked again as suddenly the voice from before came back.

??: "What you said you do, change Destiny, and allow me to give you some help with that." It said as suddenly (Y/n) felt a sudden surge go through his body.

Meanwhile Ruby got one of Penny's sword and used her semblance to cut the Nevermore super fast to back it up.

Ruby: "Leave her alone!" Ruby yelled with anger as it flew up and around before charging at her, but before it could reach her lockers came raining down on it as they all opened and showed the weapons of all the students, they pulled them out and readied themselves to fight, the Nevermore began to get up as all the students attacked it ending it with Yatsuhashi and this other guy from Sun's team cutting it's head.

Pyrrah: "Ruby I-I-" She tried saying something but couldn't until she saw a piece of Penny's clothing and started crying again.

Pyrrah: "I am so sorry." She said to Ruby.

Ruby: "Me too, but it wasn't your fault." She told her.

Jaune: "She's right, whoever was on the microphone they're the ones who did this, and we have to make sure they don't take anyone else." He said as he gave Pyrrah Miló and Akoúo̱, Pyrrah gave him a confident smile and Ruby looked at everyone ready to fight for Vale.

Everyone was together and ready to fight well almost everyone Ruby thought as she looked back and saw (Y/n) still in shock and in the same place, she couldn't help but feel sadden seeing him like then, suddenly a bunch of Griffen came out of nowhere on the roofs of the Colosseum.

Ren: "Griffens." He said as they all prepared

Neptune: "Anyone have a plan of attack?" He asked.

Ruby: "Sun let me borrow your scroll." She said as he threw it at her, she put something in and her came crash down as she went over and yried to get her Crescent Rose, before she a Griffen landed on top of her locker but it was suddenly shot by Port.

Port: "Students, I think it would be best for you to leave." He said.

Ruby: "But we can fi-"

Oobleck: "Miss Rose, this day will surely go down in Remnant's history, I would prefer it that my students are alive to tell about it." He said as Ruby nodded in understanding and grabbed her Crescent Rose and told everyone to "let's go!", velvet took the opportunity to take a picture of Ruby's weapon, as everyone ran Ruby Remebered (Y/n) and went to go get him.

Jaune: "Ruby where are you going?" He asked as she kept running, Juane looked at his team as they all decided to follow her to (Y/n) who was still in the same spot.

Ruby: "(Y/N)!! Come on we're leaving Vale and Becaon are being attacked!" She said as she got to him.

Ruby: "Come on we got to go." She said as he didn't move at all.

Ruby: "(Y/n).."

Nora: "What's going on with my brother!?" Nora said going to him and Ren.

Ren: "(Y/n) Come on what's wrong?" Ren asked him, kneeling down to him, (y/n) blinked as he looked at Ren with sorrow.

(Y/n): "Ren...all of this is my fault." He said.

Ren: "No (Y/n) it isnt-"

(Y/n): "YES IT IS!!!" He shouted angrily as he grabbed Ren's shoulders.

(Y/n): "I-I caused all of this..." He said crying, when suddenly he was slapped by Nora, much to everyone's surprise.

Nora: "...shut up already." She said having her hair hide her eyes, she suddenly grabbed his shoulders and turned him to her.

Nora: "Look at me, Its your fault, it's our fault, its everyone's fault, who cares, are you up for this little brother? Are you? Cuz a lot is happening right now and I've always had to look after you in times like these, my little brother who was too dumb enough not to run away from a fight, my little brother who's never lost a fight, and the only strongest motherfucker who I know for a fact deserves the title of "The Huntsmen extraordinaire!" Now I need to know if that little brother of mine is here right now and ready to kick some ass like always, cuz right now Grimm are everywhere attacking innocent people and right now we're getting our asses whooped, and as much of a pain it is, we need to go out there cuz it's our job as Huntsmen and Huntresses, and I don't really have the time or energy as I used too, to babysit you and fight, it doesn't matter what you did or caused, if you go out there you fight to kill like you always have against Grimm, and if you don't want to fight that's cool too I just need you to get to safety, but just remember why you came here, to be a Huntsmen." She said as she let go of him and he slowly got up.

(Y/n): "I need a scroll." He said as Ruby gave him Sun's, he put it in his pocket and wiped his tears and smiled.

(Y/n): "Let's go do our jobs." He said smiling with new found confidence, as they all ran and saw people getting on the ships to leave some other ships came and dropped off...Grimm! The atlas drones were holding at bay until an alpha Beowolf came into the picture, and it ripped a drone apart as it suddenly saw Ironwood, it charged at him and Ironwood did as well, he slid under the Beowolf and shot it a couple of times it then tried to slash him but he caught it with his right arm, he shot it on the legs and made it fall over only for Ironwood to flip it over him and slam it on the ground, he pick it up and shot it on the head, killing it.

(Y/n): "Wow headmaster that was totally Alpha!" (Y/n) said as the rest of the gang followed suit.

Jaune: "(Y/n) *huff* I'm glad your back to your A-game but *huff* your too damn fast*huff* to change from sad to determined." Jaune said catching his breath.

Ruby: "What's going on?" Ruby asked Ironwood.

Ironwood: "Grimm are crawling all over the city, the White Fang has invaded Beacon and to make matters worse, some-vagabond has seized one of my ships." He said clearly angry.

Ironwood: "Until we regain command the skies are out of our control, so im-" he stopped and pulled out his pistol and shot a Beowolf in the head.

Ironwood: "-Going taking it back." He said walking towards his ship.

(Y/n): "Hey!" (Y/n) shouted as Ironwood stopped and turned to (Y/n).

(Y/n): "What do we do?" He asked as the General sighed.

Ironwood: "You have only two choices: defend your Kingdom and your school or save yourselves, no body will fault you if-"

(Y/n): "That's not an option." (Y/n) said with a bit of anger as everyone and Ironwood were a bit surprised as he walked up in front of the group next to Ironwood.

(Y/n): "I can't speak for everyone here, but I've seen you all fight, so everything you've learn and those skills you've honed lets put then to good use, beacuse right now I need you all to forget everything you know, today we're no longer students, we're Huntsmen and Huntresses, and we fight because times like today is when were really needed...I lost a friend of mine today...I loved and cared about her with all my heart...And I wasn't able to save her...but I can sure as hell avenge her and fight for the people that I still have here on this world." He said as everyone even Ironwood smiled at that.

Ironwood: "Well then Mr. Valkyrie, go save your Kingdom." He said as he got on his ship and left, they all got a ship and started heading to Beacon but soon they saw Ironwood's ship suddenly blow up, (Y/n) suddenly saw Ruby ran somewhere, he ran after her and grabbed her arm before she jumped off.

(Y/n): "Where are you going!?" He shouted worried.

Ruby: "That ship, someone needs to take it down before it starts causing more damage!" She said looking into his eyes, as much as he wanted to go wit her he knew Beacon was in dire need of help, he quickly grabbed her hip, brought her close, and kissed her much to her surprise, but soon she melted into it and they finally stopped and looked into each other's eyes.

(Y/n): "Come back to me safe you hear." He said she nooded and walked to the edge.

(Y/n): "Rubes!" He shouted as she looked back at him once more.

(Y/n): "Go kick some ass!" He shouted as she smiled and jumped off.

(Y/n): "I swear, I'm going to end up marrying her." He said as he went back inside.

Sun: "Yo where's Ruby?" Sun asked as everyone got close wanting to know what's going down.

(Y/n): "Ruby's else where doing what she needs to don't worry about her, my girl can take care of herself, right now as soon as we get to Beacon the rest of us have one job tear the Grimm and the White Fang apart, you get hurt, hurt em' back, you get killed, well...walk it off." He said as he went to go tell the pilot to go faster.

Neptune: "How do we walk off getting killed?" Neptune asked Sun as Sun shrugged.

Sun: "I don't know but that sounded badass." He said as the ship went faster.

(Meanwhile with Ruby)

Ruby had jumped off and used her semblance to get back to the Amity Colosseum, she planned to use a rocket locker to get her to the captured ship being occupied by Roman and Neo, as Ruby activated the locker it shot up and as she made it close she jumped on, inside with Roman he heard a thump.

Roman: "Ugh! Got see what it is." He order Neo as she smiled and did as told.

(Meanwhile back at Beacon)

Weiss was fighting against the Atlesean knights that were hacked into by Roman from his ship to attack Huntsmen, Huntresses, and civilians, while Blake and Tracy were fighting off the White Fang members on their side, as they finished up they noticed a Paladin was attacking Atlas soldier on one side and on the other side a Alpha Beowolf was attacking civilians, they also noticed that a ship crashed near by as well, Weiss, Blake, and Tracy looked at each other and knew it would be better to go on their own rather than stick together.

Weiss: "Be safe." Weiss said to Blake and Tracy.

Tracy: "Always am!" She said as She pulled out a futuristic looking gun.

Weiss: "What is that!?" She asked.

Tracy: "Like it? I call her Anti-Tank! She shoots out all kinds of ammounition." She said proudly.

Weiss: "I wouldnt let Ruby know about that." She said.

Tracy: "Way ahead of you sister!" She said as they ran the opposite way of each other well Blake and Tracy ran around a corner to fight the Alpha Beowolf who Tracy chased after, but Blake stopped when ahe saw from the library's broken window that someone was fighting inside and when she realized who it was, she was horrified.

Blake: "No...Adam?" She said fearfully.

Adam: "Hello, my darling." He said smirking.

(Y/n) and the rest of the teams had made it to Beacon and were holding their own against the many Grimm, as close by in the dorm areas Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury, were all standing on the roof as they saw what they've done.

Cinder: "Heh, fun isn't something one would consider for a situation like this...but this." She said motioning all the chaos around.

Cinder: "...Does put a smile on my face." She said smirking as Emerald looked at it a bit differently.

Emerald: "Its kind of sad." She said giving a pity look.

Cinder: "Its horrendous, focus on the Atlesean knights." She told Mercury who other than having a black eye he was okay and he was recording everything.

Mercury: "Oh I'm getting everything." He said happily.

Cinder: "Good, continue the broadcast until the end." She order as suddenly there was a huge rumble.

Cinder: "And do not miss what happens next." She said sounding excited as she walked off.

Meanwhile Ozpin was watching everything from his office, looking at all the chaos and destruction, as he grabbed his cane he suddenly felt the Rumble, in fact everyone felt the Rumble, as (Y/n), who now had all his weapons with him, was fighting an Ursa he heard the voice in his head speak something that made him dread what was to come.

??: "I'm sorry (Y/n)...Destiny has arrived." It said as (Y/n) looked to the sky and saw a huge Dragon Grimm flying over and slimeish looking goop dropping out of it, which Grimm were coming out of.

Ozpin watched as the Dragon was Headed towards him, he quickly took an elevator downstairs, Sun and Jaune's team were at the front ready to enter the fray, but suddenly Pyrrah looked to see Ozpin waving at her, (Y/n) who smashed an Alpha Beowolf's head suddenly felt the same feeling he felt when he saw Penny's death.

(Y/n): "Amber..?"

(Y/n): "Yang..?"

(Y/n): "Blake..?"

(Y/n): "Pyrrah..?!" He said as he felt it all coming back to him again, he fell to his knees, grabbing his head in pain.

(Y/n): "What can I do to stop this!?!" He shouted as suddenly the voice came back again.

??: "Are you willing to try?" It asked him.

(Y/n): "Of course I am!!" He shouted with anger.

??: "I will give you the power to try, but know that this will only last very shortly and I say "try" because there is no guarantee you can or will change anything." It explained.

(Y/n): "I told you...What kind of person would I be if I didn't try." (Y/n) said smiling tiredly.

??: "Indeed you did...I hope fate gives you the means to change Destiny." It said.

(Y/n): "I hope so too." He said.

??: "Now then, ALLFATHERS GIVE HIM STRENGTH!!!" The voice shouted as (Y/n) closed his eyes and felt a certain powerful rush.

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