Chapter Four: Vision

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Ruby's POV:

Today was the day of the finales singles round and with Yang representing us there's no way she'll lose, today much like Nora likes to say she's going to break some legs, as I sat from my bed I looked to see my team still sleeping, and I looked at the empty futon on the ground in between the beds, (Y/n) and Tracy had gone out yesterday in the afternoon during Weiss and Yang's match, and though Weiss ended up getting out earlier Yang still won the match single handily as expected, but still...I miss (Y/n) and Tracy too, I don't know why but it feels a bit empty without him- I mean them.

Yang: *Yawns loudly* "Good morning sis." She said getting up and stretching.

Ruby: "Morning Yang are you ready for today?!" I said excitedly as I jumped down and stood next to her.

Yang: "As I'll ever be! Today team RWBY will win this for Beacon!" She said striking a pose as I did the same with her.

Weiss: "Can you guys *coughs* be any louder?" Weiss said getting up from her bed, yesterday she got pumped with magma smoke so her throats a little backed up.

Blake: "Well today is a good morning." Blake said sitting up as her cat ears twitched, they were really cute.

Ruby: "Well..almost a good morning." I said staring at (Y/n)'s futon.

Yang: "Psst your better off forgetting about him." Yang said sternly.

Ruby: "Yang why would you say that!" I said a bit angry.

Yang: "Because there's honestly no point! Think about guys, he only showed up to watch two fights Team JNPR's and Team CFVY's! He didn't see our first round, our second and he isn't here for our finale!" She shouted.

Ruby: "You know why! He's doing it for our sake!" I said now mad.

Yang: "Yeah right! He's probably doing it for himself!" She countered.

Weiss: "Stop *Cough!* It you two!" She said coming between us.

Blake: "Why are you two fighting!?" She said holding Yang back.

Yang: "(Y/n) that's why! He wasn't given assignments from Ozpin! He's going out on missions to find stupid answers about what Torchwick told him!" She said angry.

Ruby: "He's doing it to protect us and he didn't want to bother us since the tournament is going on!" I said.

Weiss: "Okay both of you *cough* calm down." She said.

Yang: "No!" She said pushing Blake aside.

Yang: "(Y/n) is the worst friend ever, he's even more so as a teammate, if he really cared, he'd be here right now supporting us, not going out looking for stupid answers that won't even be answered, you can pretend he's a good guy if you three want, but to me he's the worst, Uncle Qrow said Crime has stopped so what exactly be so important that he basically ditches his team! As close as we may be once I win, I'm talking to Ozpin, I don't want someone who cant keep his word, I don't want (Y/n) in our team anymore, I think Ozpin made a mistake putting him with us." She said walking out of the door slamming it.

I didn't know what to say, as much as I hated thinking it she's right...(Y/n) promised he'd be here to support us, now he hasn't been here, not even a call or a text, I took a seat on Weiss' bed.

Ruby: "Do you guys think he's a bad teammate?" I asked them.

Blake: "He's not a bad person for wanting to protect us, but...I'm going to have to agree that he isn't being good support to us." She said honestly.

Weiss: "I'm sorry Ruby, but I also agree, I get wanting to protect us but we've faced countless dangers and we could have died even then but we're still here, whatever Torchwick told him...I think it just made (Y/n) paranoid." She said going to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Ruby: "you guys are wrong." I said out loud looking down angrily.

Blake: "Like I said Ruby he's not a bad guy... but he's trying to find a way to win a fight before anything has even started, you don't win like that, it only causes more damage." She said walking away as Zwei came in front of me and looked at me whimpering, I rubbed his head for comfort.

Ruby: "Their wrong...I just know it." I said standing up and looking outside the window.

Ruby: "I believe in you (Y/n)." I said out loud as I went to get ready for the day.

(Meanwhile outside of Vale)
(Y/n)'s POV:

The airship had taken us outside of Vale to a dark forest place, we had been walking for miles and hours, we haven't even eaten or rested, and we ran into packs od Grimm along the way but that didn't stop us of course,  Tarcy had the greatest energy to complain the whole way.

Tracy: "Dude! I can't do this no more! We need to rest we've been walking since the whole night of yesterday and now it's morning we really really have to take a break." She said sitting on a log.

(Y/n): "Tracy come on *huff* its somewhere around here." I said trying to find a signal for my scroll, suddenly I couldn't stand no more and collapsed to the floor.

Tracy: "Told you we *huff* need to rest dum dum." She said dropping down next to me.

Tracy: "Why are you so desperate to find this place?" She asked as she sat up and leaned on the log.

(Y/n): "I'm hoping that the vision the Water of Sight will show me will give me answers." I said sitting up next to her.

Tracy: "You know I had a talk with Yang." She said.

(Y/n): "Yeah? What about?" I asked.

Tracy: "She told me that if you missed anymore of their rounds she'd hate you." She said as I sighed.

(Y/n): "I see...I can't blame her, I guess since I promised I'd support and watch all their rounds, she must think I'm a lier and the worst teammate." I said lay my head on the log.

(Y/n): "I really am the worst." I said.

Tracy: "In a way yeah and most likely she'll be mad at you as soon as she sees you but hey what your-we're doing right now is for their sake, sure this might make you seem paranoid but to be honest, if what Qrow said is true, about the world getting worst and all, then sometimes being paranoid is what one needs to be, so keep that chin of yours high (y/n), you don't look cute when your mopey and sad." She said gently punching me in the cheek.

(Y/n): "I guess your right." I said cheered up a bit.

Tracy: "Of course I am." She said sitting back on the log, but suddenly we heard a sound behind me, a pack of Beowolves emerged, Me and Tracy got up and walked back a bit, as they drew closer and we took a couple of steps back, I realized they backed us into a cave which could have been their den, I didn't have the energy to fight but sometimes you don't have a choice, I took out Point Break and readied my self to fight, but suddenly I heard the Grimm whimpering and saw them back away, why we're they scared? They suddenly ran away.

Tracy: "What the heck!? I've never seen Grimm run away before." She said as I turned around to face the cave, I suddenly heard the voice in my head again only more clearly.

??: "Urðarbrunnr awaits." It said as I stood there confused.

(Y/n): "We're here?" I asked as Tracy looked at me confused.

Tracy: "Really?" She asked as I walked in and Tracy followed, the place was a bit dark going in deeper, we were walking downward but soon I saw a light at the end, I walked faster and into an opening, and saw the beauty of the place.

Tracy: "Wow! Look at all these diamonds." She said as we stepped forward into water that was knee deep.

Tracy: "Oh shit! Weren't we not suppose to go into the water." She said freaking out.

??: "Tell her were fine, this is just normal cave water." It said.

(Y/n): "The voice in my head said this is normal cave water, we'll be okay." I said as we kept walking.

Tracy: "So that voice in your head who or what is it?" She asked.

(Y/n): "It refuses to tell me." I said disappointed.

??: "All in due time." It said as I rolled my eyes.

(Y/n): "Hey Trace your taking me having a voice in my head pretty...calmly." I said looking back at her.

Tracy: "We live in a world that has dark monsters, running all over, kids and teens are born with aura and superpowers to fight them, and now fairytales and legends are apparently real, at this point that is pretty much the least of things." She said.

??: "She's not wrong." It said.

(Y/n): "What I really want to know, is why it talks more than it used to?" I said out loud.

??: "Urðarbrunnr is a holy place, spirts roam around here freely and are able to communicate with the living." It explained.

(Y/n): "Then how come I'm the only one that can hear you?" I asked it.

??: "Let's just say, I'm more powerful than the average spirit." It said.

(Y/n): "Okay cool." I said as we kept walking strangely it got dark again as we walked into a new section, which got us out of the water, we soon reached a dead end that had a small water fall coming from an opening above.

??: "Behold Urðarbrunnr." It said.

(Y/n): "So this is it.." I said as for some reason I couldn't look away.

Tracy: "Really? I expected more to be honest." She said as I went to touch it and as soon as I put my hand in in the water, my aura started flickering and I started feeling an overwhelming feeling.

(Y/n): "What the heck!" I said as I drew my hand back.

??: "Calm yourself that's Urðarbrunnr's reading your soul, I suggest you scope up a bit and drink it, but only you." It said to me.

(Y/n): "Why only me?" I asked it.

??: "That overwhelming feeling that you felt a second ago, is the water spirits trying to accept you, to normal individuals that could lead them to go insane, it's also best not to go in either." It said.

(Y/n): "Okay Tracy the voice in my head said not to go in the water because it could make you go insane." I told her as she back away a little.

(Y/n): "Wait what do you mean by "normal"?" I asked.

??: "My dear boy, there is much you still have to learn about yourself and your family, starting with the fact that you and your sister aren't only human." It said.

(Y/n): "What do you mean!?" I asked angrily.

??: "You'll find out, now drink and don't go in-"

(Y/n): "No! Tell me what you mean!! Nora and I aren't only human? what do you know about us!?!" I said angrily.

??: "Everything." It said as suddenly I jumped in annoyed and wanting to get it over with, as I dove in my whole body glew my aura's color and my body felt really strange, as I swam up I saw Tracy looking at me surprised.

Tracy: "Do you feel Okay?" She asked.

(Y/n): "No I feel a little funny." I said as I tried to get out but for some reason I couldn't.

Tracy: "What's wrong?" She asked as suddenly a lightning bolt shot through the hole above where the water was coming from and hit me.

Tracy: "(Y/N)!!" She yelled as suddenly I was in darkness and started seeing things like flashbacks.

Suddenly it stopped and I was in total darkness.

Pyrrah: "(Y/n)?" Pyrrah said as I turned around in surprise.

(Y/n): "Pyrrah? What are you doing here?" I said as I ran up to her and hugged her.

Pyrrah: "You failed us." She said into my ear as I let go and looked at her in shock.

(Y/n): "What?" I asked her.

Pyrrah: "You let us down (Y/n)." She said once again.

(Y/n): "No I haven't! I can still fight! I can still save you guys!" I yelled tearing up.

Pyrrah: "hey hey, shhh Its okay.."She said cupping my cheek.

Pyrrah: "There was no other way." She said as my eyes widened and suddenly...

(Y/n): "No, No! Nooo!!" I yelled crying as she disappeared and there I was on my knees in total darkness.

??: "Do you feel that? That emptyness and sadness, that's how it feels to lose, and try as you might (Y/n) just know this..." Someone said as I looked up and suddenly flames came up behind three people who were in front of me, I couldn't even see their faces.

??: "..Destiny always arrives." The lady in front of me said as suddenly I felt myself falling, I don't know where I fell but the place looked like hell, lightning clouds and the place was a reddish black color, as I sat up and looked around, suddenly there was a women in front of me dressed in all black, her skin and hair was all white, she suddenly turned to face me.

??: "Well well, has the little Huntsmen come to die so soon?" She asked as suddenly I felt myself be lifted and zoomed upward into a light and Bam!

Tracy: "Hey! (Y/n)! Wake up!" Tracy said slapping me a little.

Tracy: "Come on! stand up man." She said as she sat me up and I opened my eyes to realize I was back in reality.

Tracy: "There you go, are you okay?" She asked as I looked at her in shock.

(Y/n): "Who are you?" I asked her as she looked at me confused.

Tracy: "Your friend." She said as she helped me up and I looked at the water once more.

(Y/n): "I'm...going to change Destiny." I said out loud.

??: "You can try." The voice in my head said.

(Y/n): "Come one Tracy we're going back to Beacon." I said in a serious tone ignoring the voice.

Tracy: "Good cuz right now our girl need to give us some answers." She said bring up her scroll to show me something.

(Y/n): "We need to leave right now." I said concerned and confused as we ran out to get there tomorrow if we could.

(The next day) 3rd POV:

Ironwood: "I'm sorry, but you've left us with no choice." Ironwood said having a talk with team RWBY in their dorm.

Yang: "But he attacked me!" Yang said defending herself.

Ironwood: "Video footage and millions or viewers say otherwise." He said.

Weiss: "But Yang would never do that." Weiss said in her defense.

Ruby: "Yeah!" Ruby added.

Ironwood: *Sighs* "You all seem like good students, and the staff here in Beacon are fully aware that you would lash out the way you did, under normal circumstances, but what I believe, and hope this to be is nothing more than a result of stress and adrenaline, when your out in the battlefield your judgement can become clouded in an instant sometimes you see things that simple aren't there, even after the fight has passed." He explained.

Yang: "But I wasn't-"

Ironwood: "That's enough!" He shouted angrily.

Ironwood: "The sad truth is...wither It was an accident or an assault, it doesn't matter...the world saw you attack an innocent student, they've already drawn their own conclusion, and it's my job to inform you...your disqualified." He told her as she looked away in sadness walked out of the dorm.

Yang: "You guys believe me...right?" She asked her team.

Ruby: "Duh!"

Weiss: "You are hotheaded,  but not ruthless." Weiss said as everyone looked at Blake who didn't say anything.

Yang: "...Blake?" She asked as Blake didn't answer which worried Weiss and Ruby.

Blake: "I want to believe you.." She said which angered Weiss.

Ruby: "Huh?"

Weiss: "What that suppose to mean!?" She asked angrily as Yang started tearing up.

Yang: "Blake?" She asked sadly as Blake kept her head down.

Weiss: "How can you say something like that? Yang would never lie to us!" Weiss said as Blake turned to her and sighed.

Blake: "I had someone very dear to me change, it wasn't in an instant, it was gradual...Little choices that began to pile up, he told me not to worry, at first they were accidents, then self- defense, before long even I began to think he was right, this is all just very...familar." She said as Yang began to tear up more.

Blake: "But your not him and you've never done anything like this I want to trust you, I will trust you, but I need you to look at me in the eyes and tell me he attacked you, I need you to promise you regret doing what you did." She said.

Yang: *Sniffles* "I saw him attack me and I attacked back." She said.

Blake: "Okay thank you." She said smiling as suddenly (Y/n) and Tracy barged in the dorm.

(Y/n): "Yang!" He shouted as he ran up to her and hugged her.

RWB: "(Y/N)!!!" They shouted with surprise and happiness.

Tracy: "Ahem!"

RWB: "And Tracy!" They said going to hug her.

Ruby: "Did you guys just get back?" She asked.

(Y/n): "I saw what happened and we came back as fast as we could." He said suddenly Yang pushes him away much to his and everyone's surprise.

Yang: "I don't want to talk to you...Go away." She said sternly as she faced away from him.

Ruby: "Yang..."

(Y/n): "Can you all give us a minute?" He asked as the girls all nodded and walked out leaving him and Yang alone.

(Y/n)'s POV:

(Y/n): "You gonna talk to me?" I said as she didn't answer and just stood there looking out the window.

(Y/n): "You can tell me to "go away" and "leave you alone" all you want, but I'm here now and I ain't going anywhere until you talk to me Yang." I said in a serious tone.

Yang: "Just go away!" She yelled at me as I got up and walked up to her.

(Y/n): "I said No."

Yang: "Then I'll make you!" She said as she turned around punched me in the face hard, but I took it, and spit some blood out.

(Y/n): "If that's what's going to make you feel better then punch away." I said holding out my arms indicating her to go ahead.

Yang: "You stubborn, selfish, piece of-" I didn't let her finish as I gave her a hug, for a second she tried to get out of it but I wouldn't let her, she then stopped struggling and hugged me back and even started crying.

Yang: "Why? *Sobs* Why weren't you here?" She asked sounding really hurt.

(Y/n): "I'm sorry Yang...I know I made you and the girls feel like I didn't care about you all, believe me I wanted to be at every round to cheer you guys on but I...I let that bastard Torchwick get to my head...I became paranoid and I wanted to protect you guys so much that I didn't even realize I was forgetting about being with you guys now...Im so sorry Yang." I said hugging her tighter and also crying too.

Yang: "No one believed me.." She said.

Yang: "Everyone thought I attacked Mercury out of brutality but I swear i saw him attack me and I defended myself." She said sadly.

(Y/n): "I see..." Was all I could say.

Yang: "Do you...Believe me?" She asked pulling away a bit from the hug to look me in the eyes.

I know what I saw, she did attack him, as me and Tracy flew on the airship back to Beacon, I kept replaying it, There was no lie in the footage it's self...and yet, I believe Yang more than I do that video.

(Y/n): "Of course I do." I said confidently as she smiled and hugged me again.

Yang: "Thank you (Y/n), I think I'm going to rest up. " She said sounding cheered up as she let go and went to sit on Blake's bed.

Yang: "Hey...Did you get any answers?" She asked but as soon as she asked me that, it all came back to me, I Remeber what I saw...So much...Death, it makes my head hurt just thinking about it.

Yang: "(Y/n)?" She asked as I came back to reality.

(Y/n): " no, unfortunately not, but don't worry I'll find some soon enough, you just rest up and once again I'm sorry for missing your guy's rounds I was just...Paranoid." I said giving a weak smile.

Yang: "Its okay..Look I wont lie I was mad at you and at the same time, I think its awfully sweet of you to do alot just to protect us...but we're here to be Huntresses, risking our lives is part of the job, so don't keep playing protector with us, we're strong enough to take care of ourselves." She said looking into my eyes.

(Y/n): "Okay...I understand, thank you for sharing your thoughts, I'll get out of your hair." I said kindly as I walked out of the dorm and headed to the roof for some fresh air.

??: "Why didn't you tell her the truth?" The voice in my head said.

(Y/n): "I told you already...I'm going to change Destiny, and she may tell me to stop acting as a protector but sometimes you have to do things alone and in secret to actually get things done." I said in a serious tone.

??: "And what makes you think you can? You saw that vision, even if you try to change it, one way or another it all goes the same path." The voice said.

(Y/n): "Enough! I'm sick and tired of you of your shit! What kind of person would I be to allow any of that to happen! I'm not losing my friend or family, so unless your going to help me find a way to stop any of that from coming true, I suggest you stay out of my head and leave me the hell alone!" I said angrily.

??: "That headmaster of yours, he knew what he was talking about, when he told you not to go into the water clearly you didn't." The voice said sounding disappointed.

(Y/n): "What are you talking about?!" I asked it angrily.

??: "Do you know why many of the legends about Urðarbrunnr don't end well? Because the benefit of going in the pool is getting the visions, but the cost is greater than you could imagen." It said sounding angry.

(Y/n): "And what the hell would that be?" I asked it.

??: "That no matter what you do or try to change what you saw! those visions will become a reality one way or another, that is the cost of getting visions from that place, they happen!" It said now angry.

(Y/n): "I won't let it happen!!!" I said angry and determined.

??: "You are a Fool...I just hope when it all comes true...that you remember, you caused this...your a destroyer." It said as suddenly I felt like a weight had been taken off my shoulders.

(Y/n): "And I told you... I won't let it happen." I said sternly to myself as I watched the sunset.

Pyrrah's POV:

Ever since Ozpin told me about me being the next Fall Maiden...everything just, I was worried, I do want to be a Huntress, and I do want to save the world but...being told that I would carry power from someone else and
not knowing what woukd happen to me if I did sounded like I was going to forget about everything that's happened though out all these years, I don't want to forget but I do want to save the world, and here I was sitting and holding hands with one of the people I love, Jaune.

Pyrrah: "Jaune..."

Jaune: "Yeah?" He asked as I hesitated to say something.

Pyrrah: "I don't know what to do." I said sadly

Jaune: "What do you mean?" He asked as I hesitated to answer but only thought of asking one thing.

Pyrrah: "Do you believe in Destiny?" I asked him.

Jaune: "Um...i dunno, I guess that depends on how you view it." He said.

Pyrrah: "When I think of destiny...I don't think of a predetermined fate you can't escape, but rather some sort of finale goal, something you work for your entire life." I explained.

Jaune: "Okay..yeah I can see that, sure." He said.

Pyrrah: "Well...what would you do if something came along that you never expected, something that had the potential to stand in the way between you and your destiny." I said.

Jaune: "Like...What?" He asked.

Pyrrah: "Or what if you could suddenly fulfill your destiny in an instant but at the cost of who you were!?" I said.

Jaune: "Pyrrah...your not making any sense." He said as I got up and walked a bit away feeling frustrated.

Pyrrah: "None of it makes sense! This isn't how things were supposed to happen!" I said upset.

Jaune: "I'm sorry! P-please I'm just trying to understand what's wrong." He said.

Pyrrah: "I've always felt like I was destined to become a Huntress, to protect the world, and it's become increasingly clear to me that my feelings were right, but...I don't know if I could do it." I said unconfidently.

Jaune: "Of course you can, the Pyrrah Nikos I know would never back down from a challenge, and if you really believe it's your destiny to save the world, you can't let anything stand in your way." He said, he was right...too right, I couldn't help but cry.

Jaune: "Pyrrah?" He said concerned.

Pyrrah: "Stop..."

Jaune: "Did I say something wrong?" He said coming closer.

Pyrrah: "Stop!" I shouted as I raised my hand to stop him only for my polarity to smash him into the wall.

Pyrrah: "Jaune!" I shouted horrified at what I did.

Pyrrah: "I'm-I'm sorry!" I said as I ran away.

Jaune: "Pyrrah wait!" He called out but I didn't stop...I couldn't.

Ruby's POV:

It was the afternoon and Pyrrah's match was up, as I ran to the landing pad in front of Beacon I was going to board an airship when I saw Velvet taking pictures of people, I decided to go up to her.

Velvet: "Ruby, How are you going?" She asked with her funny accent.

Ruby: "Hi Velvet whatcha doing?" I asked.

Velvet: "Oh you know just working on my photography." She said.

(Y/n): "That's adorable darling." (Y/n) said popping out of nowhere behind me.

Ruby/Velvet: "(Y/n)!!" We said excitedly as we both jumped at him and gave him a hug.

(Y/n): "Easy you two." He said smiling as cute as ever.

(Y/n): "So Vel I heard you take pictures, mind if I get a peek at some?" He asked velvet.

Velvet: "Of course!" She said showing a picture of Sun with his weapon but if I'm going to be honest, it could have been better if she had pointed it up a little higher.

Velvet: "Something wrong?" She asked as we just keep staring.

(Y/n): "I have to ask were you trying to take a picture at his weapon or him?" (Y/n) asked quite honestly.

Velvet: "His um weapon." She said blushing.

(Y/n): "Well you did a good job." He said smiling.

Velvet: "Thank you..." She said blushing and smiling.

Velvet: "Anyways hey Ruby, I'm sorry about your sister, is she okay?" She asked.

Ruby: "yeah she's fine...thanks." I said.

(Y/n): "I talked to her, she's better now." He said.

Ruby: "Thank you (Y/n)." I said kissing his cheek.

Velvet: "I think its just awful what people are saying about her, Yang's such a nice person." She said putting her camera away.

(Y/n): "Good thing their not saying to her face or to me cuz otherwise someone's getting beaten to a pulp." He said smirking.

Ruby: "Heh heh, I'm glad you think she's a good person at least we do." I said gladly.

Velvet: "Most people don't know what it's like on the battlefield, even experienced fighters can get scared and start seeing things, if it happened to Coco, it can happen to anyone." She said.

Ruby/(Y/n): "Coco?" Me and (Y/n) asked.

Velvet: "She swore she saw Yatsu with her in the forest during the fight with Emerald and Mercury, but he didn't even make it out of the geyser field." She explained as I looked curiously and (y/n) looked like he was thinking deeply about something.

Velvet: "Stress-induced hallucinations, apparently." She said.

(Y/n): "And she said she swore she saw Yatsu?" (Y/n) asked her seriously.

Velvet: "Swore on all the clothes in Remnant and her heart." She said doing an X on her heart.

(Y/n): "That's strange, this happened with Coco when she faced Emerald, and then Yang incident, this isn't a coincidence." He said seriously as I grabbed his hand and smiled at me, suddenly a picture was taken of us by Velvet.

Velvet: "Oh sorry, you guys looked cute is all." She said blushing as (Y/n) suddenly grabbed her camera, then pulled Velvet close and me too and took a picture with the camera of the three of us. [Selfie style]

(Y/n): "There now we can all be cute together, now we'll see you later Vel." He said grining as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the airship to get to the Amity Colosseum.

(At the Colosseum) (Y/n)'s POV:

Me and Ruby rushed to our seats in the front section.

(Y/n): "Whow finually made it." I said sitting down in piece, Ruby was just looking around as she looked at something across from us and it got my attention how surprised she looked.

(Y/n): "What's wrong Rubes?" I asked her.

Ruby: "Emerald's here." She said as I also looked across to see her sitting there smirking.

(Y/n): "So?" I said.

Ruby: "How did she get here so fast from Haven?" She asked as that caught my attention.

(Y/n): "What do you mean?" I asked her confused.

Ruby: "She left with Mercury to Haven to be with his family but why and how is she here?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Lets go ask her." I said as we both stood up and went to try to get around but we took the maincence way to go faster around.

Oobleck: "Alright it's time to begin the randomization process for our next fight." Oobleck announced.

(Y/n): "By the way who made it into the finales?" I asked her.

Ruby: "Well Yang's eliminated, Mercury is out, and the ones I know so far are  Sun, Pyrrah, and Penny." As soon as she said Pyrrah and Penny it hit me like truck.

Before I could even say anything HE walked straight in front of us.

Ruby: "Mercury?" Ruby said sounding confused.

Port: "And it looks like our first contender is...Penny Polintina from Atlas!" He announced as I finally figured it out and I'm guessing Ruby did too.

Ruby: "What are you doing?" She asked him as Port announced the other contender and my stomach felt like it dropped when I heard who it was.

Port: "Her opponent will be...Pyrrah Nikos of Beacon." He announced as Mercury smirked and Ruby looked terrified.

(Y/n): "What have you done!" I shouted with anger.

Ruby: "No.." She said wide eyed and horrified.

Mercury: "Ooo, polarity vs metal, that could be bad." He said as Ruby got into a combat stance as I realized we both left our weapons in our lockers, but I didn't care, I was to angry to realize it right now.

(Y/n): "Ruby go find a way to stop that match!" I shouted.

Ruby: "What abo-"

(Y/n): "Don't argue, go!!!" I shouted at her angrily as I took a combat stance.

Mercury: "Sorry but I'm not allowing you both to go anywhere." He said smirking and taking a combat stance.

(Y/n): "Then I hope you find a way to heal your whole body like you did your leg because I'mma make sure to finish what Yang started!" I shouted angrily as Ruby and I charged at him.

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