Chapter Three: Change of Plans

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Two members of team CRDL, Lark and Russel, were facing off against my Penny and her partner who's name I didn't know, she looked like a girl scout tho.

  let me tell you, it still impresses me how my android girl can use those blades with ease, they are either magnetic or connected with some form of skinny wire, point was it was like they were flying missiles so dangerous yet majestic in a way, but so was the girl using them.

Tracy: "Man that Penny girl is too OP for this tournament!" She said excitedly.

(Y/n): "She is very extraordinaire." I said as Ruby and I winked at each other.

Penny sent her Blades flying at two boulders where the CRDL duo were hiding, she then lifted the boulders using her swords as the duo hanged onto the boulders and she then smashed them on the ground breaking the duo's aura taking them out.

Oobleck: "And victory goes to Penny and Ciel of Atlas!" He announced.

(Y/n): "That's my girl!" I said excitedly as I grabbed Ruby's hand so we can go congratulate my Penny.

(Y/n): "Hey Trace you wanna go talk to your idol?" I told her as she got up fast.

Tracy: "Would I!" She said running past us, I grabbed Ruby's hand as we walked where Penny was exiting.

Ruby: "Penny!" Ruby yelled as Penny turned around and saw us, she gave the biggest, cutest smile ever.

Penny: "Ruby! (Y/n)!" She said as she ran and tackled us into the ground.

Ruby/(Y/n)[Starining]: "Why..." we said in a bit of pain due to Penny's mechanical weigh, no offense, we got up together.

Penny: "Its good to see you both!" She said happily.

Ruby: "Its good to see-" she was able to finish her sentence as Penny suddenly grabbed my face and gave me the longest  kiss.

Ruby/Tracy/Ciel: "Ahem!" They said quite loudly as Penny stopped making a loud popping noise and gave a sweet smile.

(Y/n): "Missed me that much hmm?" I said grinning.

Penny: "Sorry let me introduce you guys to my teammate. She said motioning her.

Ciel: "Ciel Soleil." She said in a respectful tone.

Ruby: "Hi, I'm Ru-"

Ciel: "Ruby Rose, 15, hails from Patch, leader of team RWBY. Status: questionable." She said very informally, she then proceeded to Tracy.

Ciel: "Well well, Tracy its been a while How've you been? Still trying to be a Huntress? I heard you were a former Taxi driver, honestly your Status is, Uncommentable." She said smirking.

Tracy: "Long time no see Ciel, See your still a neat little goodie two shoes, and your still dressing like a girl scout how adorable." She said as they glared at each other fiercely.

(Y/n): "Okay you two take it down a notch." I said getting in between them and holding them back.

Ciel: "And you must be (Y/n) Valkyrie, 17, no records or info of you anywhere other than you used to be a nomad,  no family other than an older sister, and known in Beacon as the self-proclaimed  "Huntsmen extraordinaire"." She said coming closer to me and giving me a strange smiley look.

Ciel: "I must say your rather handsome up close in person, General Ironwood has used you in many examples and truth be told, many know and idolize you back in Atlas, heck you already have a fan club, I'm a member of course Oh! And Penny too, may I have the honor of a picture with you?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Umm sure?" I said nervously as she got up close to me and posed holding up a piece sign and Penny join in too doing the same as I did the same as well but blushing.

Ciel: "Thank you so much, but I must say it's a shame your not a leader of a team or fighting in the tournament, I've heard many of the other Academies competitors were hoping to have a match with you." She said.

(Y/n): "Really? Why I don't remeber ever being famous for anything." I said confused.

Ciel: "Your headmaster had sent all types of videos of you fighting and doing your thing, and as far as I've heard the headmasters have used them as examples for their students to get them motivated, it's actually quite inspiring and your not even an official Huntsmen yet." She said excitedly.

(Y/n): "Wow I'm an inspiration hmm." I said proudly.

Ruby: "Anyways Penny! Tracy here was dying to met you." She said.

Tracy: "Yes I'm a huge fan of how you fight with those swords and stuff it's really really amazing!" She said fan- girling.

Penny: "Awe thank you!" She said sweetly.

Ciel: "Penny! I believe it's best if we move on to our next location." She said back to formality.

Penny: "Could I have a minute to talk?" Penny asked as Ciel set a timer.

Tracy: "Jeez still a perfectionist I see." Tracy said rolling her eyes.

Ciel: "I apologize I'm not crazy trigger happy like you!!" She said as her and Tracy got into another argument as Ruby, Penny, and I took the situation to sneak away a little.

Ruby: "So is your friend or..?" Ruby asked as I too was curious.

Penny: "In a way, she's like Blake, but if Blake was ordered to spend time with you."

(Y/n): "So she's like Weiss." I said.

Penny: "Precisely." She said as we chuckled.

Rudy: "Does she know know..."Beep boop bop, does not compute?" She said doing the robot arm thing.

Penny: "Oh no! General Ironwood doesn't really want anyone to know, there was this incident with a magnet but i was able to play it off." She said describing what happened, we started laughing.

Penny: "Guys there's something I've been wanting to tell you guys." She said taking our hands.

Penny: "I want to stay in Beacon." She said sounding very certain.

Ruby: "Penny they'll never let you do that." She said concerned.

(Y/n): "She's right Penny, as much as it would be the greatest thing to have you here with us, there's no way Ironwood would let you, the way I see it, they made you for a reason, and whatever it maybe it's sounding big, like save the world big." I said also concerned.

Penny: "I know, but o have a plan." She said confidently.

Ciel: "Anyways! It's been precisely one minute ma'am!" Ciel said to Penny.

Penny: "I'll talk to you soon guys! She said giving us both a hug, but before she could walk away I grabbed her arm.

(Y/n): "Penny...Whatever your plan is..we'll always be on your side." I said giving her a confident smile, she gave me a hug.

Penny: "Thank you (Y/n), I love you." She said as she walked away as I stood there blushing, "I love you" the three magic words that had infinite meanings, and this one was one of warmed and genuine feeling, I couldn't help but be Awe-strucked.

Tracy: "Seriously how is it that you get girls? Is it a curse or a blessing?" She asked.

(Y/n): "I don't know to be perfectly honest with you, here I thought stuff like this was going to start after I became an official Huntsmen." I said scratching my head.

Port: "Our next match will begin in 15 minutes!" Port announced over the intercom.

Ruby: "Oh my gosh! That's right it's time for-"

Tracy: "Come on let's go! Weiss and Yang are up I can't miss this! Yang and I made a bet!" She said as she was about to rush off with Ruby till my scroll rang.

Tracy: "Who's calling?" She asked as Ruby also came to look with a face of concern.

(Y/n): "Its..Ozpin." I said as I picked it up.

(Y/n) [on scroll]: "Hello professor Oz is something wrong?" I asked.

Ozpin [on scroll]: "I need you and Tracy in my office immediately, I apologize if your going to miss Yang and Weiss' match but it seems there's been a change of plan, there's a airship heading your way as we speak." He said as he hang up, I sighed in frustration, I really wanted to see my Ice Queen and Firecracker fight together, but I have a miss to protect them and no matter what it must comes first.

(Y/n): "Sorry Trace, we have a mission." I said in a bit serious tone.

Tracy: " Let's get going then, Ruby!"

Ruby: "Yes?"

Tracy: "Tell Yang I couldn't see that fight so if we make it back I better see her in the finales." She said.

Ruby: "Right! Hey (Y/n).." She said grabbing my arm and giving me a sad look.

(Y/n): "There's an airship near the exit I catch up with you." I told Tracy as she nodded and walked ahead.

(Y/n): "Okay Rose petal what's wrong?" I asked her.

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow told me and Yang about why you go on missions for Ozpin." She said.

(Y/n): *Sighs* "Did he tell you anything else?" I asked her.

Ruby: "No not really he just said your strong and dependable that's why Ozpin wanted you to do it alone, well you got Tracy at least, but he also said it's cuz you wanted us to focus on the tournament." She said with a sad expression.

Ruby: "Maybe I can go this time at least-"

(Y/n): "No Ruby..i want you to stay here and support your team." I said to her smiling as I rubbed her cheek.

Ruby: "But your also in my team and I want to support you too." She said.

(Y/n): "You can support me by leaving my mind at ease knowing that you'll be here in Beacon, safe and sound supporting the rest of the girls, you need to be there for them when they win or lose but I doubt they'll lose, Weiss and Yang are too good to lose easily." I said confident as she chuckled slightly.

(Y/n): "You know what how about after my mission is over I take you out on a date." I said.

Ruby: "R-Really?" She asked blushing and smiling.

(Y/n): "Yeah of course I know this old school diner in Vale that makes the best pancakes ever just don't tell Nora about it otherwise she'll not only beat me up for not telling her a better Pancake place but also cuz their better than even Ren's pancakes (no offense)." I said proudly.

Ruby: "Well okay... yeah! it's a date! But you better come back to me the same way you left." She said pouting as she held her pinky out.

(Y/n): "Whow whipping out the pinky promise I see." I said chuckling as we brought our pinkies together.

(Y/n): "I'll see you soon Rubes." I said as I gave her a quick peck on the lips and left to the airship.

Tracy: "So why did Ozpin want us to go now?" She asked as I sat next to her.

(Y/n): "There's been a change of plans." I said in a serious tone.

(At Ozpin's office)

As we walked in I saw Ozpin and Qrow waiting for us.

Tracy: "Whow this looks serious.." She whispered as we walked in.

Qrow: "Hey kid." He said leaning on the wall near the entrance.

(Y/n): "Hey Qrow." I said fist bumping him as we walked pass him to Ozpin's desk.

Ozpin: "Thank you two for coming, once again I must apologize for calling you guys in, especially from your team's match, but (Y/n) I've decided that now is the best time for you to go to Urðarbrunnr." He said as I adopted a confident expression.

Tracy: "What's place is that? I can't even say it." She asked confused.

(Y/n): "We're going to an ancient holy place that was long forgotten, Urðarbrunnr aka the Water of Sight, is legendary place here in Remnant known to give visions of the future but Ozpin doesn't want us to go in the water beacuse it's also been told that men who have gone there...well lets just say their stories don't end well." I told her as she looked a bit nervous but I patted her shoulder to calm her.

Ozpin: "But before that there is something that I-we must tell you." He said in a serious tone.

(Y/n): "What is it sir?" I asked him.

Ozpin: "You asked me once if I was hiding something from you and I told you I couldn't tell you..well today I will tell you before you go." He said as he motioned is to take a seat in some chairs.

Ozpin: "Tell me you two what is your favorite fairy tale?" He asked as we both looked at him confused.

Ozpin: "Fairytales, stories from your childhood surely you've heard or remember some of them?" He said.

Tracy: "Nope."

(Y/n): "Me neither." I said as he sighed but smiled, heck even Qrow chuckled.

Ozpin: "well allow me to tell you a fairytale of the Seasons." He said.

(Y/n): "Umm okay sure." I said as Tracy agreed just to try to see his point.

Ozpin: "Once there was an callous old man who refused to ever leave his home, one day he was visited by four traveling sisters, the first sister understood his reclusive nature and urged him to use his time in solitude to meditate and reflect. The second brought him fruits and flowers, and Even tended to his crops and revitalizing his garden. The third sister warmed his heart, convincing him to step outside and embrace the world around him. And the forth and finale sister begged him to look at all that he had and be thankful. In return for their kindness, the man granted the Maidens incredible powers, so that they could continue to help others all over the world. They graciously accepted and promised to share their gifts with the people of Remnant until the end of days. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. The four Maidens." He finished.

(Y/n): "Wow that sounds like a nice fairytale of the Seasons." I said nicely.

Tracy: "Thanks for telling me that it sounded really sweet." She said.

Ozpin: "Would you believe me if I told you both that, that story has been around since I was a boy." He said.

(Y/n): "Oh so it's that old." I said as Tracy and I laughed but Qrow and Ozpin weren't.

(Y/n): "I'm kidding professor,you don't look that old." I said smiling.

Ozpin: "Would you believe if I told you that the story is actually true?" He asked.

(Y/n): "What?" I said confused.

Ozpin: "There were four Maidens existing in this world that could weild tremendous power without dust." He said.

Tracy: "Like a semblance?" She asked confused.

Ozpin: "No like Magic." He said seriously.

(Y/n): "You don't say, jeez do superheroes exist too? Ooo And unicorns?" I said Sarcasticly.

Qrow: "He's not joking kid, I know it sounds crazy but he's being 100% truthful right now." He said pulling out his flask and taking a sip of it.

Tracy: "Are you serious Professor?" She asked.

Ozpin: "Dead serious." He said as we took a minute.

(Y/n): "So this is the secret? What does this have to do with us and our mission?" I asked as he looked at Qrow and they nodded at each other.

Ozpin: "I'm telling you this because, we have a Maiden here in Beacon, the Fall Maiden, and I also believe there's a student here who is next in line to receive that power and specifically why you and Tracy are here is because we believe that you two can become the guardians of the next Fall  Maiden." He said.

(Y/n): "Who's else knows this?" I asked.

Ozpin: "Qrow, General Ironwood, Gylnda, and myself as well as the two other headmasters of the other academies." He said as I took a minute to absorb this and put my hand right hand in my face.

Tracy: "that's alot too take in, but now I have three questions." She said.

Ozpin: "ask." He said.

Tracy: "Why us? Who and where is the current Maiden? And who's the next Fall Maiden?" She asked as I also wanted to know.

Ozpin: "Let's me answer one of those questions by showing you instead."He said as he got up and we all walked to the elevator and he clicked on the button that said emergency on it.

(Y/n): "Why are you pressing the emergency button?" I asked as he smirked.

Ozpin: "Its not a real emergency button, it's the button to the Vault, underneath the school." He said as the elevator binged and the door opened to a dark long hallway that looked like an entrance to Hell.

Goodwitch: "You must have a bunch of questions I bet." She said coming out of nowhere with Ironwood.

(Y/n): "Holy Oum! Really!? Just pop out of nowhere and take our souls why don't you!" I said as they walked to my sides as Tracy walked ahead with Ozpin and Qrow.

Ironwood: "Tell me (Y/n) what do you know of Maidens? He asked.

(Y/n): "I just found out about them like ten seconds ago and all I know is that their real that's it." He said.

Goodwitch: "Well the Maidens have existed for thousands of years, but just like in nature, the Seasons change, no two summers are alike." She said.

(Y/n): "What do you mean they change?" I asked.

Goodwitch: "Well when a Maiden dies, her powers leave her body and seeks out a new host, ensuring the Seasons are never lost and that no individual can carry that power forever." She explained.

(Y/n): "So that power is living?" I asked.

Goodwitch: "In a way yes however the powers can only specifically be passed down to young women." She said.

Tracy: "Booyeah! Sisters before misters! " Tracy said smiling.

(Y/n): "So the powers are sexist?" I asked as Qrow laughed.

Qrow: "Exactly what I said." He said.

Goodwitch: "Anyways! It was later discovered that the selection process was more specific and...Intimate." She said.

(Y/n): "Oh gosh you mean "That" way?!" I asked.

Goodwitch: "Mr. Valkyrie please reframe from thinking in such a way, what I mean by intimate is that when a Maiden dies the last person in her thoughts will inherit the power." She explained.

Qrow: "Unless it's some dude or an old hag, then the power chooses at random making our job very harder." He added.

(Y/n): "I see..that sounds very complicated."

Qrow: "It is, and the reason why we decided to bring you and greenie over here..."

Tracy: "Hey!"

Qrow: "..Is because time is running out, and we need more people to help but we also don't want to tell the whole world about all of this." He said.

(Y/n): "Why not?" I asked.

Goodwitch: "Because this used to be all common knowledge." She said.

Qrow: "How do you think fairytales and legends gets started? Even the craziest ones started somewhere." He said as he opened his flask and chugged it.

Goodwitch: "Our group was founded in order to protect the Maidens and Mankind, many used to hunt them to get their powers." She said.

Qrow: "And those who succeeded were not so good people." He said.

Ironwood: "So naturally we chose to remove the Maidens from the public eye and they died into legends, and if this got out, an uproar would start." He said.

Ozpin: "No panic would start and panic leads-"

(Y/n): "...The Grimm to every kingdom." I finished.

Ozpin: "Precisely why I wish to ask for your help, we need you to become the Guardian of the next Fall Maiden." He said as they all stood there staring at me.

(Y/n): "Who's the current one?" I said as Ozpin pointed behind me.

Ozpin: "That is Amber." He said as I got closer and touched the glass.

(Y/n): "Tell me why do you keep saying "next" Maiden?" I asked.

Ozpin: "Because she's in comatose state and most likely she won't be coming back, she was attacked by someone who stole half of her power, and this is the first time this has ever happened, so it seems the only solution is that we've find a new candidate to become the next Fall Maiden." He said I couldn't help but feel sorry for this girl, Amber, I swear in your name I'll protect the next Fall Maiden with my life.

Ozpin: "Well?"

(Y/n): "I'll do it but when I come back from Urðarbrunnr, your going to tell me who the next Fall Maiden is." I said seriously.

Ozpin: "Very well, your airship is ready to take you to your destination." He said as I took Tracy's hand and headed to the elevator.

Tracy: "You okay?" She asked.

(Y/n): "This changes things...something is telling me I'm not going to like who the next Fall Maiden is and Ozpin won't tell who it is beacuse most likely I already know her, in general. I said glaring at nothing.

Tracy: "Well then it's a good thing we're going to protect whoever it is." She said.

We were outside in the front heading to the airship but before I continued, I looked up to where the Amity Colosseum was, I stuck out my hand clenched into a fist.

(Y/n): "I'm going to find those answers and I'm going to protect you all, I promise." I said out loud as I walked to the ship but not before I heard the voice from a while ago talk again.

??: "Allfathers Guide you." It said as stopped for a second and waited for it to say anything else, but it didn't so I got on the ship and sat next to Tracy.

Tracy: "Do you think where we're going is going to help?" She asked.

(Y/n): "I hope it does..." I said unsure as the airship took us away.

(Later that day) Cinder's POV:

So my little (Y/n) went on a mission, pity, he won't see what happens next as I kept scrolling on my scroll and saw a blue print of an android? As I realized who it was.

Cinder: "Oh!" I said out loud catching the attention of my teammates.

Emerald: "What?" She asked.

Cinder: "Oh nothing, we're just going to make a little...change of plans." She said smirking as she saw the blue print of a human looking robot that had the obvious name on top as a title:


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