Chapter Two: A Belief

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3rd POV:

Today the doubles round started and the first doubles up were: Mercury and Emerald VS Coco and Yatsuhashi, (Y/n) was sitting in between Velvet and Ruby, both happy for the fight and that (Y/n) was finally here for the beginning of a fight rather than being on a "mission", though (Y/n) was there for four reasons; because Ruby begged him to be there, Coco forced him to be there, Ozpin wanted him to relax, and because he wanted to see what Cinder's team could do in a fight since he never saw them fight before, except the fight he had with Mercury, which he basiclly crushed him (not a competition) but even then he had the sense that Mercury was holding back for some reason.

Tracy: "Well well look who decided to stay to watch a fight rather than be on a protec-" Tracy tried to say something from behind but (Y/n) quickly covered her mouth.

(Y/n): "Yes I did decide to stay instead of going on a mission!" He said eyeing her to keep what their doing a secret, as he let go.

Tracy: "Sorry about that but anyway it is nice to chill out for a bit." She said sitting down and putting her feet up on (Y/n)'s seat.

Ruby: "I had to beg him to stay." She said giving (Y/n) an annoyed expression.

Velvet: "I thought Coco forced you to stay?" She said looking confused.

Tracy: "I thought Ozpin said to relax and stay?" She added.

(Y/n): "Ugh! Look I stayed for all those reasons Okay, plus I'm also curious to see how Mercury and Emerald fight  together." He said smiling as the Arena chose four different settings to fight in.

Velvet: "Good luck you two!" She shouted happily, as Ruby, (Y/n), and Tracy looked on with excitement.

Coco: "Hey love the outfit kid." She complemented Emerald.

Emerald: "I'll try not to get blood on it." She said smirking.

Yatsuhashi: "I can't promise you'll leave without a scratch." He said pulling out his huge blade.

(Y/n): "If I ever have a chance to build a dream team here in Beacon, Yatsuhashi is definitely my first choice." He said looking at Yatsuhashi like he was an Idol, he was suddenly punched by; Ruby, Tracy, Velvet, Weiss, and Blake.

(Y/n): "Ow! Why?!" He shouted being ignored.

Emerald: "I won't be the one bleeding." She said smiling to Coco and Yatsuhashi

Coco: "I like her." Coco said as Port counted down and the fight finally began, Mercury and Emerald walked backwards and disappeared into the tall grass that was behind them, Coco wiped out her Machine gun and started shooting the tall grass area, which was also hitting the force field that was surrounding the arena, however after mowing down the grass Mercury and Emerald weren't anywhere to be seen, as they looked around it seemed they didn't see what the rest of the crowd saw because Mercury had jumped high in the and tried to land a kick only for Blake to yell look out and Yatsuhashi pushinh Coco out of the way to block his attack, Mercury did a back flip off Yatsuhashi's blade and Coco started shooting at him but he moved fast enough to block them.

Sun: "He's good." Sun said.

Scarlet: "Yeah but where's the girl?" He said as nearby (Y/n) was also trying to keep an eye out for Emerald, Mercury was actually holding his own against both Coco and Yatsuhashi, Which was actually pretty hard even for (Y/n), yeah (Y/n) was strong and all but even he knew against Coco AND Yatsuhashi he would actually have to fight at his best to win, heck he once fought Nora and Ren as part of training and that was a fight that litraully took him a whole day to win, mainly because Nora refused to lose to her little brother but in the end she knew that it would take most likely another whole day for her to win probably more, being that (Y/n) had the inhuman stamina to go at it for a whole nonstop week if he wanted to, then again in Beacon he barely got to fight anyone he hadn't even fought Yang yet, who claims to be team RWBY's powerhouse, but this fight was an interesting one, suddenly out of nowhere Coco was grabbed by a chain and dragged into the forest area as Mercury and Yatsuhashi went at it with each other, this was too good of a fight, Now that (Y/n) thought about it, if Mercury was strong enough to take on Yatsuhashi, who was obviously team CFVY's powerhouse, then how was it easy for (y/n) to beat him? Was he actually holding back? Or was it that (Y/n)'s lightning was actually strong enough to keep him from actually doing anything to fight back? It was strange to (Y/n), but now it seemed Yatsuhashi was eliminated and next up flying out too was Coco with Emerald coming out smiling.

Oobleck: "And with an amazing upset! Mercury and Emerald are victories!" He announced as the crowd began booing and cheering at the same time, Velvet had a sadden face as (Y/n) grabbed her hand and Fox grabbed her shoulder for comfort, she held their hands tightly, suddenly Cinder got up and walked away, (Y/n) saw this and got up to follow her.

Ruby: "Where are you going?" Ruby asked grabbing his hand.

(Y/n): "Just to go check something I'll be back." He said smiling as he ruffled her hair and walked away.

Cinder had walked down to congratulate her teammates knowing (Y/n) would follow too.

Cinder: "Congratulations you two." She said as she went for a group hug much to her teammates confusing.

Cinder*Whispering*: "(Y/n) is coming act natural." She whispered to them as they saw him coming towards them.

(Y/n): "Man that was some fight you guys, I have to apologize but I honestly underestimated you guys, Coco and Yatsuhashi are known for being some of the strongest here in Beacon, so naturally I thought you guys would lose." He said scratching his head in embarrassment.

Emerald: "Well now you know to be Careful on who to judge (Y/n), never wound what you can't kill." she said giving a sweet smile surrounded by a dark aura.

(Y/n): "Whow that's sounds dark and dangerous but I'll keep that in mind." He said smiling nervously.

(Y/n): "But anyways, I have to ask Mercury that fight of ours, in Goodwitch's class, were you holding back that time or..?" He asked confused as Mercury smiled.

Mercury: "Duh! Your lightning just got me by surprise, but if you hadn't used that you would have been toast." He said grabbing (Y/n) And going him a nuggy.

(Y/n): "I thought as much, cuz man you really moped the floor with Coco and Yatsuhashi, I have to say I'm disappointed we won't be able to fight each other but since most likely you'll be going up against Weiss or Yang, most likely Yang, just a little advice, don't go for her hair it really ticks her off." He said laughing.

Mercury: "I'll keep that in mind." He said as suddenly (Y/n) got a text from Weiss, looked at it, and quickly put it away.

(Y/n): "Well anyways guys I'm off but once again congrats on the win and hope you do awesome next round!" He said as he ran off.

Emerald: "I really, really want to kill him and his team, their so annoying happy all the damn time!" She said giving pissed.

Mercury: "Yeah? Well get in line, that bastard has balls to bring that fight in Goodwitch's class up." He said frowning.

Cinder: "All in due time you two, he'll have wants coming to him soon enough, him and this damn school." She said smirking as her eyes glowed yellowish.

(Meanwhile) (Y/n)'s POV:

Winter and Weiss had invited me to have tea with them after the first round was over, which was nerve wrecking cuz most likely I was about to get scolded by Winter for being with Ruby and Weiss, well to be honest I was with the whole team, but I liked saying that Ruby was my only girlfriend, honesty it's because though it's almost every guy's dream to have a Harem, it feels strange to actually have the real thing and it's pretty hard, because truth be told, not all the girls are just going to be satisfied with being called girlfriend and getting half of your attention, no, they all want your FULL attention, and dealing with the different personalities is crazy, cute but crazy, Ruby is like a kid, wants you to constantly play with her (not in the dirty way you sickos!), Weiss! Recently I discovered a word that describes her to the fullest of her being: Tsundere (without a doubt!), Blake on one hand is pretty mellow when it comes to the flirting but sometimes I feel like she just likes to tease me, heck her kisses are passionate and yet it feels like she holds back, and something tells me that she's got a thing for Sun, and honestly I don't know wither I should be jealous or not, and finally theres Yang! Jeez Yang is pretty much the straight forward one, when she wants a kiss she'll get it, when she flirts she flirts and teases like there's no other guys in the world but you, it honestly hits home, much to Ruby's dislike, but honestly though don't get me wrong it's not horrible or bad at all it's just overwhelming sometimes, to think that these beautiful, talented, and honestly outstanding girls all like me, it's unbelievable sometimes.

As I walked to around i finually found them in the gardens.

Winter: "Five minutes late (Y/n), time is something we don't get back you know." She said sipping her coffee? I thought we were having tea, oh well whatever Coffee is my favorite anyway.

(Y/n): "Sorry I was just thinking about stuff while I walked over here." I said taking a seat next to Weiss.

Winter: " are romaticlly involved with your whole team, or so I've heard." She said putting her coffee down.

(Y/n): *Sighs deeply* "I guess I am.." i said.

Winter: "Have you no shame?" She asked but in a normal calmed voice which honestly slightly got me off guard.

(Y/n): "Well...i do but it wasn't by choice." I said a bit hesitant.

Winter: "Explain it to me clearly then." She said with a serious expression.

Weiss: "Well it's my-"

(Y/n): "Look...their special to me, all of them, and I can't say their just friends because their more than that, I can't exactly say they are my harem, Ruby's my girlfriend that one's a fact, but Weiss, Blake, and Yang are something else, their...just my girls, I can't exactly say what they are because even I don't know but that doesn't mean I love them more or less then Ruby I love them all equally the same, okay maybe Ruby is slightly a bit higher but my point is, I'm willing to fight and die for them, I don't exactly have a goal or cause I fight for, I just fight for those who can't fight and I fight to win, but they have causes and goals and if I'm so strong or special then that means I can fight for their goals and causes and I'll make sure they win." I said in a serious tone as she gave me a genuine smile.

Winter: "Your right Weiss...he is special, okay (Y/n) though I may not entirely approve of you dating more than one girl, it seems for the most part everything is as it should be, just promise me (Y/n) you won't let this whole thing of having more than one girlfriend get to your head and turn you into someone your not." She said.

(Y/n): "Of course." I said respectfully.

Winter: "Anyways the real reason I called you here is because I'm leaving." She said plainly.

Weiss: "You're...leaving?" She said sounding surprise, guess she was waiting for me to arrive how sweet.

Winter: "Yes I was merely needed to oversee the transport of additional units in Vale, our last shipment was lost to an ambush, I believe you two had a run-in with its cargo actually."

(Y/n): "You could say that again." I said rolling my eyes, Remebering I couldn't keep one.

Winter: "Its fortunate those paladins were still in the prototype stage otherwise none of you would have fared so well." She said.

(Y/n): "I don't know about the girls but I'm sure I would have been fine." I said giving a smile as Weiss lightly punched my arm as Winter smiled and grabbed Weiss' hand.

Winter: "Weiss...You are doing well out here on your own, you should be proud, especially that you have quite the teammates to have your back." She said smiling at me.

(Y/n): "I have her back, sides, front etc." I said proudly.

Winter: "I'm sure you do and I thank you for it." She said giving me a sweet smile as she looked back at Weiss, their going to bond.

(Y/n): "Well that's my quo." I said getting up and chugging my small coffee cup.

Weiss: "Where are you going?" She asked.

(Y/n): "To our dorm, I'm tired, oh by the way Winter before I go and don't see you again, I just want to say thank you for your blessing and honestly thank you for coming, I hope we see each other again." I said respectfully giving my best gentlemen bow.

Winter: "No (Y/n) thank you, though my time here was short I've seen what Ozpin meant when he said you were a special one." She said.

(Y/n): "Hopefully good special." I said.

Winter: "Allow me to be the first to say, I believe the Huntsmen extraordinaire, (Y/n) Valkyrie, will be exactly what Remnant needs." She said standing up and giving me a respectful bow.

(Y/n): "Awe shucks, thank you Winter." I said blushing but smiling.

Winter: "But before you go might give you something?" She said.

(Y/n): "umm sure." I said as suddenly she kissed me on my cheek.

Winter: "Because your 17 that's all I can give you, however the real thing I wanted to give is some advice." She said.

(Y/n): "Okay." I said blushing.

Winter: "What I have to say might displease you so if it does I apologize before hand, but I've heard from your headmaster and Weiss that you've never lost a fight is this true?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Well yeah, I still have yet to fight anyone serious but yeah I guess you can say that." I said.

Winter: "Well just remember: you learn more from losing than you do winning, because when you win all the time you'll stay in the same spot, but when you lose you'll find a way to rise up and keep moving forward." She said as she smiled a bit and walked back to Weiss, I decided to leave at that point it wasn't cuz I was mad, I wanted them to bond before Winter left, but mostly because....she's right, I still have yet to experience loss, and as much as I don't want to lose ever, it's going to happen eventually and I don't think even then I'll be ready.

3rd POV:

Ruby: "You'll never beat me old man!" Ruby yelled.

Qrow: "Heh, your nothing but talk kid!" He said.

Yang: "You can do it Ruby!" Yang shouted supporting Ruby in an epic...Video game fight, which Ruby lost.

Game announcer: "Soaring ninja wins! Total annihilation!" It said.

Yang: "Ouch..."

Qrow: "And by the way don't ever call me old." He said as Yang practically jumped and pushed Ruby away as she got the controller to play next.

Yang: "My turn!" She said.

Qrow: "Now where was I?" He said starting the game as Ruby came up behind him.

Ruby: "You were telling us about your last mission!" She said excited.

Qrow: "Right right, I come across a small village in the swamps west of Mistral, and right off the bat I knew something wasn't right." He said sounding serious.

Ruby: "What were you doing there?" She asked.

Qrow: "I needed information, tired of fighting Grimm along the way, I decided to start my search in the town's inn, the place was crawling with low-lifes and thugs, even a few Huntsmen who only I can assume had been hired by less than reputable people for less than respectable jobs, and thats when it happened." He said sounding dramatic.

Yang: "What happened?" She asked.

Qrow: "I was the mere sight...of the innkeeper's skirt length!" He said smiling and catching a pillow thrown at him by Yang.

Game announcer: "Soaring Ninja wins! Total annihilation!" It said again.

Yang: "You are the worst!" Yang shouted angered as Ruby and Qrow laughed together.

Qrow: "Best two out of three?" He asked as Ruby got up and sat on Weiss' bed.

Ruby: "So, Uncle Qrow, did you get in trouble with Ozpin?" She asked.

Qrow: "Nah, me and Oz go way back, we're cool." He said.

Yang: "Tch cool for an old guy." She said giggling.

Qrow: "Not funny." He said.

Ruby: "So get what are you doing here anyway? I thought dad said you were on a mission for, like...ever." She said.

Game announcer: "Ready? fight!" It said.

Qrow: "Well a professional Huntsman like myself, is expected to get results, as soon as possiable." He said playing.

Ruby: "Yeah I get that, we're pretty much pros too." She said proudly.

Qrow: "Oh really?" He asked.

Yang: "Pssh Yeah! Read the news sometime, we totally saved Vale while you were gone." Yang said proudly.

Qrow: "Funny cuz what I heard is that Vale suffered a Grimm attack after you almost managed to stop a train." He said.

Game announcer: "Soaring Ninja wins! Total annihilation!" It said for the third time as Yang pouted.

Qrow: "But they don't give out medals for "Almost"." He said.

Ruby: "they do and it's called silver!" She announced proudly.

Yang: "Well, we helped take down Roman Torchwick, and he's locked up in Ironwood's ship and crime's been down ever since, thats basically a bounty mission." She said proudly.

Qrow: "Heh, you all maybe acting like Huntresses, but only one of you is actually thinking as a true Huntsmen and that's (Y/n), honestly do you think four girls, one guy, and their friends can stop all crime in a kingdom?" He asked taking his flask out and sipping whatever is in it.

Ruby: "I mean I did until you said that." She said pointing her fingers together in embarrassment.

Qrow: "Violence hasn't dropped since Roman got nabbed, it stopped completely, no White Fang attacks anywhere around the city, and the little acts that are left are taken care of by your boy (Y/n)." He said as Yang and Ruby looked shocked.

Qrow: "By the looks on your faces it seems he never told you all what he was up to." He said giving a blank expression.

Ruby: "So that's what he and Tracy have been doing and without us!!" She said sounding a bit jealous and angered.

Qrow: "Easy kiddo, I'm sure Ozpin had him do it, and the kid quite the strong one so it's fine." He said calming her down.

Yang: "that's not cool we're his team! He should have told us!" She said also angry.

Qrow: "Cool it you two, I believe what he's doing is for you guys, it's so you all can focus on the tournament with no distractions, he's doing what a friend should or rather hes doing what a boyfriend should and you all should make it up to him by winning that tournament, it's the least you all could do." He said as he drank from his flask and the girls remained silent.

Qrow: "He reminds me of your mom kiddo." He said as he took out an old  picture of his team and showed it to them.

Ruby: "Really how?" She asked now curious.

Qrow: "She would always go the extra mile just so we could have good days and be safe, thats what (Y/n) is doing, heck I could honestly say he is team STRQ if we were one person. Strong and bit of a show off like Tai,  loyal and determined like Raven, he gets results like me I guess, and he's caring and unpredictable like Summer." He said putting the picture away and getting up.

Qrow: "Anyways I'm out, hanging with you kids is cramping my style, but listen here girls you all have long ways to go, even (Y/n), and don't think graduating means y'all are done, no every day out there is worth a week in this place, you two are going to go far, but only if you keep learning, if you never stop moving forward." He said as he walked out and suddenly bumped into (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Oh hey Qrow." He said smiling.

Qrow: "Well well lightning boy, I was just talking about you with the girls." He said.

(Y/n): "Hopefully good things." He said nervously.

Qrow: "Come with me there's something I need to ask you." He said walking towards the elevator as they got on.

Qrow: "So I heard you believe in Myths and legends." He said taking out his flask and taking a sip.

(Y/n): "Yeah I do." He said plainly.

Qrow: "Good to know cuz after tomorrow, we will be heading out to Urðarbrunnr and then we will see if that legendary place know as the"Water of Sight" is real or not." He said putting his flask away.

(Y/n): "You sound like you don't believe." He pointed out

Qrow: "Well as silly as it sounds I believe more in fairy tales than myths." He said.

(Y/n): "I honestly don't get the difference but okay." He said smiling as they finally reached Ozpin's office.

Ozpin: "Ah (Y/n) just who I wanted to see, please come in." He said as Qrow and (Y/n) did so.

Ozpin: "Now I'm sure Qrow has already filled you in but tommorrw after Yang and Weiss' match, you and Qrow will be leaving to Urðarbrunnr, to seek our answers, but just Remeber: Do not go into those waters, the place maybe holy and ancient but it's very dangerous for mortals, I know what I ask sounds rediculous and doesn't make a lick of  sense but try and understand  I rather not have something happen to either one of you, if something is coming." He said.

(Y/n): "I'll see what we can do sir." He said confidently.

Qrow: "Go rest up kid, we leave after Yang and Weiss fight and not any later or sooner." He said as (Y/n) nodded and left.

Qrow: "I'm not onboard with this Oz, it's better if I just go alone." Qrow said leaning on Ozpin's desk.

Ozpin: "No, I need him to go." Ozpin said getting up and walking to see the view from his window.

Qrow: "I don't get you sometimes Oz, what is it about this kid that has him on your mind?" Qrow said walking up to his side.

Ozpin: "The day (Y/n) came to Beacon that first night, I felt a strange aura in the air it wasnt like an aura i ever felt before, it was heavy amd strong amd that night while I was doing paper work at my desk I heard a voice and it distracted me from literally everything and by everything I mean it felt like I was in a trance, it was for a minute but it felt like an eternity, once snapped out of it, my papers were all over the place and two things were in my desk that weren't there before." He said glaring at nothing.

Qrow: "What was on the desk?" Qrow asked now curious.

Ozpin: "A notebook, with every page filled out repeating the same sentence and in my handwriting and Jenna's Norse mythology book, opened on a certain ripped page." He said in a serious tone.

Qrow: "What was the repeating sentence?" He asked now a bit intrigued.

Ozpin: "...He will be worthy..." He said.

Qrow: "What does that mean?" He asked confused, Ozpin sighed and went to his desk and pulled out the Norse mythology book and turned it to a certain ripped page.

Ozpin: "This it what it means." He said tapping it before going back to the same spot looking out the window.

Qrow: "I can't read th-"

Ozpin: "If he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

Qrow: "Okay what? Is it missing something or is Norse scripture that old that it was before people said and wrote things that actually made sense." He said confused.

Ozpin: "Norse Mythology is dead in Remnant, it's like it never actually existed ever, however Jenna believed that it was all real, way before even myself and Remnant itself, Jenna explained that Thor Odinson, was the Norse God of Thunder, he was also the son of Odin All-Father a God King of a place known as Asgard which was their home in another world, there Thor was considered the strongest warrior and the most worthy to be next in line to become King but he was suddenly banished off Asgard once his father realized that he was only thinking as a warrior and not as a king he then had his powers stripped from him and was sent here to Remnant, after decades of being here as a mortal, he took to living a some what normal life and fought in many wars to help humanity and Faunus kind find order and bulid for a future, soon those two brother Gods, we praise, came into the picture and the world Thor helped build blown away leaving humanity to revolve back to savagery, Thor decided to walk away from mankind and even after regaining his powers for being worthy again, of course he continued to keep fighting here in Remnant and chose to stay here and die an old man with Godly powers,  leaving behind a legacy which after many generations vanished in the shadows of history that no one knew existed." He said tiredly.

Qrow: "So you think that trance that happened to you when the kid came is a coincidence?" He asked.

Ozpin: "It wouldn't be wrong of me, (Y/n) and Nora's semblance has to do with lightning, they both weild hammers, and many have referred to them as being "inhuman" with their strength and stamina, and their last name is Valkyrie which in Norse mythology are a group of female warriors who choose who die in war." He informed.

Qrow: "Come on Oz, you don't seriously believe that those two are related to any of this Norse stuff do you?" He asked.

Ozpin: "Something tells me that they are and if I send (Y/n) to Urðarbrunnr we may just find out wither that's a fact or not." He said sipping his mug.

Qrow: "Let's just hope this doesn't end back firing or being for nothing." He said sipping his flask.

(Y/n) walked down a hallway and looked out a window to see Weiss in front of Beacon waving to her sister's ship which was flying off, (Y/n) decided to jump over to her side without her noticing, she got a call from someone and debated to answer it which she chose not too.

(Y/n): "Lovely night isn't it?" He said as Weiss freaked out only to see it was (Y/n) who she then decides to punch him in the arm.

Weiss: "You dolt don't scare me like that!" She said.

(Y/n): "Sorry bout that, but you doing Okay?" He asked.

Weiss: "Yes why?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Nothing I just thought you'd miss your sister already, her leaving and all." He said scratching his head.

Weiss: "Its okay it was wonderful to spend time with her, I'm sure I'll see her again." She said giving a sweet smile, (Y/n) couldn't help but smile at the site, Weiss' smile in the moonlight was quite the beautiful thing to see.

(Y/n): "Weiss?"

Weiss: "What is it?"

(Y/n): "Do you...mind if I sleep with you? Not "That" way but you know." He asked nervously and blushing, Weiss stared at him in shock for a second blushing as well, but soon she looked into his eyes and felt a sudden warmed, she couldn't help but feel...happy.

Weiss: "Noramlly I would say it's inappropriate and a never going to happen thing...but...ill allow it this one time." She said grabbing his hand as they walked together.

(Y/n): "Good luck tomorrow Weiss." He said walking at her side as she put her head on his shoulder and intertwined their hands.

Weiss: "Thank you (Y/n)." She said smiling sweetly as they walked to their dorm together hand in hand.

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