Chapter 1

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2 years later, Y/N is now a senior in high school and he is 18 years old, he is currently in construction class during recess destroying a wall that the school needs it get rid of using a sledgehammer as students walk by. Y/N's muscular frame is evident even through his school uniform, showcasing his strength and power. As students pass by, they can't help but marvel at his physical abilities. The sound of the sledgehammer connecting with the wall echoes through the hallway, a testament to Y/N's raw strength and determination. Some students express surprise and admiration at his strength, while others look on with a mix of awe and envy. Y/N pauses his work as he notices the popular jocks harassing the new freshmen. Y/N watches with a steely gaze, his mind racing. He can't help but feel a pang of empathy for the freshmen being bullied, and a surge of anger towards the jocks who are tormenting them. As the jeers and insults continue, Y/N clenches his jaw, his knuckles turning white as he grips the handle of the sledgehammer. Y/N's mind suddenly flashes back to 2 years ago from when he put down the criminals that preyed on the innocent and him banging Billy's head against the glass wall. The memories of the past flood Y/N's mind, vividly replaying the moment he avenged his family and took down the criminals. Images of him putting down thugs and criminals fill his thoughts, the adrenaline coursing through his body. The flashbacks are a stark reminder of the dark path he once took in his pursuit of justice. Y/N takes a deep breath and tries to shake off the memories that flooded his mind. He grips the sledgehammer tighter and returns his attention to the task at hand. The thuds of the sledgehammer echo loudly as he continues to destroy the wall, the wall slowly crumbling under his powerful blows. Suddenly a the jocks walk past him and chuckles quietly before kicking his bag down making his lunch fall on the ground.

Leader: Whoops. My bad.

Y/N's expression hardens as the jocks pass by, their laughter filling the air. As they kicked his bag down, causing his lunch to fall, he clenched his jaw in frustration. He tried to ignore it, but the leader's sarcastic apology pushed him over the edge. The leader, seeing that Y/N ignored his provocation, decided to push further. He walks up to Y/N and taps him on the shoulder, a smirk on his face.

Leader: Hey, watcha got there, tough guy?

Y/N ignores him and continued swinging the hammer. The leader, growing more frustrated, taps Y/N again, this time with more force.

Leader: Hey, I'm talking to you, dumbass. Ignore me again and see what happens.

Y/N suddenly stopped and turned around to face the jock as he was wearing his protective goggles on.

Y/N: ...............

The leader is taken aback a bit by Y/N's sudden turn and the expressionless look in his eyes. He puffs up his chest, trying to seem menacing.

Leader: What, cat got your tongue?

But Y/N doesn't respond. He just stares at the leader, his expression unreadable behind the protective goggles. The air becomes tense as the other jocks watching the scene unfold start to murmur amongst themselves.

Leader jock: Let me tell you something pal. If you don't get your head right in this school..... and if you ever fuck with my girl...... or my boys...... then I'm gonna find a home for that sledgehammer of yours.

Y/N's expression remains stoic as the leader jock tries to intimidate him with his threats. The other jocks chuckle and egg him on, but Y/N doesn't react. He just continues to stare at the leader, his eyes cold and calculating. Suddenly a loud banging noise is heard from the parking lot as one of the jock's friends screams in pain from his car falling on his leg.

Leader jock: Jesus Christ- Brad!

They all run off to him as a crowd forms around them. As the commotion surrounding Brad and the car continues, Y/N is lost in a world of his own. Memories of his past as the Punisher flood his mind, images of him taking on criminals and bringing justice racing through his thoughts. The sound of the jocks' voices seems to fade into the background as Y/N struggles to shake off the visions that haunt him. 5 minutes later Y/N puts his sledgehammer down and sits down in the courtyard watching multiple junior students playing basketball and having fun. Suddenly Michael, a junior at the school, takes a seat next to Y/N in the courtyard. He looks at Y/N and notices that he seems deep in thought. Michael, being a friendly and curious guy, decides to strike up a conversation.

Michael: Hey man, what's up? You look a little spaced out.

Y/N snaps out of his thoughts and turns to look at Michael. He gives a small nod, acknowledging his presence.

Y/N: Just thinking, that's all.

Michael: Must be some pretty heavy thoughts. You've been staring off into space for the past few minutes.

Y/N shrugs, not sure how much he wants to reveal. He doesn't feel comfortable opening up to just anyone, especially someone he doesn't know well. Michael opens his lunch bag and grabs his sandwich and is about to eat before remembering what had happened to Y/N's lunch earlier. He slowly brings out his other sandwich and holds it out to Y/N who just confusedly stare at him.

Y/N: What?

Michael smiles and gestures towards the sandwich.

Michael: I noticed some guys kicked your lunch earlier, so I figured you might be hungry. Here, take it. I don't mind.

Y/N's confusion turns into surprise as he realizes what Michael is doing. He glances from the sandwich back to Michael, still unsure. He's not used to receiving kindness from anyone, especially not from someone who he doesn't know very well.

Y/N: Uh, thanks, I guess. But why are you being nice to me? We don't even know each other.

Michael shrugs, still holding out the sandwich.

Michael: I don't know, man. Just thought it would be a nice thing to do. You look like you could use some food. Especially after you did all the demolition work.

Y/N hesitates for a moment before finally reaching out and taking the sandwich. He unwraps it and takes a bite, feeling the hunger he didn't even realize he had. As he chews, he looks at Michael, still a bit puzzled by his kindness.

Y/N: Thanks, I really appreciate it. It's just... I'm not used to people being nice to me. Especially not after what happened earlier.

Michael nods, understanding what Y/N means.

Michael: Yeah, I saw what happened with the jocks. Don't let them get to you, man. They're just a bunch of assholes.

Y/N takes another bite of the sandwich, mulling over Michael's words. He knows deep down that the jocks are indeed assholes, but he's spent so long dealing with their kind that he's become somewhat numb to it.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. It's just tough, you know? They're always so loud and aggressive. I try to ignore them, but they just... push my buttons. Especially with that group of freshmen they harassed.

Michael nods in agreement, remembering the scene from earlier.

Michael: Those freshmen look like they've had a rough time fitting in. The jocks seem to go after anyone who's different, huh?

Y/N: Yeah. It's like they get off on picking on people who are weaker than them. It's just... messed up, you know?

Michael nods again, his expression serious now.

Michael: Well, screw that. If you're ever in a situation where they start bothering you again, just give me a holler and I'll help however I can. I know a couple of big guys who don't like the jocks either.

Y/N: Thanks... but I can take care of myself. You know?

Michael smiles, recognizing the stubborn spirit in Y/N.

Michael: I've got that vibe from you. You seem like the type who can hold their own. But it doesn't hurt to have some backup, right?

Y/N nods, appreciating the offer but still feeling a bit reluctant to accept it. He's never been good at accepting help from others, especially when it comes to conflict. But deep down, he knows that having someone in his corner, might not be a bad idea. After school, Y/N was at his home in his bedroom sitting on the bed. Y/N sits in his room, a feeling of restlessness nagging at him. The events of the day have left him with mixed emotions, and he's struggling to make sense of it all. He glances around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings. His bedroom is simple, with a bed, a desk, and a closet. There are a few trophies and medals on the shelves, remnants of his past achievements. As Y/N was sitting on the bed he suddenly starts seeing flashes of him beating Rawlins to death. Y/N closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Y/N's mind races as he grapples with the knowledge that he had killed his own father's ghost. The weight of that thought weighs heavily on his conscience, stirring up a mixture of grief and guilt. Despite knowing that Rawlins was a criminal, the fact that he was his father's ghost still gnaws at him. The guilt and the pain of what he's done continue to haunt him, creating a sense of inner turmoil. Y/N takes a deep breath again before standing up and getting dressed.

The scene transitions to a quiet diner where Y/N is occupying a table for himself, a half-eaten burger and fries on the plate in front of him. The place is fairly empty, with a few other patrons scattered throughout the dining area. Y/N picks at his food, his mind clearly preoccupied with something as he gazes out the window. Suddenly, Y/N's thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the front door chime as someone enters the diner. He casually glances towards the door, his eyes pausing as he sees a girl walk in. She's got long brown hair, brown eyes and pale skin, with a small figure. Y/N's gaze lingers on her for a moment, intrigued by this newcomer. Y/N's eyes go wide as he realizes who the girl is. It's Lizzy, a senior at his school whom he's seen around the hallways but has never spoken to.

He watches as she walks up to the counter to place her order, his mind racing with a mixture of curiosity and nervousness. Y/N takes a sip of his drink, trying to inconspicuously observe Lizzy from his table. He can't help but notice her confident and outgoing demeanor as she smiles and chats with the waitress. He wonders if she even knows who he is, considering how they've never interacted before. Y/N debates with himself whether to approach her or not. On one hand, she's attractive and seems friendly, but on the other hand, he's aware of his own reputation as the "emo kid" - a loner who doesn't interact much with other students. Y/N observes as Lizzy's demeanor changes from happy to sad and upset. He wonders what could have caused such a change in her mood so suddenly. He can see her frowning and her shoulders slumped, obviously troubled by something. Y/N continues watching Lizzy, feeling a strange sense of concern for her even though they don't know each other. He debates whether to approach her and see if she's okay, but his introvert nature holds him back. Y/N finally had the courage to talk to her as he slowly stood up and walked towards her before sitting next to her.

Y/N: Hey.

Lizzy looks up from her phone, surprised to see Y/N suddenly sitting next to her. She gives a small smile, noticing his somewhat nervous state.

Lizzy: Hey. Is there something you need?

Y/N hesitates for a moment, feeling a little lost on what to say.

Y/N: Um, I couldn't help but notice that you looked upset about something. Are you alright?

Lizzy's expression softens a bit as she looks at Y/N. She hadn't expected anyone to notice her mood, especially not him. She lets out a small sigh.

Lizzy: Oh, it's nothing really. Just had a fight with my boyfriend earlier. You know how it is. Boyfriends and their endless lectures, right?

Y/N nods, trying to seem empathetic. Despite being inexperienced in the dating department, he can empathize a little with a relationship problem.

Y/N: Yeah, I get it. Relationships can be tough sometimes. But I'm sure you guys will work it out.

Lizzy gives a small chuckle.

Lizzy: I don't know, we've been arguing a lot lately. It's like we're always on each other's nerves. I don't even know if we'll last much longer.

Suddenly, her demeanor changes again, a hint of embarrassment on her face.

Lizzy: I'm sorry, here I am ranting to a complete stranger... I haven't even asked your name.

Y/N smiles lightly, trying to put her at ease.

Y/N: Oh, it's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm Y/N, by the way.

Lizzy returns the smile, looking slightly relieved.

Lizzy: Y/N. That's a nice name. I'm Lizzy. It's nice to meet you. She looks at Y/N for a moment, her eyes studying him intently.

Y/N feels a little self-conscious under Lizzy's gaze. He's not used to being looked at so closely by anyone, especially not a girl who seems sociable.

Y/N: Likewise. So, you said you were arguing with your boyfriend? What was that about, if you don't mind me asking?

Lizzy lets out another sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly.

Lizzy: Oh, it's just the usual stuff. He's always getting mad at me for hanging out with other guys, even my guy friends. He thinks I'm flirting with them all the time, which I'm not. And then he gets all possessive and controlling. It's just exhausting, you know?

Y/N nods, understanding her frustration.

Y/N: That does sound exhausting. But it doesn't sound very healthy either, to be honest. You don't deserve to be treated like that, especially by your significant other.

Lizzy nods, her expression growing a little more serious.

Lizzy: I know. It's just... He wasn't always like this, you know? When we first started dating, he was so sweet and caring. But lately, it's like he's a different person. It's like he has these weird jealousy issues or something.

Y/N listens intently to Lizzy, feeling a strange sense of connection to her predicament. He can sense the hurt in her voice, and he feels a pang of sympathy for her.

Y/N: It sucks when people change like that, especially when you care about them. But sometimes, people's true colors only show themselves with time. Have you tried talking to him about how you feel?

Lizzy lets out a scoff.

Lizzy: Yeah, I've tried. Multiple times. But it's like he doesn't even listen. Or he says he'll change, but then he goes right back to being the same way. It's like he just doesn't want to acknowledge that he has these issues.

She pauses, looking at Y/N with a small, sad smile.

Lizzy: I don't know why I'm telling you all this. You probably don't care about my relationship issues, huh?

Y/N: What makes you say that?

Lizzy sighs, fiddling with a strand of hair.

Lizzy: I don't know. I mean, you barely know me, and here I am dumping all my relationship drama on you. I just figured you probably have better things to do than listen to me complaining about my boyfriend.

Y/N shakes his head, trying to reassure her.

Y/N: No, it's alright. I don't mind listening. I mean, I don't really have anything else better to do anyway. And it's not like I have any relationship drama of my own to talk about. Besides I've only been in one relationship with a girl...... and it didn't quite end well. But I don't care about that.

Lizzy's curiosity is piqued by Y/N's comment.

Lizzy: Really? You've only dated one girl?

She gives him a slightly teasing look.

Lizzy: What, are you some kind of heartbreaker or something? Break poor girls' hearts left and right.

Y/N laughs sheepishly, feeling a little embarrassed.

Y/N: No, not at all. I mean, I'm not some player or anything. The girl I dated, it just didn't work out.

He hesitates for a moment, then decides to continue.

Y/N: It's kind of a long story, actually. We dated for a while, but I found out she was cheating on me the whole time. It just kind of messed me up a bit, you know?

Lizzy's expression turns more serious hearing this.

Lizzy: Ouch. That's rough, man. I'm sorry that happened to you. No one deserves to be cheated on. Especially not when you're putting your heart into the relationship. It's just shitty. I mean, if she wasn't happy in the relationship or wanted to see other people, she should've just broken it off instead of lying and cheating.

Y/N nods silently, feeling a pang of pain resurface in his heart. Talking about his past relationship always brings back those hurt feelings.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. It really hurt, you know? Like, I put so much effort into that relationship, thinking it was going somewhere, only to find out she was seeing someone else behind my back. It really messed up my trust in people... and relationships in general.

Y/N: But...... I had more important goals to finish.

Lizzy looks at Y/N with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Lizzy: Important goals? What kind of goals, if you don't mind me asking?

Y/N looks around making sure no one is hearing their conversation.

Y/N: What I'm about to tell you- you need to make sure your boyfriend or anyone finds out. Ok?

Lizzy's curiosity is piqued further, and she nods in understanding.

Lizzy: Alright, secret's safe with me. You have my word, I won't tell anyone. What is it?

Y/N speaks in a hushed tone, looking around to make sure no one is listening.

Y/N: Alright, here it goes. The thing is... I'm Frank castle's son.

Lizzy looks flabbergasted at Y/N's revelation. She stares at him wide-eyed, her mouth slightly agape.

Lizzy: Wait, you're Frank Castle's son? The Punisher?

Y/N nods, his expression serious.

Y/N: Yeah. Nobody knows that, though, so please don't tell anyone. I don't want it getting out, it'd bring a lot of unwanted attention. And honestly, it's not something I really have to brag about, you know?

Lizzy's shock is slowly replaced by a mixture of intrigue and understanding.

Lizzy: So, that's why you have those important goals you're working on. You're training to be like your dad, aren't you? To be the Punisher?

Y/N: Yeah........ well- I was the punisher 2 years ago.... But..... I stopped being the punisher to be a normal person for once. It's what's my father would've wanted.

Lizzy is surprised and slightly intrigued by Y/N's revelation.

Lizzy: Wait, you used to be the Punisher? For real?

She looks Y/N up and down, as if trying to imagine him as the vigilante.

Y/N nods, a hint of pride in his eyes.

Y/N: Yeah, I was. I had a whole suit and everything. But things got complicated, and I decided to step away from that life. Wanted to try being a regular guy for once, you know?

Lizzy lets out a soft laugh.

Lizzy: Wow, who would've thought the "emo kid" at school was secretly the Punisher. That's a hell of a change of character.

Y/N chuckles softly, feeling a bit self-conscious.

Y/N: Yeah, I know it's a bit crazy. But I just wanted to try and live a normal life for a change. Being the Punisher wasn't easy, you know? There was all the anger and violence and the whole "kill criminals" thing. I just wanted a break from all that for a while.

Lizzy nods, understanding his perspective.

Lizzy: I get it. I mean, being the Punisher wasn't exactly a 9-to-5 job, was it? Sounds like it would take a toll on you mentally. So, what have you been up to since you stopped?

Y/N shrugs, a hint of melancholy in his expression.

Y/N: Honestly, not much. I've just been lying low, trying to live a normal life. No more criminal fighting or vigilante stuff. It's been... adjusting. I've been so used to the adrenaline and the violence that it's hard to just be regular. I guess I'm still figuring out who I am without the Punisher persona.

Lizzy listens intently, her expression sympathetic.

Lizzy: I can't even imagine what it's like to go from being a vigilante to trying to be a regular person. That sounds incredibly tough. It's like trying to unlearn everything you've become accustomed to.

Y/N nods, glad that Lizzy understands his situation.

Y/N: Yeah, it's definitely been a challenge. I mean, I'm not the best at socializing or fitting in with regular people. That's why you've probably seen me as the quiet, loner kid in school. I just stick to myself, you know?

Lizzy just smiled and nod, the waitress brings lizzy her food and walks off until Y/N calls her.

Y/N: Scuse me!

The waitress looks at Y/N, acknowledging his call.

Waitress: Yes, how can I help you?

Y/N: Yeah- I'll be paying for this ladies bill.

The waitress looks slightly surprised, but quickly regains her composure.

Waitress: Oh, really? You're paying for her bill?

She glances at Lizzy, checking if she agrees with Y/N's decision. Lizzy looks at Y/N, surprised but touched by his gesture.

Lizzy: Oh, you don't have to do that. You've already been kind enough to listen to my relationship woes, you don't have to cover my bill too.

Y/N shakes his head, insisting.

Y/N: No, it's alright. I want to. It's the least I can do for listening to you earlier and hearing your problems. Consider it a thank you, for being so nice and understanding.

The waitress smiles, sensing the kind gesture.

Waitress: Alright then, I'll go get your check.

She walks off to get the check while Lizzy looks at Y/N with a grateful smile.

Lizzy: You didn't have to do that, you know. I could've paid for my own meal.

Y/N shrugs, trying to downplay his kind gesture.

Y/N: I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. I mean, you were venting to me about your relationship problems, so I thought the least I could do was buy you lunch.

Lizzy looks at Y/N with a fond expression, appreciating his generosity.

Lizzy: You know, you're really sweet. You've been listening to me and my relationship drama, and now you're buying me lunch? Most guys would've just bailed by now.

Y/N blushes, feeling a bit awkward at the praise.

Y/N: Ah, it's no big deal, really. I mean, I can't just ignore a distressed damsel in distress, right? Besides, I like helping out where I can, you know?

Lizzy just chuckled and nodded as they continued to talk. After 25 minutes they leave the diner and it's now night time as they're walking alone together. The nighttime air is cool and crisp as Y/N and Lizzy walk side by side. The streetlights cast a soft glow on the pavement, creating a cozy atmosphere. Y/N glances at Lizzy, enjoying the easy conversation they've been having.

Y/N: You know, tonight has been nice. It's not often I have someone to talk to like this. It's usually just classes, then practice, study, and sleep. Rinse and repeat.

Lizzy nods, understanding the mundane routine Y/N is describing.

Lizzy: Yeah, I know the feeling. School, homework, social life, repeat. Sometimes it feels like there's no time for just relaxing and hanging out. But tonight has been great. It's nice to have someone to chat with and not worry about school or relationship drama.

Y/N just smiled at her as lizzy did the same, suddenly a car pulls up in front of them blocking their path.

Lizzy: Oh no.....

Y/N: You know them....?

Lizzy nods, her expression turning into one of annoyance and fear.

Lizzy: Yeah, it's my boyfriend and his stupid friends. They're probably here to give me another lecture.

Sure enough, the car door opens and out steps her boyfriend, followed by a couple of his friends. The boyfriend, who was somewhat tall and muscular, has a smug expression on his face as he walks towards Lizzy and Y/N. His friends follow closely behind him like a pack of hyenas.

Lizzy's Boyfriend: Yo- where the fuck have you been???

Lizzy's heart rate increases at the sight of her boyfriend, but she doesn't show any sign of fear, maintaining her bravado.

Lizzy: I was just hanging out, what's the big deal? I don't have to report to you every time I'm out, you know.

Her boyfriend suddenly slapped her causing Y/N to suddenly jump slightly. Lizzy winces in pain as her boyfriend slaps her, but she tries to maintain her composure, not wanting to show signs of weakness in front of her boyfriend and his friends. Y/N looks livid, anger boiling within him at the sight of Lizzy being physically abused. Y/N is about to step in as her boyfriends forcefully grabbed her until-

Lizzy: I'm alright! I'm alright Y/N! It's ok!

Y/N hesitates, feeling torn between wanting to intervene to protect Lizzy and not wanting to escalate the situation further. He glances at Lizzy, trying to assess the situation.

Y/N: Lizzy, are you sure you're alright?

Lizzy's Boyfriend: She's fine. "Bro."

He shoves her in the car and slammed the door before turning back to Y/N. Y/N's anger simmers as he watches Lizzy's boyfriend manhandle her into the car. He clenches his fists, trying to keep his cool.

Y/N: You don't have to treat her like that, you know. What kind of boyfriend are you anyway? Hitting your girlfriend like she's a punching bag.

Her boyfriend just chuckled along with his friends as he pulls out a business card.

Lizzy's Boyfriend: Here my guy.

Y/N reluctantly takes the business card, giving it a quick glance. He can feel the frustration and anger building up inside of him.

Y/N: And what's this for?

Her boyfriend looks at Y/N with a smug smirk.

Lizzy's Boyfriend: Let's just say it's a little something I want you to have.

Y/N takes a deep breath, trying to reign in his anger. He can feel the Punisher persona rearing its head inside of him, but he knows he can't give in to it. Not now. He just needs to stay calm and play along for now.

Y/N: Alright, I have it. Now what?

Lizzy's Boyfriend: Now you stay the fuck out of our way. Come on guys let's go.

He gets in the car as Y/N stood there watching it drive off as he noticed Lizzy looking at Y/N through the window as they drive off. Y/N stands there in silence, his anger slowly subsiding but still lingering as he watches the car drive off with Lizzy inside. He glances at the business card he still has in his hand, feeling a mix of irritation and determination.

To be continued.....

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