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The story starts off 2 years back when Y/N was the punisher in New York City at night. Y/N is currently fighting his father's old teammate and the person responsible for his parents and loved ones deaths..... Billy Russo. Y/N is currently on the ground wounded as Billy's knife is in his shoulder.

Billy: Look at yourself....... The punisher? Pathetic.

He takes the knife out of Y/N's shoulder making him groan. Grunting in sheer pain, Y/N clenches his jaw as Billy Russo yanks the knife out of his shoulder, the weapon drenched in his own blood. His mind clouded by adrenaline and the searing pain, Y/N struggles to keep his gaze steady on his father's former teammate. With a sudden burst of strength and determination, Y/N reaches for a nearby glass shard. Just as Billy goes in for the killing blow, Y/N counters by plunging the shard into his abdomen, piercing through his flesh. He then rises to his feet, grabbing hold of Billy with a fierce grip, the anger in his eyes unmistakeable. As blood dripped from the wound inflicted by Y/N, Billy's arrogant demeanor shifted to one of fear in a matter of moments. The realization of the consequences hit him hard, and his expression transformed into one of terror. Y/N stepped back slightly, watching as Billy clumsily reached for the glass shard that still lodged in his abdomen. With a grimace, Billy winced in pain as he slowly extracted the shard, causing fresh blood to start flowing from the open wound. As Billy's anger flared, his breathing grew labored and uneven, a testament to the intense pain he was experiencing. Despite his weakened state, he attempted to lash out at Y/N with a punch. However, Y/N easily countered, swatting his hand aside and delivering a powerful punch of his own. The blow sent Billy crashing against the carousel, the impact resonating through the night. Billy found himself trapped against a glass window on the carousel, his mind frantically trying to devise a plan to escape from Y/N's relentless onslaught. But before he could make a move, Y/N lunged forward and landed a brutal punch, forcing Billy to crash through the shattered glass of the window pane. Y/N slowly walked over to Billy and grabbed him by his face and groaned as he slowly shoved the side of Billy's face against the glass and slowly started dragging his face across the glass making glass break and screech as Billy screams.


After Y/N dragged Billy's face across the glass he shoved Billy away which showed Billy's face which was now mutilated from the glass, he suddenly growled and tried to fight back but Y/N catches his arm and breaks it before slamming Billy into the glass again. Y/N closed in on the defeated and broken Billy, his grip tight on his head. As he pressed a knife to Billy's neck, Y/N forced him to confront an uncomfortable truth - the distorted and mutilated reflection of his own battered face, visible through the broken glass. The room fell silent, save for the ragged breathing and coughs from the wounded Billy. With a resigned and broken tone, he pleaded for mercy.

Billy: K-kill me...

Y/N stood there, the knife still pressed against Billy's neck. The weight of the choice before him.

Billy: D-do it!

Y/N slowly took the knife off his neck and stepped back.

Y/N: I'm not gonna let you die today....

Billy: P-please....!!

Y/N: Dying's easy.

He suddenly kicked Billy into the shattered glass again. Y/N grabbed his head.

Y/N: Your gonna learn about pain!

He banged Billy's head against the shattered glass as a flashback is shown of Y/N's father frank castle and his family along with his siblings laughing together.

Y/N:  You're gonna learn about loss!

He banged Billy's head again. Y/N stopped and kneeled down grabbing Billy's face.

Y/N: Every morning I wake up...... I look for them bill....... I look for them........ but then I remember- it's gonna be the same for you! When you look at your ugly mangled face! You'll remember! You'll remember what you did!

Y/N banged his head again before standing up and holding Billy's head tightly.

Y/N: YOUR GONNA REMEMBER ME!!! RRRRRRRAAAAAAA!!!!!! He roars and slams Billy's head in the glass

Billy was passed out and his entire face was covered in glass shards and blood with cuts and bruises, Y/N stood there looking at himself all bruised and bloody, he slowly looks at his bloody punisher armor. Y/N stood amidst the carnage, his own uniform stained with blood and sweat. As he looked at his battered reflection in the glass, he couldn't help but notice the stark resemblance to his father, the Punisher.

Y/N: Look at me...

His voice, a mix of exhaustion and realization, echoed through the empty carousel. Y/N touched his own battered face, tracing the cuts and bruises, as the weight of the past and the present washed over him.

Y/N: I've become my father...

A complex mix of emotions welled up within him - grief, anger, and a strange sense of acceptance. The line between justice and vengeance seemed to blur with each passing moment. The scene transitions to Y/N grabbing his armor and throwing it in a fire. The fire crackled and roared as Y/N tossed his bloodstained armor into the flames. The sight was almost symbolic, as if he was willingly letting go of his old identity, and the past that came with it. Y/N stood there, watching the flames consume his armor, the heat warming his face as he tried to find some comfort in the action. The decision he made didn't come easy, but as the last remnants of the armor were reduced to ashes, a sense of liberation washed over him. The story unfolds as Y/N stands in the midst of the fire, watching his punisher armor burn away. He grapples with the realization that he has become his father. The decision to throw away his old identity brings a mix of emotions, but most importantly a sense of liberation. What will become of Y/N now? Will he continue down a path of justice and vengeance, or will he find a new path forward?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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