Character, Not Race

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Emerging from the depths of a dark labyrinth to a clear sky with no sign of a pasting storm surfacing, Pidge and Lotor with a lifeless Rarg nestled in the Galra Prince's arms took off, the small blinker on Pidge's device as their new destination. Pidge glanced at the man in Lotor's hold and bit the inside of her cheek in curiosity. The Druid was Altean, the same as Haggar, perhaps all the druids were Altean? It was a question for another time as Lotor staggered, Pidge hastily bringing her arms up to help steady the Prince and his unconscious patient. Lotor nodded hesitantly in thanks ensuring the Druid was stable within his grasp before he continued after the retreating Green Paladin.

As they closed the distance between themselves and her friends, Pidge noticed a silhouette in the distance. The body was slouch lightly, seemingly straining to haul something up from over the edge of the small steep cliff. As they edged closer the features became clearer, the burgundy and white armour belonged to the Red Paladin, to what Keith was pulling at swiftly became clear as a white and yellow helmet appeared from below, Hunk's hands grasping frantically at the Red Paladin's wrists. Pidge stifled a laugh as Keith took several steps back as he managed to heaved Hunk up on the soft snow, falling straight onto his buttocks from the sudden lack of an opposing force. Pidge and Lotor watched Hunk shuffle to his feet, promptly helping the fallen Keith before the Yellow Paladin glanced beyond him and his eyes lit up with glee.


The voice almost didn't reach her ears but she jumped up as down in joy as she scampered through the thick snow, waving her hands frantically in the air. Hunk left Keith almost instantly bounding down the snowing plain, almost suffocating the girl in a bear hug as they crashed together.

"Oh, it's so good to see your face." Hunk rubbed their cheeks together in affection causing Pidge to laugh. "Don't ever fly off into a raging snowstorm again!"

"That was us, Hunk." Keith appeared beside them, his breath knocked from his lungs as Pidge wrapped her hands around his chest after Hunk reluctantly let her go. Pidge suddenly snapped herself away as if burnt by Keith's touch and the boy's watched her as she scrambled around them before backtracking towards Prince Lotor who was trudging in the snow, uninterested in their reunion. Keith noticed the body cradled in the Galra's arms and rushed to the man's side as Hunk scrambled after Pidge.

"Is this Rarg?" Keith rose his head to find Lotor nodding in answer. The Red Paladin inspected the Druids features and found himself hitching his breath at the familiar small strips of colour on the man's cheekbones. "He's Altean."

"That is an astute observation, Keith." Lotor snapped mockingly before shifting his hold. "Obvious speculation can wait, Rarg needs medical attention."

"Let's get back to our Lion's," Keith ignored the petulant tone of the Galra knowing it was disguising the terror that was currently racking the Prince's body. "Coran will help him, Lotor."

"I can only hope it will not be too late." Lotor's brow pinched in worry deciding to let a small amount of emotion seep through hoping that this would motivate the Red Paladin to insist his fellow comrades to stop frolicking in the snow.

"Pidge, Hunk, come on," Keith called out before pausing as the Green Paladin pulled a recognizable helmet from the snow.

"I threw it away when Hunk called my name," Pidge bowed her head in embarrassment. "I remembered when I hugged you."

Keith approached the Green Paladin gently grazing his fingers against his missed helmet and thanked the girl before glancing at Hunk, who was currently unearthing Keith's armour. The white and red armour that still held the large gaping blackened hole, where Haggar's spell had hit him, caused the Red Paladin to unintentionally shiver.

The group managed to return to their lions with relative ease, no storms dared flicker before the distressed Galra Prince as he marched. No one spoke on the journey home, Pidge and Hunk even silent not wanting to stir Lotor's emotions. They made it back to the Castle and Rarg was rushed to the healing pods with Coran and a helpless Lotor in tow. Lance and Shiro welcomed back their friends, the Blue Paladin whining of the boredom he had to endure without them. Shiro rolled his eyes in exasperation before explaining their liberation of several planets and their run-in with the Galra ship they had warned them about. Allura had taken Keith's armour from Hunk and promised to have it repaired within the day, knowing the Red Paladin was eager to rid himself of its replacement. It wasn't long before Keith found himself next to Prince Lotor watching the healing pod do its task. Coran stood by its control panel ensuring the Druid's vitals stayed stable during the process.

"I know what you wish to ask, Coran." Lotor voiced himself confidently, eyes not daring to leave Rarg's face. "I do not see why do you not speak your mind."

Keith glanced towards the Altean advisor watching the hesitant finger that hovered over its target. The way the redhead blinked slowly before turning to the Galra Prince had Keith wondering if he should leave.

"Why didn't you tell us there are more surviving Altean's?"

"It is not important at this present time, is it?" Lotor rose one brow letting a finger curl around his chin, "The very existence of other species are under siege, I would have thought the proud all knowing Altean's would put aside their own personal sorrows to fix what us, filthy Galra have infected into the Universe."

"Is that what you think Allura and I think of you?" Coran features lit up in horrifying surprise.

"The Princess cannot stand to stay in the same room as a Galra," Lotor pointed out, "I do understand why, but what I don't, is why you feel the opposite."

"I've lived long enough to know that it doesn't matter what you look like, it is what you do with that life that affects those around you." Coran placed a hand against the glass of the healing pod. "If history has taught me anything not everyone stays true."

Keith watched in awe at the exchange, he didn't know Coran felt that way. The Altean advisor usually kept his opinions to himself, letting Allura speak on behalf of them both. Keith knew Coran would only speak out if an argument escalated out of hand. Now that the Red Paladin thought about it the advisor never turned away from him, revealing his Galra heritage hadn't changed anything between their relationship. He was still the same chatty, amusing moustache growing friend Keith knew. The Red Paladin couldn't help the small smile that floated to his lips at this thought and decided he'd have to thank the man later.

"Even Altean's stray from their path." Lotor commented, "I am pleased you are not as small minded as the Princess."

"Do not assume that I trust you," Coran stood tall, running a hand through his moustache. "You may be aiding us, but that is only because you are now an outlaw. As soon as it suits you, you will turn the tables on us."

"You think so low of me?"

"And that has everything to do with character," The advisor folded his arms in answer at the conceited tone of the Prince. "Not race."

"I can see now why Allura keeps you so close." Lotor nodded in respect at the Altean, finishing the conversation there as he set his sole focus on the unaware Rarg who was slowly bleeding life back into his body.



"Nara?" Lotor spun around noting the astonishment in the girl's eyes, "Whatever is the matter?"

"Father and Mother are alive!"

"Do not jest, sister," Lotor shook his head in disbelief, yelping out in protest as the girl grasped his wrist and tugged him towards the room where their parent's bodies laid. Nara let the door open and bit her lip in anticipation as Lotor took in the scene before him. Two slabs were now empty, the blankets that had shrouded his parents from the living laid in a messed heap beside them.

Standing in the corner was Keith, eyes wide in surprise at the vision. Lotor was a mere child, his white locks framed his face, his purple irises were wide, looking on in shock. Nara who was a teenager took the boys hand and walked him over to one of the slabs.

"This cannot be true," Lotor blinked back his tears letting a hand rest on the slab, the warmth of his father still fresh in his mind.

"I came to have a final talk with father but there was no body to speak with." Nara explained, "We must find them!"

It took several moments before Lotor grinned in glee and nodded excitedly at his sister, both sprinting from the room. Keith was quick to follow, freezing in his spot at the voice that flittered into life. When the Galra's voice echoed through the ship, a dark unnerving tone that seemed familiar, Nara paused in her movements.

"Come on Nara, he's on the bridge." Lotor pulled eagerly at the girl's hand. Nara hesitated for a moment before allowing the boy to lead her. The bridge doors opened and both Lotor and Nara froze as the man turned towards them. The faint, glowing, purple possessed eyes narrowed viciously low causing Lotor to grasp at Nara's shirt in fear, shifting closer towards her. The scar that ran down the man's face that both siblings had traced many times now seemed to come alive as Zarkon's face contorted.

"Father?" Nara asked cautiously, bringing her brother into a hug after noticing the boy physically trembling.

Keith stood at the door, he knew this moment, Coran had spoken of it when he explained what had happened all those years ago. To see it from the inside from one of Zarkon's children no less was heart-wrenching. To see Lotor visibly shaking in terror at the sight of his own father had Keith feeling sympathy for the Galra Prince.


Keith's eyes snapped open, finding himself staring at the ceiling from his spot on the floor. He swept the sweat from his brow, flicking his locks from his face before shifting around to find an empty but freshly made bed. Keith sighed before rising, sluggishly stretching his tired aching limbs. The Red Paladin supposed he could allow the Prince a moment to himself before he was forced into Keith's company. Hopefully, Hunk was awake and cooking in the kitchen, the Red Paladin needed a good meal to digest after what he had just witnessed in his dream.

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