Insect You Call A Father

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To Keith's horrid luck or perhaps, maybe, just this once, good luck, Hunk had been already in the progress of starting breakfast. As the Red Paladin took a seat in front of the counter he watched Hunk's skilled hands peel, cut and handle with amazing precision. Neither Paladin spoke, both finding comfort in the silence, the sound of a well-honed knife hitting sharply against the counter the only noise keeping Keith aware he was in Hunk's company. It wasn't long till they were interrupted, the Blue Paladin shuffling in, stretching his arms above his head as he yawning with exhaustion.

"Morning Hunk, Keith," Lance slumped down beside the Half Galra and blinked away his tired tears. "What's for breakfast?"

"Hate to break the news to you, Lance," Hunk pointed towards the three plates that sat to the side already presented with strange like plants. "One of those isn't for you."

"Hunk, what the what?" Lance whined, letting his head hit the table, muffling into his sleeves. "I'm too tired to make anything."

"Then starve." Keith rolled his eyes, smiling at Hunk who chuckled at Lance's annoyed groan he emitted in response. The Yellow Paladin swiftly plated the rest before motioning to Keith to take a dish. The Red Paladin rose from his spot offering the Blue Paladin a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before following Hunk from the room. Keith didn't ask where they were headed, he'd find out soon enough, what he hadn't expected was when they arrived at the room where Rarg was healing, the frail Altean was out of his pod and sitting beside the Galra Prince.

"Ah, Hunk you came back." Lotor motioned him forward, nodding in thanks as he took the plate from his hands and offered it to the Druid. Rarg rose a brow before taking the dish, eyeing it with the highest of distrust, "Trust me Rarg, you will have tasted nothing like it."

Keith noticed Coran was standing by the recently evacuated pod and offered the man the plate of food, the advisor smiled before accepting despite the fact Keith wasn't gazing his way. Keith hadn't taken his eyes from the Altean Druid watching the way Rarg's eyes lit involuntarily after tasting Hunk's food.

"This is magnificent." Rarg complimented, "To think I would receive a meal such as this after near death, it is a dream come true."

Lotor chuckled out loud and found himself in debt to the Yellow Paladin, it had been too long since a hearty laugh had escaped these lips, seemed almost a lifetime ago. The Prince noticed Coran was no longer alone and stood from his spot, gently placing his plate beside him.

"Rarg, you remember Keith?" Lotor motioned the Paladin over, Keith was hesitant but pushed it away as he approached the slumped Druid. Rarg himself had stopped eating, his eyes were revelling in every inch of the Red Paladin as he could muster. This was Nara's flesh and blood, his dear friend's son, he had grown from the tiny defenceless baby Rarg had once held in his embrace. The thought of Nara and her fate had the Druid vowing to keep this boy safe. This time he was determined not to fail his Princess. Rarg rose from his place, bowing low to the sudden bewildered Keith before yanking the boy towards him and encircling him into a weak hold. Keith didn't know what to do, his arms were stiff at his side and his brain had yet to catch up on what was happening. Thankfully the hug was broken a few moments later and Keith stumbled back, Hunk grasping his arm to steady him.

"I cannot believe what I am seeing," Rarg had to wipe a stray tear from his cheek, "To think Nara's child survived, it is truly a miracle."

"He's much more like Nara than you think," Lotor disclosed to the Druid who suddenly turned grim and aimed a raged scowl at the Prince.

"Where is she? What have you done with the Princess?"

"Calm down Rarg. My sister is in hiding, no one knows of her whereabouts but me."

"I thought Nara was a big Robeast that wanted to kill us?" Hunk tilted his head in confusion, "Isn't she gone? Like gone, gone?"

"I think Lotor believes Rarg will be able to restore her," Coran twisted his moustache in complementation, watching the Galra Prince in interest, "Does the body not integrate with the beast? Or is it just the beings soul?"

"It is a beings entire essence that is absorbed into a Robeast, a body is but a shell," Rarg explained furrowing his brow as something came to mind. "We usually burn and dispose of the bodies leaving no evidence, but I do not think they would give Nara the same treatment. They may despise her but she is still the heir and I cannot imagine Haggar would allow Zarkon to burn her daughter's body."

"You speak as if there is still a caring mother within that monster." Lotor growled low, "A mother would not cast their child to an eternity bound to a cold machine!"

"You know as well as I do, none of this would have happened had you gone to Earth like you were ordered," Rarg spoke calmly but the venom was clear in his tone. The Druid ended the argument with the Prince by twisting towards Keith. "I will help you bring Nara back, but I cannot make any promises."

"Thank you," Keith nodded once before copying the Druid previous actions and bowed back. Rarg smiled and turned to Coran who jumped a little startled at the sudden attention.

"I believe you have some questions for me? I'm sure Allura does as well."

"We do."

"Then please bring me to her," Rarg implored, "I'd very much like to see my Princess."

Keith watched Coran offer the Druid his arm to which Rarg took gratefully as they exited the room leaving behind a fury-filled Galra Prince and two nervous Paladin's.

"Are you okay?" Hunk winced as he spoke, aiming his question towards Lotor, closing his eyes in dread anticipation. To both the Paladin's surprises Lotor didn't speak nor did he move, he stood frozen seemingly lost in his thoughts. Keith approached the Prince and laid a gentle hand to the man's forearm in an attempt to gain the man's attention. What he didn't expect was finding himself being thrown aggressively across the room resulting in his head snapping back and whacking violently against the wall. Keith groaned as he grasped his head in agony, legs buckling as he attempted to rise, stars dancing insistently in his vision. Hunk skidded to Keith's side, carefully assisting him into a hunched position unable to stop Keith from leaning heavily against the wall. They both turned to Lotor who had growled and found him sneering viciously at the Red Paladin.

"Do not touch me again," Lotor snarled sadistically pointing an accusing finger at Keith. "You are the reason Nara is no longer among us, including that insect you call a father. I will not have Rarg or anyone for that matter blaming me for my sister's careless actions."

Keith felt Hunk tighten his hold in immense fear but as his vision fully cleared he become aware of the Yellow Paladin movements. Hunk had shifted and Keith found himself shielded from Lotor's harsh words.

" I think you need to calm down," Hunk attempted to persuade the Galra, "Think about who you're talking to. He's your nephew, he didn't ask for this and I won't let you talk to him like that."

Keith watched the back of Hunk in complete awe, he hadn't known the dark-skinned Paladin had felt that way, it was a warm-hearted feeling to know someone had his back. It was true he hadn't asked for any of this, he had just wanted to know where he came from. After everything he had uncovered came to the surface he had taken it in stride and was just realising he was not the only one who had to deal with this revelation. Keith found it odd when Hunk referred to him as Lotor's nephew and it seemed the Prince had as well. Lotor had paused, his creased brow had unwrinkled and was now watching the Yellow Paladin in revelation. Hunk moved to the side allowing Lotor to see what he had done, Keith was still holding his head with one hand but his other arm had moved to grasp his side, attempting to soothe the pain that shook through his body.

"I am truly sorry Keith, to think I could not control my anger," The Prince bowed his head in guilt. "I will leave, I need to be alone."

The Paladin's held their breaths as Lotor stalked from the room and Keith smiled weakly as the Yellow Paladin let out a huff of nervous breath and slumped down against the wall by the Red Paladin's side.

"I actually thought for a second there I was going to die." Hunk tilted his head up and closed his eyes in thanks. "Oh, god."

Keith let out a huff of laughter before grimacing at the action causing his body to jolt with pain. He waved off Hunk's eye of concern before unconsciously grasping the boy's hand.

"Thanks, Hunk, that means a lot."

"It's nothing," The Yellow Paladin shrugged before bringing both of them to their feet, ensuring Keith was steady before he continued. "I know you would do the same for me."

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