Legolas, Fingers And A Veil

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Lance was walking with purpose beside Pidge when Lotor appeared around the corner, too absorbed with himself to notice the two Paladins. Lance was unable to dodge the incoming body and grunted as the Galra Prince knocked into him seemingly unaware he had even hit something and continued walking, shrouded in obliviousness.

"Woah, hold up there Legolas," Lance exclaimed grasping the Galra's wrist and bringing Lotor to a stop. The Prince turned and seemed to dissolve the layer that surrounded him as Pidge rose a brow at Lance.

"Legolas, Lance? Seriously?"

"Its the hair." Lance motioned with his hands before shrugging and pointed to Lotor's ears. "His ears are Elfish too."

Pidge simply shook her head just raising her hand to stop the Blue Paladin from talking before turning to the Galra who's brow was creased with confusion but also remorse.

"Lotor, are you okay?"

"I will be in due time." Lotor replied noticing the bucket in Lance's hand, "Where are you off to?"

"To milk Kaltenecker." Lance shrugged at the surprise that lit up on Lotor's features. "She's just our cow."

"A cow?" Lotor pursed his lips at the sound the word made before mentioning the name Lance had called him just before. "Who or what is a Legolas?"

"It's- you know what? It's nothing. Did you want to come with us?" Pidge offered grabbing the Prince's arm. Lotor supposed the distraction would be welcome from the feeling of guilt he was currently attempting to push away. The Galra nodded his head as Lance began to leave which brought a grin to Pidge's lips, lugging Lotor behind her as she rushed to catch up with the Blue Paladin.


Coran was just in awe, the presence of an Altean much older than himself, one who had survived for ten thousand years within a Galra dominated Universe and who was happy to answer and reveal everything he had witnessed. The Altean advisor listened with enthusiastic intent along with his Princess and found his brain filling with eye changing information. Rarg was quite eager to bow allegiance to Allura and found the suspicious gazes he received from the two in return amusing.

"I expected the weariness, but you must understand my loyalty lies with Princess Nara." Rarg clasped his shaking fingers together. "I am to aid you if I ever wish to see her again."

Coran shared an accepting look with Allura and the Princess nodded to her advisor before grasping the Druid's hands with her own.

"Then let us do the best we can to reunite ourselves with our long lost friend."

Rarg found the foreign warmth that spread through him both strange and refreshing. His recently mended old bones that still ached seemed to soothe the longer Allura held on.

"If it is alright with you Allura, I might go in search for Keith." Rarg bowed as the Princess nodded and released the man from her grasp.


Keith parried the blow Matt sent his way, smiling at the pure glee the rebel sent his way. They sparred for a few moments more while Hunk watched before Matt caught Keith by surprise. Hooking his staff under the Red Paladins legs, Matt hissed in pain as Keith's arm shot out, claws automatically gripping the side of the rebel's neck in a desperate attempt to balance himself. The Half Galra yelped as he fell back bringing the unprepared Holt sibling with him, groaning as he hit the ground with Matt on top of him.

"Sorry!" Matt exclaimed struggling to untangle himself from Keith suddenly stopping as blood seeped from where Keith had clawed him.

"Oh jeez, Matt you're bleeding." Keith helped the rebel sit up and cursed himself as he examined the wound, fingers ghosting around the gashes.

"I'm okay," Matt reassured moving his head away in embarrassment, a small amount of guilt flooded him as Keith's hand lingered in the air uncertainly.

"Are you sure?" Keith attempted to ignore the flinch deciding to bring his arm back to his side. "It's pretty deep."

Matt nodded and let Keith help him to his feet, covering his wound with a gloved hand before smiling reassuringly at the concerned Red Paladin.


The two Paladin's and rebel turned to see the Rarg leaning heavily against the training deck door. Hunk swift to come to the Druid's side, helped the Altean approach Keith and the injured Matt.

"Rarg, you should be resting," Keith stated watching as the Druid swept Matt's hand from the wound and replaced it with his own forefingers. The three stared in amazement as the Druid mumbled in a foreign dialect and a small white radiance glowed against Matt's neck. When Rarg moved away and smiled at the rebel, Matt grasped at his neck feeling the blemish had been healed and bowed swiftly before the Altean.

"Thank you."

"That is quite alright," Rarg replied glancing down at Keith's hands, noting the tips of his nails coated in the rebel's blood. "It seems you haven't quite got the hang of your claws."

"Having fingers for eighteen years kinda puts things into perspective." Keith wiped the blood away before giving Matt another look of apology.

"If you wish, I can return you back to human form."

"You can do that?" Hunk asked with gleeful enthusiasm.

"Of course, I've done it once before."

"True." Hunk nodded in agreement, turning to Keith for an answer. The Red Paladin's mind momentarily went blank at the thought of seeing his pale skin again before he glanced up at Rarg with hopeful filled eyes.

"I'd very much like to be human again."

Rarg tilted his head to the side slightly in understanding before approaching Keith and gently cradled the boys face within in palms. Keith closed his eyes to protect his sight from the bright light that emitted from Rargs's fingers and ignored the sharp intake of breath that came from beside him. Matt was astounded, to see the purple pigment that had stained the Red Paladin's features slowly fade and be replaced with such fair skin was remarkable. When the druid move away and Keith opened his eyes, Matt swallowed the rambling words that were sure to form and just stood stunned, staring at the wistful orbs he had only seen briefly before.

Keith examined his fingers and flexed them, eyes widening in a daze at the sight. He showed them to Hunk and let the smile grow as the dark-skinned Paladin bounced towards him and swung an arm around his shoulder.

"I'm gonna miss purple Keith." Hunk pouted, wincing as Keith elbowed him in the chest, covering the spot with his hand. "Yep, definitely missing him."

Keith snorted in humour at the cheerful Yellow Paladin before turning to Rarg who was watching them in content.

"Thank you, Rarg."

"Anything for Nara's child." The Druid bowed low before rising and addressing the task at hand. "Lotor knows of Nara's whereabouts, I suggest we begin before Zarkon learns that I am alive."

"Sure." Keith agreed before following the Druid from the room with Hunk and Matt close behind.

They found Lotor pale and aghast in the Castle's kitchen, watching in repulsion as Lance and Pidge slurped at their milky drinks. The Green Paladin glanced over her shoulder and waved cheerfully at them, whispering to the newcomers as they approached.

"We showed Lotor how to milk a cow," Pidge explained smothered a laugh and pointed to the Galra's aimless features. "He's been like this ever since."

Matt chuckled and slumped down beside his sister while Hunk snatched Lance's shake, taking a sip as the Blue Paladin floundered desperately to get it back. Keith approached the Prince alongside Rarg and went to put his hand out only to stop himself. Not wanting to be thrown across the room again the Red Paladin pulled his arm back.


"Hmm, yes?" Lotor mumbled staring straight ahead, still attempting to process what he had just witnessed.

"We need you to take us to Nara." Keith jumped a little as the Prince's head snapped towards him, the sudden determination in Lotor's eye had the Red Paladin taking a step back.

"Then let us be on our way." Lotor stood startling Lance and Hunk to attention.


With Allura at the helm and the Galra Prince by Coran's side for navigation, the Castle made it the location with relative ease. The small rock that floated aimlessly in front of them was unimpressive, the large gaping hole within the rock had Lotor instructing Allura to head towards. The others watched in horror as the Princess moved the ship towards it, the rock seemingly growing in size until the hole was twice the size of the ship and seemed to be covered in some kind of watery veil.

"Head straight, but be careful as you enter, it may reject us," Lotor announced last second, pursing his lips as the others suddenly rose in an uproar. As they passed through the shroud, the Galra Prince crossed his arms and smirked as the others suddenly silenced and stared out to the lush green field that appeared before them. The blooming alien flowers and the petal breeze that flowed around the ship seemed like something from a dream.

"What in the what?" Lance rose from his seat and headed to the window, plastering his hands against the glass. The others weren't far behind and they all gawked at the fantasy land the Castle drifted past.

"What is this place?" Shiro aimed the question at Lotor as the Prince joined them.

"It is a place that is undetectable on any radar," The Galra explained, "I found it some time ago, I brought Nara here so my mother's magic could not influence her. It seems this place has some kind of field around it that makes it impossible for outsiders to penetrate."

"Before, you said the veil might reject us." Pidge pointed out turning to the Prince, "What exactly would it be rejecting?"

"Dishonesty." Lotor answered truthfully before elaborating his reasoning, "I had thought that perhaps Rarg had an ulterior motive, but it seems I was mistaken."

"The only one here with an ulterior motive is you," Rarg bit back.

"Not possible," Lotor spoke with an air of smugness, "The veil allowed me entrance, I am as honest as the rest of you."

The Paladin's gave each other shared glances before Lance pointed at something in the distance, voice cracking as he slapped Hunk's shoulder repetitively to gain his attention.

"There's a thing coming for us! Guys! There's something coming!"


I made another video if you guys are interested, for Keith, Pidge and Lotor. Season four was a rollercoaster of emotions.

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